GL Transcript Wednesday 12/10/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/10/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Shayne: Do you actually think that marrying this guy will make you happy? You're the one who's not going to be happy.

Marina: I love Mallet, and he loves me.

Shayne: That's enough?

Marina: What else is there?

Dinah: We can't go in there.

Josh: Shayne!

Dinah: Shayne Lewis?

Mallet: Shayne Lewis? Little Shayne Lewis?

Reva: Jeffery?

Alan: Why do I pay you? You should have told me this when I... when there was something I could about it.

Beth: Who was that?

Alan: One soon-to-be-fired investigator. Elizabeth's gone. She and Bill packed up the car and left.

Beth: Okay... okay. Let's not get upset. We'll find her.

Alan: You are her mother, Beth. It is your job to keep an eye on her!

Beth: I'm not your paid employee, Alan. Don't talk to me like I'm the staff.

Alan: Daughters need to confide in their mothers. But when she needs to confide in you, she can't find you. We never know where you are-- the library, taking a class-- we never see you!

Beth: Lizzie is a grown woman, and I am doing something I want to do!

Alan: This family needs you.

Beth: No, no. You need me.

Alan: Yes, I need you! What's wrong with that?

Beth: I am raising your child, I am trying to start a new career. When you ran Spaulding, sometimes I didn't see you for days at a time.

Alan: That's different. You need to get your priorities straight! I need to know I can count on you; I need to know where to find you when I need you.

Beth: Don't take me for granted, Alan.

Alan: That goes both ways, Beth.

Mallet: Listen, we don't want any trouble at our wedding, okay? Uh... can someone take him home?

Josh: Yeah, yeah. I'll take him home, and then I'll come right back. Son? (Everyone yelling at once)

Mallet: I don't want to fight!

Shayne: No, you know what? Why don't you want to fight me, man? Because you're a cop or because I'm in a wheelchair?

Mallet: Actually, both.

Dinah: Mallet stop, Shayne stop!

Frank: Mallet, you're not making it any better. (Everybody screaming at once) Everybody stop! You're under arrest for disturbing the peace, and so are you!

Shayne: I'm okay, Dad. I'm okay.

Marina: Hey! I thought we discussed this. Why did you have to come in here and do this? Why?

Shayne: No, no. It's like I told you; you think you'll be happy? You think this guy is going to make you happy? I just... I think you're fooling yourself.

Mallet: You talked to this jerk earlier and you didn't even mention it? I would've liked to have known that your old boyfriend showed up.

Marina: It just wasn't important, okay? I just... I just thought we could talk about it later. I wanted to get married.

Shayne: I did you both a favor!

Frank: Okay, you know what? That's enough. Get them out of here-- both of them.

Dinah: Why am I being arrested? I tried to break up the fight, Frank!

Frank: Get her out.

Dinah: Fine!

Frank: Let's go. Out.

Mallet: Hey, what's going on here? Why did he show up? Why... why did he do that? Is he still in love with you?

Marina: No. No, I don't know. I mean, he said "no." He said no, he wasn’t. I just think he's upset, okay? I think he's got a lot of anger built up right now. There's a lot that happened that we don't even know about, and I think maybe he just wanted to punch somebody.

Mallet: Yeah, well, did he give you any kind of clue that he was going to do this?

Marina: No! No, of course he didn't, okay? You think I'd want my own wedding ruined? This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life! (Cries)

Jeffery: Well, tell the boys in London that I know it's later over there, but the secretary needs those papers. Well, then the deal's done, right? Okay, thanks. How's my wife? Well, thank you for asking. All things considered, she’s... she's doing well. All right. You, too. Bye. Is something wrong?

Reva: You're home late.

Jeffery: I know. It was a busy day.

Reva: You know, I specifically left it here so that I could go over it again!

Jeffery: Want to talk to me?

Reva: I was reading something about percentages of babies that are stillborn when their mothers are going through chemotherapy.

