Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/1/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Vanessa: Oh, no, it's okay. I'm sorry.
Billy: Hey, I could use a nap, too.
Vanessa: What is it in turkey that is supposed to make you tired?
Billy: Yeah, I haven't eaten any yet.
Vanessa: You haven't? You haven't eaten? Billy, go on down to the cafeteria. It's okay. I'll stay here, and I won't go in to see him until you do.
Billy: No, no, no.
Lizzie: Oh, thank God, I knew it. Are you okay? No, don't say anything, I, I need to go to the doctor and tell him that you're back, okay?
Bill: I'm back.
Lizzie: Um, yeah. You're in the hospital. We were in an accident, and you've been in a coma. But don't worry, okay? Because you're going to be okay. Okay? I'm just going to go get the doctor.
Bill: Wait, wait, wait. Coma.
Lizzie: We were in a really bad accident. We were in a van, do you remember the van? We were trying to get away from the people who kidnapped me, and... you saved my life. But you were hurt so badly in the crash, your body just kind of... it just kind of shut down. And we didn't know whether you were going to wake up or not. I knew that you were fighting. How do you feel?
Bill: Just... tired. Thirsty. Don't go anywhere, okay?
Lizzie: I won’t. Never again. Things are going to be totally different now. You said that to me right before the crash. You told me that you loved me and that you were never going to let the family business or anything get between us. You said you wanted to be together.
Bill: I want that more than anything.
Lizzie: (Laughing)
Dinah: Hi. Spricht du englisch?
Woman: I do.
Dinah: Oh.
Woman: Are you American?
Dinah: Yah... yah, yah. Um, I am looking for, hang on, um... unter den linden eins.
Woman: Ach, du bist verloren.
Dinah: What?
Woman: Ah, you are lost.
Dinah: Yeah. You have no idea.
Clayton: I'll tell you what, these mashed potatoes don't even come close to my mom's mashed potatoes.
Felicia: Well, neither do mine. So perfect.
Mel: I love your mashed potatoes, Mom.
Felicia: Oh, I don't mind. I am all for this. We can have Thanksgiving dinner out every year. No mess, no stress.
Leah: They had no turkey left when I stopped by to see Dad.
Mel: Really?
Remy: Marina must have been flipping out.
Mel: Well, should we order dessert?
Remy: I'm not done eating yet.
Mel: I know, but I have the next shift at Cedars.
Clayton: Speaking of med school.
Remy: You going to be a lawyer today?
Mel: Sorry.
Leah: Wait. Who was speaking of med school?
Remy: Thank you, Leah, thank you.
Clayton: Seriously. Did you get your application in? MCAT scores like yours should not be wasted.
Remy: Yeah, I know. I know, Dad. Not yet, but I will. I've been busy.
Felicia: Oh? Doing?
Remy: So who wants to talk about Leah?
Leah: Not Leah!
Mel: Leah was voted most likely to succeed in her class.
Leah: Mom! (Cheers and applause)
Clayton: That's a nice surprise. Wait. Does a scholarship come with that?
Leah: Just an extra picture in the yearbook.
Felicia: So, Remy, are you seeing anyone? Is that why you've been so busy?
Remy: Um... no. I've been all about work now. So where is that dessert menu?
Mel: Yeah. I need some dessert.
Remy: I mean, we want dessert, right?
Hungry for some more starvation never was appealing
I guess that was then now I'm like a street... (phone ringing)
Christina: Are we divorced yet?
Remy: Now is not a good time.
Christina: It's a yes or no question.
Remy: Do you know what day it is?
Christina: I don't know. It's our five-day anniversary. Is your sister working on it or not?
Felicia: Remy. Come on, this is rude. Do you want rice pudding?
Remy: Yeah... no... yes. Yes, we have rice pudding. Thank you.
Clayton: Who's he talking to?
Felicia: I have no idea.
Christina: Where are you?
Remy: Towers, okay? I'll call you back later.
Christina: Oh, no. He did not just hang up on his wife.
Vanessa: Do you think Lizzie is right? Do you think that we're bad parents because we've been doubting Bill?
Billy: No. No. We love Bill more than we doubt. And, um, the thing is we're not going to let him go to jail when he comes out of the coma. That's what we've got to focus on.
