GL Transcript Monday 10/13/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/13/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Harris: You two don't fool me at all. You've got something going on with your workman.

Cassie: Well, he's totally clueless. Maybe I, uh... put on the wrong dress. Not good?

Cyrus: Too good. She came to you with an honest request, and you're treating her like a piece of meat.

Ambassador: Hmm.

Cyrus: She deserves better than that.

Cassie: Thank you. I mean, for the speech.

Jeffrey: Have you seen, uh... my cell phone?

Reva: Yup. Right here.

Jeffrey: Oh, thanks. Whoa, what are you doing? Stay off your feet. Come on, sit down.

Reva: If you say that to me one more time, I will show you where I'm going to put my feet.

Jeffrey: Okay, I'm sorry. I just, you know, want you to take it easy, because the doctor said that you were supposed to...

Reva: "The doctor said..." is that easy enough for you? I can think of a lot more fun things we can do off our feet!

Jeffrey: Well, as tempting as that does sound, I, uh... I do have a brief to file, and no fewer than three-- three-- depositions that I have to sit in on today. Yippee!

Reva: So, yippee. What happened to our never ending honeymoon?

Jeffrey: Well, uh... we kind of ran ourselves ragged on that thing, didn't we? I just want you to get some rest.

Reva: I feel fine! What am I supposed to do here all day today?

Jeffrey: I don't know. Just work on your honeymoon scrapbook thing and take care of our baby-- and take care of you.

Reva: I will.

Jeffrey: I'll call you.

Reva: You have a great day.

Cassie: Is it cold outside? R.J. didn't take his coat.

Cyrus: Oh, it's not bad. It's warm in here.

Cassie: Well, I'm baking.

Cyrus: Right, so, uh... what do you need me to do now? Break into the White House, or something?

Cassie: (Laughs) These are to thank you for helping me with the Ambassador.

Cyrus: Wow. You could have handled it yourself. Ooh... chocolate chip?

Cassie: Oatmeal chocolate chip.

Cyrus: Hmm, nice! Can I, uh...

Cassie: Please!

Cyrus: Mm. Smells good.

Cassie: What? What's wrong? (Laughs) Cute. Very cute.

Cyrus: Oh, these are very good.

Cassie: Yeah?

Cyrus: Actually, they are just like my mom used to make when we were little.

Cassie: You and Grady?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Cassie: You know, you're nothing like him.

Cyrus: Well, you don't really know him.

Cassie: Just take the compliment.

Cyrus: Yeah, I think I will.

Reva: Hey. How far down the road are you? Um... no, it’s... it's just that, um... well, you know, I was going to start working, and I realized that I needed the um... um... the glue gun. For... my... my scrap booking thing. The... oh. It's in the basement in a... yeah, people use glue guns for scrap booking all the time. It’s... no, it's just that I didn't want to have to climb the ladder to get my hands on it, but you know what? If you have to work, I totally understand.

I've got all night

wait all day...

Marina: What's taking so long?

Marina: Oh, she's just crunching numbers or something. We'll be okay. We're, uh... we're... we're good.

Marina: Yeah. But you know, we're cutting it close. I mean, I think we've got enough money for the down payment, but... you and your clicker pens! You're driving me crazy!

Mallet: Wait, what did I do?

Marina: None of these in my house!

Mallet: Our house. In... in our house.

Ms. Winters: Okay, let's see...

Mallet: We were getting a little worried.

Ms. Winters: No, it's pretty straightforward. Here is a rundown of your closing costs. So... putting 20% down, this would be your down payment.

Mallet: Oh, uh... we were thinking, like, more like 10%.

Ms. Winters: Well, you'll never get that rate you wanted with only a 10% down. Did I hear you right, how important that rate was to you? So, these would be your estimated attorney fees, title insurance...

I've got all night...

Natalia: I can take some notes for you...

Olivia: No, you don't have to do that.

Rick: Olivia, I know this is... this is scary, okay? I've been through this. But we can't jump to any sort of reaction here.

Olivia: Just tell me.

