Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/30/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: I found Lizzie. Bill Lewis, get yourself together. It's not over until Lizzie gets home.
Grady: I've got to tie up some loose ends. Aahhh!
Bill: He got away.
Frank: Bill Lewis' cell phone.
Lizzie: That's the van. That's the van that they brought me here in.
Bill: Well, that van brought me to you. Okay? We're going to use it one more time to get you home safe.
Bill: I was such an idiot. I was so... so stupid. I finally got it. I finally realized that... you're my everything, Lizzie. You're my everything, and that's what I wanted to tell you before.
Lizzie: You were going to tell me that at the presentation?
Bill: Yes. Yes. But then you didn't show up, and I didn't know what to think.
Lizzie: You thought I bailed on you.
Bill: That doesn't matter now. That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I get a second chance. A second chance with you, to hold you, to tell you all of the things... the stupid things that I... oh, I should have told you so long ago.
Lizzie: Say it.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: All the stupid stuff, say it. Say every single word. Say it like this didn't happen.
Bill: I wish. I wish.
Lizzie: Just say it.
Bill: Lizzie, I... I love you.
Lizzie: That's not stupid.
Bill: I love you more than I've ever loved anybody, and I cannot live my life without you. I can’t. Nothing matters more than you, Lizzie. Not Lewis-Spaulding...
Lizzie: Spaulding-Lewis, actually.
Bill: Whatever. Whatever. You make life worth living. Okay? Without you... without you, none of it matters.
Lizzie: That's not stupid, either.
Bill: And we are standing in the open, and we have no idea where the kidnapper is.
Lizzie: Yeah, that is stupid.
Bill: That's stupid. Here, just...
Natalia: Hey, Emma.
Emma: Can you come over?
Natalia: Why? What's the matter? Is it your mommy? Olivia?
Olivia: Mmm, go away.
Natalia: She's okay. She is really, really tired. Do you want me to make you a snack? What's the matter, honey?
Emma: Mom was going to help me put together my Halloween costume today.
Natalia: Well, I can do that. That's fun. I would love to do that. So what do you want to be?
Emma: My mom.
Olivia: And no, she doesn't mean a witch.
Emma: Is she okay?
Natalia: Yeah, she's fine. She's just very sleepy, because she had a really big day today, you know? So why don't I make you some hot chocolate and then we'll go out.
Mallet: Frank, did you find them?
Frank: Hey. Only this.
Mallet: What is this? Is this Bill's?
Frank: Yeah. He called us, and he said he knocked out the kidnapper and found Lizzie. But no one else is here.
Mallet: Any sign of a struggle?
Frank: No casings, no blood... actually, you know what? We're still looking.
Mallet: Do you think he's still got them?
Frank: Where else would they be?
Mallet: Okay. This is a mess. Any idea where they might have gone?
Frank: We're still covering the area. Do me a favor? I want you to check out the eastern end.
Mallet: All right. You've got it.
Frank: Hey, Mallet...
Mallet: Yes?
Frank: Your gun.
Mallet: Yeah. Dinah! Are we having a little walk in the woods today?
Grady: Just get out of here, you know?
Daisy: Grady, you're in some kind of trouble, aren't you.
Grady: It's nothing you can help me with, okay? It's nothing.
Daisy: It's not nothing, okay? I know, I blew you off when you wanted my help.
Grady: It's okay.
Daisy: No, it's not. My grandfather said that I have to act to, you know, to get over you, mean and cold, like I didn't care.
Grady: Act?
Daisy: You still get me.
Grady: I don't know.
Daisy: Yeah, you do. And I still get you, even though I shouldn’t.
Grady: You really think you do?
Daisy: Yeah. So talk to me. What... what is going on? What happened? What did you do? Whatever it is, you can tell me.
Lizzie: We should get to the police.
Bill: I let you go once before. I'm not going to do it again. Okay? Let them come to us.
Lizzie: I was really scared.
