GL Transcript Friday 10/10/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/10/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Guard: Where do you think you're going?

Lizzie: The Spaulding-Lewis presentation.

Guard: They don't want you anywhere near the presentation.

Decker: Where's your partner? It's almost time to start?

Grady: I've been waiting for you.

Dinah: I don't want to talk.

Bill: It's me. Where are you? Decker is getting nervous.

Grady: I bought you a gift.

Dinah: You got me a what?

Grady: I got you something to make you feel better.

Decker: That's what I like to hear. All right, thanks. That was my team in Bangkok, the room there is buzzing, waiting for this thing to start. I heard the same thing from Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo. Bill, we're going to have a bigger audience than "Survivor."

Bill: It works for me. As long as they brought the checkbooks.

Decker: 15 minutes?

Bill: All right. Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, where are you? Look, your hair is beautiful, makeup perfect. Just, please, get down here, okay? Bye.

Billy: Missing your partner?

Bill: No, she's going to be here any minute. There's something I need to tell her before the presentation.

Billy: Something about...

Bill: Yeah.

Billy: (Laughs) You're going to tell her you love her?

Bill: Well, something like that.

Billy: Oh, come on. Don't be a butthead like your old man. Love is more important than the all-mighty buck.

Bill: I think I can have both: The all-mighty dollar and Lizzie. Yeah, I worked hard for it. I worked hard for the business, I'm gonna work hard for Lizzie, and after this, I'm going to have a whole new start. She just has to get here.

Billy: (Laughs) Give her a little time. She's going to have to change her outfit at least two or three times.

Bill: Yeah, you think?

Billy: I know it.

Bill: Okay.

Lizzie: Untie me! Let me go!

(Cell phone rings)

Olivia: Hello?

Decker: How would you like to go to China for some wonton soup? Olivia, are you there? It's Lawrence Decker.

Olivia: Hey. Lawrence, hi. Yes, China. Sorry about that.

Decker: I'm going to take you on a big tour, introduce you to everybody.

Olivia: Um... sure. Well, you know, if I'm going to represent Galaxy hotels, then I should see the hotels. When do we...

Decker: Leave? Today, after Bill and Lizzie’s presentation.

Olivia: Today?

Decker: Is there a problem?

Olivia: No. I, um... no. This is important. How could I miss it?

Decker: I love a woman I can count on. Until later, then. It's that time.

Bill: Well, Lizzie is not here yet.

Decker: Then start the introduction without her.

Bill: Larry, she is the introduction. We rehearsed it right down to the last minute.

Decker: If we don't begin right now, we're going to lose everyone. How long do you think anyone with any importance is going to sit and stare at a blank computer screen?

Bill: A couple minutes. It's all we need. A couple minutes. Lizzie needs to be a part of this, okay? That's the way it is supposed to be. Come on, there is no show without her. You want the team, right?

Decker: I did, but--

Billy: I'll run out and see if I can't find her.

Decker: We don't have time. It's either now or the entire deal is blown. Bill?

Bill: Yeah, start the feed. I can do this alone.

Dinah: You idiot!

Grady: Look at the time.

Dinah: You kidnapped her. We could go to prison for this.

Grady: The presentation, she's missing it.

Dinah: I don't care. If she sees us...

Grady: She won’t. She can't see, she can't hear, and she can't talk.

Frank: Hey, you know what? Let me... let me take your shift for you today.

Natalia: Why?

Frank: Because you look like you could use a break.

Natalia: Oh, no. I'm okay.

Frank: But, see, okay is just not good enough. See, okay is okay. I mean, your life can be better than okay when things in your life aren't so okay.

Natalia: Frank...

Frank: See, now look at that little smile.

Natalia: What is going on with you?

Frank: I saw you earlier marking your calendar, you know, counting the days until Rafe gets home. And it just seems that your life is in a holding pattern right now, like a jet stalled on the runway, and...

Natalia: No, I'm not holding.

Frank: Holding is waiting, and waiting is holding. It's the same thing. I mean, you're, like, waiting to move into your house until Rafe gets home. And then waiting to go to a movie, waiting to go to dinner, waiting to laugh, and...

Natalia: I'm just trying to survive until Rafe gets home.

