GL Transcript Tuesday 10/7/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/7/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: I want to tell you a little secret.

Frank: Alan! How are you feeling?

Alan: Between you and me...

Lizzie: Thanks for your help with Decker.

Alan: I did put Bill Lewis in his place. I'm feeling just fine. You and I are going to make a great team.

Alan: Ah!

Bill: Can I help you?

Alan: Yes, you can move out!

Bill: I will be staying, thank you. Anything else?

Alan: Why don't you go back to the ranch with the rest of the cowboys, Bill?

Bill: Hmm. Like I said, I will be staying, and I think we can get along. The place is big enough. In fact, it's a mansion.

Alan: Wannabes call it a "mansion."

Bill: Well, call it whatever you want to-- I will be calling it "home," as will my parents. I'm moving them in.

Alan: Your mother's welcome, but your father isn’t.

Bill: You're all about family, right? It'll be fun, Alan. Hmm. You may want to check his blood pressure, see if he's a little agitated.

Beth: You know, Bill, I look forward to the day that Lizzie comes to her senses. Life is short.

Bill: Ooh. Life will be shorter for him, especially if he messes with my mother.

Beth: Vanessa?

Bill: Yeah. She's moving in here. In fact, I'm on my way to pick her up right now. Oh, and she does not like smoke, so lose the cigars, please.

Alan: I don't like him. But you know something? I like you.

Mallet: Well, we're getting there.

Marina: Almost done.

Mallet: Oh, wow, look at that. Zach and Jude.

Marina: Yeah. Harley used to line the boys. She'd have to bribe them with ice cream just to get them to stand still. Well, let 'er rip!

Mallet: No, it's a... just leave it until, you know, the house is sold.

Blake: The house is sold. Here it is, Clayton Boudreau's offer. It's pretty good for this market, too. You want to check it out?

Mallet: Uh, yeah, sure, I'll check it out. You never know.

Marina: You never know what?

Mallet: You never know.

Felicia: Nobody's even heard from Remy in days. This isn't good.

Mel: (Sighs) Mom, he's fine, okay? This is what Remy does. I know that you guys are worried, but he hibernates. He shuts people out.

Felicia: People, yes, but not his family. We're his family! My God, what if he's been mugged?

Mel: Mom, don't even go there, okay? He may be a little self-involved, a little inconsiderate, but he's fine.

Felicia: Well, that's why your father wants to buy Harley’s house, so you can keep an eye on him.

Mel: My life's work! (Knocks on door) Rem, open up! Remy?

Remy: What? Hey.

Mel: It's worse than I thought.

Bill: Oh, hey, Mom!

Vanessa: Hi, darling!

Bill: You ate without me.

Vanessa: I know. Very, very bad, but I was hungry. Do you want me to get the waitress? Do you want something to eat?

Bill: No, no, no, no. Okay. You still have time to back out.

Vanessa: I'm not going to back out. I figured everything out for Maureen, and so now I'm really looking forward to spending quality time with my favorite son.

Bill: Aw! Well, your favorite son needs you. I really do. And if anyone could best Alan, that would be you.

Vanessa: (Laughs) That's true. I used to do it on a regular basis.

Bill: My goodness, I cannot believe you were ever engaged to that man!

Vanessa: What, I don't get to be young and foolish once, too?

Bill: Too?

Vanessa: Yes. You and Lizzie, it's so ridiculous. But I was just like you. I was so busy competing, trying to be the smarter and all of that. What a waste of time, really. I'm so glad I'm older. (Sighs) Now I know it was a waste of time.

Bill: All right, well, listen. I'm not going to have any regrets, okay? In fact, I should've brought you in on day one. I don't know why I didn't think of it.

Vanessa: Because you had your sister.

Bill: Hmm. Don't remind me.

Vanessa: Why? Done very well for both of you, I thought.

Bill: Why? Because Dinah has hurt me, Mother. Okay? So she is done. She is out.

Vanessa: Dinah is not done. She's not out. She's your sister. You will always have an association with her.

Bill: Hmm. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about that, can I? So, are we ready to go?

Dinah: Did you follow me here?

Grady: No, I'm hungry.

Dinah: You're not allowed on this property. It's private property. Nobody wants you here. Even if you got through this door, they'd turn you down. They'd shut you out. You need to let it go, all right? It's over.

