Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/16/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: Elizabeth has been kidnapped.
Dinah: A freakin' ransom note.
Bill: I'm just glad you're here.
Dinah: I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. He needs me now, and I'm going to be there for him. I want him to remember who I am and what I can do.
Grady: So now your going to help him find his girlfriend?
Dinah: Yeah.
Bill: $5 million. I need you. Can you come right now?
Dinah: Sure. Yeah. I'm on my way.
Cyrus: It's all about breathing.
Cassie: Would you hand me the juice?
Cyrus: A polygraph machine keys into even the slightest rise in blood pressure, so...
Cassie: Well, then, you just better chill out. Apple or pear?
Cyrus: Will you focus?
Cassie: Definitely. The pear.
Cyrus: Cassie, if we don't beat this polygraph, the cops are going to know that we stole the stereo equipment.
Cassie: We stole the stereo equipment?
Cyrus: Fine, I stole it. But you fenced it to those little sick kids at the hospital.
Cassie: Will you relax? I'm going to ace this. You're a good teacher.
Cyrus: Remember, press down on the tack when the questions get too intense.
Cassie: Yeah, yeah, I got it. Thanks. R.J., you're going to be late. The bus is going to be here any minute.
R.J.: Are you stopping by practice?
Cassie: Ah, nope. Cyrus and I have some things to do here. We have to rake leaves.
R.J.: You're lying.
Cassie: What makes you think that?
R.J.: Because your nose is twitching.
Cyrus: You realize you just got busted by a 12-year-old. We're doomed.
Dinah: Great.
Matt: Good morning.
Dinah: Hi. Hi. I really would love to chat with you, but I can’t. I got to go.
Matt: Do you have any idea where your mother is? She's not answering her cell phone.
Dinah: No. I... I'm actually not my mother's keeper. I have a lot of other things to worry about.
Matt: Well... you look... well, you look better.
Dinah: Thank you. I've got to go.
Matt: Maureen misses you.
Dinah: I miss her, too. I miss her, too. I've just been really swamped.
Matt: You know what she really likes? She loves to go to work with you. And she's got a half day today. Why don't I go pick her up, and I'll bring her over to the station?
Dinah: No. No, no, no, no, no. I... I don't know where I'm going to be. I don't know where I'm going to be, and it’s... it's just kind of crazy over there right now. Maybe another time.
Matt: Have you ever thought that maybe you make your life a little more complicated than it has to be?
Dinah: Yeah, well, I'll give that some thought. Have you tried Mom back at the Spaulding house at all?
Matt: Not yet. You know, I think of that house as your house. I'm sorry that it ended so badly.
Dinah: Temporary setback. See you later.
Marina: Uh-huh. Okay.
Mallet: Right. One more thing: How many checks do we need at closing? What... how many? Oh, well I...
Marina: No. I think we really need the movers to come on a Saturday, because, really, that's our only day off. Okay? Do you have any special rates for police officers? First-time homeowners? Just really nice people? Okay.
Mallet: Oh, that's made out to him? Okay. No, I'll do that. Well, we'll see you then. Yeah, I won't forget the checks. Thank you. Bye.
Marina: Thank you very much. Good bye.
Mallet: Oh!
Marina: Who knew you need mover's insurance?
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: And we're going to need, like, about a zillion boxes to pack up all of this.
Mallet: Okay. Just add that to the list.
Marina: The list? I feel like we're missing something on the list. I don't know. Is there anything we're missing? I mean, we've got the banking, packing, moving. Our jobs!
Mallet: Our jobs, yeah. Yeah, we've got to find time to fit in the whole work thing. We've got to pay the mortgage every month. Oh, boy. Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to going to the station today.
Mallet: All right. Polygraph test, Cassie and Cyrus.
Marina: The way I'd like to think of it as the day Cyrus finally gets nailed. Poor Cassie. She's totally getting snowballed by him.
Mallet: Yeah. Maybe she's not the victim.
Marina: What do you mean?
Mallet: Maybe they're in this together. Does that bother you?
Grady: Hey, babe.
Dinah: Hey, babe? No. Get your hands off me. I spent the whole night comforting my brother Bill over Lizzie, and making sure Alan didn't call the cops on us.
Grady: You know, we have this whole place to ourselves, huh? Mmmm. Except for that chick tied up in the basement.
Dinah: Yeah, well, I need to get home and focus on my brother.
