Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/21/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Woman: Are you here for your daughter?
Reva: I thought having a baby was a gift.
Lillian: Well, it is.
Reva: I'm in my second trimester.
Woman: No, I mean, did you use supplements, injections?
Reva: I feel like a freak. Jeffrey, did you bring the maple...
Olivia: Hello, Mr. Decker. No. Of course. I'm sorry. Larry... no, I don't mind being put on hold. You're my boss, right? Yeah, I'm looking forward to the webcam broadcast. I'm going over all the information on Galaxy, and it sounds really exciting. And Emma... Emma is so excited to be a part of it, too. So it's all we can think about. What? No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm just taking notes, because I want to take all of this in. So, um... it's an opportunity of a lifetime. Right. All right, then. I'll talk to you soon. (Knocking on the door ) Oh, great. What now? Dr. Rick!
Rick: Yes.
Olivia: This is a house call. I am so honored.
Rick: You love that. Hello.
Olivia: Yes, yes, yes.
Rick: You shouldn't be honored, because you are the worst patient I have ever had. You should be in a hospital bed now. What are you thinking? Are you crazy?
Olivia: All right, shh! My daughter is in the other room. I don't want her upset.
Rick: Oh, we don't want to upset your child. Would you rather have her find you on the floor, passed out or possibly dead?
Olivia: Okay, you're being awfully dramatic.
Rick: No, I'm not.
Olivia: I'm not the runaway patient here, okay? I just have a few things I need to take care of before I check in. I don't want people to notice that I'm M.I.A., okay?
Rick: So they don't notice that you're not... that's a good strategy.
Olivia: Rick, when I was sick before, people acted all weird toward me. They got all nice and concerned.
Rick: Yeah, you don't want people nice.
Olivia: Oh, stop it.
Rick: No, that's not good.
Olivia: You know what I'm talking about. They get nosy and condescending and intrusive-- kind of like you're being right now.
Rick: Uh-huh.
Olivia: I just want to get things in order so things will run smoothly while I'm in. It won't take long, okay?
Rick: I'm fine standing out here, by the way. So the strategy here is that you just want to give the appearance of having your life in control? Is that right? I'll bet that works. Don't you have a friend? Don't you have somebody out there who could, you know, look after you, like Natalia?
Olivia: Natalia and Buzz are the only two people who know I'm not feeling well besides you.
Rick: They're both good people. They're both good people. Why don't you have Natalia hang out with you? She seems like a good person.
Olivia: You know, the only reason she knows anything is because she has this annoying habit of walking in on me when I'm laid out. Why don't I take away her pass key?
Rick: I thought you guys were friends.
Olivia: I need you to be my friend, Dr. Rick. Be my friend. Cut me some slack, and I promise you, I will come over to the hospital before you're off duty. I will be a much better patient when I have all these things taken care of.
Rick: This is your last chance, your last chance, and then I will cause a lot of commotion.
Olivia: I'll come over to the hospital soon. Soon. I'll be over there soon.
Rick: Okay.
Olivia: Thanks for coming by, Dr. Rick.
Rick: Thanks for inviting me in. Appreciate it.
Olivia: Bye. (Coughs)
Felicia: I mean it. No mayo. The last time I was here, they messed up... there is no nobody here for 25 minutes.
Remy: This is not the way I wanted to start the day.
Mel: Well, if you would've returned any of my phone calls, I could have warned you.
Remy: You can't talk on the phone in the library, Mel.
Mel: Yeah, and... well, speaking of, I thought I was supposed to be studying with you. What happened?
Felicia: The food is finally on its way. We should have gone to Towers.
Remy: I like it here.
Felicia: That's fine, honey. I just want you rested and well-fed and ready for those MCATs.
Mel: Mom, don’t.
Felicia: What? I didn't say the test was going to be easy. I just said I wanted him to be ready for it.
Mel: Well, you have nothing to worry about, because I've been prepping Remy myself, and he's more than ready.
Felicia: Good. So, to the next Boudreau doctor. It's in the bag. Come on. What's wrong, sweetheart?
