GL Transcript Tuesday 11/18/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/18/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Grady: What are they saying?

Lizzie: That he's the one who kidnapped me, and obviously he is being set up and I have to prove that. I'm running out of ways to prove that you're innocent. I need you to wake up.

Frank: The van that was used was stolen.

Lizzie: Okay. Good, anyone can steal a van, that doesn't have anything to do with Bill.

Frank: Lizzie, the place that the van was stolen from had a surveillance camera.

(Cell phone ringing)

Remy: Shut up. Hello? Hello? Hello? Okay. Okay. Okay. No. Ow! I need to wash this off. Okay.

Christina: This can't be good.

25 that's a mighty fine age

say to take it slow because it fades away so fast

when you're old that's just something

you'll say because when you're 25 it'll feel that way

well, the lessons are lost at the top

forgot the way they give you drugs

and times are soft and problems in the

institute is just a fancy word for some

empty suit driving fancy cars...

Grady: Give it back.

Cyrus: What is it?

Grady: It's something I gave to Daisy. Just give it back.

Cyrus: You've been seeing her?

Grady: Yeah, I guess I ought to thank you for what you said to her.

Cyrus: She's giving you another chance, huh?

Grady: Don't you think I deserve it?

Cyrus: Well, you might need one.

Grady: What are you talking about?

Cyrus: The van you stole to transport Lizzie? Turns out there's surveillance video of it being jacked.

Grady: So?

Cyrus: So it probably shows you stealing the van, the van that Lizzie was kidnapped in. You don't think that's incriminating?

Grady: I'm not too worried about it so long as there's a friend looking out for us.

Cyrus: Yeah, until he turns on you again.

Grady: I don't think he's going to.

Cyrus: Well then you're an idiot. You can't trust Alan Spaulding.

Grady: And he can't trust me either, so I'm not exactly worried.

Cyrus: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Grady: Cyrus, your feelings are the least of my concerns, buddy.

Alan: What took so long?

Frank: Alan, maybe you should wait somewhere else.

Alan: How long could it take to get a surveillance video, anyway?

Frank: We're not Spaulding employees, Alan, it takes time.

Alan: Time? Oh, yeah, Frank, we've got plenty of time, don't we? Meanwhile, the kidnappers are still out there.

Frank: Assuming they're not in a coma.

Alan: You don't really think that Bill Lewis did this to Elizabeth, do you?

Frank: Alan, you know, I only go where the evidence takes me. But I have to say, I'm a little surprised that you're on Bill Lewis' side here.

Alan: I'm on the side I've always been: On Elizabeth’s side.

Billy: Look at that little sweetie.

Vanessa: I think we should wake her.

Billy: Yeah, let's give her a break. Bright eyes, hey. Time to wake up.

Lizzie: What time is it?

Vanessa: It's time for you to go home and go to sleep in a real bed.

Lizzie: No, I can just have a cup of coffee, I'll be fine.

Billy: No, come on. He's not going anywhere and we're not going to go anywhere.

Lizzie: I was hoping Rick would come by on his rounds, but he didn’t.

Vanessa: Well, if he says anything I'll call you right away, I promise.

Billy: Don't make us throw you out of here.

Lizzie: I just want to make sure he's protected.

Billy: Protected? Protected from what?

Lizzie: Haven't you guys talked to the cops?

Vanessa: What?

Billy: What? The investigation? What?

Vanessa: Do they have a suspect?

Lizzie: Yes, they do. But it's insane and I don't care what they think.

Billy: Lizzie, what'd they say?

Lizzie: Bill. They think... they're accusing Bill of being the one who kidnapped me.

Billy: What?

Vanessa: What?

Lizzie: It's circumstantial evidence. Who knows? But what I do know is that there is a tape that can clear him and I'm going to see it today, and then hopefully all that craziness will be over and we can just focus on bringing Bill back to us.

Christina: I think I'm dying.

Remy: You're not dying. You smell like it, though.

Christina: Then I want to die.

Remy: It's probably true.

Christina: I slept in a bathtub.

Remy: I noticed.

Christina: I... slept... in a bathtub.

Remy: You're... not... the first.

Christina: It's a first for me. God, where are we?

Remy: The casino.

