Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/14/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: The new administration, apparently, is interested in me.
Reva: You can't not take this job!
Jeffrey: I'll go down to D.C. for the second interview.
Reva: I still think this is really silly. You're only going to be in D.C. for two days.
Jeffrey: Well, I don't want to leave you in that house all by yourself.
Natalia: You're here!
Decker: You did give me a message about our changing the dinner from tomorrow night to tonight?
Natalia: Oh, Mr. Decker...
Olivia: No, there's no problem. You're just here a few minutes early, but it's nothing we can't handle, right? Would you pleas take Mrs. Xiao's coat?
Mrs. Xiao: What a charming home!
Olivia: Thank you very much. It's been in my family for generations.
Natalia: I hope you'll forgive our clothes. When we changed the dinner plans, we didn't give ourselves enough time to change.
Mrs. Xiao: (Laughing) Oh, you look fine.
Olivia: What can I get you to drink?
Decker: Martini’s all around, dry, on the rocks. That's my influence. (Laughter)
Natalia: Great. No problem. What am I supposed to do? I... I have nothing to serve. You could pass out at any second.
Olivia: Okay, shh! What's in that little box that you brought over?
Natalia: I... I brought... I brought decorations, candles. We don't have any pans. We don't have any dishes.
Olivia: Okay.
Natalia: He have no food!
Olivia: All right. All right. I know. Five martinis. Don't skimp on the olives!
Marina: Hi.
Vanessa: Hi.
Marina: Vanessa.
Vanessa: Yes. I hope I'm not interrupting anything because I really have to put this box down, and...
Marina: Come in.
Vanessa: ...It's absolutely enormous. Oh!
Marina: No, I, uh...
Vanessa: Ooh, goodness.
Marina: It's like my first day off in two weeks, so I was just home today, doing a little redecorating.
Vanessa: Oh.
Marina: You know, trying to make the place a little less Harley and a little more Mallet and me.
Vanessa: Oh, yes, I... I do understand. You know, I'm living in the Spaulding house now, and I thought the worst thing was going to be Alan. But it's not Alan; it's his taste. Ducks! (Laughter) Ducks, ducks, everywhere!
Marina: You know, it must be a guy thing. Mallet wanted to hang a painting of a duck in the house. I.. (laughs)
Vanessa: He did? How weird! Well, happy house warming.
Marina: Oh, thank you. You didn’t... you didn't need to do this. With Bill in the hospital... how is he?
Vanessa: Well, uh, there's no change.
Marina: I'm sorry.
Vanessa: But it's going to be fine. I... I know it is, you know? He’s... we're just a little impatient to have him back.
Marina: Of course!
Vanessa: Anyway, uh... you... do you want to open it?
Marina: Sure. (Laughs) No ducks, I hope!
Vanessa: No, no, no! No ducks, I promise.
Marina: Whatever it is, I'm... I'm sure it's beautiful. You have wonderful taste.
Vanessa: Oh, thank you. But this isn't from me. This is from Dinah.
Buzz: Mallet!
Mallet: Hey.
Buzz: Coffee?
Mallet: Uh, yeah, sure, Buzz. Thanks.
Buzz: How's my granddaughter? You and she working things out?
Mallet: Oh, uh... yeah, yeah. Yeah, she told me she talked to you.
Buzz: She did? And?
Mallet: And... um... I promised her that I would keep more distance from Dinah.
Buzz: Well, that would be a good idea. I think it's a very good idea. Do you want to talk to me... about anything?
Mallet: Um... no. I'm... I'm good. Thanks, Buzz. Marina and I are good.
Buzz: Yeah.
Mallet: We're really good.
Buzz: Okay.
Mallet: I've got a case... it’s... there's certain things I can't wrap my head around. And I usually bounce these things off Marina, but she took the day off. She's at the house, hanging pictures, and I promised her I wouldn’t... wouldn't bother her on her day off.
Buzz: Well, okay. So bother me.
Mallet: Well, there's a lot about this case that isn't public. I'm sure that Lillian has maybe told you a few things.
Buzz: What, you mean that Bill Lewis is the suspect in the kidnapping? Lizzie's kidnapping? Yeah. She thinks it's crazy.
Mallet: Yeah, I think it's crazy, too. You know, Frank's starting to believe it.
