Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/23/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: I fired someone, and they started threatening me, so I hired Grady to talk to them, and the threats have stopped.
Cyrus: I just passed a lie detector test, and I know when someone is hedging the truth.
Bill: Where are you, Lizzie? What am I missing?
Cyrus: Hey. What are you doing here?
Cassie: I saw your car parked down the road.
Cyrus: So?
Cassie: So there is nothing down here except the Spaulding mansion. What, are you doing odd jobs for them, too?
Cyrus: Yeah, rusty hinges, that sort of thing.
Cassie: I've got to say, that polygraph, it kind of gave me a little thrill. I mean, I know it's wrong, but it's kind of fun.
Cyrus: It's kind of criminal. You'd better get going.
Cassie: How about you tell me what you're up to, and then I'll decide if I'm out... or in.
Lizzie: What are you doing? Why are we going somewhere? Why is the car moving? Can you tell me what we're doing? Do you have a plan?
Grady: Shut up!
Lizzie: You said that you were letting me go!
Grady: Just because you gave me some sob story.
Lizzie: It wasn't a sob story. I was trying to tell you know that I know what it feels like to be alone, just like you do.
Grady: You know me.
Lizzie: If you weren't going to hurt me, and you don't want to let me go, then what are you going to do with me?
Grady: Who says I won't hurt ya?
Lizzie: You know, I need food and fresh air. I am not worth anything to you dead! Did you even try to get money from my family? Did you? Did you screw it up? Is that why you were crying? Were you feeling sorry for yourself, because I can't blame you because my family pretty much throws money at anyone. So if you screwed that up, I don't know what to tell you.
Grady: Just shut up!
Lizzie: No. Wait, wait, wait. Please don't go! Please don't go! Agh! ( Beeping) Would you just talk to me? Just tell me what your plan is. What you're planning on doing. Do you have a plan? Please just talk to me!
Dinah: Hello, it's me. I'd like to know what is going on, like where the hell you are. Just don't forget who you work for, all right? Call me. Hey. Good morning.
Bill: Not really.
Dinah: Did you get any sleep last night?
Bill: Nah, because when I close my eyes, I just see Lizzie, you know? I just want a call, you know? I don't understand why this guy doesn't call me. He knows I have the money. He knows I'm good for it. He saw it.
Dinah: There could be a million reasons why you haven't heard anything. Okay? Just don't lose hope. All right?
Bill: Of course not. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out a way to get her back here. I thought I had something, and then I can't even remember. I can't even think straight right now. You know, I need to know something. It's the not knowing that is killing me right now.
Dinah: I know, I know, I know the feeling.
Bill: Huh?
Dinah: Being left in the dark, and just imaging the worst, I know.
Bill: You do understand.
Dinah: Yes. More than you know. Is there anything I can do to help?
Bill: You're doing it. You're doing it, and thank you. Thank you for everything that you've done. You know, it's like, I feel like I'm this close to getting her back, and then my mind takes me to a place I don't want to go, and...
Dinah: Hey, it's going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. Where are you going?
Bill: Um, I've got a meeting. It's important.
Dinah: A meeting?
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: Come on, you're upset. I know how much that deal meant to you and Lizzie.
Bill: It's about Lizzie. In fact, it came into my head at 4:00 in the morning.
Dinah: 4:00 in the morning? What are you talking about? I've got lots of thoughts at 4:00 in the morning.
Bill: I don't know why I didn't think about it before.
Dinah: Think about what?
Bill: Covington International.
Dinah: Never heard of them.
Bill: No?
Dinah: Uh-uh.
Bill: It's a British company. Up-and-comers. They thought they were a lock for the Macau deal, they wanted it very badly. Decker went with us.
Dinah: Okay. What are you saying?
Bill: This is what it was: They're thinking that Lizzie was the key to this whole deal. I'm telling you, Dinah, they arranged for her to be kidnapped, thought this presentation was going to flop, and they would swoop in and get the deal. They were not counting on the fact that I was able to pull this out on my own.
Dinah: You cannot accuse, you cannot accuse a legitimate corporation.
Bill: Listen to me. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. If it's just business, then why haven't they released her? Because they are covering their tracks. That's what is going on here. They're making it look like some run of the mill kidnapping so I don't go to Decker, tell him everything, and then we go public. I know this has to be...
Dinah: You cannot go to Decker with this.
Bill: ...This has to be it. There can be no... why?
Dinah: Because you can't, okay? You can't, you let me go.
Bill: You?
Dinah: What if you're wrong about Covington?
Bill: I'm not wrong. Listen to me. Listen to me. I am not wrong. It's business. It's ambitious, ruthless. I know everything there is about being ruthless and ambitious.
Dinah: If you are wrong, Decker will blame you. If I go, it comes from me, and it will be, oh, well, it's Dinah again.
