Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/15/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: This isn't about Bill. The longer she is missing, the more he'll suffer.
Bill: You think she planned on bailing on me all along?
Lizzie: This is your one chance to make money off of this, okay?
Dinah: You have to do things my way.
Grady: You're the boss.
Dinah: Please don't forget it this time, all right?
Ashlee: Hey. Oh! (laughing) You totally love Lindsay Lohan.
Daisy: Shh! Be cool.
Ashlee: Be... him? Seriously?
Daisy: Him. I'm working undercover.
Ashlee: Oh!
Daisy: This guy, he's been buying cigarettes and selling them to kids.
Ashlee: How long have you been watching him?
Daisy: Let's see, uh... long enough to know that he lives with his parents and he has a dog named Princess.
Ashlee: Hmmm, dangerous and sensitive. It sounds like your other guys, doesn't it?
Daisy: Grady and I... we're over.
Ashlee: Are you?
Daisy: Yeah. I don't even think about him anymore.
Ashlee: No, not while you're awake.
Daisy: Don't you have a job you should be doing?
Ashlee: I suppose, but I, uh... I don't even know really what it is. Dinah, she is so preoccupied with things other than WSPR.
Daisy: Like what?
Grady: See? We make a good team.
Dinah: Yes, just remember who's boss, okay?
Grady: Hmm, how about you remind me?
Dinah: Okay. Break time. What about Lizzie? Huh?
Grady: She'll keep. Look, I know you weren't on board with the plan, but you're a real natural.
Dinah: No... no, I'm not. I'm not a kidnapper. I'm a survivor, and I need to do what I have to do, okay?
Grady: Don't be so modest. Getting Lizzie’s clothes like that was genius. Bill is going to spend a long time looking for her. It buys us some time.
Dinah: Yes, it does. It does. But he's going to be very upset.
Grady: He'll get over it.
Dinah: I guess.
Grady: She's so annoying, anyways. Such a spoiled, little rich girl.
Dinah: Yeah... no. You know, she's had a tough time, too.
Grady: Right.
Dinah: Yeah. Look, I don't really want to think about that right now, okay?
Grady: Hmm. Good. Control that bleeding heart. Is there a place around here where I can have a shower and a shave?
Dinah: Yeah. In the bathroom down the hall. Make it quick, though, all right? Lizzie is probably getting hungry.
Grady: Lizzie doesn't need to eat.
Dinah: Lizzie's tiny. If she doesn't eat, she's going to get tinier. And if that happens, she ceases to exist, which makes us more than kidnappers, which we are not.
Grady: Whatever.
Dinah: Oh! Everything's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay. Nobody is going to get hurt. No one's going to get hurt. Just one step at a time. Grady, what did you do? What did you do?
You should know by now,
I'm just a gangsta...
Alan: Have you heard from Elizabeth? Mr. Lewis, I'm talking to you, have you heard from Elizabeth? What's that? Elizabeth's been kidnapped?
Bill: No, no. Don’t... don't Alan. You can’t.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Bill: I think it's a fake.
Lizzie: (Struggling) Ah! Bill is going to find me. He's going to find me. He will. He's worried. He's got to be worried. He has to know that something is wrong. He has to know that I wouldn't have left before the presentation. He has to know that. (Screaming) Bill!
Alan: It's clear from this note, Bill, that Elizabeth has been kidnapped.
Bill: Maybe. Maybe not. Okay, Lizzie and I have done some pretty crazy things to outdo each other, to be top dog in the company. Okay, what if she sent this letter to mess me up, to throw me off the Decker deal...
Alan: You think she would do this just to one up you?
Bill: Alan, think about it.
Alan: We don't have time to think.
Bill: Her clothes are gone.
Alan: What?
Bill: I was in her room. Her closet is empty. What kidnapper would let her take a wardrobe with her?
Alan: Maybe the kidnappers took her wardrobe because they thought they were worth something?
Bill: No, no, no. I think Lizzie is hiding out to give me a scare. That's what I think is going on here.
Alan: Well, I think we're wasting time.