Buzz: Yeah, well, you know, with the ransom note... come on. It was clipped out of Bill's magazines.
Mallet: Exactly. That's what I'm thinking... if Bill did that, wouldn't he get rid of the magazine?
Buzz: So you think it's a setup?
Mallet: I'm thinking that the kidnappers didn't wind up with any of the money, and I'm thinking that maybe they wanted it like that all along.
Buzz: To frame Bill?
Mallet: Well, I know it sounds like it's out there-- this theory-- but, listen, I was with Bill, okay, at the aborted ransom drop, and he was really, really worried about Lizzie. And I don't think he could fake that.
Buzz: There was an actual ransom drop?
Mallet: Yeah.
Buzz: What went wrong?
Mallet: The kidnapper got spooked and he took off, and... and Bill was the only one who saw him.
Buzz: Bill went there by himself?
Mallet: No. No. I was supposed to meet Bill there. I was supposed to be there, but I got hung up, just for a minute, and Bill didn't know that, so he didn't wait.
Buzz: Oh, so that's why Frank thinks it was staged, right? Because Bill sort of just, uh...
Mallet: Yeah, exactly...
Buzz: There is no other guy?
Mallet: Exactly. And I can't prove that there was, because I didn't see the kidnapper. I didn't hear the kidnapper. I don't even have a second set of footprints. I don't have any hard proof to back up Bill's story.
Buzz: Well, maybe that's because it is just a story. Maybe he just went through the motions to make it look real.
Mallet: No, I don't think so. Bill asked me to meet him there. He didn't know I was going to be late, right? And if I would have been on time, then I would have seen the kidnapper.
Buzz: Well, maybe the kidnapper wouldn't have shown, you know? Maybe when you weren't there, he decided to improvise a little bit, you know-- made up this other guy.
Mallet: I thought you liked Bill.
Buzz: The guy was going to tear down my restaurant and build a mall here! He's a pretty ruthless guy.
Mallet: Kidnapping the woman he loves?
Buzz: Oh, you know, I don't know. Why weren't there any other cops at this... at this... drop?
Mallet: Because that's the way the kidnappers wanted it.
Buzz: All right. I assume Bill told you that?
Mallet: Yes. He was the only one who had any contact with the kidnappers. I just need one person, Buzz, that's all I need. I need one person that was there that day. Dinah! Dinah was there that day. She must have seen something-- anything. I need somebody that's seen something. I'm going to call Dinah about the case.
Buzz: Oh!
Mallet: Just about the case.
Buzz: Sure, yeah.
(Phone rings)
We're sorry, the number you
have reached is not in service. (Dial tone)
Mallet: That's weird. The phone's been disconnected?
Reva: Oh, hi.
Josh: Hi. Well, that's pretty random, isn't it? Both of us leaving at the same time.
Reva: Random? You were waiting for me. (Laughing)
Josh: Excuse me?
Reva: Nothing. Nothing.
Josh: I saw that, Reva. I...
Reva: Saw what?
Josh: You just rolled your eyes at me!
Reva: Did I?
Josh: You... you don't think that this was just a coincidence?
Reva: Was it?
Josh: (Scoffs) Oh, come on! You honestly believe that I was hanging out on the other side of that door looking through the peephole, waiting for you to leave, just so I could "accidentally" run into you in the hallway?
Reva: Maybe.
Josh: (Laughs) Reva, I'm sorry it's such a burden for you to live next door to me. But keep something in mind, okay? Next time you think I'd actually do something like that, remember-- I was here first. You're the one who moved in next to me.
Reva: I am the one who's pregnant, Joshua. Why are you so hormonal?
Olivia: Well, I can't wait to visit Macau. I thought when I took this job that I would be in China at least once a month. Those darn video conferencing... (laughter) Oh, hey.
Emma: Mommy, I didn't see any cows.
Olivia: Hey, we've got guests. You remember Mr. Decker?
Decker: Hey, kiddo.
Olivia: And that is Mr. And Mr. Xiao.
Emma: How do you spell that?
Olivia: Emma is very into spelling these days.
Decker: Really? Can she spell martini?
Olivia: Go get 'em, Em. Mar...tin...I.
Emma: M...
Olivia: Mar...
Emma: ...a...
Olivia: Mar...t...
Emma: Uh...