Frank: Well, that’s... that's pretty pathetic.

Natalia: What?

Frank: Well, there's more to life than just surviving. I waited for Eleni to come back to me, and I waited for Marina to grow up and come back to town. And I waited a lot of years, and I put my life on hold for a long, long time, and then... and then it just happened.

Natalia: What happened?

Frank: I got old.

Natalia: No, you're not old.

Frank: I am old and I am boring and I'm out of shape, and I really lost a lot of really great years in there, you know? Years I can't get back, and I don't want to see the same thing happen to you. And you know what? Neither does Rafe.

Natalia: I'll be okay.

Frank: Yeah, but you know what? You're not going to be okay. You're going to be better than okay. And if you want to take care of your son, then you need to take care of yourself as well. And you know what? I'm going to just stand right here, and I'm going to just keep bugging you every single day until you agree with me.

Natalia: Geez. Okay, I agree.

Frank: For real?

Natalia: For real.

Frank: What was it, the part about getting old, that got to you?

Natalia: Yeah. Oh, Frank, you know me like a book.

Olivia: I'm calling you as a last resort. Can you come to work?

Natalia: When?

Olivia: Right now. I need you here.

Natalia: Why? What's going on?

Olivia: It's just work, you know. You know the concept, I pay you in exchange for a little time and effort. You should come on by, give it a try.

Natalia: She hung up on me. Olivia. There's something going on at the Beacon.

Frank: What's going on at the Beacon?

Natalia: I don't know. I'm going to take you up on that offer, though.

Frank: Ah, my offer?

Natalia: Yeah, you taking that shift for me. I think I need to get over there.

Frank: Hold on a second. When I offered to take your shift, it wasn't so you could go work somewhere else. It was for you to have more personal time for yourself.

Natalia: I know, I know. But she’s... I've got to go get my stuff.

Frank: Okay.

Natalia: Thanks, frank.

Frank: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No worries. Another brilliant cooper move.

Lizzie: (Gasping)

Dinah: I should... I should call the cops and have you arrested. What were you thinking? Were you thinking? This is kidnapping. What possessed you to take Lizzie off of the street, wrap her up, and put her into a basement! Not just any basement, my basement at my TV station. Do you know how many years I could spend in the penitentiary for this?

Grady: Are you done?

Dinah: No, I am not! You're done. And I'm not going down for this lame-brained idea of yours.

Grady: Will you just stop pretending your so outraged by my brutality and get a clue. Lizzie is not going to make it to her speech. The whole deal is blown out of the water. Bill and Lizzie lose, and guess who wins?

Dinah: You call this winning?

Grady: Yeah, I call it winning. It's what you wanted, isn't it?

Dinah: I didn't want to become a felon, no.

Grady: Again?

Dinah: Don't you go there. Don't you lay that on me. You did not talk to me about this. You did not ask for my approval.

Grady: Calm down. We're not going to get caught.

Dinah: Really? Do you have a plan?

Grady: I'm working on it.

Dinah: Oh, you're working on it. What's your plan? How long did you plan on keeping her down there?

Grady: Well, I don't know. I just saw an opportunity and I took it, all right?

Dinah: Oh, right. And the clock is ticking so you had to move fast.

Grady: Yeah, when opportunity strikes, you've got to...

Dinah: Yeah. Okay. Well this is striking right now.

Grady: Where the hell are you going?

Dinah: I'm getting out of here before I get arrested.

Lizzie: Help! Help! Help! Help! Somebody! Somebody help me!

Grady: Shut up!

Lizzie: (Screams) Help! Somebody help me!

Grady: Shut up. Now, you can scream all you want, but no one, and I mean no one, is going to hear you. Or you can be a good little girl and shut up, and I won't have to gag you.

So serious what's it gonna be

you're gonna choose your own destiny

too late to start over

can't you see...

Grady: Boss. It’s... Jack the Ripper. Don't do anything we'll both regret. I'll handle it. I'll take care of her, the problem.

Billy: Maybe her car broke down.

Bill: Maybe there was a sale at the boutique. Come on, Dad, she should have called me. I don't know what's going on.

