GL Transcript Thursday 11/20/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/20/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: In the end it really comes down to my life versus the baby’s.

Doctor: It could come to that, but we can't assume anything.

Reva: So you can go ahead and run whatever tests you need to run. My baby's life comes first.

Doctor: These tests will take a while to be processed. My best advice to you is to get out and try to get some fresh air, and try to think about something else.

Reva: Dr. Alcott...

Doctor: Yes?

Jeffrey: All right. We get it. We get it. You're ready.

Reva: Okay. Well, then let's go.

Jeffrey: Wait.

Reva: What for?

Jeffrey: Hang on for just one second.

Reva: Why?

Jeffrey: You know, you can be as brave as you want for the rest of the world, but you don't have to do that for me.

Reva: I'm not scared.

Jeffrey: Okay, you're not. I am.

Reva: Well, that's the difference.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: There's no reason for me to be scared because you'll be there with me.

Jeffrey: Okay. Let's go.

Olivia: Yeah. Of course I'll rearrange my schedule. This afternoon's not a problem. Yeah, I know. I always say that. Just remember it when you hand out Christmas bonuses, okay? Thanks. Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Olivia: So, how'd it go?

Natalia: Good. The kids loved the brownies and the oatmeal chip cookies.

Olivia: Well, you made them.

Natalia: They know they were from you.

Emma: Are you still tired, Mommy?

Olivia: I am just following doctor's orders, okay? I can follow orders, you know, occasionally.

Natalia: So impressive.

Olivia: Why don't you go finish your homework.

Natalia: Okay, I know it's not the same, but you did do the right thing because you've really been overdoing it. And just in case, I got the e-mail address of one of the mom’s. Because your car is fancier than mine.

Oliver: I'm... it's fine. I trust you. Too bad you don't trust me.

Natalia: What?

Olivia: That, over there, it came from Blake this morning.

Natalia: That's for Cassie’s house. This is the flyer for the open house. I told you, Blake wants you to sign off on it.

Olivia: Why do we need an open house when we have a buyer?

Natalia: Who? Me?

Olivia: Yeah. Didn’t we agree on that after the dinner party?

Natalia: Agreed? No. You mentioned it one time. And I thought you were joking.

Olivia: Okay. I'll try again. You should buy Cassie’s house. Did that sound funny?

Natalia: Yes. It sounds ridiculous.

Daisy: Why do you look so surprised. Wasn't this your plan?

Rafe: What, I had a plan?

Daisy: Yeah. You're interview with Ashlee, that little video blog. What, did you think trashing Grady was going to make me change my mind?

Rafe: This has nothing to do with Grady. I wasn't trying to trash him.

Daisy: Rafe, he's changed.

Rafe: Right. Yeah.

Daisy: He has.

Rafe: Why? Daisy, because he's breaking into computers now instead of running people over?

Daisy: Oh, wow, Ashlee’s really done a number on you.

Rafe: Daisy, did she lie? Is it true or not? Did she, or did she not, find him sneaking-- breaking into a computer at the studio?

Daisy: Well, she is wrong. Because it was Dinah’s computer, and Grady is working for Dinah. So he wasn't breaking into anything.

Rafe: Okay, that makes sense. You know? Okay, what is he doing for Dinah? Daisy, face it. If Grady is doing anything for her, if she's paying him for anything, it's not to do anything legal.

Daisy: Oh, okay. Right. And where am I visiting you again? Oh, yeah, jail.

Rafe: Oh, yeah, and he had nothing to do with that, either?

Daisy: No. Absolutely. Absolutely. He has made mistakes, okay?

Rafe: Mistakes? That's what my life is-- my life's a mistake?

Daisy: No. But he has-- he's changed, okay. He is helping you. And I didn't even ask him to do it, okay? He's not the same Grady that he used to be.

Ashlee: I guess I left the car unlocked tonight?

Grady: No.

Ashlee: Do you need a ride somewhere?

Grady: No.

Ashlee: Is this about Daisy?

Grady: It's about your video blog. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.

Reva: You know, it's just like a doctor to say hurry up and then keep you waiting.

Jeffrey: That sounds more like the government.

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Just remember, I'm right here with you, okay?