Olivia: You can do it. Come on.
It's hard to stop
and you've got to find a
between the two...
Natalia: Okay. Stop. There's nothing. They're all... just empty. There’s... there's no vodka, there's no olives. There's no glasses! There's no food! (Cell phone rings) Hey, how fast can you make a delivery?
Buzz: Well, that's not good! The people from China don't like your cooking?
Natalia: (Scoffs) Oh, cooking-- what cooking? There's no food! I have a house full of guests... hey, wait a minute. I told you that the dinner was supposed to be tomorrow night. You... you're the one who told Decker the dinner was going to be tonight?
Buzz: Guilty.
Natalia: Have I missed too many shifts? Is that the reason why you're trying to get me fired by Olivia?
Buzz: Well, I... we don't want you to get fired, no. We just want you to be the real you. You know, like Frank said, that's all you need to impress people.
Natalia: What do you... Frank, what do you... okay, the real me is not a magician.
Buzz: Oh, and the olives are in the cooler.
Natalia: What cooler?
Buzz: On the doorstep. You've got all there you really need to shine.
Emma: N...
Olivia: You can do it.
Emma: ...N...
Olivia: She's not... that's not... she not saying two N’s. She's repeating the first N, because she does that sometimes when she doesn't know what's next. Go ahead, honey. Come on, honey, sound it out.
Emma: ...n... I!
Olivia: Oh, that's it! Oh, that's my girl! That was fantastic!
Decker: Yes, almost as good as drinking one.
Emma: Good girl!
Mrs. Xiao: Oh, wow! Oh, my gosh. She is just adorable!
Olivia: Thank you. I usually don't have her perform like this, but I know how important family is to Galaxy. In fact, I was thinking that maybe Emma could be in one of your commercials.
Decker: Really? You thought that?
Mrs. Xiao: It's hard to believe she's only taken one class.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Marina: Oh, thank you.
Vanessa: Well, go ahead, open it.
Marina: Oh, you know, it's, um... it’s... it's for Mallet, too. So I... I figure I... I just better wait.
Vanessa: Oh, come on. You know how men are. They don't really care about this sort of thing. Go ahead.
Marina: Okay. All right. Wow! It's nice. It's, um... it's so Dinah. (Laughter)
Vanessa: She said there's a card in there as well.
Marina: Oh. "Congratulations on your new home. I wish you nothing but happiness. Dinah." Oh, that's so nice.
Vanessa: Yeah. You know, there was a time when I really-- well, I shouldn't say this-- but I really might have suspected that, that box would have been ticking.
Marina: It's not, is it?
Vanessa: Oh, no. No. No. Um... I know that Dinah has been relying on Mallet a bit recently, and it must be difficult for you.
Marina: Oh, no, no. I've... I've hardly even noticed.
Vanessa: But, um, you know, it has been very hard for her right now. It's very difficult for her to see her brother the way he is. In fact, she really can't bear to visit him in the hospital, which is... which is why she's left town.
Marina: She left?
Vanessa: Yeah. She's just... she's trying to find a specialist for her brother.
Marina: Oh, oh geez. For a second there I thought that maybe you meant that she left town for good.
Vanessa: Oh, no, no, no. She didn't say that. But... um, I actually wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that way. In some ways that card sort of felt like that.
Marina: Well, maybe. You know, maybe... maybe a fresh start would be good for her, you know? Someplace new.
Vanessa: Well, anyway, um... tell Mallet I said hello.
Marina: I will.
Vanessa: Oh, no, no. That's okay. I'll see myself out.
Marina: Okay.
Vanessa: Bye-bye.
Marina: Thank you for dropping this off.
Vanessa: Sure.
Marina: Why leave a good-bye note when you can just leave a big, ugly, glaring reminder of yourself, instead? Ugh! Oh! Oops.
Mallet: Where the hell is Dinah?
Josh: I already pressed it.
Reva: Well, I'm pressing again.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: I did not plan on living next door to you.
Josh: It is kind of fun, though, isn't it?
Reva: It was a mistake. See, I knew you were living on the 10th floor, which is why we asked for the 12th.
Josh: I see. So I should have checked with you before I moved from the 10th floor to the 12th floor?
Reva: Can we not do this?
Josh: Okay. So, um... why are you living here?