Jeffery: Reva, Reva, Reva, it's late, okay? You don't need to be thinking about this right now.

Reva: When am I supposed to think about it? First thing in the morning, after a nice breakfast, or after you get off one of your stupid, endless phone calls?

Jeffery: Where is this coming from?

Reva: Just let... let go. I'm...

Jeffery: No, no, no, not until you come down off a ledge.

Reva: I'm just here, you know? All day...alone and... I get scared, you know? When you're not...

Jeffery: When I'm not what? When I'm not here? When I'm not available? That's what this is really about?

Josh: Son, I... what happened? Why are you here; how did you end up in this chair?

Shayne: Dad... Dad, listen. I knew the risks that came with the job, all right? This is... this is just a little set-back.

Josh: Did you really fly all the way here just to break up Marina's wedding? You have not... she hasn't been in your life for a long time. Why would you do that?

Shayne: I was bored?

Josh: This doesn't make any sense, son.

Shayne: Then nothing does, Dad.

Frank: All right, let's go. All right, that's it for tonight, folks. We're going to show our lovely guests to their rooms now.

Dinah: All right, Frank. This is not right. I know my rights.

Frank: Good for you.

Dinah: (Scoffs)

Josh: Look, just hang in there, all right? I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to post bail for you as soon as they let me.

Shayne: No, Dad. Dad, save your money.

Josh: This is not a big deal, okay?

Jeffery: Okay, here...

Reva: Just...

Jeffery: I... I admit that work has been a little crazy lately.

Reva: If you think this is about your new job, then you're not listening to me!

Jeffery: No, this is about the decision that we made for you to take chemo. You're worried that it's going to hurt the baby, and you feel that I'm not around enough to share in that worry. How am I doing so far?

Reva: It's just that I'm the one that's carrying this baby. I feel every move... I feel every flutter, which makes me feel responsible for him. You don't understand.

Jeffery: I do understand, Reva, because I'm the one that feels responsible for you. And these nightmares that you're having? I have them, too.

Reva: You do?

Jeffery: Yes, about ten times a day. I have to shut the office door, because I'm sitting there thinking about you. I'm thinking that I could lose you, Reva.

Reva: Sorry. I'm sorry. I just... I didn't even think about it that way...

Jeffery: We went through hell to make this decision, but it is the right one. Reva, you're going to have a beautiful baby. We are going to have a beautiful baby.

Reva: I just want him to be healthy.

Jeffery: And because of these treatments, there's every reason to believe now that I won't have to raise him alone, okay? It's a win-win, and that is the way we're going to look at this thing! What?

Reva: I just think you're really cute when you talk to me like that.

Jeffery: Oh, you like... you like it when I'm tough, okay? Well, I'm going too be tough. I'm going to give you some orders right now.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffery: And your orders are to march upstairs, we're going to draw you a bath, okay? You're going to get in the bath; you're going to take a bath-- both of you-- and you're going to enjoy it, you got it?

Reva: (Laughs) (cell phone rings)

Jeffery: It's, um... it's D.C. I'll be right up.

Reva: Yeah, fine. Whatever.

Coop: Well, this is a surprise. What are you... doing here?

Beth: I, um... I don't know. I parked at the law library, but instead of going inside I started walking, and here I am.

Coop: You know, we don't have near the selection of books the library has.

Beth: Very funny, very funny. That's a nice suit.

Coop: Oh, um...

Beth: Who's the lucky lady?

Coop: Marina and Mallet tried to tie the knot tonight, but... Shayne Lewis and Dinah Marler crashed the party. Punches were thrown, decorations got ruined and crumbled...

Beth: That's awful!

Coop: Yeah, I know.

Beth: Poor Marina! Are you... uh... free right now?

Coop: You sure? I mean... (laughs) ...this isn't exactly one of our regular times, and it's kind of late for you. Unless you're changing the rules on me.

