Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/17/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: Bill, we've got to be clear, okay? I take care of the kidnappers; you take care of Lizzie.
Lizzie: Aahhh! No!
Mallet: $5 million.
Bill: Now where's the homing device?
Mallet: It's in there. Trust me. You just don't want it visible.
Grady: Ahhhhh!
Dinah: I need you to focus. My brother has brought in a cop.
Bill: Black forest, big pine tree, noon. You know what to do?
Mallet: That's I'm here. Let's do it.
Mallet: Dinah, what are we doing? What are we doing? We've got to go.
Dinah: I never should have gotten you into this.
Mallet: Not now. We can't do this now, okay? Lizzie's life could be on the line.
Dinah: I was thinking about the way that life used to be for us. It was so exciting and I wanted that again with you. I wanted you to feel that again. I mean, you left, but the feelings didn't leave, Mallet. I wanted you to remember what it was like being with me. And I want you to realize what you were missing, and that it was the kind of love that you can't find in a home with a picket fence. That's what we had.
Mallet: I'm going to help your brother find Lizzie, okay? And then Marina and I are going to move into that house. You left me before I ever left you.
Dinah: What? Mallet?
Marina: Mallet? I've brought takeout. I got us one of those one dollar meal deals. We better get used to eating that junk if we're going to stay on budget.
Daisy: Did you get fries with that?
Marina: Hey. Where's Mallet?
Daisy: He's not home. There are no fries.
Marina: Those come with the two dollar meal deals.
Daisy: Did you have a bad day?
Marina: Oh, sort of. Yeah. I mean, Mallet got roped into doing some kind of security job for Dinah, so...
Daisy: Security job?
Marina: Yeah, something for WSPR or something. I don't know. And then I had to go down to the station and deal with Cyrus all day, and it was like a day of the zombie exes.
Daisy: Tell me about it.
Marina: You ran into Grady?
Daisy: Mmm. I don't want to talk about it. So saying about the rooms. The boys' room is way bigger than mine, so maybe I can switch.
Marina: Daisy, we need to talk about a couple of things first. Number one being the ground rules of the house, okay?
Daisy: Are you going to go all Harley on me?
Marina: Daisy, no exes in the house-- that's rule number one.
Daisy: So if Cyrus comes by asking for a cup of sugar?
Marina: Ouch!
Daisy: Sorry, that was mean.
Marina: Yeah. That's okay.
Daisy: One of my exes is in jail, and the other one has moved on. So... yeah. You don't have to worry about Grady coming by.
Bill: Where's Lizzie?
Grady: The money.
Bill: I want to see Lizzie first.
Grady: Sorry. Hey, I said no cops.
Bill: No, I'm alone. I'm alone. No one knows I'm here. Just take me to Lizzie, and you can have your money.
Grady: I warned you.
Bill: No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait!
Buzz: Hello, stranger!
Matt: Hey, Buzz.
Buzz: Where have you been?
Matt: Ah, well, Maureen and I spent most of the summer in Michigan with the family. And now we're back, and it's school this, school that. What am I going to be for Halloween?
Buzz: That sounds like fun.
Matt: Yeah, it's simple stuff, you know. That's the way I like to keep it.
Buzz: Well, good luck with that.
Matt: Thank you. Well, it sounds like Maureen and I aren't the only ones who aren't in trouble in this town. I came from the Spaulding house.
Buzz: Why?
Matt: Well, Vanessa is over there trying to help out. That place is a nut house.
Buzz: Some things never change.
Matt: Yeah, well, she wants Maureen to move in over there. There's no way I'm going to let her move in there.
Buzz: Well, you can stay here. I have a couple of rooms.
Matt: Oh, thanks, Buzz. Well, I just rented a place over on Ninth. So Grandma... Grandma Bea would be happy if I moved in here.
Buzz: Well, the offer still stands. We need a couple of Reardon’s around the place.
Matt: The Cooper’s aren't keeping you busy enough?
Buzz: Well, the Cooper’s are taking care of themselves. Marina's got Daisy. It's a good thing, but...
Matt: Hey, family taking care of family, that's a good thing.
Buzz: Uh-huh.
Matt: Is this mine?
Buzz: It's yours.
Marina: Okay. No loud music, that's rule number... what rule am I on?