Bill: Yeah, me, too. I thought maybe...
Lizzie: That you weren't going to see me again?
Bill: You know what? I don't even want to think about that. Okay? Because I cannot bear the thought that I would not have you in my life, and you would never know that you were right.
Lizzie: I was right?
Bill: That we can be together, partners... equal partners.
Lizzie: Do you really mean that?
Bill: Yes, I do. And that's what I wanted to tell you before the presentation.
Lizzie: I knew you would come around eventually.
Bill: I wasn't so sure. But when this deal was winding down, I realized how empty it felt, and my life was empty without you in it. Lizzie... Lizzie, there is so much that I want to do. There is so much that I want to accomplish, but not without you. Never, never without you.
Lizzie: I just can't believe I'm finally hearing you say this.
Bill: Believe it. Believe it.
Lizzie: How did you get here?
Bill: The morning of the presentation, it just... it hit me. It hit me. How much I love you. How stupid I have been. I don't want to end up like my father, with a life full of regrets and being alone, and missing the one person that I really love.
Lizzie: But... you're here.
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: And you rescued me.
Bill: Fate, luck, you, sharp screwdriver, brought us together.
Lizzie: Wow.
Bill: I love you.
Lizzie: Say it again.
Bill: I love you. Do you believe me now?
Lizzie: I'm getting there.
Bill: I just want to hold you like this forever. Is that okay?
Lizzie: Yes, but I think we should go.
Bill: Why?
Lizzie: My family needs to know that I'm okay.
Bill: Yes, they do. But I just don't want to share you... not yet.
Lizzie: Bill... come on.
Bill: Okay. Okay. Let’s... let's get out of here in case the kidnapper is still around.
Lizzie: Ow!
Bill: I'll get you up.
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: Don't move.
Lizzie: Bill!
Bill: What?
Lizzie: We're not taking this.
Bill: What are you talking about?
Lizzie: There's a leak!
Bill: Do you see a limo anywhere?
Lizzie: What if there's real damage?
Bill: Yeah, well listen. I will not drive fast, okay?
Lizzie: We don't even have the keys.
Bill: It doesn't matter. Don't need them.
Lizzie: Where did you learn to do that?
Bill: Oh, just come on. Get in.
Lizzie: You said you were drinking.
Bill: Um... when I thought I lost you, yeah. But I'm fine.
Lizzie: Are you sure?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Adrenalin. You ready to go?
Lizzie: Yes. I've been ready for days.
Bill: Next stop... the rest of our lives.
Grady: Okay, you got me. I robbed a bank and got away in a stolen stagecoach.
Daisy: What?
Grady: Why does everyone think I've always done something.
Daisy: No. That's not what I meant.
Grady: Yes, it was. And what makes you think I can trust you, anyway? You said you could help me, but I don't think you can save me. And what makes you think I want to be saved anyway?
Daisy: I don't believe that.
Grady: Yeah? Well, the only reason you called me was to help you out with your little boyfriend.
Daisy: Rafe?
Grady: Well, have you got any other boyfriends?
Daisy: I've been looking for you because I thought maybe something was wrong and I could help you.
Grady: Yeah, and to help you with your guilt. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not going to beg for your forgiveness. I'm not going to beg you to come back to me. You want to be like that with me? I don't need you. Go on. Just get lost. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Go ahead, be cold to me, be mean. Do it for Granddaddy Buzz.
Daisy: I... I don't get this. I don’t... because on the phone, you said... you asked me how I knew to call you, like it was important, like it meant something.
Grady: It meant nothing.
Daisy: I'm sorry I came here. I thought maybe we could make up, maybe we could be friends or something, but I guess I was wrong.
Mallet: So where is your car?
Dinah: Down the road.
Mallet: So you parked and you walked into the woods to what, do a little squirrel hunting?
Dinah: Come here!
Frank: Excuse me. What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to be anywhere near this place?
Dinah: I'm here to make sure Bill and Lizzie are safe.
