Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/9/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: To tell you the truth, Bill, I'm very excited about watching my brilliant granddaughter take over the company.
Bill: Sorry. Who the hell let you in here?
Grady: I didn't mean to interrupt, I just read the article and came straight over.
Bill: The article?
Lizzie: "Lizzie Spaulding is undoubtedly the brains and heart behind this."
All my life some things I miss
I often stood back
couldn't resist
and sometimes I jumped in
a moment too soon
or held on to long
to the good thing I knew
I knew...
and now...
I want to know what it's like
I want to know what it's like
I want to know what it's like
go for it
go for it
I won't wait around,
you can watch me go for it
yeah, go for it.
You had a house
right by the sand
you used to come see me
in a rock n' roll band
try to move forward
try to move strong
you wake up one morning
and it's time to move on
yeah, move on.
And I...
I want to know what it's like
I want to know what it's like
I want to know it's like to
go for it
go for it
I won't wait around
you can watch me go...
go for it...
don't move
don't speak
don't think you'll see me here
next week
so glad it's only once
to go for it
to go for it
Alan: Oh, I was, uh... trying to get over there to read the paper. I... yeah, there. Thank you. Hmm.
Lizzie: Hey!
Bill: Hey, I, uh...
Lizzie: Hi. Did you...
Bill: Hmm?
Lizzie: Did you just get up?
Bill: No. No, no, I just got back from a five-mile run. Yeah.
Lizzie: Oh!
Bill: Yeah, you should try it some time.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah, I hate exercising alone.
Bill: That's when I do my best thinking, so...
Lizzie: Oh. Well, I guess I feel like there are some things that are just better done together.
Bill: Did you get that from one of your motivational tapes?
Lizzie: No, I got it from living life, thank you very much. Fine, okay.
Bill: (Laughs) Okay.
Lizzie: Um... go, go. I need to get ready. Girls take longer.
Bill: Exactly, and that's why I should go first. I'm going to be in and out before you even know it.
Lizzie: That is not something I would brag about.
Bill: (Laughs) Come on, I really need this. I'm starting to get a little ripe.
Lizzie: Bill, there's, like, a million bathrooms in the house.
Bill: Do you ever compromise?
Lizzie: Yes, I do. All the time.
Bill: Really?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Bill: Like when you made a grab for my company?
Lizzie: Are you really doing that today? Wow, that's great. Okay, you... you want it so bad? Fine.
Bill: No, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie...
Lizzie: No! You just said that you need it, so you want the bathroom? The bathroom is yours...
Bill: No, I don't want it...
Lizzie: ...Okay?
Bill: I don't want it.
Lizzie: Oh, you don't want it?
Bill: No, no!
Lizzie: Please, stop acting like a baby. Just take it.
Bill: I'm not acting like... you know what I want?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Your happiness. I want you in that tub. Nice bubble bath. You win.
I won't say I'm
Lizzie: (Sighs)
The funny thing is it's okay...
Grady: Hey! Who's there? What are you doing hiding in the bushes?
Daisy: Oh... hi. Uh... hiding? I wasn't hiding.
Grady: So what are you doing hanging in the bushes?
Daisy: I was looking for an earring that I lost.
Grady: In the bushes?
Daisy: Yeah. I jog by here.
Grady: Since when?
Daisy: Every day.
Grady: Do you get bonus points if you catch me doing something illegal?
Daisy: What are you talking about?
Grady: That's why you're following me, right? That new job at the D.A.'s office?
Daisy: No... I'm not following you.
Grady: Right.
Daisy: Okay, I am following you, but it's not about my job.
Grady: That's good, because I'm not doing anything illegal. I'm waiting for someone. You can write that in your report.
Daisy: Okay, look, I'm here because yesterday I saw you with Alan.
Grady: So?
Daisy: So? Uh... hello? It's Alan. Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't worry about you.
Grady: Well... you don't need to. I'm not working for Alan.
Daisy: So... which Spaulding are you working for? Oh, no, don't tell me...
Grady: What?
Daisy: (Scoffs) Is she blonde, perky, about yay high?
Grady: Look, it's not what you think. It's not like I'm sleeping with her or anything like that.
Daisy: I don't believe I was worried about you! Okay.