Christina: Right. Is this what a hangover feels like?

Remy: Headache, dizzy, dry mouth, nauseous and hungry at the same time?

Christina: That about covers it, yes.

Remy: Now you know. It's on the next m-cats.

Christina: What the hell happened?

Remy: I'm trying to piece that together. I mean, we came up here when we were sober to be witnesses to Mallet and Marina's wedding.

Christina: And then we started drinking and gambling. I think one of us won.

Remy: I think so.

Christina: There's a message on the phone.

Remy: Maybe it's Marina. You don’t... you don't think that we...

Christina: No, no, I'd have remembered.

Remy: I know, me, too. But your bra's on the...

Christina: Nothing happened, all right? I just... I told you, I'd have remembered. I slept in the bathtub, okay? So get your clothes on and let's get out of here.

Remy: Thirsty? Okay, bad idea. (Laughs) (knock on door) Go ahead.

Bellhop: On behalf of Mount Arrowhead Resort Casino, congratulations.

Remy: Um, that's not for us. You're probably looking for the other couple that should be in this room.

Bellhop: Remy Boudreau?

Remy: Uh-huh. That's me but... (laughs) that can't be mine.

Bellhop: It's yours and it's all part of our famous bridal package. Comes with a free photo, too.

Christina: A photo of what?

Remy: Oh, no.

Christina: No.

Bellhop: Congratulations, newlyweds.

Grady: Daisy?

Cyrus: (In an American accent) Hey. Is Detective Frank Cooper here?

Cop: Out on a case but he should be back soon. Can I help you with something?

Cyrus: Steve Logan, Forensics. I just want to be sure the lab sent over the tape, the surveillance tape he was waiting for.

Cop: Just came in.

Cyrus: Great. I can sleep easy.

Cop: Hey...

Cyrus: Yeah?

Cop: Forgot your shades.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Lizzie: Have you seen the tape?

Frank: No, no, I haven't, it's not back from the lab.

Lizzie: What do you want?

Frank: I have to ask some more questions.

Lizzie: There's nothing else for me to tell you. I've told you everything.

Frank: Well, it's not for you, it's for them.

Vanessa: Oh, go ahead, Frank. Why don't you ask me if I think that my son kidnapped Lizzie Spaulding?

Frank: Vanessa, I really don't think we should do this here.

Vanessa: You don't? You don't think it's appropriate at my son's bedside? Really?

Billy: Vanessa... okay, Frank, where do you want to go?

Frank: How about Company?

Lizzie: How about you leave him alone, how about that?

Billy: Why don't you go home and get some sleep? There's nothing else you can do here.

Vanessa: Thank you so much for being here for him.

Lizzie: Where else would I be? They are questioning your parents right now. Can you fricking believe this? It's insane. The entire world has gone completely insane, Bill. I just need you to wake up, okay? Because I don't care what they are saying out there. It doesn't make a bit of difference to me what they think. Just... just please wake up.

Remy: Is this some kind of scam?

Bellhop: It's no scam. It's a marriage.

Remy: No, no, no. This could not have happened. We barely know each other. This can't be legal.

Bellhop: Oh, it's legal. And I was your witness. It really was a lovely ceremony.

Christina: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Remy: Wait... (laughs) Wait. This is a practical joke, right? Yes. Mallet and Marina are in the hallway, right? It's a practical joke.

Bellhop: I've got to say, I'm kind of sad about your reaction.

Remy: You're sad?

Bellhop: You guys seemed like a great couple last night. So happy.

Remy: Do I look like I am happy? Now call the Justice of the Peace, man. Call this thing off.

Bellhop: I can't do that.

Remy: We were drunk. We don't even remember what happened, man.

Bellhop: Sorry, pal. You're a married man. And I think officially you're on your honeymoon.

Remy: Get the hell out of my room.

Christina: I am never drinking anything ever again.

Remy: I think hangovers are the least of our problems. (Retching)

Alan: How'd you get in here? I don't remember ordering a movie.

Cyrus: Well, this one comes from the cops.

Alan: Really? How'd you get your hands on it?

Cyrus: Borrowed it. No, no, no. No. I don't think so.

Alan: Have you watched it?

Cyrus: We both know what's on it.