Doctor: Good afternoon.

Reva: Is it? You know, the last time I had a cancer scare, the doctor wound up telling us that we were pregnant. So, what kind of a surprise do you have for us today?

Jeffrey: Wait. I don't understand.

Doctor: The blood tests that we ran on Reva, it indicated that we need to look at her bone marrow.

Reva: Leukemia?

Doctor: We'll need the results from the bone marrow before we can confirm.

Jeffrey: But that's what you think it is?

Doctor: Yes.

Jeffrey: So this isn't related to the breast cancer?

Doctor: Most likely, no.

Reva: So you're telling me I have... a second form of cancer?

Doctor: You should consider yourself lucky.

Reva: Excuse me?

Doctor: Breast cancer is difficult to detect in pregnant women. Breast cancer shows up white, and so does dense breast tissue. It's like looking for a white car in a snowstorm.

Reva: And that makes me lucky.

Doctor: Well, I know of a woman who needed a biopsy... there was the fear that the painkillers could damage the fetus. So she had the biopsy without any. It took three people to hold her down.

Jeffrey: Maybe we can focus on Reva.

Doctor: I was just trying to make a point. It could be worse. If it turns out to be leukemia, we can treat it with a combination of drugs and biologic therapies.

Reva: You mean chemo?

Doctor: Yes. But there is no reason to panic. It appears we caught it early.

Reva: No reason to panic? The last time I had chemo it nearly killed me. How is my baby supposed to survive that?

Doctor: I know that you stopped your meds to take care of your baby, but that has to change now. It's time to put your health first. I'm sure your husband would agree.

Reva: No. My husband and I have the same priority, and that is to have a healthy baby.

Doctor: I'm not your OB/GYN. The baby is not my patient, you are. My priority is saving your life, and that's why it's my recommendation that you terminate your pregnancy.

Reva: Go to hell.

Natalia: Okay. Great. Thank you so much. All right. So your meeting with the event planner for the Beacon is moved to next week, which means you only have two meetings per day, at the most, and none of them are back-to-back.

Olivia: Well, unless Larry throws another one at me last minute.

Natalia: Yeah, I don't know why you don't just tell him no once in a while.

Olivia: Sometimes it's smarter to say yes.

Natalia: Okay. So, next, um... the Beacon payroll, they need you to approve some overtime.

Olivia: Okay, that's not due until the end of the week. Come here. Have a look at this.

Natalia: What is it?

Olivia: I did a little search here. These are all of the houses that are for sale that are comparable to Cassie’s.

Natalia: You just don't quit, do you?

Olivia: Well, you're not going to believe me, so I'm going to give you proof.

Natalia: Proof of what? That there are a lot of houses for sale?

Olivia: That her asking price is extremely fair. If not, a little low.

Natalia: Well, that asking price is a lot more than I sold the cottage for.

Olivia: You have enough for a substantial down payment.

Natalia: But you are still talking about a huge amount of money. You don't just drop that overnight.

Olivia: I'm not talking about dropping it, like throwing it out of an airplane. I'm talking about an investment, a good investment, in a house that you like a lot, that has plenty of room for Rafe. Come on! That's what you want.

Natalia: I want Rafe to have some money for school when he gets out of jail.

Olivia: You can have both. Why won't you believe me? Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry. Because it's me. Right. Well, I'm sure your local teller who has what, a semester of junior college under her belt could tell you more than I could. What did she tell you to do? Put it in a money market? A long-term C.D.? Or maybe it's stuck in some savings account earning next to nothing?

Natalia: You're my boss. And you're my friend, right? So, yes, if you have an opinion about something, absolutely, you let me know. But you can't make decisions like this for me. You're not the boss of my life.

Olivia: I'm going to go get ready for my meeting with Decker.

Rafe: This is stupid because I used to like getting visits. I'm out of here.

Daisy: Wooo! It's just ten more minutes, okay?

Rafe: Why? Why?

Daisy: You have nowhere else to be.

Rafe: Actually, I do, all right? I'm going to get a job at the library right now. What? Can Grady help me with that, too? Because if he can, that would be great.

Daisy: No, just ten minutes, please. Can we sit down and I can explain.

