GL Transcript Thursday 12/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Rafe: Ma, what's wrong? Are you all right?

Natalia: I bet on a long shot, and I lost our future. It was greedy, and I will never forgive myself.

Rafe: Ma, you know we're going to be okay, right? I mean, we always are.

Mallet: I mean, we decided to buy a house on a whim. So what do you say we get married on a whim. Me and this hot, little redhead are tying the knot!

Marina: We're getting married!

Mallet: I cannot believe we're still cleaning up.

Marina: Have you ever noticed how weird people get around Thanksgiving?

Mallet: Weird, how?

Marina: I don't know. They just do or say weird things. You know, it's like they get really emotional.

Mallet: Well... I don't know. Maybe it's that stuff in the turkey, that try... "trytiplene."

Marina: The tryptophan?

Mallet: The tryptophan.

Marina: No, no, no. That puts people to sleep. I'm talking about during the day. It's like everyone is a little more dramatic. You know? They get a little more upset, a little more in love... I guess all the holidays do that, really. Forget New Year’s.

Mallet: Where should I put the coffee cups?

Marina: Up there. My point is: People say things or feel things that they can't even remember the next day, so why bother?

Mallet: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Marina: Yeah?

Mallet: Yeah... yeah, I'm agreeing with you. I hear everything you're saying.

Marina: Uh-huh.

Mallet: Can you put that in the fridge for me? Thank you. I'm listening.

Marina: Oh my gosh! What are these?

Mallet: Those are for you. You thought that I forgot all about wanting to marry you.

Marina: No, no, no.

Mallet: Yes, yes, yes, you did. But that's okay. You're really lousy about hinting around.

Marina: No, I'm not.

Mallet: Are too.

Marina: Am not.

Mallet: Are too. (Laughter) One for this bride and one for that bride. How long am I going to have to wait before I start calling you "the little woman?"

Frank: How's it going?

Rafe: Not bad, actually.

Frank: That's what I hear. I just want you to know I put a call in. You're going to be assigned to the library by the end of the week.

Rafe: Frank, you shouldn’t... do you know how many people are up for that assignment?

Frank: I know.

Rafe: Oh, my God!

Frank: But, guess what? It's yours. It comes with a catch, though. You're going to have to study, and you're going to have to get your G.E.D.

Rafe: Oh, that is fine! That is done. Thank you, man.

Frank: Any time.

Rafe: Wow! I'm sorry. How is my mom?

Frank: She's working too hard. She's running herself into the ground. She's trying to make up for that money that she lost. And it just... it kills me to see her like this. You guys are like family, you know what I mean. You guys are like honorary Cooper’s here. I don't know, it's like we're connected.

Rafe: All right. Why don't you just admit that you want to get with my mom?

Natalia: I had the money to get you a good lawyer, and I... I threw it away. It was me. I did this. It wasn't him. Please forgive me for wanting too much and losing what you gave me. I will work very hard to make up for it. Just please watch over Rafe. Please take care of my baby.

Buzz: Well, how's the V-8?

Maureen: Delicious.

Matt: I'm addicted to this stuff, thanks to her. It's good. Hey, Buzz, thanks for the donation of the food and the money for the fresh fruit and vegetables. Good work.

Buzz: Well, V-8 had a great idea. I'm glad your brother's doing better?

Maureen: Yeah, me, too. I'm actually going to see him later.

Buzz: Recycling. Anything else I can get you?

Matt: No. We've got to get going. We've got more pickups to make, right?

Maureen: Yup.

Matt: The police station and Cedars.

Buzz: All of the bags are on the back porch, okay? In the back, okay?

Maureen: Yup. Thank you, Buzz.

Buzz: All right. Okay. I'm glad your brother's doing better.

Matt: Okay. Good-bye. Thanks, Buzz.

Decker: Come on in. Can I get you something?

Olivia: Ah, yeah. How about a check for $80,000?

Decker: (Laughing) Why don't we make it a cool hundred?

Olivia: I'm serious. I want you to give Natalia the money that she lost in your crazy little hedge fund scheme.

Decker: That was a legitimate investment. And, like all investments, it carries some risk.

Olivia: A risk she couldn't afford to take.

Decker: I can't baby everyone who writes a check hoping to strike it rich.