Rick: Well, according to this, your heart biopsy, your fatigue, fever, all of this-- all these signs indicate that your body could be rejecting the heart. So, this is what I'm going to do. We always knew that this could happen, okay? It's not uncommon after a transplant. 40% of all patients experience an episode. However, acute failure does not lead to an organ failure-- not at all. As long as we treat it aggressively-- which is exactly what I'm going to do. You're going to check into the hospital, we're going to pump you full of immunosuppressants, and we're going to stave this thing off, okay?

Natalia: So this could be a one-time thing, and then she'll be okay?

Rick: That's the best case scenario. It will definitely decrease over time.

Natalia: But if it keeps happening?

Rick: That's called chronic rejection, and that can lead to loss of function.

Natalia: So what do you do for that?

Rick: What we're going to do is we're going to get Olivia back on the heart transplant list.

Olivia: No! I'm going to need another heart?

Rick: No, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Olivia. There's a chance that this may not even happen. We have to focus on your symptoms and getting back to a normal routine.

Olivia: Normal?

Rick: I saw you in that poster, by the way, for the Galaxy hotel, and I thought you looked pretty great.

Olivia: I'm going to need a little more makeup for the next photo shoot, right?

Rick: Olivia, I am not going to leave your side. I'm going to get you through this. I promise you. I want you to get dressed and have a little time for yourself, okay? And then I'll see you at the cardiac unit.

Olivia: Okay.

Rick: All right?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

I'll make it home to you someday...

Olivia: He said I could get dressed.

I've traveled far I've traveled wide...

Natalia: So, I can wait for you outside, and then I can help you do whatever you need to do before you check in...

Olivia: No, thank you.

Natalia: Do you want to just take a look and see...

Olivia: I know it all already.

Not once but twice I'll hold you in my arms tonight...

Cassie: There are cookies inside, when you're done.

R.J.: Are you two... together?

Cassie: What?

R.J.: Well, Mr. Harris came by and asked if I liked your new boyfriend. I said that he wasn't, but... he said he's here too much for someone that just works here. So is he...

Cassie: No.

R.J.: ...Your boyfriend?

Cassie: No, honey. He's not. He's not. I would have told you.

R.J.: Okay, so you think that. What does he think?

Cassie: Cyrus? Cyrus? Remember our nice Mr. Harris who lives down the road?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Cassie: He was just telling my son that we're together. As in boyfriend-girlfriend together.

Cyrus: What? No, no. I work for your mom, R.J.

Cassie: See? I told him it was crazy.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

R.J.: You didn't say "crazy." He just thinks you're here a lot.

Cyrus: Well, there's a lot of work to do.

Cassie: Right. Remember when the, uh... the door was broken? Cyrus fixed that.

Cyrus: Yeah, I fixed the door and the lock...

Cassie: And the barn. He repainted the...

Cyrus: I repainted the trim and I fixed the fence out at the back.

Cassie: So we're... we're not dating.

Cyrus: No, we're friends.

Cassie: We're... we're not even really friends. We're more like employer and employee.

Cyrus: Right, well... yeah. Like that.

R.J.: You made him cookies.

Cassie: I made us cookies. I gave him the extras.

Cyrus: You want one?

Cassie: You know what? There are warm ones inside... as a reward, for all the great yard work you did.

R.J.: So, if he works for you, then why do I have to do yard work?

Cassie: Hmm. Do you... do you live here?

R.J.: Yeah.

Cassie: Yeah. Well, everyone who lives here actually gets assigned chores, so... would you rather vacuum?

R.J.: No.

Cassie: No? I didn't think so. It's also kind of how you get your allowance, by the way.

R.J.: Oh!

Cassie: Yeah!

R.J.: Okay. (Laughs)

Cyrus: They're oatmeal chocolate chip. They're really good.

Gingerbread houses...

Cassie: This is great. This is really great.

Jeffrey: This was not easy to find. You can't drink!

Reva: It's for my hubby!

Jeffrey: (Sighs) Reva...

