Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/19/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: I don't care what they are saying out there. I just... if we could... it doesn't make a bit of difference to me what they think. You fought for me, and I am going to fight for you. And I don't have to do it alone; there are so many people that love you.
Frank: Lizzie, are you sure you want to see these surveillance photos? Because they could incriminate Bill.
Lizzie: Bill is innocent. Play it.
Alan: Go ahead, Frank.
Frank: All right, fine. There's the van.
Lizzie: Okay, I see it. That's it. That is the jacket that the kidnapper was wearing.
Frank: Are you sure about that?
Lizzie: Yeah. No, no, no. I am absolutely positive, because that's all I ever saw of him was that jacket.
Frank: Okay, now look. Right there, that's the kidnapper trying to jimmy the lock on the van.
Lizzie: This is all you have? You can't see his face.
Frank: Okay. Well, you know, I can try to enhance it.
Daisy: Grady? What are you doing here?
Blake: Okay. I think we have everything.
Matt: I certainly hope so.
Lillian: Well, I... um, I have all the... these are so heavy. I have all the receipts, you know? I mean, everybody in the whole town chipped in for this stuff.
Buzz: What happened?!
Matt: I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Buzz: Would you put...?
Blake: Do we have the batteries?
Buzz: What's this? Oh, Reva!
Lillian: Yeah.
Buzz: The baby shower. Yes.
Blake: Oh, here. Okay, batteries. Do we have enough?
Lillian: Yeah, we got lots.
Matt: Ladies, it was nice seeing you. Buzz, if I could get a cup of coffee?
Buzz: Okay.
Matt: To go.
Buzz: To go?
Blake: To go?!
Buzz: To go?
Blake: What, are you crazy? No, no. What kind of friends would we be if we gave Reva all this stuff unassembled?
Matt: Right.
Buzz: Not to go.
Matt: What was I thinking?
Buzz: Oh, wait a second. Can I have a couple of packages of those?
Lillian: Oh, no, no. You buy your own.
Buzz: You are so cold.
Blake: I just love baby showers, I really do. You know, I wasn't sure that Reva would be excited about this, but she seemed to be when I asked her, so...
Matt: You know, I just, though... I can't quite wrap my brain around that whole Reva-Jeffrey thing.
Lillian: Oh, Jeffrey’s the one who gave us this list for everybody. And then, out of the catalog, Reva went through each thing and picked out what she wanted.
Blake: All right, so we just have to make sure everything works.
Matt: You know, why don't you ladies wrap everything, and then... and then hide it until the shower.
Blake: Have we met? What, are you crazy? Come on. Your job is to make sure these things work. I want you to get the bassinet, okay? Get that going. And, Buzz, I want you to make that cradle swing.
Matt: That's why he's so good with the ladies-- he just knows how to listen.
Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Are we driving you crazy? You can leave if you want.
Matt: No, no, no, no, no. This is... this is fun. You know, just... Maureen’s a little... a little young for this stuff. It's kind of making me wish I had another little one.
Lillian: Uh... excuse me? You probably... I mean, Reva and Jeffrey have had a baby. I'm sure you could have one, too. And if you do, I will buy you a bassinet.
Matt: Promise?
Lillian: Yeah. (Laughing)
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: I dropped a stitch.
Jeffrey: What are you making?
Reva: It's, um...
Jeffrey: It's nice.
Reva: Yeah. It’s... um, supposed to be a baby blanket.
Jeffrey: For a very, very, very small baby, right?
Reva: Well, I just started.
Jeffrey: I didn't know you were into knitting.
Reva: I just started. Look, I... I've got all these holes. I keep dropping... I can't talk to you when I'm trying to do this.
Jeffrey: Okay. Sorry.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: So, are you ready to go?
Reva: You know, I changed my mind.
Jeffrey: What do you mean?
Reva: Well, I mean, why... why go? I mean, we've the... a sonogram to prove that the baby is okay. That's all I need to know.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe that's not all I need to know, Reva.
Reva: Well, then you go and take the test.
Jeffrey: Reva, this is not something to joke about.
Reva: Who's laughing, huh? I'm not.
Jeffrey: I'm not going to lose you.
Buzz: Wow.
Lillian: Boy, I wish they'd had things like this when Beth was little. I mean, they had some when Lizzie was little. And Sarah had some of this...
Matt: Looks like a nice place for a nap.
Blake: This is one lucky baby.
Buzz: How did people raise children before they had this stuff? I mean...