Grady: Could you go inside and order me a buzz burger? Some fries, at least?


Beth: Alan! Alan! Alan!

Alan: Huh?

Beth: No, that, uh...

Alan: Oh! (Laughs)

Beth: I was just, um... helping Alan remember something.

Bill: Looks like he did!

Beth: Vanessa, it's nice to see you.

Vanessa: Beth, it's very nice to see you. Alan.

Alan: Vanessa.

Vanessa: Welcome home.

Alan: Thank you.

Bill: Come on upstairs, Mom. I'll show you your room.

Vanessa: Excuse us, would you?

Alan: He's so full of himself, so cocky. I don't want him or any of his family living in my house.

Beth: It's not your house anymore.

Alan: It will be soon.

Dinah: Where are my keys? (Sighs) I'm sorry. You know, I don't even know why I'm saying sorry. I'm not sorry. It's my brother Bill who should be sorry.

Grady: You need to get over this, girl.

Dinah: Really? Really, could you get over this? Could you get over this? Because I gave my brother everything. I gave him anything that he wanted. I stood by him. I defended him. When he was getting too full of himself, I forgave him. And what happens when I make one mistake? He takes that door, and he slams it right in my face. Bam! Cuts me off! He said terrible things about me, you know?

Grady: Like what?

Dinah: That he doesn't want me for a sister.

Grady: Oh, who the hell cares, huh? It's his loss.

Dinah: Yeah, it is.

Grady: You could've had me.

Dinah: You know, Bill just passed me over for Lizzie the first chance he got, and now he just wants his mommy.

Grady: His what?

Dinah: I just heard them in Company, and my mother's moving in.

Grady: They're going to team up against you?

Dinah: Oh, yeah, Bill... Bill, he's just turning everyone against me. It's like he's building a moat just to keep me out.

Grady: Yeah, well, a little water's not going to stop us. The plan is to show Bill, right?

Dinah: Where are you going?

Grady: Earn my pay.

Mel: So what's up?

Remy: Nothing. Nothing. I'm just... just cleaning. Anybody want a beer?

Felicia: Oh! I am not thrilled with this.

Remy: It's safer than it looks.

Mel: And so quiet.

Felicia: Remy, your father is furious. Why haven't you returned any of his calls? Or mine?

Remy: I'm sorry. I just... I've been busy.

Felicia: Stop that. Do not push us away. Now, I thought we were getting a lot closer since the baby... after the baby died. Honey, we're here to help you.

Remy: Ma, I'm not pushing anyone away, all right? I've been doing double shifts, barely sleeping. I will call Dad on my way to work, okay?

Felicia: Okay.

Mel: What is this?

Remy: Nothing. It's nothing. No.

Mel: (Gasps) This is worse than I thought!

Remy: Don't!

Mel: Somebody's studying to take the MCATs. You're going to have another doctor in the family.

Mallet: Well, okay, it looks like... well, everything's in order.

Blake: Mm-hmm. And in a market such as today, to get a qualified buyer like Clayton Boudreau, that's nothing short of a miracle.

Mallet: Yeah. You okay with this?

Marina: Sure.

Mallet: Okay, what happens next?

Blake: Inspection, a lot of paperwork, and all this stuff has to go-- I mean, all this stuff before we close.

Mallet: This stuff?

Blake: Well, sure, Cooper. Everything has to go. The house has to be empty before they change hands.

Marina: Empty. Wow, that's something this house never was. Even when they were laying the foundation, Gus and Harley were still hiding out here. I'll call my family, I'll tell them to come get their... their stuff out of the basement. It'll be good, give everyone a chance to say good-bye.

Mallet: Hey, we could make a party.

Blake: How about a celebration? I'm going to start by putting a "sold" sign on the front lawn.

Mallet: Well, it's not going to be the same around here.

Marina: Nope. Never will.

Felicia: Oh! My son, the doctor! "Have you met my son, Dr. Remington Boudreau?"

Mel: (Laughing) And now, when people call your house and ask for "Dr. Boudreau," you're going to have to say, "which one? Your beautiful daughter, or the tall, ugly guy with the bad attitude?"

Remy: (Laughs) Okay, listen, I am not a doctor yet. It takes years and years of school, so can... I mean, what if I'm not up for it?

