GL Transcript Tuesday 10/28/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/28/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Hasn't this gone on long enough? Please.

Bill: Hello? Hello?

Lizzie: Bill? Bill, oh, my God, is that you? Can you hear me?

Bill: Lizzie!

Olivia: Nice flowers. Now get me out of here.

Natalia: Can't be that bad, though, right? Get breakfast in bed, people bringing you flowers. I just talked to your doctors. They said it couldn't have gone better, and your pacemaker's working and fighting the rejection.

Olivia: I'm not kidding. I have to do the web cast for Decker today, okay? And I can't do it from a hospital bed. I'm going to lose everything. I'm going to lose my deal with Galaxy if they find out I've been sick.

Natalia: What, it says that in your contract?

Olivia: You don't understand business.

Natalia: Excuse me?

Olivia: No, you're learning.

Natalia: I really don't think that it's a good idea for you to be leaving the hospital so soon after...

Olivia: You're not my doctor. Doctors, doctors. Do you know how many doctors I've seen since you've been gone? 50% are very positive; the other 50% just want to play golf. This is important to me. Natalia, I hate asking for help!

Natalia: Especially from me.

Olivia: Please. It's that important.

Guard: Your mom's on the list for today.

Rafe: No, look, she can't see me like this, man. Believe me, please. The first thing she's going to do is, she's going to file a complaint with you guys, all right? Oh, my God. Believe me! I'm telling you the truth. Look, I can save you and your friends a whole lot of trouble but if you want to come in here raising hell, that's up to you.

Guard: You got two minutes.

Buzz: Get out of the way! The girls were worried about you.

Remy: Hey, Clarissa. Maureen.

Clarissa: My mom said it was okay if I stay with Buzz.

Remy: I'm sorry, I just got off my shift.

Buzz: Need coffee?

Remy: No, thank you. You girls ready?

Buzz: You girls got a big day, don't you?

Remy: Yeah, Coop... uh, Mr. Bradshaw paired us up to go over the school's fire safety project. We're going to go around town and talk about fire safety.

Buzz: Fire safety, yeah.

Maureen: Do you change the batteries in your smoke alarm, Buzz?

Buzz: Yes, I do change the batteries in my smoke alarm, because I had two fires in my diner, and fires terrify me.

Remy: I don't think we need to pitch anything to Buzz, but we should give him something to keep you company, right? So how about a brand-new smoke alarm with enough Duracell batteries to keep it going for a year?

Buzz: Aw.

Maureen: I'll put them in for you.

Buzz: Okay, thank you. Thank you. Any word about Lizzie?

Remy: No. No. That's one of the reasons why I'm doing this with Maureen and Clarissa. Bill and Dinah are so wrapped up in trying to find Lizzie that Maureen’s parents are worried about the effect it's having on the kid. Dinah asked me to keep an eye on her.

Buzz: Well, she loves Lizzie. When someone you love is missing, it's scary.

Remy: Yeah.

Buzz: You got it?

Maureen: There you go.

Buzz: Okay. Okay. I'll put this above... above the stairs. I need that. Then I'm going to go around and I'm going to change all the batteries in all the smoke alarms, and then you're going to come back and you're going to ask me if I changed all the batteries in the smoke alarms-- and if I did, then I give you ice cream.

Clarissa: All right!

Maureen: All right.

Buzz: Cool? All right.

Remy: Cool. All right, guys, let's hit the town. Let's teach these people about fire safety! Yeah!

Buzz: Attitude.

Maureen: Oh, yeah.

Dinah: All right. We need to probably cover our bases. Okay, we're going to start with the van. You're going to wipe it clean, and then we're going to ditch it. We're going to take it to the woods, preferably in a swampy area. Maybe we could sink it.

Grady: Did you talk to Lizzie while you're in there?

Dinah: Of course I didn’t.

Grady: Then what the hell is going on here, huh?