Rafe: Just talk. Go ahead, talk. Daisy, what is Grady going to help me with that he hasn't already?

Daisy: Okay. All the stuff he has done was in the past, okay? Grady has changed.

Rafe: He's scamming you, okay?

Daisy: No. The last time I saw you, I went and I talked to him. I told him that you were in trouble, you were getting in fights. You were getting hurt. And he must have felt bad, and he wanted to do something to help you.

Rafe: First of all, this is a minimum security prison, Daisy. And as for me getting transferred, my mother did that, not Grady.

Daisy: Look, okay. He has contacts here, okay? He's told them to keep you safe. I don't see any bruises on you. Are you still getting into fights?

Rafe: Wow. Whatever.

Daisy: No.

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Daisy: It's not whatever. You're safe because of Grady. Okay? Try to remember that next time you're going to go make a video trashing him.

Rafe: Do you realize how naive you sound right now? Has he been brainwashing you or something. What's going on? Because if he's doing anything for me, it has nothing to do with me or because he feels guilty.

Daisy: Okay, why is he doing it then?

Rafe: Are you serious?

Daisy: Oh, because of me? I didn't even know about it.

Rafe: Wow. Um, whatever it is, tell him to call it off, all right?

Daisy: Rafe, he's trying to help you. He's trying to help you!

Rafe: Whatever it is, please, just tell him to call it off, all right?

Grady: What's wrong? You're not enjoying our conversation?

Ashlee: Are you sure you want to do this here, in the middle of the street, in the middle of the day, when someone might see you?

Grady: What, you really think I'm going to hurt you?

Ashlee: Let me think: You broke into my car, and you know I don't like you, and you act like a bit of a psychopath. But you know that I am not afraid of you.

Grady: And I am not afraid of you.

Ashlee: You should be.

Grady: Why, because you internet blog stuff?

Ashlee: No. Because I am Daisy's best friend, and that means something.

Grady: Yeah, like going behind her back, stirring up trouble with her ex? It sounds like you're a real good friend.

Ashlee: My God, you actually like this. You're getting enjoyment out of this. It's so obvious that you've changed. Silly me. I'm such a fool.

Grady: Daisy gets it. We're together, she trusts, and that's all that matters to me.

Ashlee: She trusts you now.

Grady: Ashlee, you can trash me all you want. You can whip stuff up on the internet blogs, you can do anything. At the end of the day, Daisy is not going to want to be your friend, and I'm not going to have to lift a finger. Have I changed? Maybe, maybe not. Am I smarter? Definitely.

Daisy: (Laughs)

Grady: Pretty cute, huh?

Daisy: Not as cute as you.

Grady: Ahhh... you are funny.

Daisy: (Laughs)

Natalia: I don't see him, so you should sneak out, and I will cover for you.

Olivia: Why would I do that?

Natalia: Because you need to rest more.

Olivia: Oh, oh, so you're going to tell me how to live my life now?

Natalia: Just trying to keep you healthy, and you're the one that said this meeting was not urgent.

Olivia: No. I said the topic wasn’t. My job is.

Natalia: You think he's going to fire you because you miss one meeting?

Olivia: What if he does? Do you think I can just run out and get another job?

Natalia: You don't need the money.

Olivia: I'm-- it's not just about the money. I happen to really like what I'm doing. And there are health benefits. There is a job for Ava when she decides to come back. And I don't have to work a gazillion hours a week, and I get to work from home.

Natalia: It's a very good opportunity for you.

Olivia: It is an opportunity. And what is an opportunity but a chance? If you don't take it, it's kind of meaningless, isn't it? The good part is, I'm smart enough to realize that. Not everyone does.

Decker: Two for the price of one, my kind of lunch.

Olivia: Well, unfortunately, Natalia is not sticking around. It would bore her out of her mind.

Natalia: I do have a lot of things to do, so...

Decker: When are you going to let me steal her from you?

Olivia: As soon as you can convince her it's a good idea.

Frank: Hey. Please tell me you're not leaving. Dad just cancelled out on me.

Natalia: Hey, you don't still have a mortgage, do you?

Frank: What? Ah, no, no, no... well, I did. Um... um... why do you ask, I mean, I thought you sold your cottage?