Grady: I'm sick and tired of baby-sitting Lizzie. When do I get my $5 million?
Dinah: Oh, it's right here in my purse. I forgot to tell you.
Grady: Yeah?
Dinah: No, genius. You've cost me plenty already. And that stupid ransom note you wrote, that almost blew the whole thing, you know that?
Grady: If it weren't for me grabbing Lizzie, Bill would still be ignoring you. You owe me.
Dinah: Really? It's not just about the money, Grady.
Grady: Really? Maybe for you, but I could live for a year on what you spent on those high heels.
Dinah: This is disposable; it's untraceable. When I'm with Bill, you text me a message with the time and location of the drop. You will then get your cash.
Grady: How do I know you're not going to roll on me when Bill comes running back to you?
Dinah: You don’t. That's what makes it fun.
Bill: Why don't they call?
Billy: Hey, any news?
Bill: No. Nothing.
Beth: Oh, damnit, why haven't they contacted us?
Vanessa: Listen, I'm thinking if you wanted to, you could use WSPR. You could go on the news and you could make a direct appeal to whoever it is that is holding her.
Alan: Vanessa, do you want to see Elizabeth killed? The last thing she needs right now is publicity!
Bill: Maybe it's worth a try. It is better than sitting here doing nothing.
Alan: When they call, we will pay, Bill!
Billy: Alan, I think we're in over our heads. It is time to call the police.
Beth: No, no. The note was very specific. It says no cops.
Billy: Beth, you don't want to let the crazies run this shot.
Alan: This crisis concerns my family, Billy, not yours. And I say that we wait.
Billy: All right, don't call the police. Then call the F.B.I., but you've got to do something.
The water is cold it tells me
you told me before I walk to the edge and
I turn off the music once more and he drifts up and down like
a fire too eager to burn and I watch as the
wave comes in fast and the animal instinct is so
and time stands still...
Grady: If it weren't for me grabbing Lizzie, Bill would still be ignoring you. You owe me.
Dinah: Really? It's not just about the money, Grady.
Grady: Really? Maybe for you, but I could live for a year on what you spent on those high heels.
Lizzie: Come on, you can do this. Think about everything good. Everything you've won. Whoever these people are, they're not going to beat me. No, they're not. They have no idea who they're messing with.
Cassie: R.J. is my son. Of course he can tell if I've been lying.
Cyrus: This is serious, Cassie. You could go to jail if the cops find out you're involved.
Cassie: Well, then, that's just the chance I'm going to have to take. Ah!
Cyrus: Here, here, here. Let me take a look. (Laughs) Are you all right?
Cassie: Yes.
Cyrus: Here.
Cassie: I'm going to be fine, you know. Really, I will.
Cyrus: There's only one way you're going to be safe for sure, and that's if I confess. So that's what I'm going to do.
Cassie: Hell, no, you will not.
Cyrus: I'll just put it all on me. Frank Cooper already thinks I'm Satan. If I can keep you out of this, then that's what I'm going to do.
Cassie: No. No, you won’t. I've had it with men taking the rap for me. Josh did it, and look where that got us. So no, we're in this together.
Cyrus: Whatever you say, princess.
Cassie: What is so funny?
Cyrus: You're getting a kick out of this.
Cassie: No, I am not.
Cyrus: Your nose is twitching.
Cassie: (Laughs) I... okay, maybe this is kind of fun. I wasn't born a minister's wife, you know? Kind of like you weren't really going to confess, now, were you?
Cyrus: We'd better not be late.
Mallet: Break time.
Marina: This is what I think of Cyrus.
Mallet: Did you throw my lunch away?
Marina: You know, so what? So what if Cyrus and Cassie slept together? You know, so what if the Reverend's ex-wife wants to let down her soccer mom hair and walk on the wild side?
Mallet: Well, you're not jealous. That's good.
Marina: Oh, no, no. Been there, done that. I'm just saying, if Cyrus broke the law in any way, he deserves to pay.
Mallet: Okay. What about Cassie?
Marina: Well, you know, better she find out now. Better now than later.
Mallet: You know, they might be innocent. Maybe the lie detector will clear them. Maybe that might happen. Can you handle that?
Marina: Are you serious? I mean, this is Cyrus Foley we're talking about. The man is like a one-man crime wave. Cyrus the loser.
Mallet: Why is this still so important to you?
Marina: It's not important. It's the whole principle of the matter.
