GL Transcript Wednesday 12/3/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/3/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on Guiding Light...

Natalia: No I can literally buy myself and Rafe a better life.

Olivia: The money’s gone.

Natalia: What?

Olivia: The fund went bust over night. It’s all gone.

Frank: Natalia, Dad wanted me to check up on you. Natalia? Natalia, oh God.

Natalia: Oh no, no, no.

Frank: No, no, it’s ok, you’re not that late.

Natalia: I sat down to tie my shoes. Uh.

Frank: You’re ok. Did you..did you take on another job?

Natalia: Oh yeah, I started a couple of nights ago. You know the late shift.

Frank: I thought you were working full time for Olivia.

Natalia: Well you know, you can always do better, right?

Olivia: I thought that this pace maker was supposed to solve everything. Why aren’t I feeling better? I’m getting dizzy still and Emma has a pageant coming up, I can’t miss it.

Rick: Well, you might have to, Olivia. It’s not a good time to push it. So, how’s the heartbeat been?

Olivia: Irregular, it’s definitely not normal.

Rick: The process is the same, just trying to get the right dose for your prescription, so it’s going to take a little experimentation. That’s why it’s very important to talk to your doctor whenever you have a problem.

Olivia: When am I going to feel better? Am I ever going to feel normal? Ever, ever, ever, ever?

Rick: I can’t make that kind of promise. I can’t promise that there will ever be a time where you’re not going to ever think about all of this stuff.

Coop: I don’t need a lecture Dad. I am a grown man, I know what I am doing.

Buzz: Coop, why do you think people confide in me? Because I don’t lecture. Because I listen and give an opinion based on many, many years of experience.

Coop: Experience, really?

Buzz: Come on, you’re my son, I just want to help you.

Coop: I don’t need your help, Dad, I don’t.

Buzz: Look, humor me.

Coop: Fine, you know what? Based on your many, many years of experience, what do you recommend? What’s your opinion here?

Buzz: My opinion is that you are out of your mind.

Coop: Fine, if you’re gonna be that way, just...

Buzz: I get it, she’s a beautiful woman, but...

Coop: But, but, but what Dad?

Buzz: But, it is safer for you to have a love affair in that kitchen with my deli meat slicer.

Alan: I hope Peyton never grows up.

Beth: Lizzie?

Alan: Yes, she’s upstairs with Bill, in her room.

Beth: I don’t like it either, but maybe it’s for the best.

Alan: How is that possible?

Beth: You, me, Vanessa and Billy, we are all weary and we can all keep an eye on him.

Alan: Are you serious? Do you honestly thing that Billy and Vanessa..if they find a clue that they are going to turn in their own son to the police?

Beth: I think that Billy loves Lizzie almost as much as he loves Bill.

Alan: Almost? Well, I’m not going to bet Elizabeth’s future on almost.

Beth: Okay, fine, then it’s up to you and me. And we will protect Lizzie. Where are you going?

Alan: Gotta get out of this house!


Grady: Hang on. Wow, you found me.

Cyrus: Yeah, I’ve been around town looking for my little brother. Nothing better to do.

Grady: I didn’t even tell Daisy where I was.

Cyrus: Well, you’re not invisible, Grady, people can see you like..maids and janitors, people that tend to talk when you slip them a twenty.

Grady: I needed some space.

Cyrus: Yeah, right, why stay with me when you can spend Alan Spaulding’s money instead.

Grady: It's over. Bill Lewis woke up.

Cyrus: And?

Grady: And... he has no idea that I'm the one that kidnapped Lizzie. (Laughs)

Cyrus: Are you sure?

Grady: I'm positive. Daisy went to visit him, and I ran into him. He's got no idea.

Cyrus: You really think it's that easy? You think Bill is just going to roll over and let the police charge him?

Grady: No. That's why I took extra precautions.

Cyrus: Planting that jacket in Bill's closest is not going to be enough to convict him, Grady.

Grady: But this is.

Cyrus: What's that?

Grady: Lizzie gave me a souvenir. She's a feisty one. Scratched me with my own key.

Cyrus: What are you talking about? If Lizzie sees that you're stuffed.

Grady: Lizzie... is going to see this. She's going to see the mark on Bill, and then she's going to know...

Cyrus: You cut a guy in a coma?