Matt: I don't know, when I was a kid, we played with sticks and rocks and cardboard boxes.
Blake: Yeah, well, welcome to the 21st century. Okay. Buzz, I want you to take this receiver here, and go into the kitchen, and breathe. We need to know if we can hear you.
Buzz: And breathe?
Lillian: You know how to do that?
Buzz: Oh, sorry.
Matt: See what I'm saying? He really does listen.
Blake: I told you before-- you can leave if you'd like.
Matt: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. I would not miss Buzz breathing into a monitor for anything in the world.
Blake: Good answer.
Jeffrey: Let me see that.
Reva: Hey. Hey. Give those back to me. How will I ever learn? Hey.
Jeffrey: Do you mean, when will you ever learn?
Reva: Learn what?
Jeffrey: Learn that, sometimes, not knowing is worse.
Reva: For you.
Jeffrey: Okay, yeah, for me. Do we keep things from each other now, or...?
Reva: I'm not.
Jeffrey: You're not? Then, why don't you just admit it, admit that you're scared. Or maybe you're blowing off this appointment because you want to sit home and knit.
Reva: Okay. I'm scared. Happy?
Jeffrey: No, because I'm scared, okay? I am scared, too. But sitting around here thinking that everything is just fine doesn't mean that the cancer isn't back, Reva. I'm sorry.
Reva: No, no, it's okay. I mean, we almost got through a day without saying the C word. I mean, we were due, right?
Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah. I don't mean to snap, but this is our choice, right? This is our choice.
Reva: Yeah, it is. It's a choice we made months ago when we decided to have the baby.
Jeffrey: You were in remission then.
Reva: Yeah, but we knew that if I went off my meds, there was a chance I could get sick again.
Jeffrey: Which is why Rick wants you to see your Oncologist. That way, we'll know for sure. Okay? Please. Please let me take you for these tests.
Reva: I don't know.
Jeffrey: Just tell me what you're most afraid of.
Reva: It's not the finding out; it’s... it's what comes next. You know, if I go back on my meds, is that going to put the baby at risk?
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We can talk about that. We can talk all about that once we know what we're dealing with.
Reva: For me, there's no option. I already made up my mind. And now you sound like you're changing yours.
Jeffrey: What's the point? What's the point of having a baby if you are not going to be there? I want you there, okay? I want you there-- for the birthday parties, for the first days of school. Okay? For the graduations, for the weddings, for the grandkids.
Reva: We'll be ancient, we'll be ancient.
Jeffrey: I hope so.
Reva: I'm sorry that I got you into this.
Jeffrey: We got each other into this, okay? And you know what? We're going to get each other through it. So let's take these tests, okay, because I want our baby to know that his mother is going to be around for him.
Reva: (Sniffling)
Grady: What are you doing here?
Daisy: I asked you first.
Grady: I'm handing in my resignation.
Daisy: You're quitting?
Grady: Yeah. I'm done working for Dinah.
Daisy: What are you going to do for money?
Grady: I haven't figured that out yet.
Daisy: Well, Mallet and Marina get the paper delivered, so I'll save the wanted ads for you.
Grady: Thank you very much. So, what are you doing here?
Daisy: Oh, I came to see Lizzie.
Grady: I don't think she's home.
Daisy: She's probably at the hospital with Bill. I could have ended up in the hospital, too, myself.
Grady: Why, did something happen?
Daisy: Someone left a very sharp key on my table.
Grady: Oh, that.
Daisy: Yeah, that.
Grady: So, you want me to beat the guy up?
Daisy: Mm, no. I think he beats himself up enough already. Thank you for giving it back.
Grady: Thank you for taking me back.
Rafe: Are you sure the warden okayed all of this?
Ashlee: Yeah. Actually, that's one of the amazing things is having Mayor Mom on your side.
Rafe: Well, just thank you again.
Ashlee: We both care about Daisy.
Rafe: Yeah. I just hope that this all works, you know?
Ashlee: You know what? You can't fight for her if you're in here. And all she's thinking about is Grady now.
Rafe: You know, I can’t... I can't believe she went back with that guy. I mean, I don't want to sound selfish, but, I mean, after everything that he did to me and... I don't know. It's whatever.
Ashlee: You know, a little public sympathy could go a long way in shortening your... your sentence.
Rafe: All right, cool. Let's do it.
Frank: Okay, let me try this one more time.