Alan: We do?

Cyrus: Mm-hmm. I'm not gonna let my brother go to prison, Alan.

Alan: If anyone's going to prison, Cyrus, it won't be your brother or me.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah. I know how you operate.

Alan: What's that supposed to mean?

Cyrus: Why don't you break out the popcorn? We're going to have a little movie show.

Alan: What does that prove?

Cyrus: Nice coat, don't you think?

Alan: What are you getting at?

Cyrus: I bet if we went upstairs right now, took a look in Bill Lewis' closet we'll find a jacket just like that one.

Alan: Hmm. And what if we did?

Cyrus: My brother got rid of the jacket that he was wearing when he kidnapped Lizzie.

Alan: And your point?

Cyrus: Let me guess: You made Grady go out and buy a duplicate jacket so that he could frame Bill Lewis.

Grady: You're asking way too many questions, bro.

Vanessa: I don't know why he wants to talk to us. We don't know anything.

Billy: Well, we'll just answer questions honestly and get the hell out of here.

Vanessa: You know, I don't understand why anybody could possibly think Bill has done this. It's driving me crazy. I just want to deck him.

Billy: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Here you guys go.

Billy: Oh, ain't this nice? Soften up the perps with coffee before you have at them.

Frank: Billy, I'm not going at anybody. I'm just trying to get a handle on this situation.

Billy: Before Bill wakes up? You need to do this before Bill wakes up?

Frank: Well, you know what? Unfortunately I do. I know he's your son and I'm sure priority one is to make sure that he's okay.

Vanessa: He will be okay.

Frank: I'm sure he will be. It's just I wouldn't be doing this right now unless the evidence was substantial.

Billy: Circumstantial.

Frank: It all adds up, Billy. Even the motive.

Vanessa: Motive? What motive? He loves Lizzie.

Billy: Yeah.

Frank: Maybe. I don't know if you know this or not, but they've both been fighting for control of the company and when Lizzie went missing, Bill's stock went up.

Vanessa: So what? So what? He would never, never do this.

Billy: I agree.

Frank: Okay, what was your son's behavior when Lizzie went missing?

Billy: He acted just like a guy who was crazy because his girlfriend could not be found.

Frank: Okay, was his behavior erratic? Did he disappear for hours at a time?

Vanessa: No, he was... he was doing everything he could to bring her back home, that's all. I mean, he felt terrible, he blamed himself. It was just...

Frank: He blamed himself for what?

Vanessa: I didn't mean it like that, Frank.

Frank: Because maybe he was feeling guilty about something?

Vanessa: He was feeling guilty because he hadn't been able to protect her. That's all.

Frank: You're sure that's the reason? You're sure it wasn't because he felt guilty because he was the one who...

Billy: Okay, Frank, that's it, we're out of here. If you want to ask any more questions, e-mail them to us. We're going to try and help our son.

Vanessa: We're done.

Lizzie: You fought for me and I am going to fight for you. And I'm not alone. There are so many people that love you.

Alan: It's better out here. You never know when Vanessa or Billy may walk into the house.

Cyrus: Hard to set someone up when his parents are right under your roof.

Grady: Remind me whose side your you're on again.

Cyrus: I took the tape, didn't I?

Alan: Yes, and maybe you should take that tape back to the police station before they realize it's missing.

Grady: Think you can handle that?

Cyrus: There's nothing I wouldn't do to help you, Grady, but I can't frame Bill Lewis.

Grady: What do you care about him?

Cyrus: He's an innocent man.

Alan: An innocent man? He may not have kidnapped Elizabeth...

Cyrus: May not have? (Laughs)

Alan: No, but he's made her life miserable and will continue to make her life miserable as long as she lets him.

Cyrus: He's in a coma.

Alan: Yes, and she continues to sit beside his bed reading him romance novels.

Cyrus: She loves him. You remember what that feels like don't you?

Alan: Oh, please.

Grady: What's Bill Lewis ever done for you or me?

Cyrus: If I take this back to the place, I'm going to set in motion your plan to frame an innocent man.

Grady: If you take it back it's okay, but if ever I try to do something...

Cyrus: There are better ways to do this kind of thing...

