Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/11/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
(Everyone yelling at once)
Frank: You're under arrest for disturbing the peace, and so are you!
Josh: What happened? Why are you here; how did you end up in this chair?
Shayne: I was just trying to get Marina to wake up and see the truth.
Josh: You're not going to talk to me? Fine. We're going to appeal to a higher power. I'm taking you to see your mother.
Reva: (Crying) oh, my God! Look at you!
Shayne: Mom?
Reva: What?
Shayne: Mom, I'm okay, okay? Don't cry, I'm fine.
Reva: Yeah, well, I haven't seen you in how many years? I get to hug you and I get to cry! Have you forgotten who I am? I cry, okay? Even... even when I'm happy.
Shayne: Yeah, I know, but that's not why you're crying right now.
Reva: Was he like this when you saw him in Afghanistan?
Josh: No, he wasn't hurt.
Reva: So this is recent? I mean, you're hurt? Is that... is that why you're here?
Shayne: I'm not "hurt." And why are we here?
Josh: Because you need to see a doctor, son.
Shayne: I saw lots of doctors in Germany...
Josh: Yes, and if you had told us about this, we would have been there with you, and we would have talked to those doctors ourselves. But you didn't do that, so you're going to see a doctor here, and he's going to tell you when you're going to get up and out of that chair.
Grady: So how'd you get in here?
Cyrus: You need a new lock. That one didn't even take 20 seconds.
Grady: And how long would a good lock take?
Cyrus: Oh, another minute, minute and a half. Maybe five minutes for you-- or anyone else.
Grady: Is there anything else you want to brag about before you get the hell out of here?
Cyrus: Shut the door.
Grady: Why?
Cyrus: Because you've got a problem. We got to talk about it.
Grady: Great! What now?
Cyrus: Didi Marler's back in town. That's not good news.
Grady: Maybe because you are losing touch. I already knew Dinah was in town. We talked. She's not going to be a problem.
Cyrus: Really? She knows you kidnapped Lizzie, and when she finds out that you're setting up her brother, she going to go crazy.
Grady: She does know.
Cyrus: She loves her brother, Grady.
Grady: Except when she hates him.
Cyrus: Look, I don't care how mad Dinah gets with Bill. There's no way she's going to let him go to jail for something that you did.
Grady: Maybe you don't know her that well.
Cyrus: Oh, and you do?
Grady: Yeah, I do.
Cyrus: Then you should know how loyal she is to Bill.
Grady: I get that. I'm just banking on the fact that, however loyal she is to Bill, she's twice as loyal to herself.
Dinah: Are you sure you want to do that?
Alan: Well, I heard you were back in town, Dinah.
Dinah: Did you miss me?
Alan: No, I didn't miss you. And whatever Hilda may have told you, she's wrong-- you can't stay here. There's no room in the Inn.
Dinah: Aw! Christmas insult. That's so festive!
Alan: Your brother's not here, either.
Dinah: I'm not looking for him.
Alan: Nor is your mother.
Dinah: Not looking for her. Wasn't kidding about that before. Are you sure you want to do that?
Alan: It's just orange juice, that's all.
Dinah: You know, back in the day, people like you-- rich people, people who are despised-- they had to have food-tasters, in case one of their enemies wanted to poison them.
Lizzie: Hmm! I don't know if it was the mountain air, but I actually just had a full night's sleep. We have to ask Rick if we can come here again! You know, I didn't even hear you get out of bed this morning? Where did you get all this stuff?
Bill: Hmm? I... brought it with us.
Lizzie: How... how long have you been awake?
Bill: Just couldn't sleep.
Lizzie: You didn't go to sleep last night?
Bill: There's so much to read here, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I don’t... I don't understand. There... there's so much to read about my kidnapping? Why, babe? You were there the whole time.
Bill: Yeah, I know that, Lizzie, but when we go back to town I'm going to go on trial, okay? They think I am guilty. Your mom thinks I'm guilty, my parents think I'm guilty...
Lizzie: And... they're wrong.
Bill: I know. I know... I just need some proof, you know?
Lizzie: (Sighs) We're supposed to be relaxing.
Bill: I know, I just... there's got to be something in here. Some little detail; something I overlooked. Something I missed, you know? That could help prove that I'm innocent.