Mallet: Mm-hmm. Okay.
Marina: I'm serious. I promise. This is strictly business, okay? I strictly want to put Cyrus' butt in jail.
Mallet: You're starting to sound a little personal.
Marina: It's not personal.
Grady: Look, don't even think about crossing me, otherwise I'm going to tell Bill what his big sister's really been up to.
Dinah: Sh-sh-sh. I was only teasing. You're going to get your money, because I'm after something a lot more valuable.
Grady: Bill on his knees, begging for forgiveness?
Dinah: Well, it's about a lot more than just revenge.
Grady: What is it about?
Dinah: It's about a fair partnership with my brother. Make sure things go back to the way they used to be, the way she should be.
Grady: As touching as that is, when do I get my money?
Dinah: After you send the text, then everything will be all right. You think you can manage that?
Grady: What about Lizzie?
Dinah: This will all be over very soon, okay? And there's a lot more where this came from. If we pull this off...
Lizzie: The first thing I am doing when I get home is taking a bath and hugging Roxy. And Bill. First thing when I get home.
Alan: You know, Billy, this isn't the time for your macho cowboy stuff.
Billy: Even cowboys know when to call the sheriff.
Vanessa: And we do have friends in the police department.
Beth: No, no. It's too big a risk.
Alan: Look, we don't know if these kidnappers are professionals or if they're drug addicts. We cannot afford to push them over the line. They might hurt Elizabeth.
Beth: Alan, Alan, we can't go there. We can't think that way.
Vanessa: It's going to be okay. We're going to find Lizzie.
Beth: We just have to pay them whatever they want.
Bill: I mean, we've got to be careful. Just because we give them the money, does not mean we're going to get Lizzie back.
Beth: What, what is this about? You don't want to part with the money? Is that what is going on here?
Bill: Beth, why would you say that? That is not true.
Billy: What are you saying? You're saying he is more interested in the money than getting Lizzie back?
Alan: I don't know, Billy, is he?
Vanessa: Excuse me, what are you saying?
Alan: Well, with Elizabeth gone, then he doesn't have to share the company.
Bill: That is not fair. You are out of line.
Vanessa: You know, I think everybody should just take a deep breath and calm down.
Alan: You're glad you don't have to share the company with Elizabeth, aren't you, Bill?
Dinah: Excuse me. How dare you suggest my brother doesn't care. Do you know before he stepped in the spotlight to save the Decker deal, he was ready to give up his claim on Spaulding-Lewis.
Alan: Is that true?
Dinah: For a woman he loves very much. So if you think my brother wouldn't walk through fire to bring Lizzie home, then you don't know my brother as well as I do. Okay? I'm sorry that I opened my mouth. I'm sure you're upset that I butted in.
Bill: Thank you.
Dinah: Are you being sarcastic?
Bill: No. I'm being grateful. Believe it or not. You're the only one who gets what it's like losing Lizzie.
Dinah: I do. I do understand.
Bill: I forgot how great it is to have you in my corner.
Dinah: Well, that's where I'm going to be, always, from now on. Are you okay?
Bill: Yeah, just... you know, I keep seeing Lizzie’s face, and you can just imagine what she's going through, the fear she's feeling, and that you can't do anything about it. So... I don't know. Maybe... maybe my dad's right. Maybe we need to call the cops, you know, because this is Lizzie’s life we're dealing with, okay and I can't take any chances here.
Dinah: No, no, no, no, no. I think the cops are a very bad idea. I don't think you can trust them with a situation like this.
Bill: Maybe not, but... you can trust Mallet, right? I think he would help me. Do you?
Dinah: I'll tell you, if the bad guys are watching you, you bring in Mallet and they chop a finger off.
Bill: And that's why I am not going to go to Mallet. You are. Come on, Dinah, you're the only one I can trust.
Lizzie: I can do this. It's really hurting. Nana's going to have to clean up these scrapes. She's probably so worried about me, and Mom and James and... my mom.
Dinah: You've got yourself a beautiful home here. Congratulations.
Mallet: Thanks.
Marina: Almost.
Mallet: Yeah, we just have to pay the bank every last penny we have, and then that baby's ours.
Marina: Shoot. You know, we're really running late for work, but... once we get all moved in, we'll have you over for a drink.
Dinah: No, you won’t.
Marina: Probably not.
Dinah: Would you mind if I have a word with Mallet? If you can spare him?