Olivia: No. Natalia is not everyone. Okay? She has a son in prison, and she struggles every day just to survive, to make a life for him to come home to. She's not a business woman. I mean, she barely got out of high school when she was pregnant. She had to work minimum wage jobs just to raise her son on her own. And then when she finally gets a break, she marries her high school sweetheart, and guess what?

Decker: Do I have to?

Olivia: He was killed in an accident before she even had a chance to live with him. She doesn't own a pair of shoes that cost more than $20, Larry. Is this the kind of woman you want to take money from?

Decker: The money is gone... my money, too. The fund tanked. I don't know what you want me to do.

Olivia: I want you just to pretend like the $80,000 wasn't a part of the money that you invested. Come on, this is a game for high rollers. Not a grieving widow with a few thousand dollars to her name. You shouldn't have taken the money in the first place. And think about this... think about the image that Galaxy is going to project. Do you really want to project the image of destroying lives, ruining families? Or do we want to show that we have compassion for someone who's only mistake was to put her trust in the wrong place? Come on, Larry. She only invested because she overheard you telling me what a great opportunity...

Decker: Yeah. That was quite a mouthful.

Olivia: Please, the money.

Decker: Well, considering that I like Natalia...

Olivia: Yeah?

Decker: I'll give it some thought.

Olivia: Thank you. It's really going to change her life, and you won't even miss it.

Decker: Oh, I'll miss it.

Olivia: That's too bad.

Buzz: Wow, you look like you're ready to conquer the world.

Natalia: I don't feel like it.

Buzz: No?

Natalia: I have so many things to do today, I don't even know where to start. I have to go to the police station. I have to pick up a prescription and dry cleaning. I have a shift at Farley's I have to do. And then after that, I have an appointment to set up.

Buzz: You know... if you need some eye drops, I have some underneath the bar, so you can...

Natalia: Okay.

Buzz: Frank told me about the money. I'm sorry.

Natalia: How about that, huh?

Buzz: Yeah.

Natalia: I lost all of it. Everything Gus left Rafe.

Buzz: Well, you know, I can float the rent for a couple of months.

Natalia: No, no. Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but no. Fifth of the month, just like always.

Buzz: I'm the worst businessman in the world. I've lost and made so much money in my life, so if you came in and told me you could triple what you put in, I'd say go for it.

Natalia: I don't think Frank would have.

Buzz: Well, you know, Frank's like you. He plays it safe.

Natalia: Well, safe is safer. I learned that the hard way.

Buzz: I know, but safe, you know, you get stuck. You were following your dreams. That's okay. It didn't work out this time. But you go ahead and follow your dreams. Maybe next time.

Natalia: Next time?

Buzz: Yeah. Maybe next time.

Natalia: I forgot my briefcase. See you.

Buzz: See you.

Rafe: I think you'd be okay.

Frank: What?

Rafe: For my mom.

Frank: Wait a minute. You think that...

Rafe: I think that if my mother wanted you, I think that you’re an okay guy, you’d be okay for my mom.

Frank: Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that. It means a lot to me.

Rafe: Look Frank, I’ve said it before, I just want her to be happy. I want her to go out and have some fun. That’s it.

Frank: I don’t know if she’s ready for that.

Rafe: I know because I’m in here and she feels like she has to be I church 24/7 and praying all the time and doing penance, but dude the truth is that she needs somebody. I know that. And you’re a decent guy and I know that you would never hurt her.

Frank: I wouldn’t hurt her in a million years, not intentionally. Aww man, Natalia is just...

Rafe: Oh my God.

Frank: What’s the matter?

Rafe: Oh my God. I’ve seen that before.

Frank: What are you talking about?

Rafe: That look in your..I’ve seen it in my dad.

Frank: Rafe, I’m not your father.

Rafe: I know.

Frank: I will never be, but I want to tell you something, if your mother and I were to get together, I promise you, I would totally take car of her and she certainly wouldn’t have to work like she is right now. Between you and me, let me tell you something... she wouldn't work at all.

Rafe: All right. All right. Keep talking.

Frank: I think about her all of the time. I'm worried about her. She works way too hard. You know what I really would like to do? I would just like to take her out one time.

Rafe: If you want her, then go get her.

Frank: Right.

Mallet: Do you want me to come in?

Marina: No. I can handle it.

Mallet: Yeah, but I should at least ask your dad for your hand.

Marina: I already gave it to you.

Mallet: But it's tradition.

Marina: Old-fashioned. Come on. I'll make a list of everything we need to do, and we can divvy up the jobs. And right now you can go rent a tux if you want.