Lizzie: I don't want to watch it again. We've watched it a dozen times. You can't see his face. You can't see his face. It doesn't prove anything. It could be anyone.
Frank: It still doesn't rule Bill out as a suspect, though.
Lizzie: Yeah, but it doesn't prove anything, does it?
Alan: You know, Elizabeth is right, Frank. If you presented this in a court of law, they would laugh you out of the courtroom. Now, you're wasting time. Why don't you go out and find the real kidnappers, huh? Elizabeth? What is it?
Lizzie: Bill wouldn't do this to me. He just... Bill wouldn't do this to me. Just stop the investigation, please, Frank.
Frank: Lizzie, I can't do that. Even though this tape may be inconclusive, all evidence still points to Bill.
Lizzie: It's like you want him to be guilty! That's what it's like!
Alan: Frank, Frank, would you leave us alone just for a minute, okay?
Lizzie: Granddad, I want to go. You need to take me home right now.
Alan: Did you see something else on that tape? You can tell me.
Lizzie: I didn't see anything. I didn't see... I just need to go. I want to go, okay?
Alan: I admire you standing by Bill at this time, especially under these circumstances, but if you saw something else on that tape, you have to say it. One more time, Elizabeth. If you saw something on that tape, you have to say it.
Lizzie: You, too, huh?
Alan: What do you mean me, too? I'm on your side...
Lizzie: Bill's side.
Alan: If that tape means something to you, tell me.
Lizzie: No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t. And you should stop this, because you're the one who will end up looking like a fool.
Daisy: Hey. Oh, God, I'm so sick of $2 meal deals. I can't wait until next week.
Grady: What's next week?
Daisy: It's Thanksgiving, American style.
Grady: What do you do for that?
Daisy: Um, eat mostly. My mom makes... she made really good macaroni and cheese. She always screwed up the turkey, though.
Grady: I'm sorry.
Daisy: Oh, no. I don't really like turkey, anyway, so it's fine.
Grady: I wasn't talking about the turkey; I was talking about your mom. You miss her?
Daisy: Sometimes. Whatever.
Grady: I miss mine, too.
Daisy: Was she a good cook?
Grady: I can't really remember. I was little when she died.
Daisy: I like this, us talking about family and holidays. You're really turning your life around for yourself.
Grady: Well, it's thanks to you, really. I wouldn't have bothered if you weren't around. So, what's the deal with the turkey? It comes out of the hole, and then if it sees its own shadow, it's going to be a long winter, or something like that?
Daisy: No, that's Groundhog's Day. That... that doesn't come until February.
Grady: Ah, I was just messing with you. I don't even know what a groundhog looks like.
Daisy: Okay, it's like a gopher, but bigger. Actually, okay, no, picture a beaver, right, but without the tail. I don't think I know what a groundhog looks like, actually. Let's look it up. (Laughter) Oh!
Grady: Hey, what's that?
Daisy: Um, Ashlee has a... a blog. She hasn't done this for a while.
Grady: Oh, how do we delete it?
Daisy: Hey, Grady, come on. Let's see.
Ashlee: And today, I have the honor of being with my good friend. Oh, hold on one second.
Grady: What's she doing?
Daisy: God, he looks even worse.
Ashlee: This is my friend, Rafael Rivera.
Grady: You went and saw him?
Daisy: I... I had to drop some stuff off for Natalia.
Ashlee: So, how long have you been in here?
Rafe: I... I've been here for about two weeks, but I'll be in here for the better part of two years.
Ashlee: What are... what are you in for?
Rafe: I shot the D.A.
Ashlee: From what I remember, he asked for clemency. So why such an outrageous... outrageous sentence?
Rafe: Yeah, well, um... a lot of it, actually, is due to something I didn't actually do. Um...
Ashlee: You know what? Let’s... I want to talk about that. Let's get back to that later. But now, um... here, is it dangerous?
Rafe: Here, it isn't so bad. The place I was before, um... yeah. I mean, I guess I'd say that physical confrontation was... was pretty normal.
Ashlee: Did you get seriously hurt?
Rafe: I don't think it was anything that I felt I couldn't handle.
Ashlee: But you feel like you deserve to handle it, like someone should go through this?