Remy: They're just tests, Ma. I know it's a challenge. But you can do it. What's wrong with you? Oh, no, no, no. This is not what I ordered.
Natalia: Oh, what is...
Remy: No, no, no.
Mel: It's fine.
Remy: It's no big deal. I think this is mine...
Mel: And this is mine, yeah.
Natalia: I'm so sorry. That won't happen again.
Mel: Don't worry about it.
Felicia: We should've gone to Towers.
Remy: Mom, you stop!
Felicia: Why?
Remy: You're so snotty!
Mel: Because it's food.
Remy: You've got your food. Just relax.
Felicia: This was wrong.
Remy: This is not...
Felicia: How am I wrong?
Remy: Mom, they were just different on the table.
Mel: Shh. It's fine.
Buzz: Natalia, are you okay?
Natalia: Yeah. I just mixed up their orders.
Buzz: I've never seen you do that before.
Natalia: Yeah.
Buzz: Is it Rafe?
Natalia: I'm trying to be positive, though. I am. I'm marking off the days on the calendar, you know, seeing how far we have come.
Buzz: It's hard not to look at how far you have to go, I guess, huh?
Natalia: Yeah. I just need some good news, you know, about anything would be nice. You know, I left my letter on the thing that I... I wrote a letter to Rafe. I have to mail it. (Sound of truck outside)
Buzz: That's the truck with pumpkins. It's for Halloween. I'll mail the letter for you.
Natalia: Will you?
Buzz: It's good you're writing to him.
Natalia: Yeah, well, he's my son.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Okay, just tell me what you've got. Blackwood forest. Okay. That big pine tree? You got this from Bill? Well, if there is any way that we can track down the kidnappers, I'll find it. Yeah, well, the only reason I'm doing this is because Lizzie is like family to Reva. You know how I feel about you, right? Yeah. I'm doing this for Reva. Oh, yeah, and if you insist on money, I'm sure I can find some place to donate it. Bye, Alan.
Josh: Am I interrupting something?
Reva: Uh, no, no. It’s... I was just... I was expecting Jeffrey is all.
Josh: Can I come in?
Reva: Yes, please. Of course. How is Shayne?
Josh: Shayne looks great.
Reva: Oh, good.
Josh: In fact, he looks better than he has any right to, considering the kind of work he's doing right now. Wow.
Reva: What?
Josh: Well, I guess you must be really missing our boy, huh?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah. I'm worried sick about him all the time.
Josh: You taking a little trip down memory lane? I believe I bought this for you way back when you were pregnant with Shayne. Isn't that right?
Felicia: Is something wrong with your food?
Remy: The food is fine.
Felicia: You know, sweetheart, there is no shame in admitting to a mistake. I don't know where your generation gets that from. Your father and I talk about that all the time.
Mel: Are you kidding? Dad?
Felicia: You don't think your father can admit to a mistake?
Remy: Since when?
Felicia: Well, putting a bid in on Harley’s house-- that one comes to mind.
Mel: Will he admit it, that he made a mistake? I mean, he said, "I made a mistake"?
Felicia: It was a bad deal.
Mel: Yeah, well, funny, I thought the mistake was actually buying a house for his two grown children who can make decisions on their own. Listen, Mom, I don't know if he's ever going to learn, but, look, when he left Rem alone, he said he wanted to become a doctor. He made that choice all on his own.
Felicia: Well, that's good to know. Left to your own devices, you do come up with some good decisions.
Mel: Amen to that.
Remy: Excuse me.
Felicia: Wait a minute. Come back here. Where are you going?
Mel: Wait, Mom. Just let him go. Let him go. (Crashing sounds)
Natalia: So sorry.
Buzz: You're losing it. Oh, hey, you got a call. You got a call from Cedars.
Natalia: Oh. I was just looking for another shift over there.
Buzz: Another shift? Look, I appreciate, you know, work ethic as much as anybody else, but, you know, enough is enough. Come on.
Natalia: No, no. I have to work more. I have to save more money for Rafe.
Buzz: If you need more money, come to me. I've got money.
Natalia: Thank you, Buzz. I'll keep that in mind.