Reva: You are so dirty! You are a dirty, dirty man!

Jeffrey: All right, back off, woman, okay? I've got to glue gun here, and I know how to use it.

Reva: I don't even know how to use that thing!

Jeffrey: Reva!

Reva: Oh, don't yell at your helpless, pregnant wife!

Jeffrey: You don't even need this thing, do you?

Reva: No... but I do need you.

Jeffrey: No...

Reva: I need you!

Jeffrey: Stop.

Reva: I'm going nuts around here, and that's not good for the baby. I need to be more relaxed, I do! You need to tell... that is why you cut our honeymoon short, isn't it?

Jeffrey: That...

Reva: The wild honeymoon that we were having.

Jeffrey: That and also because I have this little thing called "work," Reva?

Reva: I know!

Jeffrey: You know, "work," where I'm supposed to be right now?

Reva: No, and you did talk me out of going after Shayne, and that was the right decision to make at the time, me being in the delicate condition that I'm in.

Jeffrey: You?

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Delicate? (Laughs)

Reva: I can think of a few more ideas about how you can help me relax.

Jeffrey: I bet you could.

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Jeffrey: Mm.

Reva: Mm. (Whistles)

Jeffrey: That's going to have to hold you for a while. It's going to be a long five months.

Administrator: Now, you're aware that it's only a part-time security position?

Mallet: Uh, yes, sir, I am. For me, that's part of the appeal, because I think the hours will work well with my schedule at the S.P.D. And as you can see, I'm very well qualified, having worked security before-- not to mention my years in law enforcement. I've done everything but sweep up.

Administrator: Well, we've narrowed it down to you and another applicant. Following that candidate's final interview today, I'll be in touch.

Mallet: Okay. Uh, thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Harris: I'm glad you called, Cassie.

Cassie: What the hell are you doing, talking to my son?

Harris: I saw him outside.

Cassie: You asked him about my "new boyfriend?" What, I turn you down, so you mess with my kid?

Harris: (Scoffs) I assumed R.J. knew.

Cassie: Knew what? There's nothing to know. I don't want to go out with you because I don't want to go out with you. It's not because of someone else. You drive your car way too fast in a neighborhood with kids, you turn up your TV so loud I can hear it from here. You're rude, you're inconsiderate and now you've completely crossed the line by talking to my kid!

Harris: Oh, somebody's embarrassed she's hooking up with the handyman.

Cyrus: Hey, hey, hey! Stop.

Cassie: Get off of me! I though you'd left.

Cyrus: Well, you said you were going to kill the guy.

Cassie: I didn't mean it literally.

Cyrus: It looked like it. I just wanted to make sure you didn't add murder to your wrap sheet.

Cassie: I don't have a rap sheet. What are you smirking about? There's nothing funny about this.

Cyrus: I know.

Cassie: R.J. has been through enough. He does not need this creep filling his head with lies. And I was handling it. And I don't want you... lurking around my house.

Cyrus: I wasn’t.

Cassie: You just said...

Cyrus: Will you hold that for a second? Oh, look! Huh! Oh, that's right. These are from Harris' sports car. Guess he won't be driving so fast anymore!

Cassie: Oh, that is so wrong! (Laughs)

Reva: Hey there. I'd like a martini. But I'll have club soda.

Bartender: Coming right up.

Reva: Boy, it's slow in here today, huh?

Bartender: It always is this time of day.

Reva: No... no, that's not true. I mean, I have danced on this bar top at this time of day.

Bartender: (Laughs)

Reva: What, you think I'm kidding?

Bartender: Uh-huh.

Reva: No, I have. I mean, it wasn't yesterday, obviously, but... okay, here's the deal. There was an Elks Club convention in town, and they came in here for lunch. And, well... you know what a bunch of duds those guys can be, so... ( laughs)

Bartender: Yeah. Not the best tippers, either.

Reva: Really? Huh. They tipped me very well! (Laughs)

Bartender: (Laughs)

Reva: Cheers.

Bartender: Cheers.

Natalia: What are you doing?

