Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/21/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Daisy: He's not the same Grady that he used to be.
Grady: Have I changed? Maybe. Maybe not.
Ashlee: I am not afraid of you.
Grady: And I am not afraid of you.
Ashlee: You should be.
Doris: Women see what they want to see.
Ashlee: But she needs someone like me to remind her of that. Let's see you try to explain this one.
Thug: Explain what?
Ashlee: Stop it. Let go of me!
Thug: Your money!
Ashlee: No. I don't have any money! I swear.
Thug: I don't believe you. I want the money now. Give it to me. Give it to me.
Ashlee: Aahhh.
Mallet: Uh-oh, are you playing hookie from work?
Buzz: I'm the boss. I don't play hookie.
Mallet: Are you going to the station?
Buzz: Well, Daisy's in the car, so I'm running in to check out a screening.
Mallet: Screening? That sounds like a big Hollywood term.
Buzz: It's a commercial... a commercial for Company. We're advertising for Thanksgiving.
Mallet: Oh, you mean like, come on down! We've got a big Cooperfest going on!
Buzz: No. I mean like all of Springfield. Anyone who doesn't have any plans. Anyone doesn't know where to go, come by. How's that?
Mallet: That sounds great. That sounds like I'll even get a nod.
Buzz: Well, you know, if you want to officially join the family, you can even carve the turkey.
Mallet: That sounds like quite a guest list there, Buzz. The whole town?
Buzz: Yes. That's why we have to get prepared. We're not turning anyone away.
Daisy: Did you say you're not turning anyone away? I could think of one person that you would probably turn away.
Ashlee: Help me!
Mallet: What the hell?
Ashlee: Anyone! Help!
Daisy: That's Ashlee.
Grady: Are you okay? It's okay. You're not hurt. He's gone now. Whatever.
Mallet: Freeze! Hands up!
Emma: What's that?
Olivia: It's called an investment fund.
Emma: A what fund?
Olivia: It's an investment fund. Some grownups take some of the money that they already have and put it away for a while and hope that it grows.
Emma: So do lots of people do it?
Olivia: No. Not everyone. Because as big as the rewards are, the risks are even bigger. So sometimes it's better to be cautious, you know, and not get in over your head.
Natalia: The money is actually from the sale of the house that my husband left me when he died.
Decker: I'm sorry.
Natalia: It’s... it's not enough... not enough to get my son the best lawyer possible, so that's why the fund you were talking about really caught my attention. It seems like something that I'm looking for.
Decker: It's a great opportunity. High yield; high reward. How much were you thinking of investing?
Natalia: $80,000.
Decker: $80,000? Did you hear what I was telling Olivia about the fund?
Natalia: Well, I thought so.
Decker: The minimum investment is a million dollars.
Natalia: A million? Okay. Good. Okay, then I will come back when I have it, in a million years. Sorry I mentioned it.
Lizzie: I know, Roxy, you miss Bill, huh? It's not the same around here without him. He saved me, right? We both know that. He is my hero. And after he saved me from the kidnapper, he told me how much he loved me. And that is why I know, without a doubt, that Bill would not do anything to hurt me. I should call the lawyer again. I can't call the office again. I've already talked to the secretary four times. He's supposed to be the best defense attorney, and Bill is innocent, so it should be an easy case, right? He said he could call in five minutes. And in lawyer speak, that means like five days. Come on, ring, damnit! (Cell phone rings) Hello? This is she. Yes. You can see they're trying to accuse Bill Lewis with my kidnapping. He didn't do it! No. I am absolutely positive that this is a frame job. They came to the house. They took a coat, and they called it evidence. They didn't have a search warrant. Yes. I need you to file a motion to have it suppressed as soon as possible. Okay. I'll see you then. Thank you so much. Roxy? How long have you been standing there?
Alan: Long enough. Elizabeth, you look exhausted.
Lizzie: So?
Alan: I'm worried about you.
Lizzie: Well, you should save your worry for Bill, because he needs it.
Alan: This is killing you. You're spending every waking minute at the hospital.
Lizzie: Well, where else would I be, Granddad?
Alan: Well, if you're not at the hospital, you're out trying to gather evidence to prove your boyfriend is innocent.
Lizzie: Of course I am! Someone is trying to frame him!
Alan: You heard what Frank said.
Lizzie: I don't care what Frank said, Granddad! That was not Bill in that surveillance tape. You think it was?