Buzz: There is a limit to how much a person can do.
Natalia: No. You know what? For Rafe, there is no limit. I mean, obviously, I was willing to do whatever with that sleazy Vince Russo.
Buzz: Well, thank God you didn't do that.
Natalia: Yeah. But I still would. He's my son.
Buzz: The kid's going to be okay.
Natalia: No, he says he's okay. But you know what? I've decided I'm going to get him a new attorney.
Buzz: You know, you can't appeal a plea bargain.
Natalia: No, you can’t. But you can appeal the length of the sentence or the facility. See? I've been doing my online research. The problem is, by the time I can afford a new lawyer, Rafe will be out. Sorry.
We all got our plans think of the best...
Olivia: Hi. There you go. Is this a school project? Oh, wow. What is it? Is this me? Oh, my gosh.
Emma: The "G" stands for Galaxy.
Olivia: I love it. I love it. What was your assignment?
Emma: To be what we want to be when we grow up.
Olivia: Draw what you want to do when you grow up? You want to be me?
Emma: A business mongrel.
Olivia: I think they call it "Mogul," but that’s... we can be mongrels, too. And, yes, you can be anything you want to be.
Emma: Will you help me?
Olivia: Of course I will. But you know what? In case I can't be there for some reason...
Emma: Why wouldn't you be here?
Olivia: Well, you know, us business mongrels, we travel a lot. But I think of you wherever I am. And you'll always have me right here.
Emma: I like you better here.
Olivia: Me, too.
Jeffrey: All right. I'm at the pine tree where Bill said that the exchange went down. Okay, I've found a sealed plastic bag with a blonde lock of hair in it. It absolutely could be Lizzie Spaulding’s.
Josh: This is just taking me back in time. That's all. That's something.
Reva: So how are you? And how is Shayne? How was Afghanistan? What was that like?
Josh: First of all, Shayne is fantastic, and he's done with his stint in Afghanistan.
Reva: He's coming home?
Josh: No. He's already back in Bosnia.
Reva: That's our boy, saving the world, one country at a time.
Josh: Yeah. I could use a beer.
Reva: Are you sure? I could probably scrounge up some sacred wine for you.
Josh: (Laughing) No. Beer is fine, thank you. My days of changing water into wine are pretty much over.
Reva: You really are leaving the ministry, huh?
Josh: Well, I'm in the process, yeah. You know, part of the new plan.
Reva: And you figured this all out in Afghanistan?
Josh: Yeah, most of it. You know, when you're in an entirely different place, and people there don't know who you are...
Reva: Well, except for your own son.
Josh: That's true, yes, but he had a pretty full schedule, so I was alone a lot. And even when I was around people, most of them didn't speak English.
Reva: It sounds lonely.
Josh: Sometimes it was. But it was also freeing. You know, it was... it gave me the time and the space that I needed to figure out who I want to be at this point in my life.
Reva: Not a minister?
Josh: Not a minister, no. Although I don't regret trying. It just wasn't me.
Reva: Well, then, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Josh: I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Reva: Cheers.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Now, are you not going to join me here?
Reva: Actually, there are way too many carbs in that. My trainer would have a cow.
Josh: Your trainer?
Reva: Yes. I have a trainer at the gym, and she's very strict.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: You really do look fantastic, though. I guess world travel agrees with you.
Josh: I appreciate you're saying that. It's funny, I just ran into Dinah. She said the same thing to me. Maybe I should have stayed and not come back.
Reva: Don't say that.
Josh: It's really good to see you, Reva. I wasn't sure if... you know, after everything that went down at your wedding, if you would want to see me.
Reva: You really were an ass at the wedding.
Josh: Yes, I was.
Reva: And it would be great to think that that's not going to...
Josh: It's not going to happen again. I promise.
Reva: Good.
Josh: How's Jeffrey?
Reva: He's great. We had a really wonderful honeymoon, but, you know...
Josh: It's okay. It's okay. I'm truly glad you're happy. And look at you. You're a newlywed. You're practically glowing.