Grady: Oh... Daisy... hey, where are you going? Women! Every time!
Vanessa: Dinah! Hello, sweetheart! Hilda didn't tell me you were coming here.
Dinah: So you could run and hide? No, no, no. Why would I do that?
Vanessa: (Sighs) What is it today?
Dinah: When you sigh like that, does that mean you're innocent?
Vanessa: It just means that I've gotten used to you being very unhappy these days.
Dinah: Why is Springfield Electric trying to turn the power off at my TV station?
Vanessa: Not that again.
Dinah: Yeah. That again.
Vanessa: Remember when you took over, you demoted me? I have nothing to do with the station in terms of running it anymore.
Dinah: Yeah, well, the Accounting department said you have a lot to do with how the bills got paid.
Vanessa: Dinah, I told you. I told you when you took over, there was a big problem with Springfield Electric, and you were going to have to get two years of paid invoices and show it to them. Did you do that?
Dinah: I've been a little busy running a television station? And, oh, yeah, taking over Spaulding Enterprises for my ungrateful brother.
Vanessa: I don't know what to tell you. You knew all about this when you took over the station. Not everything is a plot against you.
Dinah: Is this what passes for denial these days, or...
Vanessa: If you want it to be.
Dinah: You and Bill can try to keep destroying me, but you know, it's not going to work.
Vanessa: Dinah, I wish you wouldn't see the world this way. Alliances... conspiracies... Bill is your brother!
Dinah: Bill chose Lizzie instead of me! He's the one who started this war.
Vanessa: It's not a war!
Dinah: Oh, you see, it is, for me.
Vanessa: You know, you are so smart and so capable, so talented and resourceful, you could do anything in the world.
Dinah: Oh, Mom, are you high? Are you high off of the speech today?
Vanessa: No, I'm just telling you the truth.
Dinah: You know what the truth is? The deal with Galaxy? That is not a done deal-- not by a long shot.
Vanessa: Dinah, are you going to ruin things for your brother?
Dinah: I'm just saying don't put anything on ice. No champagne. The day's not even over, yet.
Vanessa: Dinah, you let him have his day. You just get the power turned back at WSPR.
Dinah: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Vanessa: Where are you going? Dinah? Dinah! Don't do something that you will regret! Be your best self.
Dinah: Best self, Mom, best self.
Lizzie: I left the house way before you.
Bill: You got to drive a little faster, Granny.
Lizzie: Well, I'm glad that we're both here. I think we should practice the presentation. Where are we going to be sitting?
Bill: We will be sitting right there.
Lizzie: Good. I want to make sure we have water nearby.
Bill: (Laughs) Oh, that's great. See, that's the difference. I'm worried about selling a multi-million dollar deal, and you're worried about a tasty beverage close by.
Lizzie: Hmm.
Bill: That's great.
Lizzie: That's not what I meant, and you know it.
Bill: (Laughs) Wasn't so sure.
Lizzie: You know, you can't just make changes without asking me.
Bill: I know, I just keep forgetting that I'm supposed to run things by you.
Lizzie: Hmm. Well, I'm waiting for it to become instinct.
Bill: Hmm. That could be a long wait.
Lizzie: I have faith in you.
Bill: (Laughs) You know what we should do?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Rehearse.
Lizzie: Okay. It really does look beautiful.
Bill: Yeah, Matt did a great job with the drawings, didn't he?
Lizzie: Yeah, no, but you gave him great direction. That looks great.
Bill: Yeah, but you really saved it when you told him to move the casino to the north side.
Lizzie: Oh, uh... the casino... I made some changes to that section. Forgot to tell you.
Bill: Oh! That, uh, section is... is mine.
Lizzie: I know, I know. Uh, it's just that we left out a few things in the rush, so...
Bill: Okay, so you basically crossed out everything I... I wrote. That’s...
Lizzie: No, I didn’t. If you'll look at it, you would see that I just made some adds.
Bill: Um... adds? See, this? I call that "crossing out" is what that is right there...
Lizzie: Would you just read it? It's good! Teamwork, remember?
Bill: You're right. Right! You're right. What was I thinking? Teamwork. Oh, can I tell you... I got some thoughts on your part? Just... just maybe in the beginning here...