Mallet: Well, I have some other things cooking.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: All right. So go! Let's tell your family the news, Mrs. Mallet.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Wait. That was a kiss of someone who's got a lot to do and is thinking about getting it done. I want to make sure that you're not jumping into this wedding for all of the wrong reasons.

Marina: No. Mallet, ever since you asked me to marry you, it felt right. Mallet, I've always liked you. Even back when we were just partners. I was attracted to you then. But I was a smart girl and I kept my mouth shut and my hands to myself.

Mallet: Oh, my God, you turn me on.

Marina: I'm serious. It just... always... it always felt so right, you know? I mean, we were friends and partners and roommates. Oh, my God... don't you see? It's just been a natural progression. I don't want to wait to be your wife. I don't want to wait for any of this. I would have married you back at the casino. But I needed to make sure that you were sure.

Mallet: Oh, I'm sure.

Marina: Okay. Then get out of my way because I have a wedding to plan.

Mallet: I love you. I said that, right?

Marina: Once.

Mallet: Okay, this is twice.

Marina: I love you, too.

Mallet: Call me, all right? Break a leg. Call me if you need my help, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Hey.

Natalia: Hi. Gotta go, I'm late.

Mallet: Okay. How are you doing? Oh... yes, it's Mallet. Yeah, I just left her, and she doesn't suspect a thing.

Natalia: Oh, good, you're here.

Frank: Hi.

Natalia: I need two extra security guards at the Beacon this weekend. There is this big fundraiser dinner, lots of V.I.P.’s, and Olivia prefers police officers. If any of available. Do you know anyone?

Frank: Hello.

Natalia: Oh, I'm sorry.

Frank: That's all right. You know what? No problem. I can give you a list and the names right here.

Natalia: Thanks.

Frank: Names and numbers. I saw Rafe.

Natalia: When?

Frank: Earlier today.

Natalia: I didn't think there were any visiting hours until next week.

Frank: Well were, you know what? It pays to be a cop. I actually scored him a job at the library.

Natalia: You... really?

Frank: Uh-huh. This way he can study and get his G.E.D.

Natalia: Oh, Frank! Thank you!

Frank: Oh, you're welcome.

Natalia: So how did he take it when you told him?

Frank: Well, about as good as you're taking it right now.

Natalia: Oh, wow.

Frank: You know what? This is... this is, I guess, the direction he should take right now.

Natalia: Well, he'll have his diploma when he gets out...

Frank: Yeah.

Natalia: ... And he can go straight to college.

Frank: That's exactly right. That's the plan. And you know what? At least prison won't be a total waste.

Natalia: Well, no, not if he can study.

Frank: Yeah.

Natalia: So how... how is he?

Frank: He's good. He's worried about you.

Natalia: Me?

Frank: Uh-huh. You know how kids are with their parents and all of that. He worries about you. He loves you. You know, like Marina. Marina feels that I'm workaholic.

Natalia: Marina! Congratulations!

Frank: What?

Natalia: Yeah!

Frank: What? Don't tell me she's pregnant?

Natalia: What are you talking about?

Frank: What are you talking about?

Natalia: I'm talking about her wedding to Mallet. I heard them on the steps and they were talking about planning it. It was so sweet.

Frank: What?

Natalia: Oh, no! She didn’t...

Frank: No.

Natalia: Oh, I did not just spoil this whole thing.

Frank: Oh, my God!

Natalia: I'm sorry. (Cell phone rings) Hello.

Olivia: I need you to come get me.

Natalia: Where are you?

Olivia: I'm outside of Decker’s room. I'm having a little trouble walking.

Natalia: I will call an ambulance for you then.

Olivia: No, no. He can't see me like this, okay? You come. Just you.

Natalia: Okay, I'm on my way.

Frank: Who needs an ambulance?

Marina: Hey!

Coop: Hey.

Marina: Is my dad around?

Coop: No.

Marina: Grandpa?

Coop: Ah, does this look dirty to you?

Marina: Yes.

Coop: Okay. No.

Marina: I was hoping to get everyone in the family together.

Coop: Well, good luck with that. Frank is working too much, and Dad's at the doctor's office. What about this one? Is this one still...

Marina: No. Spots.

Coop: Oh! No, forget this. I'm done. Can you keep a secret?

Marina: Better than any of you.