Frank: Well, guess what? We can't find them.
Dinah: What?
Frank: Or the kidnapper.
Dinah: What do you mean? Wait a minute, do you guys have any leads? Any idea where they might have gone?
Frank: Well, we were hoping you could tell us.
Dinah: Why would...
Frank: Well, did you see anything on the road when you were driving in?
Dinah: No.
Mallet: Did you see anything in the woods?
Dinah: Why are you guys wasting time with me? Why in the hell are you not looking for my brother? If anything happens to him, I'm going to hold you both responsible.
(Horn blaring)
Daisy: Oh, no, no! (Horn blaring)
Olivia: Emma? Hey, Em? Emma, where are you?
Natalia: Where is my broom? Who stole my broom? Was it you? No? Oh, I was going to let you keep it. I hate sweeping. When Rafe was little, I used to make all of his costumes. I tried to make it fun for him because he can't eat candy. I couldn't afford to get the real thing, you know. Do you know what he wanted to be all the time? He wanted to be a ghost or a pirate, because he thinks he is a tough guy. And he used to get really into it and do all of the little voices and stuff like that. If anybody ever told me where he would be now... I'm sorry, I'm really babbling, huh? What do we have here? Do you like this? Did you make a wish?
Emma: I wish my mom was here.
Natalia: Me, too. But she is getting better, you know? She just needs lots and lots of rest.
Emma: Will she be all right?
Natalia: Of course. Yeah, as long as she has you, right?
Olivia: Maurice, this is Olivia. Is Emma downstairs with you? You know, never mind. Thanks. "Have a nice nap. Took Emma out Halloween shopping, Natalia." "Don't feel bad; she understands." Halloween! Halloween!
Daisy: Hey, Olivia, it's Daisy. Natalia told me to call her here in case of an emergency. I saw Rafe. I got those papers signed like you asked me to. But there's something else... I think it's gotten worse, you know, since those prisoners who don't like him. He didn't look so hot. He's all bruised up, and his arm was in a sling. I think you need to get up there as soon as you can before... before something happens. Call me, okay?
Frank: You keep the press out of it. You got that? You get back to me when the crime scene is done working it up. All right. Now, I want to coordinate with the F.B.I., but I want to use the factory as the focal point. We're still lead on this.
Mallet: Okay. Well, Manzo is over at the Spaulding place, just in case another ransom note is delivered.
Frank: Okay. Do you think you can keep Dinah away from all of this?
Mallet: Well, her brother is missing, Frank.
Frank: She is so lucky that one of our rookies didn't put another bullet in her skull. Do you understand that? What the hell was she doing coming in the back way like that?
Mallet: She said he parked up the road.
Frank: Mallet, we don't need a wildcard right now. If she wants to help us, that's fine, but not on her own.
Mallet: Ok, you think she's investigating by herself?
Frank: I gave her every opportunity to come with us to the factory with me, and she turned me down flat. So why would she all of a sudden show up unannounced?
Mallet: Well, did you give her directions?
Frank: No.
Mallet: Well, how did she know where to go?
Frank: Any number of ways. (Cell phone rings) Hold on a second. Yeah, Cooper here.
Grady: Aahhhh!
Dinah: What the hell happened?
Grady: I banged up my leg again.
Dinah: I'm talking about my brother!
Grady: I was about to leave the factory and he showed up.
Dinah: What were you still doing there?
Grady: My prints were all over the place. I was wiping it down, making sure I didn’t...
Dinah: What did you do to my brother?!
Grady: I didn't do a thing to your brother! He came here, ran me down, smacked me over the head. How was I supposed to know it was your brother.
Dinah: If anything happens to him, you are dead.
Grady: What? What, do you think I killed him?
Dinah: Did you?
Grady: No, of course I didn’t. I got out of there the minute I could.
Dinah: Then where is he? Where is Lizzie? Where is he?!
Grady: They're probably at the police station, telling the cops what happened to her.
Dinah: No.