Natalia: I did, but Cassie’s house is up for sale.

Frank: Ooh, that's a great place.

Natalia: Yeah. Expensive. I think the mortgage would be huge.

Frank: Well, Eleni and I... when we moved into our house, I had nightmares for like weeks. Will I have enough money if Marina needed braces? Or if my car broke down, would I have enough to buy another car?

Natalia: Yeah. Shouldn't I save that money for Rafe’s lawyers? The thought of debt... that's why I don't have any credit cards.

Frank: Well, yeah. Who, who's that with Olivia?

Natalia: Larry Decker, her boss.

Frank: From Galaxy hotels?

Natalia: Uh-huh

Frank: Yeah, figures she'd be with some rich business-type.

Natalia: Did you know that Olivia grew up poor?

Frank: I did know that. Believe it or not, who would have thought.

Natalia: Not me.

Jeffrey: I've been looking for you everywhere.

Reva: I went to see my OB/GYN, but she wasn't there, so I just kept walking.

Jeffrey: Well, I wish you would have stayed. After you left, I spoke with Dr. Alcott, and... well, there is more to hear, Reva.

Reva: The man wants to abort our baby. I don't want to hear another word out of his mouth. He's fired.

Jeffrey: He's your doctor. He's trying to help you.

Reva: Well, you know what? It's not just me, you know? I'm a package deal now. It's me and our baby, and I am not going to do anything to jeopardize his baby's life. Once he is born, then I'll talk about taking care of the cancer.

Jeffrey: What if there's a way...

Reva: What, for both of us? For it to work for both of us? No! Come on. I had chemo. Do you know what that is? It's a poison. It's a poison that they pump through my body. I can't drink or smoke or eat tuna for God sake without it hurting the baby, but yet they want to pump my veins full of chemo. No! This is our baby, Jeffrey! It's not Dr. Alcott’s.

Ashlee: Oh, don't stop on my account.

Doris: Good. Because this is about the first of 50 calls.

Ashlee: Although you do have an assistant.

Doris: Ashlee, I don't have... okey-dokey. I will give you two minutes. Go. Now you have five seconds less than two minutes.

Ashlee: Okay, okay, okay. What do you do when your friend is with just the wrong guy?

Doris: The wrong guy? Can you be a little bit more specific?

Ashlee: Okay. No, he's not just a bad guy. He's really awful for her, and she doesn't even know.

Doris: Hmmm, and this friend, have you known her for a long time?

Ashlee: What difference does that make?

Doris: You know, has she made this kind of mistake before, the wrong guy thing?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah. Well, mostly just this one guy. But every time I think they're going to break up, they get back together.

Doris: So your friend, she's got a hard time ending things?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah. Even though she knows she has to.

Doris: Well, you know what, you're two minutes is almost up, so I'm just going to cut to the quick here. This wrong guy... it's Coop, right?

Ashlee: What?

Doris: Well, this friend is you, right?

Ashlee: Um, no, no. You know that I haven't been dating Coop for a really long time. I didn't lie to you about that.

Doris: I know. I mean, I knew that. I just thought the way you were talking, that this is one of those talks.

Ashlee: No, Mom, it's not one of those talks. I don't have a problem. I have a problem with him. He has loads of problems. I hate him so much.

Grady: Hey. I could have sworn you were going to choose the red licorice.

Daisy: No. It's definitely chocolate today. I... I just saw Rafe.

Grady: Yeah, I figured.

Daisy: Yeah. I'm just so angry about that stupid interview he did with Ashlee. And I wanted to show him that his plan, it didn't work.

Grady: What did he say?

Daisy: He is just like Ashlee. He refuses to believe that you're even remotely capable of doing something good.

Grady: Well... I really can't blame him for that. I mean, if I was Rafe, I would think that I'm the guy who is keeping you from him. I'd be really pissed. I mean, after all, he was in love with you first, right?

Daisy: Yeah. But he wasn't my first love. You, I'm talking about you!

Grady: I'm glad I met you first, too.

Daisy: And even if I didn't say it or-- I don't think I even really knew it, looking back, I could tell, yeah, it was you.

Push you back down

pick myself up pull you close

I want...