Alan: I'm not saying I think it was. I just noticed how quickly you came home and tried to destroy the coat, the evidence. Now, is there a part of you, deep down, that believes that Bill might be guilty?
Lizzie: I can't believe you just said that to me.
Alan: I didn't say it to hurt you.
Lizzie: No. You're trying to put doubts in my head.
Alan: No. I'm trying to protect you from the shock that you may get if things don't turn out the way you want them to.
Lizzie: Protect me from what? From Bill? You think that Bill did this! You don't think that Bill did this. You wish that Bill did this because you never liked him. And you didn't want to see us together in the first place.
Alan: We've been over this before. You know that.
Lizzie: Don't tell me that you want what is best for me. Because what is best for me is Bill. And what I need is for him to wake up so he can tell everyone how insane this is. Why am I the only one who sees that?
Alan: If Bill is innocent, the evidence will prove it!
Lizzie: If? If? If? You sound just like Billy and Vanessa and Mom and everyone else.
Alan: I'm doing this because I love you...
Lizzie: If you love me, then you would know how important Bill is to me.
Alan: I understand more than you think I do.
Lizzie: Then you should know that I am living my worst nightmare. Every morning I wake up, and I just pray for a miracle or for Bill to just open his eyes. And instead, I'm getting more lies and ridiculous "evidence" and accusations. And I thought that you were on my side. And now you're trying to put doubts in my head.
Alan: You almost perjured yourself when you tried to destroy the evidence.
Lizzie: It was not evidence. It was a lie! A trick... you know what I don't even get? I don't even get how the police knew to come here looking for it anyway. They came here with a search warrant? Oh, they came here with you! I left the police station, and I found the coat, and I took it out to the patio to burn it. And that is when Frank... that's when he showed up with you.
Alan: Your behavior is what tipped off Frank. Don't you understand?
Lizzie: You brought him here. You told him to come here.
Alan: No, I didn’t.
Lizzie: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can't believe that I didn't see this before. Oh, my God!
Alan: What are you talking about?
Lizzie: If there was anybody who wanted to frame Bill. If there was anyone that hated him enough to destroy his life. Hated him because he was trying to take the company, and hated that I love him and I want to spend my life with him. If there was anybody that could plant a magazine or send an anonymous note or plant a coat in Bill's room for the police to find it. If there was anyone... who would have those kind of resources? Who would be that twisted?
Alan: Elizabeth, think about what you just said.
Lizzie: And you're pretending to be on my side this whole time. But the truth is, you want Bill to be guilty. You want it more than anyone else. You are the one that is framing him!
Alan: This is what I was afraid of, you're sleep deprived. You're making yourself sick. You don't understand what you're saying. You're not thinking straight!
Lizzie: It is one thing to not like him. It is another thing to... to... get away from me. Get away from me.
Decker: Natalia, I'm sorry.
Natalia: No, no. It's fine.
Decker: You know, these minimums are fairly typical with hedge funds. I should have stopped the conversation in the beginning.
Natalia: No, no. It was my mistake. I'm sorry I wasted your time.
Decker: You were quite serious about investing.
Natalia: Well, it doesn't matter, though, right? A million dollars just to get in.
Decker: What if I could arrange things so that we could waive the minimum for you?
Natalia: You could do that? How?
Decker: Well, I'll take your piece, put it with my own, and invest it all in one lump sum.
Natalia: But why would you do that? For me? I mean, you barely know me.
Decker: But what I know, I like. You've been integral with Olivia’s success. Her success benefits me. So why don't you think of this is an early Christmas bonus, one I don't have to pay.
Natalia: I think that would be amazing.
Decker: Good. Then we have a deal... I mean, an investment. Congratulations! You're a brave woman.
Natalia: Thank you. Um, okay. Do I make this out to the fund or to you...
Decker: Why don't you just call that number, give them your bank information, and you'll be in the investment pool within the hour.
Natalia: Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this for me.
Decker: Don't thank me. Thank yourself.
Grady: I wasn't doing anything, man. I just got here.
Mallet: Don't move. Hands in the air. Ashlee, are you okay?
Daisy: What’s... what's going on? What happened? Why are you...
Ashlee: I think I'm okay.
Daisy: Why are you doing this?
Mallet: I'm doing my job.
Grady: I told you, I just got here. I wasn't doing anything.
Buzz: What happened?
Ashlee: I didn’t... I was attacked, and I tried to fight back and he threatened me and he hurt me.
Daisy: What? Grady? No. No, that's not true. He wouldn't do that.