Billy: Cut her some slack. Whenever she worked for me, she was always on time, no surprises.

Bill: No surprises?

Billy: No.

Bill: Are we talking about the same girl here? Every time I think we're making headway...

Billy: Look, Bill, Bill, don't get business confused with your heart, okay?

Bill: That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who's going to tap dance in front of an international audience.

Billy: Hey, I have faith in you.

Bill: Well, I'm glad somebody does. Okay, let's do this. Welcome, everybody. I'm glad you could be here today. I'm Bill Lewis of Spaulding-Lewis. And together with Lawrence Decker and Galaxy International, we're going to rock Macau. We're going to make dreams come true. Imagine an adult play land, hotels, entertainment, casinos... and shopping. A theme park, arcades, a petting zoo for kids, fashion shows, celebrities. It's going to be bigger than Vegas. And we're going to make a lot of money while we're at it. Of course, this project is about more than just buildings and profit margins. It's about changing the map, making history together, being part of something that our grandchildren will be talking about, and their grandchildren, too. This is something that means a lot to both me and my partner, Lizzie Spaulding. She has been the heart of this project in so many ways. You know what? I'm going to forget the teleprompter, and I'm going to go off the screen. I feel like I need to talk to you straight. I've got to talk to you the way I talk to my own father, Billy Lewis. Perhaps you've heard of him. The Lewis family, H.B., my grandfather, a real wildcatter. A man who started from nothing, and built a multi-million dollar oil company. He branched out into the construction world and began spreading his dreams across the globe. Now, I was raised to believe that if you could think of something in your mind, if you could see it, then you could make it happen. It's as good as done. Let me tell you what I see in Macau. First of all, nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important to me than making this project work. Making money for you. For all of us.

(knock on the door)

Natalia: Olivia. It's me! Olivia, are you in there? Olivia!

Olivia: Don't break the door already. Stop.

Natalia: Olivia, listen, I just checked with Maria, and she said she doesn't need me to work today.

Olivia: No, I didn't call you here to vacuum and clean. I called you because I'm in trouble.

Natalia: Your heart?

Olivia: No.

Natalia: You look a little pale.

Olivia: It's not my heart, okay? I have to get on that plane to go to Asia for Galaxy tonight, and I have things I have to do. I have to pack, I have to make arrangements, I have to pick up Emma.

Natalia: Are you all right?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm just a little overwhelmed. I have so much to do, I can't really think straight. But if you're busy, then that's fine.

Natalia: No. I'm not busy. What do you need me to do for you?

Lizzie: I know you're in here. Untie me. Let me go! What are you so afraid of, huh? I'm 90 frickin pounds! Let me go! Do I know you? What do you want? Answer me! What do you want? Why are you doing this? Say something! Say something! Say anything!

Grady: Stop yelling.

Lizzie: (Sobbing)

Billy: Hey, good job.

Bill: Good job? She set me up.

Billy: Oh, I'm sure she had a good reason for not being here.

Bill: Really? Name one.

Billy: Well, maybe she wanted to give you your day in the sun.

Bill: Oh, come on, without any warning at all?

Billy: I think she knew you could do it.

Bill: No. She thought I would screw up, and I did.

Billy: No, I don't think you screwed up. I think you did good.

Bill: Would you stop trying to spin everything. It was awful.

Billy: I liked what you said. And I think any investor who's got any sense is going to like it, too.

Bill: Two days.

Billy: Two days? What?

Bill: Two days we worked on this presentation, and all the while it was a trap, a setup.

Billy: How do you know it was a trap until you talk to her.

Bill: I know Lizzie. She's probably dancing around somewhere patting herself on the back. I'm just glad I didn't get to the point where I --

Billy: Where you told her you love her? Hey, look, she screwed up. But her loving you and her screwing up don't have anything to do with each other. Do not give up on her, whatever else happened here today. You love her; she loves you. You've got to remember that.

Bill: I need some air.

Waiting by the phone hoping that she calls

but now I know I'm not what she wants

I waited to long for something that is gone...

Dinah: Bill, can I talk to you for just a second?

Bill: Not now, okay?

When time is running out I didn't have to lie

I just kept it all inside now I'm thinking...

