Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/4/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
R.J.: The spaceship won't work.
Marina: Is that like one of those toy surprises at the bottom of the cereal box?
Cassie: I cannot believe I ever let you set foot in my home. I was about to get into a relationship with the brother of the man who killed Tammy. I have to leave, and we have to go someplace where I can have a fresh start.
Reva: You're moving out? No. This is a joke, right?
Cassie: Let's face it, Reva. I have been in a rut. I've been spinning my wheels ever since I lost Tammy.
Reva: You need a vacation! You need to go to one of those places that serve big fruity drinks with those little umbrellas!
Cassie: No, I don't need a vacation. I need a fresh start. And it has to be someplace new.
Reva: Things can't be that bad.
Cassie: Really? Really? Because I almost hooked up with Cyrus, a man who has his very own "Most Wanted" poster. So what do you call that?
Reva: But you have family here! You have people here who love you!
Cassie: Reva, come on. We haven’t... honestly, we have not been close since... okay, for a very long time.
Reva: So what are you going to do? You're giving up on this town? You're just giving up on us?
Cassie: Reva, be happy. I really want that for you.
Reva: No, it's not going to work.
Cassie: Yeah, it will. It's going to be good for both of us. You'll see.
Reva: How can it be, Cassie, when I'm losing you?
Cassie: Thank you for this talk, because now I do know what I have to do.
Reva: Cassie, wait!
(Cell phone ringing)
Jeffrey: O’Neill.
Reva: We have a problem. My sister has definitely gone over the edge.
Alan: Elizabeth, I didn't think you were leaving Cedars.
Lizzie: Oh, I'm just picking up a few books for Bill, I want to read to him.
Alan: But look, before you go back, why don't you stay just a little while longer? I'm about to start a meeting with...
Lizzie: A meeting?
Decker: Lizzie, I'm so glad you're back. What a terrible ordeal.
Lizzie: It was very scary, but Bill didn't give up until he found me.
Decker: Yes, Bill is quite the publicity magnet.
Lizzie: Excuse me?
Decker: Of course I'm relieved you're safe, but I'm a little concerned about Bill's proclivity for landing in the middle of these dramas.
Lizzie: He was in an accident. He wasn't out clubbing with Lindsay Lohan.
Alan: Still, Elizabeth, Lawrence makes a very good point, and I think maybe we should rethink this.
Lizzie: Rethink what?
Alan: Bill's position, his partnership.
Lizzie: Fine, yeah. If you are so worried, I think you should take your deal and shove it.
Vanessa: Dinah.
Dinah: How is he?
Vanessa: He's stable and he's not in any pain. It's just that we don’t... we're not really sure when he's going to regain consciousness.
Dinah: He's gonna pull through this. That's what he's going to do. Bill's a fighter.
Vanessa: Of course he's going to pull through.
Dinah: Could I just get a moment alone with Bill, if you don't mind?
Vanessa: Sure. We'll just be out in the waiting room.
Dinah: Hey, bro. It's your total mess of a sister. (Exhales deeply) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Josh: Oh, oh, oh. Careful, careful. Just glued this thing together with R.J., and if one planet goes, you know how that is-- they all go.
Cassie: Uh-huh. Okay. Where's R.J. now?
Josh: He's upstairs researching the Cassini spacecraft.
Cassie: Good. That's good. That will give us a few minutes to ourselves to talk.
Josh: Is there something wrong?
Cassie: A lot of things, actually. But I am going to try to make them right.
Josh: Wow. This is sudden. Are you sure you've really thought it through?
Cassie: I know it seems impulsive, but it's been building for a while now.
Josh: Leaving town and taking R.J. out of school, that's a pretty big step.
Cassie: Honestly, I think that I've been slowly leaving this town ever since the night Tammy died.
Josh: But you do have a support system here.
Cassie: Okay, don’t... don't get on Reva’s bandwagon.
Josh: Well, not a good one.
Cassie: I realize there are probably a million reasons to stay and maybe only one good reason to go.
