GL Transcript Wednesday 11/12/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/12/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light."

Alan: My one chance to surgically remove Bill Lewis from my company, and it's in your incapable hands.

Grady: Will you relax? Everything's under control. I've got a plan.

Alan: You're not savvy enough to frame Bill Lewis.

Cop: I thought you might want to see this.

Frank: You're now telling me about Bill's heroic takeover of Spaulding.

Alan: Yeah?

Frank: This is the real motive that I have right now,

Alan: Frank and his officer are tromping mud all over the carpets. And I told them they would find no evidence, but they insist on playing cops and robbers. What do you have there?

Daisy: I tried so hard to stay away from you.

Grady: How's that working?

Daisy: I even thought I could, I don't know, help you from, like, a distance, but Cyrus made me see I was just fooling myself.

Grady: My brother stood up for me, huh? He always gets sentimental when he drinks.

Daisy: He wasn't drunk, actually, no, no. He just-- he wants you to be okay. He loves you. And I...

Grady: You what?

Daisy: I can't change the past.

Grady: Right.

Daisy: You know, I can't make up for what happened to Tammy or to Rafe. I just feel like we should start over.

Grady: We can. We can try.

Daisy: I must be crazy. You're not exactly an angel.

Grady: Angels have it easy up there in heaven. Down here you've got to be tough and fearless and strong. Everything I can be if I've got one thing.

Daisy: What's that?

Grady: You.

Beth: I have to, I have to finish this paper.

Coop: Uh-huh.

Beth: And as my tutor, you are really not helping. You've been very distractive.

Coop: Top, right paragraph, you have another split infinitive. Are you happy?

Beth: How do I fix that.

Coop: Look, I'm your tutor. I'm supposed to see things like these. Okay? I'm supposed to keep an eye on you, which, at the moment, is very, very easy to do.

Beth: Now, Coop, I just have to protest. I mean, I really, I really have so much work to do. Okay. Okay. I give up. (Laughs)

Lizzie: I found this in the desk.

Alan: So it's true, the ransom notes were put together right here in this house.

Lizzie: Or made to look that way. I mean, that has to be it.

Alan: Yes, but if the cops find this, Elizabeth, they will link this as evidence directly to Bill.

Lizzie: This is circumstantial evidence. That's it.

Alan: Men have gone to prison for far less.

Lizzie: Bill didn't want to hurt me. You should have seen him when he found me-- how happy he was. I mean, he told me he loved me. That was real. Not this stupid magazine. Oh God, I wish he'd never found it.

Alan: Elizabeth, there is something I can do with this, you know?

Lizzie: What does that mean?

Alan: It's up to you, but you better think fast.

Frank: Okay, we searched top to bottom, and we found nothing.

Alan: Of course you didn’t. Bill cared deeply for Elizabeth. There is no way he would risk her life.

Frank: Okay. Well, obviously, we got another anonymous tip from some psycho, so Lizzie, thank you for your time. I'll be on my way.

Lizzie: Frank?

Frank: Yes?

Lizzie: There's something you need to see.

Alan: Think about this.

Lizzie: It's okay. This would be funny if it weren't so sick.

Frank: Oh? What have you got?

Lizzie: Obviously, the joker that sent you that tip also cut out these pages to make it look like the ransom note came from one of Bill's magazines.

Frank: Why would he do that?

Lizzie: Probably to throw suspicion off of himself. I told you, this is a setup.

Alan: Yes, it is a setup. So there is no evidence here, Frank. I'll show you out.

Frank: No. Take it easy, Alan. Why didn't you yell up at me when you found this? Because now both of you have got your fingerprints all over this. You know what? Let me, let me look at this for a minute.

Alan: You know, you did the honorable thing. I mean, I would have shredded it.

Lizzie: It's okay. This has nothing to do with Bill. Nothing.

Alan: That is why you will make the best leader for Spaulding, because you're not afraid of the truth.

Frank: You know what? This is a perfect match. The letters that came out of this magazine match that second ransom note perfectly.

Alan: Yeah. Frank, we know that Bill benefited from her absence, but that doesn't make him a criminal just because of this.

