GL Transcript Monday 11/3/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/3/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cyrus: I have to take of something first.

Cassie: I talked to R.J., he said that I smile more when you're around. And he gave me his permission to date you.

Cyrus: Oh, that's big. What's going on?

Marina: Missing something?

Olivia: I'm fine, really.

Natalia: Yeah, fine. If you call fine almost fainting at the prison.

Olivia: I didn't almost faint. I just... I stumbled a little. People do that, you know.

Natalia: You could barely stand by the time I got there.

Olivia: Okay, you know what, the guy pissed me off. I was a little worked up.

Natalia: Yeah, worked up. Worked up is one thing, but you just had heart surgery.

Olivia: You know what. It's a pacemaker. They put it... it's fine. It keeps my heart in rhythm. It's good.

Natalia: It must be so nice to live in your world.

Olivia: Sometimes.

Natalia: You know, you don't fool me when you do that.

Olivia: You mean like when you fool people into thinking you're not terrified that Rafe is in prison.

Natalia: Hurry up. We should get you home and get you into bed.

Olivia: I don't want Emma to see me like this anymore than she has to. Okay?

Natalia: So you admit there's a problem. You know, Emma is a lot tougher than you think she is. So you shouldn't feel like you have to hide this from her.

Olivia: Okay, I'll make you a deal. I will tell Emma that her mommy has an electrical device in her heart, when you tell Rafe that him being in prison is killing you.

Reva: And Billy’s there with him, right? No, no, I'm going to give him a call. Now let me ask you something, since Lizzie’s been found then you're not working for Alan anymore, right? Well, now wait a minute, if you're going after the kidnapper, then I want in. Jeffrey, we talked about this. That creep cannot get away with what he's done. Hey, have you seen the new license plate I have on my car. It says, Reva "Danger" O’Neill. Ha ha, oh yes, it does. Hey! Eww.

Josh: So, um, when you go on a stakeout, do you bring your pre-natal vitamins with you?

Cassie: I think you should leave and come back when you actually have evidence that Cyrus took those pearls.

Marina: Cassie, all I have to do is run fingerprints on this baby and I think we're going to have our answer.

Cassie: You don't know that that's his.

Marina: I've seen him use it. Cassie, and so have you.

Cassie: That's a generic kit, Marina. You don't have any proof that that's his. But I guess that doesn't matter as long as you get your ex behind bars.

Marina: Why don't you just let me talk to him?

Cyrus: I don't steal like that anymore, Detective.

Marina: Really? What do you steal like?

Cassie: Okay. When... when exactly did this alleged crime happen?

Marina: Today.

Cassie: Really? Well, Cyrus was with me all day today.

Marina: He was, was he?

Cassie: You don't believe me?

Cyrus: Cassie...

Marina: Why don't we let Cyrus tell us what happened.

Cassie: This is ridiculous.

Marina: As ridiculous as stealing your neighbor's stereo equipment and then donating it to the children's ward of the hospital? Cassie, now would be your final chance to tell me if he coerced you into this.

Cassie: Cyrus didn't coerce me into anything.

Marina: Okay, fine. Give me a second.

Mallet: Officer Mallet.

Marina: Hey, it's me.

Mallet: What's up?

Marina: Do you think you have time to stop by Cassie’s house?

Mallet: Let me guess. Is this about Cyrus and the mystery of the pearl necklace?

Marina: Yeah, it's weird. I don't know. He's not putting up that much of a fight. Cassie sure is. That look on her face, I know it from a mile away.

Mallet: Uh-huh. So you think he did it?

Marina: Definitely. Yeah, no, the question is whether or not Cassie knows about it and she's covering or if he's just playing her too.

Cassie: Don't get mad at me for asking you this, okay?

Cyrus: Okay.

Cassie: But you didn't do this, right? This isn't like the stereo equipment. You're actually innocent this time, right?

Cyrus: Absolutely.

Cassie: I brought you a few extra batteries.

R.J.: Hey, why is there a police car here?

Cassie: Oh, um, you saw that, huh?

R.J.: Yeah, my rocket flew back there.

