Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/31/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: You said you were drinking.
Bill: Well, I'm fine.
Daisy: I need help. There was an accident. It's Bill Lewis and Lizzie Spaulding.
Frank: I need an ambulance now!
Daisy: Are they going to be okay?
Frank: Well, you know what? We don't know yet.
Buzz: Watch out! Coming through! Coming through! Coming through!
Cassie: Let me you help with that.
Buzz: You must be a good witch.
Cassie: Some days I'm not so sure. You know, that doesn't really count because you're just a chef every day.
Buzz: I am not a chef. I'm a cook. But thank you. Thank you very much for the compliment. Thank you for the props.
R.J.: I ran out of thumbtacks.
Buzz: I'm on right on it, Spaceman.
R.J.: Astronaut.
Buzz: My bad. Astronaut.
Cassie: Here you go.
Buzz: You always walk around with those?
Cassie: No, not usually. But a friend gave them to me for a project, and I just hadn't taken them out of my purse yet. I think there's a candy bowl over there that needs refilling.
Buzz: Go long, babe. (Laughter) (cell phone rings)
Cassie: Hold on. Time out. (Laughs) Hello?
Cyrus: Where are you?
Cassie: Where are you? I'm at Company.
Cyrus: You sound like you've been running laps of the place.
Cassie: That's because I'm on candy duty. I thought you were going to be here for Buzz's Halloween party?
Cyrus: Yeah, I don't think I'm on his guest list.
Cassie: You're on my guest list.
Cyrus: What about R.J.? Are you sure you want to explain to him why I'm there?
Cassie: You are just looking for an excuse to not put on a costume. I will talk to R.J.. Now, get down here before the only thing that's left is candy corn.
Cyrus: I like candy corn.
Cassie: (Laughs) Good, then I'll see you soon. Oh, hey, did you hear that they found Lizzie Spaulding?
Cyrus: Um... is she all right?
Cassie: I don't know for sure. I guess she and Bill were in a car accident when they were trying to get away.
Cyrus: What, from the kidnapper?
Cassie: I guess. I don't know. It's not really clear. I've made a few phone calls, I haven't heard back yet. So I'll see you soon, here, right?
Cyrus: Yeah, soon. I have to take care of something first.
Cyrus: You said you were going to let her go! What the hell happened? Huh?
Alan: Yes, it's Alan Spaulding for Lawrence Decker.
Beth: Hang up. We have to go.
Alan: What is it?
Billy: What's going on?
Beth: It was just on the news. Bill rescued Lizzie.
Alan: They found her?
Beth: But there was some kind of accident.
Alan: Well, what happened?
Beth: I don't know. They brought them to Cedars. Let's go.
Marina: Hey. How are you?
Lizzie: I was treated and released, so I'm fine.
Marina: How are you doing with everything else?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah... I can't think about it. You know Bill is...
Marina: Yeah, I heard. Any news?
Lizzie: Yeah, he's still in surgery.
Marina: I'm so sorry. I hate that I have to do this, but... I need to get a statement from you. I really want to find your kidnapper, so I...
Lizzie: Yeah.
Marina: But if you need a second...
Lizzie: No, it's okay.
Alan: Elizabeth? Elizabeth!
Beth: Thank God. Are you okay?
Alan: No one called us.
Lizzie: I'm okay. I'm okay.
Alan: Where were you? Who had you?
Lizzie: I don't know. I don't know.
Beth: What's happened? All we heard that there was an accident.
Lizzie: Bill's in surgery. Rick's in there with him, and they're taking the best care of him that they can.
Billy: What happened?
Lizzie: Whoever took me had me in one of the warehouses at the old canning factory. Somehow there was a phone, and Bill tracked me... it's hard to explain how it went down.
Alan: Elizabeth, we're glad that you're okay, sweetheart, but did you see their faces? Who was it?
Billy: Bill told me about the phone, but he said that the police couldn't trace it.
Lizzie: No, no, they couldn’t. He found the van that they had been taking me around in, in the woods.
Billy: The woods?
