GL Transcript Tuesday 11/25/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/25/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: Leukemia? How is my baby supposed to survive that?

Doctor: It's my recommendation that you terminate your pregnancy.

Reva: Go to hell. The baby comes first. I need you to say that to me!

Lillian: There is a lot of reason to be hopeful. What I'm saying is, you should get a second opinion, but you didn't hear it from me.

Reva: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Reva: Aren't you going to work?

Jeffrey: You didn't come home last night.

Reva: Well, no. I told you that I was going to take a room at the Beacon because I needed some time to think.

Jeffrey: You didn't think it was important to talk? That wasn't important?

Reva: What's important is this pregnancy.

Jeffrey: So is having cancer, Reva.

Reva: What's most important is having this baby.

Jeffrey: Which is why we need to talk, so that we can discuss what the options are, okay? Because there is no simple solution to this.

Reva: No, no. That's where you're wrong. It's very simple. I'm having this baby, no matter what. Please don’t...

Jeffrey: No, no. No running away. You did that last night. And I was very worried about you.

Reva: I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want to say anything that I might regret.

Mel: What happened? Were you mugged?

Buzz: Cooking and drinking don't mix. I feel like a boatload of pilgrims landed on my head.

Mel: I'm sorry. Well, can we have some coffee?

Buzz: Coffee I got.

Mel: Okay. Thanks, Buzz.

Remy: Hey.

Christina: Please tell me you're here about the annulment.

Mel: Your copy, for your scrap book.

Christina: Where are the originals?

Remy: I mailed them yesterday. They had to be postmarked by 5:00.

Christina: Thank God. My family would have freaked. Now this can stay our little secret.

Remy: Yup. We are as good as annulled.

Christina: Yeah. Well, it was kind of nice being married to you. I mean, if you're going to get hitched to a guy you barely know after a drunken weekend, I'm glad it was you.

Remy: Me, too.

Mel: Hey, give her that book that you bought for her. Rem?

Remy: Huh?

Mel: The book.

Remy: Oh, yeah. I got you some... some study guides for when you take the m-cats. Whoa!

Mel: Ah, wait a minute. What... what is this? Is this what I think it is?

Remy: Whoops.

Lizzie: So you think you can manage without me for one day? Oh, come on. Quit complaining. This is a good thing. You know, I'm going to testify on your behalf. They want to indict you for kidnapping. That's insane. It's crazy. So I am going to tell that grand jury what a hero you are. You can't speak for yourself, so I'm going to do it for you.

Alan: Where have you been?

Lizzie: I was with Bill. I had to let him know I was taking care of everything.

Alan: Are you sure you're up for this, Elizabeth? I mean, you haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks.

Lizzie: It doesn't matter. Because after today, everyone will know the truth about Bill.

Alan: I just don't understand why you feel you have to testify.

Lizzie: Because I am the only one that is fighting for him. Even his family-- his family thinks he has something to do with the kidnapping.

Alan: Well, maybe you should listen to them.

Lizzie: I think that I should listen to my heart.

Alan: I just... I don't know if you're going to be able to hold up under the pressure you're going to get.

Lizzie: You know what? Me, neither. But luckily, after today, this will all be over, all of the suspicion and the doubts. Today I am going to set the record straight for Bill, and then I will sleep. So I'm just going to go find out what time they're going to call me. I'll be right back.

Alan: Elizabeth, please. Please don't go in there.

Lizzie: What are you talking about? Getting in front of the grand jury is my best chance to help Bill.

Alan: Or hurt yourself. Now, I have been observing you with Bill. You are exhausted, emotionally and physically. And I'm afraid if things don't go the way you want them to in there, you are going to fall, Elizabeth, and fall hard.

Lizzie: I am going to win over that jury because I have truth on my side.

Alan: Well, Doris Wolfe is a shark, and she is not on your side. And I'm afraid what she's doing in there is going to set a trap for you.

Lizzie: That is a chance I'm going to have to take. Otherwise Bill is going to wake up from his coma in prison.

