Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/6/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: Evidentially there is some problem about letting me back into the good ol' U.S. of A.
Cassie: What do you want me to do?
Josh: There is a party going on at Towers tonight. Ambassador Compton is going to be there. Figure out some way to get into that party and talk to him on my behalf.
Cassie: I need your help.
Cyrus: Just follow my lead. Smile, look confident. Let's go crash a party.
Jeffrey: All right.
Reva: You have no idea where we are, do you?
Jeffrey: How do you know I just don't like looking at maps?
Reva: Okay. Maybe you do.
Jeffrey: Maybe I do.
Reva: Yeah. I guess that explains why we passed that same big, old oak tree right there three times in the last half hour.
Jeffrey: What oak tree?
Reva: Right there.
Jeffrey: Oh, that oak tree.
Reva: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what they say about oak trees. If you've seen them one, you've seen them all.
Reva: Yeah.
Jeffrey: I love oak trees.
Reva: Yeah. Okay.
Jeffrey: I love them.
Reva: Okay. What, are you giving up?
Jeffrey: No, no. I just realized something. I realized that I don't care if we're lost.
Reva: Well, that's a novel approach.
Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah. The car is pointed in that direction, so that is the direction that we are going to go. What the hell, right?
Reva: If you can't wing it on your honeymoon, when can you wing it, right?
Jeffrey: That's right. We'll just keep driving until we find something we like.
Reva: Right. Or until we get hungry, which will be very soon.
Jeffrey: Well, you are eating for two now, you know?
Reva: I hate that. Don't ever use that phrase again. I hate that phrase.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: But I sure do love you.
Jeffrey: Well, good, because you're stuck with me.
Reva: (Laughing)
Jeffrey: So let's go! Let's hit the road, Jack!
Reva: Okay! Destination unknown!
Jeffrey: The great American highway stretched out before us.
Reva: As far as the eye can see.
Jeffrey: It doesn't matter where we're going, Reva. It's how we get there, baby.
Reva: You're pathetic.
Jeffrey: All right!
Reva: You might want to turn the key on.
(Music playing)
Cyrus: You're making a mistake. We're on the list. Your boss is not going to be happy about this.
Security: Copy that. Wait here.
Cassie: Maybe he is going to get the host.
Cyrus: That's the last person we want to see. We stand a chance of getting in if all we have to do is con a low-level security guard. But the host will know for sure that we're not supposed to be here.
Cassie: Oh.
Cyrus: You haven't been to a million society events like I have, so...
Cassie: Actually...
Cyrus: I'm not passing judgment. I'm just saying it's an experience. When the guard comes back, here's what we do, I'll give him some attitude. Hopefully that will intimidate him, and he'll let us in. But if it doesn't, you have to be ready to make a break for it.
Cassie: Make a break?
Cyrus: Yeah. Use my diversion to slip past the guard, find the Ambassador, and tell him about Josh. That's why we're here, right? To get Josh back in the U.S.
Cassie: Well, actually, I thought we were here just to give us a chance to dress up in nice clothes.
Cyrus: Funny girl.
Cassie: Well, sometimes.
Cyrus: So I take it you've cleared this up?
Security: You're going to have to leave.
Cyrus: Okay, that's it. I mean, this is ridiculous. Do you have any idea who we are? Do you? Obviously, not. I'll have your job, mate.
Security: The police are on their way.
Marina: I'm just not seeing it.
Mallet: All right. I'm not seeing it, either.
Marina: That's because you're paying absolutely no attention.
Mallet: I'm trying. I'm sorry.
Marina: This is kind of important, you know. We're decorating our house. It's supposed to be fun.
Mallet: No, it's important. It's just that I have other things on my mind. I just can't stop thinking about Rafe... his face when they were dragging him away, the place where he is headed.
Marina: I guess you would know more about that than I would, having been a warden and all.
Mallet: He's not... he's not going to do well at that place. It's rough. He has a tough road ahead of him. I wish I could help him. I've got to try to help him.