Felicia: Of course you're up for it, and we'll all help, especially your sister. That's why you guys should move in together. She can help you buckle down and study.

Mel: Yeah. I'm at your service. You know, it's not like I have a daughter or two careers or anything else I have to do.

Remy: I don't need you to hold my hand. And can we please just slow down and just take it one step at a time?

Felicia: Oh, one day at a time, one step at a time, of course. I cannot wait to tell your father this!

Remy: No, no, no! You can... no!

Felicia: On, no, you cannot expect us to keep a secret like this! Now, he will be over the moon!

Remy: I'm not sure!

Felicia: Honey, what is there to be sure about?

Remy: I just... I just need to take some time to make sure this is the right thing.

Felicia: Of course this is the right thing! (Cell phone rings) Sweetheart, this is the vision that we have had for you since the day that you were born.

Mel: Hello?

Mallet: Hello, Mel.

Mallet: Congratulations on your new house.

Mel: Oh! Thank you.

Mallet: You know, we still have a few things we've got to finish, but we're going to kind of have a family gathering, like a send-off party, final farewell, and you and your family are more than welcome to come.

Mel: Oh, well, that's really nice of you to think of us, but we don't want to intrude.

Mallet: No, no, please come. You know, there'll be lots of food and lots of typical Cooper craziness.

Mel: Well, you know, maybe we'll stop by a little later, you know, give the Cooper’s some time to...

Felicia: The Cooper’s?

Mel: ...Spend some time together. Okay, scratch the "maybe." We'll be there. And thank you.

Felicia: What? What is it?

Mel: So the Cooper’s are having a party at Harley’s house, which is soon to be...

Felicia: Oh! The sale went through! Oh! Oh, our two doctors under one roof! Does it get any better than this? Oh, my goodness. Let's head over there and get the keys. Oh, this will be a party they'll never forget! Your father... oh, he'll be...

Mel: We probably can't get the keys right now. I mean, it's got to go through escrow and all that stuff. Why don't we just go get something to eat, and then we'll go over there later?

Felicia: Oh, you're right. We shouldn't barge in like that, right?

Mel: Right, right!

Felicia: Okay, okay.

Mel: Let's go eat. It's my treat. We're celebrating Remy’s new life!

Felicia: Oh, my God! Yes!

Dinah: Hey, Mom, hi. Yeah, I, uh... look, I really need to see you. No. No, no, no. I'm not in trouble. I just... I just haven't seen you in a while, that's all. Okay. Okay, Towers. Perfect.

Bill: Mother, where are you going?

Vanessa: Oh, I'll be back soon.

Bill: Okay, well, I guess you don't need to tell me everything. I'll walk you out. Come on.

Vanessa: All right, see you later.

Alan: Hello. May I help you? Are you here to see Bill Lewis?

Grady: Bill hates me.

Alan: Really? Well, that's one point in your favor.

Grady: I'm actually here to see Lizzie.

Alan: Really? What is your work? What do you do for a living?

Grady: I'm still an independent contractor.

Alan: Oh. Well, good for you. Care to join me in a drink?

Bill: What the hell are you doing here?

Alan: As a matter of fact, he came here to see Elizabeth, and he's going to join me for a drink. What, vodka? Bourbon?

Grady: Actually, I should be going. I just popped by to say hello. Could you tell Lizzie that I called?

Bill: Will do. (Clears throat) You like that guy?

Alan: As a matter of fact, I do. He seems to like Elizabeth as well.

Bill: I think Lizzie needs to be more careful in the friends she's making.

Alan: Bill, I could not agree with you more! But that's why I'm here, to protect her from anything bad that should happen.

Mel: What changed your mind anyway? I mean, you were always so against it?

Remy: I don't know. I guess it's about time I figured out what I want to do with my life, and maybe this. I like helping people and delivering babies, so...

Mel: Mm-hmm.

Remy: Figured I'd give it a shot, see what happens.

Mel: It had nothing to do with Mom and Dad?

Remy: Look, I am just doing it, okay?

Mel: Yeah, right. (Laughs)

Remy: Now, how many bottles is she buying?

Mel: That's where you get it from, right there. That's where you get it.

Remy: My gosh. I guess she's christening the place, or something.

Mel: So, really, you talked to Dad about the house? What did he say?

