Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/14/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
R.J.: Mr. Harris came by and asked if I liked your new boyfriend.
Marina: Who would steal a stereo system and then donate it to charity?
Man: A wonderful woman who lost her daughter here last year.
Marina: Cassie does something nice, and now we're going to cause a big load of trouble about it?
Cassie: Looks like I left my keys in the car.
Cyrus: I happen to have my kit.
Marina: Well, at least they're breaking into her car.
Mallet: Yeah, I wonder what's taking them so long.
Marina: How long do you think it will take us...
Mallet: I'd be in that car already.
Marina: No, I mean to save up enough money?
Mallet: Oh, for the house? Oh, I don't know. With both of us working two jobs...
Marina: You know, maybe I should call Harley, see if she can give us a little more time. You know, I don't think I've ever left my keys in the car before.
Mallet: Oh, I have. You know, that's a good idea, asking for another month. Oh, they're in. Nope, they're not in. Huh. You'd think Cyrus would realize by now that speed is critical when stealing another person's car.
Marina: I would think that speed is critical when stealing anything. And he stole jewels, not cars.
Mallet: He stole all kinds of things.
Marina: It's Cassie’s car, so it's not exactly like they're stealing it. Oh! They're in.
Mallet: They're in! You sure about this?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I mean, Cassie’s neighbor has their stereo system stolen, and then, when, just a little bit later, Cassie donates a stereo system exactly like that to the hospital?
Mallet: Yeah, I didn't mean that. I meant you taking Cyrus. I can question him.
Marina: Oh, no, no, no. I'm fine with Cyrus. You can interrogate Cassie.
Mallet: Well, it's not an official interrogation.
Marina: Interrogation, ambush-- whatever.
Dinah: You know, I hate to kill the moment, but don't you have a girl wrapped up and bound in the basement?
Grady: So?
Dinah: So you might want to check on her.
Grady: She's not going anywhere. So is this being on board with the plan?
Dinah: The plan involves planning, and what you did was something very different.
Grady: Well, I can't cut her loose now.
Dinah: No, I know. I know you can’t. But I need you to be nice to her. We used to be friends before...
Grady: Friends?
Dinah: Yeah. We used to be roommates. It's a long story. But this isn't about Lizzie. This is about Bill. The longer she's down there, the more he'll suffer, and the more he'll need me to pick up the pieces. And he'll see that it was a big mistake to toss me out of the company and the family and the house. Okay?
Lizzie: Somebody help me! Help me! Help!
Bill: Yeah, look forward to working with you, too. Okay. Take care. Hey, Beth. Have you heard from Lizzie?
Beth: No. I've spent the whole day at the law library. Why?
Bill: Just wondering.
(Cell phone ringing)
Dinah: Okay. Shut that thing off. (Cell phone ringing)
Grady: Huh, brother Bill.
Beth: What's going on with Lizzie? Something wrong?
Bill: No. You know how she is. She calls her own shots.
Lizzie: I know you're out there! Answer me! Hello?
Bill: Okay. Well, I'll talk to you soon, then. Thanks again.
Beth: So I take it the presentation went well?
Bill: Well, I knocked it out of the park.
Beth: You mean, you and my daughter knocked it out of the park.
Bill: No, that's not what I mean, because Lizzie never showed, so I had to do it all on my own. And fortunately, I was able to save face, convince Decker. Now he wants to work with me and me alone.
Beth: Oh. Hmm.
Bill: So, you don't seem too surprised.
Beth: Well, I just don't think it's Lizzie’s top priority right now.
Bill: Really? Well, it should have been. I mean, hell if I know what she wants anymore.
Beth: Well, as much as I hate to say it, it's you, Bill. You are what she wants.
Bill: Well, she's got a funny way of showing it. You realize she almost blew this deal? Leaves me hanging on the biggest day of my career, and I had so much that I wanted to tell her before we... never mind. So you think she planned on bailing on me all along?
Beth: I think, um, that she knows that you've never liked sharing the limelight; that you wanted to prove to everyone-- Josh, Bill, Alan, Decker-- that you were the next big thing. And maybe she stepped out of the way to give you your win.