Cassie: Well, it's nothing, sweetie. It's just Marina. She wanted to come over and talk about really boring grown up stuff. Why don't you go see if Justin is home and go show him your new rocket?

R.J.: You don't want me to do my homework now?

Cassie: Well, I was thinking maybe we could save the homework for later. Just this once. Have fun.

R.J.: Bye.

Reva: Do you want to taste mine to make sure it really is a virgin.

Josh: You think I'm being overprotective.

Reva: You? No.

Josh: Reva, tell me you were joking about going after this kidnapper. And we'll let it drop, okay, we'll forget about it. We'll talk about baby books, baby names, whatever you want to talk about.

Reva: Baby names?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: You know actually we were talking about maybe naming the baby after you. How does this sound to you? Pain in the...

Josh: What are you doing, Reva?

Reva: I am living my life, because every day is a reminder of why we all need to do that.

Josh: You heard about Bill?

Reva: Yes. How's Billy doing?

Josh: Not too good. In fact, I'm hoping he...

Reva: ... Doesn't drown his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: All the more reason why we need to go after this jerk and make him pay for what he did to the family. I can't just sit on my butt drinking milkshakes and watching Animal Planet and let this guy get away with it.

Josh: Reva, I want to find this guy as much as you do. In fact, I even get that you want to go after him yourself, pregnant or not.

Reva: You do?

Josh: Yes! What I don't get is what the hell is wrong with this husband of yours to allow you to do something like this.

Olivia: Jane took Emma downstairs for a sandwich.

Natalia: Good. So now you can rest up and stop worrying about your daughter finding out you're human.

Olivia: What's going on?

Natalia: Nothing.

Olivia: Liar.

Natalia: I don't lie.

Olivia: That's right. You're Saint Mother Theresa.

Natalia: Could we just not talk at all, please.

Olivia: Fine. Fine. No, really, what's the problem?

Natalia: You! You are my problem. I can't believe you went down to the prison without asking me. The way you talked to... I'm sorry... the way you yelled at the warden. You just made everything so much worse than it was.

Olivia: I'm sorry. You're angry with me because I told that loser off? I mean in case you haven't noticed, you're not making a lot of progress getting Rafe out of prison.

Natalia: No, I haven't been making a lot of progress, but at least I haven't been making more trouble for my son.

Olivia: You should be thanking me. Okay, because that warden could care less if Rafe gets his butt kicked. Don't you want it to stop?

Natalia: What kind of question is that? Of course, I want it to stop. I want it to stop more than I want to breathe.

Olivia: You're not exactly doing anything.

Natalia: I'm doing plenty.

Olivia: What? Praying? Praying that God will keep Rafe safe? That killing yourself... trying to make so much money to get a good lawyer for him. When we both know, that it's not going to help.

Natalia: Maybe those things won't end up working, but at least I'm trying.

Olivia: So am I. Look at me. Look at me! I'm trying too. Don't you understand that sometimes you need to fight.

Natalia: And sometimes you don’t. I've been a waitress a long time. Do you know what happens to your food when you're a rude customer?

Olivia: Oh Natalia, the warden is not Rafe’s waiter.

Natalia: No, he's worst. He's a bully.

Olivia: Yes, he's a bully. So what do we do? We grovel. We beg. We appear pathetic and weak so that the guy can get away with murder?

Natalia: It's not your problem. Rafe is my child, not yours.

Olivia: Yes. So you refuse my help, and you just shovel yours down my throat. Is that it?

Natalia: Okay. What if we were talking about Emma here? What if this was her life? Would you want me making those kinds of decisions for her? I didn't think so.

Olivia: Alright. Then I'm going to make you a deal. I'm going to allow you to go to Emma’s school and I just want you to rail at her teacher... just rail at her. Come on. We'll be even then, right?

Cassie: I didn't realize you called for backup.

Marina: Well, I just think this process would go a lot faster, if we break the two of you up and question you separately.

Cyrus: Cassie had nothing to do with this.

Marina: How would you know? Oh, unless you were involved.

Cassie: I think what he's trying to say is I couldn't have been involved, because as I told you, I was at Buzz's all day hanging Halloween decorations. And what kind of the mother would rob a house on Halloween? It's practically a sacred holiday.