Vanessa: Okay.
(Telephone rings)
Vanessa: Hello?
Dinah: Mom! Hi!
Vanessa: Dinah! Darling, how are you?
Dinah: Well, according to the locals, I'm lost.
Vanessa: What do you mean? Are you okay?
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. I'm in Germany, giving you a call to say happy Thanksgiving and see how things are going with Bill.
Vanessa: Oh, thank you so much. And thank you for the referral for the doctors. There is no change in Bill, but we're here at the hospital, and we're waiting to go and see him after Lizzie comes out.
Dinah: Good. Good. How is Lizzie? Did they figure out who kidnapped her at all?
Vanessa: No. There is nothing new in the investigation. How are you? When are you coming home?
Dinah: I'm fine. I'm fine. I've just been traveling. I've been doing and seeing stuff. It's been nice.
Vanessa: Did you find what you're looking for?
Dinah: You mean the doctors for Bill?
Vanessa: (Laughs) No. What you're looking for.
Dinah: Oh, I don't know. I don't think so.
Vanessa: Are you sure you're okay, Dinah? It's so hard to be alone on a holiday.
Dinah: Well, see, Mom, that is the beauty of it, it's not a holiday here. So no, no. I'm not alone. I'm on my own. I'm going to be fine. Don't worry about it.
Vanessa: Okay. Okay, sweetie, but, you know, if you get bored or anything, you could do something productive. You could volunteer.
Dinah: Volunteer, Mom?
Vanessa: Yeah, I'm serious. You have it in you to do good things.
Dinah: Thank you. Tell Maureen I said hi, and give Bill a big hug for me, all right?
Vanessa: I will, sweetheart. I will. And you take good care of yourself, you hear?
Dinah: Okay. Bye-bye.
Bill: So, really, it's Thanksgiving?
Lizzie: Yeah. That must be really weird, huh? You have been here for a few weeks. I think I've had everything on that cafeteria menu twice.
Bill: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: There was nowhere else I wanted to be.
Bill: Thank you.
Lizzie: Come on, you don't have to thank me.
Bill: Thank you.
Lizzie: I think I should go get the doctor.
Bill: Where are my parents?
Lizzie: They're here. They're right out there. I'm going to go tell them, but I just want a few more minutes with you alone.
Bill: I can't say no to that. Did they catch them?
Lizzie: Who?
Bill: The people that took you.
Lizzie: Oh, don't worry about it right now. I'll fill you in on all of that later. Right now, I am just so happy that you're back. I don't care about any of that.
Leah: Come on, Grandpa. Not again.
Mel: Oh, honey, there is no escaping it.
Clayton: Whoa, whoa, whoa. The purpose of the story...
Leah: Which we've all heard a million times.
Remy: And we would love to hear it again, Leah.
Leah: Because someone doesn't want to talk about himself, Uncle Remy?
Felicia: Well, the point of the story is that if your father hadn't lost his wallet on that rainy day while he was dropping off his application for the student graduate center.
Clayton: And if your mother hadn't found it on the day that she was picking up her application to grad school.
Felicia: Then none of you would be here.
Mel: Got it.
Clayton: And so life falls right into place, personally and professionally.
Felicia: All at the same time.
Clayton: It certainly does. (Laughter)
Mel: What a sappy, yet poignant, story!
Leah: I'll hear about your med school stuff, so we don't have to hear it again.
Clayton: I'm really not into this pudding. I really want a piece of that pie.
Remy: I'll be right back. What are you doing?
Christina: You hung up on me.
Remy: I said I'd call you back.
Christina: This is my whole life we're talking about here. You can't just blow me off when you have fears with your...
Mel: Happy Thanksgiving!
Christina: Thanksgiving is today? Oh, my gosh.
Felicia: Hi, I'm Felicia Boudreau. And you are?
Mel: Christina, Mom.
Felicia: Oh, Christina, hi. This is my husband Clayton.
Clayton: We haven't met yet.
Christina: No, sir.
Mel: And, Christina, this is my daughter, Leah.
Christina: Hi, Leah.
Leah: Hi.
Remy: Christina is my... she is my friend. We met taking the MCATs together, and she was just leaving.
Clayton: Another future doctor. Fantastic.