Bill: I don't know.
Beth: Why? Why? Is that inconvenient? Does that take away from your big win? If you ask me, I think you should be thanking her.
Bill: Maybe I would, if I knew where she was.
Lizzie: Ow.
Dinah: Make sure Lizzie’s comfortable, all right?
Grady: She's tied to a chair.
Dinah: You know what I mean. We're not out to torture her. We're not your typical kidnappers.
Grady: Well, then what are we?
Dinah: We're opportunists. I'm going to go get a feel for the situation again, so we can figure out how to best use this to our advantage. But from now on, we're going to think everything through, right? We'll leave nothing to chance, make sure we don't react to every impulse we have. Okay, enough of that. We have more important issues to attend to.
Marina: Hey! Hey, stranger.
Cyrus: Hey, yourself.
Marina: Man, I thought maybe you left town.
Cyrus: Thought or hoped?
Marina: No, no. I just haven't seen you around that much. And, you know, now that Harley’s definitely not coming back, and... well, Grady’s trial ended weeks ago.
Cyrus: Well, Grady’s sticking around, so...
Marina: So you're your brother's keeper, huh?
Cyrus: Well, some days.
Marina: Well, I mean, that can't be your full-time gig.
Cyrus: Grady's not hanging around with Daisy again, is he? I thought that was all over.
Marina: No. No. Not that I know of.
Cyrus: Good.
Marina: You know, Cyrus, Grady should really leave town. I mean, not that everyone would want you to follow him or anything like that.
Cyrus: Is the house sold yet?
Marina: What?
Cyrus: Harley's house?
Marina: Oh. Uh, yeah. Actually, Mallet and I are buying it together.
Cyrus: Congratulations.
Marina: Thanks. So what are you up to?
Cyrus: What?
Marina: Well, I mean, if Grady’s not keeping you busy all the time, I figure you must be up to something.
Cassie: Well, thanks for helping out. What brings you out this way, anyway?
Mallet: Oh, patrolling. There's been a lot of reports of break-ins in the neighborhood. Have you seen or heard anything?
Cassie: No. No, it's been quiet here.
Mallet: Okay. Well, if you see or hear anything, you know, let me know. You know, if you feel unsafe at all, just call me, because I know it's just you and R.J., and, you know, with Grady still out there...
Cassie: Oh, I don't think he'll be causing any problems.
Mallet: Why do you say that?
Cassie: I just think here is the last place he wants to be. Really, R.J. and I are doing fine. I will call you if we need you.
Mallet: Okay. R.J.'s getting in the tool box, huh? Teaching the kid some responsibility?
Cassie: Well, R.J. has had to be responsible than more things than most kids his age would ever have to be. He helps around the house, but now that he's back in school...
Mallet: Oh, right. You've got to do a lot of it yourself.
Cassie: Actually, I hired Cyrus to help around here.
Mallet: Oh. I didn't know he did that kind of thing.
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, he does.
Lizzie: Hello? Talk to me. Those sound like Jimmy Choos. No, wait, talk to me! Please say something to me!
Grady: Drink!
Lizzie: I'm hungry.
Grady: It's coming.
Lizzie: No, wait! How much will it take? How much money do you want?
Marina: So anyway, I took on a second job at the hospital as a security guard, but I don't know. If you're looking for anything these days....
Cyrus: I've just been doing some odd jobs. To pay for the house?
Marina: What?
Cyrus: Is that why you took a second job?
Marina: Oh, yeah. I mean, sort of. So odd jobs, huh? And you were still able to afford all of Grady’s legal fees.
Cyrus: Yeah. So Harley knows that you bought her house?
Marina: Well, yeah. I mean, she's the one who's selling it, so...
Cyrus: I'm surprised you'd want to live there after everything that happened with the two of you.
Marina: Oh, well, you did, after everything that happened with the two of us.
Cyrus: Well, I had nowhere to go.
Marina: Yeah, that's when I thought you might leave town, but you stayed.