Josh: What's that?
Cassie: That it's time. It's time for me to stand on my own two feet. (Knocking on door) Come on in.
Jeffrey: Cassie, glad I caught you.
Cassie: Let me guess: Reva sent in the reinforcements.
Jeffrey: I didn't know that Josh would beat me to the punch, but that's about it. She... she thought you might be able to use someone to talk to, besides her.
Cassie: Well, my mind is made up, so sorry.
Jeffrey: I was afraid of that. She's really not going to like this.
Cassie: Well, you can tell her she was right about one thing: There is someone I need to talk to, and that happens to be my son. So if the two of you could excuse me..
Josh: Do we have a choice?
Jeffrey: Kicking us out?
Cassie: Something like that. I just want a little alone time with my kid.
Jeffrey: If you do need to talk, please call.
Cassie: I will.
Josh: Listen, don't even think about leaving without saying good-bye.
Cassie: I won’t. I promise.
Josh: Okay.
Decker: What you went through is clearly traumatic, but that doesn't give you a right to take it out on me.
Alan: Lawrence, I'm sure Elizabeth didn't mean to be so curt. In fact, she'd probably like to apologize, right, Elizabeth?
Lizzie: No, actually, I don’t.
Alan: Galaxy is the largest alliance Spaulding has experienced in many years.
Lizzie: So you keep saying, Granddad. You know something? I am going to be really busy taking care of Bill, so I think maybe you should handle this.
Decker: Is there a problem?
Alan: Lawrence, I think maybe we should have this conversation later, when she's more rested.
Decker: Maybe we should.
Alan: You know, she's totally committed to this project, but she's been through hell for the past few days, and it's obvious it's taken its toll on her.
Decker: I understand. Lunch at the club tomorrow?
Alan: Absolutely!
Decker: All right.
Lizzie: Roxy, hi! Oh. What... what's this?
Alan: It's a tracking device. Bill put it on her, hoping that she wouldn't run away. You're God knows where, and Bill is out shopping for pet supplies.
Lizzie: Bill took care of you, too, huh? Just like he took care of me. Come here, sweetie. Come here.
Dinah: I used to imagine what it would be like if we had a chance to grow up together. I would teach you things. I'd keep the bullies away from you for stealing your lunch, and I'd teach you how to catch those bugs in the jar, the light bugs. And then I'd imagine you bragging about me, what a cool sister you had-- although that was all in my mind. You see, I just... I think I wanted to bring you to your knees because you chose Lizzie over me, your own sister. That was wrong. I think I, um... I needed you to need me. I needed you to need me, and for a while you did. You had a look in your eye when you looked at me. I've never seen that before, and you looked at me with respect. And maybe you deserved something for the way you treated me, but you don't deserve this. You don’t. And I did this to you. I did this to you.
Vanessa: Sweetie, do you... do you need more time with him?
Dinah: No. No, no, no. It's okay.
Daisy: Your mom was just telling me about how when Bill was in high school, he ran track, he broke some records.
Dinah: I'm going to go.
Vanessa: No, no, no. Stay. Stay, stay, stay. We're just going to hang out together and, you know, talk about some of the nice things that happened, the happy times.
Dinah: I'm just going to go.
Reva: Hey. What are you both doing back here so early?
Jeffrey: Well, Cassie is... well, she was busy.
Reva: Yes, probably packing, which is why I sent you!
Josh: Reva, he tried, but Cassie wasn't really...
Reva: Don't defend him. He's the D.A., for God's sake. He persuades people to do things that he wants them to do all the time.
Josh: We were too late.
Reva: Oh, and you. You make a living counseling people. Couldn't you have at least reasoned with her?
Jeffrey: Reva, Cassie didn't commit a sin, and Josh isn't a minister anymore.
Reva: Did you bring up all of the family holidays that she was going to be missing? Did you remind her of all the wonderful moments the two of you shared together?
Josh: You want me to resort to emotional blackmail, Reva? Really?