Frank: Well, you know what I'm going to do? I'm actually going to hold onto this. I'll let you know if I find anything else.

Lizzie: There is nothing else, Frank. There is nothing else. Where are you going?

Frank: I am going back to the crime scene where the kidnappers held you captive. I'm going to reexamine the scene there and, you know, and I'm going to keep this evidence in mind.

Lizzie: Wait, wait, wait. I'm coming with you.

Alan: I'll drive you.

Lizzie: No, no. I just, I just need to do this by myself. Frank!

Beth: I have to go.

Coop: The session's over?

Beth: I think we agreed that this is what it is. It's just...

Coop: What it is.

Beth: It's been no surprise.

Coop: (Laughs) Tell me about it. If I hadn't put that notice up about the tutoring job...

Beth: I remember wandering the halls that day, not wanting to go home. Alan was having his visions, and I felt invisible.

Coop: You? It's not possible.

Beth: You're a good man. But I was afraid that Alan was right, that I couldn't handle law school, and that I would never be an independent person.

Coop: You looked a little lonely, carrying those heavy books by yourself, wandering around the halls, lost.

Beth: I must have seemed easy. (Laughs)

Coop: Very. Extremely... no, no, not at all. You seemed... like me. Just looking for something of your own, to have as your own, something that was going to make you happy.

Beth: Now Lizzie’s home, and things are better now. So... let's not upset anything. Let's just remember how this started.

Coop: Right. (Cell phone rings)

Beth: Alan? Any news about Bill?

Alan: No, no. That's not it. It's Elizabeth. She needs to see you, Beth.

Beth: Why? What happened?

Alan: Yeah, she's fine. She just went to the old canning factory with the police. I mean, she feels strong enough now to revisit the crime scene.

Beth: And you let her go?

Alan: Well, I couldn't stop her. I tried. She needs to see you. She needs to be with her mother.

Beth: I'll take care of it. I have to go.

Coop: Beth, I know you said we're not going to get personal here, but that didn't sound very good. Why don't you tell me what's going on?

Beth: It's nothing for you to be involved in.

I'll just wait. Darling you decide it's not too late for you to change

Daisy: Look there's, there's one thing I want to talk about.

Grady: No, let's talk about it later.

Daisy: No. No. Seriously. Okay? Look, I'm screwed up, too, okay?

Grady: Yeah, I've noticed.

Daisy: Hey. (Laughs) No, okay, seriously. Um, this won't work if it's a rescue mission. You know, if I'm some lucky charm to you, or I have some sort of magical answer, because I don’t.

Grady: Saving is not what I want. What I want is to be with someone who can...

Daisy: What?

Grady: To be with someone who doesn't give a damn about what the world thinks.

Daisy: Well, then I think you've found the right girl.

Grady: I want to be with someone who knows that in our own, crazy, mixed up way, we fit.

Daisy: We fit. Yeah, kind of like how a train wreck fits. (Laughs)

Grady: I know I'm not exactly the guy you want to bring home to meet your family, but... I'm changing, Daisy, or at least I'm trying for you.

Daisy: Yeah, I've noticed. I think that chip on your shoulder, it's a little smaller.

Grady: Look, I've got to go. I've got to see someone about a job.

Daisy: Is this job legal?

Grady: I told you, I'm not doing stuff like that anymore. I'm not working for Dinah ever again. This is about us, about our future. Do you trust me?

Daisy: Yeah.

Ashlee: Why don't I get you a gun and you can shoot yourself. It would be a lot faster. Daisy! Daisy, look, why don't you get a dog, adopt a dog. Save a plant. Don't even bother trying to save Grady. You'll have better luck with the other things.

Daisy: Don't you have to go to work or something?

Ashlee: No. I think that he'll drag you down.

Daisy: God, you are so negative.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. How am I meant to act? My best friend is strolling into a Mack truck, and I'm supposed to be positive about it?

Daisy: Did it ever occur to you that maybe Grady is good for me?

Ashlee: No, it has occurred to me that he's using you.

Daisy: Really? Using me? For what? For my incredible bank account? Or maybe my grandfather's chili recipe. I don’t...