Bill: No, Alan, listen to me. Okay? I do not want you to screw everything up for me. Okay? This is definitely one of Lizzie’s tricks. Roxy?
Alan: Oh, Roxy, huh? Well, Bill, there's your proof. Elizabeth wouldn't go anywhere and leave that mutt behind.
Dinah: How could you send a freaking ransom note?
Grady: It's a job and I expect to get paid.
Dinah: How stupid are you?
Grady: I'm not stupid.
Dinah: What did your note say?
Grady: The basics. "I got her, you don’t. Pay up."
Dinah: How much did you demand?
Grady: Read the sequel.
Dinah: How dumb are you?
Grady: I told you, I'm not dumb.
Dinah: Why would you only ask for $50,000?
Grady: What are you talking about?
Dinah: What I'm talking about... this is Lizzie Spaulding of Spaulding family. Very wealthy, okay? This amount alone shows what an amateur you are. Why would you cut out letters to make a ransom note? You would have been better off with a computer printout.
Grady: A computer printout?
Dinah: Yeah. No prints. No D.N.A. No prison.
Grady: Look, just... just don't worry about it. They're not going to trace it back to us, okay?
Dinah: Oh, "us." Oh, I love it when you do that. You use "us" when you're headed for trouble, don't you?
Grady: Look, I know you think you're the brains of the operation, but just remember, you called on me. I'm the one with the background and the experience. You're going to get your brother back, I'm going to get my payday, and in the end, is there anything else?
Dinah: I don't know. You tell me.
Grady: I wish I had more for you, but I don’t. I figure money's a start.
Dinah: Where did you put the first note?
Grady: The side patio at the Spaulding house.
Dinah: Okay. I'm going to go there. I'm going to try to intercept it before someone sees it, okay? You go to the grocery store and buy Lizzie some food, all right? Now!
Grady: Trust me, this is all going to work out.
(Cell phone rings)
Daisy: Hey, I can't talk right now.
Ashlee: Well, you're going to want to hear this.
Daisy: Okay, but I'm just... I'm busy. I'm working.
Ashlee: Okay. Okay, about Grady, though.
Daisy: Oh, wait. Okay. What... uh, wait. Don't hang up.
Ashlee: You... won't believe it. I saw him with a mystery woman, and you'll never believe who it is.
Daisy: Lizzie Spaulding?
Ashlee: No, not Lizzie. It's my boss.
Daisy: Dinah?
Ashlee: Well, I'm down here at the station, and I saw Dinah and Grady practically steaming the wallpaper off the walls.
Daisy: Doing what?
Ashlee: Well, kissing, but it looked like they had practice. Well, Dais, uh... are you still there?
Daisy: Yeah. I'm just, uh... really busy.
Ashlee: Well, I think it's Grady’s loss. I mean, I think you're... you're a lot prettier.
Daisy: Yeah, Dinah can have Grady. I just... I have to go make a bust.
Guy: Hand me a lighter. Thanks.
Lizzie: Hello? Who's there? My arms are getting numb. Can you just loosen this a little bit? I won't try to get away. Why are you doing this to me? Come on, what did I do to you? Look, I told you whatever this is, I... I can make it right, okay? I can give you money, okay? I told you that I would give you lots of money. No, wait! Come back! No, please don't leave me here again! Ah! Oh, that is it. No more Mr. Nice guy. (Struggling)
Daisy: The cigarette butt has left the store. He has seven cartons, two visits. How much longer do you want me to... gotcha.
Grady: "Olay Regenerist." Exfoliates... hmm. Dinah might need something like this. A little resurfacing. Keep the change, buddy.
Lizzie: Come on. Something sharp... something heavy. Ah! Ah! Yes, yes! (Quiet clanking) No, it's not loud enough! (Quiet clanking) (louder clanking) Yes, yes! Come on! Oh, come on.
Ashlee: Hi, what are you doing here?
Dinah: Hi. Just getting some coffee like the rest of the world.
Ashlee: Oh, cool. Well, if you had told me, I could have brought it to you at the studio.
Dinah: No, that's okay. I'm not working at the studio today.
