GL Transcript Friday 10/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light."

Cyrus: Whether he is here or a million miles away, he is the only family that I've got. I haven't always been there for him, but I will be from now on. That's just a fact of my life.

Dinah: Who let you in?

Cyrus: I found Lizzie’s dog wandering the streets. How long has she been missing?

Dinah: What?

Cyrus: Grady, what did you do?

Never should have let you go it's not the right...

Marina: Can I help you?

Mallet: Who, me? I was just standing here in the hall.

Marina: In the hall?

Mallet: Yeah, in the hall.

Marina: You knocked?

Mallet: I didn't knock. I mean, maybe my hand brushed up against the door. I didn't knock, though.

Marina: What do you want?

Mallet: Well, I was just, you know, thinking, we have to go to work soon, and, um... I thought maybe we could have a little visit before we go in, unless you're still mad at me.

Marina: Oh, yeah, you mean about that whole helping Dinah behind my back.

Mallet: Yeah, there's that.

Marina: No, it's fading.

Mallet: Oh, really? Oh, good. That's nice. I was thinking about these rules, you know, that you set up, me and you in separate bedrooms because of Daisy, but rules are kind of meant to be broken, right?

Marina: Maybe?

Mallet: That's what I was thinking.

Marina: That's kind of funny coming from a cop. H'mmm...

Mallet: What?

Marina: Daisy is in her room.

Mallet: Yeah, I know, and she's playing her music really loud, which is good because she won't hear us.

Marina: No.

Mallet: Okay, I know you want to be a role model, but she's 18, and she said it's okay.

Marina: No.

Mallet: Why not?

Marina: Because.

Mallet: Because why?

Marina: I want to do better.

Mallet: Better than what?

Marina: Better than Harley.

Cassie: Thank you, Sherry. That's great. I really appreciate you watching R.J. after school. Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend. I shouldn't be late. But you never know.

Why can't it be easy to say goodbye

you know I'll be back again wish for a moment to stop time

yes so the night won't never, ever

never should have let you go never should have let you go

say it never should have let you go

Dinah: Where is she? Where is Lizzie?

Grady: Don't talk so loud.

Dinah: I'm just a little nervous, all right? Bill is freaking out. So where is she?

Grady: She's in a much better place.

Dinah: Good, you brought her to a safer place.

Grady: The safest place of all: In God's loving arms.

Dinah: You didn’t.

Grady: Don't worry. I covered my tracks. No one is ever going to find that body.

Dinah: I didn't tell you to do this!

Bill: Dinah? Dinah, what are you doing?

Dinah: Oh... think I just had a nightmare. I was probably freaking out, that's all.

Bill: Look, I need you to pull together because I need your help.

Lizzie: I cannot believe that you're even thinking twice about this. I'm just asking you to take off your mask. It's still daylight. I have a van. I can just drive away. Fine, you have the keys. I can't drive away. But there is a road, and I can walk, and someone will drive by eventually, and then I will be home with my family, and you will still be here alone. At night. It's kind of creepy, huh? Being down there all by yourself, just waiting for the cops to show up. That is, unless I forget to mention to anyone that you're here, and I just let you die. How many days do you think it would take? Fine. Rot in hell.

Grady: Aahhhh!

Lizzie: Okay. I'm tying it to a tree.

Marina: I'm just going to pretend like I don't see any of this happening.

Cassie: See what?

Marina: So you're still going to play that game?

Cassie: Marina, I took a lie detector test. Okay? If you have an issue...

Marina: My issue is with Cyrus.

Cassie: Well, Cyrus isn't home.

Marina: So you're picking his lock? Wait, please. Come on.

Cassie: I don't want to argue with you.

Marina: I don't want to argue with you! Tammy was my best friend. You're her mom. This is really weird for me.

Cassie: What? What's weird, that Cyrus and I are friends?

Marina: Cassie, come on. The stereo equipment that was stolen from your neighbor's house, even without that polygraph test, I think that I have enough evidence to bring charges up against Cyrus. And the fact is, if I keep digging, I'm going to have enough to bring up on you, too.

