Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/13/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light."
Lizzie: I found this in the desk.
Frank: The letters that came out of this magazine matched that second ransom note.
Grady: They found the magazine, right? Told you I had a plan.
Alan: Yes, you do have a plan. And I'm very impressed. And you had better think long and hard about your next plan, because if it comes down to saving your skin or mine, guess which one I'll save?
Lizzie: That was Granddad. Spaulding-Lewis stock is up, and, of course, he wants me to take all of the credit for it because of the press conference. But, you know, all I did was talk about you. I did. I just talked about all the hard work that you did while those creeps had me, and I am doing the same thing for you. Because we are a team. And I don't care what anyone says about you, you are my hero. You always will be.
Grady: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Lizzie: What do you want?
Grady: You just-- are you okay? You look like you're upset.
Lizzie: Yeah, Bill's in there. Of course I am not okay.
Grady: Sorry. I'm not really good at this stuff.
Lizzie: Yeah, apparently not.
Grady: It's just you, you look like you need a friend.
Ashlee: Did you see that? Did you see the way that Grady manhandled me?
Daisy: Look, I think you're making a little bit more of it than it actually was.
Ashlee: Daisy, you saw the whole thing. Don't say that you didn’t.
Daisy: Yes, I saw it.
Ashlee: Good. I'm glad.
Daisy: I saw you provoke him.
Ashlee: Excuse me? What?
Daisy: Yes. You said that you were going to stay away from him, and you promised me, that you were going to let us work this out for ourselves.
Ashlee: I'm sorry. I went into work. I went to go do my job, and I found Grady there breaking into Dinah’s computer.
Daisy: Breaking in? Grady works for Dinah, too.
Ashlee: Yeah, okay, so that means that he has access to all of her personal information? No, it doesn't, Daisy.
Daisy: Come on. He was looking something up, and you accused him, and then he got defensive. He's kind of sensitive about that.
Ashlee: Sensitive! Sensitive! The guy that just threatened me... is sensitive? Oh, come on. You know what? If you don't believe me about that part, you should go ask him. Because, actually, he seemed quite proud of it.
Daisy: Look, if he did threaten you, I have to believe it's because you backed him into a corner.
Ashlee: Oh, yeah. I get threatened, and yet you're blaming me. Why are you taking his side?
Daisy: Because someone has to.
Ashlee: Why?
Daisy: Because. Because he's changed, and no one is ever going to believe that unless someone takes his side.
Cyrus: Hey.
Frank: What do you want?
Cyrus: A parking ticket.
Frank: Down the hall to the right. You can pay for it there.
Cyrus: I don't want to pay it. It's a mistake.
Frank: (Laughs) Of course it is. Nothing's ever your fault, is it? You know what? It doesn't matter, you've still got to pay for it.
Cyrus: Can't I talk to you?
Frank: You see all of these files right here? This is Lizzie’s kidnapping case, okay? I don't have time for a parking ticket.
Cyrus: The paper made it sound like that case is already cold.
Frank: Yeah, well, it just got warmer.
Cyrus: Have you got a suspect now?
Frank: What's it to you?
Cyrus: It's just nice that there has finally been a crime that you guys aren't accusing me of.
Frank: Yeah, well, the day is still young.
Cop: This just came in from forensics.
Frank: Down the hall to the right.
Cyrus: Okay.
Frank: Is this about the van?
Cop: Yeah. They found two sets of prints, Lizzie Spaulding and Bill Lewis.
Frank: Were you able to trace them?
Cop: You were right. The van was definitely stolen.
Emma: Mom?
Olivia: Over here, baby.
Emma: Maria let me work the elevator.
Olivia: She did? Remind me to give Maria a bonus. What else?
Emma: I got a gold star on my spelling test.
Olivia: Oh, the elevator and a gold star, woo-hoo!
Emma: Are you okay, Mommy?
Olivia: (Laughs) Hey Em, hand me the phone. Will you do that for me? Thanks.
(Cell phone rings)
Natalia: Oh, I'm sorry. It's the Beacon. They're waiting for an answer.
Buzz: Oh, sorry.
Natalia: Hi. Ah, yeah, actually, you can tell them that the Mayor's going to take the smaller ballroom. Yeah, because I said I would give it to her for the same price. Yeah, okay, well, then, yeah, you can tell the bride she doesn't have to move her wedding. Yeah, okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. Sorry. Everything's fine. The tables are good, everything's cleaned up, everything's good.