Lizzie: Yeah. I had damaged the van when I was trying to escape, and I caused a leak, and he followed the leak. And he... he saved me. And then when we had to try to get away, and he had to fight the guy to get away. And then we did, and...
Beth: Honey, honey, it's okay.
Lizzie: No, no. We were so close. You know, we got to the van, and I don't know what happened. We hit something. We were going too fast. It happened really fast.
Billy: Oh, Bill was driving?
Lizzie: Yes.
Alan: Elizabeth, you could have been killed, sweetheart!
Lizzie: Do you know how many times I could have been killed, Granddad? The people who did this, whoever took me, that's who's to blame. Bill saved my life. He saved my life, and we were in the middle of the woods. There were trees everywhere. We were going fast, we were trying to get away. And he saved me. And he said that... he said, right before the accident, he said that he was in love with me and he was never going to let anything get in between us again. And he just wanted us to be together.
Billy: That's good. Do we know how bad it is yet? Here. Here.
Cassie: Well, that looks pretty good, huh? Thanks for your help, big guy. Did you get taller since yesterday?
R.J.: I think it's the costume. It makes me look taller.
Cassie: (Laughs) I'm gonna get a soda. Do you want some?
R.J.: No, thanks. Hey, do you know what Cyrus is going to be for Halloween?
Cassie: Ah, I don’t.
R.J.: But he's coming here, right?
Cassie: He might drop by. Would that be okay with you if he did?
R.J.: Yeah. You guys are friends.
Cassie: Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that. (Laughter) What? What is so funny?
R.J.: I knew it. You want to date him. Come on, Mom. I'm not seven.
Cassie: Okay. I won't date him, though, if you don't want me to. Remember, you and your brother come first. I told you that.
R.J.: I know. I'm always number one.
Cassie: That's right. You are always number one.
R.J.: I guess I'm okay with it. I'm going to go get some more candy.
Cassie: Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure that you're okay with this?
R.J.: Yeah. You smile more when Cyrus is around.
Cassie: I do?
R.J.: You're smiling right now, and we're only talking about him. I want to see you happy. You're my number one.
Cassie: I love you so much. But stop growing up so fast.
R.J.: I told you it's the costume.
Cassie: Go get your candy. Hey, it's not like I'm dating his brother.
Grady: You don't owe me anything, all right?
Cyrus: How the hell am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what happened?
Grady: Well, it doesn't sound like you want to help.
Cyrus: What, so you're going to make a run for it now?
Grady: How am I supposed to run with a leg like this? And they took the van.
Cyrus: They crashed the van.
Grady: I know. This whole thing is so screwed up. It never meant to go this way.
Cyrus: Did anyone see you?
Grady: I don't know. I blacked out for a little while.
Cyrus: You blacked out?
Grady: Bill, he came and rushed me. He hit me over the head with something.
Cyrus: Oh, that's great. That's great.
Grady: I mean, if he's gone and told Lizzie, then the cops are already after me.
Cyrus: Listen, we're going to get through this, all right? I'm going to do whatever I can to help you.
Grady: No. You... you just go back to your girlfriend, all right?
Cyrus: What?
Grady: That's the reason you're here, isn't it? Because if I get caught, then it implicates the two of you. That's the only reason you're coming back for me, isn't it?
Cyrus: No. If I have a choice, I always choose you.
Grady: I remember you saying that when I was a kid, right before you left me.
Cyrus: So let me make up for that.
Grady: You can't, mate.
Cyrus: You really want to push away the only person who's on your side, Grady?
Grady: You're on my side? It doesn't seem like you are.
Cyrus: So then why did you come here?
Grady: I told you, my leg is killing me.
Cyrus: Right. Well, here then. For your leg. Why did you really come back here?
Grady: Daisy.
Cyrus: Bull.
Grady: I didn't come back to this town for you, any more than you're sticking around for me.
Cyrus: What?
Grady: One woman. She leaves you and then you shack up with another one. It just happens to be Tammy Winslow’s mom. How am I supposed to believe that you're on my side, when you start seeing the one woman who hates me more than anything else in this world?