Grady: Brilliant, huh? It's incredible. Bill is now going to have the mark on him, so Lizzie’s going to see that the kidnapper is none other than her boyfriend.

Bill: Lizzie, don't worry. You're not going to hurt me.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. I have to... I have to go.

Bill: Lizzie!

Lizzie: It’s Bill. It’s Bill. It's Bill.

(Knock on the door)

Alan: Well...

Cyrus: I didn't think anyone knew about this place.

Alan: Well, I'm looking for...

Cyrus: My brother?

Alan: Yeah.

Cyrus: Yeah, you just missed him.

Alan: Well, tell him to call me.

Cyrus: According to Grady, his business with you is finished.

Alan: Close the door. My deal with your other is not finished 'til Bill Lewis is completely out of my life forever.

Cyrus: Oh, you mean like when Bill is in jail?

Alan: That would be a start, yes.

Cyrus: Well, my brother seems to think he's got it all under control.

Alan: Well, your brother is a little rough around the edges for me. Do you think I should trust him?

Cyrus: Why would I answer that? And why would you believe me, if I did?

Alan: You know something? I'm not certain if it's when you broke my sister's heart or maybe Marina's or Harley’s, but somewhere along the line, Cyrus, you seem to have developed a conscience.

Cyrus: Meaning?

Alan: Well, just a while back, you were a little uneasy about Bill going to jail.

Cyrus: Oh, you mean because he's innocent?

Alan: Well, he may be innocent of kidnapping, but he is guilty of a lot of other things that are worthy of jail time.

Cyrus: Aren't we all?

Alan: Let me ask you something, what are the plans for your future? I mean, are you going to go out and get you an honorable job, Mr. Foley, or are you going to continue to be your brother's keeper? I'm sure it doesn't pay that well.

Cyrus: Why do you care, Alan?

Alan: Because I pay very well, that's why. I'll take that as a maybe.

Coop: Beth and I... it just happened. All right? Neither one of us went out looking for each other or anything.

Buzz: But you found each other.

Coop: Dad, I haven't dated anyone since Ashlee.

Buzz: Coop, I've been worried about you that you didn't have a life, that you've been burying yourself in your work.

Coop: I am-- I was-- I'm trying to. It's just... it's just not as easy this time around. I mean, every time I get on a roll, Blake would call and she'd ask how the book is coming, and I'd get into like a freeze, this writer's block.

Buzz: So Beth is the answer to your writer's block?

Coop: I was at the campus library. And Beth was there writing a paper for law school. We started talking. You know, we just connected. And we just kept on connecting.

Buzz: Uh-huh. How connected are you.

Coop: It's no big deal.

Buzz: Yeah. That's what Beth said. I didn't believe her, either. And now I really, really don't believe you. Don't you want to be with a woman, a woman with a future? Not Alan Spaulding’s wife.

Coop: Beth is not with Alan.

Buzz: She's with Alan. She lives with him in the same house. They have a baby together. Come on, you were always the level-headed one.

Coop: Maybe I'm just tired of thinking things through. All right? I don't-- I'm tired of being the good guy. The nice guy who always ends up being screwed. I don't want to be like Frank.

Buzz: Frank is a great guy.

Coop: I know he's a great guy, but look where it gets him in the end. I mean, Natalia, she should just be falling all over him, but, like, she barely even knows he's alive.

Buzz: Well, her life is kind of complicated right now.

Coop: Fine. Fine, fine. All right. It's a bad example. But... I mean, when was the last time Frank actually had a woman in his life? Oh, right, Olivia. And we both know how that turned out, right? She ended up leaving him for his father.

Buzz: Frank and I are past that.

Coop: I'm not-- I'm just saying, Dad, the point is, I'm not trying to bring up any bad thoughts here or bad memories. I'm just asking you to not expect me to be level-headed because you're not. Harley isn’t. Marina, she's not. Daisy, again...

Buzz: You were always the one that got it right.

Coop: Maybe I just won't be a Cooper right now. Dad, I don't want to write the end of this book before I have a chance to live it. And because of that, I'm just going to go with it.

Olivia: (Breathing heavy)

Decker: Olivia?

Olivia: Hi.

Decker: You all right?

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. I was just on the phone with China most of the night, so I thought I'd just sit and have a little power rest, and I'll be ready to go.

Decker: If you say so.

Olivia: Um, let me ask you something about the hedge fund that Natalia invested in. There's not a chance that could rebound?