Mallet: Turn around. Turn around. Don't move. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney--
Ashlee: Wait, wait, wait. Grady didn't do it. Stop. It was some other guy, and he got away. And Grady is the one that saved me.
Olivia: You tell Mrs. Xiao I would love to come to her house for a home-cooked meal. Just give me enough time so I can book the 18-hour flight.
Decker: I'll pass that message along. Um, have you had a chance to look over next month's schedule?
Olivia: With a fine-toothed comb. I think we should set up a meet and greet with the Governor. The more face time with him, the better.
Decker: Agreed. Why don't you have Natalia set that up?
Olivia: I will do that.
Decker: Did you have a chance to look over the perspective I gave you? Time's running out to get into that fund.
Olivia: Yeah. I appreciate the offer, but I think I'm going to pass. You know, one more high-yield investment, and I'll be gambling with Emma’s future. And I don't really want to take the risk, given the market. So I'm just going to stuff my money into the mattress.
Decker: I'll tell you something, if you keep turning down my investment opportunities, your assistant is going to be richer than you are. (Cell phone rings) That's my other line.
Olivia: Okay. I'll be in touch.
Rafe: Mmm.
Natalia: Hi.
Rafe: What are you cooking?
Natalia: Roast pork, your favorite dinner.
Rafe: Ma...
Natalia: Go sit. Tell me how your classes were today.
Rafe: Um... you know that big research paper that I was doing?
Natalia: Yes.
Rafe: I got an "A."
Natalia: Oh, an "A"! That's wonderful, baby.
Rafe: And, um, that research project with Professor Burg? Guess who got it.
Natalia: You did?
Rafe: It was me.
Natalia: I'm so proud of you. Oh, if your dad were here.
Rafe: Ma, he'd be proud of you.
Natalia: Soon.
Buzz: You want some water?
Ashlee: Yeah. Thanks.
Buzz: Call your mom, okay?
Ashlee: Buzz, thank you.
Buzz: Boy, talk about close calls.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Buzz: Grady came out of, like, nowhere, and scared this guy off.
Ashlee: Yeah, something like that.
Buzz: Well, that's good, I guess. You're okay and that's what's important. Don't ever do this to me again, all right?
Ashlee: I'll try not to.
Daisy: Okay, he's gone.
Ashlee: What?
Daisy: You can tell me the truth. You were going to let Mallet arrest him, even though he was innocent, even though he saved you. You were going to let Grady take the fall?
Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, that was part of the idea.
Mallet: Right. So you were standing here when you confronted the guy?
Grady: That's right. Are you writing all this down? Because I'm not sure that I trust you to go back and tell it to the Chief correctly.
Mallet: Why don't you let me worry about that. You've got a description of the guy? Height? Approximate weight?
Grady: I only saw him for a few seconds. The guy was a little smaller than me. Probably 5'11," six feet. He was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, hat. That's about all I can remember.
Mallet: Did he say anything to you?
Grady: No. He scared off pretty quick.
Mallet: Right. Okay. Well, I'll let you know if there is anything else.
Grady: You're going to go talk to Ashlee now, compare stories?
Mallet: You bet I am.
Grady: Ah, to be innocent until proven guilty.
Mallet: That would be nice, wouldn't it?
Grady: What's nice is being on this side of the law for a change. Do you want me to come down to the station and talk to your detectives?
Mallet: That won't be necessary.
Grady: You know, I just want you to know that I've changed. Dating Daisy and everything... I just know you're probably not going to believe me.
Mallet: I don't think so.
Grady: Well, I'm newer, improved, smarter, savvier.
Mallet: Are you talking about you? Or are you talking about your brother?
Cyrus: Guilty as charged. I was watching you.
Lizzie: I need your help.
Cyrus: With what?
Lizzie: I am meeting with a lawyer today, the one that is going to defend Bill. And so I'm going over all of this evidence in my head that the police keep saying that they have against him, which, of course, he can't refute because he is unconscious, and he doesn't even know. But he is being accused of kidnapping me. But I just... I need something. Anything that I can take to the police that could prove that he is being framed. I can't find anything. I have looked through this stuff. I can’t... I can't do it unless I know what their next step is going to be. You know, what they're going to do next to make him look bad.
Cyrus: I'm not sure I'm following. I'm not sure... what do you need me to do?
Lizzie: I need you to help me think like a criminal. Tell me, what would you do next if you were setting Bill up?