Officer: Yeah, it's dead out here. So both our vics still at the hospital? When will the guy be out of surgery? Maybe he can I.D. the bastard who did this. The girl doesn't have a clue.
Cyrus: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Cassie: Everyone keeps asking me that. Now, where is your costume?
Cyrus: Sorry. They were all out of kangaroo costumes, so...
Cassie: That would have been something to see. Come with me. There's something I want to show you. I just thought we should get that out of the way.
Cyrus: What does that mean? And I'm not complaining.
Cassie: I just, you know, wanted to relieve the tension. Are you feeling relieved? (Laughter)
Cyrus: It's been the best thing all day.
Cassie: I know things have been brewing between us.
Cyrus: Brewing? Like a witchy kind of...
Cassie: Like witchy, really. But I feel like things have changed now. Like we've gone from, you know, fighting it to... I don't know, exploring it.
Cyrus: Cassie...
Cassie: Oh, and I talked to R.J.. Well, actually R.J. talked to me. But he said that I smile more when you're around. And he gave me his permission to date you.
Cyrus: Oh, that's big.
Cassie: Isn't it?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: We were inside earlier and we were listening to the news updates on Lizzie and Bill, and, I don't know, I just... I'm getting so close to being happy, and then getting so close to losing everything. And then facing the possibility of losing everything all over again, then... I don't know, I'm not sounding very deep. I just mean I... I just think that I don't want to weigh every little decision in life. I need to follow my gut more, and you make my gut feel good.
Cyrus: Well, you make my gut feel good, too.
Cassie: Although Buzz gave me the look. You know, the "What the heck are you thinking" look?
Cyrus: Yeah, I know that look well. Especially his.
Cassie: Yeah, I think we're going to be getting a lot of it from everybody, so we might just have to get used to it.
Cyrus: I'm used to it.
Cassie: Really? Well, then, I'm used to it.
Cyrus: Really?
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Cassie: You know, I've never actually kissed a kangaroo before? Lots of frogs.
Cyrus: Wasn't there a few princes thrown in there as well?
Cassie: Oh, just one or two.
Cyrus: Well, I'll never be one of those.
Cassie: Maybe that's what I like about you. I think it's really important that I'm able to see you now, and not see Grady. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do that. Should I not have brought him up?
Cyrus: No, no, it's okay.
Cassie: Well, did something happen? I mean, about what I told you Daisy said about...
Cyrus: No, no. It turned out to be nothing.
Cassie: Okay, then. Well, I have an astronaut waiting for me.
Cyrus: An astronaut?
Cassie: Uh-huh. Are you coming?
Cyrus: A rain check?
Cassie: Cyrus, if it's Buzz, I'll just say something.
Cyrus: No, no, it's not. I'll make it up to you.
Marina: So the entire time you were held hostage, you never got a good look at the kidnapper?
Alan: She's already said that, Marina.
Beth: Alan?
Alan: Well, I mean, she keeps asking the same questions in different ways. I mean, Elizabeth has been through a lot.
Marina: Alan, I'm trying to help you. I'm on her side.
Lizzie: It's okay. It's okay.
Billy: Gang, I'm going to go try to get a hold of Vanessa again.
Lizzie: Did you get a hold of Dinah?
Billy: No. I'll try that, too.
Lizzie: Nana? Nana, we have to call her.
Beth: Nana is still in surgery. But I got a message to her, she knows that you're here and you're okay.
Alan: You seem to be worried about everyone but yourself, Elizabeth?
Marina: Lizzie, if you need to take a break from this for a while...
Lizzie: No. You know what? We have nothing to do but sit here and wait, so it's fine.
Alan: I want to talk to the doctors that saw you.
Lizzie: There were two.
Alan: Two doctors?
Lizzie: No, no, no. There were two kidnappers. Did I tell you that?
Marina: No.