Mallet: Cassie, we have no reason to believe that you were involved, but you say that you were with the suspect all day. Okay, fine. We'll need to get that in writing.

Cassie: Well, fine, then I think I need a lawyer.

Cyrus: No, no.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Cyrus: Trust me.

Marina: So tell me again about this alleged Halloween party? I'm not quite sure I understand.

Cassie: It's your grandfather's party, Marina. What's there to understand?

Marina: And Cyrus was there? The whole time at a kids party.

Cassie: Yeah. Is that really so hard to believe?

Mallet: So have you seen this before?

Cyrus: Seen one like it? That particular one? It's hard to say.

Mallet: Do you admit that you know how to use one?

Cyrus: I think we both know that I know how to use one.

Marina: Can you give me any witnesses who can place Cyrus at Company.

Cassie: Your grandfather was there and a bunch of other people.

Marina: A bunch of people? Any particular names stick out in your mind?

Mallet: So tell me again where you went after you left Company?

Cyrus: I went to the store to pick up more Halloween candy. Cassie was worried that she didn't have enough to give all the trick or treaters.

Mallet: Right. So you left the store. You got your candy. You went to the Spaulding property... slipped in and helped yourself to a pearl necklace.

Cyrus: I came directly back here with the candy. I never even went to that side of town.

Marina: You said that you weren't with Cyrus the entire time.

Cassie: No. He left a few minutes before I did and we met back here.

Marina: Was he long enough say to raid the Spaulding safe?

Cassie: Definitely not.

Marina: You sound sure?

Cassie: It's cause I am sure. I'm sure that Cyrus didn't do this.

Marina: He told you that and that's enough for you to believe him.

Cassie: Yes. That's more than enough.

Mallet: Okay. So your official statement is that you were never on the Spaulding property today, and that you had absolutely nothing to do with the robbery.

Cyrus: That's correct.

Mallet: Well, alright, I guess we don't have much of a case. I didn't know you were such a fan of Halloween. I mean the whole time we've been talking, you've been staring at that door. Are you anxious to give away all that candy?

R.J.: Look what happened to this. My spaceship won't work.

Cyrus: Oh.

Cassie: Honey, what's wrong?

Cyrus: I'll take a look at it later, man.

R.J.: But why is it broken? You just gave it to me?

Marina: You gave R.J. a gift?

Cassie: What? That's a crime now?

Cyrus: It's a Halloween present. It's no big deal.

Mallet: I'll take a look at that, R.J. let me see that. I'm pretty handy with this kind of stuff. I used to have one of these when I was a boy. Let's see. First thing we have to check is the battery compartment. Make sure they're all loaded in. That looks okay. Check out this one. Oh, no batteries in this one.

Marina: Wow. Is that like one of those toy surprises at the bottom of the cereal box?

Cassie: R.J.'s in his room, reading.

Marina: Do you have a sitter on the way, because we are going to need to take you both down to the station.

Cyrus: That won't be necessary.

Marina: Why don't you let me decide that?

Cyrus: She had nothing to do with this, so there's no reason to drag her down there.

Mallet: Careful, Foley, we have already read you your rights. You might want to be careful of what you say which can be used against you.

Cyrus: Just leave her out of it.

Cassie: Please tell me you have some kind of explanation for this. No, really, you know what... I changed my mind. I don't want to hear anything come out of your mouth unless it’s that you have no idea how that necklace ended up in R.J,'s toy.

Cyrus: Cassie...

Cassie: In R.J.'s toy? Why?

Natalia: Yeah, 4:30 it is then. Okay. Yes. No, I won't be joining them. You'll be dealing with Ms. Spencer directly. Okay, thank you.

Olivia: I didn't know you were angry enough at me to quit.

Natalia: I'm not angry with you. Really... I'm not. I'm not angry with you. I just... I don't get you. I don't get how you don't see my situation here... my situation with Rafe.

Olivia: I do. I do see your situation, which is why I went down to the prison when I got Daisy's message.