Decker: No. We all got spanked on that one. Easy come; easy go.

Olivia: Yeah, but I don't think it's that easy for some people.

Decker: You're cheeks are awfully flushed.

Olivia: What?

Decker: Are you sure you're okay? We're gearing up for a huge tour through Asia next week. If you can't handle it, I need to know.

Olivia: All I needed was a little rest. I'm going to go pick out my clothes for the trip. Would you like to help me, or should I surprise you?

Buzz: You found her.

Frank: Yeah. The poor thing was upstairs asleep on her couch. Do you know she took the late shift at Farley's?

Buzz: I know, she mentioned it. She probably wants to buy Christmas presents for Rafe.

Frank: Nah. I think it's more than that.

Buzz: She has her own choices. I can't tell her what to do, Frank.

Natalia: Hey, you don't have to do this.

Frank: No. No. No. I know. I know. Listen, is this about buying Cassie’s house? Because, you know, you really shouldn't have to work this hard. Maybe... Natalia, maybe it's not worth it.

Natalia: I'm not buying Cassie’s house.

Frank: Okay. Then why are you working yourself to death here? I mean, is it for Rafe’s attorney. Because I thought the sale of Gus' house would, you know, cover that.

Natalia: Well, I might need some more.

Frank: Then you need to fire your attorney. He's overcharging you. Do you want me to call Mel Boudreau for you?

Natalia: Frank, stop. It’s...

Frank: No, seriously. I'll put in a good word for you.

Natalia: I can't afford Mel. I can't afford anyone.

Frank: Did you spend the money that you made on Gus' house already?

Natalia: I didn't spend it. I invested it. Badly.

Frank: How badly?

Natalia: It's gone, all of it.

Frank: Gone? What?

Natalia: I heard Olivia talking about this foreign hedge fund, you know, the type of thing that is supposed to triple your money. I didn't want to be greedy, but I wanted enough to cover the house, you know, and to cover Rafe’s expenses. It seemed like a sure thing.

Frank: I am so sorry.

Natalia: I've had to work all my life, you know. It's not really different now.

Frank: Hold on. You're okay with this?

Natalia: What else am I going to do?

Bill: What's going on? Are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah. That probably looked really weird, me just running into the bathroom.

Bill: What happened?

Lizzie: When I was kidnapped, I found this thing one day. I don't know what it was, but it was sharp. And I waited for the kidnapper to get close, and then I slashed him, right across his chest.

Bill: Like this?

Lizzie: You're being set up. I know it. I've said that all along.

Bill: So you think the kidnapper did this to me?

Lizzie: Yeah, I do. Maybe, maybe you got it from the car accident, okay? I haven't seen you with your shirt off in a really long time. It just kind of freaked me out. But listen to me, I don't know what's happening, but I know that you didn't do this, Bill, okay? It's going to take a lot more than that to make me lose faith in you.

Frank: Hey, hey, hey. No more. Absolutely, I want you to sit.

Natalia: I can’t.

Frank: You are allowed to take breaks. Sit. Here. I get what you're trying to do here, okay? You're trying to make up for the lost money. But if you work 24/7, you're going to kill yourself.

Natalia: That money was not just my money. It was Rafe’s. For a lawyer. For a home. For college. I have a lot of making up to do.

Frank: Rafe would never want to see his mother suffer like this. To give up your whole life because you made one mistake.

Natalia: What life?

Frank: Exactly. I want to ask you out. On a date. No strings attached. Just to get out so you can relax.

Natalia: You have been such a great friend to me.

Frank: Then listen to me.

Natalia: Another time in my life, I would be a fool to turn you down. But now? Rafe's in prison. I just can’t. Of all people, I mean, I have nothing to offer you, Frank.

Frank: Then at least let me bus the rest of these tables, okay?

Natalia: Okay.

Emma: Mommy, why is Natalia so tired?

(Cell phone rings) (cell phone rings)

Beth: Coop, please don't call me.

Coop: Listen, Beth, I just wanted to give you a call and warn you that I may have told my dad that I'm the guy that you're seeing.

Beth: You may have?

Coop: Okay, I did.

Beth: Why? Why would you do that? You know that he's going to tell my mother.

Coop: He won’t. Okay, he might.

Beth: He will.

Coop: I will tell him to back off. Okay?