Beth: No thanks. I'm picking James up from school. You still haven't answered my question.
Alan: I don't have to defend myself to my own wife.
Beth: I'm not your wife.
Alan: Semantics.
Beth: I hate to say it, Alan, but if I were in Lizzie’s place, I might think the exact same thing.
Alan: That I would try to frame Bill Lewis for a kidnapping that he didn't commit?
Beth: (Laughing) Alan, don't deny something that you would have done in the past.
Alan: I have done nothing, Beth, but support Elizabeth, even when other people doubted his innocence. I protected her.
Beth: That may be so. But why? You hate Bill.
Alan: Just because I don't like people that Elizabeth dates doesn't mean I would frame them for kidnapping.
Beth: Would you?
Alan: I would do anything for Elizabeth. She is the future of this family, the future of our company. The only thing I want for her, Beth, is true happiness. I would do anything for her and for us.
Beth: It was a simple question, Alan.
Alan: I'll make you a deal, Beth, you meet me in my bedroom tonight, and I'll answer your question.
Beth: Tempting.
Alan: Beth, don't deny that what I'm doing for Elizabeth, and the passion I feel for protecting this family... you're not drawn to.
Beth: Like a crack addict to a dealer. You know, whether you did this thing or not, you better find a way to make it right with Lizzie. Because you are right, she's the future of this family. And if you think you're vindictive, who do you think she learned it from?
Alan: Jeremy, have the car brought around. I'm going to the police station.
Natalia: Thank you. Yes, I will meet you in your office tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Bye-bye.
Emma: Who was that?
Natalia: That is the lawyer that I am hiring for Rafe so he can come home soon.
Emma: I miss him.
Natalia: Me, too, sweetie. Me, too. What do you think about these pillows? I think these would look great in the living room. What do you think?
Olivia: You two look like you're having fun.
Natalia: Emma is helping me pick out some throw pillows for the farmhouse.
Olivia: So you're reconsidering buying it?
Natalia: Uh-huh. I know this is going to sound really, really crazy, but you know that investment fund that you were talking about earlier with Decker? I decided to go in on it. Invest the money I got from the house.
Olivia: Wow, you did that today?
Natalia: Yeah. I know it sounds not like me, right? It sounds too big, because it is really big. Decker told me the returns on the investment are amazing. That I would double my money in no time. I could even triple it, if I'm lucky. And I realized, I could do it. I could buy the farmhouse. I could get Rafe a new lawyer, and I could even have some money left over to send him to college when he comes home from jail. And you told me you didn't think I had the guts to go after what I wanted.
Olivia: I did. Um... have you ever done anything like this before, invest in the stock market?
Natalia: No... I mean, I had a certificate of deposit, but I couldn't keep the minimum amount in the account, so I had to close that. So I know I have a lot of research to do, and I have to figure out how to do all of this stuff because I'm a big-time investor now.
Olivia: And how much did you invest?
Natalia: Everything I got from the sale of the house, all $80,000. You know, Decker told me there is usually a million dollar minimum to go in on this thing. And he was willing to wave it because he likes you so much. So I guess... I guess I have you to thank for all of this.
Olivia: I guess so. Do you have the figures for the Beacon remodel for next year?
Natalia: Yes, of course. They're right here. And there are three new messages for you on the home phone.
Olivia: Oh... oh, you know what? I have an errand I have to run. I forgot about it.
Natalia: I can drive you.
Olivia: No, that's okay. I'm going to get Jerry to drive me. Would you do me a favor and just stay with Emma another hour?
Natalia: This one?
Olivia: Yeah.
Natalia: Another hour with my favorite little munchkin in the world? Of course.
Olivia: Okay, great. Emma, homework.
Ashlee: Look, it wasn't like I really planned it. I was behind the alley, you know, behind WSPR, and I was on my way to work. I didn't even know that Grady was going to be there.
Daisy: So, you thought if you made it look like it was Grady who hurt you, he would get arrested, and he would get that punishment that you think he deserves?
Ashlee: Well, basically, yeah.
Daisy: You're just like your mom.
Ashlee: And you're just like Harley. You're living in a dream. You don't even see how dangerous this guy is. He never even paid for killing Tammy.
Daisy: How do you know that?
Ashlee: What do you mean?
Daisy: How do you know what he has or hasn't paid for, what he may or may not have suffered? You don't know what it's like to be him. Maybe every day since Tammy’s death he's been living in this personal hell, you know, that is worse than any prison.