Bill: You're right. In fact, you've been right a lot lately. Okay. Will you do this? Will you take the meeting, okay? Tell him everything that I told you. And we'll get the proof to back it up, and we'll get Lizzie back, okay?
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: Right. Thank you.
Dinah: Okay. (Telephone rings)
Bill: Bill Lewis.
Coroner: Mr. Lewis, I'm with the County Coroner's office. You called about a missing woman, about 5' 2", blonde...-
Bill: Yes.
Coroner: We have a Jane Doe here matching that description.
Bill: All right. I'll be right there.
Cyrus: You really shouldn't be here.
Cassie: So you are up to something.
Cyrus: Didn't we agree that hanging out with me is not a good idea for you or R.J.?
Cassie: Or for you. Is that it? Are you afraid I'm going to slow you down and get in your way?
Cyrus: No.
Cassie: Because, you know, whatever it is that you're involved with here, I can handle it. In fact, I'm sure I'd encourage it. I'm really not a fan of Alan’s.
Cyrus: I get that, but this is some...
Cassie: You know what? We could steal a stereo. We already know how to do that!
Cyrus: Cassie...
Cassie: What? You know what, we can mess with his car. Or we can replace all of his cigars with the fake ones that explode in your face.
Cyrus: Let me walk you back to your car.
Cassie: Or... you know, this is it: We can put tacks in his shoes. We can totally do that. It's got to be good for something other than just a polygraph. We can put them in his slippers, so when he wakes up in the morning...
Cyrus: Cassie.
Cassie: ...And he puts his feet in, can you imagine?
Cyrus: Cassie! Cassie!
Cassie: What? I'm just having fun.
Cyrus: Well, I'm not here for fun. I'm here for Grady. I'm trying to help my brother. Do you want in on that?
Lizzie: I love this song! And the girls say, and the boys say, put your hands down, everybody say! I'm going to keep on singing until you let me out of the truck or the van! Whatever we're in!
Grady: Hey! Be quiet, okay!
Lizzie: And I'm not going to stop singing!
Grady: Shut up!
Lizzie: The girls say! And the boys say! Throw your hands up! Everybody say! Hey! Everybody say. Put your hands up.
Grady: Shut up!
Lizzie: I can't move, and I have to be moving while I'm singing, okay?
Grady: Just shut up, for crying out loud, woman!
Lizzie: What?
Grady: Just sit, okay?
Lizzie: Did you finally realize that someone might hear me?
Grady: No one can hear you out here.
Lizzie: Someone who wants to hurt me would have let me fall on my face. You're not a monster. You are a real person who just messed up really big, okay? And you are making it worse every second you keep me here and keep me away from my family. No! Wait, come back! Don't leave me here!
Grady: You're getting out.
Lizzie: Stop! What are you doing? No, don't leave me out here. Don't leave me out here alone. Please don't leave me here by myself. Please, please, please, please, please.
Grady: Breathe!
Lizzie: What?
Grady: You're worth nothing to me dead, remember?
Lizzie: Right. Thanks.
Grady: Promise you won't try anything.
Lizzie: I'm not going to try anything. I knew my singing would win you over, though.
Grady: Yeah. Next time don’t.
Lizzie: I'm really hungry.
Grady: I'll get you some water.
Lizzie: Okay.
Cyrus: Cassie.
Cassie: Every time I hear his name.
Cyrus: That's why I asked you to leave.
Cassie: You know, I don't even want to know what it is you're doing to help him.
Cyrus: Well, I wouldn't tell you. Listen, I never asked you to let Grady into your life. But if you want to be in mine, he's part of it.
Cassie: And I thought I would be okay with that. I thought that I could look at you and not see Grady and be reminded of what I lost and what he took from me.
Cyrus: I can't keep apologizing for his mistakes.
Cassie: I don't expect you to. I keep telling myself that you're just this guy who has been helping me, and who loosens me up and makes me laugh when I need to. And that we're just friends. But... I think we both know that there is more to it than that. At least I do. And that if anything between us was ever to...
Dinah: Larry, it's nice to see you.
Larry: And you, too, Dinah. Where is Bill?
Dinah: A last-minute crisis. He couldn't make it.
Larry: We were going to finalize the budget. This is an important meeting to miss.
Dinah: Which is why he wanted to reschedule, but after I looked at the numbers, I assured him that the work would speak for itself, and that he didn't need to be here.
Larry: This could work.
Dinah: Well, we wanted to make sure that we kept this project on schedule. I took the liberty, even though it wasn't on the agenda, to do some research on how cultural changes are affecting new architecture in Macau, and I thought you might want to take a look.
Larry: You know, Bill should miss these meetings more often.
Dinah: Oh, I won't tell him you said that.
Lizzie: Ouch! (Screaming)
Grady: You okay? (Breathing heavily) I can't get her out. I can't get caught.