Dinah: Whatever we were trying to do, big mistake, all right? You stay the hell away from me, because I have an alibi to think about. Maybe you should find one, too, all right?

Lizzie: Bill? Bill, is that really you?

Bill: Lizzie? Where are you? Are you okay?

Lizzie: I don't know where I am. He has me tied up.

Bill: Who has you tied up?

Lizzie: I don't know. I... I haven't seen his face yet. I'm blindfolded.

Bill: I never thought I was going to see you again.

Lizzie: Bill, I'm really scared he's going to come back and find this phone.

Bill: No. It's okay. Just stay on the line, okay? I lost you for this long. I am not going to let you go again, okay? Talk to me. Are you hurt?

Lizzie: No, I'm okay.

Bill: Stay with me now. I'm going to go in to the police station and see if they can trace the phone call. Do you remember anything else that happened?

Lizzie: I was grabbed when I was getting into my car, and they took me to... it's something... a place, it felt like a basement.

Bill: "They"?

Lizzie: I don't know how many, but it's just mainly been this one guy. And then I was in a van. I saw it. It was plain white. And now I don't know where I am, but it's bigger. It's like a garage or a warehouse or something. Are you okay? I can hear you on the radio.

Bill: I'm okay. I'm going to be better once I get you back here. You heard me?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: Good, good. Because let me tell you something, I'll do anything to get you back here. I'm never going to let you get taken away from me again, okay? I'm going to be around so much you're going to be sick of me.

Lizzie: I can't wait until we're driving each other crazy again.

Bill: Soon, okay? Just tell me, what else do you remember about this guy?

Lizzie: I don't know. It's like... it's really weird. He's really, really scary one minute, and then the next... I fell in this hole, and...

Bill: What?

Lizzie: I fell in this hole, and he could have left me there, but he didn’t. He came back for me. And I just... I can't figure him out. Bill, I'm really scared he's going to come back and find this phone.

Bill: Okay. Listen, I'm here, all right? Just keep talking, all right? I'm afraid that I'm going to lose reception when I go in, so just keep talking to me, okay?

Lizzie: No! No, you can't lose me.

Grady: You sold me out again.

Dinah: No, I didn’t. All right? But the cops are coming.

Grady: What? How?

Dinah: It doesn't matter. But I know they're going to be here soon.

Grady: What about my money, huh?

Dinah: Okay, stop, all right? Just let me go. Look, it needed to end, all right? I don't need this anymore.

Grady: We had a deal.

Dinah: There's no deal, not anymore. All right? I've got to go.

Remy: Hey!

Daisy: Is it Halloween already?

Remy: Funny. That's very funny.

Daisy: Hi, you guys. What, are you skipping school?

Clarissa: We're doing the fire safety project.

Daisy: Oh, that's cool.

Remy: Mm-hmm. Marina said we could come by and check out the house, make sure it's up to snuff.

Daisy: Oh, well, she got called off to work. But feel free, look around and examine everything. What is all this stuff?

Maureen: Fire safety kits.

Clarissa: Do you need any batteries?

Daisy: Actually, I do. Yeah, that will save me a trip to the store. Marina gave me a very long list of chores, and so I can check that one off. Could you put them, actually, in the basement, in Marina's household emergency drawer?

Remy: "Household emergency drawer"? Wow!

Daisy: Marina is very organized. I've come to find that out. So, yeah, it's in the white cupboard at the bottom of the stairs. You can't miss it.

Clarissa: All right, thanks.

Remy: Glad to be back in the house?

Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I am. Are you glad not to be living here?

Remy: Oh, now, I'd be fine with your family. But the plan my dad had, it would be like a prison. Speaking of, any word on Rafe?

Daisy: Yeah. Um, he's having a hard time.

Remy: I'm sorry to hear that. He's a good kid. Natalia must be going crazy.

Daisy: Yeah. She's such a mom. All she can do is worry about him.

Remy: All mom’s do, just in different ways.