Ashlee: Oh, you're not? Oh, but, I still could have brought it to you anyway. I mean, you know, anything to kiss the boss's butt, right?
Dinah: You know what? I need to go, but I will talk to you later...
Ashlee: Oh, do you have a hot date?
Dinah: What?
Ashlee: I'm sorry. That was forward. I was just curious if you're seeing anyone.
Dinah: No, I'm not. You?
Ashlee: Oh, no. No, not me. No, I mean, not enough time. But you, I mean, I'm surprised. Men should be beating down your door. I mean, you know, all kinds of guys. Good guys, bad guys...
Dinah: Not the right kind of guys.
Ashlee: Right.
Dinah: I'll see you later, okay?
Ashlee: Hey, you got that right.
Dinah: Okay.
Ashlee: This is not good.
Daisy: (Impersonating male voice) You're under arrest. Whoa, you look guilty.
Grady: (Laughing) Hey.
Daisy: Hi.
Grady: So, how are you doing?
Daisy: Good. Just here visiting someone.
Grady: Hmm. You almost sounded like a cop then.
Daisy: Thank you.
Grady: Not that you look like one, though. I mean, you never could. You look too good for that.
Daisy: So, you've been shopping? What did you get?
Grady: Essentials. You know, Pringles, candy, stuff like that. So whatcha got going on?
Daisy: Just keeping busy.
Grady: So have you moved into the house yet?
Daisy: Oh, yeah, just about. I talked to Harley today on the phone, and she just could have been right up the street. It was weird later when she didn't come home.
Grady: You know, I'm sorry about that. You know you deserve better.
Daisy: Yeah, well, I'm starting to find out people don't always get what they deserve. Toothpaste, who is that for?
Grady: Me. Who else?
Daisy: Oh, I don't know, maybe you're new girlfriend.
Grady: I don't have a new girlfriend.
Daisy: Really? That's not what I hear. I hear you're with Dinah. You sure don't waste time, do you?
Grady: I'm working for Dinah. It's just a job.
Daisy: Good benefits?
Grady: Dinah and I are friendly, but I never let anything get in the way of business, you know? Nothing personal.
Daisy: Nothing personal, huh? Let me guess. You decided you wanted to start smelling like a summer's day?
Bill: Okay, okay, listen to me. They're not going to hurt Lizzie. Okay? Not if they want us to pay. So I'm going to go up to her room and see if I missed something.
Alan: And I'm going to call the F.B.I., the police, and the entire family...
Bill: Alan, you cannot do that.
Alan: Listen to me! Everyone who lives in this house-- Beth, your parents, everyone-- has to be alerted. They may have seen something.
Bill: You cannot tell anyone, okay? Not until we've heard from the kidnapper, okay? This is Lizzie’s life we're talking about here.
Alan: Nobody loves Elizabeth more than I do, Bill.
Bill: Then why take the chance? Right now, we have to play by the kidnapper's rules.
Alan: Kidnapper. It could be Phillip.
Bill: Phillip?
Alan: Yes. I have to call the family to make sure that Emma, James and Zach are protected. I will not forget what happened last time.
Bill: Alan, please... please listen to me. Do not do that, okay? Not until we've made contact.
Alan: You know something, Bill, this is very convenient for you, isn't it? Having Elizabeth gone and you grabbing reins of Spaulding-Lewis, while her family sits around and does nothing?
Bill: You think I had something to do with this?
Alan: Well, you seem to be profiting.
Bill: You honestly think that I had Lizzie kidnapped?
Alan: Did you?
Dinah: Kidnapped? Who got kidnapped?
Alan: Why don't you ask your brother where my granddaughter is, Dinah?
Dinah: What's going on? What's going on? Did something happen to Lizzie? Just breathe, all right?
Bill: I just kept telling myself that she was playing some sort of game, you know?
Dinah: Maybe she was. Maybe she was. You know she loves attention.
Bill: She's getting attention. She's getting plenty of attention. We're just on the verge of... everything, you know? We were so close, finally.
Dinah: Maybe she got scared.
Bill: Huh. Lizzie does not get scared. No. There's a note inside. Will you come in and tell me what you think? You coming?