Cyrus: Well, Grady turned up, so... anyway, I'm sorry I even brought up the house, Marina. I didn't want to bring up what happened with you and Harley, or me and Harley, or...
Marina: Or you and me. Yeah. Anyway, so Grady’s sticking around, huh? Why?
Cyrus: Well, I shouldn't speak for him.
Marina: Oh. It must be really hard on Cassie.
Cyrus: Well, sure, of course.
Marina: Not that she doesn't have people to lean on for support, you know? Friends, family, even neighbors.
Cyrus: Neighbors?
Marina: Yeah, neighbors, you know? Everybody's got 'em. And if Cassie’s close with hers, then, you know...
Cyrus: No, I don't know.
Marina: Well, I assume she is close with her neighbors.
Cyrus: You'd have to ask her. Anyway, I really should go. But good luck with the house.
Marina: Thank you.
Cyrus: I really do want you to be happy.
Marina: Thanks. Me, too.
Cassie: Well, thanks again for helping.
Mallet: Yeah, you bet. I would have left it for Cyrus if I knew he was working for you.
Cassie: Oh, well, he's not... not really. Not anymore.
Mallet: Oh, did something happen?
Cassie: No, just... there's not much left to do around here. He's taken care of most of it already.
Mallet: Well, I'm sure that guy knows his way around a tool box. You know, probably learned all that breaking into places.
Cassie: You're not a fan?
Mallet: Never knew you were.
Cassie: I'm not. I just needed some things taken care of around here. That's all. Would you like a bottle of water, so that you can take it with you to go when you have to get back out on patrol?
Mallet: Did Cyrus threaten you?
Cassie: No!
Mallet: You just seem a little rattled.
Cassie: I think I must have just had too much coffee this morning. Really, R.J. and I are totally fine.
Mallet: Thank you. Guess I'll mosey on over to my job number two. I'm working security at Cedars. Oh, the administrator showed me that stereo system you donated to the hospital. Sweet. Very nice.
Cassie: They're not supposed to talk about that.
Mallet: Oh, well, I think it was a little bit of a slip-up, but it happens. See, I've been looking for a stereo exactly like that one, and so... did you buy that downtown?
Cyrus: Oh, hi.
Cassie: Hi. Come on in.
Cyrus: I didn't know you had company.
Cassie: No, not at all. I'm sure you're just here to pick up your tools. I was just telling him about how you've been working here.
Cyrus: Got to pay the bills.
Mallet: Yeah. Okay, guys, I'm a little pressed for time. I think you stole a stereo system from Cassie’s neighbor down the road, and I think you donated it to the hospital. So prove me wrong.
Bill: Dinah. What are you doing here?
Dinah: Just coming buy to see Mom with some WSPR stuff, electrical bill. Didn't she tell you?
Bill: No, but she knows that I've been busy.
Dinah: Yeah, I thought you'd be working. Did Decker back out?
Bill: Why would he do that?
Dinah: Because you said that Lizzie was a no-show for your presentation.
Bill: No. The deal is still on. Suddenly, Lizzie isn't so important to him anymore.
Dinah: Isn't so important to him?
Bill: Look, this deal is going to be a huge success for me, for the company.
Dinah: That's good. That's good, isn't it?
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: You don't look happy.
Bill: I just don't want to talk about it.
Dinah: Has she called?
Bill: Dinah, I don't want to talk about it.
Dinah: I know that. I was just curious. You know what? I'm going to go. You just keep making your phone calls.
Bill: I called the hospitals, just in case there was an accident or something.
Dinah: Anything?
Bill: No.
Dinah: Well, you know what? Just don't beat yourself up worrying that something kept her away. Maybe she kept herself away.
Bill: Beth said the same thing.
Dinah: Even her own mom thinks that she's capable of totally abandoning you, so...
Bill: Do you know what our mother thinks you're capable of?
Dinah: Look, if you're going to believe everything that Mom has to say about me, then...
Bill: Well, I don't give you half as much credit as mom does.
Dinah: No one gives me enough credit.