Daisy: Oh, I lost count. Wait, I've heard you crank up the stereo.
Marina: Yeah, like, when we're having a party or something.
Daisy: Can I have parties?
Marina: Let Mallet and I finish buying the house first, and then we'll talk. Another guy rule...
Daisy: Another one?
Marina: Oh, yeah. Guys in your bedroom, the door stays open.
Daisy: Won't that bother you, all of the really loud sex noises and stuff.
Marina: Daisy...
Daisy: I mean, at least if I close the door, then it will muffle...
Marina: Daisy!
Daisy: I'm kidding, okay? What? I thought this would be more of a partnership, you know? I mean, I know it's your house and everything, but, like, I don't know, I'm going to be chipping in. Don't I get to make some rules?
Marina: Okay. What kind of rules do you want?
Daisy: Okay. Well, I think that the rules you have for me should be my rules for you. So parties, exes, music, and the door stays open.
Marina: Oh, Daisy, come on. That is so different.
Daisy: No. This place was like P.D.A. central when Harley and Cyrus were here. It was gross. They couldn't take their hands off each other.
Marina: Daisy, I don't want to hear anymore of this.
Daisy: Okay, but I'm just saying that you have no idea how many times I had to rewind "Gossip Girl" because I'd miss a line because the headboard was knocking. You could hear it from down here. It was disgusting.
Marina: Daisy, I don't have a headboard, and I'm nothing like Harley.
Daisy: Really? You're making a zillion rules. You're shacking up with your boyfriend.
Marina: I'm shacking up? Who even says that we're sharing a room?
Daisy: You're not?
Marina: Well...
Daisy: I knew it. You are so totally Harley.
Marina: Okay, there are, like, a million rooms in this house. We can each have our own bedroom.
Daisy: So you're really not sharing a room?
Marina: No.
Daisy: And he's okay with that?
Marina: Totally.
Daisy: I'm holding you to it.
Marina: Where are you going?
Daisy: I need fries. Next time I'm springing for the two dollar meal. I don't know how you got him to agree to that.
Marina: Yeah. I don't know how I'm going to get him to agree with it either.
Bill: $5 million, as promised. No, no. You have seen the money. I want to see Lizzie.
Grady: You give me the money, and I'll tell you where to find the girl.
Bill: How do I know if I give you the money, you won't run?
Grady: You don’t. (Cell phone rings) What the hell's that?
Mallet: Police! Stop! Where's Lizzie?
Bill: She's not here. She's not here. Get him!
Dinah: All right, go. Go, go, go, go!
Grady: Bitch, you set me up.
Dinah: I didn't set you up!
Grady: I'm not going to prison for this!
Dinah: No, you're not.
Grady: I am not going to go to jail for this!
Dinah: What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
Lizzie: Are you there? It's been hours! Please come back! Don't leave me here! Oh, God, what's happening? Oh, God! No. Wait, wait! I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scratched you. Is that why you're mad at me? No, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, please!
Buzz: I'll be right back. I've got... I've got a French fry emergency. I spoke too soon.
Matt: Is she okay?
Buzz: I'll kind of let the salt and fat work its magic, then I get all nosey.
Matt: (Laughs) Well, you're good at that. Yeah, maybe Maureen and I should move in here.
Buzz: Really?
Matt: Well, anyway, I've got to get going. Think it's safe to say something?
Buzz: Go for it. (Laughs)
Matt: Hey, Daisy. You still baby-sitting?
Daisy: Ah, sure, sometimes. I have a new gig, though.
Matt: Well, that's good to know. You know, Maureen likes you almost as much as she likes her big sister Dinah, so...
Daisy: I'm not Dinah.
Matt: That's a good thing. Well... I'll see you around.
Buzz: Are you going to eat them or play with them?
Daisy: Oh. I thought I wanted them, but I don’t.
Buzz: What's wrong?
Daisy: Well, I tried to take your advice and pretend like I don't care about Grady.
Buzz: I was hoping maybe the fries were soggy or you had food poisoning.
Daisy: Oh, no.
Buzz: It would have been easier. So how did it work? Just one day at a time.
Daisy: Do you have a plan-B?
Buzz: Plan-B?
Daisy: Well, acting like I don't care about Grady, that only worked until I saw him. I need something else.
Buzz: Well, the guy's a low-life criminal. What do you need?
