GL Transcript Monday 10/27/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/27/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Grady: I see you got my text.

Dinah: The kidnappers sent a message through the website? Yeah, I saw that.

Grady: And we're the kidnappers, remember?

Dinah: Oh.

Bill: This is the place. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice, Lizzie.

Dinah: Thank God she's safe!

Grady: Oh yeah, she's spitting nails, but she's all right.

Dinah: Why didn't you just drop her off in front of the police station?

Grady: It's not like you can just valet park this thing.

Dinah: Where were you? Where did you go? I couldn't find you!

Grady: You're the one who screwed up the call to Mallet. You check in with your ex in the middle of a ransom drop? You could've blown my whole fricking deal!

Dinah: You know what? You! You were the one who can't be trusted!

Grady: (Scofffs) Right back at you, babe.

Dinah: You are such a loser!

Grady: And you hired me! Nice speech on the radio, by the way.

Dinah: Oh, you heard that?

Grady: Yeah, the grieving sister stuff kills.

Dinah: Well, I had to go along with it because Bill would get suspicious otherwise.

Grady: Maybe Bill should know the truth about his sister. Maybe I should tell him that you can't be trusted. Maybe I can't trust you.

Dinah: You know what? I'm all you've got. We're partners.

Grady: Then why the hell am I driving around a stupid car with a freaked out girl while you do whatever the hell you want.

Dinah: Did you send a text message? What did I tell you about improvising? You suck at it! This is not good.

(Knock on door)

Bill: Hello? Anyone home?

Joel: Are you Bill Lewis?

Bill: That's right.

Joel: You got the money?

Bill: Right here.

Joel: Ah! (Struggling noises)

Bill: Tell me where Lizzie is!

Joel: I... I can’t.

Bill: I'm going to give you one more chance. Tell me where Lizzie is, or this does not end well for you.

Joel: (Whimpering)

Lizzie: (Struggling) Ah! Ah!

Dinah: If you did not text my brother, then who did?

Grady: How the hell should I know? Maybe it's business.

Dinah: I don't know. He said he was going out for a run, but he's covering. I... I know he is. I know him.

Grady: It wasn't supposed to be this complicated.

Dinah: No, you know what? It wasn't supposed to be this complicated. It was supposed to be just a simple stunt... not turn into some federal offense.

Grady: Federal?

Dinah: Yeah. Bill went public...

Grady: Oh, great!

Dinah: No, you know what? I'm going to get them off track, okay? I don't want you to worry, it's going to be fine.

Grady: Lizzie would be free right now if I had got my money!

Dinah: Luckily she's still breathing.

Grady: You didn't think I would have killed her?

Dinah: Tammy Winslow?

Grady: Tammy Winslow was a mistake, and so is this.

Dinah: Okay, you're making a lot of those lately.

Grady: Yeah, well I didn't bring my ex to a drop.

Dinah: So what does that mean?

Grady: It means we're both making mistakes.

Dinah: Okay, you know what? Let's calmly put our heads together and think about what the next step is, okay?

Grady: How about this. How about... you get me my money, or I tell the FBI all about you?

Dinah: If I go down, you go down harder.

Grady: Yeah? I got nothing to lose. How about you?

Dinah: Bill still has the ransom, you will get your money.

Grady: How?

Dinah: It doesn't matter. Why don't you let me figure that out? All right? In the meantime, you'll get your money and Lizzie goes home safe. Okay?

Grady: Deal.

Lizzie: Ow. Ah! Ah! Ah, come on!

Dinah: Hilda? Hilda? Hilda's out bowling. Good. All right. Let's get that money. Let's get that money. All right. Just like riding a bike. Just like riding a bike.

Joel: No, oh, you're scaring me!

Bill: Scaring you?

Joel: Yeah! Ah!

Bill: How do you think Lizzie feels?

Joel: I don't know. I don't know.

Bill: Take me to her right now.

Joel: Ah!

Bill: Take me to her right now. If you hurt her...

Joel: I just want to go home!

Bill: Do you know how easily my finger could slip? I will chew your head off! You take me to her right now!

Mallet: Bill, no! Jeez, Dinah called me, man. Have you lost your mind? Give me that gun. Have you lost your mind?

Joel: (Whimpering)

Bill: He has Lizzie. He has Lizzie!

Mallet: He doesn't have Lizzie, he doesn't have Lizzie.

Bill: Yes, he does!

Mallet: No, his name is Joel, okay? I know him. He doesn't have Lizzie, okay? This guy-- this freak-- he's confessed to every crime since the great Chicago fire. He's a fraud. He's a fraud, Bill.