Natalia: Thank you for the drink.

Frank: You're welcome. Maybe next time I'll throw in some food there, huh?

Natalia: So in the end, you were glad you bought that house?

Frank: You know what? In retrospect, it needed a lot of work. But, um... no regrets.

Natalia: Really?

Frank: Really. Well, up until the day I got divorced.

Natalia: Sorry, did you need more time?

Decker: Actually, no. I just found out I have a conference call. I'm sorry, Olivia. I know this was supposed to be a working lunch.

Olivia: That's okay. Larry was telling me about a hedge fund. Aren't you glad you weren't with us?

Decker: Okay, yeah. It's a little dry. Hedge funds in Hong Kong. But I'm telling you, my info is solid. And this is a great fit for you, okay? Just don't wait too long, Olivia.

Olivia: Thanks. Thanks for the tip.

Decker: That's for you. I hope you're son's doing okay in that new facility.

Natalia: Oh, thank you. I didn't know you knew about Rafe.

Decker: You're important to Olivia, so you're important to me. See you.

Olivia: Bye.

Natalia: Come on. I'll drive you home.

Olivia: Don't you have another shift at Company?

Natalia: I don't have to be there quite yet.

Olivia: Oh, well, you know what? I'm going to take a cab. That way you'll have more time to count your money.

Jeffrey: Reva, wait! Wait! I want to talk about this.

Reva: We have already had this conversation. There is nothing to talk about! You said you wanted this baby more than anything!

Jeffrey: I do, Reva. But we haven't had this conversation. We talked about wanting to have a baby, but that was always with you in the picture. Right? You're in the equation.

Reva: What if you had to make a choice?

Jeffrey: Don't do this.

Reva: I have to!

Jeffrey: It's not as simple, it's not as simple as you're making it, all right? After you left, I spoke with the doctor. Listen to me. He threw a lot of things out there, okay? About the chemo, about what it meant if you waited to take it. There are a lot of variables.

Reva: Not to me. The baby comes first. We always knew this was going to be a high-risk pregnancy. The baby comes first! I need you to say that to me! (Cell phone rings) That's your new job, right?

Jeffrey: That can wait.

Reva: No. I know how important that job is to you because you told me it was. So take the call. And I'm going to take care of what's important to me.

Jeffrey: Reva, wait!

Natalia: So you're telling me the truth? This is much better?

Rafe: Come on, do you see any bruises?

Natalia: It could be underneath your shirt...

Rafe: Ma, come on. What are you doing? There's a guard in here.

Natalia: I know. I just-- you don't have to...

Rafe: Don't what? Take off my shirt?

Natalia: You don't have to protect me.

Rafe: Ma, look, this is a different prison, all right? It's not the old place. It's minimum security. You did that for me.

Natalia: Okay, I know you don't want to tell me anything bad. That's fine. But you have to promise me, if you get hurt, you have to tell somebody. You tell a lawyer or the guard... or tell Daisy. I don't care who.

Rafe: I would much rather give you good news.

Natalia: All right, don't tease me because this is not the day.

Rafe: Ma, I'm not teasing. Ma, this place is not the old place. It's different. They have classes here. They have a library where I can, you know, get my G.E.D. and walk out and go to college.

Natalia: Oh, Rafe...

Rafe: Look, I know that it's expensive and everything, but, you know, I didn't even think about going to fancy school until you and Gus got married. And that was for what, about six months? You know? I can go to a community college. That's not something to be ashamed of. And don’t... don't do that, all right? 'Cause look, I'm in prison. And any school is a big step up. Seriously, I didn't even know that we were poor until we moved to Springfield. All right? And before that, I didn't really even think too much about college. At best, I thought maybe I would be like a mechanic, which is nothing wrong with that. It's a good job. But it's just-- now I know I have choices.

Natalia: Is that what I made you think, that you didn't have any choices?

Rafe: Ma, stop! No! I used to know what to say to make you feel better. What's wrong? I've been in prison too long?

Natalia: No. There's got to be another way. You know what, people don't just stay poor. They figure it out. And they figure out how to get ahead and how to provide for their families and how to have money in an emergency.

Rafe: Okay, look, everything is going to be fine. Ma, do you trust me? All right.