Reva: Am I?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Well. Who knows, maybe that’s... maybe that's because I finally realized, you know, that I'm meant to be an old married lady.
Josh: You will never be old, Reva.
Reva: Thank you. I need to hear that, because I'm feeling just a little bit vulnerable today.
Josh: Good.
Reva: Good?
Josh: I was kind of waiting for you to bring it up.
Reva: What?
Josh: Your health. When I left for Afghanistan, you still didn't know... Reva, I may not be your husband, but I'm still me, and you can talk to me about anything. I hope you know that.
Reva: Come on, Bud. Let's take a walk.
Mel: Hey.
Remy: You following me?
Mel: I work here.
Remy: Not today.
Mel: I know what you're feeling.
Remy: You do?
Mel: Yeah. The pressure, second-guessing...
Remy: I'm not afraid of failing, Mel.
Mel: I think you're afraid of succeeding.
Remy: So who are you trying to be, Mom or Dad?
Mel: I am playing the role of the bossy older sister. But I get it, you know. No more hiding out at poker games, no more blaming the world for what happened to Ava and the baby. It's all on you. But before you take this test, you better be ready to pass another one first.
Remy: Sure thing, Doc.
Mel: Are you ready to start over?
Buzz: Okay, here it is: Pancakes, sauerkraut, and pickles.
Jeffrey: That's me.
Buzz: Yeah. Well, I figured it was for Reva, you know, assuming you're not one of those kinds of husbands.
Jeffrey: You know what? You better throw some strawberry ice cream in there while you're at it. You never know these days. That should cover it.
Buzz: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Keep the change.
Buzz: Yes.
Jeffrey: Okay? Hey.
Olivia: Hi. You know, for me it was pork chops and vanilla pudding.
Jeffrey: I would have loved to have seen that.
Olivia: Actually, I meant with Emma. Yeah. With Ava, I honestly don't remember what I ate.
Jeffrey: Well, whatever you did, you did something right, because she is as beautiful as her mother.
Olivia: I miss her.
Jeffrey: Me, too.
Olivia: She would love to be here and do all of this stuff with you. I mean, I'm assuming you stay in touch with her, right? You're telling her everything...
Jeffrey: Well, I mean, I e-mail her every day.
Olivia: Does she answer you?
Jeffrey: Sometimes. But I know... I know it's going to take both of us to help her get back on track. What? Did she say something to you?
Olivia: No, no. You just reminded me that Ava is my life, and Emma, too. I need you to promise me something.
Buzz: Sorry.
Jeffrey: Go on.
Olivia: Nothing. Nothing. I'm just... I can count on you. I know that. You better get that to Reva before the ice cream melts.
Rick: Are you really applying for another job?
Natalia: Yeah. Well, I got excited. I heard that they were hiring for support staff for the midnight shift.
Rick: Well, as much as I enjoyed walking you over here, I wanted to talk to you about a mutual friend of ours who's acting like a child, Olivia.
Natalia: Oh, yeah, Olivia. Well, you know, she's right in there. You can talk to her yourself.
Rick: I tried. I tried. She's not going to check herself into the hospital until she takes care of some business first, whatever that means.
Natalia: Well, her priorities are a little hard to understand sometimes.
Rick: Well, you know, she seems to trust you, so maybe you could give it a try.
Natalia: Oh, I don't know about that. I don't know.
Rick: Look, Natalia, we need to get her in the hospital right now. I mean, the clock is ticking, and that heart of hers is not going to hold up unless she, you know, takes care of it. And she's not doing that. Please.
Natalia: Yeah. I'll see what I can do.
Reva: I love it when the weather's cooler.
Josh: You're not going to tell me, are you? You're going to make me ask you.
Reva: What?
Josh: Reva, I've been worried about you. The whole time I was away, I was worried about you. I wanted to talk to you about the cancer. But I didn't want to do it in an e-mail. I thought about telephoning or a video conference, but the connections are all bad, and I didn't want to get interrupted halfway through. So I waited until I got back. And now I'm back, so I'm asking you: What's up with the cancer? And no secrets this time, okay?
Reva: No secrets. It's not cancer. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health.