Alan: Bill has cost you trouble even in a coma.

Lizzie: And yet you were willing to turn yourself in as the kidnapper to keep them from pinning this on him.

Alan: I didn't do that for him. I did that for you. Elizabeth, I would do anything to spare you one minute of pain.

Lizzie: I feel the same way about Bill. Please, Granddad, I need to testify.

Alan: No. You need rest. You don't need five rounds with a street fighter like Doris Wolfe.

Lizzie: At least she doesn't have the coat as evidence. I managed to get that thrown out.

Alan: I need you to come home with me.

Lizzie: I love you for wanting to take my pain away. But what I'm about to do isn't going to be painful.

Alan: Oh, really? What do you call sticking out your neck in front of a grand jury?

Lizzie: I call that an act of love.

Alan: I just hope Bill is worth it.

Lizzie: You know what you do for people you love? You stand up for them. You want to know who taught that to me? You did.

Alan: Elizabeth, one more time, please rethink this.

Lizzie: Wish me luck.

Christina: Is this your idea of a joke?

Remy: It must have been a mix-up. I mean, I went to the post office on time. It must have got mixed up with one of the envelopes in my bag.

Christina: Do you expect me to believe that lame excuse?

Mel: Listen, my brother wants the annulment as much as you do, okay? If our father found out about it, you know, he would really be over the roof.

Christina: Well, it's going to be public record now. We have to get a divorce. And this little mistake is now going to be in the newspaper, on my transcript-- everywhere.

Remy: You've got to chill.

Christina: I thought not getting into med school was the worst thing that could happen to me.

Buzz: Guys, guys, inside voices. Have some compassion.

Mel: Sorry.

Remy: Look, I am only partly to blame for the "I do" part of this mistake, okay? You were up there with me when the minister, or Elvis, or whoever, said, "man and wife."

Christina: Do not remind me.

Remy: Look, the slipup on the papers is on me, so I'll fix this.

Christina: How? It is too late now.

Remy: Well, yesterday was the deadline, so it had to be in their office today. So if we hustle down there, we can take care of it in person.

Christina: What the hell are we waiting for?

Remy: It's funny, I imagined my first days of marital bliss to be a little bit more... I don't know, bliss?

Christina: Shut up and drive.

Mel: Hey. You forgot something.

Remy: Sorry.

Buzz: Just shoot me.

Blake: Oh, no, no, no. We called it. That one is ours. That one is ours.

Matt: Oh, really? Well, I didn't hear you.

Clarissa: Mom, there's more V-8 v-fusion right here.

Blake: Shh, shh. Honey, it's an opportunity for you to talk to cute boys. ( Laughter) He is a cute boy, you know.

Clarissa: I know.

Blake: Yeah, I know. Speaking of which, how is your brother?

Maureen: He's getting better. He's good.

Matt: Gives me some extra time with my best girl here while Vanessa takes care of Bill. Well, I guess we're all here for the same reason, huh?

Clarissa: Yup, our holiday project.

Blake: An opportunity to brag about my daughter.

Clarissa: Mom...

Blake: No. Seriously, Clarissa is the one that discovered Feeding America.

Matt: Really?

Blake: She took the idea to Coop about the food drive, and the rest is history. Look at them. They're collecting food and donating dollars to this great program that V-8 started called "Make Every Serving Count."

Clarissa: The money we collected will buy fresh fruit and veggies for families who can't always afford them.

Matt: Well, that's great, Clarissa. Good for you. Good job.

Blake: My daughter, she has a big social conscience.

Matt: Just like her mom?

Blake: Exactly.

Maureen: Dad, what did I tell you? Only healthy stuff, got it?

Matt: This is for me.

Blake: Good girl.

Josh: Oh. That's it? That's all you've got to say? Okay.

Reva: Nothing you can say is going to make any difference.

Jeffrey: Okay. What if I said I love you? And I love the way that you are so passionate and committed to this pregnancy?

Reva: This baby.