Natalia: Let me try to explain this to so that you'll understand. I am not you. I am not rich and powerful and privileged. I don't have friends in high places. I barely have friends in low places. And while you may think it's fun to throw your weight around, yelling at wardens and railing against the injustices of the prison system. I need them. All those people... the bureaucrats. I need them, because I can't do this unless I am working from within the system. And if that means that I have to beg and grovel in front of every warden, judge, and juror, and prison guard... all of them. I will, because I have to. And that's not pathetic, Olivia. It's not weak. It's just realistic. I'm not quitting working for you... far from it. But I have a shift at Company and I have to get there. And I have all the confidence in the world that you can handle this meeting on your own.

Reva: You're still here. You know, I just spent the last ten minutes in the bathroom trying desperately to convince myself that you did not use "allow" and "Jeffrey" in the same sentence.

Josh: Did I commit some horrible syntax error?

Reva: Jeffrey is my husband. He is not my...

Josh: Father?

Reva: Prison warden. He doesn't let me do things. I do whatever I damn well please.

Josh: I know that, Reva, probably better than anyone else on the planet, but I still don't understand how it is that Jeffrey could let you get involved in something right now that's even the slightest bit risky, especially considering...

Reva: Considering what? That I'm a scientific experiment. The incredible menopausal woman. What do you think I should do? Spend my days popping calcium pills and taking yoga?

Josh: Pretty much, yeah.

Reva: You know what happened when I tried to do that? When I tried to stay home watching birthing videos and knitting little booties.

Josh: You don't know how to knit, Reva.

Reva: I know! I know. I wouldn't say it, okay? I sat at home and I tried to figure out all kinds of reasons... how I could get Jeffrey to drop all his depositions and come home. So that I could stare at him and not all the cracks in the walls. And then I realized how ridiculous that was, so I picked my butt up off the couch and I realized that I should get a job. So I applied for a job. A great job promoting breast cancer awareness.

Josh: You do realize you're yelling.

Reva: I'm not... I'm not yelling. I would have been perfect for that job, too. Perfect. Even though it didn't involve miles and miles of travel every year, but... the point is that I went back home and I drowned my sorrows in a pint of strawberry ice cream and old "Designing Women" episodes. Until my husband offered me a job working with him, which is exactly what I needed.

Josh: To put your baby's life at risk by going after a dangerous criminal.

Reva: To keep living my life. My wonderful, fun, spontaneous, what the hell life I have with Jeffrey.

Josh: At the expense of your child.

Reva: I doubt very much that Jeffrey will put me in any real danger.

Josh: No, probably not.

Reva: What does that mean?

Josh: It means, Reva, I don't think Jeffrey’s taking this baby thing very seriously.

Reva: This is not a baby thing. It's a child, Joshua.

Josh: Look, all I'm saying is I don't think Jeffrey knows how to encourage you. You're like an expensive bottle of champagne. You can't just be uncorked on any given day of the week. Because when you are uncorked, an explosion happens and it can't be contained again. And whether you like it or not, when there is a baby involved, that explosion becomes more dangerous.

Reva: Really.

Josh: What are you doing?

Reva: Oh, boy. You know what? You know what I just realized? You're having a midlife crisis. You are, and I'm going to help you. Honey, I am.

Josh: No, I'm not. You're the one that's trying to relive your twenties and your thirties and...

Reva: Okay, stop! I'm not stalking my ex-husband.

Josh: I'm not stalking you.

Reva: Yes, you are. And I can only think of one way to get you to stop.

Josh: Really.

Reva: Yes.

Josh: What's that?

Reva: I am going to find you a woman-- that's not me. (Laughing)

Mallet: Yep. So Cyrus is in a cell, and you look just a little too happy about that.

Marina: Um... old habit, I guess.

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Marina: You think Cassie’s had enough time to think about what she's done?

Mallet: What are you running, a kindergarten?

Marina: Sure feels like it. You don't think she has anything to do with this, do you?

Mallet: My instinct is no, but nothing would surprise me these days.

Marina: Yep. Well in either case, I think she's had herself a big wake up call.

Marina: Comfy in here, isn't it?

Cassie: I already told you everything I know.

Marina: Okay, but you didn't tell me why you were so mad at Cyrus back at the house.