Daisy: Yeah, well, that would be fine if he was. I mean, he is, but that's not all he is, and if everyone could see what I see in him, no one would hate him as much as they do.
Buzz: What do you see in him?
Daisy: That he's just a person who screwed up, like I have or you have.
Buzz: He killed your cousin.
Daisy: I know. I know it's not the same, and that's why I walked away from him. You know, it took me long enough, too long, but I started to believe you guys when you said if there ever was any good in him, it was gone. But that I would have these moments where I remember when I first met him, you know, and all I could see was this little kid who no one wanted. And that's what it was like for me, you know, when I was little after my parents died. So I guess that's why we always got along...
Buzz: Honey, you turned your life around, he didn’t. I mean, you say he's trying, but I'm not convinced. It's like I told... I told your mother, time and time and time again, you cannot save someone that doesn't want to be saved.
Daisy: Did that ever stop her?
Buzz: Look where she is now.
Daisy: Yeah, living some great life off in Europe without me.
Buzz: You could go.
Daisy: Yeah, I know.
Buzz: You don't want to go.
Daisy: I know.
Buzz: So don't play this little lost thing with me. You are loved here, you are wanted here, you know it.
Daisy: Yeah, I just... I don't feel like I have a life of my own.
Buzz: What does that mean? You're 18 years old. You've got a job, you've got a place to live. That's a life. That's it. That's a life.
Daisy: Did you believe that when you were my age?
Buzz: I was never your age.
Daisy: Uh-huh.
Buzz: But I'm proud of you because, you know, you turned things around, and you had some choices to make. You got some decent roommates.
Daisy: Yeah. We'll see.
Buzz: I'm going to tell Marina you said this stuff.
Daisy: I don't want to save anyone.
Buzz: Good. Get a life. I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Daisy: Thanks.
(Cell phone rings)
Mallet: Hello.
Marina: Hey. Hi. That was fast.
Mallet: Hey, it's you.
Marina: Hey, I've been trying to reach you at the station all day. What does Dinah have you doing?
Mallet: Hey, listen, did you call me earlier? Did you call me around noon?
Marina: No. Why?
Mallet: It doesn't matter. I missed a call. No big deal.
Marina: Yeah, I was just calling to say hi. You know, seeing how the whole security job thing was going and see what time you'll be coming home.
Mallet: Ah, yeah... I don't know. I... I want to talk to you about this job.
Marina: Yeah?
Mallet: I'm almost finished here. You... can you meet me at the station?
Marina: Yeah. Sure.
Mallet: Okay, I'll see you then.
Dinah: Did you get Lizzie?
Mallet: No, I haven't seen Lizzie. I haven't seen anything. I got there, the kidnapper knocked Bill over, and then he took off.
Dinah: Is he all right?
Mallet: Yeah, Bill's okay. He's got the money. And we have no Lizzie. What are you doing out here? You shouldn't be here.
Dinah: Don't get mad. I didn't want you to go through this alone.
Mallet: You okay, Bill?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. You were here? Did you see him?
Dinah: The kidnapper? No.
Bill: You didn't see him? He came this way.
Mallet: Well, the stream washed away all of the footprints, so we've got nothing.
Dinah: What matters most now is that we keep Lizzie safe, all right, because she could be in even more danger.
Bill: Why would you say that?
Dinah: Because you still have the money.
Mallet: No, she's right. I'm bringing in the police on this.
Dinah: Can we not do that? Not involve cops, okay? Because that's going to make things worse.
Mallet: The kidnapper knows we set him up. So that was our one last shot, okay? Our best bet right now is manpower. We'll bring in as many people as we can, we search the whole area for Lizzie.
Dinah: All right, listen, how about we go public? Okay, I could put you on the news, all right? We'll appeal to them, and they listen. It could work. Mallet.
Bill: No. Hey, let him go. If he's going to bring in more cops, I cannot stop him, all right? But I'm not going to help him. I don't know, maybe you're right. Maybe I should go public. Everyone's got these great ideas to get Lizzie back, but she's still missing.
Dinah: Hey, listen, this is no one's fault. All right?
Bill: Yes, it is.
Dinah: Look, Bill, I know what you're thinking, but you've got it all wrong.
Bill: No. If something happens to Lizzie, then it is on me.