Grady: I'm telling you, that's where he is, all right. Call your ex, whatever his name is.
Dinah: I just saw him. They don't know where Bill or Lizzie is. Nobody does.
Daisy: Lizzie! Lizzie! Okay, you're breathing. I'm going to get help, okay? Bill? Oh, God. Bill? I need help. There is an accident, and two people are really badly hurt. No, I wasn't involved. But I know them. It's Bill Lewis and Lizzie Spaulding. It’s... um... yeah, I'm sorry. By the boarded up bait and tackle shop on Bear Valley Road. There is a big tree. Okay. Right. Yeah, please hurry! It's okay. I called 9-1-1, so they're coming.
Bill: Lizzie... where's Lizzie?
Daisy: She's right here.
Bill: Where is she? How is she? How is she doing?
Daisy: Okay, stay calm. Keep lying flat because we don't know how badly you're hurt.
Bill: Listen... listen to me.
Daisy: Okay. Okay.
Bill: Go. Make sure she's fine. Make sure she's okay, okay? Don't worry about me.
Daisy: Lizzie is going to be all right... do you hear me? Lizzie is going to be all right, and so are you.
Bill: Listen to me. Tell her I'm sorry.
Daisy: Okay? Bill! Bill, keep your eyes open. Come on. Don't close... Bill, don't close your eyes. Stay with me. Come on. They're going to be here soon. Bill! Bill!
Natalia: You remember our deal? If your mommy is still asleep, then we'll just wait and show her all of our Halloween goodies until after we go get...
Emma: Ice cream sundaes!
Natalia: Sh-sh-sh. Be quiet. Olivia, we're back. Olivia? Olivia? Let me see what you have. "Natalia, went out. Message for you on the machine." What?
Rafe: Where is my mother?
Olivia: She's Halloween shopping.
Rafe: Olivia, are you okay? You don't look so good.
Olivia: Yeah, I'm fine. A lot better than you. What happened to your face? Is your arm broken?
Rafe: Look, if Daisy made this out to be some sort of an emergency, it is really not. I'm getting along just fine, seriously.
Olivia: So you're "Learning the system here," playing it safe, like you promised, huh?
Rafe: I'm trying the best that I can. This stuff takes time.
Olivia: How much time do you think you're going to get before they send you home in a box, Rafe?
Rafe: Look, just don't tell my mother about this stuff, please. I don't need her worrying, Olivia.
Olivia: Waiting around for something to change... that's not going to make it better.
Rafe: What? What do you want me to do? You want me to bake these guys some cookies and say please, please don't beat up on me?
Olivia: No. No. But you go over their heads, which is something I'm very good at.
Rafe: What are you going to do, Olivia? It's none of your business. Stop it! Come on! My God, man!
Grady: I need some painkillers for this thing.
Dinah: Not until you tell me exactly what went down.
Grady: You want to find Billy boy? Go check the woods. He's probably out there giving it to little Lizzie. And if he's not there, check the Spaulding place. And if he's not there, check Company. I don't know where the hell he is, so don't come to me asking me where he is!
Dinah: You fought with him.
Grady: We had a little struggle. I tossed him on the ground. And then I don't know what happened to him, okay?
Dinah: Did he see you?
Grady: No.
Dinah: How do you know? What happened when you were unconscious?
Grady: I don't know. But this is all on you, sister. You're the one who gave Lizzie that cell phone. You're the one who cost me $5 million!
Dinah: I wish to hell I'd never met you. Because I can't even believe any of this is happening. Cyrus was right. You are a complete amateur!
Grady: Me? I was doing exactly what you said the entire time. Grady, do this. Grady, get Lizzie supplies.
Dinah: We could go to jail!
Grady: Well, look on the bright side, at least we could be cell mates.
Dinah: Okay. Hold on a second. You know what happens if this comes out? My life is over and I lose everything. I lose everybody. I lose everybody. All because you did not listen to me, and you kept her there. You did not listen to me. And you would not tear yourself away from her!