Buzz: I don't doubt it. I just-- you know, you don't have to wait tables anymore.
Natalia: You firing me?
Buzz: No, of course I'm not firing you. I could use as many hours as you can give me, but now that you're working for Olivia, you know.
Natalia: No. I need the work. I love the work.
Buzz: Yeah, I know what you need, lady, is a vacation. Is she taking advantage of you?
Natalia: No. No way. A good boss knows how to delegate, right? Just like you. You're the chef and I'm the waitress.
Buzz: So is-- she's okay? You're not a one woman office now that she's sick?
Natalia: No. She's okay, I think. She would be better if she didn't push herself so much.
Buzz: Well, good luck with that. (Cell phone rings)
Olivia: Hey, Natalia, it's me.
Natalia: Hi. Were your ears burning?
Olivia: I need you.
Lizzie: Okay, look, we are not friends. Okay? For a few stupid minutes I thought that I could use you to make Bill jealous. If that is why you keep coming around, because you think you have a real chance now that Bill is in a coma, you need to stop. Because you don’t. You never did. It was just a job, okay? You're nothing compared to Bill.
Grady: I didn't come here to see you. There's an application for me to be an E.M.T. I figure if that Remy guy can go from zero to hero by wearing a uniform, then so can I. I'm sorry I bothered you.
Lizzie: Just wait. I just have a lot going on right now. Just...
Grady: How's he doing? You shouldn't give up. He's going to come out of this.
Lizzie: I haven't given up. I haven't given up. I'm not giving up. Honestly, it's a good thing that he is not awake to hear what people are saying about him. I mean, even my own mother’s...
Grady: What are they saying?
Lizzie: That he's the one who kidnapped me.
Grady: No freakin' way.
Lizzie: Yeah, exactly. It's ridiculous. And obviously he is being set up, and I have to prove that.
Grady: Well, how are you going to do that?
Lizzie: There's his place that the kidnapper took me, and I would bet that there is something there that belongs to the real kidnapper.
Grady: You're going there alone without the cops?
Lizzie: The cops are not on my side, so I don't have a choice.
Grady: Yeah, but, I mean, aren't you worried? If you go out there alone, and, you know, the cops don't come with you, then there's a chance that the kidnapper might find you. And I bet he doesn't want to get caught.
Lizzie: Did Cyrus tell you that we talked about that?
Grady: No. It's just if it was me, and someone grabbed me, and I didn't know who it was, I would be afraid of everybody.
Lizzie: I am. But I can't let that stop me.
Grady: That's not what I'm saying. Just take someone with you.
Lizzie: There is nobody that I trust.
Ashlee: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm worried that even if there were no bruises this time, there might be next time.
Daisy: Well, there won't be a next time if you leave Grady alone. He'll do the same for you.
Ashlee: No, Daisy. I'm worried about you.
Daisy: I know who Grady is, okay? I'm not kidding myself.
Ashlee: You could have fooled me.
Daisy: I know he is not perfect. That's how I know that he needs someone to believe in him.
Ashlee: Oh, my goodness, you should just have "Sucker" tattooed across your forehead so everyone would know.
Daisy: You're such a hypocrite. You're not a perfect person, either, okay? You shot someone.
Ashlee: I know. I know I shot someone, I know, and I deal with it every day because I have a conscience. And thank God Alan didn't die. And, unfortunately, Tammy did. It's so bad that Cassie had to leave town because she still couldn't handle it.
Daisy: Cassie said she left town because she needed closure. Ashlee, if Tammy’s mother can do that, then...
Ashlee: What? You know what? So it's a kind of out of sight, out of mind thing, I suppose. So if something's out of mind, like, say, Rafe, who's in prison for two years, oh, because Grady set him up, then it's all okay?
Daisy: No. Absolutely not. And I asked Grady to help Rafe.
Ashlee: You have got to be kidding me.
Daisy: Look, I'm not giving up on Grady. I'm not. And if you are my friend, well, then you'll respect that.
Ashlee: Hi, Joanie. Hey, um... it's Ashlee. No, no, no, I don't need to talk to mom. I was just calling for some information. Do you know how late the visiting hours are for the state prison?
Emma: Take kitty.
Olivia: Kitty, kitty? Kitty, kitty. Thank you. Hey, Natalia. Tell Emma that I'm all right, okay?
Natalia: Emma, you know what? I think that your mommy is just really tired because, you know, she likes to overdo things.