Reva: Hell, yes!
Josh: I need a drink.
Jeffrey: I'm going to have a double. After all, I am drinking for two now.
Reva: No, both of you! Focus! We are the last thing standing between Cassie and a terrible mistake. She's not thinking straight! She's not! She's been hurt and disappointed by the town thief, and her instinct is to run.
Josh: No, I don't think this is about Cyrus. I really don’t. She didn't seem hurt. In fact, she seemed very confident.
Reva: It was an act. Can't you tell? And you! This is all your fault. You didn't have enough to keep you busy? You had to mess with my sister?
Cyrus: I'm just here for the chili.
Reva: Cassie was still healing after what your thug of a brother did to her daughter, and you couldn't honor that, like any decent man would? You had to drag her into your capers?
Jeffrey: I think Reva’s got this. How about that drink?
Josh: Why not?
Reva: Why? Why would you hit on someone so vulnerable? Unless, of course, that's what turns you on.
Cyrus: Listen, your sister's safe, and she's over me.
Reva: Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, I know. Believe me, she's over you. She's over this whole town!
Cyrus: What are you talking about?
Reva: That was a real class act of you, you know that, to stash your... what, your loot in the back of one of R.J,’s toys? After you did that, Cassie had no problem deciding at all to not only leave you, but to leave Springfield for good.
Cyrus: Well, that's not what I wanted. I wasn't planning to send her running.
Reva: Really? Well, maybe you're better at planning bank heists. Because after she took that little ride with you, she had no problem moving that van up to her back door.
Cyrus: So what do you want me to do? Take away her car keys?
Reva: I want you to leave my family alone. And keep your brother on a very short leash.
R.J.: Would we move to a new house?
Cassie: More like a new town, yeah. I just think we should give it a try.
R.J.: I don't know.
Cassie: When was the last time that we had an adventure, hmm? When was the last time we took a road we've never been on before, just to see where it leads?
R.J.: But we'd be leaving Tammy.
Cassie: No. No, honey, Tammy is right here. And she's right here. And she's always going to be with us. I just think sometimes, that what happened to her hangs over this house, and we just might be better off if we have a new start.
R.J.: I miss her.
Cassie: I know, honey. Me, too. But you know what? I think this calls for our secret handshake.
R.J.: Mom!
Cassie: Come on!
R.J.: We haven't done this in, like, five years.
Cassie: Humor me! Sweetie! Okay, I know that I have asked a lot of you over these years, and I'm just asking you to trust me one more time. I just think it’s... I just think it's worth a try. Can we shake on it?
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: Yeah!
R.J.: I'm in.
Cassie: Excellent! (Laughs)
R.J.: So where are we moving?
Cassie: Well, I had an idea.
R.J.: To the moon?
Cassie: No, but someplace where there's a really good view of it. To Hawaii. Yes, that's right, home of the Mees Solar Observatory.
R.J.: Awesome!
Cassie: Isn't it? I know how much you like astronomy. See? And then one day, Will will join us, and all three of us will just have the best time. I promise.
R.J.: Can we go soon?
Cassie: You betcha. Such a good kid.
Someone out there loves me...
Alan: Would you like to talk about what you went through?
Lizzie: Why would I need to talk about it?
Alan: Well, I'm sure it was a very terrifying experience for you.
Lizzie: I never gave up hope.
Alan: I want you to know your family never gave up hope, either. We always knew that we would bring you home.
Lizzie: Bill brought me home.
Alan: And almost killed you in the process.
Lizzie: He risked his life to save me. You should be naming a wing of the hospital after him.
Alan: I'll think about it. You know, Elizabeth, this is what I've always dreamed of, you running the company and leading the family into the future.
Lizzie: Yeah. Me, too, Granddad.
Alan: You're right where you need to be, so don't lose it.
Lizzie: What is that supposed to mean?
Alan: You almost blew the Galaxy deal.
Lizzie: I was in the hospital.
Alan: This is after you were out of the hospital. But you were in the hospital seeing Bill.