Lizzie: Bill...
Bill: Just this part...
Lizzie: No! Hey, don't, really...
Bill: Oh, very wordy.
Lizzie: Bill...
Bill: Too sentimental.
Lizzie: Stop it!
Bill: Yeah, maybe a little here...
Lizzie: I'm going to have to print out a whole new...
Bill: No, there...
Lizzie: (Laughing) Stop it!
Oh, oh, oh the travel I know all that bad luck is starting to go...
Grady: Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Look, you don't have to worry about Lizzie. She's not my type.
Daisy: I really don't care who you sleep with.
Grady: I told you I'm not. I was there because of a job.
Daisy: The Spaulding’s? That's who you're working for?
Grady: Just leave it, okay?
Daisy: What? No! Why would you work for them again? Why would you get involved with the people who... who got you to be a murderer?
Grady: So now you're going to get all dramatic on me, huh?
Daisy: I was in that car. We both know what happened.
Grady: That's right. You were in that car willingly. You knew who I was.
Daisy: No... I knew you were willing to sell drugs. I didn't know you were willing to kill people, and the only reason I ever forgave you is because you said you changed. But, I mean, if you're working for Alan, clearly you're not sorry about anything.
Grady: You don't know that, all right? My job now is nothing like that.
Daisy: But it was.
Grady: I needed the money.
Daisy: No one needs money that badly.
Grady: When we first got together, you said you liked me because I was different. You know, because I wasn't like all the other guys.
Daisy: Yeah, but that’s... that's different... that’s...
Grady: I mean, this whole junior cop thing that you're doing? What... what's that about? If you can't see your mom, you're going to try and become her?
Daisy: You don't know anything about me. You know, you... you think that you... you know everything. But you don't have a clue how hard it was for me, coming back to this town. How much I had to pay just for that one night I got into that car with you.
Grady: We made a mistake. The people in this town are so judgmental. I don't understand why you want to stay here.
Daisy: They didn't understand why I was defending a murderer. Okay? The looks they gave me... the... the anger... the disappointment. And still, I stood up for you, okay? And I put you ahead of my entire family.
Grady: Until the going gets tough, and then it's every man for himself, huh?
Daisy: You are all about yourself, period. That's all you worry about. That's why we can't work. That's why we're over.
Grady: Yeah? Then where's the key I gave you, huh? Did you throw it away? Yeah, that's what I thought. I bet you keep it in your pocket so I'm close to you.
Daisy: Like I said, you don't know anything about me.
Dinah: I don't have long. My mother thinks I left.
Alan: Since when did you care about what your mother thought?
Dinah: I don’t. I, uh... I just think it's probably a good idea that she doesn't know we're talking.
Alan: What are we talking about?
Dinah: I'm not going to fall for that foggy memory bit.
Alan: What do you want?
Dinah: What you want... last time I checked. Bill and Lizzie, if they actually make this score today, it won't be just a business deal. It'll be a whole lot more.
Alan: Thank you for reminding me. I'd almost forgotten.
Dinah: So if you knew about it, why aren't you doing anything about it?
Alan: Because I'm recovering form surgery, Dinah.
Dinah: Wow... "recovering from surgery." That is a convenient excuse! And if you think you're going to try to convince me that you're going to sit here and let all of this happen, then I have to begin to think that the doctors must have made a mistake and cut something out of your head during the surgery. Something that made Alan, Alan.
Alan: (Laughs) Trust me, Dinah... they didn't!
Billy: Hey, wait! You going to the presentation?
Vanessa: No... actually, no, I thought I'd... I thought I'd watch it online.
Billy: Well, I can't believe you don't want to see our son in action.
Vanessa: I do. I do, I really do, but I'm not going to go, because, um... I don't want Dinah to see me there. I think it's hard enough that I'm living here... she's taking it very personally.
Billy: Well, there's still time, so...
Vanessa: I don't think I'm going to change my mind.
Billy: Oh, no, no, no, no. I meant we could go out and get a little something to eat...
Vanessa: Oh.
Billy: ...Maybe?
Vanessa: Uh... well, thanks, but, um... no.
Billy: Well, how 'bout I go down to the kitchen and fix up something. Buzz will whip us up something, you know, a sandwich, or...