Olivia: Yeah. That's why I hired Natalia to help me out.
Natalia: Em, will you be a big help and get Mommy a big glass of water, please?
Olivia: All right, sweetie. What are you doing?
Natalia: I'm going to call an ambulance. Or do you want to collapse, first, so she can see that.
Olivia: Sh-sh-sh. Just hang up.
Natalia: No. Why?
Olivia: Well, you if know anything about me, you know I don't want to scare my daughter, okay.
Natalia: It's a little late.
Olivia: Just hang up. Let me have it, okay. You can tell me how angry you are, and how you don't have time to take care of someone who won't take care of themselves, and how you're this close to quitting.
Natalia: I stopped dialing.
Olivia: I figured you would.
Natalia: I did it because of her, not because of you.
Olivia: No, I know. I know you love my daughter. I count on that. But that's not why you stopped dialing.
Natalia: Don't kid yourself. If you're thinking it's because I respect you or trust your judgment, you're wrong.
Olivia: No, I don't think that. Because you need me as much as I need you.
Natalia: I need you? Are you joking?
Olivia: No.
Natalia: Oh, I see, because of the job. You pay me. Is that why you gave me the job, so that I would be, you know, dependent on you?
Olivia: No. Do you want to keep guessing?
Natalia: No. I don't like guessing games.
Olivia: Okay. It's because you're a mother. And you've been a mother since you were a teenager, and you care, you worry, and you need something to devote yourself to.
Natalia: You?
Olivia: Well, until Rafe gets out of prison, I'm the only thing you can mother.
Natalia: Of all of the self-centered, ridiculous...
Olivia: Okay. You know what? You need to feel needed. You're the one who needs to feel virtuous. Okay? You could go donate your time at a soup kitchen, but I'm pretty sure that I pay better.
Natalia: You know, Rafe made me a promise that while he was away that I wouldn't just sit around worrying about him, that I would have a life. I don't think this is what he meant. Pathetic, huh?
Olivia: Why? Why is it pathetic? Because you care about someone. I envy that.
Natalia: Okay, now I know your joking.
Olivia: No, I'm not. I do. You know what? I have a whole slew of good dating stories that you could tell Rafe, that happened to you, and I have just plenty of them.
Natalia: I'm sure that you do. Emma, did you see her face? I mean, you can't keep doing that to her.
Olivia: Okay. I'll eat my veggies. I promise. (Cell phone rings)
Natalia: Olivia Spencer’s room. Oh, hi Mr. Decker. If you're calling about the conference call, I already scheduled... you're where? At Towers?
Decker: With the head of Galaxy and Macau. Mr. Xiao decided to come to America with his wife. They're very eager to meet Olivia.
Natalia: Oh, Mr. Decker, I'm so sorry, but Olivia is already overbooked. So I don't think that it's possible... excuse me, Mr. Decker. Actually, Olivia just stepped in.
Olivia: What is it?
Natalia: Does it matter?
Olivia: Hey, you're my assistant, not my boss.
Natalia: Mr. Decker and the Xiao’s are in town.
Olivia: The Xiao’s from Macau, the head of Galaxy Macau? No, you tell them that I can do this, okay? I told Larry that I would be available for anything that popped up, okay? If I don't show up, he's going to think that something is wrong, and it's going to blow everything.
Natalia: Oh, I thought Emma was everything, and Ava, and your life.
Olivia: Oh, that's not fair. It's my life. Hi, Larry. It's Olivia.
Decker: Olivia, hi. I'm glad, I'm glad you are in.
Olivia: That's right. I just stepped in.
Decker: Listen, we have an emergency meeting with the Xiao’s, the head of Galaxy and Macau. Can you, can you make it?
Olivia: The Xiao’s are in town? Of course, I would love to meet with them.
Decker: I'll be in touch. Thanks.
Olivia: I'll clear my schedule. Absolutely.
Cyrus: You got my text?
Daisy: Yeah. Meeting in front of the police station, is that supposed to be ironic or something?
Cyrus: I need to know something. Did you mean what you said to me?
Daisy: What?
Cyrus: That you could be the one person that could save my brother?
Daisy: Not save, no. That is, that's too much. But help him, yeah, definitely. Why? Did something happen to Grady?
Cyrus: He seems to think that you're back together.
Daisy: We are. But, wait, I thought we talked about this. Are you changing your mind?