Reva: Because Jeffrey needed to be closer to the office. He, uh... has a new case, very big, very prestigious.
Josh: I can understand that. There is about a ten-minute commute to the cabin. That will kill you.
Reva: Cassie also asked me to keep an eye on things here while she's getting settled in Hawaii. She's a smart woman. She knows better than to trust Olivia.
Josh: Right! That must be why she asked Olivia to oversee the selling of her house.
Reva: (Laughs) I really hope Jeffrey’s guitar playing doesn't keep you up late at night.
Josh: Reva, I so much don't want to hear about Jeffrey’s late-night habits.
Reva: Because if it does, you could always move.
Josh: You know what? This will be fine. We'll make the best of it. We're just a couple of exes who happen to live next door to each other. No problem. It's not like it was fate or anything.
Reva: Are you serious?
Josh: No, because I don't believe in fate. (Elevator dings)
Reva: Well, here we are. So where are you going?
Josh: Where are you going? Because I'm going to visit Bill.
Reva: To visit Bill. Don't even say it.
Josh: What? Fate, shmate.
Olivia: You did great, baby. I have to be honest. Um, I love representing Galaxy hotels. I mean, it's not just a job for me, it’s... I really, genuinely like the company. But beyond that, it's given me a way of living again, you know, where I don't have to sacrifice time with my daughter and-- as much as I love it...
Mr. Xiao: Excuse me for interrupting. What is that wonderful smell?
Decker: I smell it, too.
Emma: Chicken and rice!
Natalia: So sorry for the wait. I had to run out for some olives. Emma, could you bring in the cheese and crackers?
Decker: I, uh... the... the glasses, I assume, are a family tradition?
Natalia: When you grow up without, it's easy to think that something like a fancy glass will make your life better. And then you realize that a glass is a glass. It's what you put in the glass that counts.
Decker: My God, this is fantastic! (Laughter)
Natalia: Thank you. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. Um, nothing extravagant. When you told Olivia that you wanted a home-cooked meal, she knew that chicken and rice would be nice and simple, perfect. And it's been a family tradition for generations.
Mr. Xiao: I like the way you think, Olivia. I'm a self-made man... we prefer simple.
Natalia: Olivia was just telling me that the other day. The reason why she loves your hotels so much, they're elegant and beautiful, but then there are all of those little touches. You know, the simple things that a lot of people forget, but those are the things that make you feel so at home when you're very far away.
Mr. Xiao: This is all her.
Mrs. Xiao: Thank you for noticing.
Decker: I'd like to propose a toast to this truly amazing woman.
Mrs. Xiao: Here, here.
Olivia: I'll drink to that.
Marina: Good, that's better. It's good.
Mallet: Hey.
Marina: Hey, you! How was work?
Mallet: Uh, not great. I got nothing. Nothing on the kidnapping case.
Marina: Hmm.
Mallet: Yeah. What is that?
Marina: Oh... that. That is a housewarming gift.
Mallet: Really? That is not really us.
Marina: No. No. It's from your ex.
Mallet: That's from Dinah? Did she send a card?
Marina: What do you care? You said it yourself, it's not us. Oh, please, it doesn't go with anything. And, in my personal opinion, it's just really ugly.
Mallet: How did she get it here? Did she use a messenger? Did she use a service?
Marina: Vanessa dropped it off. I don't know. She seemed to think that it was Dinah’s way of saying good-bye.
Mallet: Good-bye?
Marina: Yeah. As in she knows we're both happy, so now she can move on with her life and go find somebody else to bother. It's a good thing, right?
Mallet: I'll be right back.
Marina: Mallet? Where are you going? You just... you just got home from work? Mallet?
Marina: That's better.
Reva: Hey!
Buzz: Hi!
Reva: Are you here visiting Bill?
Buzz: Um, uh, no. I'm here because Lillian is going to be on a break. So I just... you know, I had a few minutes, so...
Reva: That's sweet.
Josh: Yes, it is. Thank you very much. It's nice to see how many friends Bill has.
Buzz: How are you feeling?
Reva: You scared me half to death!
Buzz: How are you feeling?
Reva: I'm good.
Buzz: You're at the Beacon, right?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, it's great.
Buzz: Are you settled in?
Reva: Yeah. There's a few bumps along the way, but we're dealing.