Felicia: Well, do you have plans? Please join us.
Clayton: We're about to order dessert for the second time, so come on and join us.
Christina: No, no, I'm...
Remy: She's on her way out.
Clayton: It's Thanksgiving. Please join us. Come on, please.
Bill: So... what else did I miss?
Lizzie: Nothing.
Bill: Nothing? No major news events? No celebrity gossip?
Lizzie: Come on, you hate that stuff.
Bill: So our deal kind of fell apart, right?
Lizzie: With Decker?
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: No. It’s... it's fine, actually. Stop worrying about business, okay. It's Thanksgiving. Let's just be grateful, okay.
Bill: Sarah's birthday?
Lizzie: Well, can you tell me how a guy in a coma is the only person remembered that? Thank you.
Bill: Did you hear anything from Jonathan?
Lizzie: No. I gave a card to Reva, just in case she knows how to get it to them.
Bill: Lizzie, the first thing we do when I get out of here, we're going to get your daughter back, okay? Okay? Before business, before anything.
Lizzie: Okay.
You give me something to swear by
you give me something to turn to
Billy: You know, maybe I'll go down to the cafeteria anyways to get you something.
Vanessa: No.
Adelle: Your son is awake.
Billy: What?
Vanessa: What?
Adelle: Yes. It looks like he's awake and alert. I'm getting the doctor now. (Laughter)
Vanessa: Oh!
Adelle: Hi. This is Adelle Walsh at Cedars. You asked to be notified when Bill Lewis woke up.
Dinah: Soldier? Soldier? How are you feeling? Are you okay?
Shayne: Well, if you're going to put that hand there, you better be prepared to use it.
Dinah: I'm sorry. I thought that you were...
Shayne: Dead? No. No, not quite. Who are you? Are you the new nurse?
Dinah: I'm Dinah. I am Dinah Marler, and I coming around today to say hello and happy Thanksgiving.
Shayne: Dinah Marler coming around to say hi to me.
Dinah: You, yes. Sergeant Jack Randolph. Yes. And everybody else recuperating here today. You are away from home. I think that all of you are heroes.
Shayne: So you're a volunteer? You're here to spread cheer amongst everybody, huh?
Dinah: Something like that.
Shayne: Yeah? Well, I love people like you. I do. You're so helpful. It's Thanksgiving in the states today, isn't it?
Dinah: Uh-huh.
Shayne: So let me guess. It's about that time of year that people like you realize that you have nothing to be thankful for. You're going to decide to turn your crappy life around and make a fresh start of things. So you come all the way here to visit us cripples for a few hours to make yourself feel like a better person. How am I doing so far?
Dinah: My life is fine. I'm just here to be with people who are less fortunate.
Shayne: Uh-huh. Dinah, why aren't you home at Thanksgiving? Can't stand your family, can you? Or maybe they can't stand you.
Dinah: This is a mistake. This is a mistake. You are incredibly ungrateful, and I don't do this kind of thing anyway. You just go back to your music and happy Thanksgiving.
Clayton: So your family...
Christina: They're out of town this year. That's why I forgot that today is today.
Leah: I love your hair.
Remy: Leah...
Christina: Thank you. I feel a little underdressed.
Remy: No. No, you're good. I mean, you look nice. So, Mel, you have to go to work, right? Christina and I can give you a ride.
Leah: Nope. Mom has her car here.
Felicia: So, Christina, have you always wanted to be a doctor?
Christina: Yes, since I was little. I'm kind of a nerd, I guess.
Clayton: Why do I not believe that?
Christina: Well, all of the other little girls were playing with dolls, and I just wanted a stethoscope for Christmas. (Laughter)
Leah: Do you come from a family of doctors?
Remy: Guys, can you let her finish her pie?
Leah: Grandma's a doctor, my mom's a doctor, my dad. Grandpa, you're a doctor of something, right? Not medicine.
Mel: I think she gets the point, honey.
Clayton: I have a doctorate in education.
Christina: Well, I'd be the first.
Felicia: So you guys met at the MCATs?
Christina: Uh-huh.
Felicia: You know, Clayton and I were just telling the kids about how we met.
Remy: Mom!
Mel: Mom!
