GL Transcript Monday 12/8/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/8/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: Travis Bickle?

Shayne: I was trying to get you to shut up.

Dinah: My ex is getting married tomorrow to Marina Cooper.

Shayne: You seem like the kind of gal who would break up a wedding for sport.

Dinah: No, no, no, no, no. I don't do stupid, self-destructive stuff like that anymore.

Shayne: Yeah. Right.

Doctor: This is a surprise.

Shayne: I've got something that I have to go check out back home.

Shayne: They say you can't go home again. I didn't think I ever would-- not like this. Five years isn't all that long in the greater scheme of things. Five years can go by like an inning in a baseball game. You get up, you go for a pretzel, you come back, it's over. Or five years can... can be a lifetime. Some things don't change. Dad-- yeah, he's the same as always. A minister, not a minister. He's still Josh Lewis-- solid citizen, everybody's dad, salt of the earth. "Severe trauma of the spinal column caused by an explosion. Condition worsened by re-inflammation of a previous traumatic injury." The car accident. It's five years ago, and it's still here. He'd take one look at me, and he'd know. He'd blame himself again. Of course he would. And then he'd try to fix it-- fix me. I don't need that guilt right now. A lot changes in five years, too. Mom's new life. Her new family. When you leave, life goes on without you. The girl you left behind moves on. She looks happy. Maybe he's the right guy for her. I hope so. She's getting married, and what can you do about it, except-- I don't know, I guess wish her the best? I guess you can go home again... but maybe it's just not home anymore.

Mallet: Hi.

Dinah: What was that for?

Mallet: I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again.

Dinah: You're wrong. What you're doing is completely wrong.

Mallet: Dinah, I don't think you get to come back in here and...

Dinah: Bill did not kidnap Lizzie. He wouldn't do that.

Mallet: Oh, that.

Dinah: What did you think I meant?

Mallet: Nothing.

Dinah: You getting married to Marina? You thought I charged in here to tell you you can't marry Marina because she's wrong for you. That's what you thought.

Mallet: It doesn't matter. So, anyway, I want to let you know that I'm not in charge of the investigation, okay? Frank's the lead detective on... on Lizzie’s kidnapping.

Dinah: Well, then Frank is completely out of his mind, because Bill loves Lizzie.

Mallet: Well, maybe... maybe he does. But there is a mountain of evidence against him.

Dinah: What is the evidence?

Mallet: I'm not going to get into all of the details with you. Let' me just say it's not going really well for Bill right now. Okay? And the grand jury agreed, and that's why they indicted him.

Dinah: Does Lizzie believe he did it?

Mallet: No. No, she still has faith in him. You know, love... makes you do some crazy things sometimes.

Dinah: Is that right?

Mallet: Yeah. Um... anyway, you and I both know that Bill and Lizzie have been battling for control of that company, right, since Bill walked back into town.

Dinah: He didn't do it. He didn't do it. And if you and the rest of the cops were doing your jobs, you would be out there trying to prove that.

Mallet: I love the way you tell me how to do my job when you've been back in town for, what, five minutes?

Dinah: What does that have to do with anything?

Mallet: Where have you been? Where have you been? You just took off. Your mother didn’t... wasn't even sure if you were going to come back.

Dinah: Well, maybe I wasn’t.

Mallet: Well, is that any way to live your life? Just run out when things get tough?

Dinah: You tell me why you care. You tell me why it would ever matter to you if I ever came back at all.

Jeffrey: You know, the doctor said that the chemo might not cause hair loss.

Reva: I... I wasn’t... that's not...

Jeffrey: Reva... Reva... we agreed. We're going to be scared in this together, right?

Reva: Okay. That is what I was thinking about.

Jeffrey: If it happens, it happens.

Reva: I threw out all of my old wigs.

Jeffrey: Well, we'll get you another one. And you know what? We're going to get one for the baby that matches it.

Reva: (Laughing)

Jeffrey: You know what? I should take the day off; I'll stay home with you.

Reva: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: There is nothing for you to do here.

Jeffrey: Well, sure there is. I can wait on you hand and foot, and you know how much it cheers you up to torture me.

Reva: I'm fine, really. I think Lillian was right. My side effects seem to be less intense because of the pregnancy.

Jeffrey: Go, baby, go.

Reva: I have plans today, anyway.

Jeffrey: Plans?

Reva: Yep. It is time to rip off the bandage. I'm going to tell Josh about the cancer.