Rafe: Um, you know, I'm... I'm sorry for what I did. Everybody knows that. I... I don't want to be like other people in here that might... that might act like... like they're innocent, and they'll cling to it till they... till they die. I did what I did. I brought a gun to scare Jeffrey O’Neill. But I brought it to scare him, you know, and it accidentally went off. And I know it sounds... the whole situation was just one big mistake. And I don’t... I'm not the kind of person who... who sounds like they're trying to make excuses or anything. Um... my dad just passed away in a... in a motorcycle accident, and he was a good cop, you know? He was a really... he was a really great guy. And I was just sort of getting to know that and to know him.
Ashlee: And you lost someone else, too, didn't you?
Rafe: My girl, yeah. Like, I was... I was wrong, and I'm sorry, but that doesn't make you a bad person.
Ashlee: So, this girl-- what happened?
Rafe: Um... I left. And by the time I realized what a mistake I'd made and came back, um... she was gone.
Ashlee: She was with someone else?
Rafe: A coward, yeah. Again, I don't want to be the kind of person who would put other people's mistakes out there, but, um... this person... this guy... um... he killed... he killed a young lady. That's right, a young lady. And... and everybody knows that. But he's a free man. And I shot the D.A., and I'm in here. And I get that and that's fine, you know I deserve that. But it's just that everything... everything is as bad as it is for me right now, because of this guy. He set me up, okay? He set me up. He set it up so that the officer that arrested me thought I had a gun. He... he set it up so that the officer that arrested me thought I was holding my ex-girlfriend hostage. They thought that I was armed and dangerous, and that I was holding my ex-girlfriend hostage. Which just isn't true. If it had just been about me shooting Jeffrey O’Neill, I might have been able to work something out. I could have had a plea bargain and got a suspended sentence. But after taking somebody hostage-- I mean, how do you come back from that?
Ashlee: I'm trying to figure out how you come back from spending hard time in a hard prison. You must hate Grady Foley very much.
Rafe: I just want to go home. I just want a second chance. I... I just want to... I want a chance to start over. I am really, really sorry.
Matt: Hello, Buzz? Come in, Buzz.
Blake: Uh-oh.
Lillian: Oh, don't worry. I have the receipts.
Buzz: Forget about the receipts! Take two.
Matt: I take back what I said about him earlier.
Buzz: Lillian? Lillian, can you hear me?
Lillian: Oh, loud and clear, sweetie.
Buzz: Come into the kitchen. There's something that's burning.
Lillian: Okay. I'll see you later.
Matt: Good-bye.
Doctor Alcott: You're a brave woman, Mrs. O’Neill.
Reva: Oh!
Jeffrey: You don't know the half of it.
Reva: All of that medical history that you're looking at? That's exactly what it is. It's history. It's in the past. I mean, I don't know what Dr. Hendrix has told you, but, um... all of that goes out the window now that I'm pregnant.
Jeffrey: Why don't we let the doctor decide what goes out the window?
Reva: Well, we... we made the decision that we needed to make, and nothing has changed.
Doctor Alcott: Well, we'll know more once we run a few tests. We'll get you in for an M.R.I., run a complete blood work.
Reva: It's dr. Allen, right?
Doctor Alcott: Alcott.
Reva: Sorry. Um, we are new to each other. So if my cancer is back, I really don't think you're in the position to be telling me what to do.
Jeffrey: Actually, he is, Reva. He's going to tell us what our options are.
Reva: But ultimately, it's my decision, right? I mean, you keep saying it's our decision, but in the end, it really comes down to my life versus the baby’s.
Doctor Alcott: It could come to that, but we can't assume anything.
Reva: Well, that's all I need to hear. So you can go ahead and run whatever tests you need to run.
Jeffrey: Reva...
Reva: But I don't really need to know the results because I've already made my decision. My baby's life comes first.
I'm an open book
I'm a long walk down the hall
unlocked doors
some memories I can't recall
I want to be smooth
details my winning smile
I need to learn to keep
to myself a while, yeah
comfort me
comfort me
comfort me...
Doctor Alcott: The tests will take a while to be processed.
Jeffrey: How long?
Doctor Alcott: Well, my best advice to you is to get out and get some fresh air and try to think about something else.
Reva: Yeah. Good luck with that.
Doctor Alcott: This pager will signal when the results are in.
Reva: You take it.
Jeffrey: All right. Thank you.
Reva: Well, don't thank him just yet. Um... Dr. Alcott, do you have children?
Doctor Alcott: I do.
Reva: Then you should understand how I feel.
Doctor Alcott: Well, I'm not a parent in here, Mrs. O’Neill. I'm a doctor. And regardless of my patient's priorities, my priority is always my patient.