Alan: Mr. Bradshaw. You're just the man that I want to see.

Beth: Coop, is that Alan?

Coop: Um... let me call you back.

Bill: Hey.

Lizzie: Are you okay? You know, we didn't have to leave the bedroom.

Bill: Yeah, I know. I know. I just, I don't want to think that you're sleeping with me to prove something to me.

Lizzie: Okay. I wouldn't be.

Bill: Because we have plenty of time.

Lizzie: I know. I know.

Bill: Okay, okay.

Lizzie: By the time you're healthy again, these ridiculous charges are going to be dropped.

Bill: So you think someone set me up, huh? Any ideas?

Lizzie: I know who you're thinking. My grandfather. I would think the same thing, but he has actually been on my side through all of this. When my mom and your parents were starting to doubt you, he stuck by me. I was really upset, he went to the police station and started to confess. He didn't do it. He did that for me. He's just really been on my side.

Bill: Hmmm. Really? You mentioned Dinah-- she took off when this happened to me. Do you know where she went?

Lizzie: No. Your mom said she thought that Dinah left town. That she was searching for a specialist to help you. But...

Bill: Come on. You know what?

Lizzie: What?

Bill: We've been talking so much about me. I don't know anything about what you went through. And I can’t even imagine.

Lizzie: Well, I told you most of it, you know, when you rescued me.

Bill: I know, but you were scared and we were trying to get out of there.

Lizzie: Um, the worst part, I guess, was not being in control. You know, being blindfolded and tied up. I could only move if he let me. And I could only eat if he made me.

Bill: Did he hurt you?

Lizzie: He threatened me a lot, but, but he didn't, he actually took pretty good care of me. You look really tired.

Bill: You'd think being in a coma for a couple of weeks, I'd feel more rested. (Laughs)

Lizzie: I'll take you back to bed. Okay, I'm sorry.

Bill: For what?

Lizzie: Your scar, I made such a big deal out of it. It's from the car accident, okay? I know it is. Come on.

Emma: Were you sleeping?

Natalia: No. I was just resting my eyes. Let me guess, you want some chocolate ice cream?

Emma: With sprinkles?

Natalia: Yeah, come on. Up.

Olivia: Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Olivia: How are you doing?

Natalia: Fine. You?

Olivia: Is there anything...

Natalia: Oh, you know what? I heard back from the City Tourist Bureau. They called. There are two conventions that could possibly be booked next spring at the Beacon.

Olivia: Great.

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah.

Natalia: Okay. I need to get back to work.

Olivia: Um, what about a raise?

Natalia: What?

Olivia: A raise.

Natalia: What?

Olivia: Um, you know, you really shouldn't work here. It's a lot. And we can negotiate an increase, you know. Because I have this Galaxy trip coming up, and I'm going to need the extra help.

Natalia: A raise would be wonderful, but I'm not going to stop working here.

Coop: I wouldn't have expected you to step foot into a place like this. Slumming?

Alan: If I want to find a Cooper, I don't go to the country club.

Coop: What do you want, Alan?

Alan: It's come to my attention that you, once again, are in my family's orbit. I thought I didn't have to deal with you ever again after I removed you from Elizabeth’s life.

Coop: I was happy to hear that she was brought home safely.

Alan: Don't change the subject.

Coop: I'm sorry? Where were we? Me, in orbit.

Alan: Do you think that's funny?

Coop: (Laughs) Well, I think you confronting me in a mini-mart is pretty poetic, actually, don't you?

Alan: Poetic? Huh? Wow, if you think this is poetic, I don't know if you're fit for the job.

Coop: Fit for what?

Alan: Your new job. Eighth grade English teacher.

Coop: James. This is about James?

Alan: Yes. Who else would it be about? I mean, you will be his teacher now, he will be in your class.

Coop: Yeah, it's funny how Cooper’s and Spaulding’s, we always seem to end up intertwined with each other.

Alan: I'm not sure I can trust you to be fair and competent with him. I've read some of your book.

Coop: You bought my book?

Alan: No. Beth did.

Coop: She did? And?

Alan: It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. Of course, my expectations were pretty low.

Coop: Okay. Maybe you'll like my next book much better. It's about an affair. An older woman and a younger man.

Alan: Hmmm. Why would I be interested in that?

Coop: Because you might learn something.

Alan: From a boy like you?