Remy: Well, you know Dad. He hears what he wants to hear, and then he ignores the rest.

Coop: How much is a storage unit again?

Buzz: A lot more than calling a dump truck!

Frank: Hey, Coop, you don't need that board, because you don't surf anymore.

Coop: Do you play golf, Frank? Do you still play golf?

Frank: Excuse me, I taught Harley how to play golf with these clubs, thank you very much.

Blake: Harley plays golf?

Marina: She played once.

Frank: She played twice!

Buzz: Toss them, Frank!

Frank: Oh, come on!

Blake: Who wants beer?

Coop: Always! Thank you. So, um... how's Clarissa?

Blake: Good.

Coop: Good.

Blake: She's good. She was so young when we did this, when we had to move out of the house after Ross died. Not that Harley...

Coop: No, no. It just kind of feels like she did.

Mallet: Oh! Is that the official Cooper football?

Marina: Yeah.

Frank: Let me see that. Remember the first time Gus came over here, dressed in a suit, right? (Laughs) I wanted to take the guy down, but Harley says, "You know, go easy on him," so I...

Buzz: You got beat, Frank.

Frank: I did not get beat!

Buzz: You got beat, Frank.

Frank: I did not...

Mallet: You got beat, Frank.

Marina: Those were some good times. We were a really good family then.

Frank: I miss her, too.

Blake: Who wants mac and cheese?

Buzz: A toast to mac and cheese!

Frank: You know what? To the Cooper’s. To the Cooper family.

Buzz: It'll be sad saying good-bye to this place, you know? We built this place, all of us. I mean, every beam, every fixture. It was a family project. It all began with a dream.

Frank: And ended a construction nightmare.

Buzz: But we never gave up, did we? We should be proud of what we accomplished here-- you, Frank, and the low flow toilets that you installed; and you, Marina, for the decorating, now and in the past. This house was built out of love, and now it's time to share it, so... Salud.

Frank: Salud.

Felicia: Well, if it's a proud day in a mother's life, then I just want to share it. I don't see why I wouldn’t.

Remy: Come on, Mom. Let me take the MCATs first, okay? Then you can hire a skywriter, for all I care.

Felicia: That's a good idea! (Laughter)

Remy: Hey, you okay?

Marina: Yeah, yeah. I'm just being a sap about the house.

Remy: Oh. Well, you can visit... stay over... hey, you can even move in, if you want.

Marina: You know, I think you might actually mean that.

Remy: Well, hey, who was the best roommate you ever had, hmm?

Marina: Well, not you, that's for sure.

Remy: Oh!

Vanessa: Plotting against you?

Dinah: Please don't act like I'm crazy. Please don’t. Bill is blaming me for everything. I gave him the business, the house. I put him front and center, and he took it away from me.

Vanessa: Dinah, have a heart. Your brother is going through a really bad time right now.

Dinah: This is unbelievable! You are still taking his side. "Bill is having a tough time. Bill is misunderstood." But me? I'm trouble, right? See, this is when I really wish I had my father.

Vanessa: Darling, don’t...

Dinah: No. No, see, people aren't understanding how hard I have worked. I made a business deal-- a good business deal. I wanted to share it with my brother. But it turns out, he's not into sharing. And the minute I don't do everything his way, he cuts me off. He has family issues, Mom. He always has.

Vanessa: He does. I agree with you. You're right. He has family issues. But he's changing. He's starting to reach out to his family.

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, he is, to you, to Billy, to Lizzie-- everybody except me. Right? He's doing that to spite me.

Vanessa: (Laughing) He's not doing anything to spite you! And as for me, he wants me there in the house because he thinks I can help him with Alan. That's all.

Dinah: Alan? See, I can handle Alan twice as effectively, if he'd give me a chance. But everything I do is wrong, even when I do it right. Do you know what that feels like?

Vanessa: Yes. I know what it feels like. It feels awful. But I also know that you and your brother will make up, given time. And until then, come on, try being glad that he's reaching out to his parents.

Dinah: Glad! Glad! Mom, how could I possibly be glad? I am out there all alone again, by myself!

Vanessa: It's not true.

Dinah: Yes, it is! If the carnival passes through, I could just join them again, or maybe you'll get me there first!