Jeffrey: That makes two of us, Doc.
Grady: You know why your friend did that, right?
Daisy: Because she doesn't like you.
Grady: She hates me. She can't stand the fact that I led her on to get in good with the mayor. She doesn't understand how good we are for each other. You know what? Just forget about it.
Daisy: No, I mean, I... I saw you grab Ashlee’s arm, you know? And I defended you to her. She... she came over to me, showing me her arm, making a big deal about it.
Grady: I'm sorry I had to do that.
Daisy: No, Grady. She provoked you. And I called her out on it. And that stuff is all the same, okay? It keeps happening over and over again, but, still, I just wish I could do something for Rafe. Because he's going to die if he stays in here.
Grady: Rafe will be okay in that new prison he's in.
Daisy: What?
Grady: Well, I mean, okay as he can be.
Daisy: Grady?
Grady: (Sighs) I knew a few guys on the inside. I got in touch with them. And they're going to make sure that no one messes with Rafe.
Daisy: Why didn't you tell me?
Grady: I didn't do it to score points.
Daisy: But, I mean, I told you Rafe needed help, but I didn't say what.
Grady: I spent most of my life in jail. I knew what it was about.
Daisy: I... you don't even like him.
Grady: Yeah, not even a little bit.
Daisy: So why did you do it?
Grady: Because it's what you wanted.
Comfort me
comfort me...
Buzz: Hey. Excuse our appearance. We have a... I have a... friend that's going to have a baby. (Laughing) It's like, well, a shock is an understatement, but she's been through, you know, a whole lot. Her and her husband. I was her husband once. (Beeping noise)
Woman: Fiona, where are you going, missy?
Blake: What was that?
Woman: Oh, this thing is a lifesaver. It's a locating device. Kids can get away from you just like that. This thing is great. They won't get far without the beeper going off.
Blake: We need one of those, too. Seriously, I mean, Jeffrey and Reva, they're bound to have a baby that doesn't follow the rules.
Buzz: Uh-oh.
Lillian: What, what, what?
Buzz: Jeffery and Reva coming right across from Cedars.
Lillian: Oh, no!
Buzz: We've got two minutes to hide this stuff.
Alan: Well, thanks a lot, frank. Now you've turned Elizabeth against me.
Frank: Yeah, right, Alan.
Alan: Look, if you have enough evidence to indict Bill, go ahead and do it or just move on. And don't ever question my love for Elizabeth!
Frank: I don't question your love for your granddaughter, Alan. It's just how you choose to show it.
Frank: (Scoffs) This coming from father of the year. Tell me, something, how many felons has your daughter been involved with?
Frank: You know something? Your granddaughter could be involved with one right now.
Alan: All right, Frank. I'm going to go home. And why don't you get some of your men and come over to my place? You won't even need a search warrant. You can comb the area for new evidence, huh?
Frank: We've done that already-- unless we've missed something.
Alan: My family comes first, Frank. And above all else, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: (Sighs) I don't even know why I'm here. I know Bill's innocent. Yeah, I already know that. (Laughs) It’s... it's just a big, black winter jacket. Anybody could have one of these. Doesn't prove anything.
Reva: (Sighs) I can't do it. I can't just sit here and wait for that thing to go off.
Jeffrey: Me either. Where you going?
Matt: Blake, do you have the keys to every house in town?
Blake: Well, just about. I mean, I am a realtor.
Matt: Yeah, that's what they all say.
Lillian: You know, this baby -- he or she is going to be so happy because it is already surrounded by everybody who will take care of him-her.
Blake: You know, don't you? You know if it's a girl or boy.
Lillian: Of course I know! We're ready for you, baby O’Neill.
Buzz: He-she?
Lillian: (Laughing) He-she.
Reva: Come on. You can't stop now. The whole thing's melting. Eat.
Jeffrey: I can't! I can't eat anymore.
Reva: You better. It's dinner, because I'm not cooking.
Jeffrey: What's new?
Reva: Hey!
Jeffrey: You took all the sprinkles!
Reva: I'm sorry! You said you were through anyway!
Jeffery: Sprinkles!
Reva: You know what? We should have done this for our wedding, instead of cupcakes. An ice cream sundae bar.
Jeffrey: Outside in the middle of summer?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Right, yeah. You know, we didn't even get to eat those cupcakes because of some hungry deer.
Reva: (Laughing) Can you imagine Bambi running off with something like this?