Marina: Oh, well...
Dinah: I brought a fruit basket.
Marina: Well, in that case...
Mallet: Yeah, what's this about?
Dinah: Well... houses are money pits. They break, they overflow, lots of headaches.
Mallet: Well, we have an emergency fund.
Dinah: Good. Good, I'm glad. But you're going to need some extra cash. How would you feel about doing some part-time security for me at WSPR?
Marina: Actually, Mallet's really busy right now, with the moving and boxing things up and...
Mallet: Yeah, but it could be a good gig. I mean, Lord knows we need the money.
Marina: I know, but we have an emergency fund.
Mallet: Which will buy us like two nails and a paint scraper.
Marina: Mallet, it's working with Dinah.
Dinah: I'm right here.
Marina: Sorry.
Mallet: It's like what we were talking about earlier with Cyrus: Nothing personal. We have bills piling up.
Dinah: Marina, if you're feeling insecure about this, we can bag it.
Marina: No, Dinah, it's fine. It's fine. I will head over to the station and take care of that polygraph stuff. You can take care of the fruit basket.
Cyrus: Are you sure you'll be okay?
Cassie: You know, I'm kind of missing that sharp tack in my shoe right now.
Cyrus: Just keep your cool. Do your shopping list in your head or something, anything to avoid focusing on the questions, all right?
Cassie: Got it.
Man: We have the polygraph set up inside. One at a time.
Cassie: Piece of cake.
Bill: You and I are going to have a little pow-wow.
Alan: Why? You have some news about Elizabeth?
Bill: No, we're wasting valuable time here. We should be looking for Lizzie.
Alan: I am her grandfather, Bill. You work for her. That puts me in charge.
Bill: Alan, you've got to be taking it easy. You can't even get on your own two feet here.
Alan: All I have to do is call some of my very powerful friends, and they will make sure that I get that scoundrel who kidnapped Elizabeth, and then I'll wring this neck.
Bill: Why is it so hard to see that we're on the same side here? I would do anything for Lizzie, anything.
Alan: Anything, huh?
Bill: Yes.
Alan: Well, help me get out of this stupid chair.
Bill: Well, anything but that. Lizzie wants you to take care of yourself, and I am going to make sure that that happens as long as I'm on the watch here, okay? You can have a relapse if you lose those wheels.
Alan: Yeah.
Bill: Alan, Alan, listen to me. Face it, you are in no shape to be chasing bad guys.
Alan: All right, Bill, I'll give you a crack at handling this. Just don't make me regret that I did.
Bill: I'll do what I have to do.
Alan: Remember, Elizabeth’s life's at stake.
Bill: Get some rest.
Alan: I will. Bill? Bill, unlock this door! Unlock this door, Bill! Do you hear me? Unlock this door!
Lizzie: Almost. Come on. Yes! (Laughs) Oh, finally! Now where the hell am I?
Cyrus: So?
Cassie: I was always lousy on tests. Good thing this wasn't the S.A.T.'s.
Cyrus: You passed?
Cassie: I told you I would.
Cyrus: Oh, come here. You did it.
Cassie: And now I think I might just pass out.
Cyrus: No, you're okay.
Cassie: Seriously, I was really scared in there. But then, I don't know, something about facing that test just made me feel stronger. I think it's because I wasn't running away from it or hiding behind it anymore.
Cyrus: Yeah, you took a risk.
Cassie: I did. And I totally came through.
Cyrus: You aced it.
Man: Your turn, Mr. Foley.
Cyrus: No worries, mate. Ask me anything you like.
Man: Oh, I won't be administrating your test. The Detective on the case asked for that honor.
Marina: Hey. Roll up your sleeve.
Alan: Come on, Beth, let me out of here!
Beth: I can’t.
Alan: So I'm a prisoner in my own house?
Beth: I can't risk losing Lizzie and you, too. You just had surgery. I'm trying to protect you.
Alan: Don't you see, Beth, Bill is in control of this situation. Soon he'll be in control of the company, and then the family. Now, tell me, is that what you want?
Beth: No, of course it isn't! But you're recovering, and pounding on this door is just going to raise your blood pressure!
Alan: All right. Okay, you're right. Maybe I should get some rest. But you know...
Beth: Yes. Yes, you should get some rest.
Alan: It's a little stuffy in here. Maybe you can come in and maybe raise a window or something?