Dinah: Bill, it will take a second, all right? It's really important.

Bill: Dinah, I doubt it's more important than the presentation that I just barely made through.

Dinah: It didn't go well?

Bill: No, it didn't because she didn't show.

Dinah: Who?

Bill: Who do you think? Lizzie.

Dinah: Do you know what happened to her?

Bill: No, I don’t. She's probably trying to pay me back for something, but now the deal could be ruined because of her.

Dinah: No, no, no. I'm sure that you did fine. I'm sure you did fine.

Bill: You know what? You were right. You were right. She always puts her family first. That's what's going on. She's trying to set me up. And I know that I cannot trust her.

When time is running out I didn't have to lie

I just kept it all inside...

Dinah: Have you and Lizzie been fighting?

Bill: Dinah, it seems like we are always fighting.

Dinah: Well, then things are normal.

Bill: Nothing with Lizzie is normal. She's probably sitting somewhere with a stinky dog on her lap, having tea with Alan, and planning to swoop in and steal this deal out from under me. What?

Dinah: I'm not going to say anything.

Bill: Dinah, say it.

Dinah: I heard Alan talking along the same lines, you know, about Lizzie. But I don't know. I don't see it. I don't think Lizzie would hurt you.

Bill: No, see--

Dinah: I don't think she's like that. I--

Bill: Don’t... don't do this. Don't, don’t.

Dinah: What?

Bill: She’s... no.

Dinah: What? I'm telling you the truth. That's all. I'm sharing the truth.

Bill: (Laughs) Are you really? This is your version of the truth, Dinah, again? No. I have to go. I have to see if I can salvage this deal.

Lizzie: Okay. Okay. I get it. I get it, okay. You don't want me to ask you anymore questions, and I won't, okay? I won’t. Just... can I ask you... or can I just tell you... just tell you one thing. Tell you one thing. I have this really super important meeting that I am supposed to be at right now, and people are going to know if I don't show up, okay?

Grady: So?

Lizzie: So they're going to know that I'm missing. Look, I don’t... I don't think that you know who I am. Okay? My name is Elizabeth Spaulding. Spaulding. The Spaulding family. Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises? Do you know my family? Hello? Look, the thing is, okay, if I go missing, the whole Midwest is going to find out. The police are going to be looking for me, and the F.B.I. and... the National Guard. Ouch, let me go! Look, okay, I know that we're not friends, but I'd hate to see you go down in a rain of bullets. Let me go!

Grady: Do you think anyone is really going to care?

Lizzie: There's got to be something that I can do to convince you to let me go.

(Knock on the door)

Olivia: That's Decker.

Natalia: Okay, I'm willing to do this for you, but there's a condition: You have to go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay.

Olivia: I'm fine, okay? I've been under a lot of pressure.

Natalia: Do we have a deal?

Olivia: All right. (Knock on the door)

Natalia: Coming! (Knock on the door) One second. Mr. Decker, how are you?

Decker: Fine, thank you.

Natalia: Come in. Can I get you something to drink?

Decker: Actually, no. I'm actually a little late for a flight so I don't have much time. Is Olivia ready?

Natalia: Let me check.

Decker: Thank you.

Olivia: I don't think I can make it. I can't get on that plane.

Natalia: I know.

Olivia: Okay. So just stall him. All right? I'll think of something to say.

Natalia: He's waiting.

Olivia: I know.

Natalia: Do you trust me?

Olivia: Yeah.

Decker: Olivia, you look wonderful. Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of China?

Olivia: I can't wait.

Decker: I've lined up my top executives for a party in our Beijing hotel. Sort of a meet and greet, but it's also a chance to introduce you to the press, and get that beautiful face in front of the media. Can I get that for you?

Natalia: Oh, no. We've got it.

Decker: You sure?

Olivia: Yes.

Natalia: Yes.

Decker: All right. Well, then after the party, I'll take you to some of the construction sites so you can actually see the quality and design of the hotels you'll be representing. But we can talk about all of this in the car.

Natalia: Excuse me, but aren't you building family resorts?

Decker: Yes. As a matter of fact, I just came from a presentation where we unveiled our newest resort. A very successful presentation, I might add.