Dinah: Sure. Yes, yes.
Grady: I'm the errand boy, all right? Whatever Dinah needs, I get.
Daisy: Well, I hope it's worth it.
Grady: I've got to look after myself, you know? I have to start somewhere.
Daisy: Well, this just doesn't seem like your kind of job unless there is something else to it.
Grady: What other options are there out there for a guy like me? Princeton business school? Where I come from, you take with both hands, otherwise someone else is going to take it from you.
Daisy: You could go to Princeton business school.
Grady: What, after I go to the moon with the astronauts? Where am I going to get the money? What about my education, you know? I dropped out of school when I was... I don't even remember. But who the hell cares? I am what I am.
Daisy: Well, at least you're not working for the Spaulding’s. This is a step up.
Grady: Yeah. It's a job, huh?
Daisy: Look... uh, here. I want to give this to you. And I know we're not together anymore, but... I don't know, just want to know that you have at least part of me.
Grady: No, no. It's yours. I never want that back.
Daisy: Here. (Clanging noise)
Daisy: What was that?
Grady: It was nothing, you know? Sometimes the pipes, they do that sort of thing.
Daisy: That didn't sound like a pipe.
Grady: So now you're a plumber now? Man, could you just let me do my job? All you do is complain and complain and complain. I've had enough of you, all right?
Ashlee: Hey! Yeah, Amy, it's Ashlee. How are you? Good. Well, I know that I said I was going to stop by the studio, but, I mean, nothing is really going on there. And I figured I'd do some other stuff. Oh, yeah... no, a friend needs me. Yeah, that's all. No, don't worry about it. I locked up before I left. Yeah, nobody's there.
(Clanging noise)
Lizzie: Ah! Ah! Ah! Hi. I'm so glad you came back. I'd almost thought you'd forgotten me.
Grady: Nice try.
Alan: Be safe, Elizabeth.
Beth: Oh, no, you don't!
Alan: Beth, I've got to get out of this damn chair. There are things I have to do.
Beth: They'll keep.
Alan: No.
Beth: Don't you even think about it.
Alan: She needs me.
Beth: Who needs you?
Alan: Elizabeth.
Beth: What are you talking about? What has happened to Lizzie?
Dinah: "You've got money, I've got Lizzie, we're a perfect match. More details to follow." Is this for real?
Bill: At first, I wasn't really sure. I thought it was a hoax.
Dinah: Yeah, well, the cut-out letters are something out of a cheesy movie. Where did you find this?
Bill: On one of the patios. They were able to put it there, get on and off the property without anyone seeing them.
Dinah: Was anything stolen?
Bill: No. Lizzie, some of her clothes.
Dinah: Well, I guess that she didn't bail out on the Galaxy thing, you know? I don't know what to say. I, um... I'm sorry.
Bill: She has to be okay.
Dinah: Yes, she does. And she will be okay because someone wants money, which means that they have to keep her safe, right? Bill? Say something. What’s... what are you thinking?
Bill: I knew you'd show up.
Dinah: You did?
Bill: Every time... every single time when something happens, it’s... you know when I need you.
Dinah: Of course I do. You're my brother. You're my brother. And I... I will do anything I can to help you, anything at all.
Bill: I owe you an apology.
Dinah: No, you don’t.
Bill: No, I do. I do. I really do. I've been such a jerk to you lately, and I've been taking all of my anger out on you, and I'm sorry, okay?
Dinah: I'm fine. That’s... that's what happens... that's what happens, you know, when somebody loves somebody. You know, you fight, you make up, and then you fight some more.
Bill: Dinah, listen to me, stop making excuses for me, okay? Stop! I'm sorry. I could have handled everything better. I mean, Ava, the wedding, Max, okay? And I took it all out on you. And I... I'm sorry.
Dinah: Oh, Bill, we're going to find Lizzie, okay? We are, and I guarantee that. I promise.
Bill: I'm just glad you're here.
Dinah: I am here, okay? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. It's going to be all right. I promise.
Lizzie: Ow! Ah! Ah!
Grady: Don't get smart. I hate smart chicks.