Josh: Thank you, God! I was really worried about you.
Reva: You didn't say anything to Shayne, did you?
Josh: No, I didn’t. You asked me not to.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: This is just... it's great news. I feel like we're all being given a second chance or something.
Reva: You seem really happy.
Josh: What, that you're not sick? Of course I'm happy.
Reva: No, no, no. More than that. You!
Josh: I am, I guess. The trip was great, and this decision to leave the ministry was... it's important. I feel lighter.
Reva: Like you're not carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Josh: Yeah, something like that. I guess so.
Reva: Well, maybe it's time for somebody else to do that, you know? Like me. Well, maybe not the whole world-- just one person.
Josh: Jeffrey?
Reva: Oh, yeah, him, too. This isn’t... this isn't just nostalgia. It's, um... it's a baby. It's a baby. I'm pregnant. (Laughing)
Frank: You looking for Marina?
Remy: What? Oh, no. No.
Frank: You missed us, didn't you? It took you long enough.
Remy: I was just thinking about, you know, when I signed up and joining the academy. It wasn't the bugs or the snakes or the ten-mile hikes. It was... it was just you yelling in my ear.
Frank: What the hell are you talking about?
Remy: It's nothing. It's something my sister was saying.
Frank: It's not too late to come back, you know.
Remy: To be a cop?
Frank: Look, Remy, I know when Tammy died that you went a little ballistic, okay? It's okay, because I've had it happen to Marina, I bet a thousand times worse.
Remy: No, you wouldn't, not Frank. You're a good guy.
Frank: And you know what? And so are you. Can I tell you a little secret?
Remy: Okay.
Frank: In the old days-- when I say "old," I mean, like, kind of back in the '80’s.
Remy: Yeah, I know. I saw the pictures. I dig the mullet.
Frank: You liked the mullet?
Remy: I love the mullet.
Frank: I ran a chop shop.
Remy: You stole cars?
Frank: Well, I didn't really steal the cars. I kind of received them, and then I chopped them up, and then I sold the parts.
Remy: Why?
Frank: Because I was young, and I needed the money. And I was raising Harley all by myself. And I was damn good at it, too. But through that whole experience, I kind of learned something, and that was that, well, you know, bad guys always aren't entirely bad, and good guys aren't entirely always good.
Remy: Okay. But don't you get tired of people depending on you?
Frank: Are you kidding me? That's the best part of the job.
Remy: Not for me.
Frank: Now, wait a minute. Are you kidding? Come on, I don't believe that for one second. Wait a minute. This is the guy, about a month ago, at Company delivered a baby to a complete stranger.
Remy: If I didn't, you would have.
Frank: That's not the point. The point is that you did that, and that she counted on you, just like Ava did and Tammy and...
Remy: All right, don't bring up Tammy, okay?
Frank: Okay. What about my daughter?
Remy: Marina? She has you. She has Mallet.
Frank: Well, you know what? Sometimes she doesn't want to talk to me and she doesn't want to talk to Mallet, who does she come to? She goes to you. She counts on you, just like your sister and your niece. Do I need to keep going on here? Look, even though you're not wearing the badge right now, you're one of the good guys, Remy.
Natalia: All right, I don't have time for your crap, lady.
Olivia: Gee, the service here is terrible.
Natalia: I am working my butt off just to get through the day and help my son. And I'm supposed to worry about you, too?
Olivia: I didn't know you cared.
Natalia: Everything is funny with you, because there's something wrong with your head, too, really. You have a chance at a life and seeing your little daughter every day, and you're playing around with that?
Olivia: I'm not playing.
Natalia: If you're not going to take care of yourself, really, then just die already, because I have other things to worry about. And I'm done. I don't care whose heart you have.
Olivia: Are you really going to make a woman with a heart condition chase after you?
Natalia: See, again, not funny!
Olivia: Oh, come on, give me a break. I mean, we're friends, right?
Natalia: You don't have any friends.
Olivia: I know-- I mean, not many. But I have you now.
Natalia: I work for you. I know you're sick. And that's our connection.