Cyrus: Grady is my brother, and whether he's here or a million miles away, and whether we're getting along or not, he's the only family that I've got. I haven't always been there for him, but I will be from now on. That's just a fact of my life.
Cassie: I don't know what to do about that.
Cyrus: We've only known each other a few years. We've been friends for less than that. We could just walk away from each other.
Cassie: Well, it seems likely, but every time we try, it doesn't stick. And I keep trying to let go of the pain of losing my daughter and do what everybody tells me to do, and just remember the good things, and I do, but that doesn't make the pain go away of Grady and... he's your family, and Tammy’s mine. And you have Grady, and I...
Cyrus: I can't truly understand what you're going through. And I-- and I'm sad that you're so sure that you always feel so much pain, but I can't blame you for holding onto it.
Cassie: It's not like I want to.
Cyrus: I know.
Cassie: I guess I shouldn't have come here.
Cyrus: It's better that you go. And just let me do what I have to do.
Cassie: What you have to do?
Cyrus: You can't understand what I'm going through either.
Cassie: Can anybody?
Cyrus: Probably not.
Cassie: So how did two people ever...
Cyrus: You're asking the wrong guy.
Lizzie: Hello? Is anybody out there? Hello!
Grady: Hey, I haven't seen Lizzie in a few days. Did you two get back together?
Bill: What?
Grady: Are you okay?
Dinah: To Macau. To the new, the next, I'm not going to even compare it to anything else. This project is going to put Macau on the map like its never been before.
Larry: And here I thought I was in for a boring budget meeting. I'm sorry that Bill and Lizzie didn't include you in our dealings sooner.
Dinah: Well, me, too.
Larry: I've got to tell you, their conduct has been cause for concern. Bill has been totally preoccupied since the presentation.
Dinah: You know what, he has, because he is securing investors and raising public interest.
Larry: Public interest in the Macau project, or public interest in Bill Lewis?
Dinah: In Macau, I assure you.
Larry: And Lizzie Spaulding, I am disappointed. I've known her grandfather forever. I've always wanted a working relationship with Spaulding, but it's as if she's disappeared. And I regret that I didn't see how capable you are a long time ago, Dinah.
Dinah: Well, a lot of people have made that mistake before.
Larry: And I bet they've lived to regret it. (Laughter) And, of course, there is the added bonus... how beautiful you are.
Dinah: Oh, thank you very much.
Larry: Have you ever been to China?
Dinah: Well, um, I look forward to going some day.
Larry: How about next week?
Dinah: Next week?
Larry: Yeah. I have some more meetings over there. We can fly over in my jet. The suite I stay in, well, you'd think you were in a palace, if you've ever wanted to be treated like a princess.
Dinah: Well, I've actually been a princess. (Laughter) Seriously, I have.
Larry: No, no, I don't doubt it. It's part of your charm. You're a straight-shooter. I like that. So, China, what to you think? Do some business, we'll talk, roll... it will be a good time.
Dinah: Well, it sounds like it.
Larry: And you deserve it, now that I see how hard you've been toiling behind the scenes on this project. You may just be this project's unsung hero.
Dinah: Well, I do have several responsibilities here. So I may not be able to get away.
Larry: Oh, I understand. I just hope you think about it.
Dinah: How can I not?
(Knock on the door)
Daisy: Oh, hey. Um... Mallet and Marina aren't home, so.
Cassie: I actually came to see you.
Daisy: Oh, what about?
Cassie: Grady.
Daisy: Okay, look, I can't talk about him with you again. I just...
Cassie: It's really not going to be like that.
Daisy: Look, we broke up, okay? And everyone was right about him. I'm sorry. I should have listened. I'm sorry about what happened in court, but I really can't talk about him anymore.
Cassie: Daisy, please. I just want to ask you a few questions.
Lizzie: Hello! Is anyone out there? I'm in here! Hello! Hello! I thought you left me here to die.
Grady: Yeah, so...
Lizzie: Why did you come back?
Grady: You hurt?
Lizzie: No. No thanks to you.
Grady: Okay. Bye.
Lizzie: No! Wait, wait, wait!
Grady: I came back for you.
Lizzie: I know. I'm grateful, okay? No more singing. I promise.
Grady: Or dancing?
Lizzie: Fine.
Dinah: Who let you in?
Cyrus: Oh, I just, I found Lizzie’s dog wandering the streets. He must have gotten out.
Dinah: She.
Cyrus: What?
Dinah: He's a she, Roxy.
Cyrus: Right. How long has she been missing?
Dinah: What?
Cyrus: How long has the dog been missing?
Dinah: Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure. Cyrus, look, I am super busy right now.
Cyrus: Okay.
Dinah: Who let you in again?
Cyrus: One of the housekeepers. You know, I used to live here. I'm kind of a favorite with the staff.
Dinah: So why are you still here? You looking for a reward?