Daisy: I guess. So is there any word on Lizzie? Because I really want to help look for her.

Remy: Stay out of it. That's the best you can do.

Daisy: You sound like Frank just now.

Remy: Wow. Okay, well, he's right. Mission accomplished?

Clarissa: All set. Here, it's a fire safety card. You should put it in the kitchen, maybe on the refrigerator.

Daisy: That is probably a very good idea, because we do occasionally have smoke conditions here when Mallet tries to cook. (Laughter)

Remy: Okay, ladies. Do you have anything else to ask Daisy?

Maureen: I think we're good.

Remy: One more thing. Do you guys have, like, a meeting place in the house in case there's a fire?

Daisy: You know, we did when my mom and the boys lived here, but we don't right now. So we'll have to revisit that. I promise I will whip everyone into shape.

Clarissa: It's important.

Remy: Okay. So let's get a move on, ladies. We have other stops to make.

Daisy: Well, thank you, guys, for all the information and the Duracell’s. I'll walk out with you.

Olivia: So the suit I need is at the cleaners. It's the dark gray one with the buttons, not the stripes. And then, if you could take that back to my room and sort of get it set up, that would be great.

Natalia: Seriously, do we really have to do this web cast today? Just let me reschedule it for you.

Olivia: At the last minute? That will leave a really bad impression with Galaxy. I can't do that!

Natalia: Okay. I will come back and get you in a bit.

Olivia: Okay, don't forget the....

Natalia: The suit with the stripes.

Olivia: No, with the buttons!

Natalia: With the buttons and the stripes.

Olivia: Well, it has buttons!

Natalia: I've got it.

Olivia: Thank you. (Laughs) (cell phone ringing)

Natalia: Hello?

Rafe: Mom?

Natalia: Rafe, what's wrong?

Rafe: I know you're supposed to come see me today.

Natalia: I am, I am. I'm leaving right now. I have the appeal papers for you to sign. I've just... I'd be there already, but I have this new job.

Rafe: New job?

Natalia: Yeah. I'm Olivia’s assistant. And she just got out of surgery. She's much better right now. But I miss you. I can't wait to see you.

Rafe: Mom, you can't come see me today.

Natalia: What? Why?

Rafe: Because... because you can't blow off your new job.

Natalia: No, you come first.

Rafe: I know, and thank you. But I want you living your life, and you're doing that, so keep doing that, please.

Natalia: Rafe, what is going on?

Rafe: Nothing.

Natalia: I'm coming out there right now.

Rafe: Mom, don't, all right? Don’t. Because I won't see you. I can refuse to see you. I will do that. Mom, look, I miss you, too, and I want to see you. But just don't mess up this thing you have with Olivia, all right? She's the last little piece of Gus that we have left.

Natalia: Gus would want me to come see you.

Rafe: Mom, look, I'm going to see you, all right? Just not today. All right? I've got to go. Bye.

Natalia: Hey, what about the papers?

Daisy: Hi. I'm trying to pick up a prescription for Marina Cooper. She should have called ahead, let you know that I was coming. Daisy Lemay. No? Oh, hi. Oh, are you here because of...

Natalia: Olivia.

Daisy: I heard. How is she?

Natalia: Better.

Daisy: Good. How are you?

Natalia: Daisy, I need ask you for a favor.

Daisy: From me?

Natalia: Yeah. It's visiting day, and I need to get these appeal papers to Rafe, and he doesn’t... I just can't get over there.

Daisy: You're missing a chance to see Rafe?

Natalia: Well, I'm giving you a chance to see him-- I mean, if you'll do it.

Daisy: Oh, of course. I mean, I'd do anything for him.

Natalia: I know you would. You've already done a lot for him, getting him his hearing.

Daisy: Yeah. Much good that did him. He just went away sooner.

Natalia: It just means he'll be home that much sooner. That's the way I think about it.

Daisy: Why me?

Natalia: Because I know that Rafe trusts you.