Jeffrey: You knew the risks, Reva. From the minute we found out that we were going to have this baby, you knew the risks, but you took them. You took them anyway. I was right there with you.

Reva: I only did what any mother would do. I made the decision to put the baby first.

Jeffrey: But you have cancer now. That changes everything.

Reva: It doesn't change my mind.

Jeffrey: Do you have a death wish? Is that it?

Reva: Nobody wants to live more than I do. I am grateful for every breath I take. And I'm going to kick this cancer's butt, too. So I'm holding on to one little toe-hold of hope.

Jeffrey: What's that?

Reva: That doctor, the one that told me that I had to abort this baby, is a soulless jerk, but he did tell me one good thing. He said that I'm in the early stages of this.

Jeffrey: Reva, that's all the more reason to stay on top of it and treat it now.

Reva: Don't you see? It gives me time. I can wait now till after the baby's born to start my treatment.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, but that's wishful thinking, Reva. That's dangerous thinking. You're hoping that every little thing is going to go exactly right.

Reva: Yeah, yeah. I'm going to think positive.

Jeffrey: Okay, think positive, but that's also forgetting that it just takes one little thing to go wrong for this thing to be lethal.

Reva: That's a worst-case scenario. It's not real.

Jeffrey: Real? You want real? You know what real is? Real is, I could lose you and the baby. Okay? That's real. And I'm not going to do that, Reva. I'm not going to lose you. I flat-out refuse.

Reva: Just say it. You know what? Say you absolutely refuse to lose our baby, and then we have something to talk about.

Jeffrey: Don't do that. Don't make this a choice, okay? Don't make this a choice between you and the baby, because it's not.

Reva: You and I will never see things the same.

Jeffrey: Why? Because I don't want to risk losing you?

Reva: Because you're not a mother! You're not a mother!

Jeffrey: Okay, I'm not a mother. I'm a man. Is that it? It's because I'm a man? I'm a man, so I can't possibly fathom how important this child is?

Reva: Listen to me. Just... I have this baby in my body. You're not carrying it. You're not nurturing it every single day with your blood and your breath and your heartbeat.

Jeffrey: It's still mine, Reva. It's still my baby just the same, okay?

Reva: No. I'm sorry. And I'm not lessening what you feel. I'm not. But it just can't be the same. It just can’t. Otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to consider not having this baby, not even for a second.

Jeffrey: That was one doctor, okay? That was one doctor's opinion.

Reva: Okay. Okay. The alternative is chemo. And I refuse to poison my own kid. I won't do that.

Jeffrey: Just hear me out. Now, listen. I ran into Lillian after we fought. And she told me... she told me she knows other doctors, Reva, okay? Other doctors that can treat your cancer, and it won't harm the baby. Can we just try?

Christina: So where do we go to fix it?

Remy: There is a... I ran into a slight, slight problem. Mr. Perkins, the only guy who can sign our forms-- well, it seems as though he's gone for the day.

Christina: This building is full of bureaucrats, and you're telling me that there is one man who can stamp our form?

Remy: It looks that way. But, hey, hey, on the bright side, there is no line if you want to get our fishing license.

Christina: Forget it, Remy. It's over.

Remy: I'm sorry.

Christina: I have done everything right my whole life. I have worked hard to get through college. I had my whole life mapped out for me, until I met you. And suddenly my perfect little life started falling apart. I better figure out how to tell my grandma about this, because she's just going to have a heart attack.

Remy: Well, luckily you're divorcing an EMT worker, right?

Christina: How can you joke at a time like this?

Remy: All right. Come on. Let's hit the road.

Christina: Where are we going?

Remy: Well, like I said, he took off early today, right? So we're going to find him and get him to annul the hell out of us.

Christina: You actually think that's going to work?

Remy: It's got to. I mean, I can't handle watching a girl cry-- not if it's my wife.

Blake: Thank you.

Matt: Healthy foods, reusable bags-- I am learning a lot today. This V-8 thing, "Make Every Serving Count," it's good that kids learn this stuff while they're young.