Lizzie: Isn't this what you hired Mel to do?
Bill: I don't want to lose you, Lizzie. I don’t. And if I go to jail, that's exactly what's going to happen. I have to figure out a way to clear my name.
Lizzie: Okay. Of course. I get it.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Nothing. Nothing. You're working on your defense. That's a good thing, right? That's a good thing. No, no. That's good. It's good. You're working on your defense. I'd do the same thing, you know? When you were unconscious and Frank came up with this ridiculous idea that you were the kidnapper, I did do the exact same thing. I couldn't stop thinking about it, you know? How... how are they going to clear your name? So how many of the papers have you read?
Bill: Well, I think I've read them all at least once.
Lizzie: Are you planning on rereading them?
Bill: I'm afraid that I missed some things.
Lizzie: Okay, all right. You're obsessing. We need to take a break.
Bill: Are you... are you sure you got enough sleep, because you look exhausted.
Lizzie: Really?
Bill: Beautiful, but, just you look like you can use some sleep.
Lizzie: I don't know. Honestly, I think I could sleep for a month and not catch up. This whole thing has just been completely crazy; being the only one that's on your side. And my grandfather was on my side in the beginning, but then, of course, that didn't last because he's never on my side.
Bill: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: No, you don't have to apologize. There is nothing that you could do to help, and I couldn't get a hold of Dinah... it’s... everyone just started turning on you. Wait... not everyone. My nanna didn’t. But you know, she didn't choose sides, so it wasn't like I had her on my side. It was just all of a sudden everyone was just convinced that you could have done this! Like, "Yeah, he could totally have kept you hostage."
Bill: I just can't believe my parents would think...
Lizzie: No, and honestly... honestly... that is the worst part. I actually overheard Billy saying to your mom, "Remember... remember how things started between them?"
Bill: When I read your diary? I mean, that's not the greatest moment in my life, so...
Lizzie: All right. I think we should go for a drive.
Bill: That's a great idea, but we can’t.
Lizzie: We can't?
Bill: Yeah, I have no idea where the keys are.
Lizzie: Okay, well, let's look for them.
Bill: Okay. Okay, you know what? I probably dropped them when I went to get the paper, so I'll go out and look, okay?
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: Okay.
Alan: You know, Dinah, the way you skipped town, I... I thought you weren't coming back.
Dinah: Family's here, and one of them is in trouble.
Alan: Well, Bill's troubles are his own doing.
Dinah: I know what you're doing with Grady.
Alan: And I know what you did with Grady. Now do you think you could kidnap my granddaughter and not be punished for it?
Dinah: Alan, you're not punishing me. You're punishing him.
Alan: Two for the price of one.
Dinah: You are still mad that your business slipped through your fingers, and you made it very easy for me, Alan. It was up for grabs, and I grabbed it.
Alan: Don't cross me, Dinah.
Dinah: You leave my brother alone. I am not going to stand here and watch you...
Alan: Of course, you're going to stand there and watch, because you don't want to go back to jail.
Dinah: Are you threatening me?
Alan: You're smarter than you look. Go ahead, call the police. Save your brother. But when I come after you in return, Dinah, the food-taster will do you no good.
Cyrus: Dinah could nail you and run. She's not the one with the big scar on her chest.
Grady: What scar?
Cyrus: That must have been painful.
Grady: Very, but it turned out pretty well, don't you think? Told you I was getting smarter.
Cyrus: A fresh tattoo in the exact place the scar is supposed to be? You don't think that will look suspicious?
Grady: I think Bill's looks more suspicious.
Cyrus: Dinah knows Bill's innocent.
Grady: And that only matters if she goes to the police-- which she's not. She's too weak.
Cyrus: Weak? (Chuckles) You don't know her.
Grady: The entire time we had Lizzie kidnapped, do you know Dinah made decisions?
Cyrus: Impulsive with no sense of a plan-- kind of like you?
Grady: Everything was about Bill-- trying to get his approval.
Cyrus: And you really think that's going to stop now?
Grady: If she turns me in, she turns herself in-- and she's not going to do that.
Cyrus: Yeah, this is exactly why I went to Alan.
Grady: You what?