Olivia: Getting takeout.

Natalia: You're supposed to be checking into the hospital!

Olivia: I'm supposed to be making arrangements for myself and my family, okay? So I'm going to get some food.

Natalia: (Sighs)

Olivia: I don't know how long I'm going to be in there. I just crossed the street, and I'm all right. My God, why are you crying?

Natalia: I'm not. I'm fine.

Olivia: You are fine.

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: So those are tears for Rafe, because I don't want pity. I don't need your pity.

Natalia: You know, it was upsetting news.

Olivia: I told you not to go. Okay, it was nice of you to take me over there and stick with me, but I didn't ask you to do it , all right? I don't need someone to take notes or be strong for me, and like Rick said, we knew this could happen.

Natalia: No, I didn't know that this could happen, okay? The thought of... another transplant?

Olivia: I knew it.

Natalia: What?

Olivia: This isn't about me. You're crying over Gus' heart. I'm just the freezer keeping your husband's heart on ice.

Natalia: Oh, no, stop it.

Olivia: Don't you think his heart means a little more to me than it does to you? After all, it's the only thing keeping me alive right now, though it's not doing a very good job.

Natalia: Olivia...

Olivia: But that's my fault, too, isn't it? That's my fault, because I haven't taken very good care of myself. I haven't taken very good... and I didn't appreciate it when you offered it to me. When did you decide that I was good enough for it, Natalia?

Natalia: Oh, will you please stop?

Olivia: You stop it! Because you don't give a damn about me. Staying over there at that hospital, that was all about you. "Dr. Rick, what's the verdict on the heart?" I bet you would rather me risk my life then to get a new heart, because it was never really mine to begin with, was it?

Natalia: That's not true...

Olivia: But I can't really blame you for that, because you know what? You're dead husband's heart is all you've got, Natalia, because your poor, fugitive son is off in jail somewhere for who knows how long. And all you can do is find something new to obsess over to pass the time.

Natalia: Was it worth it? Making yourself sicker, so you could tell me off? And you're absolutely right. Why on earth would I care about you? Why would anyone, when you treat people the way you do?

Buzz: Sorry it took so long, honey. I, uh... all of Olivia’s favorites. Are you throwing a party or something?

Mallet: (Clears throat) So... how did it go?

Marina: Not well for you. Why are you here?

Mallet: Oh, they told me they were going to make a decision after they interviewed the lesser candidate.

Marina: "Lesser?"

Mallet: I meant "latter."

Marina: I outrank you.

Mallet: I cannot believe that you didn't tell me that you were going to apply for this.

Marina: I can't believe you didn't tell me!

Mallet: Lots of cops take second jobs to supplement their measly salaries.

Marina: Yeah. Well, you could easily become a detective again, if you wanted to.

Mallet: That would make me unhappy. Do you want to see me unhappy? Oh, that's nice.

Marina: I was going to say "no."

Mallet: They're going to give it to me, right? But in case it goes to you, just decline.

Marina: What? No! Why?

Mallet: Because I'm making less than you are, and that way I... I feel like I'm pulling my weight.

Marina: No, no, no, no. You have more in your bank account and your savings than I do, okay? And a second gig would not help you "pull your weight" if you keep pounding the donuts in the break room.

Mallet: That doesn't make any sense.

Marina: You know what I mean, Mallet. Your job is more physically challenging than mine. I should be the one that's doing this.

Mallet: "Physically challenging?" What do you think I'm doing out there all day? This is something I want to give to you.

Marina: You're not giving me anything, Mallet. We're doing this together. Will you sit down? You're making me nervous.

Mallet: I didn't realize how bad I wanted the house until there was a chance that I might not get it.

Marina: There's still that chance. I... I want this too, Mallet. I want to live in that house... with you.

Mallet: Whoever gets the job, takes the job, and then that way we're one step closer.

Marina: Deal.

Mallet: I'm anxious. I'm really anxious. I haven't been this anxious since we were at the mortgage broker's office.

Marina: You want one of my clicky pens?