Blake: It sure is. Hey, what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?

Matt: We're cooking.

Blake: Oh?

Matt: Actually, one thing I do rather well is Thanksgiving food. What about you guys?

Blake: We're cooking.

Clarissa: We're not cooking. My mom doesn't cook.

Matt: (Laughing)

Blake: I'm busted. I am so busted.

Matt: You are so busted. Hey, I've got an idea: Why don't you two join us for Thanksgiving? I mean, it's just as easy to cook for four.

Maureen: Come on, Blake, I promise it will be fun.

Blake: Well, I... you know, I...

Clarissa: We can come.

Matt: It's settled then. You guys are going to come to our place, what, about 3:00 or 4:00 on Thanksgiving. And wear your pilgrim hat.

Blake: I'll bring dessert.

Matt: Deal.

Alan: My granddaughter is testifying in there. She's the victim of the crime. She needs her family with her. I should be allowed to go in there. Can you read? Hmm?

Guard: Okay. Follow me. Okay, you can listen from here. Don't let anyone see you.

Lizzie: When Bill found me, he fought the kidnappers. He rescued me, at great risk to his own safety.

Doris: And despite this dramatic rescue, you never actually saw the kidnapper?

Lizzie: No. He had already escaped by the time Bill freed me, but I heard him.

Doris: Hmm. Interesting. It's just interesting that Bill Lewis found you, and yet the police, the FBI-- nobody could find you. I wonder why that is?

Lizzie: Bill didn't give up until he tracked me down.

Doris: Or he had inside knowledge.

Lizzie: That's not true.

Doris: Look, it is true that you and Bill Lewis were actually bitter rivals over the control of your family's company, right?

Lizzie: Yes, but we worked it out, and we're a team.

Doris: You're a team. You mean that Bill Lewis was running the company, and you actually went behind this back for a back-room grab of half of it. In fact, you changed the name of the company, which I'm sure infuriated him.

Lizzie: Yes. Yes, he was mad. But I knew that once he got used to the idea, he would see that us working together would be a really good thing for us. And it was. It was. And Bill told me that.

Doris: Unless he actually was the kidnapper, and in that case he'd be lying.

Lizzie: I would know. I've grown up around a lot of liars, and I can tell you, that look on his face when he rescued me, that relief and joy, the way he held me like he was never going to let me go-- you can't fake that.

Doris: Please refrain from extemporizing, Miss Spaulding.

Lizzie: I'm the victim.

Doris: That's enough, Ms. Spaulding.

Lizzie: If I know that Bill had nothing to do with this crime, why isn't that good enough for you?

Doris: Because if you examine the evidence for its own merit, which is, in fact, my job, and the job of this grand jury, you will see that the facts tell a very different story.

Lizzie: Then I want to see it. I want to see all of the evidence, because it's all circumstantial. And that is only good for one thing: Framing an innocent man who did nothing but save my life.

Doris: Please, if you can just answer the questions, Miss Spaulding.

Lizzie: Bill deserves to be heard, because he can't defend himself. He deserves to be heard because he did a courageous thing. He should be rewarded, not damned. Bill is innocent, and if you indict him, then you are the ones that are guilty of committing a crime.

Doris: So you truly believe that Bill Lewis was not the man who kidnapped you?

Lizzie: There is no way.

Doris: And you stated before that you would've known if Mr. Lewis was lying when he rescued you?

Lizzie: No one is that good of a liar.

Doris: Except we are talking about Bill Lewis, right, the same Bill Lewis who, when he knew that you had disappeared, he went ahead with a pitch to Galaxy International, a very promising business venture for your company. And yet he knew you were missing. He didn't go out to find you. He didn't stop. No, he went ahead with the pitch. And, in fact, he made the whole thing seem like it was his own idea.

Lizzie: You're twisting things around.

Doris: Oh, is something I said untrue?

Lizzie: No.

Doris: Well, then, maybe he was just tired of sharing things with you.

Lizzie: Bill isn't that way, not anymore.