Vanessa: Would you please stop with those references to the damn carnival? This is not about you. It is not about you. It is about him, and the fact that he is really raw and really grieving because he lost the baby. That's what it's about, Dinah.

Dinah: Yes, and he's still making it about Lizzie, and he's still making it about everything else, and grabbing on to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes his way.

Vanessa: I'm not Tom, Dick, or Harry.

Dinah: You need to be careful.

Vanessa: What are you talking about?

Dinah: Bill is too stupid to know what kind of mistake he's making, but if you're involved, there will be consequences.

Vanessa: Dinah...

Dinah: I would like a Bloody Mary when I get back from the ladies' room.

Vanessa: Dinah... (sighs) "Consequences." Swell.

Alan: Well, well, well, Roxy! Has this house driven you to drink? I can't say as I blame you, living with some of the characters who live in this house. But don't you worry. This house is going to be mine again very soon. But now, that is between you and me, right? Run along.

Bill: Alan? Look, I don't want to hurt Lizzie. In fact, I, uh...

Alan: What do you want, Bill?

Bill: I want to guide her. I want to teach her, show her how to run a business.

Alan: She learned everything she needs to know about business from me. She doesn't need to go to some hillbilly business school.

Bill: Hmm. Learned everything from Spaulding. But, Alan, I've been out in the world, okay? I've lived and worked in places that took me out of my comfort zone, and I came back to Springfield with a lot to offer, a lot to offer this business, family. And Lizzie, she's willing to learn.

Alan: You're quite taken with yourself, aren't you, Bill?

Bill: I know how to operate. I can take care of Lizzie.

Alan: I love Lizzie. She is the future of this family. But when I look at you, the only thing I feel is rage. You don't belong in this house-- you or any of your family members. And I am going to help Elizabeth see that.

Bill: See, you haven't changed, Alan. You haven't changed at all, because you don't care about Lizzie. You want her by your side for your own selfish purposes.

Alan: Well, at least if she's by my side, Bill, she won't be by yours.

(Everyone talking at once)

Frank: Marina?

Marina: Coop will do it. (Everyone groans)

Buzz: Aw, come on, last game. All right, ready? Here we go! (Cheers) Easy, easy, easy!

Frank: Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? You're not leaving, are you?

Marina: I'm tired.

Frank: You're tired? All right, well, I'll give you a ride home. Come on, let's go.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Yeah, go. I'll... I'll lock up.

Frank: Okay, we'll see you guys.

Mel: Bye, guys.

Frank: Enjoy.

Felicia: You know, about that inspection you mentioned... I don't know, I've been walking around here and knocking on walls and checking water pressure... I just don't really feel like this place is quite ready yet. Clayton is a poor judge of things like this. I just...

Blake: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Clayton knows that this is a fixer-upper. It's reflected in the price. This place is a steal.

Felicia: Mel is a doctor and a lawyer, and Remy... well, he's a really busy EMT. I just really feel like with contractors and all the rest of it... it's just too much, and I...

Blake: No, no, no, Felicia. Don't tell me that you're withdrawing your offer.

Felicia: Blake, I'm really sorry. I think Clayton just spoke too soon on this one. Yeah, I'm withdrawing the offer. I hope you two are not too disappointed.

Mel: Oh, just a little bit disappointed.

Felicia: Uh-huh.

Mel: Thanks, Mom. I love you.

Felicia: I love you, too. You can help me explain this to your dad. Well, look, I'm sorry to disappoint everybody, but, hey, we've got to get going.

Mel: Okay. I'm going to walk you out. I'm going to help you clean up.

Buzz: What now?

Blake: We start over.

Beth: Have you seen Alan?

Bill: He is in the garden. Better keep an eye on him. He's letting criminals have the run of the house.

Beth: Criminals?

Bill: Yes. Grady Foley was here, and they were acting like the best of buddies. He best be careful before something happens.

Beth: Something is going to happen, Bill, but it won't be because of Alan.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Beth: I'm talking about you and Lizzie. You forget. I know you. You're both reckless and competitive, and you won't stop until one of you gets hurt or...

Bill: Or what?

Beth: Isn't that enough?

Dinah: Bill and Lizzie are paying a very dangerous game. They better be careful, although I don't expect you to understand that any more than you've ever understood me or anything I feel.