Felicia: Well, it's a great story! So how about those tests? Pretty gruesome, huh?
Remy: It’s... it's a test. No one likes taking them, and it's over, so would you like more whipped cream on that pie?
Christina: What, you don't want your family to know how I did?
Remy: That's not what I said.
Christina: You're embarrassed.
Remy: Could you cool it?
Christina: I'm sorry that I don't fit into your perfect family picture, okay? I'm sorry that I came.
Remy: Why did you?
Christina: Because you hung up on me.
Remy: I was going to call you back.
Christina: Well, maybe now you would like to rush the paperwork, okay? So I don't crash anymore of your family holidays.
Clayton: What paperwork are we working on?
Christina: I don't care if your family knows that I failed the test! I don't care if they know everything! Let me reintroduce myself. I am not Remy’s friend. I'm Remy’s wife. Nice to meet you.
Remy: Yeah. Great. Thank you. That was great.
Don't rush me if I move to slowly
Dinah: Yeah, you try to do something nice, and you get kicked in the teeth. Screw it. Screw it. Look, Sergeant Randolph...
Shayne: Go! Go!
Dinah: What happened to your legs?
Shayne: What happened to your life?
Dinah: What happened to you?
Shayne: Do you have to ask me that? Do you? Go! Go! Go! Get away! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
It's a blur the storm is almost here
so come on and take a hold of me, my dear
Doctor: Are you in any pain?
Bill: A little tired, still, but I figure I'm still waking up.
Vanessa: Bill, we were so worried about you.
Billy: Oh, it's good to have you back, boy.
Bill: It's good to be back.
Vanessa: How is he?
Doctor: His vitals are strong. We'll run some tests to be sure.
Billy: You always were a fighter.
Vanessa: We never gave up on you.
Lizzie: Yeah, a couple of true believers. What are you doing here?
Frank: I had the hospital keep me posted on his condition.
Billy: Frank, you've got to do this now?
Vanessa: He... he just woke up.
Bill: What's going on?
Frank: Bill, I'm sorry. This is the last thing I want to be doing.
Lizzie: Well, then, don't do it.
Bill: Lizzie, what's going on?
Frank: Bill Lewis, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Spaulding.
Frank: You have the right to remain silent...
Lizzie: Will you please leave him alone. Frank, leave him alone!
Bill: Lizzie...
Vanessa: Doctor, can you please put a stop to this?
Frank: You have the right to an attorney...
Doctor: Give him some room.
Lizzie: Bill, don't push yourself, okay?
Bill: You think I kidnapped her?
Lizzie: Bill, don't listen to this, okay? I know you didn't do it.
Frank: Bill, we have enough evidence to indict you.
Bill: I've been indicted?
Billy: Hey, Frank, no more questions without a lawyer.
Vanessa: He's not well enough for this.
Lizzie: I can explain this all to you later. But they have no idea what they're talking about.
Doctor: I can't release him to you today.
Frank: Okay, fine. I won't post a guard outside, but I will trust that when you're released, you'll turn yourself in. We've got some questions for you.
Billy: With his lawyer, Frank. That's it.
Frank: I'm glad you're awake, Bill.
Lizzie: Can you give us a minute, please? Bill, look at me. Don't listen to any of this, okay?
Bill: Wait a minute, wait a minute. They have evidence?
Lizzie: It's circumstantial. I already told them that you didn't do it, okay?
Billy: Um, son, she couldn't identify the kidnapper, but she did identify the coat he was wearing from a video surveillance when they stole the van.
Bill: So?
Billy: So the coat ended up underneath your bed.
Lizzie: But he didn't do it, Billy. Listen to me, you are being framed, okay?
Billy: Bill, also, the ransom notes were cut out of magazines at your house.
Lizzie: Stop! Just stop!
Billy: I'm just telling him what's going on...
Vanessa: Honey... honey, don't worry about any of this now. Just... just get better.
Bill: Yeah. But why... why would they even think I'd do something like this?
Vanessa: Well, they knew that you and Lizzie were having tensions about the business...
Lizzie: Stop! Stop! Stop! Okay, look at me, okay? I know that you are innocent, okay? Anyone who knows you and loves you, knows that. Okay?