Jeffrey: Ooh, it sounds like fun.

Reva: Yeah, well, I don't want him finding out any other way. Besides, this time around we're going to have to decide together how to tell the kids.

Jeffrey: What do you think he'll say?

Reva: Well, what can he say?

Jeffrey: I'm just wondering, you know, what he is going to say about the decisions that we’ve made and the treatment.

Reva: Well, it doesn't matter, does it? As long as we're comfortable with them.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: I can't stop thinking about this little guy in there kicking and scratching and clawing so that we can both be healthy.

Jeffrey: I think I'm going to stop by the store today and get a video camera.

Reva: Why, do you want to document my ever-growing belly?

Jeffrey: No. Because some day I want to show little Atticus what a warrior his mother was.

Reva: Atticus?

Jeffrey: Not Atticus?

Reva: Atticus O’Neill. We'll talk about that some other time, okay? (Laughs )

Josh: Frank.

Frank: Oh, hey, Josh, how are you doing?

Josh: Are you following me?

Frank: What? Why would I be following you?

Josh: I don't know.

Frank: Well, then I guess I'm not following you.

Josh: Except I think you are.

Frank: You do?

Josh: I just said I did, Frank.

Frank: This is a little weird, Josh, um...

Josh: It is, Frank.

Frank: I don't know what's going on here.

Josh: Okay, now you're freaking me out. This has been a fun game, but I'm done with it. So I'm going to go pay for my stuff now. Good to see you.

Frank: Good to see you.

Josh: All right, thanks. Can I pay for this, please? There you go.

Frank: So what are your supplies for?

Josh: Supplies?

Frank: Yeah. You plan on doing a little creative doodling?

Josh: Frank, what are you asking me?

Frank: Are you marrying Marina and Mallet?

Josh: Marina and Mallet are getting married? I didn't know that.

Frank: You're a terrible liar, Josh.

Josh: Yes, Frank, I know I am.

Frank: Well, then take it as a compliment.

Josh: Okay, look, Marina swore me to secrecy. She's not going to be happy that you know about this.

Frank: Don't worry about Marina.

Josh: But there is a reason for that, Frank. See, she's afraid that if you and the family get involved, you're going to take the whole thing over, and it will be like a big circus. She just wants a nice, small, simple wedding, just something for her and Mallet.

Frank: Well, that's all fine and dandy, but she's not getting married without her family.

Josh: I'm not going to get in the middle of this.

Frank: Well, you're not in the middle of anything here, buddy, no. Seriously, you're still performing the ceremony. There are just going to be some small changes. That's all.

Marina: Josh, are you home? (Knock on the door)

Reva: Hey!

Marina: Oh, oh!

Reva: Oh, I'm sorry.

Marina: No. It's all right. I'm sorry.

Reva: Here, let me help you.

Marina: No. I've got it. It's okay.

Reva: Oh, wow! Wedding vows? Are you and Mallet getting married? Is the wedding today?

Marina: Yes. Please, please don't tell my family. I haven't told anyone yet.

Reva: Why not?

Marina: I don't know. Mallet and I... we just decided we want to do something simple together, you know? We can have a big party later on.

Reva: Are you sure? They're going to be so disappointed.

Marina: I think they'll get over it.

Reva: You don't want your daddy to walk you down the aisle?

Marina: I love my family, and I love how close that we are. But they can just be so overbearing.


Marina: You know? And I... I just really thought that I need to do just one thing... just one thing in my life by myself.

Reva: I... I think I can understand that.

Marina: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Reva: So Josh is performing the ceremony?

Marina: Yes. Yes, he is. And I was just dropping off the vows and a few other things.

Reva: Well, you know what? Why don't you let me do that? I have to talk to him today, anyway.

Marina: Really?

Reva: Yes. Absolutely. I'm sure you have a million things to do.

Marina: At least a million.

Reva: Yeah.

Marina: Thank you.

Reva: Will you do me a favor, though?

Marina: Sure.

Reva: Let me see your dress.

Marina: Yes.

Reva: Let me hold your bag.

Marina: I haven't shown anyone yet.

Reva: Oh, Marina! Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous. You're going to be a beautiful bride.

Marina: Thank you.

Reva: You know, a part of me always kind of thought that maybe you'd be my daughter-in-law. You know, I mean, Shayne really loved you.

Marina: I loved Shayne, too.