Cyrus: I need to know you're serious. You can't just test the water and then change your mind, and going running back to the Cooper’s. Grady has had enough people quit on him.
Daisy: Look, I just had a huge fight with Ashlee, my best friend. She asked me to walk away from Grady. And I said that I wouldn't, all right? Is that enough for you? I'm in.
Cyrus: Come with me.
Grady: Do you want to take a break?
Lizzie: No. I know it's around here somewhere.
Grady: What are we looking for?
Lizzie: I'm looking for a hole.
Grady: A hole?
Lizzie: Yeah. I fell in it, and then so did the kidnapper, and I know there has got to be something in it, like a clue or something.
Grady: A hole in the middle of nowhere, huh? So is there sort of landmark or a clue or something?
Lizzie: No. I was blindfolded.
Grady: Perfect.
Lizzie: I just have a feeling.
Grady: Do you always trust your feelings?
Lizzie: Yeah, when it comes to helping Bill. That's it! That's it, right there!
Olivia: Great, Larry. Tomorrow night it is. And you know what? If the Xiao’s want a home-cooked meal, that's exactly what they're going to get. I look forward to meeting them, too. Bye.
Natalia: You don't keep your promises very long, huh?
Olivia: I did not break my promise. I'm going to serve lots of veggies.
Natalia: You never change, do you?
Olivia: That's not true. Before I met you, I was impossible.
Natalia: So what does that make you now?
Olivia: (Laughs) I'm breezy.
Natalia: You're breezy? You're breezy?
Olivia: (Laughs)
Natalia: Yeah. Some magic mirror you're looking into.
Olivia: Oh, it's a fantastic mirror. Hey, do you still have the keys to Cassie’s house?
Natalia: Yeah, I have them in my bag.
Olivia: This is perfect. Her house that, like, all American charm thing. So we'll have the dinner there.
Natalia: Okay, but she cleaned out her kitchen, so we're going to have it catered.
Olivia: Can't be catered. They're tired of eating out. It needs to be a home-cooked meal.
Natalia: Well, how are you going to make... yeah, I'm me. I'm going to make the-- yeah. It's breezy.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Natalia: That's not what I want to call you right now.
Ashlee: You look okay.
Rafe: Yeah. I haven't gotten any problems this week, so it's good.
Ashlee: My mom says that they moved you from the more hard- core prison to this one.
Rafe: I got an infection, and my mom kind of freaked out a little bit, and she made some kind of deal with the state. I don't know.
Ashlee: Does that mean that you get out sooner?
Rafe: No. Definitely not. I just switched prisons.
Ashlee: Well, it's really a shame you couldn't get out any sooner. But what if there was another way? I want to interview you for my blog. Actually, you'd be shocked as to how many people watch it.
Rafe: Ashlee, no offense, but I don't see how that is gonna help. I don't even think I can do it here.
Ashlee: You don't have to worry about that part. You see, I can have my mom clear it with the Warden. All you have to do is be honest and sincere, and tell your story. Just tell it honestly, and show everyone that you got such a raw deal.
Rafe: Okay. I shot Jeffrey. I did, I shot him.
Ashlee: I know, I've shot someone, too. But we don't need to focus on that. We can focus on how he forgave you. On how you were just doing it to defend your father, a very decorated cop who had just passed away. And then when we're done with that portion, we can move on to why you're really in here. How Grady set you up.
Rafe: Ashlee, are you doing this to get me out of here, or are you doing this to hurt Grady?
Ashlee: I'm doing this to help Daisy, and help you.
Rafe: All right. Shake on it.
Daisy: I thought this was about Grady. Why did you bring me home?
Cyrus: Because this is where Rafe held you hostage?
Daisy: I wasn't his hostage. I was the one who brought him here.
Cyrus: That's not what Grady told the police.
Daisy: I know. I know. Grady was the anonymous tip. Cassie told me that, okay? That's why I broke up with Grady.
Cyrus: He didn't just say that he spotted Rafe. He said that Rafe had a gun, and that you were in danger.
Daisy: I know. You're not telling me anything I didn't know.
Cyrus: Grady doesn't think. He wanted to get rid of Rafe, but it never occurred to him that by telling the police you were a hostage, he was putting you in danger, too.
Daisy: I'm confused. I thought you wanted me to help Grady.
Cyrus: Come on. We're not done. I need you to look at this.
Daisy: I know what this place is, okay? I hate it.