Vanessa: Dinah, don't let your need for revenge ruin your life. Don't get caught up in it, the way you did in the past.

Dinah: I'm not that person anymore.

Vanessa: Stop acting like it.

Dinah: Are you coming?

Vanessa: No, I don't think so.

Dinah: All right, then. I will see you at the studio.

Vanessa: Darling, thank you for asking me for dinner.

Dinah: Sure.

Grady: I thought I had met all the beautiful women in Springfield. Where have you been hiding?

Dinah: (Sighs) Hi, Daddy. Oh, you know, I tell you, I miss you very much, and it's very difficult to take on the world all by myself. You don't know how many times I've wanted to just pick up the phone and run something by you, not just when I'm in trouble, but, you know, I miss you even more when the good things happen, you know? I just... I wish I could share it with you. You were always in my corner. When I would screw up, you'd always be there. And I need that now. I need that person in my life. Mallet's gone. Bill, he just... I don't know, I thought that's what we were for each other, but that's not going so well. No. And Mom... you know, Mom doesn't get it. But you, you always knew that I would probably do things differently than most other people. It still meant, though, that what I wanted was no different. I miss you very much. And I miss you telling me that the "Good girl is in there somewhere." I miss you saying that.

Grady: Can I buy you a drink?

Vanessa: Oh, no, thank you. I've had one.

Grady: If you want me to leave, I'll do that. You're probably not into younger guys.

Vanessa: And you? What are you into?

Grady: So many things.

Frank: Okay, little girl, look what I made for you. Your favorite, the one and only monster sandwich.

Marina: I'm not hungry.

Frank: Oh, come on! All right, um... you know, I was just remembering how I felt when I lost that house that I built for your mother. It was awful.

Marina: We're saps.

Frank: No, we're not. We're just sentimental.

Marina: No, we're saps, Dad. I mean, I'm a cop, and suddenly all I can think about is wanting to cook holiday dinners and have this beautiful table layout, and all I want is a yard and a barbecue. I mean, what's wrong with me?

Frank: Well, maybe my little girl grew up.

Marina: Yeah, well, it sucks.

Frank: You know what? We don't need Harley’s house. This family could live in a storage unit and still have fun. We're lucky that way.

Marina: Yeah. Lucky saps.

Frank: (Laughs)

Remy: Hey, do you want some coffee?

Felicia: No. I think once in your apartment is enough for the day. (Laughter) I want to get home to your father.

Remy: Well, good luck with that. Hey, about the house, it was a nice thing Dad tried to do, buying it, and I know he was trying to help me out, so tell him that I...

Felicia: Hey. You tell him.

Remy: I will.

Felicia: Have I told you how very proud I am of you?

Remy: Yes.

Felicia: I am. I love you.

Remy: I love you, too, Ma.

Mel: You know, I'm really sorry that we had to back out of the house. I know Harley really needs the money, but I think the house should go to someone who really loves it, appreciates it.

Mallet: Yeah, I guess we'll find someone.

Mel: Maybe you already have.

Dinah: You looking for me?

Bill: No. Business.

Dinah: Of course. I hear you're rallying the troops back at the house: Mom, your dad.

Bill: Yeah, well, just looking out after our parents.

Dinah: Need any help?

Bill: No. Thanks, though. You're just part of an era that I'm trying to forget, okay?

Dinah: You think you've got it all figured out, don't you? You do. You're no match for the Spaulding’s.

Bill: We'll see, won't we?

Alan: You know, Beth, I saw you talking to Bill Lewis a little earlier. You have to be very careful with him. He's after everything that we own.

Beth: I'm well aware of what's going on.

Alan: Good. Then you understand why we have to get rid of him?

Beth: The tough part is that Lizzie seems to be in love with him.

Alan: I don't give a damn!

Beth: Oh, there we go! Now, there is the Alan Spaulding I know and love.

Alan: Tell me something. How would the "Alan that you know and love" handle a guy like Bill Lewis? Hmm. That's what I thought.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: We're changing a lot of things.

Bill: Lewis-Spaulding will never be the same.

Lizzie: Spaulding-Lewis.

Alan: The world will see who the true leader of this company will be, and they'll also get to see her goofy sidekick.

Lizzie: We could take over the world with this!

Bill: You think?

Lizzie: Yes, I know.

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