Vanessa: Um... you know, Billy, I have to say I moved in here because of Bill.
Billy: So did I.
Vanessa: Uh, well... what I mean is, you and me... I think we should keep this very, very simple. We're here because of Bill. That's it, okay?
Billy: Sure.
Vanessa: Okay.
You faded out
no whereabouts
I was chasing my...
Lizzie: Um, we're supposed to be practicing the speech together. What are you doing?
Bill: Um... I am focusing on the presentation. Business.
Lizzie: Okay, well, I am your partner. I think we should be focusing together.
Bill: Yeah, we will be doing the presentation together, but right now I've got to keep you at an arms length, okay?
Lizzie: Why?
Bill: Because I know what you're up to. When you were reaching for that script before, it's like you wanted me to kiss you or something. I can't be having that right now.
Lizzie: What? (Laughs) I am here for business.
Bill: Exactly, Lizzie. It's business. So I cannot be thinking about the smell of your hair, or your skin, or your lips, your...
Lizzie: Okay, all right! Bill! Stop. Control yourself. I cannot help it if my hair smells fantastic.
Bill: Well, first it's changes in the script, and then you want me thinking about sex with you, which is a huge...
Lizzie: What do my changes in the script have anything to do with sex?
Bill: I don't know!
Lizzie: I was not trying to do that!
Bill: Maybe it's a control thing, okay?
Lizzie: We're in this together.
Bill: Exactly. Together. I'm glad you see that, because there's a lot riding on this.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, I know that, and I'm glad to know that you know that.
Bill: All right, all right, all right. Well, I am glad that you're glad, okay?
Lizzie: Okay, this is ridiculous.
Bill: That's very important. And remember, though. Today's about sharing, okay? We're sharing this today.
Lizzie: Do you really feel like you have to say that to me? I did this. I took half of the company. Half! So that we could share it!
Bill: I know, I know. It's just the fact that you did it behind my back that...
Lizzie: Oh! Bill! Enough!
Bill: But I'm getting over it.
Lizzie: No! Seriously, when are you going to give me a break? This was my family's company, and you stole it from us.
Bill: Oh, don't use the word "stole," all right? It was a takeover. That’s...
Lizzie: Oh, a "takeover." That's what it's called?
Bill: Okay...
Decker: Enough!
Bill: Hey, Mr. Decker... I didn't see you there.
Decker: Obviously. Look, I've always believed a little creative tension is a good thing, but what did I just walk in on?
Bill: Oh, that was nothing.
Decker: Actually, I was going to call it "unprofessional." There are a lot of other companies I could have picked to partner with on this project. Still can. (Cell phone rings) It's Decker.
Bill: Okay, um... can we just get through this, please?
Lizzie: "Just get through this?"
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: Bill?
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: We don't just "get through this." This isn't some kind of phase. This is my family. This is my family's company. I am not going anywhere. So you need to decide if this is how you want it to be.
Bill: Is this how you want it to be?
Lizzie: (Scoffs) I... I didn't think that it was going to happen overnight. I didn’t. But I thought eventually, you would see what I am doing and that I am trying to do it for us, but now? I can see that you're a child.
Bill: Oh.
Lizzie: I'm going home to get dressed.
Buzz: Bad day?
Daisy: Hmm.
Buzz: Want to talk about it?
Daisy: (Sighs)
Buzz: What's that?
Daisy: It's a 500 pound weight dragging my whole life down.
Buzz: Well... I don't know... it doesn't feel that heavy. It’s... you know...
Daisy: Oh, it is, trust me.
Buzz: Looks like a key to me. It looks like, you know, a standard key. It's got a pointy thing. It could probably, you know, hurt someone.
Daisy: Yeah, it's from Grady. You happy?
Buzz: No, I thought you were over him! Come on!
Daisy: Yes, I am. I... I have totally moved on, and I have this great job. I really like it, you know? I'm not fighting with marina Anymore, I'm not fighting with Ashlee anymore.
Buzz: But?
Daisy: Why does there have to be a "but?" Why can't I just be happy?
Buzz: You're not a robot. You don't have a button that'll make you happy, that'll turn off your feelings to Vlad the Impaler. If you did, we would have used it by now.