Olivia: That's not true. We check up on each other, and we tell each other the truth. And I watch Dr. Phil, so I know that means we're friends. Oh, come on. I like difficult people.
Natalia: See, more joking.
Olivia: You get my jokes.
Natalia: I don't think you're funny. Why are you messing around with your health?
Olivia: I'm going to go to Cedars. I will. I just have things I need to take care of first. That's why I'm here.
Natalia: Okay. I can help you with Emma.
Olivia: Thank you. I don't need help with her. I need help with my other baby, Natalia, the Beacon.
Natalia: What about Cassie?
Olivia: Cassie's going to cover some things, but I need somebody physically there to represent me, you know, to protect my interests.
Natalia: We talked about this before.
Olivia: I know, and you thought you couldn't do it because of your pride, and you thought it was a handout...
Natalia: No. Actually, you stormed off before I could even answer you.
Olivia: Listen to me. This isn't a favor for you. I'm asking for me. I need help. I need you to help me, please.
Reva: Say something.
Josh: You're pregnant?
Reva: Yeah. Imagine how I felt. And Jeffrey. I mean, one second he's racing around in that little sports car of his, and the next minute he's being told he's got to come up with baby names.
Josh (stammering): I didn't think you could get pregnant.
Reva: Neither did I.
Josh: So how did this happen?
Reva: Well, from what I understand, one of the medications I was taking for my cancer, and those hormones, it just kind of reversed my biological clock.
Josh: I see. And you and Jeffrey, are you guys... are you happy about this?
Reva: Well, it's not like we were really expecting anything like this. And, you know, my track record as a mom isn't all that great.
Josh: Reva...
Reva: No, really. You know. I mean, I drove off that bridge and left you alone to raise Marah and Shayne.
Josh: You were dealing with post-partum depression. It's a disease.
Reva: I know that. I know. And it's just that this pregnancy, it’s... and it's not just the hormones. It's a miracle. You got to raise our kids. But me and Jeffrey, I mean, it's like we're being given a second chance.
Josh: Listen to me. You may not have been a perfect mother any more than I was a perfect father. But you were a great mother. And all of your kids, they all know how much you love them.
Reva: You think they do?
Josh: I do, yes. And I'll tell you something else I think. You were right what you said before. This baby is a miracle. And you don't knock miracles. You wrap your arms around them, and you embrace them. Congratulations!
Reva: (Laughing)
Josh: Come here.
Jeffrey: Pancakes and sauerkraut, anybody?
Reva: Hey, you. Look who's back in town.
Jeffrey: How's Shayne?
Reva: That's what we were just talking about, Shayne and Afghanistan...
Josh: And babies! Congratulations.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Josh: You take care of them now, both of them.
Jeffrey: I will.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Hey, you should stay for dinner, really. I still have a million questions about Shayne.
Josh: I appreciate that, but, you know, pancakes and sauerkraut, not really my thing.
Jeffrey: Well, we also have strawberry ice cream and pickles.
Josh: No thank you. But I do have about 500 pictures of Shayne, so...
Reva: And I'd like to see each and every one of them.
Josh: Okay. I'm happy for you, both of you. I really am. Take care now.
Reva: Okay. Grab your coat.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: Relieved?
Reva: I am. And he was okay with it.
Jeffrey: I'm glad to hear that.
Woman: Hey, you're Mel Boudreau's brother, right? You're on my list for the MCATS. Do you need a ride over there?
Olivia: I told you, it's handled, as in handled. It's the Beacon wedding planner. She's a little high-strung. You have to be firm with her, okay?
Natalia: If I take the job.
Olivia: Just stop with the "ifs." Just say yes.
Natalia: Well, you haven't heard my conditions yet.
Olivia: You have conditions?
Natalia: Yes. You have to check yourself into Cedars immediately.
Olivia: I think that's the whole idea.
Natalia: And what about the staff, though? I mean, I know the wedding planner, she knows me as a housekeeper. Everybody knows me as a housekeeper. So, what, I'm supposed to be like their manager now, like their boss?
Olivia: Okay, I'm the boss. I will sit them down, and I will tell them to listen to you.