Daisy: Even if you don’t.

Natalia: This is me trusting you.

Daisy: Great. I won't let you down.

Natalia: Thank you. Thank you. You just, you know, tell him I love him and tell him I'll see him soon, okay?

To be with you again at last...

Lizzie: Bill? Bill, can you hear me? I can't hear you. Oh, please let them trace this call. Bill, can you hear me?

Bill: Lizzie? Hello? Lizzie?

Lizzie: Bill! Bill?

Grady: Looks like you used up all of your minutes.

We will share another day...

Bill: Come on, come on! Can't you move any faster? Lizzie was afraid the guy was going to come back and find the phone.

Cop: Sorry, there's no way.

Bill: What do you mean, there's no way?

Frank: We know that Lizzie made a call from a disposable phone, all right? Hopefully we can track that number to where it was purchased.

Bill: What about the GPS? I mean, isn't there something you can do with that?

Frank: The phone has to be on.

Bill: I'm asking the technician, Frank. Is there something that you can do? I mean, she finds a way to call me, and I still have no way to get her? I mean, come on! Isn't this what you do?

Frank: I am putting every man I can spare on this, Bill.

Bill: Every man you can spare, Frank?

Frank: I'm doing the best that I can. You know, if you'd been a little bit more forthcoming in the beginning of this investigation, we'd have a little bit more to go on right now.

Dinah: Sorry I'm late.

Vanessa: Well, we were just about to order.

Dinah: Can I get an ice water, please? Thank you.

Billy: You seem a little frazzled. What did you do, run over here?

Dinah: Yeah, I was late.

Vanessa: Yeah, we know.

Dinah: It's about Bill.

Billy: I have been calling and leaving messages.

Vanessa: What's happening? Is there any progress? What's going on?

Dinah: No. You know, he is not in a good place. I think that we need to put our heads together so we can decide how to take care of Bill and make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

Vanessa: What do you mean, "hurt himself"? What do you mean?

Dinah: He was found at a house of a false confession. He had a gun.

Billy: What?

Vanessa: Oh, my God.

Dinah: Everything's okay. Everything's okay. Nothing happened.

Billy: Look, excuse me. I'm going to go find him.

Vanessa: Yeah.

Dinah: I just want to help.

Remy: Hey! Hey, you.

Natalia: How are you?

Remy: Good, good.

Natalia: I'm just trying to remember a million different things.

Remy: Oh, yeah, your promotion. Congratulations. How's that all working out?

Natalia: Oh, well, you know Olivia. She keeps me on my toes.

Remy: Yeah, that's surprising. You know Clarissa and Maureen?

Clarissa: Hi.

Natalia: We met at school, didn't we?

Clarissa: Yes.

Natalia: Yeah. Actually, that's where I'm going right now. I have to go pick up Emma. What are you guys doing here today?

Remy: Oh, we are handing out smoke alarms, flashlights, and batteries. We're talking about fire safety.

Natalia: Oh, good. Very good. When I was a maid here, I used to check each fire alarm in each room once a month. Actually, I have to get someone to do that.

Clarissa: We have fire safety kits.

Natalia: I actually have to run to go get Emma, but would you do me a huge favor? Maybe you can drop some of those kits off at the front desk, and then I can have a staff meeting and we'll talk about fire safety.

Remy: A staff meeting. Wow.

Natalia: I know, I know.

Clarissa: Do you ever have fire drills?

Natalia: Yes, of course.

Remy: You get a gold star.

Natalia: Thanks. All right, well, I've got to run. Thank you for reminding me, guys. It's very important.

Clarissa: Bye.

Maureen: Bye.

Remy: So, hey, let's drop these kits off and head back to Company and report to Buzz, okay? I don't know about you, but talking about fire safety makes me hungry.

Maureen: We're not done yet.

Remy: What? You are tough. She is just like her sister. Let's go back to work.

Lizzie: They're going to be here any minute. You have to let me go! You have to let me go.