Lizzie: Yeah. There may have been more, but I don't know. I had a blindfold on most of the time. And I only ever saw one, and when I did, he had a ski mask on. He was a big guy, maybe over six feet tall. He was the only one who talked. But he had like this grumbly voice. I don't know, it seemed like he was trying to disguise it or something. I don't know if this is important, but the longer I was there, the less into it he seemed.
Marina: What do you mean?
Lizzie: It seemed like he was sorry he kidnapped me.
Marina: Did he say that?
Lizzie: No, he didn't say that, exactly. But it was just the way he was talking.
Alan: Elizabeth, don't tell me you're starting to suffer with the Stockholm syndrome?
Lizzie: No, no. I feel absolutely no attachment to him whatsoever. I just... I don't know, I feel like I understand. You know, if you're trapped with someone for that long.
Alan: He wasn't trapped. You were the one that was trapped. He could leave at any time, if he chose.
Lizzie: Yeah, but that's what I'm trying to say. He literally could have left me there to die more than once, and he didn’t.
Alan: Yes, because he wanted the money.
Beth: Alan... all that matters is that you are safe.
Lizzie: I want to see Peyton and James.
Beth: And we're going to as soon as I get you home.
Lizzie: No, I'm not leaving Bill.
Beth: No... later. Later.
Marina: I think I have enough here to make a call to the station. But if you think of anything that has to do with the kidnapping, the accident, anything that you think could help, please just call me, okay?
Lizzie: Okay. Thank you. I need some water.
Beth: I'll be back.
Alan: Elizabeth, I... I want to talk with you.
Lizzie: I told Marina everything that I can remember.
Alan: I know that, I know that. I want to talk to you about Bill. Now, I know that you're very worried about him.
Lizzie: Yeah, I love him, Granddad.
Alan: And I know that you're very grateful that he was there to rescue you.
Lizzie: Well, I didn't say grateful. I mean, I am grateful, but...
Alan: Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm happy that he came around, too.
Lizzie: Came around?
Alan: I just think it's important for you to know that when you didn't show up for the meeting with Decker, he thought you had double crossed him. He went ahead and locked in a deal with Decker himself.
Lizzie: Okay. He had no idea what had happened to me.
Alan: No, no, he didn’t. But when we received the ransom note, he didn't believe that you were kidnapped.
Lizzie: I don't know, Granddad. Don't you think it is natural to be suspicious of a ransom note?
Alan: Well, look, I don't want to say that. I did think it's important for you to understand how he reacted to this situation.
Lizzie: He loves me. Before the presentation, he was going to accept me as an equal partner.
Alan: Did he say that?
Lizzie: Yes, he did. And as soon as he pulls through this, which he is going to, everything is going to be exactly how he said it was going to be. And we're going to be together, and work is just going to be a part of our lives instead of our whole life. It's exactly what I wanted, Granddad, when I took back half the company, and now he wants it, too. Rick, Rick, how is he?
Rick: He's out of surgery. He'll be down here soon.
Beth: Honey, I'm going to go get Billy.
Rick: We'll wait for him to come down.
Lizzie: When can we see him?
Rick: Soon. Hey, Billy.
Billy: How's my boy?
Lizzie: He's out of surgery. He's okay, right?
Rick: Why don't we all just sit down. So Bill is looking at a very long recovery. His internal injuries are very extensive.
Lizzie: But he will recover?
Rick: Lizzie, we hope so.
Billy: Rick, tell me what's going on?
Rick: Billy, we can't say for sure because he hasn't regained consciousness.
Lizzie: Well, when will he wake up?
Rick: We can't say.
Billy: He will wake up, though?
Rick: Billy, part of this is going to be up to him. I mean, all we can do as physicians is keep him as healthy as possible and wait, and that's the hardest part.
Billy: How long do we wait?
Rick: There's no way of saying.
Beth: What... what exactly are his injuries?
Rick: The accident, unfortunately, caused massive injuries on his right side. Lacerated spleen, broken ribs, contusions on his head.
Buzz: You leaving already?
Cassie: Yeah, we have trick-or-treaters waiting for us.
Buzz: Oh, okay. Why don't you take some of these spiders to scare your friends with them.