Dinah: You?
Bill: Yes, I did this to her. All right? It's my fault.
Dinah: How?
Bill: Because I just made a bad situation even worse. You were right. Dinah, you were right. I should not have brought in Mallet.
Dinah: What? I don't understand.
Bill: Because if the kidnapper takes it out on her because I had to be the one in charge, then I don't know what I'm going to do.
Dinah: What are you doing? You're blaming yourself. This was not your fault.
Bill: I knew something was wrong the minute she didn't show up for that presentation, and I should have done something right away. I let too much time pass, and now the more time that passes...
Dinah: You are doing everything you can to find Lizzie.
Bill: She doesn't know that. She doesn't know that. She's probably alone and scared somewhere, and she has no idea. And I have to get her back here, Dinah. I have to get her back here because without her, everything just means nothing.
Dinah: You have your family. You have me. We will find Lizzie. I guarantee it. All right? It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right.
Bill: All right.
Dinah: Okay.
Mallet: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Mallet: Have you been waiting long?
Marina: No. No, I was just messing around online, looking at home decor, you know, in case we can ever actually afford to buy new furniture for the house. But, hey, if people keep giving us jobs....
Mallet: Listen, I want to talk to you about something.
Marina: What is this? Burrs all over your jacket. What did Dinah have you guarding, the trees behind the station?
Mallet: I wanted to call you.
Marina: So I have some news. Okay? I have good news and I've got bad news. I'm not sure when you want to hear first, so... Cassie and Cyrus passed the lie detector test.
Mallet: Right, is that the good or the bad?
Marina: You know, I really didn't know how stressed out I was going to be giving Cyrus that test, but I really think that it was really the right way to do it. Anyway, Cyrus is, like, a natural born liar, so there's no way to get a straight read on his. But Cassie is either innocent or Cyrus really taught her to lie well.
Mallet: Marina...
Marina: The good news is that I think that Daisy has completely agreed with all of our ground rules that we have set out for her. Only I maybe, sort of, kind of told her that we would play by the same rules. So that means that we can't exactly share a bedroom for the time being. You know, just to set an example for her for a little while. But you know what? I think it can be really inspirational for us. I really do. I think... I think maybe it can inspire us to find, you know, new places to... you know, like in the garage or on stakeouts or, I don't know, in the woods. We can watch the birds. So I know it's going to be a little weird for a little while, but, like I said, we'll figure something out. Anyway, I'm rambling because I was really, really nervous to have to tell you all of that and I'm kind of hopped up on that junk food that I had earlier. Anyway, now would be a good time for you to pipe in, if you wanted to. Mallet?
Mallet: Huh?
Marina: Please say something.
Mallet: That job I was doing for Dinah... that job I was doing for Dinah. It was a ransom drop. Lizzie Spaulding has been kidnapped, and Dinah hired me to execute the ransom drop and the rescue, and it all went really bad. And Lizzie’s still missing, and the guy got away, and it's a mess. It's a total mess and I screwed up. I screwed up, okay? I know I did.
Marina: Wow! Yeah. Yeah, Mallet, you really screwed up. Do you know what can happen to a hostage when a ransom drop goes badly, Mallet? Do you know what can happen in that kind of situation? Hi. Yes, this is Marina Cooper from Springfield P.D. I have a kidnapping, and I'm going to need to bring in some F.B.I.
Mallet: You can't do that.
Marina: Says who? Dinah?
Lizzie: I can hear you breathing. Please just say something. The quiet is really scary. I know you don't want to hurt me. (Sobbing)
Woke up already alone your want is gone and now
the air is cold how do I face life on my own
without you...
(cell phone rings)
Daisy: Hello? Uh, hello?
Grady: It's me.
Daisy: Okay, I'm hanging up.
Grady: Look, don’t. Please. Just talk to me, anything, what you had for lunch, what the weather report is. Please, anything.
Daisy: Ah... meal deal. Chicken tenders, and just now, fries because they didn't come with it.
Grady: What?
Daisy: That's what I had for lunch. Marina got takeout from the fast food place on Fifth.
Grady: I like the burgers there.
Daisy: Okay, I have to go now.
Grady: No. I've got the key. I know you might not want it anymore, and I know it might not mean anything to you, but I want you to know that I'm keeping it because it makes me think of you. And I need that when things go bad, or when I get in over my head.