Cyrus: Look, Dinah may be loyal to herself first, but she's also completely unpredictable and very emotional. You have no idea what she's going to do when she sees Bill. And that's why I stepped in. You can't just play one angle, Grady. You have to play them all.
Grady: Look at how happy you are. "Cyrus to the rescue." You're pathetic. Next time, wait until I ask.
Cyrus: From prison? It'll be too late then.
Grady: Next time you wonder why we don't live together, you just think about this.
Josh: Okay, thank you. Thanks.
Reva: There you go, sweetie.
Josh: Dr. Wallace will be here as soon as he can.
Reva: Is that the specialist?
Josh: Yeah.
Shayne: Specialist?
Reva: Did you see a specialist in Germany?
Shayne: Yeah, that's what they told me.
Josh: Well, what did he say?
Shayne: I don't speak German.
Reva: That's not funny, Shayne. Look, I know you're this grown up man now, and you've probably been dealing with this for a while, but it's new to your dad and me. I don't know what happened to you.
Josh: Was this because of your job? Clearing land mines?
Shayne: Yes. It was a dangerous career choice.
Josh: I don't know why I let you stay in Afghanistan. I should have talked you into coming home with me when I was there with you!
Shayne: It's what Mom said-- grown man now?
Reva: Did the doctors give you any kind of a prognosis, or tell you at least what you can expect?
Shayne: Mom, the doctors tell you what they want you to hear.
Josh: That's not true.
Shayne: Can I switch it up off the medical stuff for a little while? Let's talk about you guys. You're divorced now, and you're married again.
Reva: You know what? We can talk about all that some other time. We want to know everything there is to know.
Josh: Something inside of you has changed, son, I can see it. I can see that!
Reva: Well, now, he's been through a lot.
Josh: You're a hero. You understand that, right?
Shayne: Dad, Dad... don't call me that, okay?
Reva: But your dad's right.
Josh: You've been clearing land mines in a country where people have been suffering so much already. You've made it safe for them to leave their homes, and to use the land around them!
Shayne: Okay, that's enough. Thank you. You're right. Come on, guys. I mean, what would Marah say if she was here? Something about my head swelling?
Reva: What would Marah say? Does she know?
Shayne: No.
Josh: Come on, son. We both know that you... you two talk about things you don't tell us about.
Shayne: Dad? No. She doesn't know, okay? Speaking of siblings... hey, what about you... there? What’s... what's going on with the pregnancy?
Reva: The baby's fine. You're going to have another brother.
Shayne: (Sighs)
Reva: I know that Marah was thrilled-- three boys, another one on the way. ( Laughs)
Shayne: I think that Marah loves being the only girl. You'll have to send me a picture.
Josh: Why?
Reva: Where are you going?
Shayne: I'm going back to Europe... on the first flight that I can book.
Reva: You should stay here and recuperate. Please tell me you're not going back there to do that same job!
Shayne: Well, actually, I'm a lot closer to the ground now, so I'll probably be a lot better at it.
Reva: That's not funny!
Shayne: Sorry.
Reva: I don't understand, Shayne. You just got here. You have to stay and spend time with us.
Shayne: I don't want you to get sick of me.
Josh: You've only been here for one night.
Reva: A night? He's been here for a night, and you didn't call me?
Josh: Yeah, well, Reva, I just didn't think you could handle the wheelchair and jail at the same time.
Shayne: Dad!
Reva: Jail. Jail?
Shayne: Yeah, well, next time I break up a wedding, I'll make sure it's not in a room full of cops.
Reva: Cops? Marina... that's why you're here. Because you thought you could stop Marina and Mallet from getting married.
Shayne: No. I'm here because I got a free plane ticket. Mom, I broke up the wedding because I had a few drinks in me and that Mallet guy is truly a real jackass. Marina and I, we're... we're just friends and that's it. End of story.
Reva: So, you... you weren't even going to see us?
Shayne: Of course I was going to see you guys. The whole visit, it was just very spur of the moment. But that's all this was... it was just a visit.
Josh: I just don't think you should be traveling halfway around the world while you're in a wheelchair.
Shayne: Dad, I can handle the chair.
Reva: I need to just sit for a minute, please.
Shayne: Mom... Mom... you're pregnant. You don't need me around here, getting in the way.