Bill: The truth is, I wanted to tell Lizzie that I love her. You know, I want to make a commitment to her. I do. And I wanted to tell her that before the presentation, you know-- just in case it all fell apart, Decker backed out, and we have one another, you know? She'd know she's the most important thing to me. Beth doesn't think she abandoned me. She thinks she stayed away so I could have my shining moment.
Dinah: And you had that, didn't you? Did you have that?
Bill: I've got to make some more calls.
Dinah: Bill, just don't take this personally, please. Maybe she just... she wasn't thinking of you.
Bill: I don't know if Mom's inside, but you can go in and check if you want.
Lizzie: Untie me, just a little bit-- just enough so that I can write down my bank information and my pin number. I won't try anything. I promise, okay? Come on, you can go to the ATM. You can take out a ton of money, okay? But if you don't want to do that, I can... I can tell you how to get to my checkbook, and you can write it out yourself for as much as you want. I'll sign it, I don't care. You have no idea how much money my family is worth. Come on, pick a number so we can cut a deal, please! You can take the money, and then I'll walk away, and I'll look... I'll walk away and I won't look back, okay? I promise. This is your one chance to make money off of this, okay? Everyone I know is going to come looking for me! They're probably looking for me right now!
Grady: Or maybe nobody cares.
Frank: Hey, honey. Are you stumped on a case there?
Marina: No. I was just... I was just punching some numbers into a mortgage calculator to see how much money the people who end up buying Harley’s house will have to pay.
Frank: Hmm. Why do you care?
Marina: I don't know. It was just for fun.
Frank: For fun? Well, I'm sure Springfield taxpayers would love to know how their finest are spending their days.
Marina: Yeah. Well, maybe the taxpayers should be paying us more money so that the S.P.D.'s detectives can put nice roofs over their heads, instead of having to live in freaking hotel rooms forever. And then maybe we'd be motivated to go out there and find some fricking crime to fight!
Frank: What's going on?
Marina: I'm buying... we're... we're buying Harley’s house, Mallet and me.
Frank: You're buying it as an investment, right? I mean, people are going to be renting it from you, right?
Marina: As a home, for us to live in together.
Frank: You better start talking, and you better start talking real fast.
Marina: Okay, now, listen. I think that... well, we think that we are taking things slowly-- I mean, mostly. Nobody wants to rush things. I know that for sure. But ever since we started working on this house, getting it ready and cleaning it up for... to get ready for us to sell, it's all we can think about. And then, you guys came over, and we played cards, and we had that stereo dance party, and you guys spilled potato chip crumbs all over the place, and it just felt right! I mean, it felt like it should be our house, and it shouldn't go to somebody else, even a family that we like, because... well, just because. So we really want to do this, and even if we're the family moving in right now, and it's just Mallet and me and that's all, I mean, it's still the right family. But we're not talking about marriage at all. We are definitely not talking about this. But we both want it so badly, and it means so much to us that we're taking on second jobs so we can try to scrape up enough money so that we can afford this house! And I know that we're going to be tired, and I know it's just going to mean work, work, work, work, work, and we're going to have absolutely no life for, like, the longest time, but I just think in the end of the day, it's really going to be worth it to me, because I get to go home to my house with him.
Cyrus: You know, you try and straighten out your life, start doing some legit work. Accusing me of stealing I get. But dragging Cassie into this?
Cassie: Cyrus, I'm fine.
Cyrus: She was married to a minister.
Mallet: I said prove to me that you didn't swipe the neighbor's stereo, and instead I'm getting, what, a song and dance here?
Cyrus: I didn't do it. Go ahead, investigate. I have nothing to hide. Did you save the receipt for this... whatever it is?
Mallet: Stereo system.
Cassie: I don't know. I can look.
Cyrus: And if you need an alibi for me, I can get you one.
Mallet: Oh, I'm sure you can.
Cyrus: Hey, I'll take a polygraph. We both will.
Mallet: Yeah, I may hold you to that. You'll be hearing from me again soon.
Cassie: A receipt? What are you thinking? Why would you put that in his head?