Remy: Okay, so it wasn't supposed to be us, but Mallet and Marina took off. Like I said, the rest is a little fuzzy because of the champagne.
Christina: Which was not my idea.
Remy: Maybe if you could hold your liquor.
Christina: You were throwing up in that bathroom, too.
Leah: Ewwwww!
Remy: Mom, Dad, it's not even a real marriage.
Christina: Only that it is. And if someone had filed the annulment papers when he was supposed to.
Remy: Would you stop throwing that in my face!
Mel: Guys, guys, stop! Guys! The only way you can get out of this now is divorce.
Felicia: You knew about this?
Leah: Oh, this just keeps getting better.
Mel: Well, someone had to help them.
Clayton: Wait, wait, wait a second. Slow down here for a second. I mean, this might not be a bad thing.
Remy: What?
Christina: What?
Felicia: Clayton!
Clayton: Well, come on. Come on. Think about it. She could be the perfect woman for him.
Remy: I don't think so.
Christina: I don't think so either.
Felicia: They have only known each other for what, three weeks?
Clayton: Well, things happen for a reason.
Felicia: Yeah, and the reason is that they were drunk. They don't even remember the ceremony.
Leah: I think it's romantic.
Mel: Leah.
Felicia: I think this is crazy!
Clayton: We shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Christina: I'm sorry. I have to go.
Clayton: Do we even have to tell you.
Felicia: Get up and go after your wife!
Leah: What? I'm not the one that got drunk and got married.
Mel: Leah.
Shayne: You want to grab my friend here another beer. While you're making these big decisions. Take your time. We're not in a rush.
Man: Please with the talking.
Shayne: Would you get me some pillows, too, so I can take a nap, in between turns, you know. Oh, excuse me. What is your problem?
Man: No problem.
Shayne: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm just waiting for you to maybe play. Can you pick a piece up and move it.
Man: You're drunk.
Shayne: What is that? What is that? What is that?
Man: You've got a problem.
Shayne: I've got no problem at all. That was interesting. Excuse me. I'm so sorry. How does your queen move like that? My queen doesn't move like that.
Man: I am not a cheater.
Shayne: Here, how about that! That's my move.
Man: You're drunk!
Shayne: I'm not drunk! Come here. Don't walk away from me.
Man: I am not fighting a cripple.
Shayne: See what the cripple can do!
Remy: Christina!
Christina: Don't come over here!
Remy: What are you doing? What's wrong with you?
Christina: Don't come over here. Stay on your side with your fancy restaurant and your fancy house and your fancy hotel and your fancy Spaulding-Grey... whatever they call it... making their... what do they make there?
Remy: I don't know.
Christina: Exactly. You don't have to know. Things have always just been there for you, your family, your nice house. So you go back over there and you eat your turkey and you give thanks, because you don't know how good you have it. And I'm going to stay here where I grew up, where I belong. So when you get those divorce papers, you just send them my way, and I'll sign them for you.
Remy: You are crazy, okay? You are freakin'...
Christina: Am I?
Remy: Yes! You are crazy! The train tracks are right over there. You can walk over there, have some turkey with me, and walk on back. Don't get all literal. You're making a big deal out of nothing! I'm sorry.
Christina: (Sobbing) You're right, I am making a big deal out of nothing because nothing is all that I have over here. I mean, who forgets Thanksgiving?
Remy: You?
Christina: Yeah, Remy, I do because Thanksgiving is a family holiday, and I don't have one of those.
Remy: No family?
Christina: Not really. My parents are long gone. I was raised by my grandmother, but she barely even knows who I am anymore. All I wanted to do today was get those divorce papers out of the way, and I walk in on the Huxtables, sitting at the table with their rice and their pie. I mean, do you know what that feels like?
Remy: No, I don’t.
Christina: Well, you're lucky.
Remy: Not all the time. Don't hate me for it.
Christina: I don’t.
Remy: You didn't finish your pie.
Christina: Don't tell me that you brought me half a piece of pie?
Remy: No, I didn’t. It's actually in my car. And if you want it, you have to go on that side to get it.
Christina: Over to the right side?
Remy: No. Just my side. I'll make room.
Better not get close enough happiness is waiting for you
Billy: Hey, can we get you anything?