Reva: (Crying) Getting in my way! I have four grown children, none of whom live anywhere near me-- I want you here, getting in my way!
Josh: Shayne, your mother has something she wants... we're both... we're both getting old, okay?
Reva: Yeah, right. Speak for yourself.
Josh: No, we... we are both getting older every day, and it would mean a lot to your mom and to me if we could have one of our kids home at Christmas.
Shayne: Christmas? Okay. I'll stay through Christmas... and that's it. Okay?
Cyrus: Didi?
Alan: It's all right, Cyrus. She's was just leaving, weren't you, Dinah?
Dinah: Are you done threatening me now?
Cyrus: Excuse us. Why are you here?
Dinah: He's trying to hurt my brother.
Cyrus: I told you I'd handle it.
Dinah: How?
Cyrus: Sh! I hope you haven't ruined things.
Dinah: That's not an answer.
Cyrus: What did you say?
Alan: Well, all I did was put Dinah in her place.
Cyrus: Are you sure that's all that happened? Or did you back her into a corner?
Alan: What's the difference?
Cyrus: I thought you were familiar with her past.
Alan: You mean her tendency to be irrational at times?
Cyrus: I was going to say "unpredictable."
Alan: Hmm.
Cyrus: Which would be very, very dangerous for you.
Lizzie: It's a nice day for a walk.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Lizzie: See? Who needs car keys? Mm! I hope it snows before Christmas!
Bill: I hope my jail cell has a window; maybe I could see it.
Lizzie: We could ask Rick if we could spend Christmas here!
Bill: Is the kidnapper shorter than me? Taller than me?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: His voice... do you remember...
Lizzie: I already went over all of this with you.
Bill: I know. I know, and it's probably the last thing you want to talk about.
Lizzie: Yeah! Yeah, it is.
Bill: Can't stop thinking about what you told me-- like how alone you must have felt. I mean, everyone... lost faith in me except you, and I just... listen to me. I feel awful about that.
Lizzie: Well, you should not, okay?
Bill: Yes.
Lizzie: It wasn’t your fault.
Bill: Lizzie, it is my fault. If I didn’t treat you the way I did, those things I did when you came back, then no one would have any doubts in me.
Lizzie: Listen to me, it’s my choice to believe you, and I do! And if it makes you feel any better I'm sure that if Dinah was here, I’m sure that she would feel the exactly the same way.
Bill: Dinah is out of the country with her phone disconnected, so that's not exactly a vote of confidence.
Lizzie: I was with her before she left town, and she was crushed. And you were the one that told me that she was there for you when I was kidnapped.
Bill: Yeah. Who knows why Dinah does what she does, huh?
Lizzie: She was there for you; she was your rock. After the accident, you were in a coma. We had the doctor telling us he didn't know if you were ever going to come out of it, okay? Listen.
Bill: Yeah?
Lizzie: It was too much for her.
Bill: Okay. Can we stop talking about my sister?
Lizzie: Okay, okay, fine. Christmas!
Bill: Let's talk about you. I want to talk about you.
Lizzie: Okay-- my Christmas list.
Bill: Okay.
Lizzie: I think I want to get another dog.
Bill: You want another dog? Okay.
Lizzie: Well, you told me how sad Roxy was when I was gone, and it breaks my heart. I want her to have a friend.
Bill: Breaks my heart, thinking about what you went through.
Lizzie: I'm a Spaulding. We're tough.
Bill: (Chuckles) You know, I want you to know, if you had any doubts in me or if you have any doubt now, I want you to tell me, okay? Because I'm... pretty tough, too.
Lizzie: No doubts.
Bill: Not even when you saw the scar? Because I have to admit, I was a little freaked out myself, and I know that I'm innocent.
Lizzie: No doubts. Not even for a second. I'm freezing! Can we go inside?
Bill: Yes.
Josh: Are you okay?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Josh: All right. I'm going to go try to track down this doctor.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: I'll be back.
Shayne: (Humming)
Reva: (Laughing) What?
Shayne: So what's up with your specialist? Doesn't look like he's so special.
Reva: Your daddy and I just want to make sure that you're okay.
Shayne: You could take my word for it.
Reva: Can we talk about something else until the doctor gets back?
Shayne: Like...
Reva: Like... her name?