Billy: So what is this, the new plan? Get real drunk and forget about Lizzie?

Bill: I had her, Dad. I had her over the phone.

Billy: You what?

Bill: I had her on the phone. She... she found a way to call me.

Billy: Is she okay?

Bill: She's alive, but she's not okay-- not now, because I couldn't save her.

Billy: Well, what about the cops?

Bill: Cops. I had... I had the phone, and I was bringing it to the cops and I wanted them to trace it. But then I lost her. I lost her again.

Billy: So you get that close, and you, what, you give up? What, you get mad and then you come here and get drunk stupor? Hey, you think you let her down before when you didn't get to the cops? I mean, you're letting her down now! She needs you! What, you're going to sit here like a spoiled kid and feel sorry for yourself? No. I'll tell you something. This is... this is true. No matter how this turns out, right here, right now, you are going to regret this. I know.

Bill: Let's face it, Dad, I'm just helpless, useless. I'm useless.

Billy: You know, I think you wanted me to find you. Yeah. Or you wouldn't even have come here.

Bill: What I want right now is Lizzie back.

Billy: Oh, you want Lizzie back?

Bill: Yup.

Billy: Well, then get your sweet butt up off this dirt pile and go find her.

Lizzie: If this is really over, can you let me see your face? Not to pick you out of a lineup or anything like that. I promised you that if you let me go, I wouldn't do that. Look, if I don't see your face, I am going to spend the rest of my life looking at people-- looking for you, wondering if every man I see is you. I'll never feel safe.

Grady: This is not how it was supposed to be.

Lizzie: Do you even know how it was supposed to be? I don't think you even know! Or maybe it changed along the way or something.

Grady: And this is how it has to end.

Daisy: Oh, my God.

Rafe: Daisy, what are you doing here?

Daisy: Your mom sent me with papers.

Rafe: Just don't tell her about any of this, please? She doesn't need to worry any more than she already does.

Daisy: What did they do to you?

Rafe: Nothing. All this stuff is going to stop real soon.

Daisy: What does that mean?

Rafe: It means... it means you should have seen the other guy. He'll back off now.

Daisy: Are you in pain?

Rafe: Forget it, Daisy. So you've got papers, right?

Daisy: It's the... for your appeal. Natalia says you have to sign it.

Rafe: Yeah. Thank you. Daisy, can I ask you a question?

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: Are you and Grady still broken up?

Daisy: Yes, of course we are. I could never get back together with him-- not after what he did to you.

Rafe: Well, good.

Ashlee: Whoa, this is really cool! Yeah, I mean, I guess maybe I could talk Maureen’s sister into letting us do a little feature about fire prevention.

Remy: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Ashlee: So you guys are doing this for Mr. Bradshaw's class? Do you guys like him? Is he a good teacher-- like, he always comes prepared and knows everybody's name, that sort of thing?

Clarissa: He's my favorite teacher.

Ashlee: Yeah.

Remy: You spying on your ex. That's so unfair.

Ashlee: No, I am not! No, I am not, sir.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Ashlee: I am just checking up on an old friend.

Remy: Yeah, just checking up on an old friend. That's all. Hey, how about we give Ashlee some extra batteries since she was so helpful?

Ashlee: Oh, thank you. I have to say, my people were really good today with the whole fire drill thing. I'm surprised.

Remy: Yeah, it was good. Hey, how about we report back to Buzz, make sure he followed our instructions, huh?

Ashlee: Well, good luck, guys, and thank you so much for the supplies.

Remy: Come one, high-five, too. Bam! (Laughter)

Vanessa: Have I told you how proud I am of you? I mean, with all the trouble that you and your brother have had recently, and, you know, you turn around and you're right there for him. You're really helping him.

Dinah: Thanks, Mom. (Cell phone ringing)

Vanessa: Yes, hello?

Frank: Vanessa, it's a Frank Cooper.

Vanessa: What's happening? What's going on?