Buzz: You know, I'm probably not supposed to tell you this, but Jeffrey stopped by and wanted a little favor.
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, uh, you really don't have to...
Buzz: No. He wanted me to tend to all of your needs...
Reva: Oh!
Buzz: No, your food needs.
Reva: Oh, that's okay. I'm at the Beacon; they have room service.
Buzz: Yeah, the Beacon room service? I can give you hot food.
Reva: Oh!
Buzz: And... and, you know-- and, well, he's so cute, even-- he's going to out of town for a couple of days, and he's worried about you and the baby, you know, and...
Reva: Yeah. Buzz? Um...
Buzz: ...It's quite a time for him to be out, but, you know, I guess he thinks you're at the Beacon so you're not alone, so...
Reva: Right.
Buzz: So, really, anything I can do to help?
Reva: Yeah. You've been a really big help already.
Buzz: Okay, all right.
Reva: See you.
Josh: There must be some way we can handle this awkward situation like normal people.
Reva: Hmm. Yeah, well, there is a first time for everything.
Josh: You're still here?
Reva: Yeah. Well, you know, I'm a mother. It's just hard, you know, seeing him all alone in there. I hated walking away.
Josh: How does he look?
Reva: He looks like a little baby boy. This must be killing Billy.
Josh: Yeah, I think it is. Every time I try to talk to him about it, he just, uh... he says there's no change and then switches subjects.
Reva: Will you do me a favor? Tell Billy that I talked Bill's ear off.
Josh: You talked to him?
Reva: Well, yeah. Of course. I mean, he probably didn't hear any of it, but I just don't want him to feel like he's all by himself in there.
Josh: Well, what did you say to him? Not that you have to tell me. I just don't want to, you know, bore him with the same stories that you might have told him.
Reva: Well, let's see. I gave him an update on Marah, and unfortunately, I have not heard from our son in a while, so you can give him a Shayne update. I told him about his new cousin. I mean, I know technically they're not related, but...
Josh: But nothing. Reva, you will always be a part of the Lewis family.
Reva: Hmm. Well, thanks for letting me see him first.
Josh: No problem. And... and I am in agreement with Jeffrey on this particular point.
Reva: You agree with Jeffrey about what?
Josh: Well, that people shouldn't be left alone, you know, sick men, pregnant women. And... and just so you know, I do understand why you felt the need to lie to me.
Paging Dr. Stateman, Dr. Stateman, please.
Reva: I didn't lie. I just didn't feel the need to explain every detail of my marriage with my ex-husband.
Josh: Like the fact that you're living at the Beacon now because your husband is away somewhere? What... what city is he in now?
Reva: Washington, D.C., serving our country. And in a few months, our new president.
Josh: I'm not trying to upset you.
Paging Dr. Stateman, Dr. Stateman, please.
Josh: I really don't want that. That's probably why you didn't want to tell me about this in the first place, right?
Reva: What? You think being close to you is going to be hard because my husband is so far away?
Josh: It kind of looks that way, doesn't it?
Reva: The world does not revolve around you, Joshua Lewis. Not mine, not anymore.
Josh: Reva, relax. I'll give you your space, okay? I promise. If I see you in the hallway, I won't talk to you. If I see you in the restaurant, I'll sit across the room. Hmm? Better?
Reva: No. No, actually, what would be better is if I move back home. I never should have gone to the Beacon anyway. I didn't want to. Because I hate being babied, almost as much as I hate being condescended to.
Josh: I'm going to miss Jeffrey’s late-night guitar playing, I know that.
Reva: I can only hope that Keith Richards moves in right next door to you.
Mrs. Xiao: Thank you.
Olivia: Thank you.
Mrs. Xiao: It's been delightful.
Olivia: I'm so glad. Thank you for coming.
Mr. Xiao: Perfectly lovely evening. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Xiao: Good night.
Olivia: Good night.
Decker: I have traveled with the Xiao’s to more countries than I can remember. I have never seen them this happy.
Olivia: Oh, I'm so glad!
Decker: Thank you.
Olivia: Thank you. Get home safe.
Decker: All right. (Laughter)
Olivia: If I am this tired, you must be exhausted!
Natalia: Not really. I actually had a great time. Are you okay?
Olivia: I'm okay. I just need to rest. Where did you get the food?