Reva: Yeah. Well, a lot changes, doesn't it?

Marina: Yes. I guess so. You know, I... I think about him a lot. I miss Shayne. But, um... I think when he left town, he... he did the best thing for both of us.

Dinah: I want you to tell me the kind of evidence that you claim to have that proves Bill kidnapped Lizzie.

Mallet: No.

Dinah: No?

Mallet: No. I have a very busy day. I've got to get going.

Dinah: That's right, you do. You're getting married.

Mallet: Shh!

Dinah: What's the big secret?

Mallet: Marina doesn't want her family to know.

Dinah: Really?

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: Why not?

Mallet: It's a long story.

Dinah: So when is it? Tonight?

Mallet: Ah, Dinah... it's soon. I have to go get changed.

Dinah: Wearing a suit?

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: Are you wearing the blue one or your gray one?

Mallet: I was thinking blue.

Dinah: I like the gray better. It makes your eyes look real blue.

Mallet: Dinah...

Dinah: Sorry. So, are you excited?

Mallet: Yes, I am. I'm happy, and I think this is right for me.

Dinah: And I never was?

Mallet: Come on... what do you want me to say?

Dinah: I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. You'll only be single for a couple more hours. Come on, give it a shot.

Mallet: The truth? The truth? The truth is I loved you so intensely, I never thought I would love anybody else. That's the truth. But we weren't good for one another. I almost got you killed. And you nearly killed me every single day. That's the truth.

Dinah: Are you happy?

Mallet: Yes, I am. I'm happy.

Dinah: Good. Good. Congratulations.

Mallet: Thank you.

I'll take it all

rising just to fall

because when we met

oh, you know just where we


Mallet: Whoa! Sorry, excuse me.

Shayne: Why don't you watch where you're going, jackass?

Mallet: I'm sorry?

Shayne: I said watch where you're going?

Mallet: Okay, will do.

Shayne: Yeah. What is that supposed to mean, exactly?

Mallet: It means that I'll watch where I'm going from now on.

Shayne: Don't look at me like that.

Mallet: Like what?

Shayne: Like you're sorry for me. Like it's so sad that you're up there and I'm down here.

Mallet: Right. Okay. Whatever. Why don't we just let it go?

Shayne: Yeah. Oh, I'm so sorry.

Mallet: Why don't you watch out, okay?

Shayne: Yeah? Is there a problem here?

Mallet: Yeah, we've got a problem.

Shayne: Yeah?

Mallet: Yeah, we do.

Shayne: Yeah, I think we do, too, a big problem. What are we going to do about it?

Olivia: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hi, yourself. Um... I heard you were here, so...

Olivia: Well, yeah. You know me. I can't get enough of this place.

Jeffrey: Well, you better be careful because they're going to name a wing after you pretty soon.

Olivia: Well, at least the men's room, I hope.

Jeffrey: Now that would be an honor.

Olivia: (Laughing) What are you doing here?

Jeffrey: Well, I came by to see if... you might be interested in taking a trip to see Ava, you know? Christmastime?

Olivia: Sounds good. Is Reva planning on going?

Jeffrey: No, no, no, no... well, probably not.

Olivia: Well, no offense, I just thought that maybe...

Jeffrey: No, no. I get it.

Olivia: (Coughs) Excuse me.

Jeffrey: Here, let me get that for you.

Olivia: Thanks. I miss our girl.

Jeffrey: Yeah, so do I.

Olivia: So what are you doing? You got a gig or something?

Jeffrey: Ah, no. Actually, I was singing a song to Reva.

Olivia: Is everything okay with the baby? I mean, is... is Reva okay?

Jeffrey: Not exactly. She has... she has cancer, Leukemia.

Olivia: Oh, Jeffrey, I'm sorry!

Jeffrey: Yeah. There is a treatment protocol, and the doctors are optimistic. They say that she's going to be fine, and so is the baby, so...

Olivia: Well, good. That's good. And it's good that you're there with her, you know? I saw you with Ava and the baby, and, I mean, you can be an ass sometimes, but you're really good in a crisis.

Jeffrey: You think so?

Olivia: (Laughs) Yeah, I do. You have strong opinions, and you're sure of yourself. What?

Jeffrey: Well, it's just that I've never felt so unsure of anything in my entire life.

(Gargling sounds)

Josh: Hello? Hi.