Daisy: But?
Buzz: Well, you care for him. I mean, not that any of us can see that, but, you know, it’s... it's tough to end things with someone. Especially when you see him around, you know? And you're not sure you did the right thing. Not that... you did!
Daisy: So, what am I supposed to do?
Buzz: You fake it.
Daisy: Fake being happy.
Buzz: Yeah. You fake that you're over him. Like, he means nothing to you, you know, it's like, you know, tell Ashlee that, tell him that. Most of all, tell yourself that, and then, you know, one day, maybe, you'll wake up and maybe... maybe it's true.
Daisy: "Maybe?" "One day?" Oh, this is the worst advice I've ever heard.
Buzz: Yeah. Well, I only guarantee the chili. You want some?
Daisy: Yes.
Grady: Ow! So why did you want to meet me here?
Dinah: So you can see this failure for what it is.
Grady: Excuse me?
Dinah: In a few hours, Bill and Lizzie are going to be making a presentation in front of a lot of people. It's going to be beamed to investors all around the world. They're going to be doing that as a team.
Grady: And that's my fault?
Dinah: Yeah, because I told you that you have one job to do, and that is to get Lizzie away from my brother, because she can't be trusted. And you decide to hit on my mother, instead.
Grady: I'm making progress, okay?
Dinah: Really? How? How many weeks has it been? What have you accomplished? Bill and Lizzie are still living together. They are moving their families in with them.
Grady: Maybe some of this is your fault, you know? Did you ever stop and think of that?
Dinah: You're right. If I had gone with Cyrus like I wanted, the job would have been done.
Grady: I'm nothing like my brother.
Dinah: You can say that again.
Alan: You know, our family's very lucky that you've taken charge, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Well, thank you, that means a lot.
Alan: You've done the family name proud.
Lizzie: I'm trying.
Alan: I know you are. You're doing a terrific job. There's something I want to talk to you about. I... think you should consider getting rid of Bill Lewis.
Lizzie: Okay, Granddad, please...
Alan: He's dragging you down. Now, I am not the only one who's noticed this.
Lizzie: Really? Who else? Aunt Alex?
Alan: Lawrence Decker. You know, he and I go back a long way.
Lizzie: I know. I know, Granddad.
Alan: Bill seems to think that he is the one who put this deal together, and you and I both know it was you and your family name...
Lizzie: Okay, wait...
Alan: Will you tell me one thing? What is it that you get out of this relationship, anyway? Every time you're together, it's nothing... it's a relationship filled with tension. What is it you're getting out of it?
Lizzie: Okay, uh... (sighs)
Alan: You know, he seems to somehow think that he is entitled to our family legacy. I don't know why he believes that, but I guarantee you one thing. He is not going to share any of it with you. Now, I may not be at the top of my game, but it would take a blind man not to see that, Elizabeth. Now, if you want Bill removed, all I have to do is make one phone call, and it won't take much convincing. As I told you, Larry and I go back a long way.
Bill: What the hell are you doing?
Billy: Uh... this isn't what you think.
Bill: I think it's bourbon. Am I wrong?
Billy: Well, you know, you got a lot on your plate there. You don't need to be worrying about me. Just... don't worry about it.
Bill: I don't want to have to worry about you. Why are you making me? Look, how many have you had?
Billy: I hate it when you look at me like that.
Bill: Just tell me... why? Why are you drinking?
Billy: Well, I came here because of you, but, in the back of my mind, I knew that Vanessa would be here. I thought, "Well, maybe I can get a second chance." And things started going pretty good, and I kissed her yesterday, and then today I asked her to go out to lunch and she turned me down.
Bill: Are you kidding me? That's it? She turned you down for lunch and it got it you drinking?
Billy: No, no, no! No! It's not just that. It’s... it's your mom and me and the fact that I've screwed up so bad that she won't even give me a second chance. I mean, I blew it. I had the most perfect person in the whole world, who I loved and who loved me. And I threw it all away. You know, being here reminds me of all the things that I have lost simply because I couldn't swallow my pride and get it together, so... I just poured a drink because I, uh... I want to forget, you know? Just... just forget for a little bit, you know?
Bill: And drinking is not the answer.