Cyrus: Because I'm going to get you one. I'm going to take care of it right now. I'll just pay off a store clerk to dummy up a receipt.
Cassie: Just like that?
Cyrus: I've done it before.
Cassie: Yeah, and the cops know that, so we're dead. I can’t... I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know why I wasn't more careful. I can't take a polygraph.
Cyrus: I've done that before, too. You can beat them.
Cassie: Oh, maybe you can.
Cyrus: Okay. I'll teach you how to do that when I get back from the store. It's all good. Really.
Cyrus: Hey! Did you get my message?
Grady: What message?
Cyrus: I called you before. Where you been?
Grady: I've been here. Now I'm leaving. I've been busy.
Cyrus: Well, I was thinking of starting a new job. It'll have to wait now, but I thought you might want in.
Grady: What's the job?
Cyrus: I don't know yet.
Grady: I've got something I'm working on at the moment.
Cyrus: With Dinah?
Grady: Yeah.
Cyrus: Big score?
Grady: There's no room for you, if that's what you're asking.
Cyrus: I'm not. I just want you to be okay, Grady.
Grady: I'm better than okay, bro.
Frank: Here.
Marina: What's this?
Frank: Around the time your mom and I got divorced, you drew me a picture. It was a picture of your wedding day. It nearly broke my heart.
Marina: I don't remember.
Frank: Of course you don't remember, because you were little. But it was a big wedding. And there was a lot of stick people. And you had really long, red hair that went all the way down to your little stick feet, and your groom was about five feet taller than anybody else around there. I mean, he was even taller than some of the trees.
Marina: (Laughs)
Frank: And his head was bigger than the sun.
Marina: Were you there?
Frank: I was standing right next to you, like I said I always would. And here we are. I started saving for your wedding that day.
Frank: But I told you, Mallet and I aren’t... we're not getting married.
Frank: No, no, no. I know that. I know that. But when you were talking about the house and all that, in that same picture you drew a little house, and it was a tiny, little house in the background. You said that was going to be my house. I don't know how your ten-foot husband was going to fit in the door, but... and you said also that you wanted a party in that house, and that you wanted to have a party every single day in that house. I may not be able to give you everything in that picture, but I can certainly help you get that house.
Marina: Dad...
Frank: You take whatever money is in that account, okay? You should have enough for a pretty good down payment. And you don't wait for that party. You start that party now. And you start it with a great guy. And that house... that house is no longer Harley’s. It's yours.
Marina: Thank you. Thank you.
Mallet: Hey, you want some help?
Dinah: Oh, hey. No, no, no, no. I'm fine. Thank you.
Mallet: You sure? It looks pretty heavy.
Dinah: Nope. It's fine.
Mallet: What do you got in there? You got a body in there?
Dinah: No. I've got clothes and shoes and lots of stuff to give to Goodwill.
Mallet: Oh. You know, there's a box outside the police station. I can take it for you.
Dinah: No. No, no, no, no. It's fine. I'll do it myself. Thank you.
Mallet: It looks too much.
Dinah: It's fine, okay? I'm going to take it to charity myself. It won't count if I don't do it that way. So speaking of cleaning up, how is Harley’s house coming along for you?
Mallet: Oh, yeah, fixed up and, um... Marina and I are actually going to buy it.
Dinah: You guys are moving in together?
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: Wow!
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: Wow, that was soon. Well, that’s... congratulations. Congratulations. That is excellent. Aw. Charity awaits. I... I will see you later.
(Glass breaking)
Lizzie: I've got to get back to Bill.
Marina: (Screams)
Mallet: What? What are you doing?
Marina: I'm celebrating! You know, like in a football game, when the winning team rushes over to the winning coach and they dump that bucket of sports drink all over him? Only I used silly string so we wouldn't get our floor sticky.
Mallet: What are you talking about? Oh, thank you. That's helpful. Thank you.
Marina: Our floor. Our floor. Mallet, my dad gave us the money for a down payment so we can buy the house.
Mallet: What? What happened?