Doris: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you don't work here anymore! Do you?

Ashlee: No, I don’t. But, you know, I think my two minutes were up at least five minutes ago.

Doris: Oh, you know what? Come on, come on, come on, just sit. But I need to tell you I don't have too much more time than that. And I'm not just saying that. This new temporary D.A....

Ashlee: Who?

Doris: You know, now that Jeffrey is down in D.C. doing this-- sucking up to the new president, is what he's doing-- he has left me with this temporary replacement, you know, who is worthless. If I don't baby-sit this dude night and day, I know I'm going to turn around and he is going to say something incredibly stupid, and then I'm going to lose all of the votes.

Ashlee: But Mom, you're mayor already. Why do you care about votes?

Doris: Talking about a second term, honey. A one-term mayor is a failure.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I didn't wear my watch. Are we on your time or my time?

Doris: Okay, okay. Go! No more complaining. Just get to the question.

Ashlee: Okay, okay. So my friend, she is with this guy, this very wrong guy. And she thinks that he has changed, but how do I convince her that this guy hasn't changed at all.

Doris: Ah, you don’t.

Ashlee: What? But I know he hasn’t. I know that I'm right.

Doris: Well, I'm sure you are right. And I totally believe you, but you're not going to tell her that.

Ashlee: Well, I have to. She's my friend.

Doris: Ashlee, sometimes women get involved with men like that for a reason.

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, they do, because they think that the guy's hot, that he's like so hot and he's trouble, bad boy. And he is not hot. He is just... unhot. He's unhot.

Doris: Ashlee, do you think I'm a smart woman?

Ashlee: Yes. I do. You're one of the smartest I know.

Doris: Great. And you know, I married Alan Spaulding, okay? Why?

Ashlee: Um... because he is rich.

Doris: Partly true. But I had a lot of money... not Spaulding kind of money, but I did. No, I married Alan Spaulding knowing exactly who that man was. And I somehow believed that I could change him. And, if you remember, he's not the first wrong guy that I tried to fix.

Ashlee: Oh my God, you dated a lot of wrong guys. Like so many. I just thought you had bad taste.

Doris: Well, bad judgment, okay, like a lot of women. And, you know, women see what they want to see. You know? They put the blinders on, and they don't see all of that stuff until it's too late.

Ashlee: So, what you're saying is, is that my friend, she knows this guy is bad, and that he probably hasn't changed, but... but she needs someone like me to remind her of that?

Doris: Okay, now I've really got to go.

Ashlee: Oh, well, thank you for the talk.

Doris: Yeah, yeah. I hope it helped. Listen-- and um, tell Daisy that I wish her luck.

Ashlee: Daisy? I didn't say it was Daisy.

Doris: Yeah, well, like I said, tell Daisy that I wish her luck because she's going to need it. Bye, sweetie.

Grady: So, the chocolate kicked in yet?

Daisy: No. This... this is all you. And the koala.

Grady: Wow, I'm better than chocolate, huh? Nice. Just don't tell Ashlee, or else she'll put it in her video blog and then we'll be hearing about it for weeks. I'm sorry. I know she's a friend of yours. I was just joking.

Daisy: No, no, it's just... Ashlee and Rafe... they're just so frustrating because they just can't let go of the past, you know?

Grady: Well, if Ashlee and Rafe are our biggest problems, then we've got... what, they're not our biggest problems?

Daisy: There is also the Cooper’s and Reva and Billy.

Grady: Yeah. I forgot you were related to half the town. I'll tell you what? I'll play nice with Ashlee, and we can skip your family?

Daisy: They'll come around, eventually.

Grady: Yeah, right.

Daisy: They will, they'll... see you're not the same person you were when you came to town.

Grady: You really think so?

Daisy: Why don't you come with me to visit Bill at the hospital?

Grady: Bill? Why would I want to go and visit...

Daisy: I know, you're not friends. But I think it would be nice. Ever since I found Bill and Lizzie in that van after the accident.

Grady: Look, I know you feel connected, but I don’t. You go.

Daisy: I thought it would be nice for Reva and Billy to see you.

Grady: I don't think that's a good way for me to try and score points with Billy and Reva. But you go alone.