Billy: Oh yeah? Well, you tell me that in 20 years when you're still looking at that picture of Lizzie-- who you will have lost-- and you realize that you're just as big a horses ass as I ever was.
Bill: No, Dad, it's different, okay? I am not you. I am not the one with the drinking problem. I am not going to lose Lizzie. I remember what it was like with you and mom before it got bad. It was great. And that's what I want with Lizzie. That's what I want with her, okay? That's how important she is to me. No matter what's going on with the business... she is more important to me. It's not bourbon, Dad. This is ice tea! You tricked me!
Billy: I just wanted you to see what a mistake you were making! Go to Lizzie and tell her everything you just told me... before you make the presentation.
Alan: Well?
Lizzie: The presentation is today, Granddad. The one I prepared with Bill. I can't just do it on my own.
Alan: Of course, you can do it on your own. You can do anything you want. If you like, I'll be happy to help you with it, huh?
Lizzie: I'm sorry, Granddad. Decker is expecting Bill, okay?
Alan: One phone call is all it will take.
Lizzie: I know.
Alan: Elizabeth, do me a favor. I want you to go over there and look in that mirror. Go over there. You love to look in the mirror. Go over there.
Lizzie: (Sighs)
Alan: Now, tell me what you see. You see a winner, right?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Alan: Look how beautiful you are in that suit, huh? You can accomplish anything you want without Bill Lewis. Now trust me, no one... no one is going to miss him.
Lizzie: I will. I will. I'll call you later, okay?
Alan: Good luck.
Dinah: Oh! I'm so glad you answered. Yes, yes I'm excited to see the presentation, myself. Okay... all right, well, I'll see you in there. Bye.
Man: Where do you think you're going?
Dinah: The Spaulding-Lewis presentation. They're expecting me.
Man: I know, Miss Marler.
Dinah: Oh, you know who I am.
Man: I know everything about you, and that they don't want you anywhere near the presentation.
Daisy: I don't miss you. And I don't want to start seeing you again. See? Stop it! Don't do that!
Grady: What if I don't want to?
Daisy: Okay, well, just don't do it here.
Like heights shadows
sorrows and content
my mind is fading
thought are racing
fly away
I'm fast asleep
too much information
I just end want you here with
and oh...
I came here today
it's make me stay...
Alan: Are you two leaving?
Billy: Ah... no, I'm afraid, Alan, you're going to have to share the evening with Vanessa. I, on the other hand, am going to go in person because it's going to be glorious.
Alan: It's just a business meeting. They happen every day, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, if it was just a business meeting, you'd be right. But... after today, Bill and Lizzie will be together. And I must say, it's about time.
And oh...
I can't do it today
it's making me stay...
Bill: Hey. I was just looking for you earlier. I thought we could over...
Decker: Where's your partner? It's almost time to start.
Bill: Yeah, she's going to be here.
Decker: Cutting it awfully close.
Bill: Well, you know, she likes to make an entrance, that's it.
Decker: I hope so.
Bill: Yeah. (Sighs) Hey, it's me. Where are you? Decker is getting nervous. He wants to make sure we start on time. I'm sure you're just parking the car right now. Look... when you get here, don't go to him. Will you come over to me, because I need to tell you something. It's important.
All that you do
well today will you stay...
Grady: Hey. I've been waiting for you.
Dinah: I don't want to... talk. I don't want to be around anybody right now, all right? I just... I want to get on a plane and fly far, far away.
Grady: I'm really sorry about letting you down.
Dinah: You know what? That doesn't help me right now.
Grady: I feel really bad about what happened before, so... I got you a gift.
Dinah: You got me what?
Grady: I got you something to make you feel better.
Dinah: Nothing's going to make me feel better right now. I don't care what it is.
Grady: Oh... come downstairs! I'll show it to you.
Dinah: Grady, I'm not in the mood. Stop.
Grady: If you don't like it, you can take it back.
Lizzie: (Struggling)
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. Where are you?
Decker: It's that time.
Bill: Uh... Lizzie is not here yet.
Decker: Then start the introduction without her.
Bill: Lizzie needs to be a part of this.
Decker: It's either now or the entire deal is blown.
Bill: You were right. She always puts her family first. That’s... that's what's going on. She's trying to set me up.
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