Shayne: (Sighs)
Reva: Oh, come on, Shayne. Really, if you're so anxious to get back to that God forsaken country, it must be because of a girl! I mean, your daddy said something...
Shayne: No!
Reva: Well, when he got back from visiting you, he said that you were in love.
Shayne: Yeah, well, Dad takes everything too seriously.
Reva: So there's no girl?
Shayne: Yeah. Yes, yes, there's lot of girls. There's tons of girls!
Reva: (Laughs)
Shayne: Yes! But... with my job-- it's the kind of work that it's just not smart to get too attached. You know?
Reva: I do know, sweetie. I do. But I don't even want to think about it. As a mother, I can't possibly think about... what you do over there. But I know one thing: You are brave, whether you want to know it or hear it or not.
Shayne: You're right, I don't want to hear it, Mom. Please. I don't want to talk about it.
(Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Bill?
Bill: Long time, no talk, huh?
Dinah: It's so good to hear your voice! Are you okay?
Bill: Yes, and no.
Dinah: I know. I know, I know, that... the police are blaming you. I can't believe they think you're guilty. I came home as soon as I heard.
Bill: You're in Springfield?
Dinah: Yeah. Where are you? I want to see you.
Bill: Lizzie and I are up at the Bauer cabin. We felt like we needed to get away.
Dinah: Of course.
Bill: Look, the reason I'm calling is I wanted to say thank you.
Dinah: What?
Bill: During the kidnapping, you know, I was... a little crazy, and don't think I ever stopped and thanked you; told you how much I appreciated it, that you... you stood by me. Quite honestly, I don't think I would have got through the whole thing without you. Look, Dinah, it's crazy. I know we've had our ups and downs, but it means a lot to me knowing that I've had you in my corner.
Dinah: It does?
Bill: Yes. Yes. Lizzie's the only one who's been standing by my side, but now that you're back in town, it can take a little pressure off of her, right? I mean, you... you do know that I'm innocent? Dinah?
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I know you're innocent. I know you're innocent.
Bill: You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that.
Dinah: You're my brother!
Bill: Look, you know what? This has just been crazy-- this fighting, going back and forth. Can we just start over like it used to be?
Alan: If you don't have anything else to say about Dinah, our business is over.
Cyrus: There's one more thing. Money! The money you're going to give me.
Alan: Your brother was the kidnapper.
Cyrus: And you're the one who's helping him frame Bill.
Alan: Oh! So you're playing one side against the other, huh? (Cell phone rings)
Cyrus: Sorry, Alan. I have to take this. Hello?
Lizzie: Please tell me that you have made some progress.
Dr. Wallace: Shayne Lewis?
Shayne: Chair gives me away.
Dr. Wallace: Dr. Wallace.
Shayne: That really worried-looking guy that just bolted down the hall that way, that's my dad. He's the one that actually called you.
Dr. Wallace: Yeah, your father explained the situation to me... the land mine. Is there anything else I should know about?
Shayne: That... I have insurance?
Dr. Wallace: No, I meant your medical history. Are there any injuries that I should be aware of before we start?
Shayne: No, nothing at all.
Dr. Wallace: Okay.
Cyrus: You okay, Lizzie?
Alan: Ask her where she is.
Cyrus: Sorry, I couldn't hear that. Can you say that again?
Lizzie: No... I said that we are at the Bauer cabin. Bill and I thought it would be a good idea to get out of town for a few days and just get away from everything.
Cyrus: Good. That's good.
Lizzie: Except, it's not good, because we're supposed to be relaxing, and all Bill can think about is the case, so... anyway, that's why I'm calling. Did you find anything?
Cyrus: Not yet.
Lizzie: I mean, if you find something-- anything... it is bad here. Bill didn't even go to sleep last night. He was up all night rereading these articles-- it's driving him crazy.
Cyrus: What about you?
Lizzie: Well, it's not good. Bill asked me if I had had any doubts about his innocence, and he told me that he would understand if I did.
Cyrus: And what did you say?
Lizzie: Well, I said no, and most of the time, that's true. But... I have doubted him. I feel like such a jerk! Just... I need something, okay? I need you to find anything. I feel like I am going to slip. He's going to be able to see the doubt in my face, and it will crush him!
Cyrus: I promise you, Lizzie, I will do my best.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Josh: This doesn't really say anything.