Daisy: Did something happen?
Grady: Nothing just happens. I do something stupid without thinking about the consequences, and then I'm stuck. Daisy, I never meant to hurt you. I know that's not saying much because I did, but I never meant to.
Daisy: Yeah, I want to believe you.
Grady: You don't? Okay. Well, I want you to know that I'm keeping the key because it makes me think I'm not alone in the world, even if we're not together.
Daisy: Yeah, we're not together.
Grady: I know. That's not what I meant. I just meant to say...
Daisy: Hey, you know, that doesn't mean I don't love you, okay? But I can't save you. No one can. So I have to go.
Somebody save me from this loneliness
trapped inside of my head...
Lizzie: Oh, you're back. Good. I think.
Somebody save me from this loneliness
trapped inside of my head...
Lizzie: What are you doing? What are you doing? Ouch! Okay, I won't do it again. Whoa. Are you crying?
I feel trapped inside my I feel trapped inside my
I woke up all alone.
Lizzie: You know, I cry a lot. It's normal.
Grady: It's sweat.
Lizzie: If you're realizing what you've done here is a mistake, it's okay. There are, like, a million things I have done in my life that I wish I could take back. Trust me, you don't know me. Or maybe you do, I don't know. Even if you have read the papers over the last few years, you know that I'm not a good person. I wasn’t. I guess I'm getting better. I'm really trying. You know what you said before about maybe nobody's looking for me because no one cares? And I told you my family has a lot of money, and they can hire the best that money can buy. But I don't know. I mean, maybe they just think I ran off. Or maybe you're just really good at hiding me. I'm good at hiding, too. And running off. I've done both. Because when no one is around, then no one can leave me. I know that sounds really stupid, but it is the worst feeling in the world, being left. But the thing with the people in my life is... even if it takes them forever, they will come and find me. They always do. I'm not saying that as a threat or anything. I don't know why I'm saying it. I guess I'm just saying that even when they're not around, I know deep down that I'm not really alone. And it's taken me forever to realize that. Maybe you have people like that in your life, or maybe you're realizing that. I don't know.
Grady: The blindfold.
Lizzie: I won't touch it. Oh! Oh! You don't want to hurt me! You know, you can do this. You can treat me better than other people have treated you. You really can let me go.
Daisy: I'm deleting him.
Buzz: You know his number by heart.
Daisy: Yeah, but the act of doing it, it's, like, symbolic.
Buzz: Like deleting him from your phone is going to just, like, delete him from your life. Poof.
Daisy: You didn't have plan- B.
Buzz: Well, plan-B is not going to work.
Daisy: I could get an unlisted number.
Buzz: Do you think that's going to keep Grady from finding you?
Daisy: No.
Buzz: You're just going to have to do this one day at a time, like I said. I mean, it's just... today was a hard day. But you're doing great.
Daisy: I just don't think that Grady should feel this bad.
Marina: You give me my phone right back right now. I'm serious, Mallet, or I will go inside there and I will use a phone. There is no shortage of phones in there. Common sense, however, there seems to be a real shortage of around here. Are you serious? A kidnapping is F.B.I. jurisdiction.
Mallet: Well, are you in a hurry to call the F.B.I. because you want to find Lizzie or because you're mad at me?
Marina: Both.
Mallet: Well, you know what? The whole thing would have gone smoothly if my phone hadn't rung, okay? I forgot to turn it off. I don't know what I was thinking.
Marina: Mallet, why the drop went poorly is not the point here. The point is that you took this on and you didn't tell me, that you didn't tell anyone. And you went in there without backup. What were you thinking? Please tell me this was part of Dinah’s brilliant plan?
Mallet: I didn't do it for Dinah anymore than you letting Cyrus off the hook because you two used to have something.
Marina: Are you serious? How can you even compare those two things. I didn't let Cyrus off the hook, okay? He passed his lie detector test. I was doing my job.
Mallet: So was I.
Marina: No, Mallet. You were doing a job. One you certainly didn't have to take because we already have four jobs between the two of us.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, we do, right? And we're still hurting for money, okay? It was a private security job. I'm trained for this kind of stuff, all right? And Bill would have gone off on his own anyway if I hadn't gotten involved, and maybe the whole thing would have been worse.