Natalia: Oh, I had some help from an angel.
Olivia: Oh, I don't believe in angels, but I do believe in that meal. Gosh, don't forget that Mrs. Xiao wants the recipe for your flan.
Natalia: I know! She likes simple things.
Olivia: You know, I know when you were telling them about this food and the glasses and going without, you were talking about yourself. But, you know, I was poor, too.
Natalia: I didn't know that. Okay, you, um... sit and rest here for a minute. I'm just going to clean up a bit, and then I'll get Emma together and I'll take you guys home. (Laughter)
Olivia: Thanks. (Cell phone rings)
Buzz: So?
Natalia: So, I don't know if I should thank you or never speak to you again.
Buzz: Well, I take it that means you didn't get fired?
Natalia: No. They loved it. But did it ever occur to you that maybe being me might be a disaster?
Buzz: No, no. Not to me, not to Frank-- neither one of us.
Natalia: I will see you tomorrow.
Buzz: I thought you had the day off.
Marina: Yeah, well, decorating wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Dinah ruined that.
Buzz: Dinah?
Marina: Oh, yeah. She sent us a housewarming gift. A sculpture.
Buzz: Well, of all of the nerve.
Marina: Okay, I know you probably think that I'm overreacting, but you've got to see this thing. I mean, it is so not me. It's not Mallet, either. It's all Dinah, and it is all ugly.
Buzz: You know, break it.
Marina: I already did. Accidentally, I swear!
Buzz: I thought you told me you weren't going to let that girl bother you?
Marina: Yeah, I know I did. But here's the problem: She won't let go, even after she leaves town.
Buzz: What? She left... she moved?
Marina: I don't know. Vanessa said she's off finding a specialist for Bill.
Buzz: Ah, Vanessa says.
Marina: And that ugly sculpture that she got us-- it's from Mt. Arrowhead.
Buzz: The casino?
Marina: Yeah. Does that sound like a place you go looking for a specialist?
Buzz: Well, you know, can't doctors gamble?
Marina: Ugh!
Buzz: Where's Frank?
Marina: He went home for the day.
Buzz: Why don't you do the same thing, go be with Mallet?
Marina: Yeah, I would love to, but he's not home right now. As soon as he found out that sculpture was from Dinah, he took off. For all I know, he's in Mt. Arrowhead, too.
Vanessa: You have to tell me how you like the sculpture.
Mallet: Well, I would love to tell Dinah that myself if I could find out where she is. Vanessa, come on. I know she went somewhere. Her phone has been disconnected and her office... it's obvious that she hasn't been there.
Vanessa: You went to her office?
Mallet: This is not what you think. This is not personal. I need to talk to her about Lizzie’s kidnapping. She was there at the ransom drop.
Vanessa: She told me she didn't see anything.
Mallet: Well, I know. That's what she told me, too. It’s... I figure if I could talk to her again, maybe I can jog her memory. I just need someone to back up Bill.
Vanessa: What are you talking about?
Mallet: I need an official statement. And... and I need to get one from Dinah. But I can't if I don't know where she is.
Vanessa: Well, I don't know where she is. And even if I did know, I'm not so sure I'd tell you. Look, you've got to stop trying to rescue Dinah. You're with Marina now.
Mallet: That's not why I'm here.
Vanessa: And Dinah is trying to help herself and her brother.
Mallet: And she needs to leave town for that?
Vanessa: I guess so. Look, you want to help her one last time? Let her go. Just leave her alone.
Olivia: Just put her on the bed, okay? I'll get her into her PJs. You've done enough. And since you didn't let me say it before, thank you.
Natalia: You should thank Buzz. He was the angel. And he's also the one that told Decker that the dinner was tonight.
Olivia: Why would he do that?
Natalia: He said that my menu wasn't me, and that I need to trust myself more.
Olivia: Oh. Remind me to smack him. Although it's good advice.
Natalia: That's scary.
Olivia: You think I don't get scared, too?
Natalia: All right. So you should rest. Good night.
Olivia: Good night.
Mallet: So, uh... why didn't you tell me?
Marina: That I broke it, or that I hate it?
Mallet: I don't care about some piece of ugly art.
Marina: I know. You care because it's from Dinah.
Mallet: That's not... I went looking for Dinah because I need to talk to her about the kidnapping case.