Reporter: An unfortunate end to the Spaulding kidnapping story. The newsroom has just received word of a terrible accident involving Lizzie Spaulding and Bill Lewis. Apparently Mr. Lewis located Elizabeth Spaulding and freed her from her captors. The details are still unclear, but it seems that the van they were driving in order to escape has crashed. The conditions of Ms. Spaulding and Mr. Lewis are unknown at this time.
Daisy: Are they going to be okay?
Frank: I need an ambulance now!
Mallet: Did you see the crash?
Daisy: No.
Mallet: Did you see anything? Did you see another car?
Daisy: I heard a horn and saw the hubcap and then... is he coming to?
Mallet: No.
Daisy: All he could talk about was Lizzie, making sure she was okay. Is his neck broken?
Frank: Lizzie, you're going to be okay. I'm taking really good care of you, I promise. I need help!
Daisy: Remy, over here!
Frank: Go to Bill. He's worse.
Mallet: Remy! Over here, man. It's Bill. It's bad. I can't get a pulse. I don't think he has a pulse.
Remy: Hey, Bill. How are you doing, buddy? It's me, Remy. You can't die on me, okay? All right? I mean, they'll blame me, you know. I need you to hang in there, all right, buddy?
Daisy: He's not going to make it, is he?
Rafe: Olivia, please, I don't want your help, okay? There are rules here. You do not understand.
Olivia: I do understand. I understand.
Warden: I understand I've been summoned?
Olivia: Why don't you have a look at this kid. What kind of place are you running?
Warden: Take the prisoner back to his cell. Okay. I'll thank you not to undermine my authority in front of my men.
Olivia: I could care less about your authority. Because if you had any, your prisoners wouldn't be getting beaten up.
Warden: You have a lot to learn about the way prison operate.
Olivia: Yeah, well, you have a lot to learn about the way I operate. Rafael Rivera did not get the death sentence. It's your job to make sure he doesn't end up with one.
Warden: If you want something from me, you're going about it the wrong way.
Natalia: Olivia? What are you doing?
Dinah: Bill... Bill Lewis. What do you mean you don't have any information? He's my brother. All right. He'd better be okay. They both better be okay.
Grady: What did they say at the hospital?
Dinah: They connected me to three different desks, and they didn't have any information. They don't know where he is. I mean, that's what happens when something terrible has happened.
Grady: He's not dead, okay? He's not dead
Dinah: How do you know?
Grady: What are you looking at me like that for? I didn't ask him to come riding in on his big, white horse.
Dinah: What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see what is happening? Don't you care about what's happening? Are you not capable of any feelings at all?
Grady: I hope your brother's okay. Not that you believe me. I wouldn't want anyone to lose their brother.
Frank: I didn't see any other tire tracks or skid marks, but I want you to check it out.
Mallet: The number should be on my desk. He's the Deputy Director. Just dial the number, and I'll ask for him.
Rick: I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Could you stay with Lizzie for a few minutes?
Daisy: Me? Is she okay?
Rick: She's going to be fine. She has superficial injuries, but I don't want her to wake up alone.
Daisy: How is Bill?
Rick: That's what I'm going to go find out. If you could just stay with her for a few minutes, I'll be right back.
Daisy: Sure. Hey. It's all right. Everything's okay.
Lizzie: Hmmm. It hurts.
Daisy: Yeah. Rick checked you out, and he says you're going to be just fine. So...
Lizzie: Where am I?
Daisy: At the hospital.
Lizzie: Was I with Bill?
Daisy: Yeah. Um... your van ran off the road. That's where I found you.
Lizzie: He did rescue me. Where is he?
Daisy: He’s... he's with Rick.
Lizzie: Were you with Bill?
Remy: Yeah. Yeah, I was on the scene.
Lizzie: I have to see him right now.
Mallet: They're looking at him now.
Dinah: How bad is it?