Beth: No! No, no. I'm not... not changing the rules. Just maybe adjusting a little bit. Holiday hours. (Laughter)

Coop: Are you okay? What’s... what's going on?

Beth: I just don't want to be alone right now.

Coop: Do you want to go to my place?

Beth: Very much.

Coop: Let's go.

Mallet: Why didn't you tell me you had a little chat with Shayne?

Marina: Maybe for the same reason you didn't tell me that you were talking to Dinah instead of looking for Daisy.

Mallet: I guess I felt like it was something I could tell you later. I don't know, I didn't think it was important.

Marina: Face time with your ex right before we were getting married? And that's not important?

Mallet: I could say the same thing about you and Shayne.

Marina: Why... why didn't we tell each other? Were we just worried that... the slightest little bump in the road was going to...

Mallet: Go ahead and say it. I guess one of us should.

Marina: Say what? That maybe we were both just rushing into this marriage so we could do it before one of us chickened out?

Josh: You can't find a judge until morning? Why... okay, okay. Listen to me now, okay? The minute the sun comes up, I want my boy out of jail, you understand me? Yeah.

Dinah: Would it have killed you to tell me who you were, Shayne Lewis?

Shayne: Would it have mattered, Dinah Marler?

Dinah: Maybe not to you. That bar fight in Germany was... pretty stupid, but this I get. You're still into Marina.

Shayne: Marina and I have been over for years, all right?

Dinah: Okay...

Shayne: She's just a friend.

Dinah: What was the deal with the whole "cave man" act? What, stepping on a land mine isn't enough for you?

Shayne: I was just trying to get Marina to wake up and see the truth.

Dinah: What truth? Mallet is a great guy. It's a step up for her, no offense.

Shayne: It's not about him. It's about not believing the hype-- that life isn't going to suddenly be sunshine and rainbows because you're in love.

Dinah: You are cheery. Do the greeting card people know about you?

Shayne: That's funny. You're good. You got more of those? You know what, though? You thought the exact same thing was going to happen to you. You were going to marry Mallet, right? And then, what? Wham! You're going to live happily ever after? How is that working out for you?

Dinah: You said there was a girl. Did she break your heart?

Shayne: I forgot how much you talk. Why don't you get some sleep? Ah! Ooh!

Dinah: What's wrong?

Shayne: Nothing. It's just a little pain. It comes and goes. It's fine.

Dinah: I'm going to call the guard. You're hurting.

Shayne: Don't do that, all right? Just let me get through this. I'm fine.

Dinah: I have to do something. You can't help yourself there.

Shayne: Will you shut the hell up, all right? I'm a lot of things. I am tired; I'm angry; I'm wasting a perfectly good chair. But I don't need any help!

No more sad songs tonight

come on love bring me back to


make it all stand still...

Reva: There you are!

Jeffery: Um... so, we'll see you at the park. Okay, good. Thanks. Didn't want to wake you.

Reva: You didn't come to bed last night.

Jeffery: Yeah, well... I was reading some reports and I kind of fell asleep in front of the TV.

Reva: So you weren't avoiding me? Because, you know, I wouldn't blame if you were. I did kind of... go all hormonal on you, and I apologize. I'm sorry.

Jeffery: You're going through a lot right now.

Reva: Yeah, well, cancer's no excuse for bad behavior.

Jeffery: For me it would be.

Reva: It's just that, you know, I was alone all day yesterday with all those feelings bottled up inside of me, and then when you showed up, I just kind of let 'er rip.

Jeffery: (Laughs)

Reva: You should learn to duck better.

Jeffery: Apology accepted.

Reva: But I'm not going to apologize for second thoughts about mixing chemo with the pregnancy.

Jeffery: I know. I know how worried you are.

Reva: And this new job of yours has so many demands on you, I didn't want to add to the pressure...

Jeffery: I promise to cut back on the workload, okay? Anything else?

Reva: I don't like sleeping alone. Did I mention that?

Jeffery: Me neither. Let's go, grab your coat.

Reva: Where?