Alan: Let's not get quarreling, guys. Look, if he doesn't wake up out of a coma, none of this will matter, huh?

Cyrus: And if he does?

Alan: He's a Lewis. He won't spend one day in prison. They'll get him the best lawyers money can buy and he'll get off of this rap. Bill is the kind of guy that walks away from things like this.

Cyrus: Well, you'd know.

Alan: Yes, I would know.

Cyrus: If anything goes wrong, all roads lead back to you, Grady. You stole the van, you kidnapped Lizzie, you destroyed the evidence. Now you've gone out and bought a duplicate jacket and planted fake evidence.

Alan: You know, Cyrus, you worry too much.

Cyrus: Oh, you think, Alan?

Alan: Yeah.

Cyrus: Well, maybe that's because the stakes are pretty high for my brother here. You, you've managed to keep your hands pretty clean in all of this. This is a mistake, Grady.

Grady: What part?

Cyrus: Trusting him, setting up Bill, take your pick.

Alan: Well, I guess the ball's in your court, isn't it, Cyrus? What are you going to do next?

Remy: You might want to slow down.

Christina: If I slow down, things will start to spin again.

Remy: At least... at least let's get some aspirin and coffee.

Christina: As soon as we're unmarried.

Remy: It will happen.

Christina: Damn right it'll happen.

Remy: Why are you mad at me?

Christina: Mad? I'm not mad. I am furious. At me for letting you talk me into drinking.

Remy: I didn't talk you into anything.

Christina: I never do that, and this is why.

Remy: You know, it's possible for people to have a few drinks without waking up married.

Christina: This is what happens when you lose sight of what's important, when you let it slip, even for a night.

Remy: That's an intense way to live.

Christina: You don't think this is intense?

Remy: Nobody died, okay? We made a mistake, that's all.

Christina: That's all?

Remy: Yes.

Christina: Marriage is supposed to be treated with respect and taken seriously.

Remy: I agree.

Christina: I don't even know your middle name.

Remy: It's Tucson. It's a family name. My dad, he met this guy...

Christina: Forget I asked. The point is we're married and we barely even know each other.

Mel: (Laughs) I'm sorry, I thought I just heard you say you we're married.

Remy: Okay. We were drinking.

Christina: I am not used to champagne.

Remy: Don't forget the shots.

Christina: I don't remember the shots.

Remy: It was a quickie wedding.

Christina: We don't remember getting married.

Remy: Why do you do that?

Christina: Do what?

Remy: Repeat yourself when you're trying to make a point. I... slept... in the bathtub.

Christina: Is this really the conversation you want to be having right now?

Remy: It just happened, we didn't even...

Christina: Consummate.

Remy: I know what the word is.

Christina: Then say it.

Mel: No, please, don't say it.

Remy: Can you work your magic, get this annulment as quick as you can?

Mel: Just like that?

Remy: Yes.

Mel: Well, it's not the easiest thing in the world.

Christina: Is it the hardest thing in the world?

Mel: No, but it takes time.

Christina: Can you do this for us? Because I really don't want to be married.

Mel: I can see that.

Remy: We can all see that.

Christina: And on top of everything else, I'm going to be late for work.

Remy: Well, go. I'll take care of it.

Christina: Are you sure you can handle it?

Remy: I think I can handle it.

Christina: I want to hear want to hear from you if you’re telling me this marriage is wiped off the slate. No more hanging out, no more drinking, no more anything between us.

Remy: Fine.

Mel: Congratulations.

Remy: Here we go.

Mel: What? There are worse things in the world than being married to that girl.

Remy: You told me you don't like her.

Mel: Yeah, I told you I don't like her, because if I told you I liked her, you would have ran the other way. She's a good catch. She's smart, she's ambitious, she could be good for you.

Remy: So you want me to stay with a girl, stay married to a girl I've only known for, like, a couple weeks?

Mel: I'm not saying that going into a drunken marriage was good judgment, but I'm saying don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

Remy: It's a stupid expression.

Mel: Who knows? You guys could be made for each other. I mean, you already argue like a married couple.

Remy: Get the annulment or I'll find a new sister.

Mel: Okay, fine, I'll do it.

Remy: Thank you. And don't tell anybody and by anybody I mean Mom and Dad. If you do, I will be forced to kill you.