Mallet: Thanks, babe.

Administrator: Good news! Turns out we have room in our budget for... two new security guards!

Marina: Thank you.

Administrator: You're welcome.

Marina: Thank you very much.

Mallet: Wow, thank you, sir.

Administrator: You're welcome.

Marina: All right! Whoo! We are two steps closer to getting our house.

Mallet: Yes. I mean, we'll be working so much we'll never actually be in the house, but...

Cyrus: What?

Cassie: (Laughing) I was just thinking about Mr. Harris trying to start his car! (Laughs)

Cyrus: (Laughs) Maybe we should make a plan to steal something new from him every week.

Cassie: Oh, yeah! I vote... I vote that we steal his toilet seat next! ( Laughs)

Cyrus: (Laughing) Yeah, that's good. That's good. (Laughs)

Cassie: We can't, though, really, do that.

Cyrus: Why? Why not?

Cassie: We can't do this.

Cyrus: Yeah, I know.

Cassie: It's just... it really is just too confusing to R.J.

Cyrus: I know.

Cassie: But thank you for all the help.

Cyrus: Oh, I was glad to do it. Put some extra change in my pocket. But this, uh... handyman stuff... it's not really my thing. Can't make a living out of it, and I've been wanting to get back to something that I'm trained to do.

Cassie: Oh, yeah, right, like a... a life of crime.

Cyrus: Those skills actually come in handy in lots of jobs, so...

Cassie: I'm sure they do.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Cyrus: Anyway, I guess we both knew it was temporary, so...

Cassie: Yeah. Well, I think we're finished. I mean, with the... you know, the yard. Looks pretty good, don't you think?

Cyrus: Well, R.J. did most of the work, so...

Cassie: He's a good kid.

Cyrus: Yeah, he is. Make sure he stays that way. He's lucky to have you as his mom. It makes a difference, you know? Anyway, uh... I'm going to get going.

Cassie: Okay. Hmm. I'll see you around.

Cyrus: Okay.

I saw you out dancing around...

Reva: Yeah, and it's not just the booze. It's shrimp cocktail!

Bartender : Yup.

Reva: I can’t... I love shrimp cocktail. Soft cheese... oh, it's all making me hungry. Do you have some of those nuts? He has nuts over there, I'd like some nuts.

Bartender: Um... I'll check.

Reva: Oh, okay, thank you. (Phone rings) Ooh! Phone.

Bartender: Phone.

Reva: No, no, no. You know what? You get the nuts, I'll get the phone. Hurry! Oh, hello. Towers. Oh, a reservation for two? For tonight. Um... sure. Uh, name, please? Alexandra Spaulding? Um... hold on a moment. I am so terribly sorry, but we seem to be completely booked for this evening. Good-bye. (Phone rings) ( laughs) Oh, boy. (Laughs) Hello?

Jeffrey: You sound better.

Reva: Oh, no, actually. I'm still really, really bored, and I miss you. When are you coming home?

Jeffrey: Very soon. So, what are you up to?

Reva: Oh, you know... scrap booking. I figured out how to use that little glue gun. Those come in very handy.

Jeffrey: Well, I can't wait to see it.

Reva: Oh, yeah. Well, you have to give me a couple of days, though, because, you know, I'm not really an artsy-craftsy kind of person, and... but you know, all the rest I'm getting off my feet, I'm going to be a regular Martha Stewart before out little baby's born. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hi. Technically, I... I am off my feet. I know what you're going to say, but I just... I really needed to get out of the house.

Jeffrey: So, you knew what I was going to say?

Reva: No, I... I thought I did. It was just that the phone was ringing, and, um... I was just trying to be helpful.

Jeffrey: Always the helper.

Reva: Yeah, well, it's not like I was dancing on the table again.

Jeffrey: Again?

Reva: Well... that's a long story... time.

Jeffrey: Would you like to dance on the table? Right now?

Reva: I'm hormonal, so if this is some kind of a test...