Mallet: Well, I was at the scene, and he was unconscious the whole time. But he's going to be all right.
Dinah: He has to be. He has to be!
Mallet: They're going to run a lot of tests, okay? And then we'll know everything, okay?
Dinah: Oh, Bill! This is all my fault. This is all my fault!
Natalia: We need to go.
Olivia: How many men have been injured under your watch? How many have died? I want the records.
Natalia: Olivia.
Olivia: Why are you afraid of him? He's a petty bureaucrat incapable of doing his job!
Natalia: I'm very sorry.
Olivia: Every time she comes here, her son, he has a bruise on his face, his arm is in a sling. People are working him over. What are you going to do to protect him?
Warden: This is a prison. It's not my job to cushion the blow for prisoners like Rafael Rivera. It's his job to figure out how to survive. If he's here, it's because he deserves to be.
Olivia: I'm going to have your job. I am a very good friend of Dinah Marler, WSPR. It's going to be a national story. Your face on the 6:00 news. How is that? That's just the beginning, Warden!
Warden: You do whatever you have to.
Olivia: You think I'm kidding? You don't know who I am...
Natalia: Calm down! Calm down! Sit and calm down for your own sake, please!
Olivia: I won't let Rafe get beat up in here.
Natalia: Olivia, quiet! Breathe! Oh, God, are you going to die right here?
Olivia: You should be so lucky.
Mallet: Do you want to go inside?
Dinah: Do you ever just want to turn back the clock?
Mallet: Yeah. On my life? Sure, I've had that urge a few times.
Dinah: Yeah, I feel like that all the time.
Dinah: All day, every day. I don't think I've ever messed up on so many levels. I messed up everything with my brother. I gave him Spaulding on a silver platter, and I actually got angry at him, because he took me up on it. I got angry with my brother. And I just think if I went back, if I could just change things, you know, what would be different? Would any of this have happened? I don't think so. You can tell me I'm wrong, but I wouldn't believe you.
Mallet: I think you're being a little too hard on yourself.
Dinah: No!
Mallet: You weren't driving that van.
Dinah: No, I wasn’t.
Mallet: I think you're going to feel better once Bill has recovered, okay?
Dinah: That's just it. I don't know if he is going to fully recover. I don't even know how bad his injuries are. You know, I mean, I heard on the radio on the way over that it was pretty bad. I don't know if I'm going to get a chance to say good-bye, or I'm sorry, or...
Mallet: You can always say you're sorry.
Dinah: You know that pep talk you gave me, telling me that the only approval I need is my own? I wish you would have told me that sooner, Mallet. If only...
Mallet: Where are you going? Don't you want to go inside? Don't you want to see Bill?
Dinah: I can’t. I just can’t.
Yeah I reach for you baby,
you know I do.
I do...I do
Grady: Aahhhhhhh!
Lizzie: I have to see Bill!
Remy: Not until you are cleared by the doctor.
Lizzie: No, no. Rick said that I was fine. Didn't he say that I was fine.
Daisy: Something like that.
Lizzie: Then let go of me! And let me out of this bed.
Remy: Lizzie...
Lizzie: Remy, where is he? Tell me where he is? Tell me where he is? Or I will find him myself.
Remy: All right. All right. I will take you to him, okay? But you can't get in the way, all right? Okay?
Lizzie: No, no, no, no, no, no. (Sobbing)
Frank: Hey, Lizzie... hey, hey, hey, Lizzie, Lizzie, what are you doing out of bed?
Lizzie: Bill...
Frank: You just missed him. He's in surgery right now.
Lizzie: Surgery? He's okay?
Frank: He's getting the best care possible.
Lizzie: But he'll be okay?
Frank: Well, you know what? We don't know yet. Daisy?
Daisy: Yeah. It's okay. It's okay. Come on. Come on.
Lizzie: (Sobbing) No!
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Billy: Do we know how bad it is yet?
Marina: I hate that I have to do this, but, um... I'm so sorry.
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