Daisy: Well, why don't you walk with me and wait in the lobby.

Grady: Actually, I've got to finish up some work. But I'll walk you to your car. Later we can catch up and, we can see if I'm still better than chocolate, huh?

Daisy: Yup.

Jeffrey: Is this something that I need to be in Washington for? Can't do this long distance? Right. No, I got it. D.C.

Daisy: Well, hello.

Reva: Hi.

Daisy: I haven't seen you in a while.

Reva: I know.

Daisy: Are you here to visit Bill?

Reva: Ah, no... what? No.

Daisy: That's not why you're here?

Reva: No. I already saw him. There's no change.

Daisy: Oh, okay. Is Lizzie here?

Reva: I didn't see her.

Daisy: Well, I want to tell her that things are going to get better.

Reva: Did Bill's doctor tell you something?

Daisy: Oh, no. You did... not about Bill. To me. Last year, when everything was... when my life was very bad.

Reva: Yeah, you've had a rough year, a lot of tough decisions.

Daisy: Yeah. But, um... there were days... weeks when I thought I was just never going to be happy again, but you said that things were going to get better and it just takes time. You were right. What? This is a good thing, that was a good thing I said.

Reva: No, no. It's nothing. It's nothing. It's just hormones.

Daisy: Oh! Are you sure you don't want to go in there with me?

Reva: No, no, honey. You go ahead. Go. I'll see you

Daisy: Bye.

Olivia: And that's why they call it Thanksgiving. Just for a moment everyone stops to be grateful for what they have.

Emma: And they all stopped fighting.

Olivia: Oh, so you heard us-- Natalia and me before?

Emma: It sounded like you were mad at her. Did you give her a timeout?

Olivia: You know, grownups don't get timeouts, although we really, really should. We really need them. We just make mistakes, Em. We make really big mistakes.

Natalia: Thank you.

Woman: Thank you.

Natalia: Didn't you just eat at Towers?

Decker: Doesn't Olivia keep you busy enough?

Natalia: Well, I'm not ashamed of being a waitress. You know, my son is going to need some money for college soon. It doesn't pay as much as Galaxy, but it does pay.

Decker: I'll take the greasiest thing on the menu. That bad?

Natalia: No. Could you tell me a little bit about the investment you were telling Olivia about?

Decker: I thought that stuff bored you.

Natalia: Well, not if it makes what you said it would. And if you tell me it's not too late to get in.

Daisy: Hey, Lizzie, it's Daisy. I'm at the hospital. I came to see Bill, but, um, he's not here. He's downstairs getting some tests. So I thought I would check in with you and see if you needed anything. Because, um... you and Bill deserve to be happy. As happy as... you guys deserve to be happy. And I hope that they catch that guy who did this to you.

Ashlee: Let's see you try to explain this one.

Thug: Explain what?

Ashlee: No!

Thug: You got any money?

Ashlee: No!

Thug: Give me the money! Give it to me!

Jeffrey: It's me again. Um, can you please call me. We need to talk.

Lillian: I am so glad I bumped into you.

Jeffrey: What's up?

Lillian: I was in the lounge today, and I heard Dr. Alcott discussing your case... not with your names, but um, it didn't sound good.

Jeffrey: It's um... well, it's complicated.

Lillian: I've known Dr. Alcott for a long time, and when I saw Reva run out of there today, I knew what recommendation he had given her. Reva's case is rare, but it's not unique. She's not the first pregnant woman to be told she has cancer, nor is she the first woman to be given that recommendation.

Jeffrey: Well, what are you saying? Dr. Alcott read it wrong?

Lillian: I'm saying there are a lot of other doctors who would disagree with Dr. Alcott. There is a lot of new information out there. There is a lot of reason to be hopeful. What I'm saying is you should get a second opinion, but you didn't hear it from me.

Coming up on "Guiding Light":

Ashlee: Help me!

Grady: What the hell.

Frank: Freeze! Hands up!

Grady: I wasn't doing anything.

Ashlee: I was attacked, and I tried to fight back, and he threatened me and he hurt me...

Daisy: Grady? No! No, that's not true. He wouldn't do that!

Frank: Don't move. You have the right to remain silent.

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