Frank: I'm not sure, but we know that Lizzie was able to get a phone call off to Bill.

Vanessa: What?

Dinah: What is it?

Vanessa: Oh, it's Lizzie. She was able to contact Bill.

Dinah: Oh, thank God.

Vanessa: Frank, I'm with Dinah. What else can you tell us?

Bill: Lizzie!

Dinah: So they found Lizzie? Are they taking her to Cedars?

Vanessa: No. They didn't find her.

Dinah: What are you talking about? I thought she made a phone call.

Vanessa: They couldn't trace the call, so...

Dinah: So they're no closer to finding her?

Vanessa: No. But at least they know she's alive. Look, I'm going to go find Billy. Are you coming back to the house?

Dinah: Yeah, in a little bit.

Vanessa: Dinah, I know you're worried about your brother. I understand. But, you know, whatever happens, you can take some comfort in knowing that you did your part.

Frank: Hey, Pop.

Buzz: Hey. Oh, any word?

Frank: Yeah, we're making progress on Lizzie’s search, but I can't say any more than that right now. Hey, you want me to help you put this up?

Buzz: Oh, thanks. Thank you. Remy and Clarissa and Maureen were over here, you know, with Coop's safety class with the fire safety thing. They're handing out the fire alarms, the batteries.

Frank: Oh, that's good, that's good.

Buzz: And there they are!

Frank: Hey, guys. What's up?

Remy: Oh, nothing. Everything's good. We handed out a lot of kits, and Ashlee did a fire drill at the TV station.

Clarissa: Everyone was really surprised.

Frank: I'll bet.

Clarissa: We passed out a million batteries.

Frank: You passed out a million batteries? That's a lot of batteries. Well, I guess we'll be thanking you the next time we have a blackout, right? So you ladies finish your project?

Remy: Almost, almost. Once we're done here, we're going to go back to class, and then the kids are going to work on their "Stop, drop, and roll!" (Laughter) Something everyone should know there, Frankie.

Frank: You're absolutely right. That's a good idea.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Maureen: You can come and learn, too.

Frank: You know what, Maureen? Actually, I'm... I've got to get back to work. Can I get a rain check on that?

Buzz: Chicken, Frank. You're chicken. (Imitating sound of chicken clucking)

Frank: Don't encourage him! But you know what? I'm really proud of you ladies. You're doing a great, great job. You're doing a good service to your community, and you're keeping our town safe. So we've all got to work together, right?

Maureen: Yeah.

Frank: I'll put this up for you later, all right? See you later.

Maureen: So change all the batteries, Buzz?

Buzz: No, I changed it in the kitchen, and I changed them in the boarding house, and Frank's going to help me with the ones I can't reach.

Remy: Well, listen, man, you can come back to class with us and work on your "Stop, drop, and roll." I mean, I am an EMT. I can help you roll over and...

Buzz: My "Stop, drop, and roll."

Remy: My "Stop, drop, and die," and you can bury me. No ice cream for you. There's ice cream behind the bar for you guys.

Maureen: Oh, great.

Buzz: You look tired.

Remy: They kept me hopping, Buzz. I mean, it's for a good cause, and the girls got to finish their project and got to hand out a lot of batteries and smoke alarms, and got to remember how much I want to be a dad someday.

Buzz: Well, that'll happen.

Remy: I hope so.

Clarissa: Should we make Buzz do a fire drill?

Buzz: Make Buzz do a fire drill? Do I get batteries as a reward for this?

Remy: No!

Natalia: Hi, it's Natalia. I'm just calling to check in and see how your visit went with Rafe and make sure he got the papers okay. I really wanted to be there today. Give me a call back whenever you can, please. Just let me know how he's doing. Thanks, Daisy.

Olivia: What was that all about?

Natalia: Daisy went to see Rafe.

Olivia: So I have to be straight with you; you don't have to be straight with me? Why didn't you tell me that you were missing a visitor's day?