Ashlee: Okay. Why don't you ask your friend Rafe. Maybe he'll have an idea. Oh you remember Rafe, right? He's this guy you used to know. He's in prison because Grady set him up so he could have you all to himself.

Daisy: Of course I haven't forgotten about Rafe. Rafe is the entire reason I joined the taskforce.

Ashlee: And you also were in love with him not too long ago.

Daisy: Yes. People change. Look at you and Coop, you know? And Rafe will always be my friend, but...

Ashlee: But what? What?

Daisy: Isn't it obvious?

Ashlee: No, it isn't obvious-- what isn't obvious?

Daisy: I'm in love. I love Grady.

Grady: Thanks dude, I'd love one.

Alan: You just missed the cops.

Grady: Did you give Frank my love? He's a big fan of mine.

Alan: I told you we shouldn't be seen together. What part of that do you not understand?

Grady: They found the magazine, right? In the middle of Bill's things? I told you I had a plan.

Alan: Yes, you do have a plan. And I'm very impressed. But may I remind you that a measly letter in a magazine don't frame Bill Lewis for kidnapping Elizabeth.

Grady: The magazine is a start, something to get the cops wondering about our boy Bill.

Alan: Frank was suspicious. I'll give you that.

Grady: We feed them a little more each time until they come to the right conclusion about him.

Alan: Wait a minute. We?

Grady: We're in this together. We make a great team. Come on, partner, fist bump.

Alan: I'll tell you one thing, if Bill wakes up and the police have evidence to indict him, Elizabeth will defend him.

Grady: Then for my next trick, I'll have to make her doubt coma boy.

Alan: Why she loves him, I'll never understand.

Grady: Love's a powerful thing.

Alan: It is. That's why I sent Beth to be with Elizabeth. It may take one kind of love to tear down another.

Lizzie: I can still feel the wrist burns from the rope.

Frank: Listen, we don't have to do this. Why don't you wait in the car.

Lizzie: I have to do this. I have to prove that it wasn't Bill who tied me to that chair and left me for days knowing that I was scared to death.

Frank: Prove it to me, or prove it to yourself?

Lizzie: Bill wouldn't-- couldn't do something like this.

Frank: Lizzie, we have to deal with the facts. All of the evidence that we have right now...

Lizzie: How would I not know it was Bill? I would know Bill anywhere, under any circumstance.

Frank: Okay, well, you know, unfortunately, sometimes fear can play tricks with the mind. And there were two kidnappers, right? And Bill could have stayed out of sight.

Lizzie: Bill was the victim. And now he's a suspect because of some stupid magazine?

Frank: Okay, what about the ransom drop? Mallet said he didn't even see a kidnapper, only Bill.

Lizzie: Kidnappers hide. That's what they do.

Frank: Okay, Mallet also said he didn't see any other footprints out there, and the van was clean. Only Bill's footprints were there, and not only that, but the fingerprints, yours and Bill's.

Lizzie: Great. So Bill crashed the van and put himself in a coma to cover his tracks. That's probably what he did.

Beth: What's going on here?

Frank: Beth, stay out of this.

Beth: Why is, is... Frank, why is Lizzie here?

Frank: Just stay out of this. This is an ongoing police investigation.

Lizzie: This is not a police investigation. This is witch hunt! Guess, guess who they think kidnapped me? Bill. You know, why not my mom or my grandma? She probably grabbed me in between her hospital shifts and bingo night.

Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie brings up a point: Bill saved her. Why would you even go there?

Frank: Because, unfortunately, Bill can't give us his version. We have to deal with the facts here.

Lizzie: The facts? You want a fact? I will give you a fact: Bill fought very hard to save me. I was here, not you. I was hiding. I heard the struggle. He fought a very dangerous kidnapper to save my life.

Beth: There's your proof.

Frank: Okay, hold on a second. You heard the fight or you saw the fight?

Lizzie: I was hiding, I was scared. Bill told me to hide.

Frank: Wait a minute. So he told you to stay inside, but when you got outside, did you see the kidnapper on the ground?

Lizzie: No. No, he got away.

Frank: So in essence, Lizzie, you didn't see anyone at all, only Bill.

Daisy: Say something.

Ashlee: What would you like me to say? Because no matter what I say, you don't listen.