Lizzie: Is that what happened to you? Did someone hurt you? Was it a chick? We're not all like that, you know? It's not like you can't get her back. If you love her, chances are she probably loves you, too. It's just kind of the way it works, you know? You fight and you argue and you say, like... a whole bunch of stuff that you wish you could take back, but even in the end, you wish there was somebody else-- anybody else-- there isn’t. You're just only able to love that one person, and you're stuck. So you know what you do? You go back and you try again, and you try again, until you get it right. With one difference, especially if you're the guy.
Grady: What?
Lizzie: You tell her how you feel. Say that you love her, and I bet that she comes back. I know I would. What's her name? What's that? Hey, what are you doing? No, you're scaring me. What are you doing? Oh, my... ah! Hey!
Grady: D.N.A.
Lizzie: Ah!
Alan: Beth, I need you to stay calm.
Beth: Just tell me what's happened to Lizzie.
Alan: Well, we don't know the details yet, but we think Elizabeth has been kidnapped.
Beth: Oh, my God.
Alan: Beth, please, stay calm. Now, I want you to tell me something. Where is James right now?
Beth: James... James is at school. What... do you think this was Phillip?
Alan: No, no, no. The ransom note was too amateurishly written to be Phillip.
Beth: Okay. There's a ransom note. What do they want?
Alan: Well, they have not contacted us yet, but there will be a sum of money involved, which also indicates there is no way that Phillip would hold Elizabeth for cash.
Beth: No, no. No. He wouldn’t. Who would do something like this?
Alan: Now, I want you to call the school and make sure that James is okay, all right?
Beth: I'm going to call my mother and ask her to pick him up after school.
Alan: All right. And I'm going to call Olivia and make sure that Emma is safe, and I'll call the Cooper’s, and then...
Beth: Harley has got Zach and Jude in Greece, so...
Alan: All right. So then I'll call Buzz and have him alert Harley about what's going on.
Beth: We need to call the police.
Alan: No. We have not decided about what we're going to do about that right now.
Beth: "We"? "We"? Who... who is "we"?
Alan: Bill Lewis and me.
Beth: You know something? Bill Lewis is not deciding what is best for my daughter. We have to call the police now.
Alan: No... Beth, calm down, please. Don't worry about this. I will do everything in my power-- and you know that --to protect this family. Now, you take care of James, and I will take care of Bill Lewis.
Beth: Mom, it's me.
Dinah: Well, your fingerprints are all over that, and so are mine, but that won't matter once we get them the money.
Bill: Dinah... I think this may not be about the money. I mean, you're right. Look at this letter. I mean, it looks like it is out of some black and white movie. You know? I'm thinking maybe it is some sort of whack job with a... a grudge.
Dinah: Well, I don't think you should call the police at all. I mean, we have to think of Lizzie. We have to keep her safe. How many other people know about this, besides Alan?
Bill: Um... no. I told him not to tell anyone until we've been contacted.
Dinah: Okay. What about the staff?
Bill: I have not told them.
Dinah: Well, I think I'm going to get back to the television station and make sure that another note wasn't sent there to the newsroom.
Bill: The TV station?
Dinah: Yeah. Sometimes kidnappers like to make a name for themselves, so, um... well, that happens a lot.
Bill: Okay. You do that.
Dinah: Yeah.
Bill: Hey, thank you.
Dinah: Sure. Sure. Why do I have to fix everything? Why, why, why, why, why?
Lizzie: What are you doing now?
Grady: Food.
Lizzie: Oh, I'm starving. Hmm. (Breathing heavy)
Grady: Next time I won't be so nice.
Lizzie: What... what is this?
Ashlee: I'm sorry.
Daisy: Hmm? About what?
Ashlee: Well, that I had to be the one to tell you about Dinah. You know what? Actually, I'm not sorry. That's a lie. You know, I ran into Dinah before, and she looked guilty as hell.
Daisy: Did she say anything about Grady?
Ashlee: No, she didn't have to. I... I don't get why she is with him. I mean, he is a total freak.
Daisy: Not when you know him. I mean, not total.