Coop: Frank and Dad bought tickets for us to go on a family vacation, to Greece, to go see...

Marina: Harley?

Coop: Uh-huh. We leave in a couple of days. And Frank has already arranged for you to have some time off of work. So all you have to do is just pack your bags and get on the plane.

Marina: I can't believe they did this without asking me.

Coop: It's kind of why they call it a surprise. It's a Cooper family project. So you can't say no, really. What? What is it? Is this about the house? Because there's a project for that, too. As soon as we get back, we're all going to pitch in and help you do it up, just like we did for Harley. We'll make it into the palace of your dreams that you've been talking about. So we'll go ahead...well, I think we're just going to change the leaky faucets. But don't worry, I'm not going to touch the plumbing or the electric, I promise.

Marina: Did anyone ever once consider that I might have a life?

Coop: No. You're part of the Cooper army. You're like a private.

Marina: What if I go AWOL.

Coop: Why would you want to do that? Marina? Hey... what are you doing?

Marina: Getting a beer.

Coop: Don't you think it's a little early to be doing that?

Marina: No. It comes with the territory.

Mallet: Marina? It's all clear. Come on in.

Eleni: Oh, wow! This is such a nice house. Wow! It reminds me of the house that Frank and I moved into when Marina was little. It's a great place for kids and... it's really, really nice of you to invite me out here. I appreciate it. It doesn't mean that I'm happy that you guys are living here together, but, um... I'll try to keep an open mind.

Mallet: Okay. Well, good. Because it's got to seem a little crazy, you know, me with Marina.

Eleni: Well, it's probably better if we don't talk about it.

Mallet: Okay. That works for me.

Eleni: Overall, you're not a terrible choice for my daughter.

Mallet: Thank you... I think. We're happy.

Eleni: Well, that's good.

Mallet: And I'm committed.

Eleni: And that's better.

Mallet: And I love Marina very much. And I think after you've been here for a while, you'll see that we belong together.

Eleni: It's like I said, an open mind.

Natalia: What are you doing here all by yourself?

Olivia: I had business.

Natalia: Okay. But I can help you with that. That's why you hired me, so you don't have to be alone.

Olivia: Okay. Are you going to scold me or are you going to help me up?

Natalia: I'm sorry. We're going right to the hospital.

Olivia: Fine, but I need a snack.

Natalia: A snack. We're going to go to the hospital.

Olivia: Don't be so anti-snack.

Natalia: I still think I should call an ambulance.

Olivia: Come on. You're no fun.

Natalia: Don't worry, the doctor is going to be here in a minute.

Olivia: Yeah. Leave it to me to get a bad pacemaker. Right? I mean, they'll probably have to take this out and put another one in.

Natalia: Just... just relax. They're just going to give you like a little tune-up for whatever.

Olivia: Yeah, that's it. I'm like a car with too many miles on it, you know? Eventually I'll just...

Natalia: No. No, you're not. Look at me. You're going to be fine.

Olivia: I'm very sorry.

Natalia: Don't be.

Olivia: I should have warned you...

Natalia: What?

Olivia: The investment. I should have... I should have said something. I wanted to, and... and I don't know. I just know you've lost all your money.

Natalia: I can make it back. I'm going to be fine.

Olivia: No. How can you... why do you have to be so brave? You don't have to be so brave all the time.

Natalia: Just calm down.

Olivia: I don't want to calm down. Why don't you get angry? Why don't you get angry? Hit something. Hit me! Because if you cost me $80,000, I would take you to court and I would sue you for the rights to your... your... what is it that you have? Nothing!

Natalia: Just stop acting like you had anything at all to do with what happened. I made that investment. All on my own. All by myself. So just, really, quiet down before they have to come in here and reboot you.

Olivia: Reboot me?

Natalia: Resuscitate... whatever. Focus on yourself... focus on you and your kids.

Olivia: Oh, Emma! She has a dance recital. I have to be there. What time is it?

Natalia: No. It doesn't matter what time it is because you can't go.

Olivia: No. I have to go.

Natalia: No.

Olivia: Otherwise she's going to be the only one there without a parent.

Natalia: No. She won’t. She won’t. She'll have me. I can go.

Olivia: No. It's not your job.

Natalia: I know it's not my job. I love stuff like that. I remember Rafe’s first talent show. He dressed up like Bruce Lee and he tried to break a board with his hand, and he broke his little pinky finger. The next year he sang.