Cassie: Who says I was mad?

Marina: Cassie. Cyrus practically confessed to the crime, which makes you an accomplice of grand theft larceny. Look, if I don't get my answers, I'm going to have to keep digging. Maybe I'll have to bring R.J. in here and question him about it.

Cassie: Why did he... he's just a kid.

Marina: Yeah. A kid who can testify whether or not Cyrus was with you all day. But it's your choice.

Cassie: Fine. What do you want to know? R.J. and I were at Company helping Buzz with Halloween decorations.

Marina: And how long were you guys there before Cyrus came?

Cassie: Not long.

Marina: Would you say 30 minutes?

Cassie: Less.

Marina: In your opinion, Cassie, was Cyrus gone long enough to leave Company, go over to the Spaulding’s, raid their safe, and still make it back to your house?

Cassie: No.

Cyrus: Did you ever sit in one of these?

Mallet: Oh, if you like that one, wait until you try the ones up at the state pen... five star comfort. Come on. Handcuffs. Question time.

Cyrus: Did Cassie...

Mallet: She gave a statement already.

Cyrus: Good.

Reva: Molly! Molly's a real knockout, but I think she likes those hedge fund types. I know. What about that cute little nurse that helped you with your hand that time?

Josh: Reva, I don't even know who you're talking about.

Reva: Yes, you do. She's the blonde with really big... oh, even better, I know the perfect person for you.

Josh: I can't hardly wait. Who is it?

Reva: Lynn. Lynn, the waitress at Company... she's a doll.

Josh: Lynn actually just told me that she's dating a bartender from Oakdale, Reva. Look... look you have to stop. This is ridiculous.

Reva: Okay. You need to find the perfect woman, because then you'll forget all about me and my miracle baby.

Josh: Okay, Reva. You win. There I said it. Are you happy?

Reva: Not quite. Blake! Hi Blake, do you have a second?

Blake: Uh, sure.

Josh: Oh, no. Blake, run far away.

Blake: From what?

Josh: Just go.

Reva: Blake, you're still single, right?

Blake: Uh, thank you.

Reva: How would you feel about me setting you up?

Blake: That depends on... is he good looking?

Reva: Some people think so. Most.

Blake: Smart?

Reva: Very, very smart. He's also kind and thoughtful and generous... and he is a dynamo in the sack.

Blake: (Laughing) I'm sorry. That man does not exist.

Reva: Oh, yes he does. But unfortunately he's also overprotected, nosey, pushy, and he's been married several times.

Blake: I can handle all of that, but the dynamo part... now that has to be real. The real deal, otherwise... no, not interested.

Reva: Oh, it's the real deal. Sit. Sit down. Right here. Meet you mystery date. Ha ha! You two enjoy yourselves. (Laughing)

Man: In your appearing at the renaissance center, to promote Galaxy hotels in the Midwest. Ms. Spencer, is everything okay?

Olivia: Yes. These look... these look good. Wait a minute. Um, isn't the governor going to be there today? I mean, why aren't I meeting with him?

Man: It was a last minute trip. We weren't sure if you'd have the time.

Olivia: The time to meet with someone as influential as Governor Young? You bet I have the time. Set it up.

Mallet: Don't go anywhere.

Cyrus: I'll try not to. Cassie. I'm sorry.

Cassie: Sorry? You're sorry? That's all you have to say.

Cyrus: Not all...

Cassie: You used R.J.... my son, a sweet, innocent child.

Cyrus: Are you really that surprised? I mean, you knew what I was. What I am.

Cassie: No! That's not... you wouldn’t... you wouldn't do that... you wouldn't do that to R.J..

Cyrus: When did I ever say that?

Cassie: Well, you didn't say it.

Cyrus: No, I didn’t. You wanted to believe it, so you just told yourself it was true. I was someone who you could have fun with. Someone who could help you forget a little. A thief, but not really. Just like I'm Grady’s brother, but not really. You convinced yourself of that to because it was easier. But he's my blood, Cassie. My family. He's all I got. You really think I can just forget about that... pretend that he doesn't exist. I mean, you might have that power of denial, but I don’t.