Doris: Just one more thing, and then we're done. I'm entering this coat into evidence.

Lizzie: Where did you get that?

Doris: You told Frank Cooper that this was the coat that the kidnapper was wearing. Am I right?

Lizzie: Yes. But anyone could have a coat like that. I filed a motion that no one is supposed to even see this.

Doris: Yeah, well, that decision was reversed right before these proceedings began. The coat is in.

Lizzie: Well, that's not fair.

Doris: This coat can establish that the defendant was directly linked to the van that was used in the commission of this crime.

Lizzie: Bill is innocent!

Doris: Oh, really? Then why were you so desperate that the police didn't see this coat? In fact, so desperate that you tried to burn it! Maybe Bill Lewis is not the only accomplished liar we have here today.

Remy: Hey, excuse me. Maybe you can help us. We're looking for someone.

Woman: Do I look like an information booth to you?

Remy: No. Maybe not. Maybe now you'll answer a few questions.

Christina: Those will rot your teeth.

Remy: That's not the point.

Christina: Some doctor you're going to make.

Remy: We're looking for Mr. Perkins. He works for the courthouse. His receptionist says he comes here every night to pick up his dinner. Maybe you know him as Virginia honey-baked ham sandwich with chocolate milk and extra pickles.

Christina: Really? That's a recipe for diabetes.

Remy: He has a chatty receptionist.

Woman: Hmm, Mr. P. He didn't come in tonight. That'll be $20.

Christina: For fruit? That's robbery.

Remy: If you see him, can you give him this number and have him call at any time? It's very, very important.

Christina: Forget it, Remy. What are we going to do? Walk around town looking for one guy? There is no way we're going to find him, unless we find a trail of paperwork.

Remy: I'm going to find him, okay? I have a few places where I can look. And besides, you just gave me one good reason to get this annulment.

Christina: What's that?

Remy: I refuse to stay married to a quitter.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: You're scaring me, O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Well, this is the doctor that Lillian recommended.

Colin: Hi, Reva.

Reva: Colin! Oh, Colin! I was really hoping I would never see you again.

Colin: Yeah, well, likewise.

Reva: But I'm glad. I need your help. The other doctor told me he wanted me to abort my baby.

Colin: Yeah, well, the other doctor didn't realize that we were going to do things your way. Sit down. Let's talk.

Reva: Thanks.

Jeffrey: I'm glad this worked out.

Reva: Okay. All I know is that I want to see this pregnancy see through to term, and that is non-negotiable.

Colin: There are new studies every day that give great hope to pregnant women with cancer.

Reva: Okay, go on.

Colin: I know you're nervous and you're protective of this baby. If you enlist me as your doctor, I'll promise you this: I'll have two patients, you and your child.

Reva: Can you promise me that the chemo won't do any harm to the baby?

Colin: I can't promise that 100%, but I can tell you this.

Reva: Oh, well, then, that's it. It was really good to see you.

Jeffrey: Reva. Reva. Just hear him out, please.

Reva: Okay. Doc, wow me.

Alan: How did it go?

Lizzie: I think I just messed up really bad.

Alan: Well, look, I think you need to go home and get some rest now.

Lizzie: No one wants to hear the truth. Doris just made Bill sound like a lying psychopath. I got mad. I got really, really mad, and I lost it. I lost it up there.

Alan: Look, why don't we... the car is right outside. Why don't we...

Lizzie: I was tired. I am tired, and I was upset, and I was all pumped on coffee, and by the end, I sounded guilty, and I'm the one who was kidnapped.

Alan: I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think it was, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Oh, yeah? Bill's coat magically appeared back in evidence. How could that happen?

Alan: I don't know, but let's go home and get you some rest.

Lizzie: No, I can't go home. I have to go to Bill. I have to go find a way to explain to him that my loving words may have just helped him get indicted.

Christina: He's here, Mr. Ham and pickles. The maitre d' just pointed him out.

Remy: All right. Leave it to me.

Christina: Hey, I know you have a temper, but don't get in there swinging, okay? We can't upset him. This is our one chance.