Marina: Of course you do.
We will share another day don't ask me how
I'll make it someway the road to you was long
and it's straight but I'll make it home to you someday.
Photographer: Okay, let's try to get a couple from this angle.
Olivia: So how are the pictures with my daughter? How did they turn out?
Photographer: Oh, they're great.
Olivia: Great. She's going to love it.
Photographer: Yeah. Okay, now, a big smile. Try... can you toss your hair for me?
Olivia: Oh, you know what? I actually could use a break. We've been doing this for a while. I could use a touchup, right?
Photographer: A five?
Olivia: 15.
Marina: Okay. We need to do something. Hey. Why don't you sit down? I'll get you something to eat.
Natalia: No, thank you. That's so sweet. I was looking... is Buzz around?
Marina: Actually, I think that he's out talking to vendors today. Can I help you with something?
Natalia: No. I was just going to ask him if maybe I could get a couple more shifts... just a shift or two a week. I don't want to take any money from anybody, but I know that someone is going back to school.
Marina: Yeah... no... I don't see why that couldn't work out. Henry?
Coop: Huh?
Marina: Do you know if your dad filled those slots that Megan had to give up when she went back to nursing school?
Coop: I think he was actually waiting to ask his favorite waitress if she needs some extra cash.
Marina: Oh, I think he means you. You can see why he doesn't get a lot of dates. He's not very smooth when it comes to talking to beautiful women.
Coop: Ha, ha, ha. Look, he will be back here shortly, so I will pass the message on to him.
Natalia: Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Coop: You're welcome.
Natalia: Okay. Bye.
Marina: Why didn't you talk to her?
Mallet: I don't know. She doesn't need more talk. She needs somebody to help out her kid.
Coop: Well, I think it's a little late for that.
Marina: Okay. You, help me with these. These are my choices for the upstairs room.
Coop: What?
Marina: You go. You've got more important things to do.
Coop: Thank you. You know, you're bossier than Harley.
Marina: What can I say, I'm a problem-solver. All right? So help me out with these swatches.
Coop: I... look, I'm color-blind. Sorry.
Marina: Please don't make this anymore difficult than it has to be, okay? The sooner this house gets done, the happier we'll all be, all right? And think about it, at least we've got each other to help each other out. Think of Natalia. She's all alone.
Coop: Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be alone. Hey! Coffee.
Olivia: (Breathing heavy) Oh, God.
Natalia: Olivia?
Olivia: Go away!
Natalia: What a relief. I thought something was wrong.
Cassie: Okay. Before you call the police, let me just say something... you were right. Our names aren't on the list. They never were. In fact, the names we gave you before were fake. But I just want to ask you for a favor.
Cyrus: Cassie.
Cassie: I just want if you could maybe bring the host over here? I would really appreciate it. We won't go anywhere. We'll stay right here. I just want a chance to apologize.
Cyrus: You what?
Cassie: Please?
Cyrus: You're kidding.
Cassie: What?
Cyrus: We'll never get in now. You want to apologize? One look from the host, and he really will call the police, and then you'll be saying I'm sorry from behind bars.
Cassie: Oh, come on. That's awfully melodramatic.
Cyrus: I think we have to make a run for it.
Cassie: I told the security guard that we would stay right here.
Cyrus: Are you serious?
Cassie: Yes.
Cyrus: Come on. We're going to have to find another way to help Josh.
Host: Excuse me. What's this all about? Princess Cassie? I'm so happy to see you. What a wonderful surprise.
Jeffrey: All right, give it another try.
Reva: I tried it, like a minute ago.
Jeffrey: I adjusted something. So just give it another go, okay?
Reva: Why don't you let me try it because I know my way around under the hood of a car.
Jeffrey: Give me one minute, okay?
Reva: Hey, hey...
Jeffrey: One minute.
Reva: I didn't mean that. I have a question.
Jeffrey: Shoot.