Reva: Hi. I'm... I'm so sorry. Um... I borrowed some of your mouthwash because I just had this very intense conversation with... Ralph.

Josh: Okay. Would it be rude of me to ask what you're doing here in my room?

Reva: Well, I was going to wait outside. Um, but I... I had this really intense need to...

Josh: You threw up in my bathroom?

Reva: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Josh: Okay. Is it morning sickness, or?

Reva: It's sickness. It’s... sickness, every day, all day.

Josh: I'm not following you.

Reva: I know. Maybe you should sit down. No, no, never mind. I've learned my lesson to just flat-out say it... that's the best way, so...

Josh: Okay.

Reva: My cancer is back. It's leukemia.

Josh: Leukemia?

Reva: Yeah. Uh... we don't know how it happened; if it's from the breast cancer or from the drugs I took or because I'm pregnant. But the thing is that we caught it early and so they're treating it aggressively.

Josh: I didn't know that you could go through chemo when you're... .

Reva: Yeah, I know.

Josh: ...You know, pregnant.

Reva: Neither did I. But there are a lot of cases... the rate of birth defects and harm to the baby are really not that much more than any other pregnant woman of comparable age.

Josh: I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what to say.

Reva: Oh, you don't have to say anything. I mean, we're going to get through this.

Josh: It seems like you have everything figured out.

Reva: Yeah. Oh, I forgot... Colin McCabe is back on the case, so that's good. And Jeffrey is an incredible support system for me. And it's not like I haven't been here before, you know? I know this time what to expect and what's going to go on, and so I'm prepared.

Josh: Well, it seems like you are.

Reva: Yeah. So...

Josh: So how do you want to tell Marah and Shayne?

Reva: Well, I was thinking that we... um... I thought that I would... um...

Josh: Reva ...

Reva: I'm fine.

Josh: No, I don't think you are.

Reva: No, I'm not, I'm scared. I'm still so scared. (Sobbing)

Marina: Shoot!

Mallet: Look, friend...

Shayne: I'm not your friend.

Mallet: I'm a police officer, so it's probably a pretty good idea if you just, you know, walk away.

Shayne: Walk away? That's a good one, "friend."

Mallet: I didn't mean... look, I don't want any trouble.

Shayne: Yeah, I know. Of course you don’t. Guys like you never want any trouble.

Mallet: Guys like me? I... what are you talking about? You don't even know me.

Shayne: Oh, I know you... I know enough about you. You think that you're a good, decent person, right? How am I doing? You get up in the morning and you brush your teeth, and you're going to go out there and you're going to save the world, aren't you? Like the world gives a crap! In the meanwhile, all of the little people in your life are just like, interchangeable parts. Because you've got your mission! You're a hero! That's all that really matters, right, "friend?"

Mallet: Don't take this the wrong way, okay, but you're insane.

Shayne: Yeah? You think so?

Mallet: Yeah, I do.

Shayne: Hmm.

Mallet: I really do.

Shayne: All right.

Mallet: I need to go, okay? Because I'm getting married today.

Shayne: Yeah?

Mallet: Have a good day.

Shayne: Hey, good luck with that.

Mallet: Thank you.

Shayne: All right, friend.

Mallet: All right, friend.

Olivia: Thanks.

Jeffrey: Reva started chemotherapy yesterday.

Olivia: Chemo, while she's pregnant?

Jeffrey: You know, when Reva found out that she had cancer, she refused treatment.

Olivia: Because she didn't want to hurt the baby.

Jeffrey: Well, the doctor said there is very little chance of the chemo actually harming the child, but she still didn't want to take the risk.

Olivia: You convinced her?

Jeffrey: I told her that she had to fight to save herself-- for her own sake, but also for the baby's sake. But I was being selfish. I need Reva. I need her here with me.

Olivia: Why is it selfish? Why is it selfish to encourage someone to fight for her own life? I mean, if you weren't here for me after the transplant, I don't think I'd be here right now.

Jeffrey: Well, it's a little different. What if something did go wrong? What if something happened to that child after I... I pushed Reva into taking the chemo? How would we survive that?

Olivia: Okay. Did... did you talk to Reva about this?

Jeffrey: No. Of course not. She needs me to be strong. I mean, you know, she's got enough to worry about without worrying about me on top of everything else.

Olivia: Jeffrey, it's unbelievable.

Jeffrey: What?

Olivia: Well, that with my terrible history of relationships, I see it and you don’t.