Olivia: Rafe sings?

Natalia: Well, he sure didn't win. But he can dance... he's a good dancer.

Olivia: I'm sure he is.

Natalia: He would practice all over the house, and I used to stop what I was doing and watch him. Just amazing. So we're talking about Emma, and I would be very proud to go in your place.

Olivia: What do we tell Emma?

Natalia: I'll take care of that. You work on getting yourself back on your feet.

Olivia: Okay. You handle that, and I'll handle this. It's just a reboot... that's all it is.

Natalia: Uh-huh. Okay.

Olivia: Okay.

Mallet: So it was after Gus and Harley split up, that Harley started... seeing...

Eleni: Cyrus Foley, Marina's boyfriend.

Mallet: Right. I guess she filled you in on that.

Eleni: Yeah.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, so there have been a lot of changes since you've gone.

Eleni: I am more interested in the changes that have happened right here, in this house. Mallet, you know, it's not that I don't like you. It's just that she's my only child.

Mallet: I wonder where she's been? I don't know what's taking her so long. She should be home any minute.

Eleni: But you and Marina worked together for a long time? How did things change?

Mallet: Um... well, it just kind of, um, kind of happened. It just happened. I didn't pursue her or anything. We were friends first. And, um... friends one minute, and then the next...

Eleni: What? What would you call yourselves now?

Mallet: Do you mind if I call her and see what is taking so long?

Eleni: I want you to tell me how you feel about my daughter.

Mallet: Um... well, how do I feel about your daughter? It's kind of complicated. I mean, it's, um... what do I feel? Well, like right now? I wish she was here because I miss her, and she makes everything better when she's around. And I don't just love her, I like her.

Eleni: That's nice. Very important.

Mallet: And you should see her on a job. You'd be so proud of her. She's such a great cop. And she’s... she's very beautiful. And she's compassionate, and she's kind. And, um... she's very funny. She's a funny girl. There is really nobody else like her. And I highly respect her, totally. Everybody does. Marina is... she's just Marina. You know my history.

Eleni: Yeah.

Mallet: I loved Harley, and I loved Dinah, and I don't regret a minute of my time that I spent with either one of them, but those relationships were born in fire, and they never quite left it.

Eleni: Fire?

Mallet: You know, constant drama. A lot of drama. And none of that lasts. And Marina and I were friends first. And what we have, we built on solid ground. Kind of like this house. It doesn't wobble in every wind, and it doesn't leak in every storm. And it never will. We just get each other, you know?

Eleni: I'm beginning to.

Mallet: Good. Because I know it's very important to Marina, to have your blessing, and it's very important to me as well.

Frank: Hey, sweetheart, what's up?

Marina: What's up? Coop just told me about the big plan to go visit Harley.

Frank: Coop's got a big mouth. We wanted to surprise you.

Marina: It was a surprise.

Frank: Well, good. Good. Well, you know, we thought it would be a good idea for the whole family to kind of get away and relax...

Marina: You know, what if I'm not in the mood to relax.

Frank: Are you worried about seeing your Aunt Harley, or...

Marina: No. No! No, it's not that. It's just I am an adult now, and I would like to be considered and consulted on these things before you just tell me to get on a plane.

Frank: Listen, I'm sorry. We kind of thought it would be a great idea and a lot of fun, so we all kind of just jumped right in. I mean... it looks like you have maybe something else on your mind?

Marina: Yes.

Frank: Is it Mallet?

Marina: No. It's you and it's Coop and it's Grandpa. Don't get me wrong. I love you guys, but I don't want to be a private in the Cooper army anymore. I want to be a general. You know, someone who leads, instead of...

Frank: Instead of what?

Marina: You guys are all over my life. All the time. It's my job, it's my relationship, it's my house.

Frank: Marina, you know what? There are some people who would love to be in this family, whether it be by birth or marriage.

Marina: I love you, Dad.

Frank: I love you, too. What just happened here?

Olivia: Hi, I'm okay.

Buzz: You've been better. You don't look okay.

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Buzz: I'm in for everything, you know, pancreas, liver... everything. Count my teeth.

Olivia: (Laughing)

Buzz: You're not okay. Heart?

Olivia: Yeah. What else?

Buzz: Is it serious?

Olivia: I'll be fine. Eventually... maybe. I don't know.

Buzz: What is it?