Bill: Don't say that, Mallet. Don't say that. She has to be here. He's probably hiding her right now. We should go look for her. She has to be here!

Joel: Officer, this man trespassed.

Mallet: Shut up, Joel. Shut up! Don't give up hope, okay? We're going to find Lizzie. Don't give up hope.

Bill: Why would someone lie about this, huh?

Mallet: Come on, let me take you home. Come on.

Joel: Oh!

Mallet: Bill!

Joel: Oh! This guy's crazy! I'm pressing charges!

Mallet: Shut up, Joel! I hope that was worth it.

Bill: Where the hell is Lizzie?

Lizzie: (Struggling) Ah! Ah! Where are you taking me?

Grady: (Inaudible)

Lizzie: Ah! (Breathing heavily)

Grady: Go in there.

Lizzie: Ah! No... please! Just let me go, okay? My family will pay anything!

Grady: You talk too much.

Lizzie: You know, my family may not be that stable, but they love me and they're worried about me. I know that they are, and I just... please, I just want to go home! Please stop. Stop!

Grady: I'm getting you food, okay? What do you want? The silent treatment? Oh, that's a good plan.

Lizzie: You know what I want? I want to know why you even bothered to come back for me when you didn't have to! Silent treatment! Great plan.

Grady: So starve, then.

Lizzie: No, I just don't understand, okay? I don't understand why you even bothered to come back for me. I am nothing but trouble to you, and you're never going to get paid. You do realize that, right? They put dye in those bags so that they can track you down and catch you, so I don't understand why you came back for me.

Grady: The money.

Lizzie: You don't sound very convincing. I don't believe you.

Grady: Then don’t.

Lizzie: Just wait, wait! Could you please get me a turkey wrap? A whole wheat turkey wrap with, um... tomatoes and sliced avocado with no onions and a... a... light balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and a diet iced tea. I'm going to have to have a hand free to eat.

Grady: Yeah, dream on, little lady.

Lizzie: Hello? (Coughing) You're back already? What's going on? What's going on? What are you doing? Will you tell me what you're doing?

Grady: Relax!

Lizzie: Ow. Oh! Ow!

Grady: There's a turkey wrap there with extra onions.

Lizzie: Ew!

Grady: This is only so you can eat. You can take your blindfold off.

Lizzie: (Sighs) This is so much better.

Grady: Don't get used to it!

Lizzie: Oh, I'm starving.

Grady: Well then, eat!

Lizzie: I never asked you if you were curious.

Grady: About what?

Lizzie: Why I came back for you?

Grady: Because you were scared.

Lizzie: Scared. Well, I guess I was afraid of getting lost in the woods, because I'm not a girl scout. But that's not why I came back for you. I came back for you because, for some reason, I thought that it was the right thing to do because you'd saved me.

Grady: Just eat!

Lizzie: I regret it, by the way. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know if it was like, that Stockholm thing, or... you know, that thing where you like, feel sympathy for the person who captured you? But honestly, I can't feel anything for you but hatred. You have done nothing but torture me and my family and everyone that loves me-- for what? For money? Is that what this is about? This is about money? Is that why you're risking my life? So... so what? So that you can take a trip around the world or buy some fancy rims for your piece of crap car?

Grady: How could you understand what it's like, coming from where you come from?

Lizzie: Try me.

Grady: How could you understand what it's like to be nobody-- nothing at all?

Bill: A bad day just got worse.

Alan: I was tipped off that you were here, Bill.

Bill: Well, now you know, so you can leave.

Alan: I trusted you to find my granddaughter and bring her kidnapper to justice, and you've done nothing but screw up.

Bill: Alan... I received a message from someone that he had Lizzie.

Alan: You have been a disaster from the very beginning. I mean, you even botched a very simple... ransom pass off. You practically killed an innocent bystander when you, uh... were running after the wrong suspect...

Bill: Alan, he told me that he had Lizzie. I wasn't going to take any chances, okay?

Alan: Meanwhile, Elizabeth is out there facing God only knows what.

Bill: Okay, look, Alan. I know you're worried, but so am I.

Alan: I don't think so. I don't think it's that important for you to find Elizabeth.

Bill: You better shut your mouth before I punch you in the face.

Alan: Go ahead. Hit me. I would love to tack on assault chargers to the list you already have.

Bill: Why don't you get out of here right now, Alan?

Alan: If anything happens to Elizabeth, I will hold you personally responsible, Bill.