Marina: Yeah, I was talking to him about us wanting to buy the house and trying to scrape up enough money to be able to afford the down payment, and he told me about this account that he started years ago so that he could give it to me someday when I had something really important. And this is, so he gave us the money and his blessing.
Mallet: Wow. I... well, I appreciate his blessings, but I'm not taking money from Frank. I can't take money from Frank.
Marina: No, you're not. I am. He gave the money to me as a gift, and this is how I want to spend it.
Mallet: You sure?
Marina: Absolutely.
Mallet: This is our house? We're in our house? Oh, we're in our home?
Marina: We have to buy it first, but...
Mallet: Hold it. So Frank... Frank's been saving money for you, and he's been sitting on this pile of cash, and now he just gave it to you?
Marina: Well, it was supposed to be for my wedding, I think, but...
Mallet: Oh.
Marina: No, Mallet. Listen. Listen. I think it was less about an actual wedding, and more about me starting my life, which this is. So it makes perfect sense.
Mallet: What if you want to get married someday?
Marina: Do I have to decide that right now?
Mallet: Race you to our new bedroom. No, I didn't say go! Oh! Next time we celebrate, let's try champagne instead.
Marina: That would be sticky.
Mallet: Well, drinking it, not wearing it.
Cyrus: So I had the guy dummy up a few different kinds of receipts so our bases are covered.
Cassie: Okay. And the thumb tacks?
Cyrus: Well, I'm getting to that. So the key to beating a polygraph is to throw the machine off during the control questions. So they're going to give you some irrelevant questions, like what's your name, have you ever been a princess? Just no-brainers to get your settings. And then they'll give you some relevant ones, like did you steal your neighbor's stereo?
Cassie: Okay. So what kind of control questions, then?
Cyrus: Well, the control questions are usually yes/no questions, and they compare your reactions to those to your reactions to the relevant ones, and they're kind of the questions that make everyone uneasy-- so, um, like have you ever lied to your priest?
Cassie: Does my minister husband count?
Cyrus: Right. That's a bad example. Have you ever... I don't know, something crazy. Have you ever worked in a strip club? Seriously? (Laughs)
Cassie: Okay, next question, please.
Cyrus: Okay. Put this tack inside your shoe.
Cassie: What? No. Why?
Cyrus: Well, you can throw the machine off by managing your heart rate and your blood pressure, and you can do that with pain, if you practice.
Cassie: I'm telling you, I can't do this!
Cyrus: A polygraph isn't even admissible in court.
Cassie: In court!
Cyrus: Okay, let’s... let’s... here, give me the tack. We'll put that aside, and we'll try something else, all right? You also need to keep your breathing under control, especially if you're lying. So breathe with me. All right?
Cassie: I can't believe we're doing this.
Cyrus: Just give it a shot. Breathe in and out, just normally. Just normal breathing, normal heart rate. That's it. All right, again, in and out. That's good. So then, when you get a control question, you can speed it up, or you can hold your breath for a few seconds.
Lizzie: Who are you people? What do you want? Just tell me what you want. What do you want from me?
Dinah: Oh, are you having fun?
Grady: Not really. What's this?
Dinah: Lizzie's clothes.
Grady: You are so hung up on giving her food, giving her water, making sure she's comfortable. Now she's got clean clothes? Take me prisoner anytime.
Dinah: I'm trying to make it look like she's run away from home so it will buy us more time. And stop calling her that.
Grady: Opportunist. Gotcha.
Dinah: Grady, this isn't funny. You have to do things my way. You need to play it cool and patient from now on. What?
Grady: Nothing. You're the boss.
Dinah: Please don't forget it this time, all right?
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: Have you heard from Elizabeth?
Lizzie: Bill is going to find me.
Alan: What's that?
Lizzie: He's going to find me. He will.
Alan: Elizabeth has been kidnapped.
Bill: No. No, Alan, you can’t.
Lizzie: He has to know that something is wrong. He has to know that I wouldn't have left before the presentation.
Alan: It's clear from this note, Bill, Elizabeth has been kidnapped.
Bill: I think it's a fake.
Lizzie: Bill!
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