Marina: Yeah, well, it's pretty bad right now, Mallet.
Mallet: Yeah, I know. I screwed up!
Marina: Yeah, you said it. So what are we going to do now?
Mallet: We?
Marina: Oh, yeah. I'm in on this now, too.
Mallet: Hold off on the F.B.I..
Marina: Fine. We at least have to open an official in-house investigation, though.
Mallet: Yeah, I know. I told Bill we're bringing in the department.
Marina: Any ideas on who could have taken Lizzie?
Mallet: All we've got are a couple of amateur ransom notes.
Dinah: Jeremy!
Jeremy: Yes?
Dinah: Oh, hi. Can you get the entire staff together, please, as soon as you can?
Jeremy: Well, they're not here. Mr. Spaulding is at the doctor’s. Apparently he doesn't need his wheelchair anymore.
Bill: What?
Jeremy: It was a speedy recovery.
Bill: Is that so?
Jeremy: All right. I'm not one to gossip but, I get the impression that Mr. Spaulding never needed the wheelchair at all.
Dinah: Typical Alan.
Jeremy: Ms. Beth insisted that they go to the doctor just to make sure.
Bill: And my parents?
Jeremy: Mrs. Reardon had a board meeting to attend to, and I'm not sure where Mr. Lewis went. Can I get either of you anything?
Dinah: No.
Bill: No. Thank you, Jeremy. (Phone rings) I got it.
Dinah: But you're upset.
Bill: No, I'm good. Bill Lewis. Hey, Mr. Decker. Right, Larry. An investors' meeting? Look, to be quite honest with you, today's not the best day for that.
Dinah: Larry? Hi, Dinah Marler. Sorry about that. Bill had to hop to another phone call. He's a little overwhelmed right now, but I know nothing is more important to him than your Macau project. So when and where, sir? Okay. All right. Very good, we'll see you then. Bye-bye.
Bill: Dinah, what are you doing? Okay? A day ago, nothing was more important to me than Macau, okay? But no. I cannot do this. I cannot go to an investors' meeting. I can’t. Not with Lizzie out there. I have to be here. Okay, if they call for money, which they will, I have to be here. I cannot screw this up again, okay? I cannot think about what she's going through right now.
Dinah: You can't think like this. All right? You can't do that. You can only handle one thing at a time, and that's the Macau project. All right? You're the face of this, and you need to get through this meeting. You need to focus on that. And I'm going to focus on Lizzie. I'm going to call security, make sure they screen every single phone call that comes in. And then when everyone gets back from the hospital, we'll make a decision on what's next, as a family. All right? But, Bill, listen to me. You need to pull it together for Lizzie, and you need to do that because we're going to find her. I know we will. I guarantee we will.
Bill: I don't know what I'd do without you.
Dinah: Read the files. Relax. And I'll go talk to security, all right?
All that I need in this life
is to know that you'll be coming around
that all that I need in this life
is your love.
Marina: Daisy, I already did that.
Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just needed to get my mind off of... stuff. Oh, I wanted to tell you that I was totally kidding before about the ground rules thing. It's your house. You can sleep wherever you want.
Marina: No, no, no. That's cool. I think separate rooms sounds good right now.
Mallet: Ditto on that.
Daisy: Is everything okay?
Mallet: Yeah. We just had a little problem at work.
Daisy: In my experience of things, how loudly the door slams is directly proportional to how big the problem is, so...
Mallet: We'll figure it out.
Daisy: Okay. So is this sort of thing going to be happening a lot, or...?
Mallet: I hope not. Where are you going? You're not going inside, are you?
Daisy: Yeah. I need to get my headphones. I don't want to hear the rest of this.
Bill: Hey, Roxy. Sorry. It's just me. It's not your mommy. But you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to find her. Look at me. Look at me. Hey, look at me. I'll make a deal with you. I'm going to find your mama, and I'm going to bring Lizzie back home, okay? Okay? I promise.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: All I have ever really wanted is respect. Boys like Grady love to exaggerate.
Cyrus: He's not a boy. So whatever it is you've got him doing, you better not make it worse.
Dinah: On the verge of it. You know, it's right there within reach. What if I've overreached?
Cyrus: Grady has no time for women. He's working for Dinah.
Ashlee: Working? That's what you call it?
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