Dinah: Oh, why? I had these numbers down. What is wrong? Why... come on! Open up!

Mallet: Hello, anybody home? Hello.

Dinah: Oh!

Mallet: Sorry.

Dinah: Hi. You startled me.

Mallet: Sorry about that.

Dinah: I'm reading.

Mallet: You're reading, um, cigar magazines?

Dinah: Yup. Articles aren't half bad. Anyway, I've got to go.

Mallet: Actually, I came over looking for Billy or your mother, and... but I'm glad I ran into you.

Dinah: That's a switch.

Mallet: Thanks for the heads-up around Bill, because that message he received about Lizzie, that was all a hoax.

Dinah: Oh! He must be destroyed.

Mallet: Well, yeah. He almost destroyed the messenger, and Bill obviously found himself a gun.

Dinah: A gun? Well, is he all right?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah. But he could have done some serious damage today. I took it away from him, but... he's down at the station, he's cooling off.

Dinah: I'll tell you... it's just, he's on edge, you know, about this Lizzie thing. He's just on edge.

Mallet: Yeah, he is, big time. That's why I'm here. I... I don't think he should be left alone.

Dinah: I'll tell you, I... I have tried so hard to be what Bill needs, you know-- to get in between him and his problems, but...

Mallet: Well, hey, you know, you're very, very good to him.

Dinah: It's just not working, no matter how hard I try.

Mallet: You don't have to prove yourself to Bill. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.

Dinah: I keep screwing up. I keep screwing up when it comes to him. You know, they say that everyone in the family has a special talent...

Mallet: You're doing that again. You've got to stop that. You're doing that.

Dinah: Doing what?

Mallet: You're doing that thing you always do around Bill and Vanessa. You're always discounting yourself.

Dinah: No, I'm just... I'm making up for lost time with Bill.

Mallet: Well, why do you need Bill's approval?

Dinah: I don’t.

Mallet: You do-- you jump through one of his hoops, and then he starts another hoop on fire, and then you jump through that. And... you're better than that. You know that, right? I hope you do. You're better than that, like, a million times I know it's not my place to say anything, but maybe I should say something. I don't know. Maybe I should something because I feel like I see the best.

Dinah: What did I do?

Mallet: Stop. Stop! I wish that you could see, just a fraction... just a fraction of what I see when I look at you. I wish I could give you that gift.

Dinah: What do you see?

Mallet: I see things. I see... I see how much you stick up for the people you love. And I see... I see your passion. And I see your strength. And... even the way you walk into a room... you walk into it like you own the air.

Dinah: I... I know that you must think that I am obsessed with Bill, and that I am pathetic because I don't have my own life, which makes me a loser.

Mallet: Dinah Marler, if you know so bloody much, how come you don't know how amazing you are. Because I am standing right here with you talking about you, and you're standing right here with me talking about Bill.

Dinah: Amazing.

Mallet: Yeah, amazing. You're like a... you're like a kid with her nose pressed up against a window. And you're believing that the people on the other side of that glass have all of the power, that they have the power to make you feel loved, make you feel beautiful and real.

Dinah: I can't believe you still think I'm amazing.

Mallet: I just wish you would see it and believe it.

Dinah: Maybe someday. But thank you for your support, Detective.

Mallet: Oh, thanks, but I'm just a beat cop.

Dinah: No. I... I tell you, you have always known who you are. And you've been okay with it. And I envy that.

Mallet: If you want to go help Bill, you go help Bill. You go do that, okay. I just think that you don't need Bill or anyone who doesn't appreciate who you are. Okay? Remember that.

Dinah: You're very right, you know. You're annoyingly right.

Mallet: I hate when that happens.

Dinah: (Laughing)

Mallet: One more thing... before you get back to your cigar magazines, because I'm sure you want to keep reading. I called Mel, okay? And Mel is going to represent Bill.

Dinah: Thank you. Well, I'll give her a call.

Mallet: Okay. All right. One more thing you might want to consider...

Dinah: What's that?

Mallet: Stop looking for yourself in everyone else's mirrors, okay?

Right now, life ain't so fun I don't have anyone.

Mel: Hey.

Bill: Hey.

Mel: You're free to go.

Bill: Really?

Mel: Yeah. There's no charges against you. Your friend Joe, on the other hand, is facing some serious charges for making that phony claim.

Bill: And how did you get involved in this?

Mel: Mallet called me. He thought you might need some help.

Bill: So what's the catch?

Mel: What do you mean?