Lizzie: He almost died for me.
Alan: Bill is where he needs to be right now. He's in the hospital, being taken care of by doctors. Now, what you need to do is take care of business.
Lizzie: No, I'm sorry, Granddad. I'm not going to abandon him.
Alan: He doesn't know if it's night or day. He doesn't know if you're sitting beside him or not.
Lizzie: No, he knows that I am sitting beside him.
Alan: What if he doesn't wake up?
Lizzie: He's going to wake up.
Alan: And then what? He'll toss you right out of the company, probably run off with some scrub nurse. You never know about Bill Lewis!
Lizzie: What I know is that I almost lost him because some freak kidnapped me. And for what? Huh? For nothing! Absolutely nothing!
Lizzie: There you are! Hey!
Dinah: I'm glad you're okay.
Lizzie: Bill told me what you did. He told me everything.
Dinah: What exactly did he tell you?
Lizzie: He told me that you were there for him, you know? He was really worried about me, and he said that you were his rock.
Dinah: I tried to be.
Lizzie: I realize I sold you short. I had no idea what a good, loyal, loving sister you are to him.
Dinah: You know what? All that matters is that you're home safe.
Alan: Perhaps Dinah could take your place at Cedars, loyal sister that she is.
Lizzie: I am on my way to the hospital. Do you want to come with me?
Dinah: No. No, no, no, no. You know what? I am probably going to be more useful here. I have to make some phone calls and just calm some nervous investors, okay?
Lizzie: Okay. No, that's good. That'll be one less thing for Bill to worry about.
Alan: Elizabeth, why don't you rest a while before you go back to the hospital?
Lizzie: No, I will rest when Bill is better. If you need me, you know where I'll be.
Dinah: Bye.
Lizzie: Bye.
R.J.: And they built it up on a mountain with, like, this really good view of the stars.
Reva: Wow, that's great. We have museums here, too. Or I could take you to the Adler Planetarium in Chicago.
R.J.: I have some pictures upstairs. I'll go get them.
Reva: Okay. Great. So I see you managed to rope your kid into this delusion of yours, too, now, huh?
Cassie: Can I borrow your extra suitcases?
Reva: No! Because you're not going.
Cassie: I'll send them right back as soon as I get to Hawaii.
Lizzie: You know, the sun in Hawaii is totally different than it is here. It's very strong. It's really bad on your skin. Dries you out. The number it does on your hair, it's awful.
Cassie: Would you do a favor for me?
Reva: You know what you should do? You should make a column-- two columns, pros and cons. And in one column, you write down all the reasons why you should stay.
Cassie: It's too late. We've already got our ticket.
Reva: Well, I hope you bought cancellation insurance.
Cassie: Okay, would you please just do a favor for me, and just watch R.J. for a little bit? Because I just have one thing I have to do.
Reva: See, right there! That's another reason why you should stay, because I can watch R.J.. Definitely something to put in the "plus" column. (Sighs)
Cassie: You left that at my place.
Cyrus: You didn't need to return it.
Cassie: Well, I figured you never know when you might need to ratchet something.
Cyrus: That's true. But it's a wrench.
Cassie: (Laughs) I was just trying to get things ready at the house and found that, and I remembered something that you told me about the way you work, and why you're such a good thief. You always take one last look, top to bottom, make sure you don't leave anything behind. That's what you said-- top to bottom, no exceptions.
Cyrus: I'm rusty. What can I say?
Cassie: You left those tools there because you wanted to get caught.
Cyrus: Why would I do that?
Cassie: Because you wanted me to give you the shove-off.
Cyrus: It was only going to be bad for you in the end.
Cassie: So you wanted me to hate you so that I could forget you?
Cyrus: Yup.
Cassie: Yeah, because you're such a bad guy.
Cyrus: It's not all about me. No matter what, there will always be one person between us.
Cassie: Grady.
Cyrus: Tammy.
Cassie: Yeah, Tammy.