Jeffery: You ask too many questions. Where's the trust?

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffery: Come on.

Beth: Hey there.

Coop: Good morning.

Beth: Oh... God! Oh...

Coop: What?

Beth: God! I... I slept here last night! I... uh... I got to go. I've got to... I, uh... got to go.

Coop: No, look, look. Hey, hey, hey, look! You're okay. You're okay.

Beth: I... oh! Oh! I told Alan that I was at the... the law library. Let's just hope they didn't check up on me.

Coop: I am not afraid of Alan, and you shouldn't be, either, or you shouldn't be with him. Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have crossed that line, but... what you and Alan do shouldn't be any of my business.

Beth: It's not him, it's me. The things that I'm doing lately-- like hiking here in the middle of the night-- I'm starting to scare myself.

Alan: Wow... what happened here?

Buzz: Oh, it's a long story. It's what didn't happen here. What can I get you?

Alan: Have you seen Beth?

Buzz: No, I... no. Wait... she lives with you! You would have seen her first.

Alan: Yeah, I know. Well... we, uh... had words, and, uh... she left to go study at the library and she didn't come home last night.

Buzz: Coffee? Uh... she's not here. She didn’t... where ever she is, she, you know...

Alan: Well, I went by the library, and I mean, her car was there, but... I didn't want to go in; make her think I was checking up on her.

Buzz: Well... here.

Alan: Thanks.

Buzz: On the house. Go find her.

Alan: I was thinking maybe if she was up studying all night in the library, she would probably need some coffee, so...

Buzz: I can honestly say she hasn't stepped foot in this... in this restaurant. She hasn't been here.

Alan: I'll just stay and have some breakfast...

Buzz: No! No...

Alan: ...Maybe she'll come...

Buzz: I...

Alan: Buzz, you seem a little nervous. Is everything all right?

Buzz: Look, here, go on. I'm sure she's home waiting for you. Coop!

Coop: Hi. Didn't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to get some coffee.

Buzz: Two cups, I guess. That was way too close.

Josh: Will you open this, please? Two minutes in front of the judge, I'll have you out of here on bail and then we're going to talk.

Dinah: Josh. Josh, have you heard anything? What about me?

Josh: Sorry. Let me help you.

Shayne: Don't, Dad, I've got it. Please.

Dinah: Now, come on! He started the fight and I'm the one stuck in here? How is this fair? This is a joke! Come on.

Shayne: Hey, I'm sorry that I got you roped into this. Thanks for trying to help me last night. You've got a mean right hook.

Today you're gonna be just

like you did the day before

watched by the windowsill

you disappear into the corner


I could sear that I saw you

slip out the back door

you locked your set of keys and

left me alone

I'm pacing our apartment

my head's a broken record

I can't think

I keep repeating

the very last word that you

said to me

you didn't tell me you love me

just goodbye

and there was something kind of

final it


everything is wrong without



my whole world's a wreck

without you

save me now

leave me crazy for ever after

I'm in a weak condition

because now you've cut into

the heart of me

you've got my mind racing

losing my grip on reality

you got me second guessing

what's true and what's a lie

why don't you look me in the

eye when I say


everything is wrong without you


my whole world's a wreck

without you

save me now...

Mallet: Marina?

Leave me crazy ever after...

Reva: Why can't you give me a clue?

Jeffery: Patience, woman.

Reva: Uh! "Patience, woman."

Blossom: Jeffery O’Neill?

Jeffery: Blossom.

Blossom: Yes.

Jeffery: Blossom, this is my wife, Reva. Reva, this is Blossom.

Reva: I like your name.

Blossom: I like yours, too.

Reva: Oh, thanks. What are you studying?

Blossom: Oh, mediation. I'm taking Math classes at the university.

Reva: Oh, wow.

Jeffery: Tell her what you're going to do next semester.

Blossom: I'm going to be a nanny for a French family. It's a great way to master another language. My mom's like all worried I'll fall in love with some French dude and never come home, but... I'd miss my friends too much to do that.