Bill: What's the catch with you representing me? The last time I checked, you were Remy’s sister, and Remy hates me.

Mel: Yeah, well, I think that grudge should have ended when we lost the baby.

Bill: Right.

Mel: So... how are you holding up?

Bill: H'mmm, how do you think?

Mel: They're going to find her, Bill. They will.

Bill: I know. You better not let Remy know that you're being so nice to me, though.

Mel: Oh, Remy doesn't really know what is going on in my life, personally or professionally. We'd have to have an actual conversation for that.

Bill: Really? You two fighting?

Mel: Who knows with Remy. I don't know. He's been acting kind of funky lately.

Bill: What do you mean? Like how?

Mel: Just... being distant, disappearing at odd times. I don't know. Maybe he has some hot girl stashed away somewhere. I don't know. Whatever it is, it's worrying me, though.

Bill: Disappearing, huh?

Mel: Uh-huh. Listen, you've got your own problems. Like I said you're free to go. I'm going to go downstairs and get the paperwork ready, okay?

Bill: Okay. Great. Thank you, Mel.

Mel: I'm praying for you, Bill.

Bill: Thanks again.

Lizzie: I was thinking maybe you could untie me and I could walk off my lunch.

Grady: That's funny.

Lizzie: It was worth a try. At least you untied one of my hands. That's what I can't figure out about you.

Grady: What?

Lizzie: I just feel this weird thing, this connection to you. It's so stupid... forget about it.

Grady: Go on.

Lizzie: I haven't seen your face or heard your real voice. I... I don't know. For some reason it feels like you care about me in some weird, massively screwed up way.

Grady: Yeah, right.

Lizzie: You know, I was just wishing that I had had a chance to get to know you, you know, where you're coming from.

Grady: You're playing me.

Lizzie: No, I'm not. Well, maybe I am a little bit. You know, I don't even care if you go to jail. I just want to go home to my family. You understand that, right? Kidnappers have families?

Grady: No.

Lizzie: That's not even possible. You have to mean something to someone. There has to be somewhere that you belong.

Grady: I told you, I'm nobody.

Lizzie: There has to be someone that you love, someone that you love that loves you back, that waits up for you at night and that worries about you. Because you showed me kindness... a little bit of kindness, and that means that there is hope for you. That means that you actually have feelings.

Grady: That's enough! Stop talking crap!

Lizzie: What are you doing? Stop! No, no, no! Ow! Ow! No, no, no, no, no, no!

Grady: I'm getting my money, you hear me? And then I'm done.

Bill: I have to sign right here?

Mel: Yup, and then we're all good. As long as you don't assault anyone on the way home.

Alan: You're being released? I don't believe it.

Bill: Well, I don't believe that you're still here. You should be out looking for Lizzie.

Alan: I'm making sure that you're not going to help Elizabeth, because every time you do, you put her life in more danger.

Bill: Do you think you can get the charges dropped if I punch him out?

Mel: Cool it, Bill. Okay, you're free. Let's keep it that way. Just let the police do their job, okay?

Alan: Why, Mel? I mean, he has so much more to screw up.

Bill: Do you seriously think I should sit back and let the cops handle everything? I mean, what about the leads from the tip line?

Alan: A piece of advice: Stay out of it.

Mel: You know, for once I agree with Alan, which kind of scares me, but, yes. You should stay out of it and let the police do their job.

Bill: Okay. Fine. Let the cops do what they need to do. They just better come through.

Mel: Can I give you a ride home?

Alan: Mel, shouldn't he be under house arrest or something? I mean, what kind of justice system is this?

Mel: The same one that keeps setting you free. Now, do you want that ride or not?

Bill: Oh, no, thank you. I have some business I need to take care of.

Alan: As long as it doesn't have anything to do with Elizabeth.

Dinah: No. It will be a family gathering, you know, just to support Bill. No, I don't think it's bad timing at all. You know, actually, mother, for the first time I don't care what you think. I am doing it.

Grady: I noticed your hands are empty.

Dinah: I couldn't exactly dynamite my way to that safe. Bill wasn't home.

Grady: You promised me you would come through for me.

Dinah: What are you doing out here? What if someone sees you?

Grady: That chick is mental, okay? She's playing little mind tricks on me.

Dinah: Calm down.

Grady: No. I had to get out of there. She won't stop talking and talking and talking and talking. I needed some fresh air.

Dinah: When was the last time you slept? You look like you're a wreck.

Grady: It's been a while.

Dinah: You know what? Why don't you go to the van and crash, and I will go check on Lizzie.