Remy: Relax. I've got this. Mr. Perkins?

Mr. Perkins: I'm sorry, do I know you?

Remy: Remy. Remy Boudreau. This is Christina Boudreau.

Christina: That tie you're wearing is very nice.

Remy: So here's the deal: We went to Mt. Arrowhead and got a little carried away, ended up married. But we need this annulment right away, and they say you're the man.

Mr. Perkins: Well, you better get used to the idea of being married.

Remy: Please, we have time to go to your office, and you can stamp our papers.

Mr. Perkins: Well, maybe there is still time, but I won't be done eating by then.

Colin: The good news is there are some new studies on our side. Doctors are more comfortable now prescribing chemo for pregnant women, as long as the patient is in her second trimester.

Jeffrey: So what would the first step be?

Colin: Well, to start, we would refer you to an OB/GYN who has experience in cases like these. And then he and I will go through this thing hand-in-hand.

Jeffrey: So you'll have a whole team, Reva, your own crew.

Reva: Kind of like NASCAR.

Colin: Yes, I guess you could look at it like that. And of course, we'll give you the chemo that's least likely to affect the fetus.

Reva: You'd be pumping my body full of poison, and that goes against everything I was told at the onset of this pregnancy.

Colin: But, Reva, all pregnancies have risks, even normal ones. The trick is to minimize those risks.

Reva: I can't eat a tuna sandwich, and yet you're saying it's okay to put toxins in my blood?

Colin: The placenta is an amazing piece of work. The levels of chemotherapy agents found in the mother's blood do not correspond to the levels found in the placenta or the amniotic fluid or the baby itself. In plain English...

Jeffrey: It's a miracle.

Colin: Yeah.

Reva: Well, I just... I feel like there has to be exceptions, like there is this giant "but" coming.

Colin: Well, there are exceptions. There's a slightly elevated risk that the child could be stillborn, or low birth weight. But those numbers are statistically very low.

Jeffrey: Reva is in her second trimester, so could we start the chemo right away?

Colin: Yes. And the goal is complete remission. That means no leukemia cells in your bone marrow, which will happen when your platelets and your white blood cells...

Reva: You have no children, right?

Colin: Right.

Reva: Okay. So what I want to know is that, if this were you, if this were your baby and you were in my shoes, would you do this?

Jeffrey: Reva, I don't think that's appropriate.

Colin: No, it's okay. I'd be doing exactly what you're doing, which is asking a lot of questions. This is a big consideration.

Jeffrey: Well, I liked him. I mean, I really liked him. Is he going to be okay?

Reva: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I feel safe with him.

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Hi, Josh.

Josh: What are you guys doing here?

Remy: Come on! Sorry, just... I'm the first to admit that I'm a screw-up. All right, maybe I don't deserve your consideration, but she does. Christina is an amazing person, and I can't let you hurt her like this.

Christina: Let's go, Remy.

Remy: No, no, no. Listen, I will do anything for this favor, man. You got a car? I'll wash it. I will fix your gutters. I will run your errands. I'll walk your dog.

Mr. Perkins: There actually is something you can do. You can let me have my dinner in peace. Thank you.

Remy: Thank you, sir. Thank you for your time.

Christina: And thank you, Mr. Perkins, for your crappy attitude. You are supposed to be a public servant, and instead, you are using your little bit of power to humiliate people. I bet you're just getting off watching us grovel for your attention. Well, you know what? I don't want a petty, a vicious little moron like you signing our forms anyway. So you just finish your damn dinner. I hope you choke.

Remy: You were worried about my temper?

Christina: What did I just do?

Remy: I don't know, but it was a nice speech. I think you blew it. I thought this annulment was all that matters.

Christina: It was. But I couldn't watch a good guy like you begging in front of a jerk like that.

Remy: You think I'm a good guy? Well, you know what this means, right? Without that annulment, we have only one option left.

Christina: Yeah, I know. And, Remy Boudreau, I will be proud to divorce you.