R.J.: Thanks, Buzz. I'm going to put them in the car windows for the ride home.
Cassie: Great idea.
Buzz: Thanks for pitching in, kid. He's a good egg.
Cassie: He's the best.
Buzz: I owe you an apology for, you know... I heard you talking to him about Cyrus before.
Cassie: Buzz, it's okay. I would judge me, too. He's Grady’s brother.
Buzz: Well, let's forget about Vlad the Impaler and concentrate on Cyrus, here. I mean, he was cheating on my daughter with you, and before that, he was cheating on my granddaughter with her. So I'm not passing any judgment here, but I am wondering about yours.
Cassie: Just don't worry about me, Buzz.
Buzz: I am worried. I'm happy to dole out, you know, second chances, but I mean, when the guy blows it the third time, the fourth time, he's looking for redemption or maybe just an alibi.
Cassie: It's not about... it's not about what Cyrus is looking for. It's about me and what I want, and I'm happier when he's around. And after the year I've had, I'll take happiness anywhere I can get it.
(Claxon sounding)
Nurse: Sir, I can take you right in here.
Grady: What?
Nurse: Well, how did you hurt your leg?
Grady: Oh, it's okay. I was just visiting a friend. I really should get going.
Nurse: Just takes one second. Have a seat.
Grady: Could you... aahhhh! Just make sure it's not infected.
Yeah. We'll take care of it. I just need some information. Name?
Marina: I'm going to head back over to the station. Hey, Lizzie, if you think of anything else that has to do with the accident, the kidnapping, anything, no matter how unimportant you think it is, just please, please call me, okay?
Beth: Thank you, Marina.
Marina: Hang in there.
Alan: You know, Elizabeth, maybe we should take you home and let you get a little rest.
Beth: Alan... we are going to stay here with you. But you need to have something to eat. I'm going to go get you some soup.
Rick: Billy, when the paramedics brought Bill in, they reported A.O.B.
Billy: Did you do an alcohol/blood test?
Rick: No. We didn't do anything. It's been too crazy. We've had other things to take care of.
Billy: Well, you know, he's been really stressed out trying to find Lizzie.
Rick: Billy, is there something you need to tell me?
Billy: I saw him drinking. But he obviously just started, and then the whole thing happened. So he couldn't have drunk very much.
Alan: Bill was drunk?
Billy: I didn't say that, Alan.
Alan: He was behind the steering wheel with my granddaughter. He could have killed her, Billy.
Rick: Alan, don't make a scene.
Lizzie: No, no, no. Bill was not drunk. I was with him.
Alan: Well, his father just said he was.
Lizzie: Even if he had been drinking, the accident was not his fault. It was mine.
Billy: Lizzie, you don't have to cover...
Lizzie: Well, I'm not covering for him. I'm not covering for him. I damaged the van when I was trying to escape. I punctured a hole in the steering column.
Billy: You might have damaged the steering?
Lizzie: Yes. That is what I think caused the accident.
Alan: Or the person steering the car.
Lizzie: It wasn't Bill's fault.
Nurse: Okay. Great. I'll be right back with the doctor.
Grady: Great. Thanks. Are you okay?
Lizzie: What are you doing here?
Grady: I heard about the accident, the big rescue, everything, and I got curious.
Lizzie: You got curious? That's a pretty sick thing to be curious about. Bill's hurt really badly, and we're waiting.
Grady: I hope he's okay.
R.J.: You know, I don't think this one's that scary.
Cassie: Hmmm. I might still have some of that cottony stuff we used last year for cob webs. I'll take a look.
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: Oh. Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Cassie: Come on in.
Cyrus: Thank you. Hey, R.J..
R.J.: Hey.
Cassie: Did you take care of whatever it was that you had to take care of?
Cyrus: Yep, and I got a little something for our astronaut here, too.
R.J.: Oh, we don't do Halloween gifts in America. That's Christmas.
Cassie: R.J..
Cyrus: Is that right? Well, check it out.
R.J.: Whoa, cool!
Cyrus: An astronaut should have a rocket.