Reva: I have a daughter who lives in Paris. She's a fashion designer. I should give you her phone number, you know? In case you have trouble with the French dudes?

Blossom: Sure! (Cell phone ringing) Oh, it's my mom.

Reva: Oh! (Laughs) Excuse me.

Jeffery: Okay.

Reva: Okay. Nanny? What, are you already interviewing prospective babysitters?

Jeffery: 17 years ago, when Blossom's mother was pregnant with her, she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She chose to do the chemo-- saved her life. 17 years later, both the mother and Blossom are fine. As a matter of fact, they're more than fine. They're doing terrific, with a clean bill of health. I thought you should meet her.

Josh: All right. We're gonna stop right here for right now, and you are going to tell me exactly what's going on with you, son. I know there's something wrong. I'm not talking about your legs.

Shayne: About last night? Dad, I was... I was blowing off some steam. I'm sorry.

Josh: Why didn't you tell us you got hurt?

Shayne: I didn't want to worry you guys.

Josh: We're your parents. It's our job to worry. Now this chair... are you... are you going to need this for the rest of your life?

Shayne: If I did, don't you think I would have got a model with cooler rims?

Josh: Shayne! Okay, this is the way it's going to be? You're not going to talk to me? Fine. We're going to appeal to a higher power.

Shayne: Are you taking me to church?

Josh: No. I'm taking you to see your mother, and you can roll yourself. Let's go.

Coop: He's gone, I told you.

Beth: I can't believe Alan came looking for me here. Here of all places.

Coop: I thought you said you weren't scared of him.

Beth: I'm not.

Coop: Mm-hmm.

Beth: But I am fond of you, and I want to see you stay in one piece.

Coop: Don't worry so much, okay? Look, we just spent the whole night together. It's kind of an occasion, don't you think? What?

Beth: This has to stop!

Coop: Oh!

Beth: Don't you see that?

Coop: Okay, so you're breaking up with me... again. Look, what's it going to be, all right? Is it going to be the tenth time? Is that the charm, here?

Beth: This is very confusing for me.

Coop: Not to me, it isn’t. Look, Beth... why don't you just meet me on our usual day, okay?

Beth: I don't know.

Coop: Don't be late.

Mallet: Hey, Tobias.

Tobias: Hey.

Mallet: Have you seen Marina?

Tobias: She's back by the cells.

Mallet: All right.

Tobias: And, uh... did you take a look at this?

Mallet: Let's see. No way. Marina paid Dinah’s bail?

Marina: You know, I'm used to your drama, Dinah. But did you have to involve Shayne on this? Why can't you see he's going through a lot right now?

Dinah: What are you talking about?

Marina: I'm talking about pushing him to break up my marriage-- anything. Anything to stop us from getting married. What... what did you whisper into his ear to start him up?

Dinah: That was all his idea, Marina. I couldn't have stopped him if I wanted to. Which admittedly, I didn’t.

Marina: I guess you got your Christmas wish, huh? You tanked my wedding.

Dinah: If your wedding could get tanked by a little fist fight, maybe that's your fault-- not mine. Not Shayne’s.

Marina: Yeah. I considered that, too.

Tobias: You're free to go.

Dinah: What are you talking about? Nobody even knows I'm here.

Tobias: You made bail, congratulations.

Dinah: Who paid it?

Beth: I'm back.

Alan: Well, I... I see you are. I'm glad. How... how did the studying go?

Beth: It was fine.

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Beth: It was fine.

Alan: Good.

Beth: You didn't send the hounds out to hunt me down?

Alan: No, no, no, no. I'm going to honor your wishes, Beth, and never, ever take you for granted.

Beth: I wanted to talk to you about something. I mean, if... if you have any time.

Alan: Well, sure, I always have time for you. You know that. I mean, it sounds... sounds important.

Beth: I'm... I'm... taking a course in contractual law...