Olivia: Emma's in a talent show, and I had to send Natalia and once again I'm stuck in this bed neglecting my kid.

Buzz: You are not neglecting your kid.

Olivia: What do you call it when you have to send someone else to mother your own child?

Buzz: Listen to me. Would you stop beating yourself up. Every parent can't be every place for their kid. You're sick. Emma knows that. You got a substitute... you let Natalia do it. You know, not every person has someone to do that.

Olivia: I just want to feel whole again. I want to be a mother and a business woman...

Buzz: And a barracuda and a sex object and a trapeze artist...

Olivia: (Laughing)

Buzz: ...And sometimes you have to have the courage to reach out a little bit, and maybe you'll be able to pay her back.

Olivia: I tried, but I'm not sure it's going to work out.

Buzz: You don't have to tough it out. You're going to have to ask somebody for help. You're going to have to ask somebody for hugs. To let somebody hug you. Can I hug you?

Olivia: Yes.

Marina: Hey. Okay.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: So, change of plans. How much do you love me?

Mallet: A lot.

Marina: Okay, and I'm like the only thing that matters in your life, right?

Mallet: Well, you and my fantasy football team, but for the sake of argument, I'll say yes. So what's going on?

Marina: I ran into Coop today, and he told me about... a surprise. Is somebody here?

Eleni: Surprise!

Marina: Mom? (Laughter)

Eleni: Oh, sweetie.

Marina: What are you doing here?

Mallet: Well, I flew her in, I told her I thought you might like her around for...

Marina: To see the house? Yes! And all of our renovations. Oh, my gosh, this is so great! I can't wait to show you everything that we've done.

Eleni: Oh, sweetie, you look wonderful.

Marina: Oh, so do you. How did you get away? You've been so busy.

Eleni: I hired an assistant. I'm learning to delegate.

Marina: Excellent! That's good. Dad's going to be so happy to see you.

Eleni: I'm going to be so happy to see him and everyone.

Marina: I've missed you.

Eleni: I've missed you, sweetie.

Mallet: Marina, um...

Marina: I don't want any coffee, but thank you. Come on, I'll show you the yard.

Eleni: Oh, boy.

Frank: Hey, Coop?

Coop: Uh-huh?

Frank: Were you here when Marina showed up?

Coop: Yeah.

Frank: Did she tell you something that you should be telling me right now?

Coop: No.

Frank: Did she act like she wanted to tell you something?

Coop: Yes.

Frank: Ah, okay. Do you think you can answer the questions by saying just more than one word?

Coop: Yes. What, Frank? She looked like she was whacked out about something, but then I told her about the trip to Greece, and, um... what is this about, anyway?

Frank: Natalia overheard Marina and Mallet planning their wedding.

Coop: Oh.

Frank: Oh? Frank, what do you want me to say? This is a good thing, isn't it?

Frank: You know what? I think they're planning on eloping. It sounds really like that's the plan. And guess what? I'm not going to let it happen.

Natalia: Stickers! Look at all of these. (Cell phone rings) Hello?

Rafe: Hey, Mom, it's me. I don't have a lot of time to talk. I just want to say hi.

Natalia: I heard all about the library job.

Rafe: I know. Isn't that crazy? You know, Frank's a great guy, Mom. It's crazy, you know, but sometimes he kind of... I don't know, he kind of reminds me of Gus.

Natalia: I thank God every day for Frank. And I pray for you, too.

Rafe: Look, Mom, you've got to stop. Look, about the money thing again, please don't worry about that. It just wasn't meant to be. I don't know, go outside. Go get an ice cream cone or something.

Natalia: Would you like me to bring you one the next time I come?

Rafe: Mom, I've got to go. There is some guy giving me the evil eye for the phone. All right. So, I love you.

Natalia: I love you, too, baby. Hey, Rafe, before you go... hello? Did I tell you what a fabulous little dancer you were today?

Emma: Only about one million billion times.

Natalia: Well, it's true. And your mom is going to be so proud of you when she sees you on the internet.

Emma: Will you show Rafe, too?

Natalia: Yeah.

Emma: You miss him a lot, don't you?

Natalia: Every minute of every day. But it hurts a little less when you're around.

Decker: How are you feeling?

Olivia: Feverish, actually. You know what they say, kids are like incubators. Emma came home with the flu, and the next thing, wham!