Cassie: I cannot believe I ever let you set foot in my home. Stay away from me and my son.

Natalia: What's the matter? Are you sick?

Olivia: No, but I need you to come down here.

Natalia: I'm at work right now at Company.

Olivia: Buzz will understand. Okay, I need you to come to Towers. If you want to keep your job, I suggest you get here soon. Excuse me. Governor, Olivia Spencer, it's such a pleasure to see you again.

Governor Young: No, no, the pleasure's all mine. I would like to hear more about how the Galaxy hotel expansion plans are going kick start the state economy.

Olivia: Oh, I would love to fill you in and then after that, maybe you can tell me your plans for a cause near and dear to my heart. Prison reform.

Governor Young: Oh.

Josh: Well, R.J.'s still paying video games. I didn't have the heart to make him do his homework.

Blake: Well, he's lucky to have you around.

Josh: Thank you. You know, um, I appreciate you coming along, but you don't have to stay. I mean, keeping an eye on R.J., hanging out with him... it's not exactly a cushy job.

Blake: Well, he is my nephew.

Josh: True.

Blake: And after that sell job that Reva gave, I think you have your very own personal stalker.

Josh: (Laughing) Uh, yes.

Blake: What did I say? That was bad.

Josh: No, nothing. Nothing bad at all. Reva used the very same word, stalker. She thinks that I'm being overprotective of her and the baby, and that's why she decided to punish me.

Blake: I'm the punishment?

Josh: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.

Blake: I'm sorry to tease you. You're so easy. So serious. So much material. You know, the list of Reva’s... the handsome, trustworthy, honest, really good guy.

Josh: Dynamo in bed. Let's not forget that.

Blake: Wasn't half bad.

Josh: No, I guess not, but I'm thinking that the second part of that list. That's the part that made you want to run away kicking and screaming.

Blake: No, that's not the part that made me want to run, kick and scream.

Josh: Okay. So what was it then?

Blake: She's loud, pig-headed, stubborn and a dynamo in bed, so I hear.

Josh: I'm guessing you're talking about Reva.

Blake: Could be.

Josh: Could be?

Blake: Yeah. I wouldn't be the first person to compete with her for your affections, and probably not the last. So, I think I'll pass. I'm just going to eat cookies instead, okay?

Marina: So you'll sign?

Mallet: You're entitled to a lawyer, you know, if you want one.

Cyrus: What would be the point? My prints are all over the kit, and uh, sticking the loot in the kid's toy wasn't one of my finest moments.

Marina: I can think of a few others.

Mallet: Hey Cooper, do you want to head downstairs and take care of that Finster case.

Marina: Sure, I could use the fresh air.

Mallet: So, Cyrus, you're aware of three strikes law, right?

Cyrus: Unfortunately, for me, I am well aware.

Mallet: Right. So you know that you sign this, you confess to this crime, and it's sayonara to the lovable thief from down under.

Cyrus: Yeah, that would really suck. Of course, I could... thought I'd give you information regarding the robberies of the post office and the bank last month. I mean, if you'd be interested.

Mallet: Well, what do you know about that? I mean, were they connected?

Cyrus: I guess you are interested.

Mallet: But that wasn't you, because that's not your style.

Cyrus: No, but I might know the guys responsible.

Mallet: Oh. You know the guys.

Cyrus: Well enough. I could give you names... dates. Of course, you'd have to give me a deal first, guarantee that I walk away from this free and clear.

Mallet: Well, I couldn't do that, Cyrus, unless I spoke to the A.D.A. first. It's not really a coincidence that you waited to tell me all this now, is it? It's not a coincidence. I mean the whole robbery, stealing of the necklace, stuffing it inside a kid's toy. Did you do all that for her? I mean, did you do all that so she'd see who you really are? She'd see all that and push herself away and wouldn't want to be involved with you anymore?

Cyrus: Just tell me where to sign the deal.

Reva: Cassie. You are white as a ghost. What's happened?

Cassie: Really. Do I look horrible, because I feel horrible.

Reva: What happened? Tell me.