Cyrus: But I never meant for you to feel like you need to move away.
Cassie: I want to. I want to move away. Like you said, it's not all about you, as charming as you are. (Laughs)
Cyrus: I'm sorry that I hurt you.
Cassie: You didn’t. You didn't hurt me. Okay, maybe a little. But it was what I needed. It was... it really was a wakeup call. So for that, I'll always be grateful. (Laughs)
people talk let them stare, let them wonder
I don't care it's just you and me.
Josh: Hey. This place still brings me a sense of peace, but I was just sitting here, thinking about how much I don't miss arguing with the flower committee.
Cassie: (Laughs) Yeah, Mrs. Wilcox always scared me, too.
Josh: Yeah. Man, she was wicked.
Cassie: A lot of history here for us, huh?
Josh: Yeah. It was a good place to take shelter for a while.
Cassie: So was our marriage.
Josh: Yeah. You going to be okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I think so. At least I want the chance to find out.
Josh: No one deserves happiness as much as you do.
Cassie: I figure I'm due.
Josh: Very much so, yes.
Cassie: I want to feel that happiness, you know? That kind of happiness that no one else can give you but yourself.
Josh: I'll miss you very much. And I'll miss R.J., too. You know, our marriage may have run its course, but you'll always be one of the most important people in my life. I love you. That has not changed.
Cassie: Right back at you. Thank you for everything you've given me.
Josh: Thank you for everything you've given me. You know, maybe the true test of loving someone is respecting what they need, and I've been sitting here, thinking about that very thing.
Cassie: What? How you can talk me out of this?
Josh: No. No. How I can help you to move on.
Cassie: I don't need a thing.
Josh: I think there's something I can do for you.
Cassie: Yeah? What's that?
Josh: Keep an eye on Tammy’s grave for you while you're away. See, that way she'll always have flowers, and she'll never be alone. Okay?
Cassie: Okay.
Alan: You know, those kidnappers did us no favors. This accident is the worst possible thing that could have happened to us.
Dinah: I don't care about any of that.
Alan: Wait a minute, you're not the... you cannot be happy to see that Elizabeth is attached to that slab of brother of yours more than ever.
Dinah: You say one more word like that, I'm going to take that cigar and put it out on your tongue.
Alan: Oh, please. Stop acting so busted up about this. I know he hurt you. And besides, we're a team, remember?
Dinah: Yeah, well, that was a mistake.
Alan: Dinah, isn't there a part of you that thinks he's getting what he deserved?
Dinah: No. He's my brother, and I love him.
Alan: Now is not the time to get soft. I need your help. I want you to convince Elizabeth that she can't count on Bill.
Dinah: She's crazy about him.
Alan: I know she is. But I want you to tell her that when he wakes up, he is going to blame her for everything that happened. Tell her anything. Just turn her against him. You're very good at that.
Dinah: Yeah, I know that. That's the problem.
Alan: We've got to come up with plan "B."
Dinah: How's this? You've got a problem with Lizzie? Then you fix it. You're on your own. I'm out.
Reva: I mean, Hawaii. She wants to go to Hawaii, like the rest of her life is going to be some big fun luau from now on.
Jeffrey: That's a good idea.
Reva: I need your help here, okay? I am pregnant with your child. Pretty soon I won't be able to see my own feet. You owe me!
Jeffrey: Just don't say anything that you might regret to Cassie, okay? Oh, that's her.
Reva: Just... you follow my lead, okay? Hopefully we can get her to stay put.
Cassie: What now? What is this, an intervention?
Reva: No. We think you're making a huge mistake, and Jeffrey has something very important to say to you.
Jeffrey: Jeffrey wants to say good luck.
Cassie: Thank you!
Reva: What? Traitor!
Jeffrey: I don't know what your reasons are, but if this is something you really want to do, then I support it.
Reva: This is one of those reverse psychology things, right?
Jeffrey: Reva said you're going to Hawaii. That means you'll have lots of guests. So, you know, get lots of those blowup mattresses, okay?