Cassie: So stop digging.

Marina: Cassie, I don't think you were really involved, okay? Not from the beginning. I think Cyrus came to you after he stole all of this stuff, that he hit some kind of snag, and then he came to you for help on how to get rid of it. I mean, really, Cassie? Donating the stereo equipment to the children's ward of a hospital, that's not his style. That's something you would do. And if you would just admit to that, you're off the hook.

Cassie: You really just want to nail him, don't you?

Marina: I really just want to do my job.

Cassie: Fine, then do your job. Ask me whatever you want to ask me, but I'm telling you the answer isn't going to change. I wasn't involved, and neither was Cyrus.

Marina: So that's your story?

Cassie: It's not my story. It's the truth. Ask your polygraph tech.

Marina: You know, Cassie, when we first brought the two of you in together, I thought, I don't know, maybe they worked together, but now? What's going on between the two of you?

Cassie: All right, I change my mind. You can't ask me anything.

Lizzie: Pull up! You're so close. Keep going. Come on, you are so close. A few more feet and I'll see your face. Aahhhhh!

Dinah: All right. Cook is going to bring us some food.

Bill: I didn't ask for food.

Dinah: No. You asked for my help.

Bill: Yeah. I have a plan.

Dinah: Okay.

Bill: Uh-huh. I cannot sit around anymore. I don't want to wait for them to contact me. I want to go right to them. I want to talk to that son of a bitch directly.

Dinah: Okay. So how are you going to do that?

Bill: You.

Dinah: Me?

Bill: Yeah. WSPR. Okay? I want to go live, television, radio, internet, whatever. I mean, they've got to be getting desperate right now, don't you think?

Dinah: How would I know?

Bill: Well, every time I put myself in his place, I'm thinking, all right, I would want a way out of this. Well, I'm going to give him that, okay? As soon as I get him to trust me.

Dinah: How do you do that?

Bill: The way I always do.

Dinah: Look, Bill, this is not a business deal. If you say one thing wrong, it could really make things worse.

Bill: Well, how could it get any worse.

Dinah: It could always get worse, trust me.

Bill: I do. I do, and that's why I'm coming to you, and only you.

Dinah: Bill...

Bill: What?

Dinah: Look, if you do this, if you broadcast this, the cops will see this, and they will come and, and Decker. Clients like Decker. What are they going to say?

Bill: Dinah, listen to me, I cannot think about Decker or business right now, all right? The only thing I can think about is getting Lizzie back here. And I've got to do this now because I know just what to say.

Lizzie: Stop. No, we had a deal. Come on! What?

Grady: (Breathing heavy)

Cyrus: So, little brother, what's new?

Dinah: Tracy, okay. Now let's keep this angle, give the room a nice depth. This actually is a perfect shot right here, okay? All right. Okay. A tie?

Bill: Yeah. I think I need to look like I'm in control, right?

Dinah: Well, a jacket and a tie, I don't know. I think that it says privileged, and we don't want to remind the kidnapper of that. You want to look like you are appealing to him and sort of sympathetic.

Bill: Right, right. You know what, that's a good idea. Why don't I do that. What is he doing here?

Dinah: I don't know. I didn't call him, but...

Bill: Okay. Listen, listen, listen... we can not let him be a part of this, okay? He screwed up things last time. I can't have him here...

Dinah: I'll handle it.

Bill: Please? Thank you.

Dinah: Just focus on what you need to say, all right?

Bill: Yes, please.

Dinah: Okay. Hey what are you doing here?

Mallet: I want to check on things. What's going on here?

Dinah: Bill is going to appeal to the kidnapper, live.

Mallet: What? Does he even know what he's doing? You can't just talk, right? You've got to use the right words. You've got to use the right tone. And he's drinking. What's going on?

Dinah: I have told Bill all of the same things, but he is going to do things his way. So I have to help him do it right.

Mallet: Then obviously I can't leave because I want Lizzie found as much as Bill.

Dinah: Look, the money transfer, I hope that you're not beating yourself up that it didn't go down right.