Jeffrey: Good point.
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: How long have we been married?
Reva: It feels like forever.
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Reva: I meant that in a good way. We've been busy.
Jeffrey: Yeah. You must like moving... that's why you moved back to the house, right?
Reva: No. I hate it.
Jeffrey: Well, then maybe what? Josh was across the hall?
Reva: No, no. Josh was next door. (Laughter)
Grady: I can check in again with my guy on the inside and see how Rafe is doing, okay?
Daisy: Is it hard to do that? I mean, you can't just call them up, right?
Grady: No, I have my ways. It's not doing you a favor if it doesn't get done. So I'll catch you later, okay?
Daisy: Thank you.
Grady: Would you stop thanking me all the time?
Daisy: Okay. See ya. (Laughs) Oh, and, uh, I'll save the paper for you.
Grady: What?
Daisy: Uh, the "wanted" ads.
Grady: Oh, right. Thanks.
Daisy: Hey.
Ashlee: Hey. What are you doing out here? Doing some work or something?
Daisy: Um, I saw your interview with Rafe.
Ashlee: Oh, good.
Daisy: Grady saw it, too.
Ashlee: Oh, wonderful! I hope that loads of people saw it. That's what Rafe and I were hoping for, at least. Did you like it?
Daisy: Like you have to ask me that?
Ashlee: I'm just wondering what it's going to take for you to walk away from this guy? Do you want another dead cousin?
Daisy: I get what you are doing, absolutely, wanting to go public with what Rafe is going through, okay?
Ashlee: Hey, I was trying to help him... and you.
Daisy: I'm absolutely with you. I want Rafe out of there, too. Really, I do. But I don't want it to... to have it happen at the expense of Grady, because that isn't helping me, all right? Because you don't know that Grady has really changed. If you had heard what he just said that he did for Rafe.
Ashlee: What? What? I know what he did for him. We all know what Grady did for Rafe.
Daisy: All right. You're not even listening to me. You will see who Grady really is some day. Rafe will see it. Everyone will see it.
Frank: I wouldn't do that.
Alan: Elizabeth, you should have told me. I would have protected you.
Lizzie: Bill is the one that needs protecting. He can't even defend himself against these people who are obviously trying to set him up!
Alan: Frank, she's been under a lot of trauma. She's not thinking straight.
Lizzie: No, Granddad, just stop. Stop!
Frank: I'm not here to hurt Lizzie.
Lizzie: No. Just Bill, huh?
Frank: I now have enough evidence for the grand jury.
Lizzie: No! Frank, wait! Frank, wait! (Sobbing)
(beeping noise) (beeping noise)
Reva: Oh, I am done! I am so done.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. What are you talking about? Come on, now. This is like a mission now. We have to finish this.
Reva: You and your missions.
Jeffrey: What, you're not tempted by all of this dairy goodness?
Reva: You only want to feed it to me so you don't have to eat it.
Jeffrey: One bite, come on.
Reva: No dice, my friend.
Jeffrey: It's melting. Come on. Come on.
Reva: You are making such a mess!
Jeffrey: You ain't seen nothing yet.
Reva: Okay, ah!
Jeffery: I knew you wanted, see.
Reva: (Laughs) Now I feel sick.
Jeffrey: Huh?
Reva: Not cancer sick. Not even pregnant sick. Just too much ice cream sick. Sorry. I know we had a streak going until I mentioned the cancer word again.
Jeffrey: I think those results should be in soon.
Reva: I can beat this again. I beat it once. I know how it's done.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, let's not go picking a fight until we know there's a bully, okay?
Reva: No one's going to bully our baby.
Jeffrey: You know, the doctor was right. You are very, very brave. And you live for a challenge.
Reva: That's right. I live. And so does our baby. Speaking of challenges...
Jeffrey: Huh?
Reva: (Laughing)
Jeffery: (Laughing) No way!
Reva: Oh, come, it's your turn.
Jeffrey: What are you talking about? I gave you a small bite! That thing's huge...
Reva: Oh, you are such a chicken!
Jeffrey: Come on. (Buzzing sound)
Reva: Did you hear something? (Buzzing sound)
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: The pager. It's time.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: It's Dr. Alcott.
Jeffery: Yeah.
Reva: I'm not scared.
Jeffrey: Okay, you're not. I am.
Reva: You know, the last time I had a cancer scare, the doctor wound up telling us that we were pregnant, so... what kind of surprise do you have for us today?
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