Cassie: Absolutely. You both have to visit a lot.
Reva: Could you give me some time alone with my sister? Unless you're both too busy selling me down the river.
Cassie: You know, everyone in town understands why I'm doing this. You are the only holdout.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know me. I'm not one to follow the crowd.
Cassie: Exactly. So I have to wonder, is your trying to get me to stay really about me, or is it about you?
Reva: It's about both of us-- and Mama. I made a promise to our mama on her deathbed.
Cassie: And you kept that promise. You found me, you gave me a family. You did everything you were supposed to do.
Reva: I had this whole lifetime before I ever even got to know you.
Cassie: Yeah, and you spent the rest of it fighting me.
Reva: Come on, it wasn't all that bad.
Cassie: It was a lot of the time.
Reva: I love you, and I don't want to lose you. And if that's being selfish, then tough.
Cassie: Well, maybe that's the problem. Maybe we're both selfish, and there's only room in this town for one selfish bitch-- and you got here first.
Reva: You know something? One day your sadness will pass, and you will remember just how much you love this town.
Cassie: I know, but I can’t... I can't wait here for that to happen. I can't keep holding on to a life that is gone, and I can't keep looking for distractions to get over my grief.
Reva: Oh, speaking of that, you don't have to worry about Cyrus. I cut him off of the knees. He'll be crawling to his next burglary.
Cassie: It's not about Cyrus. Don't you remember how you felt when you went into remission? How you had to learn to live day by day?
Reva: Yeah, well, that was all I could handle.
Cassie: Right. Well, that's what I need to learn how the do right now, is just live in the present, one day at a time.
Reva: Yeah. One moment follows the next.
Cassie: I'm moving on, Reva. I have to do this. Please, just... just let me go.
Reva: Yeah, well, I'm going to call you every day and bug the hell out of you.
Cassie: Well, good, then we can keep fighting long distance.
Reva: Well, it will keep us from getting rusty, right?
Cassie: And you take really good care of my new little niece or nephew.
Reva: You know what? We'll call you from the delivery room. I hope Jeffrey’s not a fainter.
Cassie: I'm sure he won’t. And you're going to be such a good mother all over again. I'm only sorry I'm not going to be here to throw you a shower.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know, don't worry about that. Just send presents. (Laughter)
Cassie: Gosh, I'm going to miss you. I know we had a late start, but we are sisters. Don’t... don't forget me. (Laughs)
Reva: Yeah, right. Forget you? Are you kidding me? Forget you. I mean, who else can you call at 3:00 in the morning when you're scared or upset? I mean, you can call 9-1-1, but you call me! You call me!
Cassie: Okay. I will. So...
Reva: So you really are going?
Cassie: Yeah.
Lizzie: Is that better? You know, Dinah’s really worried about you. She seems really lost. We both are. Come on, Bill. Just open your eyes.
Don't cry Isabella
because I'm on your side just try Isabella
because there is truth in your eyes
there is truth in your eyes there is truth in your eyes Isabella
there is truth in your eyes there is truth in your eyes Isabella.
Cassie: This is not good-bye. It will never be good-bye. I just wish you were mere to tell me that I'm doing the right thing. But I know you would just say, "Go for it, Mom, take a chance." So that's what I'm doing-- I'm taking a chance. And wherever I go, I know that the joy that you have given me every day of my life will guide me. I love you so much, baby. My sweet girl. My firstborn. My greatest, greatest gift.
I'll be coming up roses coming clean
do what I say, say what I think
I mean, who knows I'll ever show up
answer the phone see what I'm really made of.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: I'm sure that when Bill wakes up, he'll be able to take the police right to them.
Grady: Did your ex have any more details?
Mallet: There's been some news about the kidnapping.
Dinah: Do the police know something?
Grady: We could always run.
Mallet: If you ask me, I think there will be an arrest soon.
Grady: Looks like Bill is the only one who could nail us. The way I'm thinking, it would be better if he never woke up.
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