Natalia: No! You're going to the hospital right now! So I'll make it work somehow... and hopefully...
Olivia: Oh, just grow a backbone. I mean, really, how can you stand there and lecture me about my life and fighting for it when you just roll over like a scared kitten. Why don't you take a chance? This is a chance to improve your life, to improve your son's life, to help him. So just say yes already. Or you know what? Say no, because I'll hire somebody else. I just need the help. I don't care anymore. I don't want to waste any more...
Natalia: What? What, what, what? What's the matter? Olivia, is it your heart? Olivia?
Buzz: The back way?
Remy: I had to make sure the coast is clear, you know?
Buzz: Are we running away from home?
Remy: Something like that.
Buzz: A little old for that, aren't you?
Natalia: Buzz! Olivia!
Remy: What happened?
Natalia: I don't know. We were sitting and talking, and then she just... she just stopped. Rick said that her body is rejecting the heart, and she was supposed to check into the hospital today.
Buzz: Oh, my God.
Remy: Buzz, call 9-1-1. No, use a land line. The address will come up quicker.
Natalia: Is she going to be okay?
Remy: I don't know. There's no pulse.
Natalia: What?
Remy: I don't know, the ambulance might not come in time.
Natalia: Olivia! Olivia! You better not give up, okay? On Ava or Emma or me!
Reva: Hey, I just vacuumed. If I track mud in on this... wait a minute. My boots aren't muddy. Why are yours?
Jeffrey: I did what you said, Reva.
Reva: Meaning?
Jeffrey: Meaning, you know, you said you wanted this to be a "what the hell" pregnancy, and you wanted me to live my life, remember?
Reva: Yeah, of course. So what does that mean?
Jeffrey: That means that I got a job.
Reva: You have a job.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I got another job, kind of a special job, and it's working for Alan.
Reva: As in Spaulding?
Jeffrey: Mm-hmm. I'm not doing it for him, Reva. I'm doing it for you.
Reva: For me?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: Oh, yeah, sure, of course. Lizzie-- you mean that's true?
Jeffrey: I think she actually has been kidnapped.
Reva: No! What, is that her hair?
Jeffrey: We think so. There was supposed to be an exchange, money for Lizzie. It didn't work out, obviously. I dropped off some samples at the private lab, and they're going to tell us pretty soon whether or not it's hers.
Reva: Wait a minute. Why a private lab? Why didn't you take it to the police?
Jeffrey: Alan doesn't trust the police.
Reva: So that's why he came to you? So that you could work outside the law.
Jeffrey: Reva, I didn't want to help him, okay? But I knew that you would want me to help Lizzie. Isn't that right? And you know what? I actually feel good about this. I feel very good working again like this. I hope that's not a problem.
Reva: Is it safe?
Jeffrey: Is it safe? Don't worry.
Reva: Oh, my God, no. That cannot be in this house!
Jeffrey: Just take it easy.
Reva: Jeffrey, come on! We're having a baby. You need to find a place to lock that up. You do not bring that in the house.
Jeffrey: I don't know whose that is. I'm sorry.
Reva: Oh, come on. Now I know why Alan went to you. So I guess we're not exactly going to be one of those couples that talks about baby stuff, are we? Oh, how cute. (Laughter)
Jeffrey: We have baby stuff to talk about?
Reva: Yes, I have baby stuff to talk about. My feet are killing me.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Then let's just sit down. Let's just sit down right over here, okay? Take a deep breath, and we'll talk about baby stuff.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: And your husband will give you a nice little foot massage.
Reva: Really? Good luck getting those boots off my swollen feet. Ow.
Spark in my eye watch it burn as it dies
hey, I, hey, I think I got it this time and I, I know why...
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Remy: Olivia, come on.
Natalia: Olivia is too stubborn. She's not going to die.
Remy: Okay, we need to get her to a hospital.
Natalia: She's over here.
Remy: I'm seeing some bilateral...
Rick: She was supposed to check herself into the hospital. This is ridiculous.
Natalia: How is she?
Rick: You might want to keep those prayers up.
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