Dr. Wallace: It's just the preliminary test. The computer's printing up the rest of the results.
Reva: What about the doctors in Germany?
Dr. Wallace: They're e-mailing me all their information.
Josh: Have you talked to them?
Dr. Wallace: Yes, briefly.
Josh: Look, Dr. Wallace, this is not just any patient, okay? He's been doing very important work...
Shayne: I'm sure he knows.
Josh: Well, then, he should know that you deserve the best treatment possible, son.
Reva: When will the rest of the results be in?
Dr. Wallace: Just in a couple of minutes. It's right next door. Would you like to go see them?
Reva: Yes.
Dr. Wallace: Shayne, shall we?
Shayne: Actually, I'm feeling a little wiped from the tests. I think I'm just going to lay low here for a minute. You guys go ahead, I'll be here.
Reva: Is that okay?
Dr. Wallace: Yeah, it's fine. Right this way.
Shayne: Hey. You've got to get me out of here.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Okay, I... I don't want to go in there and talk to my son until I'm absolutely clear.
Dr. Wallace: I thought I was.
Josh: You said, after all the tests and talking to the doctor's in Germany, you still don't know anything.
Reva: That's not really what he said, is it?
Dr. Wallace: I didn't say we know nothing. I said I can't answer your question.
Josh: And you can't tell us when our son's going to get out of that wheelchair?
Reva: If ever.
Dr. Wallace: Pending further tests.
Reva: Right.
Dr. Wallace: Do you want me to tell Shayne?
Josh: No. We're his parents; we'll talk to him.
Reva: But you should come with us, because he may have questions that we can't answer.
Dinah: Shayne? Why did you call me?
Shayne: Who else can I call? I'm moving away from a hospital which my parents brought me to, because I don't want to be there. Can you help me?
Dinah: Why would I do that? You've done nothing but lie to me... and pull me into your craziness. Where do you want to go, the airport or the bus stop? ( Laughing) Oh, don't give me that look! You've got the "get me the hell out of this town" look! Come on.
Shayne: Let's get away. (Laughter) I can’t... get the hell out of this town until after Christmas, so... for tonight, can you get me the hell to the nearest bar? All right.
I need to be strong...
Alan: What did she say?
Cyrus: That's privileged. She's my client!
Alan: If you want money from me, you have to give me information!
Cyrus: I don't think you understand our relationship. I'm not working for you... I'm blackmailing you. This here? This has all my bank details... and the amount I expect deposited by the end of today.
It will comfort me
it will comfort me
it will comfort me
it will comfort me...
Bill: Lizzie... were you talking to someone?
Lizzie: Yes! Yes, uh... James. I was checking on Roxy.
Bill: Well, come on. I think we need to go back to town.
Lizzie: No! No, no, no, no, no. I... Roxy's fine. Trust me.
Bill: No...
Lizzie: She's got him wrapped around her little paw.
Bill: It's not about Roxy.
Lizzie: Come on, please? We were supposed to relax; we've only been here for one night.
Bill: I know, I know, but you know what? Every moment that passes that I'm away, the cops are building a case against me. So... I think I...
Lizzie: Did... did Mel call? Did she say that?
Bill: No, she didn’t. No, but I think she's wrong. I think what I really need to do here, Lizzie, is sit down and tell the cops everything I know. I just... I need to clear the air, put it all on the table, prove that I am innocent, okay? Because I am. Innocent.
Lizzie: Wow, um... well, we can't just leave. We haven't even found the keys.
Bill: No, I... I found them. They were... they were outside. So we can leave right now if we want.
Lizzie: How about that?
Bill: Okay? Come on. We can pack and we'll be on the road in five minutes, okay?
Lizzie: Are you absolutely sure?
Bill: I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life, okay? And when I'm done talking to those cops, no one will believe that I did this, okay? No one.
Coming up, on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: I can stop this. You know, I can go down there-- look-- sit down, talk to Frank, tell him everything.
Lizzie: You could say something wrong. They could confuse you. You could give them something that they would use against you!
Bill: You're right... I'm going to talk to Mel and see what she wants me to do.
Frank: You really shouldn’t be talking to the police directly, without counsel...
Bill: I've got nothing to hide.
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