Cyrus: No. I just returned the dog, and the housekeeper is going to get me some iced tea.
Dinah: Look, you should go. I have a lot to do.
Cyrus: Okay. Just point me in Lizzie’s direction so I can tell her that her dog is safe and sound.
Dinah: She's not here.
Cyrus: Oh, she's probably searching for the dog. Well, I'll call her just to make sure she knows.
Dinah: You don't have to do that. I'll make sure that she gets her. I can handle that.
Cyrus: I want to make sure you do because I lost a dog once when I was a kid. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. It's awful. She will be relieved when she gets home.
Dinah: Yeah. Thank you.
Cyrus: No problem. Didi?
Dinah: Yes?
Cyrus: Nothing.
Bill: It's not her. It's not her. It's not her.
Daisy: Sorry. I'm a little nervous.
Cassie: You know, I'm not, I'm not here to judge you. I'm really not. I realize that I kind of understand you and Grady. I mean, I have fallen for the wrong guy, too.
Daisy: Look, I never, I never meant to hurt you but, I mean, if you had seen the way he and I were together before either of us came to town.
Cassie: Well, I don't really want to know about that.
Daisy: Okay. I'm just, I'm just saying, we were actually good for each other, if you can believe that.
Cassie: I can't, but I don't really want to know about that.
Daisy: Okay, well then, you know what? Just believe this: I was alone and he was alone, and we got together, and I was ready to take risks for him, big, stupid risks. And the minute that you told me that, you know, he set Rafe up, it was over. Because, I mean, the only reason that I stayed with him was because I really believed he had changed after the accident, and he didn’t. And maybe he never will.
Cassie: So the bottom line is, you're better off without him.
Daisy: So why do you want to talk about him now?
Cassie: I don't know, really. I guess I just feel like it's something I have to do. And you seem to be able to put him out of your mind.
Daisy: I'm still trying.
Cassie: Well, every time I tried, someone, I mean, something reminds me, and it hurts all over again. And... have you heard from him lately?
Daisy: Um... he calls me sometimes, but it's mostly him talking and me trying to get off the phone.
Cassie: When was the last time he called?
Daisy: A few days ago. It was bad.
Cassie: Why was it bad?
Daisy: Because he sounded like he got himself into another mess, and I don't know exactly what he was looking for from me. If he wanted help or just someone to talk to, but whatever he needed, I couldn't give it to him, so...
Cassie: And that's it?
Daisy: Pretty much.
Cassie: Is there something else?
Daisy: Just that after I hung up, it's just still so hard. I still wish that I could give him what he needed.
Grady: Get on.
Lizzie: I'm not even close.
Grady: Reach!
Lizzie: Aahhh! Got it. Aahhh!
Grady: Ahhhhhh! Hey, get me out! Hey, I'm hurt, huh? Where are you going! Hey, come back!
Cyrus: A match. Grady, what did you do?
Dinah: Hey.
Bill : Hey.
Dinah: The meeting with Decker went very well. He vouched for Covington, so you can rule them out. You can rule them out. There's nothing to worry about.
Bill: Nothing to worry about.
Dinah: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I meant that...
Bill: No, look, I know what you meant, okay? I just, I went over to the morgue. They called me and they said they had a body that matched Lizzie’s description. And... it wasn't her. It wasn't her, but, you know, he unzipped the bag, and I prayed I didn't see her face.
Dinah: Oh, my God.
Bill: I know she's alive, and I know she's out there. You know? But every day that goes by, the next time that phone rings... I don't even want to think about it. I've got to find her.
Dinah: Where are you going?
Bill: I'm going to find the people who did this.
Grady: Aahhh! I thought, I thought you were going to leave me here.
Lizzie: Here to die? Welcome to my world. I don't know where I am.
Grady: Map quest it, bitch!
Lizzie: You call me that one more time, and I will leave you down here to die!
Grady: What?
Lizzie: Can you climb?
Grady: What?
Lizzie: You're hurt. I have a rope. Can you climb? I can tie it to a tree and-- but then it's done, because by the time you even get out, I need to be long gone.
Grady: I thought you said you were lost.
Lizzie: Well, I'm found. Just answer the question: Can you climb or not?
Grady: Yeah, I can climb.
Lizzie: Okay. Toss up your mask.
Grady: Go to hell!
Lizzie: I am already there. Do you want this? I will not help you unless I see your face. Take off the mask or you can rot down there.
Grady: Aahhhhh!
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: Where's Lizzie?
Grady: Don't talk so loud.
Cyrus: She's going to make sure that you spend the rest of your life in prison, unless you get rid of her right now.
Lizzie: Aahhhhh!
Cyrus: She's in a much better place. In God's loving arms.
Dinah: You didn’t.
Cyrus: Don't worry, I've covered my tracks. No one is ever going to find that body.
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