Jeffrey: Listen, because if you do, I'm going to get right up here with you, okay? But I'm going to hold onto you so you don't fall-- not just because you're pregnant, but because, quite frankly, sometimes you're a little clumsy!

Reva: (Sobs)

Jeffrey: Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Listen. We're not going to change who we are just because we're having a baby. We're just going to play it a little safer from now on, okay?

Reva: (Sobs)

Jeffrey: And you know, at our age, I think that's a good idea.

Reva: (Sobs)

Jeffrey: Oh, what... what... what did I say? You're not clumsy, I was just kidding, okay? And we're not old. I mean, compared to a baby we're old, but we're not generally speaking...

Reva: Oh, God! We're having a baby! (Sobs)

Jeffrey: It's all right. We're having a baby.

Reva: (Sobs)

Rick: Is it just you?

Olivia: Yeah, why?

Rick: Can I call anybody for you? Natalia, or...

Olivia: No. Just, um, you know, give me those drugs. Let's get this heart stronger, right? Let's do this.

Rick: Olivia, I can't, uh... I can't say I know how you feel, because I don’t. I've never had a bout with rejection. But I do know what it's like to live with fear every day.

Olivia: I appreciate the bedside manner, but I'd really like to get going on this.

Rick: Okay. I just want you to understand, okay, that this could be a short stay or a long stay. If we see that you're responding to the treatment, we could pick up the pace with it.

Olivia: Oh... "pick up."

Natalia: I don't even really like tuna casserole.

Buzz: Well, I can... I can make you something else.

Natalia: No, that's fine. Do you think it's self-centered to think that your faith is being tested?

Buzz: God is picking on you?

Natalia: Yes, I guess something like that.

Buzz: That seems like it's more of a question for Father Ray rather than a... casserole chef.

Natalia: Yeah... I already asked him. I'm asking you. When you go through a string of weeks-- months, even-- and there's just one thing after another, and it feels like it's never going to end. And the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning pops in your head, "What's it going to be today?" And then it turns out that it just can't be coincidence, you know? Because it feels like there's this perfect storm of bad things just hovering over your head, and you're out there with your little umbrella, and it's just pouring down all over you. And you've just got to pray that you're still standing when it's all over.

Buzz: Those times... they always end. I'm sorry. So what was the official answer?

Natalia: Hmm. It was pretty much the same thing.

Buzz: You know, I... it’s... uh... it's the last thing you want to hear, you know, when you're in the middle of one of those storms, but, it's right up there with "everything happens for a reason."

Natalia: Yeah.

Buzz: But let me tell you. When things get this bad, sometimes that's just when unexpected graces come into your life. I mean, you've just got to keep, you know, who you are. I can get you an ice cream sundae. You know, everyone likes ice cream sundaes.

Natalia: Thank you.

R.J.: I wasn't done with my game.

Cassie: I know. You can finish it in a second... and then, more milk and cookies!

R.J.: Mom, I'm not five.

Cassie: I just want to talk to you about what Mr. Harris said.

R.J.: We already talked about this.

Cassie: No, we didn't, really. Not just you and me.

R.J.: Because Cyrus is always around.

Cassie: Well, he's not going to be around as much anymore.

R.J.: You dumped him?

Cassie: Honey, we were never together! I understand why what Mr. Harris said threw you, and I know you've had enough men coming and going from your life. You don't have to act all grown up about it. I know you've been dealt a terrible hand in life. If I had one wish-- aside from your sister coming back-- I would wish that you could have a dad in your life. If your dad was around now, he would be so proud of you.

R.J.: I know.

Cassie: And, honey, Cyrus really did do all those things he said he did. He helped fix the door, and the barn and he even helped me help Josh when he needed help getting back into the country.

R.J.: He did?

Cassie: He did. So... I think Josh is going to come see you very soon, and he's probably going to bring you some crazy present from his trip.

R.J.: Cool.

Cassie: Yeah. And Cyrus and I get along. If I see him out, I'll probably say "hi," and might even ask him to come over and help with some things now and then. But that's it. That is it. You are the guy in my life, and I'm happy with it being that way. Just you and me.