Ashlee: I...
Daisy: Don't know what to say?
Ashlee: I'm sorry.
Daisy: I just... I just can't believe you would do this after everything. I thought you were my friend.
Ashlee: I'm your best friend. I'm just trying to make sure that you don't get hurt.
Daisy: Grady wouldn't hurt me.
Ashlee: How could I know that? How could I possibly know that? I figured maybe if I saved you, then eventually you'd see that I was right.
Daisy: I don't want to talk to you right now.
Ashlee: No, Daisy, please let me explain.
Daisy: You already did explain.
Mallet: All right, you're free to go. I'll call you if we need you for a lineup.
Grady: As long as I'm not in it?
Mallet: Not this time, anyway.
Grady: What's a guy got to do to get a fair shake around here?
Mallet: Well, you know it's going to take more than just one conveniently timed rescue for you to get a clean slate in this town.
Grady: Apparently so. Maybe this time I should have just left her... leave her there to rot.
Ashlee: No. Guys, I'm glad you were there. And you didn't have to help me after the way that I treated you.
Grady: Just forget it.
Ashlee: No, I can’t. I... I didn't thank you. I'm sorry.
Grady: I'm used to it. Some people just don't know when to give you a second chance.
Lizzie: Okay. So that was where I found the magazine. It did belong to Bill.
Cyrus: And it had letters cut out of it?
Lizzie: Yeah, just like the ransom note. So when I realized that they had stuffed the coat under his bed, I had to do something. I couldn't just sit there and let all of this evidence pile up. Someone is trying to set him up.
Cyrus: You think someone planted the coat?
Lizzie: Absolutely. It's just... it's just so evil. If they just knew... if they just knew that he loves me, and I really love him. And I've been through so much and I just really wanted to have a chance to have a life with him.
Cyrus: Look... look, he's going to get off. He's part of the Lewis family. That means something in Springfield.
Lizzie: I wish that it meant something, but my grandfather is a Spaulding, and he went to jail, and my Aunt Alex went to jail. And pretty much everyone in my family has been there at one point or another. Can't you think of anything? What they might say about him next, or what they would plant?
Cyrus: It's hard to say without knowing the specifics of the case.
Lizzie: Forget it. I don't know why I thought you'd understand. I'm the only person who believes in him. (Cell phone rings) Hey, Mom.
Beth: Lizzie, thank God you answered.
Lizzie: What's wrong?
Beth: Your grandfather. He's headed down to the police station. I don't know what he's going to do.
Lizzie: All right. I'll meet you at the police station.
Decker: Fair enough. All right. I'll see you tomorrow at the club. Don't tell me, you changed your mind and you decided to invest after all?
Olivia: Hmmm.
Decker: Well, you better work fast. In fact, faster than humanly possible. The fund closes right about now.
Olivia: So it's too late to...
Decker: Yeah, I'm sorry. It's all right. No big loss. Next time, right?
Olivia: So, tell me about it. I know I can't get in, but I'm curious. It sounds really promising.
Decker: Yeah, well, it's all kinds of energy markets in Asia, Singapore, to be exact, and the high-yield is directly a reflection of the relatively high risk.
Olivia: Relatively.
Decker: Well, I don't have to tell you about risks, Ms. Spencer. Let's see, the energy commodities market in Singapore should be opening in an hour. And if things go according to plan, our investors are going to be very happy.
Olivia: And what if the market tanks?
Decker: Well, that's why this is a game for the big boys. And girls. Okay? No gain.
Daisy: Are you okay? I was so worried.
Grady: Yeah. You should have seen the other guy.
Mallet: It's all right. Grady gave a statement, and we'll put an A.P.B. out on the perp. So you can relax, Daisy. I guess Grady did good.
Grady: I'm still waiting for my apology for the handcuffs.
Mallet: Don't push it.
Buzz: Oh, hey. I... Grady, I guess a thank you is in order here. Ashlee... it could have been bad back there for her, and she's family. So I owe you one.
Grady: Right place, right time. You would have done the same thing.
Daisy: But he didn’t. You did. Do you mean it, Grandpa?
Buzz: Yeah... mean what?
Grady: Daisy, it's okay.
Daisy: No, it isn’t. Look, Grady and I... we're back together, okay? And he says he's changed, and I believe him. So you're saying you owe him one. Are you going to be all talk or... I think you need to start letting him into the restaurant. He deserves that. He wants a Buzz burger, and I want a veggie burger, no cheese, and extra pickles.