Jeffrey: What don't I see?

Olivia: That she's as tough as nails. She can handle the strong part all on her own. What she needs from you is for you to be completely honest with her.

Jeffrey: Completely honest?

Olivia: Completely honest. You guys are in this together, and you need each other. I would give anything to have what you have.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Josh: It's okay. Don't worry about it. I kind of... I kind of saw that coming.

Reva: Yeah. Well, that's kind of the way this works, you know? You're strong, strong, strong; and then the next thing you know, you're a puddle on your ex's floor.

Josh: You're not a puddle, Reva. And you have nothing to be sorry for.

Reva: Yeah, well, I didn't come here for this.

Josh: It would have been okay if you did. No matter where we are in our lives, you know I'm always... I'll be there to help you.

Reva: I know you will be.

Josh: Did you tell Jeffrey about this right away? That's good. Learning from your mistakes.

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, every so often.

Josh: You want to call the kids together and tell them?

Reva: I really appreciate that.

Josh: Okay. I'll do that right now. I don't know if we'll be able to get Shayne on the phone...

Reva: No. He called me.

Josh: He did?

Reva: Yeah, yesterday.

Josh: When?

Reva: Yesterday, when I was having my first treatment. He called, out of the clear blue, just to say hi.

Josh: While you were having your chemo treatment?

Reva: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it was the weirdest thing. It was almost like he knew how much I needed to hear his voice.

Josh: Yeah, I know that feeling. I... how did he sound?

Reva: Good. But he's on a break in Germany.

Josh: He likes what he's doing.

Reva: Yeah. He seems happy. You know, it gave me hope when I needed it.

Josh: Maybe we'll be able to talk him into a visit now. In fact, maybe we can get all of your kids here to see their incredible mother.

Reva: Well, that would be really great. Will you let Jonathan stay with you?

Josh: (Laughing)

Reva: (Laughing) My sweet, little boy.

Jeffrey: So how did Captain Ernest take the news?

Josh: Captain Ernest? Really? Does a cape come with that nickname?

Jeffrey: Sorry about that.

Josh: No problem.

Reva: The confession went, um... went okay until I, like, hurled all over Joshua’s bathroom floor. It ended up okay.

Josh: Do you want me to get you something?

Reva: No, no. I'm okay. Um... thank you so much for driving me over here. You really didn't have to do that.

Josh: I know. But I wanted to see Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Uh oh, should I be nervous?

Josh: No. I just wanted to... I just wanted to ask you to take good care of her. That's all. If she needs anything at all, if there is any way I can help-- I'll fly in the best doctors, whatever-- whatever it takes, but you're the one that can take care of her now, and it's a big responsibility.

Jeffrey: I know.

Josh: I know you do. You see, there are a lot of people in the world that need Reva Shayne to be around for a long, long time. (Laughter)

Jeffrey: My child and I are on the top of that list.

Josh: Okay. Thank you.

Dinah: Hi, Frank.

Frank: Dinah? I thought you were out of the country.

Dinah: I'm back.

Frank: Well, welcome home. I forgot the flowers and I'm running late.

Dinah: The wedding?

Frank: Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell you all about it later.

Dinah: You're wrong... about Bill.

Frank: Okay, Dinah.

Dinah: It... it's not possible. He would never do that to Lizzie. He's not a kidnapper.

Frank: Look, I'm just following all of the evidence.

Dinah: I don't care what the evidence is. What you're doing to him is not right. I know that he is innocent.

Frank: How can you be so sure about that?

Dinah: I'm sure.

Frank: Go ahead.

Dinah: Um... I'm just sure, Frank. I'm sure.

Frank: Look, are we done here?

Dinah: No. I'm a long way from being done, but we're going to talk about this another day. I need to take care of something. See you.

Mallet: Wow!

Marina: Really? That's all you've got, just a wow?

Mallet: Yeah. Well, how about a... how about a "hmm" and a "double wow?"

Marina: That's better.

Mallet: Is this all for me?

Marina: Yeah. All of it is.

Mallet: You look beautiful.

Marina: Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself.

Mallet: Thank you.

Marina: So...

Mallet: Yeah, so...

Marina: What does a couple about to get married do when they're all dressed up and they've got time to kill?

Mallet: Hmm, um... well, the way we got here wasn't exactly conventional. And we've done pretty much everything backwards, so do you want to keep that going?

Marina: Mr. Mallet!

Mallet: Mm-hmm?