Natalia: Congratulations.

Decker: Thank you.

Natalia: And-- maybe it's not my place to say-- but I wonder if it's not a mistake to have Olivia getting on a plane when her daughter, Emma, is playing the good witch in the "Wizard of Oz" tomorrow.

Decker: The good what?

Natalia: Yeah. She has a role in the school play, and Olivia will be missing it.

Olivia: I just have to tell her... I don't have the heart to tell her.

Natalia: The courage.

Olivia: The courage, I don't have the courage to tell her. Try this on: Didn't you do the Spaulding presentation via satellite?

Decker: Yes.

Olivia: What if, when you introduce me to everyone, you do it from my daughter's school?

Natalia: Oh!

Olivia: I mean, think about it. They would see me as a mother first, and not just some...

Natalia: Not just some glamorous mannequin.

Olivia: No.

Decker: Are you okay, Olivia? You seem a little...

Olivia: I'm great.

Natalia: Yeah. Whenever she's excited, she... I'm always saying, slow down and breathe.

Olivia: And breathe.

Natalia: Yes.

Olivia: And I am, I'm so excited. What better way to demonstrate that Galaxy is all about family values?

Natalia: Yeah, and kids. Kids are the most important thing ever, you know.

Olivia: And Emma will be so thrilled. She'll be over the moon.

Natalia: Oh, she would.

Decker: I like it. I like it a lot.

Natalia: How much do you like it?

Decker: It's a go. Let's do it. Olivia, I've told you, you have a special one here. Don't let go of her.

Olivia: Oh, I won’t.

Decker: All right. I've got to get going. When I land, I'll call you with all of the details. We'll work them out, okay?

Olivia: Have a safe flight.

Natalia: Okay. Good-bye, Mr. Decker. Bye.

Olivia: Bye.

Natalia: Okay. I am taking you to the hospital. Out the back, through the garage, and I'll pull the car around and you stand by the elevator.

Olivia: I'm don't think I can make it. And if Decker’s around, I can't let anyone see me like this.

Natalia: Okay. Well... I can hide you in a laundry cart.

Olivia: Oh, no.

Natalia: Well, I don't know how else to hide you.

Olivia: It's my hotel. I'm not getting in a laundry cart. Nobody's going to see me in there.

Natalia: No, no one is going to see you in there because you'll be in it.

Olivia: Okay, if people found me in there, they would think that you murdered me.

Natalia: I could just say it was self-defense, and no jury would convict me.

Olivia: Shut up. Can I just lay down?

Natalia: No!

Olivia: Why?

Natalia: No! You have a little girl that's depending on you.

Olivia: Okay, that's just dirty fighting.

Natalia: No, I am fighting fair. And if I have to, I will call an ambulance, and I will save you for her. So what's it going to be?

Olivia: I'm walking out of this hotel, my hotel.

Natalia: Fine.

Olivia: Don't let go of me.

Natalia: I'm not going anywhere.

Decker: I've been looking for you.

Bill: Hey. I am so sorry about that. If I had more time, I could have done a much better job. I just... I don't know what happened to Lizzie. I don't and I...

Decker: You didn't need her. I've been getting calls from all over the world. High-rollers, bankers, everybody wants to invest. You did a tremendous job, Bill.

Bill: Thank you. That’s... unbelievable. I'm sure it would have been twice as good if Lizzie was here.

Decker: I'm not so sure. I thought I saw something in Lizzie, but she really let me down today. I don't know if she panicked or she let her emotions get the best of her, but there is no room for that at this level.

Bill: Agreed.

Decker: I mean, she's just not cut out for this. I figured you two for a great partnership. Maybe I was just seeing romantic chemistry. I guess a love story isn't necessarily a business deal.

Bill: Sometimes a love story isn't necessarily a love story.

Decker: No matter. You really proved yourself today.

Bill: Thank you.

Decker: And not just to me. To your family. I saw your father. He's proud of you.

Bill: Yeah?

Decker: Rumor has it that's important to you.

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, it is. But just keep that between us, okay?

Decker: Great job, Bill.

Bill: Thank you.

Decker: All right. I've got to catch a flight to China. But I'll be in touch. Check your emails. You're about to become an international rock star. Yeah, baby.