Reva: Josh, um...

Jeffrey: There's this thing, we've got to get going to. But we'll talk to you later. Happy Thanksgiving.

Josh: Okay. The same to the two of you. I guess I should say the three of you.

Reva: Yeah, that's what they say.

Josh: Oh, Reva, by the way, just so you know, I got an e-mail from Shayne.

Reva: How is he?

Josh: Well, that's a good question. But it looks like he's not going to be able to be here for Thanksgiving.

Reva: Was there even a chance?

Josh: Well, yeah. I assumed that Marah had talked to you about it. Both of them were going to try to be here, but he is not going to be able to make it. So I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I'll see you.

Jeffrey: Reva? Don't you think we should talk about what the doctor said today?

Reva: I'm not going to see my kids for Thanksgiving, which kind of makes me wonder whether I'll ever see them for a holiday ever again.

Jeffrey: Don't go there.

Reva: But then, I mean, why should they feel obligated to come home when I was such a terrible parent?

Jeffrey: Reva? The doctor.

Reva: I disappeared. I did. I totally disappeared on Marah and Shayne when they were little kids. I had no control over that, I didn’t. But I just... I need to do it different this time. I'm getting this second chance now. I've got to do it right.

Jeffrey: Those were different circumstances. Reva, you're fighting for your life.

Reva: I won't do the chemo.

Jeffrey: Why not? You heard what the doctor said, the odds are in our favor.

Reva: If there is even a 1% chance that it's going to harm the baby, that's 1% too much. And I won't take that chance. I won't! I have to do it right this time. I have to raise this baby the right way, which means I do it my way!

Jeffrey: Your way?

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Well, what about my way?

Reva: No, no. I don't want to talk!

Jeffrey: I don't get a vote? Oh, because I'm the man? Because my feelings aren't as valid as yours, are they?

Reva: You know what? Can we not have this stress? Really. It's not good.

Jeffrey: Where are you going?

Reva: I'm going upstairs. Are you coming?

Jeffrey: No. I think I'll stay down here for a little while.

Doris: We should have heard by now.

Alan: You didn't have to be so hard.

Doris: Of course I did. But don't worry. We're going to get that conviction. And I couldn't have done it without you.

Alan: I literally threw my granddaughter into a lion's den.

Doris: Hey, it's for her own good. That's what you were telling me, right? It was your idea to get her on the stand like that and rattle her.

Alan: You should have seen her face. She was crushed.

Doris: Look, Alan, Bill will be out of her life completely, and it will be all worthwhile. You will get your granddaughter to yourself, I have my conviction-- everybody wins.

Alan: One day she'll see this was for the best.

Doris: Oh, brilliant idea, getting that coat back into evidence. How did you do that? Who did you bribe? Oh, never mind. You know what? Don't tell me that. The less I know, the better.

Alan: Let me know if you have any news.

Doris: Alan, cheer up. I know we're going to win. In fact, I do have a bottle of champagne chilling in my office.

Alan: I did what I have to do, Doris. But I'm not going to celebrate breaking my granddaughter in two.

Doris: I guess it's time.

Lizzie: I tried. I really, really tried. I had that jury on my side. I could see it in their faces. And then Doris, she got me all confused, and she got me so angry about the things that she was saying about you, and I just lost it. And I just... we just have to pray that the jury is going to see through all of it, and they're going to see how much I believe in you. Because I... I let you down. I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Bill. You found a way to rescue me, and I've got to do the same for you.

Doris: As your Mayor, I promised to be tough on crime. And I'm very happy to report that the grand jury just handed down an indictment against Bill Lewis. He's being charged with kidnapping, fraud, assault, and he's facing upwards of 20 years.

Lizzie: (Sobbing) No! No!

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Frank: It's like you're distracted!

Coop: Just shut up, Frank.

Frank: I was chopping onions.

Woman: Could you guys keep it down? Some people are trying to watch the parade.

Buzz: You hate the parade.

Maureen: Happy Thanksgiving!

Lizzie: Thanksgiving?

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