Mallet: Well, obviously I made a rookie mistake. I should have left my phone off. But, um, you're the one who called me. Why did you call me?

Dinah: You're blaming me?

Mallet: No, but you knew where I was going. Why did you call me then?

Dinah: I was worried about you. And I was embarrassed of all of the things that I was telling you, that I still loved you, not that that isn't true. It just wasn't the right time to say something like that.

Mallet: You don't have to be embarrassed. We're always going to care for each other. It's not like before, but it's still love.

Dinah: Yeah. I'm going to go check on Bill.

Cassie: Are you just going to follow me all the way home now?

Marina: You know, Cassie, I think that I just asked you a pretty simple question: What's going on with you and Cyrus? Does this have to do with Grady?

Cassie: No, it has nothing to do with Grady. It's about me. And, yes, there are a million reasons why I think it's a bad idea to be friends with Cyrus.

Marina: Friends?

Cassie: Yes, friends. Friends, that's what we are. I like him. He's fun. And he makes me feel lighter. I don't know, he makes me feel less burdened. Even with his family connections. And I don't want to walk away from him.

Marina: Okay. So you're friends, you're friends who steal stuff, together?

Cassie: We don't, Marina, don't you have any men in your life who are just friends?

Marina: Sure, please, Remy and I are best friends, but, you know, I can't remember the last time we ripped off our neighbor together.

Cassie: All right. This is really about that one time, right? I mean, that's why you think we can't be friends because I slept with Cyrus a long time ago. You know, we know it was a mistake. We both know it. And it was a long time ago.

Marina: You slept with Cyrus a long time ago?

Cassie: You didn't know that already?

Marina: How long ago?

Cassie: No, it wasn't when Cyrus was with you. It was when he...

Marina: It was when he was with Harley? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! That's why she dumped him. I always knew there had to be a reason. But you? Wow! She dumped Cyrus because of you.

Grady: Ow! My leg's already messed up...

Cyrus: Do you think I care, huh? Do you think anyone in prison is going to care? Cause that's where you're headed. What the hell were you thinking?

Grady: It's about the money.

Cyrus: You are out of your mind. There is zero chance you're going to get away with this.

Grady: Well, I have so far.

Cyrus: Well, I found you. It wasn't that hard.

Grady: Did you follow me?

Cyrus: I'm the one who told you about this place.

Grady: Well, you're right. It is remote.

Cyrus: Unbelievable. Unbelievable! So this is the job that you're doing with Dinah, is it? How did she suck you in?

Grady: Look, just so you know, we're about 30 seconds away from scoring $5 million. Have you ever scored that much in your life? Huh?

Cyrus: You have scored nothing!

Grady: The money's still out there, huh. The game's still on. I can cut you in if you want?

Cyrus: Oh no, thanks. I don't go in for assaulting women.

Grady: Well, you just did!

Cyrus: Yeah, for you. Because I had to. Because I'm trying to keep you out of jail.

Grady: I'm not going to jail.

Cyrus: Oh, no? Well, where would you be right now if I hadn't showed up, huh? Would you be down a hole waiting for the cops to show up. Or were you thinking that Dinah was going to turn up and save you? I don't know what she's told you, but Dinah looks out for one person. And trust me, it's not you.

Grady: You don't want in? Fine. More for me.

Cyrus: Wake up! There is no plan, all right? It's over. You've lost. The only option you've got left is to get rid of Lizzie, now.

Bill: Hey, what are you doing? I thought you told me I should look less put together.

Dinah: Well, you shouldn't look crazy, all right?

Bill: All right, all right, all right, you're right. You're right. Thank you, thank you.

Dinah: All right. Are you ready to do this?

Bill: Uh-huh.

Dinah: Don't you think you've had enough?

Bill: Hmm?

Dinah: Hey, look, you're going to be great. You're going to be great. All right? Five seconds. Five, four, three...

Announcer: The following is a special announcement: Breaking news from the home of Bill Lewis. In a tragic turn of events, we go live.