Daisy: Look, I tried to tell myself over and over again that Grady was bad, that I should stay away from him, and that there is no way I could possibly feel... the "L" word towards him, but...

Ashlee: But what? What, you feel good about it now or something?

Daisy: I feel like a huge weight has been lifted because it's the truth.

Ashlee: You know he has no heart.

Daisy: But he does. I've seen it, you know? I think I've been in love with him since the first day I met him, when he snuck into my room at boarding school.

Ashlee: If it was real love, wouldn't it be nice if he could use the front door?

Daisy: It was exciting. I don't expect you to understand.

Ashlee: Oh, believe me, I understand. I understand the whole good girl/bad boy thing.

Daisy: It's more than that, okay? It's not that simple. Can you just be my friend?

Ashlee: Okay, I'll be your friend. I'll jump up and down and thank the Lord that my good friend is in love with some homicidal creep.

Daisy: What do you want me to do? Would you like me to stay at home in my bedroom all the time, like you?

Ashlee: You know, I go out more than you think.

Daisy: Look, I just-- I'm going to ask you, as a friend, to give me some space, okay? Because I need to see if this thing can work.

Ashlee: He isn't who you think he is.

Daisy: Okay. So then let me find that out myself. Trust that I will be able to tell if he has actually changed or if he is just pretending.

Ashlee: You know what, if this is really love, then it shouldn't matter what I think. And... I will give you your space. Because I'm your friend. I just really hope you know what you're doing.

Grady: So how does it work? Lizzie's mom does exactly what you expect her to do?

Alan: Pretty much, yes.

Grady: Got her trained, huh?

Alan: Beth thinks she's independent, and she is to a degree. She likes to throw around the word "Empowerment," but let me give you a lesson, son: Women like us to take charge.

Grady: Not all women. Daisy is not like that. And neither is Dinah.

Alan: Dinah? What about Dinah?

Grady: Didn't I mention it? She was the one that cut out the letters of that magazine.

Alan: You kidnapped Elizabeth and arranged for the ransom note, right?

Grady: Uh-huh. It was Dinah, too. She's one of those take-charge kind of women.

Alan: So Dinah was in on this? Bill's own sister?

Grady: The whole time. But she got cold feet. She was kind of a pain. Bailed. Hey, what are you doing?

Alan: Just about the time I think you have some sense, don't you know Dinah cannot be trusted.

Grady: She is not a threat. She's in another country looking for some hot-shot doctor for Bill.

Alan: What if she took some evidence with her for insurance.

Grady: You're just jealous she stole your house.

Alan: Now that she's safely away, she may just turn you in. Did you ever think about that?

Grady: If I go down, she's goes down.

Alan: Oh, really. And who will the cops believe, a sister who is out trying to find a cure for her brother, or a man who has been in prison?

Grady: She won't be a problem.

Alan: She better not be. And you had better think long and hard about your next plan. Because if it comes down to saving your skin or mine, guess which one I'll save?

Coop: No, Dad, no more blind dates, okay?

And please tell Lillian to


If I have to go down to the

hospital and take her down, I


I just want to work on a book

right now.

Beth: Oh!

Coop: I'm sorry.

Look, dad, let me call you


Beth: Great, great.

Coop: Here, let me...

I apologize.

Beth: No.

You know what?

It's my fault.

I wasn't watching where I was


Coop: It's not you, it's my


He's driving me crazy.

And, here...

Beth: I know the feeling.

Alan's driving me crazy.

Coop: I'm sorry.

I couldn't help but notice that

on your paper... you spilt


Beth: Excuse me?

Coop: Well, if I may... you

split this.

You have a split infinitive.

You said, to truly understand.

Beth: What?

Coop: Well, the correct way

of saying it would have been

to, you know, truly to

understand or to understand


Either way it works, it is just

the correct form of using the


You know, I'm just going to


Beth: Yeah, why don't you.

You know something... who do

you think that you are?

You know, it's bad enough that

I have Alan telling me that I

can't hack law school.

I don't need someone like you

who is making me feel like I'm


I am competing against law

students who are half my age.

And you're going to pick apart

my grammar!


Don't-- no thank you.