R.J.: Cool! Can I go outside and try it?
Cassie: Yeah, sure. Why don't you change first, though.
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: And be careful.
R.J.: Thanks.
Cyrus: All right.
Cassie: You're bribing my son? Didn't I tell you he is okay with us dating?
Cyrus: It's just an insurance policy.
Cassie: Oh, is that what it is? (Laughter)
Beth: Where's Lizzie?
Alan: Oh, well, she took a walk, and I think when she returns, maybe you should talk with her.
Beth: Why, did something happen?
Alan: She's been through a lot in her short life, and the one thing that's always been there for her is you, Beth. And I think probably, you're the one person she trusts more than anyone else.
Beth: Did she say that to you?
Alan: She doesn't have to say it. I observe it every day.
Beth: Well, let's face it, the fact is she and I have had our problems.
Alan: Yeah, I know that, but... I think that you should be the one to warn her about Bill.
Beth: What did you say to her?
Alan: Nothing that wasn't true. I mean, come on, we both know that Bill wasn't committed to her before she disappeared. I mean, he went out to rescue her out of guilt, not out of love. I mean, he's probably more committed to her right now in a coma than he will be when he wakes up.
Beth: Alan, now is not the time.
Alan: How do we know that he won't go back to treating her the same way when he wakes up, huh?
Beth: I have my problems with him, too, but the fact is he just risked his life to save her. We're just going to have to have a little bit of faith.
Alan: (Scoffs) Faith?
Beth: That's something that you had not too long ago.
Alan: Yes, but remember, I had a brain blockage.
Beth: I might remind you the way Lizzie is acting, her devotion, her unwavering belief, she's acting just like you.
Alan: She's like me, but I don't believe in Bill Lewis.
Beth: You believe in family. I don't want you to say another word when she comes back here.
Lizzie: Has Rick come out yet?
Billy: No... oh, wait.
Cassie: So did you even have Halloween growing up in Australia?
Cyrus: Well, no, not really. We just used it as an excuse to make trouble.
Cassie: It sounds like your kind of holiday. (Knock on the door) Our first trick-or-treaters. Okay. How's my hat?
Cyrus: It's very witchy.
Cassie: Thank you.
Cassie: I thought you'd be a goblin or a fairy princess.
Marina: Sorry. Is Cyrus home?
Cassie: Marina, not today.
Cyrus: What's going on?
Marina: Missing something?
Cassie: What is that?
Marina: Cyrus' lock opener. I know it well.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I locked myself out of the car the other day. I locked my keys inside, and he helped me break in.
Marina: I didn't find it in the parking lot. I actually found it at the Spaulding mansion. Apparently there was a break-in. A very expensive, rare pearl necklace is missing from their safe, too. Okay, Cyrus, come on. Are you going to hand them over, or are you really going to make me run all the way down to the police station to run fingerprints on this?
Rick: Everyone, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We have a few more tests to run. I'm sorry.
Alan: Elizabeth, let's go.
Billy: I'll be nearby.
Rick: Lizzie, sweetheart...
Lizzie: I just can't believe we're here again.
Rick: Lizzie, it's time now.
Lizzie: Uncle Rick...
Rick: Sweetheart, do you remember when we took the bandages off his eyes after that explosion? I mean, it was literally a game of wait and see, and a lot of prayers. Bill was strong then.
Lizzie: He was a pain in the butt then.
Rick: Lizzie, he's still strong, and so are you.
Lizzie: Can I just have a minute with him?
Rick: Sure. Just a few minutes, okay.
Lizzie: Thank you. Hey, I'm here. I'm here with you. I'm not going to give up on you, okay? Wake up. Please wake up. Please don't leave me. I'll be here, okay, waiting for you.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: I think you should leave and come back when you actually have evidence. But I guess that doesn't really matter, as long as you get your ex behind bars.
Marina: Was he gone long enough to, say, raid the Spaulding safe?
R.J.: The spaceship won't work.
Marina: You gave R.J. a gift?
Mallet: Check out this one.
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