Marina: Really? That's all?
Mallet: I care about you. I think you and I need to take a little break, get away from everything-- work, the house, Daisy. Just a little get-away between... just you and I.
Marina: Really? Where? Florida? The Caribbean?
Mallet: Uh, I don't know if I can take off that much time from work. I don't know, maybe stick a little closer to home?
Marina: Okay. Anywhere with you is wonderful.
Mallet: Good. Cool. I don't know, what do you say about Mt. Arrowhead?
Reva: So, how are things at the capitol?
Jeffrey: Well, if I sound happy, it's because I'm on my way to the airport, and I'm going to see you very, very soon.
Reva: Oh, good. I can't wait. Did you get to meet up with the president-elect?
Jeffrey: Yeah, amazing, right? Television doesn't do him justice. He's got a lot of great ideas, and I'm just happy to have a chance to work with him.
Reva: Did you tell him you don't like his ties?
Jeffrey: No, no. But I did tell him that I have a very pregnant wife at home who needs me there. Immediately.
Reva: You did not! I'm not needy!
Jeffrey: Well, I told him that, too. But... listen, how is the Beacon? Reva?
Reva: I moved back to the house.
Jeffrey: Reva, we moved you into the Beacon so you wouldn't be alone while I was away!
Reva: I'm not alone! I have you, and that's all I need. And I've got my sanity, too.
Jeffrey: Reva...
Reva: You have to tell that president of ours that you have a beautiful, pregnant wife who can take care of herself, and who likes his ties.
Josh: No. I have it right here in front of me right now. And it looks... it looks terrific. Really, you did a great job on it. Yeah, yeah, it was a little strange for me to buy a fashion magazine, but I covered it. You know, I bought some golf magazines, and something about fishing. (Laughing) Yeah, I miss you, too, sweetheart. I really do. Hey, I saw your mom today. She said she told you about... talked to you about Bill? Yeah, no change. No. Listen, I don't want to keep you, but I'm just wondering, have you heard anything from Shayne at all? Because... no, I haven't either. Yeah, I know. I know. He just drops out every once in a while, but it would be nice to get a text from him or something, just-- to know he's all right. Marah, honey, I know. I can't take care of everyone. You know what? You sound like your mother right now. I... okay. I love you. Bye, sweetheart.
Reva: Oh, great, that feels much better. Oh, time for my supplements!
Maid: Excuse me, Mr. Lewis?
Josh: Yeah?
Maid: Mrs. O’Neill left a necklace when she checked out.
Josh: Ah, yeah. Yeah, that's hers.
I know I'm ready
but I'm feeling this way
and I don't know how much I
because my head aches
and it all takes me
deep underground... (phone rings)
The earth quakes
and my heart awakes
because you've got to...
Natalia: Cassie Lewis' house.
Olivia: I knew you'd go back there.
Natalia: Olivia... I just... I had to come back. I want to make sure, you know, I didn't leave anything out.
Olivia: Oh, please. You're totally at home there. The house is you.
Natalia: Because it is a home.
Olivia: And not some room in a boardinghouse?
Natalia: Aren't you supposed to be in bed?
Olivia: You know, there's nothing wrong with admitting that you like the house. And the house is for sale. Somebody is going to buy it.
Natalia: Good night, Olivia.
Because my head aches
when your love takes me
deep underground
and the earth quakes...
Mallet: Well, I mean, I know that Mt. Arrowhead isn't as glitzy as Vegas, but, I mean, come on, it's a great casino. It's a great resort. We can play the slots. We can play blackjack. And I promise you I'll ask about one of those rooms that has a heart-shaped bed and the round tub-- or is it a round bed and a heart-shaped tub? Come on.
Marina: Don’t.
Mallet: What? What did I say? What's going on?
Marina: Oh, come on, Mallet. You don't want a romantic get-away with me. You just want to go find Dinah.
Found out what's waiting...
Josh: Um... I'll tell you what, the lady asked for her privacy. Why don't you see if the front desk can just drop that in the mail to her? Thank you.
And I go out of my head... oh...
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: Are you okay?
Reva: Josh?
Josh: Reva?
Rick: Dr. Bauer here.
Reva: Josh.
Rick: I'm gonna send an ambulance.
Reva: Ahhh.
Josh: Oh, easy, easy!
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