I'm late for a class.

Now, did I phrase that well

enough for you.

Coop: Excuse me.

I'm just a teacher.

This is what I do.

Beth: You're a teacher?

Coop: Yeah.

Beth: You're a teacher.

If I buy you a cup of coffee,

will you tell me what else is

wrong with my work?

Coop: No.

Beth: Great.

Coop: Come on.

I'll buy you a cup of coffee.

How about that?

Beth: Okay.

You're on.

Coop: Take these.

Beth: You're on.

Yes, you can.

Thank you.

Coop: You're welcome.

After you.

Beth: Honey, come on, I want to take you home. You look upset.

Lizzie: Yeah, I am upset because the cops are trashing Bill. You know him. Mom, you know him. Okay? He can be a jerk. He can be a pig. He can even be obnoxious, but he would never intentionally hurt someone, especially not me. Mom?

Beth: Honey, I'm just saying, I'm just saying Bill is not always nice. In fact, sometimes he's been downright cruel.

Lizzie: Okay. We have both behaved badly.

Beth: Is it possible, this game that you've been playing ever since you got back from New York has backfired on you, is it...

Lizzie: No. It is not possible, okay? Because this game was like, it was flirting. Instead of dating or flowers, we've been competing for a share of the boardroom. You know, like in those old movies, I hate you, I'll beat you, I love you.

Frank: Remind me never to get rich.

Beth: But maybe, I'm just saying maybe, Bill decided to take the game into his own hands. Maybe he decided to play by a different set of rules.

Lizzie: Thanks, Mom. Wow, that's a big help. Why don't you kick Bill while he's down.

Beth: I am on your side. I just think that it's something we should...

Lizzie: Wait a second. No, no, no, no, no. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I was in the van, I was in the van, and I heard Bill making an appeal to the kidnappers on the radio. But the kidnappers were with me. So that proves that Bill's innocent.

Beth: Honey, we just want to get to the truth. This is for your protection.

Lizzie: No, no, no, no, no. Bill could not have been in two places at once. Huh! There goes your lame-o theory.

Frank: Exactly when did you hear Bill on the radio?

Lizzie: I was blindfolded. It was dark all the time. I don't know if it was day-- why does that matter?

Frank: Because the time is extremely important.

Beth: Honey, Bill's radio appeal was taped. It was re-played throughout the day. So it is possible that you did not hear the live version, that you heard one of the rebroadcasts.

Frank: Which means Bill could definitely have been outside the van at that very moment.

Coop: It looks like you've got some homework there yourself.

Frank: Yeah. Case notes from Lizzie’s kidnapping. This investigation is getting a lot stranger every single day.

Coop: Has there been a break in the case?

Frank: You know I can't discuss details with you, but, I've got to say, Coop, Lizzie’s family could be in store for real heartache.

Coop: That doesn't sound very good. You know... it's tough, I mean, with everything that they've been through. It's not fair.

Frank: You still care about her, don't you?

Coop: Care about?

Frank: Lizzie! Hello, mon! Lizzie!

Coop: Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes. I mean, I'm always going to care about Lizzie. Of course. You know, it's just now I kind of care for the whole family, you know?

Frank: The whole family? Including our good friend Alan?

Coop: No. No, Alan deserves no compassion whatsoever for the way that he treats... the way that he treats his family. They deserve better, a lot better.

Beth: Oh!

Alan: How'd it go? (Laughs)

Beth: You scared me. I didn't see you there. A drink, um. I could use a drink. How about you? Lizzie is a mess.

Alan: Yes, she is a mess. I'll get you a drink.

Beth: So, you were right to send me there. She really needed me. She believes in Bill with all her heart.

Alan: Yes. Meanwhile, the police continue to pile up evidence against him.

Beth: It sure looks that way.

Alan: Yes. I don't like Bill Lewis, I never have liked him. But to think that the man Elizabeth loves is guilty. Boy...

Beth: Oh, please, (laughs) This is the best thing that could have ever happened to you.

Grady: Okay, Dinah. You better not have left any little surprises in here, huh? Because if I go down, you go down. Password, huh, duh.

Ashlee: Hello. What a surprise.