Ashlee: No, worry... it's a sign. You know, it’s... you should move on.
Daisy: I have.
Ashlee: Okay. Are you mad at me?
Daisy: No.
Ashlee: Are you sure?
Daisy: Yes!
Ashlee: Well, my mom says there are lots of fish in the sea, so next time just don't choose a shark. I sound like my mom, don't I? Why don't you just kill me now? How about that? (Laughs)
Daisy: I just... I can't stop thinking about it. It's just so weird how hard Grady was trying to convince me that it was just a job.
Ashlee: Some job.
Daisy: Yeah, but what if it is? I mean, just play along with me here. What kind of job would Grady be doing for Dinah?
Just 'cuz I'm gangsta
just 'cuz I'm a gangsta...
Dinah: Did you check on Lizzie?
Grady: Uh, yeah. She was playing a tune on the pipes. It's lucky I went there. So what happened?
Dinah: It was too late. He found the note.
Grady: What? I mean you saw him? Did you talk to him?
Dinah: Yes.
Grady: And...
Dinah: For quite a while.
Grady: So what did he say?
Dinah: Well... he's scared. And he needs me now, and I'm going to be there for him.
Grady: Do you hear yourself?
Dinah: I need him to remember what a good team we were.
Grady: Super sister to the rescue.
Dinah: I want him to remember who I am and what I can do. That's all.
Grady: You are loving this, aren't you, huh? Seeing him suffer like that?
Dinah: No! What is wrong with you? No, I don't like seeing Bill suffer. And I'm going to have to fix this now.
Grady: So now you're going to help him find his girlfriend, huh?
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. And he needs me. And this is just the beginning.
Grady: Yeah, well, it's not going to be over until I get my 50 grand.
Dinah: Higher.
Grady: 60 grand?
Dinah: Higher.
Grady: 80... 90... a hundred grand? How much did you ask for?
Bill: Five million dollars. Okay. Hi.
Alan: She knows.
Bill: What?
Beth: We're calling the police.
Bill: I told you not to tell anyone.
Alan: Look, Bill, you may have taken reins of the company, but when you're in this house, I call the shots. Beth is Elizabeth’s mother. She has every right to know.
Beth: Now, do... do we even know what happened?
Bill: As far as I can tell, it happened right before the Galaxy presentation. I just assumed she was playing some kind of game.
Alan: You assumed? Just like you assumed that the kidnappers are going to contact us!
Bill: He did.
Alan: Five million dollars?
Beth: Well, we'll pay it, for God's sake. I want my daughter back.
Alan: It says "no police."
Bill: I know what it says.
Grady: Five million bucks? Five million dollars! Do you know what I could buy with that? I'll never have to work again in my life. I could buy that chair. I could buy the couch. I... I could buy the whole station. I may give a little bit of money to Cyrus, you know, just to let him know who is in charge, huh? Oh, Dinah... you rock!
Dinah: (Laughs) I'm so happy you're excited, but... this is not about the money for me. It is about my brother. It is about... (cell phone rings) my brother! Hey. Hi. I was just going to check in on you. What's going on?
Bill: I need you... here at the house. Can you come right now?
Dinah: Uh, sure. Yeah. All right, I'm on my way. I've got to go. Would you please peek in or Lizzie for me?
Grady: Oh, she's fine. Go on, go take care of your poor, old, desperate little brother.
Dinah: Okay. All right. You know what? Keep an eye on her, please.
Grady: Whatever you say, boss.
Many you should know by now
I'm just a gangsta
just cuz I'm a gangsta
just cuz I'm a gangsta
just cuz I'm a gangsta
just cuz I'm a gangsta
man you should know by now,
I'm just a gangsta...
Grady: (Grunting)
Lizzie: (Heavy breathing)
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: Whoever these people are, they're not going to beat me.
Alan: You're glad you don't have to share the company with Elizabeth, aren't you, Bill?
Dinah: How dare you suggest my brother doesn't care.
Bill: I forgot how great it is to have you in my corner. Dinah, you're the only one who I can trust.
Lizzie: Yeah! (Laughs) Oh! Now, where the hell am I?
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