Natalia: You couldn't have done this by yourself today, and I know you would have tried.

Olivia: I wouldn't have let you help me.

Natalia: Oh, you wouldn't have let me?

Olivia: I don't want that kind of responsibility!

Natalia: It's not your... I chose to be here.

Olivia: It was a stupid choice.

Natalia: I'm starting to think so, because if you have enough energy to yell at me, then maybe you could have done this by yourself.

Olivia: I'm not yelling. I just want you to be honest with me.

Natalia: Rafe didn't want to see me.

Olivia: I'm sorry. Why? Why?

Natalia: He said he didn't want me to mess up my new job.

Olivia: You wouldn't have.

Natalia: You know, you were amazing today.

Olivia: Really?

Natalia: Yes, pacemaker and all.

Olivia: (Laugh) Thanks. I liked it. I thought it went well.

Natalia: Yeah? I'm going to just... I'm going to check on Emma.

Olivia: Sure, yeah.

Daisy: Wait. Time can't be up yet.

Rafe: Look, Dais, I really appreciate that you came here, and thank you for all of your help, all right?

Daisy: That sounds like a good-bye.

Rafe: I don't want you to be... I don't want you coming here. You don't need to see all of this. You should be out there. You should be living-- you and my mother both, all right?

Daisy: Well, you're going to be out there soon, too.

Rafe: We'll see.

Daisy: No, you're coming home. It's not "if" you're getting out, it's "when."

Rafe: And then?

Daisy: And then you'll be free.

Rafe: Daisy, thank you, all right? (Bell ringing)

Daisy: How could you let that happen to him? Did you see how beat up he was? I mean, aren’t the guards supposed to be protecting him?

Guard: This is a prison, sweetheart. We may run it, but we can't always control it. It's the bad guys who can protect him.

Bill: Lizzie!

Natalia: Let me just...

Olivia: No. Come on, thanks, but you're off the clock.

Natalia: I could stay longer, though. You know, it's your first day home.

Olivia: I think we're just going to rest, honestly. We'll be fine.

Natalia: Okay. So I'll see you tomorrow, then.

Olivia: Sounds good.

Natalia: And congratulations on your speech. It was good.

Olivia: Natalia, I could have done this without you.

Natalia: Yes, you've said that.

Olivia: I could have done it without you, but it was better because you were here.

Natalia: You're welcome.

I still can't believe I found somebody new but I wish you the best...

Frank: Dinah.

Dinah: Frank.

Frank: Hilda let me in. Listen, I'd like to make another pass at Lizzie’s room. Hopefully there's something in there that can lead us to her.

Dinah: Oh, sure. Go right up. Listen, you know, I mean, you're going to find her, right? I mean, she made a phone call. You have to track it. You'll find her.

Frank: Yeah, well, unfortunately we just don't have the time right now.

Dinah: What do you mean?

Frank: We honestly believe that the call between Lizzie and Bill wasn't dropped; it was ended. And if the kidnapper saw Lizzie on the phone, he could be pretty angry, and that would be really bad for Lizzie. We usually can get a profile on a suspect, but right now we have absolutely nothing, nothing at all. So we have no idea who this person is or what they're going to do. If we don't get to her soon, it could be too late.

I know one day you'll see nobody has it see

I still can't believe I found somebody new...

Daisy: It's for Rafe. It's for Rafe.

Because everybody knows everybody really knows

how to make it work and how to ease the hurt

we've heard it all before everybody knows

how to make it right I wish we gave it one more try

one more try one more try

everybody knows but nobody really knows.

You've just heard "Everybody Knows," on John Legend's new album, "Evolver."

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Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Are you really here? You really found me?

Bill: I'm not going to let you go.

Lizzie: The kidnapper, he could be outside.

Bill: Look, I took care of him, okay? But I only saw one, and I don't know if he's going to be unconscious forever. (Sounds of a fight)

Lizzie: Oh, my God. He came back.

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