Lizzie: Is my grandfather here?
Frank: He's upstairs.
Lizzie: If he's setting up more evidence...
Beth: Uh-uh, let's not jump to conclusions.
Lizzie: Well, he's the one framing Bill, so what am I supposed to do? What are you doing? What are you writing about Bill?
Alan: Um, you're not supposed to see this.
Lizzie: What? Because you're framing Bill? You're telling the police more lies?
Beth: Lizzie, what is it?
Lizzie: It's a confession. He's telling the police that he was my kidnapper.
Natalia: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Natalia: How was your appointment?
Olivia: Okay.
Natalia: Yeah?
Olivia: Okay. Thanks for staying with her. I can take it from here. Em, homework?
Natalia: Oh, that's my bad. We were having too much fun. But we're going to clean this up, and then Geography, right? Hey, when you're done with the computer, would you mind if I just went on there for a minute? I just want to see how my fund is doing.
Olivia: Do you know how to do that?
Natalia: No, but it can't be that hard, right? You can show me.
Olivia: I could. I'm going to do it some other time, though, because I have...
Natalia: You have homework?
Olivia: Yes.
Daisy: Isn't this great?
Grady: Are you sure we shouldn't just leave?
Daisy: No, no. If he wants us gone, he'll have to kick both of us out.
Mallet: Well, so much for a big, happy Thanksgiving, huh, Buzz? Peace, love, and all that stuff.
Buzz: Actually, I think Daisy has the right spirit.
Mallet: If you say so.
Buzz: So what can I get you kids?
Daisy: We ordered, Grandpa, remember? Buzz burger and veggie burger, no cheese with...
Buzz: Lots of pickles.
Grady: And would you mind getting my a chocolate milkshake, please, Gramps.
Daisy: You know, you probably shouldn't call him gramps. He doesn't like that.
Grady: Yeah, I gathered.
Ashlee: So then this guy, he came out of nowhere, he wanted my money, and Grady came in and punched the guy.
Doris: But he didn't hurt you, right?
Ashlee: No, Mom. Grady is the one who saved me.
Doris: No, no, no. I'm talking about that sleaze that attacked you.
Ashlee: Um, no. No, Mom, he didn't hurt me. He could have, I suppose, but he didn’t.
Doris: When Buzz called me...
Ashlee: Mom, it's okay. It's okay. Don't worry about your mascara and stop crying.
Doris: You know, if you have any ideas about how to spin this.
Ashlee: What do you mean?
Doris: Let me know.
Ashlee: What?
Doris: Well, I'm talking about damage control. I mean, how is it going to look, the law and order mayor... her own daughter gets attacked in an alleyway? I mean, I can just see the headlines now.
Ashlee: I'm sure that no one will care.
Doris: The courtroom... that's what I'll do, go back to the courtroom. You know what, that's when I will show all of the criminals that I am as tough as my word.
Ashlee: So you're going to prosecute a case?
Doris: Uh-huh. And I know just the one. The D.A.'s office is just about ready to indict Bill Lewis, and I will make sure they do.
Lizzie: Why are you doing this? You're not my kidnapper.
Alan: Of course I'm not. But I thought if I could throw suspicion off Bill for a few days, it would give you a little more time to build up his defense. I just wanted to help you, that's all.
Lizzie: You'd do that for Bill?
Alan: I would do it for you, Elizabeth. All I care about in the world is your happiness. I told your mother that earlier today. I want to protect you. And if this helps in any way, I want to do it.
Lizzie: I'm sorry.
Alan: For what?
Lizzie: For doubting you. I shouldn't have accused you. I was wrong, Granddad. I'm sorry.
Alan: All right. All right, Elizabeth. I'll make you a deal. If you'll forget about this, I'll forget about it, too. (Cell phone rings)
Lizzie: It's Bill's lawyer. I've got to take this.
Alan: All right. What? What? What?
Beth: When I told you to make things right with Lizzie, I didn't mean for you to go all Spartacus on me.
Alan: Ah, but Spartacus was guilty. I'm not.
Beth: Of kidnapping, anyway.
Lizzie: Can you just go over it again? I mean, whatever you have to do. No, money is no object. Please just... please just do whatever it takes to clear Bill. Please.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: I can't stop until I find out who is trying to frame you. I thought it was my granddad. It makes sense, right? I was wrong. Whoever it is, before I let them hurt you, they're going to have to come through me.
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