Decker: You don't have the flu. It's your heart. You've been concealing your condition from me since the day we inked the deal. And please, don't deny it. I've done my research.

Olivia: I was afraid that if you knew...

Decker: I'd pull you from the project. I guess that speech you gave on Natalia Rivera’s behalf took a lot out of you. It certainly was impassioned. And you were right.

Olivia: About the money?

Decker: About me. I don't want to be known as a guy who goes around robbing grieving widows. So I will return Ms. Rivera's investment on one condition.

Olivia: Anything.

Decker: You haven't heard it yet. I want you to resign, and I want you to publicly apologize for your deception. And I want you to tell the press how understanding I've been about your illness.

Olivia: So you don't look like the bad guy firing me?

Decker: I'm glad we understand each other. This is business, Olivia. It's nothing personal. I need the vibrant, tireless woman you used to be. Not... not this.

Olivia: Fine, just give her her money back.

Decker: It's as good as done. Good luck, Olivia.

Marina: At first we were just fixing this place up to sell. But, you know, after a while, it just felt so right, like our whole relationship.

Eleni: Well, there's lots of rooms, perfect for a growing family.

Marina: Yeah. And your room is down the hall. And if you want to go upstairs, I'll take your bag upstairs and I'll be back. Did you say anything to my mother about the wedding?

Mallet: No. I was going to, but you told me to shut up. What's going on?

Marina: I got totally sandbagged at Company. The Cooper clan all got together and bought me some plane tickets to go see Harley.

Mallet: You never got a chance to tell them...

Marina: No, no, no. They were too busy planning my whole life to listen to me. I mean, I love them! They're my family, for better or for worse... usually worse... but I need something in my life that is just mine, just ours, you know. Forget my mom and dad.

Mallet: You're going to leave them out of the ceremony?

Marina: Mallet, it just gets too complicated, right? Let's just do something simple. Just you and me and then later we'll throw a big party and invite everybody we know. But right now, this is just for us.

Mallet: I shouldn't have invited your mom?

Marina: No, no, no. What you did was so sweet and so wonderful. And I'm so happy to see her. It's just... right now I just need one thing in my life, Mallet, just one thing. And I don't need every Cooper on the planet to weigh in on it.

Mallet: Okay. Okay. I understand. So... when?

Marina: This week. I don't know, here in our house. Just you and me. I mean, unless you need more than me.

Mallet: I will never need more than you.

Frank: I'm going to throw Marina and Mallet a real Cooper wedding. We're going to have dancing, music, food... the whole works. They tried to elope before, but they couldn't do it. And you know why? Because this is what they really want!

Coop: Are you sure this is what Marina wants?

Frank: You bet I am.

Coop: Frank, don't make Marina mad.

Frank: Let me tell you something... I know my daughter. And you know why she didn't want the big, expensive, fancy wedding? Because she knew it would place a financial burden on you know who.

Coop: You?

Frank: Yes, me! I'm going to take the pressure off of her. She wants to be with her family, and that's exactly what she's going to get. I've got to make 50 million phone calls. I'm going to call everybody. I'm even going to, maybe, invite Natalia as a date.

Coop: Yeah?

Frank: Yeah!

Coop: Yeah?

Frank: Yes! This is going to be the Cooper wedding of the century! I'm back baby.

Olivia: Come here jellybean. I'm sorry I missed your show.

Natalia: Well, you didn't miss it because it's on the internet. All we have to do is find a laptop.

Olivia: You know where to go?

Natalia: Oh, you should have seen her. She was the star of the show. That girl is fearless, like somebody else I know.

Olivia: Did she win?

Natalia: Well, they gave everybody a prize. So I have a shift that I need to start over Farley's.

Olivia: Thank you for taking care of her.

Natalia: Oh, it's my pleasure, really. I enjoyed it.

Olivia: You know, I have some news that you might enjoy. Um... I don't want to say anything right now.

Natalia: Oh, no, no. What?

Olivia: I... you should go. I don't want to make you late for work.

Natalia: Okay. Well, can I get you guys anything before I go?

Olivia: No. I've got everything I need right here.

Coming up on "Guiding Light”

Mallet: We were going to ask you if you would marry us in a very private ceremony.

Marina: Yes, very private. Just the two of us.

Josh: Okay. I'll help you. I'd be honored.

Mallet: Hello?

Dinah: Surprise!

Mallet: Wow, Dinah! Wow! I didn't think I'd hear from you again.

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