Beth: Alan, I know what you're trying to do. I'll check on you later.
Alan: Beth. Beth, don't go!
Lizzie: (Screams) No, no, no!
Grady: Arghhhh!
Lizzie: No! No! No!
Grady: Stay still!
Lizzie: Let go of me! Ow!
Bill: Dinah fill you in?
Mallet: Yes, she did. And I think the best way to find Lizzie, Bill, is to let me report it.
Bill: No. No, no, no. We cannot do that. If you do, I will swear that it's a hoax, okay? We have to do this my way or...
Mallet: You're making some dangerous choices here, man.
Dinah: Mallet, do it for me, all right?
Mallet: Dinah, I can’t.
Dinah: Just do it so we can avoid any bigger trouble, all right? Because Bill is going to do it his way, and anything could happen, all right?
Mallet: What's your plan? I'm just listening to your plan.
Bill: Look, they're going to call me. I will bring them the money.
Mallet: What do you want from me?
Bill: I want one of those tracking devices that they put in with the money, just in case he doesn't bring Lizzie with him, that I will know how to find him and I can...
Mallet: You can what, Bill? What are you going to do, Bill, settle the score? Is that what you want? Do you want to get yourself killed? Do you want to get Lizzie killed? That's what it sounds like to me.
Bill: Look, I just need to get Lizzie back.
Mallet: Oh! If I help you, then I would go with you and face those kidnappers so you don't do anything stupid.
Dinah: Just focus on getting Lizzie, all right.
Bill: Okay.
Mallet: We will play it your way up to a point, Bill, okay, up to a point. Then when everything goes down, I'm going to be a cop first.
Bill: That's fine. That's fine, I just want to get Lizzie back.
Mallet: And I want to find the people that took Lizzie, and I want to put him in jail for the rest of their miserable lives.
Cyrus: Is this even legal? Don't you need an expert to give this test?
Marina: Since when have you followed the rules? Is that sweat on your forehead? Are you nervous?
Cyrus: Nope. It's just hot in here.
Marina: Right. Is your real name Cyrus Foley?
Cyrus: You know it is.
Marina: Just answer yes or no, please.
Cyrus: Yes.
Marina: Do you live in Springfield?
Cyrus: Yes.
Marina: Did you donate stolen equipment to Cedars hospital?
Cyrus: No.
Marina: What exactly is your relationship with Cassie Winslow?
Cyrus: What?
Marina: That got a reaction.
Cyrus: What does that have to do with this case?
Marina: Is Cassie just another one of your conquests? Did she fall for all of your cheesy lines and your crap about wanting to live on a farm in France?
Cyrus: Funny thing about that stereo...
Marina: Did you mean to string me along? Did you enjoy having Harley and I on the hook?
Cyrus: What are the charges against me again?
Marina: Have you ever slept with one woman while claiming to love another? And not just any two women, family members.
Cyrus: I'm guessing this isn't about electronics anymore.
Marina: Doesn't this show a pattern of contempt for the law? For women? Does Cassie Winslow know what kind of player she's dealing with?
Vanessa: Hi.
Beth: Hey. How's Maureen?
Vanessa: Oh, she's okay. She's scared. She wants to help. Look, I just warmed some soup up for you. Why don't you have some so you can keep your strength up, okay?
Beth: That's very sweet. But my daughter's been kidnapped, and I'm letting your son call all the shots. I don't think soup is going to help.
Vanessa: Soup will help. And, Beth, Bill really is the very best person to negotiate with the kidnappers.
Billy: Yeah, Alan’s in no shape to help anybody right now. What we need you to do is just keep him on a leash.
Beth: As long as I get my daughter back. That's all that I want.
Dinah: $5 million.
Mallet: $5 million. Wouldn't want to flash that kind of cash around, especially with the price of gas.
Bill: Now where is the homing device?
Mallet: It's in there. Trust me. You don't want it visible.
Bill: All right. Let's hope we don't have to use it.
Mallet: Well, my hunch is these kidnappers aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Bill: Let me ask you something: Do you think they'll bring Lizzie to the drop, or do you think they're just stringing us along?
Mallet: It's hard to tell.
Bill: I just wish I could see Lizzie’s face.
Mallet: Now, Bill, we've got to be clear, okay? I take care of the kidnappers, you take care of Lizzie, right?
Bill: That's all I want. I just want to get Lizzie back. That's all.