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Beth: ...And it occurred to me that that's something you might know a thing or two about.

Alan: (Chuckles) Yes, I do. Are... are you wanting me to help you, or... something like that?

Beth: Yes, uh...

Alan: Really? Well, I mean, let's look it over here. Well, this is, uh... a classic case of contractual interference, is what it looks like to me. Um... you want me to do this now, or... do you have another place you have to be, or...

Beth: No, no. I want to stay here and try to figure this out.

Jeffery: Okay. It's just for two days and two nights. I'm sorry it's such late notice.

Reva: You just get your cute butt back here as soon as you can! And thank you for introducing me to Blossom. She gave me her phone number, and I am going to keep in touch with her.

Jeffery: She's pretty special, huh?

Reva: Yeah, she is. And you're a sneak! You'll make an optimist out of me, yet! Kind of forgotten how important hope is through all this mess.

Jeffery: Well, you just needed to be reminded. That's why you have me around, because I'm so charming and cheerful.

Reva: (Laughs) I knew there was some reason!

Jeffery: Take care of yourself, okay?

Reva: I will.

Jeffery: Call me if you need me for anything.

Reva: Oh, you know I will.

Jeffery: Bye.

Reva: Be good. (Laughs) Oh. (Cell phone rings) Josh? I'll be right there.

Reva: Hi, baby. (Sobbing)

Shayne: Hey, Mom.

Marina: I... I got your text. Can't this wait until we get home?

Mallet: No, I wanted to talk about our situation.

Marina: I've already thought about it, and, um... I think we should... I think we should take some time apart, so, you know, we can just both breathe and think things through.

Mallet: You want to know what I think? I think we were wrong last night. I think we were dead wrong. We let doubts creep in. I don't know why we did that. And instead of asking the question, "why are we getting married," maybe we should have been asking ourselves, "what has taken us so long?"

Marina: How can you be sure?

Mallet: It's right-- we fit. I think we belong together.

Marina: How do you know?

Mallet: Because I know you, and because I've been looking for a woman like you all of my life. I guess I just needed to be reminded. Did you bail out Dinah?

Marina: Oh, me? No.

Mallet: You know, if you can do that after everything that's happened... it makes me realize all the reasons why I love you. I love you. So... I'm sorry to call you up here. I... I made a few calls.

Marina: (Crying)

Mallet: Marina Cooper, make me the happiest man alive. I don't want to go another day without having you as my wife. Will you marry me? Now?

Marina: Yes! Yes! (Cheers and applause)

Frank: Hey, Cooper’s, let's get this right!

Dinah: All right, can you at least tell me who came to my rescue? Really?

(Humming "The Wedding March")

Judge: We have come here at the invitation of A.C. Mallet and Marina Cooper. They've asked us to share in their wedding. Their commitment and love has brought us all here together today. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not jealous; it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. Love does not brag and it is not arrogant. It does not act unbecomingly. It is not provoked, and it does not take into account a wrong suffered, for love bears all things; believes all things. Love hopes all things in the middle of the darkest times, and endures all things. But above all, love never fails. And now the bride and groom will exchange their vows.

Marina: I, Marina Cooper, take you, A.C. Mallet, to be my husband-- loving everything that I know about you, and trusting in everything that I don't know. I want the chance to grow old with you and to love you a little more every day of my life.

Mallet: I, A.C. Mallet, take you, Marina Cooper, to be my wife. I promise to love you and cherish you through whatever life may bring us-- the good and the bad. And I promise to protect you and comfort you and stay by your side forever.

Judge: I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.

Mallet: It's about time! (Laughter) (cheers and applause)

Coming up, on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: Are you sure you want to do that?

Alan: It's just orange juice, that's all.

Dinah: You know, back in the day, people like you-- rich people, people who are despised- - they had to have food tasters in case one of their enemies wanted to poison them.

Cyrus: Excuse us... I told you I’d handle it, I hope you haven't ruined things.

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