Bill: Hello. I'm Bill Lewis. Thank you for giving me this time today. What you're about to hear will be news to everyone. But it's not news to me or the Spaulding family. Lizzie Spaulding has been kidnapped. She's been missing for more than a week now, and that is why I am doing this broadcast. So I can talk to the person, or persons, who are holding her. And I want you to understand something, that I will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, to get Lizzie home. It's not a trap. It's not a setup. The police do not even know that I am doing this. I want you to know that you can trust me. And nothing is more important to me than Lizzie’s safety.

Grady: Just like you, huh? Show up in the middle, thinking you know everything, when you know nothing.

Cyrus: Oh, what don't I know?

Grady: That hole, Lizzie was in there first.

Cyrus: Oh, did you put her in there?

Grady: No. I got her out of the van, she ran away from me for a second, then fell in. I went in to get her out.

Cyrus: You got stuck in there, right? I'm sorry, what part of this plan is supposed to make me think that you know what you're doing?

Grady: She came back for me, okay? People don't do that. They leave and leave you for dead and never come back. Well, they don't come back for me, anyway.

Cyrus: What? Lizzie Spaulding is not your friend, Grady. She's your hostage. The only reason she came back was so she could identify you to the police.

Grady: Now, how is it that no matter where you go in the world, complete strangers, people you're trying to frame, they all like you.

Cyrus: Gee, I don't know, Grady. Maybe because I charm them. Maybe because I talk to them. I listen to them. I don't just grab things like some wild animal. Listen to me, Lizzie Spaulding is your hostage, all right? She's going to make sure that you spend the rest of your life in prison, unless you get rid of her right now.

Grady: You're calling me a wild animal, and you want me to kill her?

Cyrus: Did I say kill her? Did I? Is that what I said? No. I said get rid of her, as in let her go. As in make sure the evidence disappears so there is no way to track it back to you. I'll take care of it. I'll drive her somewhere, I'll dump her off. I'll get rid of the van and make sure there's no evidence.

Grady: You'll take care of it because if I do it, I'll screw it up. Now, how am I supposed to get better at this if you won't let me try?

Cyrus: I don't want you to get better at this.

Grady: What? What? What do you want from me, Cyrus? You're no angel, and neither am I.

Cyrus: Well, you said yourself, you're hurt.

Grady: I'm all right.

Cyrus: I don't want to see you busted.

Grady: I can do this.

Cyrus: You make sure that you dump her somewhere where people can find her. And you make sure that you clean every inch of that van, all right? So there's so evidence. And you promise me, you call me if you need help.

Grady: Yeah. Sure. What are brothers for?

Marina: What is the international code for Greece?

Cassie: Marina, what are you doing?

Marina: I'm calling Harley. Remember her? She was your best friend.

Cassie: Are you calling to tell her that I slept with Cyrus? Because she already knows.

Marina: No! Cassie, I'm calling to commiserate with her, okay? To tell her I know how this feels. Or maybe, maybe I'm just calling her to tell her finally, finally you get what you deserve. I mean, finding out that your boyfriend is sleeping with your best friend probably isn't as bad as finding out that your fiancé is sleeping with your aunt, but I think it pretty much ranks right up there? Don't you think? Don't try to mother me, Cassie. God! You're the reason she can't come back. Cassie... oh, my God. That's why you and Josh broke up.

Cassie: What? No, it's not. No. One thing had nothing to do with the other.

Marina: Oh, no, no, I'm sure not. You have an affair with Cyrus, and then you get a divorce from Josh. And now stealing stereo equipment makes you feel lighter than air.

Cassie: Okay, Marina, I get that you're upset, but you are really taking this...

Marina: Upset? Cassie, you're running around with Cyrus, the guy whose brother killed your daughter. Did you ever stop for a second and think about what she'd think about that?

Cassie: Yeah. Every day I do. But I can't talk to Tammy. I thought I could, but I can't because she's dead. But I still think Tammy would want me to be happy for R.J.'s sake, for Will's sake, and, yes, for mine. And what about you?

Marina: What?

Cassie: What about you? Tammy was your friend. What would she say about you?