Coop: Alan, I'm not a boy. And I will be very fair to James. In fact, if I remember correctly, when I was dating Lizzie, James and I got along pretty well. In fact, most of your family and I get along very well. Except for you. Maybe you're the problem.

Mel: Hey.

Bill: Hey.

Mel: I thought you'd be resting.

Bill: There's just too much to read. Half of the town thinks I'm guilty. Might as well find out why.

Mel: How are you feeling?

Bill: Oh, just fantastic. Um, Lizzie said that she hired you to be my lawyer. Thank you for taking the case. I didn't think you would.

Mel: Well, everyone deserves representation, guilty or innocent.

Bill: You think I'm guilty?

Mel: Are you?

Bill: Are you representing me?

Mel: Yes.

Bill: I'm innocent.

Mel: Good! Now all we have to do is make everyone else believe that.

Bill: Well, look, Lizzie said all of this evidence against me is circumstantial. Like the ransom note.

Mel: Well, the fact that the letters came from the magazine you owned is shocking, but it's not proof. The coat that was found shoved under your bed, that was identified as the kidnapper’s. That's going to be a little tough.

Bill: Right. Well, look, Lizzie said someone set me up. Is there any way to prove that, that the coat was actually planted there?

Mel: That's going to be hard. But, listen, all I need is a little doubt.

Bill: All right. And that's, that's it. That's all of the evidence.

Mel: You tell me.

Bill: I don't know what the police have.

Mel: I know what the police have. But I want to know what you know, you and Lizzie. I mean, you guys have to tell me everything, even if you think it makes you look guilty. I need to know. Okay? Don't protect yourself. That's my job.

Bill: All right. Well, there is one thing that Lizzie didn't tell the police.

Mel: Really? What is it?

Bill: She managed to get something sharp in her hand and slashed the kidnapper with it across the chest.

Mel: Really? And does she think it was deep enough to leave a mark.

Bill: She's sure she did.

Mel: Really? Well-- I mean, do you know what you're saying? That's physical evidence. This could clear your name. All you have to do in court is take off your shirt and... has Lizzie seen that?

Bill: Yeah, and her reaction was just like yours. But she thinks maybe it-- I don't know, maybe it happened in the car accident, right?

Mel: Yeah. That's, that's a possibility. Okay, so I just need to know how your going to plead, guilty or not guilty?

Bill: Well, Lizzie thinks I'm innocent, and that's all that matters to me.

Mel: Innocent it is. Now, button that shirt and don't let anyone ever see that again.

Bill: All right.

Cyrus: Hey. Congrats on your good news.

Lizzie: My good news?

Cyrus: Yeah, Bill. He's awake. Isn't that good news?

Lizzie: Ah, yeah. Yeah, for the police. Now they know they can arrest him. Not that anyone cares.

Cyrus: I don't believe that. His parents, they must...

Lizzie: Are completely convinced that he did it, along with my mom and the police. I'm the only one who believes in him. Do you know what that feels like? To have everyone against you?

Cyrus: Yeah, I do.

Lizzie: Every conversation with my family, with Bill, it's just hanging in the air. All of the questions and the doubt. Why did he say it like that? What do you think that meant?

Cyrus: And now you're starting to wonder.

Lizzie: I just want the questions to stop.

Cyrus: What are you looking for?

Lizzie: I'm looking for something that makes scars disappear. My Aunt Alex needs it. You know, she's totally vain.

Cyrus: Right. Well... this will help.

Lizzie: Oh, thanks.

Cyrus: Lizzie, hang on. That oil will help, but if it's a bad scar, tell Alex to call one of her plastic surgeon friends and find a way to make it disappear for good.

Lizzie: I want to hire you.

Cyrus: That's about as much as I know about getting rid of scars.

Lizzie: No. I want to hire you to find out the truth about my kidnapping.

Frank: Emma, can I borrow your mommy for a minute? Hey, Pop, can you watch Emma?

Olivia: I'll be right back. What's going on? You seem upset.

Frank: Upset? No. No. I was upset when you dumped me for my dad. Then I was really upset when you left my father at the alter. But right now, I'm just done with you.

Olivia: All right. I deserve that. What did I do now?

Frank: I'm talking about Natalia here. How could you let her sink all of her money into some get-rich-quick scheme, huh? Did you know that she took another job? I can't even keep track of how many jobs she has right now. But that's the fun part for you, just pulling her into your life and then just watching her sink.