Lizzie: You smell good. I like your cologne. Come here. I don't bite. Come closer. You know, a lot of really good relationships have started off the wrong way. There is this guy, he's always got me tied up-- not like this, but emotionally. But it’s... you know, when it's good, it's good. It's hot. There's nothing like it. Hey, maybe we could get acquainted.

Grady: You talk too much. Ouch!

Lizzie: I lied. I do bite. (Sirens) I told you they would come. Ha! Run away! (Sirens) Oh, thank God!

Grady: Are you with them? Did you turn me in?

Olivia: Thanks.

Natalia: How are you feeling?

Olivia: Much better.

Natalia: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

Natalia: I'm glad we got here.

Olivia: Yeah. Thank you. You can go.

Natalia: I'm going to stay until the doctor gets here.

Olivia: I'm not going to climb out a window.

Natalia: You might.

Olivia: I'm not... just go. This is a regular routine visit for a heart transplant patient.

Natalia: I'm staying.

Olivia: I don't need you.

Natalia: For Gus.

Olivia: Stop making a drama out of this. I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong, okay. I've got some infection in my body, they're going to give me drugs, and they're going to send me home. It has nothing to do with my heart.

Natalia: You're right.

Olivia: Fine. Then go. I'll take a cab home, okay? Thank you.

Rick: Actually, it might be a good idea if she actually stuck around.

Olivia: Why?

Rick: Why? Because sometimes patients get nervous and they don't hear everything the doctor says.

Olivia: I'm not nervous.

Natalia: She's nervous.

Olivia: Natalia!

Rick: We have a lot of information to cover, and I think it would actually help to have another set of ears and a friend.

Olivia: She's already given up most of her day for me, okay?

Natalia: Oh, what's another hour, really? Because it beats going home and waiting around for you to call me, which you might not do because you're such...

Olivia: Such a heartless bitch. (Laughs) I just hope that wasn't a premonition.

Dinah: Why would I call the cops? So that you can tell them I'm the one that hired you?

Grady: I wouldn't tell them anything. You're the one who bolted. You left me with Lizzie. I wasn't sure what you were going to do.

Dinah: (Laughs) Oh, excuse me. When you told me you said you had something to show me, I wasn't expecting to see my brother's girlfriend tied and gagged in the basement.

Grady: It was a gift.

Dinah: Oh, that's right. Of course. Why buy me flowers? Why buy me candy?

Grady: Your attitude's getting old.

Dinah: Oh, really? How would you like me to react?

Grady: I'd like you to say thank you. That's exactly what I wanted. And it was, you're just too afraid to do it.

Dinah: Oh, now there's a difference between being too afraid and being too impulsive.

Grady: You know, I'm sick of you criticizing me all of the time. All you ever do is talk and talk and talk and talk. I get things accomplished. What do you do except complain? You're lucky you've got me around so I can listen to your criticism. I mean, it goes on and on and on. "You are a pain, Grady. Do this, Grady. Do that, Grady. Grady, change your style. Grady cut your hair." It goes on and on.

Dinah: All right, all right. You're right.

Grady: I'm right?

Dinah: Yes. I'm very lucky to have a guy like you.

Grady: Damned straight! Lizzie missed that speech thing because of me. That's got to be good for you. Right?

Dinah: Yes, I think you might be right.

Grady: And?

Dinah: And what?

Grady: Well, I'm waiting for you to say thank you.

Dinah: Thank you.

Grady: You're welcome.

Bill: Thank you. Thank you very much. That's very kind of you, but I don't really consider myself much of a speaker. I'm more the get it done, hands-on sort of guy. Yeah. Yes, everything with the company will be changing now, that's for sure. No, Spaulding is not part of this deal. It's Lewis all the way.

Lizzie: They're not coming. The police aren't coming. (Sobbing) Bill!

Bill: Okay. Great, great. Talk to you soon. Thanks.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Rick: Olivia, I know this is scary, but we can't jump to any sort of reaction here. According to this and the heart biopsy and the fatigue you've been experiencing, there is a chance that your body is rejecting the heart.

Natalia: Why on earth would I care about you?

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