R.J.: Me, too.

Cassie: Yeah? Good. Oh, I love you more than anything, do you know that?

R.J.: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: You always come first. I want you to remember that.

R.J.: Okay.

Administrator: Here we are. Pediatrics.

Mallet: Wow. That is a nice setup.

Marina: Yeah, the kids must love it.

Administrator: Brand new. It was just donated. Oh, excuse me for a moment.

Mallet: Do you see anything familiar in this room?

Marina: Oh, those things all look the same to me.

Mallet: We just had a report recently about a stereo system just like this that was stolen.

Marina: Yeah... I think I saw that.

Mallet: It was just like this one. It was an expensive set up, top of the line-- it was exactly like this.

Marina: Mallet, who would steal a stereo system and then donate it to charity?

Administrator: Sorry about that.

Marina: Oh.

Mallet: Uh, excuse me, sir. Was this, uh... donated anonymously?

Administrator: No. I'm not supposed to give out names, but it was a wonderful woman who lost her daughter here last year, a hit-and-run accident.

Marina: Cassie Winslow?

Administrator: How did you know?

Cyrus: Hey, Grady, it's me. Uh... I don't know what you've been up to. Whether you're still working for Dinah, or what. But, um... I'm looking to make a big score. And I've got some ideas, so... I don't know. Give me a call and we'll talk.

Marina: I think we should just drop it. I mean, Cassie does something nice, and now we're going to cause a big load of trouble about it?

Mallet: It's weird. Very expensive stereo equipment goes missing...

Marina: Yeah, I know. The timing of it really bugs me.

Mallet: And the stolen equipment is from one of Cassie’s neighbors.

Marina: What? You never told me that.

Mallet: Oh, I didn’t. Oh, no. But it's Cassie.

Marina: Oh, yeah. I mean, seriously.

Mallet: I mean, nobody in their right mind would believe that Cassie would steal a guy's stereo.

Cyrus: Everything okay?

Cassie: Oh, I... I dropped R.J. off at practice, and it looks like I left my keys in the car.

Cyrus: Too bad you don't know anyone who knows how to break into cars. Okay, see you. Oh, I could give it a shot.

Cassie: That would be oh, so nice. What?

Cyrus: I happen to have my kit...

Cassie: Fancy!

Olivia: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Hey. Are you okay?

Olivia: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm just... I'm late picking Emma up. I need a ride. My... I... I have to go away on business. I made arrangements for Emma, but not for today, and I need you to take her...

go for it go for it I won't wait around...

Reva: (Sobbing)

Jeffrey: You know what? You know what I'm going to do, Reva? I'm going to take one day-- one day per week-- off from work. Or I'll come home every day for lunch.

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: Or better yet, both.

Reva: No, I find things to do. I need to find things to do. And I like my alone time.

Jeffrey: I'm going to delegate, okay? It'll be a new one for me, but I can delegate some of my caseload to the ADAs. I'll spend some time checking up on them, and that will give me plenty of time to be home... be home and take care of you, okay?

Reva: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: I don't know.

Reva: You can't do that. You can't, because we'd drive each other nuts. And then baby would be born with two insane parents.

Jeffrey: Reva, I just thought that's, you know, what you want.

Reva: No, don't think! You can't think! This is not about you. It's not. You can't even think that it's about you. It's about me. It's not your fault.

Jeffrey: Thank God for that.

Reva: I mean, I just have to get my life together. I do. I mean, I have... I have this baby living and growing inside of me, and I know it's risky, and I know I'm up against a lot, but I need to have a life of my own.

Jeffrey: You know what? Great. Great. I think that's a good idea.

Reva: And maybe a job.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Vanessa: What's going on with Lizzie?

Bill: No, you know how she is.

Lizzie: Somebody help me!

Dinah: You know, I hate to kill the moment, but don't you have a girl wrapped up and bound in the basement?

Grady: She's tied to the chair.

Bill: Leaves me hanging on the biggest day of my career, and I had so much that I wanted to tell her before we...

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