Cyrus: Well, it's part of who my brother is. You need to look at it again. This is where it happened. This is where the car that Grady was driving hit Tammy.
Daisy: I know. I was there.
Cyrus: Alan may have ordered it, but it's Grady that's responsible for Tammy’s death.
Daisy: No. It-- it was supposed-- it was an accident.
Cyrus: An accident? Daisy, look at me.
Daisy: Why are you doing this to me?
Cyrus: This isn't fun for me, either, but you can't sugar-coat this. You can't rewrite what happened just so it's easier to swallow. The only accident that night was that Grady hit Tammy and not Jonathan, like he was supposed to. Losing Tammy destroyed Cassie’s life. Would you rather that happened to your Grandma Reva instead?
Daisy: Are we done?
Cyrus: No.
Daisy: Okay. Um... I thought you were doing the whole ghost of Christmas past thing. What did Grady do here?
Cyrus: No. This is about the present. But... Christmas is coming up. This is where your family comes to celebrate, isn't it?
Daisy: Yes.
Cyrus: Are you prepared to walk in there with Grady, in front of your family and friends, and see the looks from people, hear all the whispers?
Daisy: I can skip it this year.
Cyrus: What about Company? Are you going to stop going there? Are you going to stop living with Mallet and Marina? Daisy, no matter where you go, there's always going to be someone who will look down on you, even if you don't know them.
Daisy: This is so strange, because you say that you're on Grady’s side, but you're telling me all of these things that my family tells me as to why I shouldn't be with Grady. I don't get it.
Cyrus: Look, I'm not trying to bad-mouth my brother. I love him. And I think he is on the way to making better choices. Especially if he's got someone to stand by his side. But I can't change his past, and neither can you. Are you ready for all this?
Daisy: I am.
Cyrus: Then we only have one more place to go.
Grady: So do you see anything?
Lizzie: No, I don’t. I don't even know what I'm looking for. Okay, after I got out of the hole, I went over to where the van was parked.
Grady: I guess that guy really covered his tracks, huh?
Lizzie: Yeah. There's nothing over there, either.
Grady: Have you seen enough? Do you want to head back?
Lizzie: I thought I was going to die in here. I thought he was just going to leave me.
Grady: But he didn’t.
Lizzie: No, he didn’t. And I am sure that the police will just see that as one more thing that points to Bill. The real kidnapper would have left me.
Grady: Maybe. Maybe the kidnapper is not such a bad guy after all.
Lizzie: Is that a joke?
Grady: Well, you went back for him, right?
Lizzie: How did you know that?
Grady: The papers. I can read.
Lizzie: Oh great. Great. Well, that probably means I shouldn't have given them so many details.
Grady: And then he fell in, and you could have left him in there to rot, but you didn’t. You must have had a reason.
Lizzie: Yeah, I had a reason. I wanted to see his face. We had a deal. If he wanted out, then he had to take off his mask, but his partner showed up and grabbed me again.
Grady: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: You know, I thought that the worst part was being recaptured, but it's the fact that I didn't see his face. I didn't see his face. I don't know what he looks like. I can't clear Bill's name!
Grady: Here. Look...
Lizzie: I just... maybe the kidnapper wasn't such a bad guy.
Grady: I guess my perspective is different.
Lizzie: Why, because you were in prison?
Grady: I'm talking about my brother.
Lizzie: Cyrus steals art and money. I actually think that he felt bad when he hurt my Aunt Alex. I mean, Cyrus has a heart. But this kidnapper -- if he is the one who is setting up Bill, I should have left him to rot. He doesn't have a heart. He's a monster.
Natalia: Do you think that I can borrow some of this stuff? And I'll pick it up tomorrow. I'll pay for all the food, of course.
Frank: You're really going through a lot of trouble.
Natalia: Well, I want it to be perfect.
Buzz: Who is this special dinner for? (Laughs)
Natalia: Olivia.
Buzz: Oh.
Natalia: You know, Olivia, my boss. There are some very important people from Galaxy visiting.
Buzz: Well, this is a very impressive list. It must be fancy.
Natalia: Well, they're from China, and Olivia wants to impress them.
Frank: Well, then why don't you make your chicken and rice dinner that you make, you know, and serve a nice little Chilean wine, and that great pudding that you make.
Natalia: Well, you know, that's more for friends. These people are world travelers.
Frank: Well, then just be yourself. I mean, who wouldn't be charmed by that.
Natalia: Thanks, Buzz.