Daisy: I'm in love. I'm in love! I'm in love! Hey, Lizzie. I didn't see you there. Hi. (Laughs)

Lizzie: This is a nice place to come to be alone, right?

Daisy: Yeah. Are you okay?

Lizzie: I've been better.

Daisy: How's Bill?

Lizzie: No change. I just keep sitting there, you know, waiting for him to just to open his eyes, squeeze my hand or something, but nothing.

Daisy: You know, I'll never forget finding that van crashed, just because of how much Bill cared about you being okay. And every day since then seeing you by his side. I never knew that kind of love existed outside of fairy tales. I thought it was just something, you know, bogus our parents told us.

Lizzie: I think our parents told us that to keep us from, I don't know, sleeping with the first guy that comes along.

Daisy: Yeah, probably. But because of you and Bill, I, I see that not only does that kind of love exist, it's, it's the only thing that matters.

Lizzie: Thanks for saying that.

Daisy: Don't, don't cry. Your mascara is going to get all gross. Are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'm better now. But thank you.

Ashlee: You know, you don't look like the new temp. What are you doing at Dinah’s desk?

Grady: I work for Dinah, remember?

Ashlee: Yeah, I know what kind of work you do. And if it was terrific, she wouldn't have left town.

Grady: She's off helping her brother.

Ashlee: Okay. So you thought, what? You would, I don't know, go through Dinah’s computer and get a few credit card numbers just for fun?

Grady: I'm actually buying a present for Daisy on line, if you really need to know.

Ashlee: Oh, with Dinah’s credit card numbers, like I said. I can't believe that Daisy said that she loved you.

Grady: What did you say?

Ashlee: No. It's not what I said. It's what she said.

Grady: When...

Ashlee: No. Men like you, you should be walking around with "Hazardous for your health" signs on.

Grady: No, when did she say this?

Ashlee: You know, I'm going to go and contact Dinah and let her know what her boy toy is up to.

Grady: No, Ashlee, just wait a minute. Tell me exactly what Daisy said. Look, would you just wait.

Ashlee: Get off of me.

Grady: Look, all I want to know is if Daisy said she loved me.

Ashlee: No. I lied. She said that you make her vomit.

Grady: Look, just tell me, okay? Because you don't want to get between me and Daisy.

Ashlee: Was that a threat?

Grady: All I’m saying, anyone who is going to get between me and Daisy is looking for trouble, all right?

Ashlee: Ouch! Did you see your boyfriend? Did you like that!

Alan: Bill can rot. I don't care if he is guilty or not. We'll send Elizabeth to San Tropez and let her go shopping.

Beth: Oh, now there's the man I know and love. The man who buys his family's affection. So nice.

Alan: And you missed me, didn't you, the real me, huh? I mean, you would be bored with a nice guy. Admit it.

Beth: Hmmm. Now see, I don't trust you. You might turn nice again.

Alan: No. No, I won’t. Listen, I have an idea. Why don't we take a walk, a walk up to my bedroom, huh?

Beth: Hmm. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take a rain check on that. I've had a long day. Excuse me.

Alan: Is it Elizabeth? Did they find some more evidence against Bill?

Beth: Ah, no. No, it's not from her. I'm going to go upstairs and get changed.

Alan: Beth, Beth, before you go, I want to say I know... I know I haven't been myself the past few months. But I promise you that I will never be this all-forgiving, all-loving guy ever again.

Beth: I just want you to be you.

Alan: I am me now. And that is good news for you, and bad news for anyone else.

Lizzie: I just keep holding onto that memory of your face when you rescued me. It was so full of love and... that is what is keeping me going, is that one incredible memory. And I just need you to wake up. Will you just wake up and tell them that you didn't do it. Because I can't do this by myself. Please wake up Bill. Please wake up. Just make these doubts go away.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Emma: Are you okay, Mommy?

Natalia: Olivia Spencer’s room. Olivia is already overbooked, so I don't think that it's possible.

Natalia: Mr. Decker and the Xiao’s are in town.

Olivia: The Xiao’s from Macau, the head of Galaxy-Macau, no, no, you tell them that I can do this, okay? Of course I would love to meet with them. I'll clear my schedule.

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