Mel: Gotcha.

Remy: Dead.

Mel: (Laughs) Okay, big guy. Whoo, this is too good.

Grady: I could get used to this, huh?

Alan: Don’t.

Grady: You don't want to invite me to your country club with you, huh?

Alan: This is a business arrangement.

Grady: Just like our last one?

Alan: We will never discuss that ever again.

Grady: That's fine by me.

Alan: Once the police have their man and Elizabeth realizes that her hero has clay feet, our association will be terminated.

Grady: So that's what you do? You just use people and then toss them aside?

Alan: No, not everyone. But you I do.

Grady: You really think you're better than me, don't you?

Alan: I think most people are better than you.

Grady: Not everybody.

Alan: Well, your brother may feel a little guilty.

Grady: I'm not talking about my brother.

Alan: Oh, yes. You're probably talking about Susan Lemay. Oh, I'm sorry, your precious flower, Daisy.

Grady: You leave her out of this, all right?

Alan: I seem to have hit a nerve.

Grady: What about you, huh? What do your family think about you?

Alan: What do you think my family thinks about me? They love me.

Grady: Sure they do, mate. That's why you're working so hard to keep Lizzie in line.

Cyrus: Still no sign of Detective Cooper?

Cop: Not yet.

Cyrus: I'm just going to leave him a note then.

Cop: Fine by me.

Frank: They're his parents. They're never going to believe he was the kidnapper. But you know what? It was worth a try. Lizzie, I don't want to... I don't want to get into it with you anymore, okay?

Lizzie: Did you torture Billy and Vanessa enough?

Frank: What do you want me to say?

Lizzie: I want you to go look for the real kidnappers and stop wasting your time.

Frank: You really don't think that Bill is the kidnapper?

Lizzie: No, I really don’t. Okay, I saw the guy. I didn't see his face, but I am telling you he was not even built like Bill.

Frank: Bill could have sent someone else to do the dirty work.

Lizzie: I don't even know what to say to you. But anybody that doubts Bill doesn't know him at all.

Frank: Look, I hope you're right. Lizzie, I'll give you a call when I get the tape back from the lab, all right?

Vanessa: I think we should get ourselves a lawyer just in case we have to sue the police department.

Billy: I'm not so sure we should do that.

Vanessa: You know, they are going to ruin his reputation. They think they can keep it quiet, but it's just a matter of time.

Billy: I will speak to Frank, make sure there's no leaks, okay?

Vanessa: What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so calm? You heard what that man said about him.

Billy: Yeah, I heard.

Vanessa: Yeah, well it was disgusting. And we both know what kind of a person Bill is.

Billy: We do.

Vanessa: Yeah. And I don't care about the evidence. I don't care about the evidence. We both know he couldn't have done this.

Billy: Do we?

Vanessa: What?

Billy: I'm saying there's a lot of evidence.

Vanessa: Billy, you said it was circumstantial evidence and circumstantial evidence could convict a saint, for God's sake.

Billy: But this is the point. Bill is not a saint.

Vanessa: Kidnapping...

Billy: Let's just look at this logically. This is the guy who read Lizzie’s diary so he could seduce her and then screw her over because all he was interested was getting control and power and respect. That's all he wanted.

Vanessa: I cannot believe you're saying this.

Billy: Wait a minute. Yes you can because you were thinking it, too.

Vanessa: No.

Billy: Vanessa, I saw you with Frank.

Vanessa: No.

Billy: Okay, look, maybe... maybe he didn't do it, but maybe he did. I was with him just before he gave the presentation and he said to me that he was going to tell Lizzie how he felt about her, how he loved her. He was going to tell her that the business and the company would always be second, she was number one.

Vanessa: I don't understand you. You're contradicting yourself.

Billy: Wait, wait, wait. It's not all black and white. I'm just saying our son was on the verge of making the biggest business deal he had come across since taking over both companies, and he was about to tell the woman he loved how he felt about her.

Vanessa: That's great. Those are good things.

Billy: Good, good, yes. But maybe too good. Maybe too good to believe.

Vanessa: I don't know what you're saying.