Marina: What about me? I'm not the one lying and stealing things and having affairs and lying to the cops.

Cassie: Fine. Well, if we're being honest here, Blake tells me that you bought a house with Mallet.

Marina: Oh, gee. Blake talks too much.

Cassie: So if you're moving into a new home with your new boyfriend, what are you doing here at your ex-boyfriend's? Obsessing over him. What's that about?

Marina: I think that Tammy would understand that I am trying to tell her mother to be careful.

Cassie: I have been careful. Careful doesn't get you anywhere. It didn't keep Tammy alive. It doesn't make you happy. And, yeah, maybe I should sit around and wonder what bad thing is going to happen next, but I can't live that way. And I don't think it's good for R.J., or for Will, or for me.

Bill: I hope that I'm getting across to you. Because the more I keep talking, the more you get to know me. The more you know that this is real. Lizzie is not just my business partner, she’s... loved. She's loved by so many. Her grandfather, her mother. She has a brother. She has a baby sister. Just a year old, but she already knows that she's not here. She has a daughter, Sarah. Maybe you know that, you son of a bitch.

Dinah: Bill...

Bill: Why don't you just-- tell us who you are. Tell us what you want. Come out. Come out. Because I'm going to tell you something: I'm going to find you. You cannot hide. I will find you, you coward. Come...

Dinah: All right, all right, all right, all right. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very stressful situation, obviously, and it is very difficult to stay calm. But that's what we need to do right now, is stay calm. For those of you who have Lizzie, and for those of us who want her back, because we want to make a deal. That's all we want. And this still can have a happy ending, but you have to keep Lizzie safe. We have set up a web site for you to contact us at And, please, talk to us because it all can still work out, all of it.

Mallet: You did good.

Dinah: Yeah?

Mallet: Yeah. You kept your cool. I'm proud of you. Unlike your brother, who did not keep his cool.

Dinah: Listen, I'm sorry if you're mad at me. I just thought maybe I needed to say...

Bill: I am not mad at you. You did the right thing. Thank you, really. Because I look at that picture, and I just, I lost it. I wanted to jump through that camera and strangle them. I couldn't act like I don't hate them. But you did, so thank you.

Dinah: Yeah. I'd do anything for you, anything.

Mallet: Do you want my opinion?

Bill: No.

Mallet: Well, you just weren't talking to the kidnappers there, Bill. You were talking to everybody. You were talking to all of the copycats, all of the nut jobs, and all of the police, so everybody knows now. As a matter of fact, I've already gotten many texts from Frank. Here is number three now. And yep, that's what I figured, see, the F.B.I.

Dinah: The F.B.I.?

Mallet: Yeah, because they handle kidnappings.

Dinah: You... you, you're handling this case.

Mallet: Well, yeah, I'll do what I can do, but I'm a beat cop. They're not going to listen to me.

Bill: I didn't ask for the F.B.I.

Mallet: Yes, you did. You just broadcast live. Of course you did. But don't worry about it. I mean, I know they have that reputation that they go in with guns blazing, but don't worry about it.

Dinah: Guns blazing. What are you talking about? Guns?

Mallet: It's just an expression. What it means is that they don't believe in unsolved mysteries, so, you know, rest easy. Trust me, Bill, they won't stop until they find Lizzie, and whoever did this, they'll lock them up.

Cyrus: So what's up? I got your message.

Cassie: Yeah, I just didn't want to leave it on your voicemail. I ran into Marina outside of your place. And she's still asking questions about the missing stereo equipment.

Cyrus: Well, we passed the lie detectors. Did she accuse you?

Cassie: No. Actually, she thinks I'm innocent, or she did, until I opened my big mouth and told her that we slept together... when you were with Harley. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things worse. I just figured she knew. I figured Harley would have told her or somebody in the family would have told her. I didn't mean to make this worse.

Cyrus: You didn't do this. I mean, I'm the one who stole the stereo equipment and put it in your barn. It's my fault.

Cassie: I think you're being a little hard on yourself.