Cassie: Just I'm a fool. I'm an idiot who completely and totally lost control of her life and didn't realize it until I came this close to committing grand theft larceny.

Reva: Okay. Slow down and tell me what's going on.

Cassie: What's going on is that me and Cyrus... and that I trusted him? And then I let him into my life and thought for some reason that he should be a part of my life? Until tonight, when I finally realized...

Reva: He's a thief.

Cassie: Uh-huh. But the latest is that he stole a necklace from the Spaulding’s and you will not believe where he hid it. In a toy that he gave to R.J..

Reva: Oh, no. Oh, no.

Cassie: And that's not even the worst of it. The worst of it is the look on his face... tonight at the police station, he looked like he enjoyed showing me how bad he could be. And how blind am I? What kind of denial have I been in, that I'm running around with this guy. I'm committing crimes with him, and I'm having fun. I'm feeling free.

Reva: Free. Free from missing Tammy.

Cassie: Yeah, and I thought I'd gotten past it. I thought I was healed or at least healing. I thought I was getting whole and Cyrus was going to help me do that. And I don't know what I was thinking, but I'm not healed. I'm not healing. I'm not even close to getting over her. I'm still right there. I'm still right in the middle of it.

Josh: All right. I think I am going to buy...

Blake: Two houses and a condo.

Josh: Two houses and a condo.

R.J.: Hey Josh, aunt Blake read your mind.

Josh: Yeah, she did. We know each other pretty well, huh?

Blake: Oh yeah.

Josh: A little bit. Alright. Old friends. (Laughing)

Olivia: And that's really the key to all this... remembering that prisoners are just like us and they have rights just like we do. I have no doubt when you hear the statistics, you are going to be so glad that you have a governor like this man right here. Somebody who has empathy and the capability to make huge change. Wouldn't you agree?

Governor Young: I'm glad I could be your man.

Olivia: Did you get that?

Governor Young: You might have given me a heads up next time.

Olivia: What would be the fun of that, Governor? Thank you.

Natalia: What was all that?

Olivia: That was me doing what I do best... getting your son out of prison. Trust me. Once I've made up my mind to something, it doesn't just happen. It happens big. Now will you get out of here, because I'm going to pass out really soon.

Marina: I thought there was a code of honor among thieves.

Cyrus: You're assuming I'm still a thief.

Marina: I'll just run this up to the D.A.'s office. Guess you're gonna skate again.

Cyrus: You could call it a talent.

Marina: Yeah, it's too bad you had to hurt Cassie like that. But that must be one of your other really good talents too, huh? Told you. Cassie got a big wake-up call.

Cyrus: I hope so.

Cassie: I was about to get into a relationship with the brother of the man who killed Tammy. I was going to choose that to have that in front of me... to have that in my face all the time. I was going to do that with R.J. watching. What kind of mother does that to her son?

Reva: Cassie, you're being to hard on yourself.

Cassie: No, I'm not... I'm not. I'm not being hard enough on myself, because when I step back and I look at the choices I made in the past year, I need to be hard on myself. I need to be hard on myself to get out of this mess that I've gotten into.

Reva: Those choices weren't choices you made, Cassie. You made those choices, because of your grief over Tammy. Because of that loss.

Cassie: Yeah. You're right. I did, because I can't walk down the street for a second without thinking about her. I can't drop R.J. off at school. I can't rake leaves. I can't go shopping without thinking about her and feeling this gaping hole in me that as sharp and ragged as the day she died.

Reva: It's going to be okay. No, it is. It's all going to be okay. I am going to make you feel okay. I'm going to help you be okay.

Cassie: But I can't keep making these choices, Reva. And as long as I'm here, I don't know how...

Reva: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What is that supposed to mean?

Cassie: I have to leave. I have to take R.J., and we have to go someplace where I can have a fresh start... and walk down the street without thinking about her. I don't know where that is, but it is not Springfield.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: When was the last time we took a road we've never been on before?

R.J.: We'd be leaving Tammy.

Reva: This is all your fault. Cassie had no problem deciding at all to not only leave you but to leave Springfield for good.

Cassie: You always take one last look... make sure you're not leaving anything behind. You left those tools there, because you wanted to get caught.

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