Bill: No, I'm okay.
Vanessa: You shouldn't have to wake up to this.
Lizzie: We should just be happy that he woke up at all, and leave it at that. This is the perfect Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for.
Bill: Me, too.
Lizzie: Speaking of Thanksgiving, have you guys eaten yet?
Billy: No. No, we haven’t. Vanessa, why don't were we go now and get something to eat, and leave these two alone.
Vanessa: What? Oh, I have a much better idea: Let’s... I'll call Towers and they can deliver something, and then we can have Thanksgiving dinner together.
Bill: No, Ma. Why don't you go eat and I'll be here when you get back, okay?
Vanessa: Sure. I love you.
Billy: You know, I think Lizzie might just be right. This just might be the best Thanksgiving ever. Got my boy back. And don't ever scare us like that again. Get some rest. The rest of this stuff with the cops... we'll take care of it. All right?
Vanessa: We'll be back soon.
Lizzie: Want me to go find something to eat?
Bill: Lizzie, what is up with you and my parents?
Lizzie: Oh, nothing.
Bill: Listen, I'm trying to piece everything together here, and I need your help, okay? It would have been nice to know I'm the prime suspect in the kidnapping before Frank came into the room.
Lizzie: I'm just worried about your health, okay?
Bill: Please. It will help me get out of here.
Lizzie: Have you noticed that I am the only person telling you that you're innocent?
Bill: What do you mean?
Lizzie: Whoever is framing you has got everyone pretty convinced, even your parents.
Bill: What? They think that I did this to you?
Lizzie: I am so sorry. I am so sorry for every single time I defended them when you were ripping them apart for not trusting you enough. You were totally right. You had all the right to have doubts.
Bill: My parents.
Lizzie: Hey, hey, you have me, okay? I've been doing everything I can, and it's been really, really hard because I've been all by myself. But you're getting better now, okay? So we are going to fight this together.
Bill: So you're all alone in believing me, right?
Lizzie: I'm all you need.
Shayne: What are you doing? What are you doing? I had that guy! I had that guy!
Dinah: Shut up!
Shayne: Got him right in the gut!
Dinah: And he got you right in the head, didn't he?
Shayne: Why did you wheel me away? I could have gotten in another punch.
Dinah: I think I did you a favor. What did that guy say to you?
Shayne: He called me a cripple.
Dinah: Newsflash, Jack, you are a cripple. All right, go ahead. Go for it. I've got abs of steel here.
Shayne: Don't think I won’t. No one... no one calls me that.
Dinah: You know what I think? I think that's just an excuse. I think you want the living daylights beaten out of you. Let's see, your legs are broken, you're drunk... hey, a perfect time to pick a fight, right? That guy nearly killed you.
Shayne: Maybe. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Get your hands off the ride.
Dinah: Is life really that bad? I mean that seriously.
Shayne: You know what the worst thing about being stuck in this chair is? I can't get away from people fast enough.
Dinah: Can I call someone for you at all?
Shayne: Can you not do me any more favors, okay? No one asked you to pull me out of that fight. And if you want to be one of those do-gooders, well, you just knock yourself out, okay? But just go away and do it somewhere else.
Dinah: Commanding officer? A family member? A friend?
Shayne: Wow. Do you want to switch? You have the bum legs, and I'll be deaf. I can get myself back from here. Why don't you go back to wherever it is you came from? Where was that again?
Dinah: Springfield, not far from Chicago.
Shayne: Gee, that just sounds swell. Remind me never to visit.
Lizzie: Happy Thanksgiving.
Bill: Happy Thanksgiving.
Man: What did you do this time?
Shayne: Some guy picked a fight with me. If you think this is bad, you should see him.
Man: This is a military hospital, not a summer camp. You can't keep crashing here if you're refusing treatment.
Shayne: One more night. Randolph isn't back anyway. Besides, I like pretending like I'm a real soldier.
Man: Do me a favor: Don't ever try to become a real soldier.
Shayne: Why not? I think I'm a natural. Shayne Lewis reporting for duty, sir!
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: There is no way on earth that Bill can identify you as Elizabeth’s kidnapper.
Daisy: I'm remembering it. I guess I didn't really process it at the time. And so...
Grady: Hey, long time no see.
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