Olivia: Frank, I didn't know, when Decker was telling me about the hedge fund, that she was listening. And I certainly didn't know she would sink all of her money into it.

Frank: No, but you made it sound like a sure thing. And you, of all people, know how badly she needs money.

Olivia: Look, I have tried, I have really tried to help her.

Frank: To what? To care? To be a decent human being? Well, guess what, Olivia, stop trying, because it's never going to happen.

Natalia: "Visiting you the other day, telling you how I lost all of our money, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I should have known you wouldn't be angry, that you'd try and take care of me. I'm so proud of you, Rafe. And I promise, I am not going to rest until I make sure that you have every one of your dreams."

Mel: My client is ready to be processed.

Frank: Well, actually, I'd like to talk to him first.

Mel: I've advised him against that.

Frank: Bill, nobody is trying to railroad you here, okay? I just want to talk to you. No games. I just want to see if there's something that we missed that can prove to us that you are not the one who kidnapped Lizzie.

Mel: Are you still out there looking for the real kidnapper?

Frank: Look, I've got nothing else to go on here, okay?

Mel: What do you want from Bill?

Frank: He's the only one who talked to the kidnapper. And I need to talk to him about that.

Bill: Look, Frank, I love Lizzie. She knows I didn't do it. Look, if there are any other questions, you need to talk to Mel.

Frank: I have no other choice but to take you down and get you fingerprinted.

Lizzie: So will you do it?

Cyrus: I'm not a cop.

Lizzie: I don't want a cop. They think he's guilty. I want the truth. Do you think I'm crazy? For having blind faith in Bill like this?

Cyrus: No. Your Aunt Alex had blind faith in me. Okay. I'll do it.

Lizzie: Thank you.

(Knock on the door)

I was wrong then and I was waiting

on something I was meant for.

Buzz: Natalia? It's me, it's Buzz.

Natalia: (Sobbing)

What I came for crashing down for so long

(Knock on the door)

Decker: Olivia? Did I forget we have a meeting?

Olivia: I want you to give Natalia Rivera her money back.

Alan: Look, Beth, if you're going to spend this much time with your mother, why don't you have her move back into the house. Call me when you get this. Well, back so soon? I guess our little chat made some kind of impression on you, huh?

Cyrus: You might say that. I just accepted a job...

Alan: Oh?

Cyrus: ...From your granddaughter.

Alan: Elizabeth?

Cyrus: Uh-huh. She wants me to find out the truth behind her kidnapping.

Alan: I assume you'll be protecting your brother?

Cyrus: And anyone else who deserves to be.

Alan: Would that include me?

Cyrus: No. That's why you're going to have to kick in a few bucks.

Lizzie: What are you doing here?

Bill: Hi. What are you doing?

Lizzie: I was going to talk to Marina. I wanted to find out if they knew anything else about the investigation, how's it's going?

Mel: Well, his bail has been paid. He's ready to go home.

Lizzie: Bail? You turned yourself in?

Mel: Ah, listen. I'll keep in touch. Do not talk to any cops unless I'm around, okay?

Bill: Right.

Mel: Okay.

Lizzie: Why didn't you tell me you were going to turn yourself in?

Bill: I just-- I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to get it over with.

Lizzie: Are you okay? Did they tell you anything else about the investigation?

Bill: Look, as far as they're concerned, I'm the one and only suspect. Okay? They're going to set a trial date soon, so let's just go. Let's get out of here. Let's go home.

Lizzie: I don't want to go home. They're just, too many parents.

Bill: You want to get a room at the Beacon?

Lizzie: I don't even want to be in Springfield. The paper writes stories about you every day, like you're some kind of monster.

Bill: So what do you want to do? You want to run?

Lizzie: No. I just want to get away for a while. You and me. Some place where we can shut out the world. All of the doubts and all of the suspicion.

Bill: You want to be alone together?

Lizzie: More than anything.

I let go in an avalanche, I let go

Coming up on "Guiding Light"

Mallet: You thought that I forgot all about wanting to marry you.

Marina: No, no, no.

Mallet: Yes, yes, yes, you did. But that's okay.

Marina: You can go rent a tux, if you want.

Mallet: Well, I have some other things cooking. Ah, yeah, I just left her, and she doesn't suspect a thing. Marina? It's all clear. Come on in.

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