Marina: Are you suggesting that we have our honeymoon night before our wedding?

Mallet: (Laughing) Um... well, I mean, that sounds fantastic, but I realize that you have a dress on that you're not looking to mess up. No, I was thinking more along the lines of a first dance.

Marina: Well, I can do that.

Mallet: Okay. Stay here a second. May I have this dance?

Marina: Yes. As long as you never say "may I" again.

Mallet: Deal.

Too quiet now

it's 2:00 A.M.

Lying beside you

don't want to lose

this reckless feeling

scared out of my mind

what does it mean...

Mallet: You know what? You make my life better.

Marina: I can't think of anything else I'd rather hear. (Cell phone rings)

Marina: I'm sorry.

Mallet: It's all right.

Marina: We're cops. Hello?

Lynne: Marina, thank God I reached you.

Marina: Lynne? What's wrong?

Lynne: Somebody broke into Company, and I think they're still here. Is Mallet with you?

Marina: Yeah, yeah. No, he's right here with me. Are you okay?

Lynne: Yeah. Just please hurry. And don't come alone.

Coop: Excellent.

Marina: We've got to get over to Company. Lynne just called. There has been a break-in at Company or something, and we've got to get over there.

Mallet: We're going now?

Marina: Yeah, we've got to go now.

Jeffrey: Reva, what do you need from me? I mean, what do you really need from me?

Reva: What do I need?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I mean, do you need me to be strong and stoic?

Reva: Stoic? No. No, no, no, no. I just need you.

Jeffrey: Well, this isn't easy for me because I'm... well, I'm scared. I'm scared about being a father again, you know? I'm afraid I might screw it up somehow. I might drop the baby on its head or turn him into a serial killer.

Reva: (Laughing)

Jeffrey: And I'm afraid, also, about this cancer. I'm afraid... I'm terrified of losing you. You know, after pushing you to do the chemo, what if something went terribly wrong? You know, then I would have to jump on the bridge or something. Anyway, what I'm trying to tell you, Reva, is that I'm scared. I am.

Reva: You are? You're scared, Mr. Obvious? And you think you hid it so well, huh?

Jeffrey: Oh, I didn't? You knew?

Reva: Yes, of course, I knew. Because there isn't a person on the face of this earth who wouldn't be afraid.

Jeffrey: Because, you know, I was trying to show you that I was strong and...

Reva: Oh, I know. I know. Of course you were, because you're a man. But I see through it. I see you splash water on your face ten times a day. Yeah. I see you go out in the garage and hammer away at the same nail for 15 minutes straight. You're freaking out.

Jeffrey: You're okay with that?

Reva: Yes. Yes, because you're new to this whole marriage thing. You are. So I'm going to cut you some slack.

Jeffrey: Oh, you are?

Reva: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: But this is the way it's going to work from now on, okay?

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: We freak out at different times. You lean on me, and I lean on you. And then, somehow, we never fall down. But I really... I can't tell you how much your honesty means to me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I'm never going to let you down-- not ever.

Reva: I know.

Jeffrey: And there isn't another person in this world that will fight harder for you and for our family.

Reva: I know that, too.

Marina: Lynne, are you here?

Mallet: Ah, ha-ha-ha! You've got to be kidding me.

Josh: Sorry, guys. Frank?

Frank: But we're not sorry.

Coop: No, not at all.

Frank: Did you really think you were going to get married without your family? Not a chance. And guess what? Grandpa is on his way.

Marina: Are you okay with this?

Mallet: I can see from the look on your face that this is exactly what you wanted all along.

Marina: Yeah, I think so.

Mallet: Okay.

Frank: Look at my little Greek goddess. You're beautiful, honey. Are you ready to walk down the aisle with your father?

Marina: I was born ready.

The way I imagined it

it should be easy

the stars all aligned...

Dinah: It is you!

Shayne: Not now, okay?

Dinah: What are you... I don't understand this. Are you following me? What in the world are you doing here?

Shayne: Well, I'm here to see a wedding. How about you?

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: I was hoping that this weather would even stop this thing from going down. I guess that didn't even work.

Josh: Today we are all witness...

Daisy: Oh, sorry I'm late!

Frank: This is Marina's day, and he should not be a part of it.

Daisy: Let's go, Grady.

Marina: I am going to go outside, and when I come back in here, there better be nothing but peace and harmony.

Shayne: Long time no see.

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