Beth: Alan? Alan, how are you holding up? Alan? Alan!
Alan: Hello, darling. How are you?
Beth: What are you doing up?
Alan: I'm feeling much better.
Beth: You shouldn't be on your feet!
(Cell phone rings)
Grady: What's up?
Dinah: This has to be quick.
Grady: Hey, I should get hazard pay. This little diva just clawed the hell out of me.
Dinah: I need you to focus. My brother has brought in a cop.
Grady: I'm out of here.
Dinah: Wait. The cop is my ex, all right? I will handle everything.
Grady: So if you're divorced from him, are you sure you can handle it?
Dinah: Everything's under control, all right?
Grady: It better be, for Lizzie’s sake and yours.
Dinah: You guys ready to do this?
Mallet: Yeah, I'm ready. Bill, we've got a plan, right? You're not going to deviate?
Bill: You made your point several times.
Dinah: The point is, we need to bring Lizzie home safe, all right?
Bill: That's right. That's right. Oh, wait, that's him.
Dinah: What does it say?
Bill: Blackwood forest, big pine tree, noon. Okay. You know what to do.
Mallet: That's why I'm here. Let's do it.
Dinah: Wait. Mallet, can I talk to you for a minute?
Beth: Alan. Alan, you'll hurt yourself.
Alan: I'm fine, Beth.
Billy: Shouldn't you be in a wheelchair?
Vanessa: What is going on? Should I call a doctor?
Alan: I don't need a damn doctor, Vanessa.
Billy: You didn't need that damn wheelchair either, did you?
Beth: Alan?
Alan: That's right. As a matter of fact, you can get rid of that chair and get me a cigar. A Cuban cigar would be nice, Billy, and then let's find my granddaughter.
Cyrus: Let's see, we've established that I'm a liar, a cheat and a thief.
Cassie: Oh, no...
Cyrus: So you can't believe anything I say, right?
Marina: Pretty much.
Cyrus: So if I say that I stole some stereo equipment, I'd probably be lying, right? And if I said that I didn't, that would be a lie, too.
Marina: Yeah, well, Cyrus, we both already know that you're a liar. So I don't think that I need a machine to tell me that.
Cassie: Really? Well, then, I guess the polygraph is just a waste of time.
Cyrus: They're totally meaningless. So... we're free to go, right, Detective Cooper?
Marina: For now. Oh, just remember you heard it from him. I mean, he said it himself, he's a liar, a cheat, and a thief. So he can't be trusted.
Cassie: Well, it's got nothing to do with me.
Marina: I used to say the same thing.
Cyrus: Shouldn't you be out busting real criminals, Detective?
Cassie: Thanks, Marina. Say hi to your dad for me.
Marina: You may smile now, Cassie, but is this the kind of guy that you really want to be with?
Cassie: That's not really a police matter now, is it?
Marina: Fine. He's your problem now.
Mallet: This is not really the right time now, Dinah.
Dinah: It'll just take a minute.
Mallet: Whatever you have to say to me, can you say it afterwards? We've got a kidnapping going on right now.
Dinah: I never meant to get you involved in something like this. You know, trading on our past, you know, to ask for a big favor like this.
Mallet: Well, hopefully you did the right thing, I think. We're going to try to bring Lizzie home safe and sound, okay?
Dinah: I'm not really thinking about Lizzie. I'm thinking about myself, and how exciting this all has been. You know, it's like a big adventure. You know, the two of us working side by side again, you know?
Mallet: What are you saying? Did you drag me into this as some kind of a date?
Dinah: You're making it sound pretty bad when you say it like that.
Mallet: Yeah, no kidding.
Dinah: I don't think I've ever stopped loving you.
Mallet: Dinah, Marina and I bought a house together. You realize that, right? You do realize that our toothbrushes are side by side in a glass.
Dinah: And I've never stopped believing that things could go back to the way they were between us.
Mallet: Not now. Not now. Dinah.
Dinah: You know what I do? I sleep in your t-shirt still. I sleep in your t-shirt still, and I walk down the street, and I look for you every time I walk down the street.
Mallet: Not the time, not the place, okay?
Dinah: The truth is my life's been a big mess ever since you walked out of it.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: Where's Lizzie?
Grady: The money.
Bill: I want to see Lizzie first.
Grady: Sorry.
Bill: How do I know if I give you the money, you won't run?
Grady: You don’t.
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