Grady: Don't get too close. I'm warning you: She'll get inside your head.

Dinah: Relax. Just think about the paper, the pretty little paper that's coming your way, all right?

Grady: Just don't get too close.

Lizzie: Hello? Is someone there? Are you there? Look, I didn't mean to make you angry. Hello?

Alan: So is this how it's going to be, Mallet?

Mallet: Nice to see you, too, Alan.

Alan: Bill Lewis goes free. Boy, I wish I could say that about Elizabeth.

Mallet: We have the entire police force working on this case right now.

Alan: The entire police force is out there while Bill Lewis has ruined every opportunity to catch this kidnapper.

Mallet: I know you're upset, but you just need to calm down.

Alan: You're damned right I'm upset. My granddaughter is depending on me not to let her down, the way Bill Lewis did.

Mallet: I understand that this is a difficult time for you. I understand that, Alan.

Alan: Then why don't you do something about it and put Bill Lewis behind bars.

Mallet: Well, what for? What do I bring him in for? What charge, huh? That he pissed you off? That Bill is not good enough for Lizzie? What?

Alan: For wasting our time. Speaking of time, have you got a suspect yet?

Mallet: Alan, these are complicated cases, okay? They take time. We have to look at everyone. And you know what? Sometimes kidnappings, they may seem like a kidnapping, and they're not. They end up being something completely different, okay?

Alan: Meaning what?

Mallet: Meaning that it might be a hoax. Meaning that it might be someone from their own victim's family that is involved.

Alan: Are you accusing me of kidnapping my own granddaughter?

Mallet: I'm not accusing you. I'm just saying that no one is above suspicion, and that includes you.

(Cell phone rings)

Remy: Hey, Christina. Yeah, of course I remember you. Tonight? Um... I'm staying in and watching my niece. Yeah. I'll call you next week, though, okay? Okay. Bye.

Lizzie: Hello? Are you there? Come on, I am really tired. I'm getting really scared. Please. Hello?

Alan: You know, it's obvious to me why you're not a detective anymore. If you think that I would kidnap my own granddaughter...

Mallet: All I'm saying is that no one is above suspicion.

Alan: Then why don't you bring in Lillian, hold her feet to the fire. You know, Mallet, you're clueless.

Mallet: I'm going to ignore that last remark because I know you're anxious about Lizzie.

Alan: What do I possibly have to gain by kidnapping Elizabeth?

Mallet: When it comes to you, Alan, who knows! I can't keep track of all of the schemes anymore.

Alan: Let me tell you my situation: I'm recovering from brain surgery. Bill Lewis has sole possession of my company. I am living in my own house, which is now infested with Lewis’s. We've got Billy, Bill, and Vanessa.

Mallet: Sounds like tight quarters.

Alan: Worse. And to top it all off, I have to sit by and watch as Bill uses my company, my family, all of it. Meanwhile, my granddaughter is missing. The only thing I'm asking for is some kind of reassurance that she is okay. Now, do the math. I'm the only one that loses while Elizabeth is still gone!

Lizzie: I know that you're there. I can hear you breathing. Hasn't this gone on long enough? Please. No, don't go!

Remy: Hey! Hey, open up. We've got a lot of catching up to do.

Bill: You're off the hook now, Remy. (Cell phone rings)

Dinah: I thought you were resting?

Grady: I couldn't sleep. Can you?

Dinah: No. But, you know what? We need to get away from here. All right? Let's go take a drive.

Grady: What about Lizzie?

Dinah: It's not like she's going anywhere. Come on, hurry up. Let's go.

Grady: What's up?

Dinah: Trust me. Let's go. Did you leave this out?

Grady: I'm not sure.

Dinah: Lizzie was in the front seat. She might have gotten a hold of it.

Grady: Don't sweat it. She wasn't able to cut the ropes with it. And it looks like she tried to punch it through here but couldn't get it. We're fine. We got lucky this time.

(Cell phone rings)

Bill: Hello? Hello?

Lizzie: Bill? Bill? Oh, my God, is that you? Can you hear me?

Bill: Lizzie? Lizzie?

Coming up on "Guiding light"...

Lizzie: Bill, is that really you?

Bill: Lizzie, talk to me. Are you hurt?

Lizzie: No, I'm okay.

Bill: Stay with me now. I'm going to go into the police station and see if they can trace the phone call.

Grady: What the hell is going on here?

Dinah: Whatever we were trying to do... big mistake, all right? You stay the hell away from me because I have an alibi to think about and maybe you should find one, too. All right?

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