Buzz: Yeah.
Daisy: Your place, okay. So what horrible thing did Grady do here?
Cyrus: Nothing. You passed.
Daisy: So what? Do I have to walk home now?
Grady: Cyrus told me to show up and start from scratch. So that's when I go back to how we first met.
Lizzie: I didn't find anything. I'm running out of ways to prove that you're innocent. I need you to wake up. Please, just wake up, Bill. Wake up! Oh, my God! Doctor! We need a doctor in here!
(knocking on the door)
Olivia: It's open.
Natalia: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Natalia: You weren't supposed to be here.
Olivia: Emma wanted to explore. And...
Natalia: I got it. Well, I just got some... little decorations and stuff like that, and then I can pick up the rest in the morning.
Olivia: Okay.
Natalia: Sit, sit. You sit and you relax.
Olivia: Thanks.
Natalia: Save up your energy for tomorrow. You're the face of Galaxy, and the Xiao’s are coming.
Olivia: Okay. (laughs) Look, in case I haven't told you, thank you.
Natalia: I know. I know. I have to wear something presentable. I have to look sophisticated, like I belong to an international corporation, and not waiting tables. And I must never, ever talk about religion or politics.
Olivia: Well, yeah, but besides those.
Natalia: Yeah, but you never said I couldn't talk celebrity gossip.
Olivia: I'm sorry. Is that a joke? I didn't even know you could smile.
Natalia: Yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Natalia: I like to cook for people, so you can thank me with a bonus.
Olivia: Emma must have locked herself out.
Natalia: I'll get it.
Olivia: Thanks
Decker: Olivia.
Olivia: Hi.
Decker: I got your message about changing the dinner to tonight.
Natalia: Tonight?
Olivia: Yes, tonight.
Decker: So, when do we eat? We're starving.
Grady: All Cyrus told me is that you'd be here, not to blow it. Maybe I should have bought flowers.
Daisy: No. No. You brought the right thing. And like remembering how we met, and how you brought that key and how you could open up any door in my whole boarding school.
Grady: So what are you doing here?
Daisy: Well, you read "The Christmas Carol"? Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge?
Grady: What about it?
Daisy: Well, it's a short story. And these ghosts, they show this guy his Christmas past and his Christmas present, and his Christmas yet to come.
Grady: So the ghosts are coming for me?
Daisy: No. Cyrus did the showing to remind me about you.
Grady: Yeah, it's a real horror story, you know. Did Cyrus finally scare you off me for good?
Daisy: No. He wasn't, he wasn't trying to scare me off. He just wanted to make sure that I was sure. You know, I... I can't change the past. Right? And despite what my family says, they can't predict the future. So I guess all we have is right now. And right now.
Lizzie: He's coming out of it, right? You said that it could happen at any time. I remember you saying that. And I was just standing here and I was holding his hand, and it happened.
Nurse: I'm sorry, Lizzie.
Lizzie: You're sorry about what? The machine, it went crazy. I saw it.
Nurse: I saw the tape. Bill is experiencing spikes in his electrical field.
Lizzie: But that's a good thing, right? It has to be a good sign?
Nurse: Sometimes. And sometimes it's meaningless. Bill's condition hasn't changed.
Frank: Hey. Any change?
Lizzie: No. But he's going to come out of it. And in the meantime, I have another lead for you. That hole that I told you about, the one that the kidnapper and I fell in, I found it.
Frank: You went there?
Lizzie: Well, I didn't find anything. I'm not a cop. I'm sure that you will. I am sure that it will clear Bill's name.
Frank: Okay, well, I have a lead for you. The van that was used was stolen.
Lizzie: Okay, good, but I mean anyone can steal a van. It doesn't have to mean it was Bill.
Frank: Lizzie, the place that the van was stolen from has a surveillance camera.
Lizzie: That's great. That's great. Have you seen it?
Frank: No, it's at the lab right now. But we have absolutely no idea what's on it.
Lizzie: Well, I'll tell you what's on it. Two things: Proof that Bill is innocent, and the face of the real kidnapper.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: Reva, I'm sorry it's such a burden for you to live next door to me. But remember, I was here first. You're the one who moved in next to me.
Reva: I did not plan on living next door to you.
Josh: It is kind of fun, though, isn't it?
Reva: I really hope Jeffrey’s guitar playing doesn't keep you up late at night.
Josh: Reva, I so much don't want to hear about Jeffrey’s late-night habits.
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