Cyrus: Why? This is the same thing that I always do. You know, I care about someone, and then I put them in a situation where I can ruin their life.

Cassie: Okay, look, I'm a big girl. I make my own decisions. And, for the record, so does Harley, and so does Marina. All right, how about a beer? You look like you could use one.

Marina: (Sighs) You've got to be kidding.

Grady: You want some water?

Lizzie: I saved your life! I could have left you down there, but I didn't! I came back for you. I saved you, and you're doing this to me! What is wrong with you? What kind of man are you? Oh, right, I'm sorry. I forgot. You're the kind of man who doesn't talk. Right? What about your friend? The one who grabbed me. Does he talk? Is he the one in charge? Ow! No! Aahhhh!

Dinah: Well, it looks like the S.P.D. has a picture of Lizzie, and a hotline set up for any tips, which is probably a very good idea. I wonder if the F.B.I. is doing the same thing.

Bill: Hey, um... I'm just going to go out for a run, to clear my head, okay?

Dinah: All right. That sounds like a good idea. I'll keep everything under control.

Mallet: Marina? You home?

Never should have let you go

never should have let you go it's not the light's fault

just the same rather it's gone

make great friends in the daytime, we can make great love

before dawn if we get the chance and if my

friends are there leavin' you and I alone

Marina: Hi.

Mallet: Hi.

Marina: You got my invitation?

Mallet: I got your invitation. It's pretty crafty, using pieces of a photo.

Marina: Yeah. You know, I didn't really think I needed it anymore, so I decided to put it to better use. Come on in.

Mallet: A beer bucket? Nice.

Marina: Yeah. I thought you might like it. You can grab another.

Mallet: Yeah. So this invitation, says, "Meet me upstairs in the bedroom." Is Daisy spending the night over at Buzz's or something?

Marina: No.

Mallet: Is she over at Reva’s?

Marina: No. Daisy could come home any minute.

Mallet: Really? What's going on?

Marina: Life. My life. Our life.

Mallet: What about Daisy? What about these rules?

Marina: Rules are meant to be broken.

Mallet: Uh-huh. I said that this morning. How come that didn't work?

Marina: Well, because you left out one very important part.

Mallet: What?

Marina: Rules are meant to be broken with someone that you trust.

Mallet: So I guess that means you trust me.

Marina: Yeah, I trust you.

Mallet: So I guess that means we should break some rules.

Marina: Yeah.

Cassie: Wow. I lapped you. That never happens, not with anyone.

Cyrus: I don't get it. I don't know why you want me anywhere near your life.

Cassie: Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told Marina: You're fun. And I have fun when I'm with you. And when you're not around, I look forward to seeing you. And, believe me, since Tammy, it's the first time I'm not looking back.

Cyrus: But I could get you into so much trouble.

Cassie: Well, maybe that's exactly what I'm looking forward to. Hey. Hey, I'm not saying that I want to end up in jail with you or anything. I'm just saying I could use some more fun.

I got you on top of me girl

and I know I'm never gonna let you go

Bill: 2677 Maplewood. This is the place. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice, Lizzie.

Dinah: Yes, I'm sure it did come as a shock, Mr. Decker. That's why I was taking Bill's meetings. We wanted to tell you, but the police advised us to keep things quiet. No, no, I haven't actually decided to come with you to China. I haven't given that enough thought. I imagine that it is important, but I think that right now is not the right time. You know what? Can I give you a call back? Another client of mine is beeping in. Okay.

Grady: I see you got my text.

Dinah: Yeah. The kidnapper sent a message to the website, yeah, I saw that.

Grady: We're the kidnappers, remember?

Dinah: Oh.

Grady: You're not out of this one yet, partner.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: If you did not text my brother, then who did?

Bill: Hello, anyone home?

Grady: How the hell should I know? Maybe it's business. You got the money?

Dinah: Let's calmly put our heads together and think about what the next step is.

Grady: You get me the money, or I tell the F.B.I. all about you.

Bill: I will shoot your head off!

Dinah: If I go down, you go down, too.

Grady: I've got nothing to lose.

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