Billy: I'm saying sometimes when you're about to get what you want, you're about to get your dreams come true, when you're going to everything you want, sometimes you can feel like you're not worthy.

Vanessa: So you're telling me that you think this kidnapping was some sort of colossal self-destructive act on his part?

Billy: No, what I'm saying is he wouldn't be the first Lewis man who was inches away from getting everything they ever wanted-- and I mean everything-- and he did something stupid and he screwed it up for himself.

Vanessa: Oh, Billy...

Christina: You better have good news.

Remy: How can you work out when you're hung over?

Christina: You tell yourself you feel fine, and you make it happen.

Remy: Wow, again, what an intense way to live.

Christina: Are we still married?

Remy: Yes. There's some details we need to figure out.

Christina: What kind of details? We both want it over, we made a mistake. Isn't that enough?

Remy: There's different ways this can be done, but you need a legal reason for an annulment.

Christina: Can you keep your voice down? I work here.

Remy: I am not proud of it, either.

Christina: What's the matter? Don't want your friends to know you're married to a woman who failed her m-cats and will never go to med school? To a woman who works at your gym?

Remy: You think I care about that?

Christina: I don't want to be married to a guy like you.

Remy: A guy like me?

Christina: Yeah, I saw this hotel room this morning. It was a garbage dump. You think I want to be picking up after you for the rest of my life? What are you smiling at?

Remy: My sister says we argue like a married couple.

Christina: I'm going to the sauna to sweat this out.

Remy: (Laughs) Sorry, honey, I hate it when we go to bed angry.

Grady: What's the good word?

Cyrus: It's done. You're safe.

Grady: I didn't think you had it in you. I won't forget this.

Cyrus: Listen to me...

Grady: That's quite a grip you got there.

Cyrus: Don't make me forget I saved your ass.

Grady: I won’t. I want to live a better life.

Cyrus: Yeah?

Grady: Yeah. For Daisy.

Cyrus: Just... do it for yourself.

Grady: I will. I will. Thanks.

Billy: I'm sorry. It's not everyday you get a mother to admit that her son might be a kidnapper.

Vanessa: Please don't say that.

Billy: I just want us to be prepared for whatever might happen, that's all.

Vanessa: What do you think we should do, turn him in?

Lizzie: What is wrong with you?

Billy: Lizzie...

Lizzie: He's your son. You don't have any faith in him at all.

Vanessa: Of course we do.

Lizzie: No, I heard what you guys said. You think he did it.

Billy: It's not an impossible thought. I hate thinking it.

Lizzie: Well, then don't think it or say it. Bill needs us right now. We're supposed to be the ones that love him and believe in him.

Vanessa: I love him very much.

Billy: We're just trying to be honest, that's all.

Lizzie: Honest? Wow, Billy. I get now why Bill always feels like he has something to prove to you because he knew you don't really believe in him.

Billy: That is not true.

Vanessa: Lizzie, your loyalty is wonderful...

Lizzie: No, it's more than just loyalty. I have faith in Bill.

Billy: But there is a lot of evidence.

Lizzie: Okay, but evidence lies all the time. Please, listen to me. Someone is trying to frame him.

Billy: I would love to believe that and I love you for believing it, but it is possible that Bill did this?

Lizzie: He didn't do it. Billy, he didn't do it! You're his dad. You're his mom. You guys are supposed to be different than everybody else but you're not. Even he... is on Bill's side and he doesn't even like him!

Alan: Elizabeth, I think you should come with me.

Lizzie: Why?

Alan: We need to head home.

Lizzie: What's going on?

Alan: I got a call from Frank.

Lizzie: Does he have the tape?

Alan: Yes.

Lizzie: Good, good, good. We'll watch the tape and everyone will see that Bill is innocent.

Alan: You're sure?

Lizzie: Of course I'm sure. The sooner the better.

Alan: All right, let's go.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: Lizzie, are you sure you want to see the surveillance footage because it could incriminate Bill?

Lizzie: Bill is innocent. Play it. That's it. That's the jacket that the kidnapper was wearing.

Alan: Elizabeth...

Lizzie: Bill wouldn't do that this to me.

Alan: If you saw something else on the tape, you have to say it.

Lizzie: I don't even know why I'm here. I know that Bill is innocent.

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