Reva: Do you think it could be the gauges?
Jeffrey: Reva, the gauges don't make the car run.
Reva: I realize that. But it's just that every time I do turn the key, all the gauges manage to move except this particular one right here.
Jeffrey: And, um, which gauge would that be?
Reva: That would be the gas one.
Jeffrey: We're out of gas.
Reva: I'm no mechanic, but it kind of looks that way.
Jeffrey: You know, this wouldn't have happened if we had just taken my little convertible instead of running this jalopy.
Reva: You mean that little one that gets like eight miles a gallon?
Jeffrey: Which is exactly why I would have remembered to fill it up more often.
Reva: Okay!
Jeffrey: And I would have my cell phone. I can't believe I lost my cell phone the first day of the trip, either.
Reva: You didn’t.
Jeffrey: You found it?
Reva: Not exactly.
Jeffrey: What do you mean "not exactly?"
Reva: I mailed it to you. I mailed it to you at home.
Jeffrey: You did?
Reva: I did, yeah. Because after we struck out with Ava at the place, you were so freaked out. You must have called your voicemail like 184 times. I wanted you to enjoy your honeymoon. I didn't want you to worry about work. I didn't want you to worry about Ava. I didn't want you to worry about anything, so I got rid of it! Well?
Jeffrey: I'm not sure if I am very mad at you or extremely grateful.
Reva: Grateful? Grateful? You're grateful.
Jeffrey: You sure? You sure about that?
Reva: I am. I am.
Jeffrey: All right. Well, I guess, um... I guess I saw a gas station somewhere, about a mile down the road.
Reva: Yeah (laughing). Okay, I'll come with you.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. You stay here, okay? Because you'd be walking for two. I don't get a kiss out of that?
Reva: Oh, you just better start walking right now. And find me some food!
Jeffrey: I will. I will. Don't try to flag anyone down.
Reva: Okay. (Laughing)
Jeffrey: I'm serious. Stay here.
Reva: Okay. Nice wiggle. (Laughing) (changing the dials on the radio) Oh, great. What a showoff. Thank you very much for doing the easy ones in ink. I'm so losing faith in the kindness of strangers. Hey, guys. Help a girl out?
Cassie: Well, it's so nice to see you again.
Host: It's so nice to have you here, your Highness.
Cassie: Oh, please. It's just Cassie now (laughing) tah dah!
Cyrus: You were a princess?
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Cyrus: So...
Cassie: Yes, you may kiss my ring.
Cyrus: Thank you. And you've been to hundreds of these events before?
Cassie: Thousands.
Cyrus: So all of that advice I was giving you before about how to act and how to...
Cassie: Yeah, yeah. It was really cute to see you try to take me under your wing.
Cyrus: Ah, nice. San Cristobel?
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Cyrus: Why is that familiar to me?
Cassie: Well, it is the only place in the whole Caribbean with great skiing.
Cyrus: No, no. Wait a second. I think I wrote to you once.
Cassie: Seriously?
Cyrus: Yeah. I'm just trying to think what I made off with.
Cassie: Oh, my gosh. The diamond tiara with white gold and the matching pendant.
Cyrus: That's it! (Laughter)
Cassie: You actually did me a favor. That thing was so heavy, every time I wore it, it gave me a headache.
Cyrus: Oh, my pleasure. (Laughter)
Cyrus: Look at you, little Mary Sunshine. I guess we better find that Ambassador.
Cassie: Yes. I think that's him right over there.
Cyrus: Well, I'll let you do the talking, your Highness. Come on.
Cassie: You're such a moron. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I don't mean to impose, Mr. Ambassador, but my name is Cassie Lewis, and I really need your help.
Mr. Ambassador: Oh, this is my kind of an impo... impos... imposition.
Cassie: Oh, boy.
Natalia: Can you sit up a little and drink this?
Olivia: No. Just set it down, please.
Natalia: What's the matter?
Olivia: I'm tired.
Natalia: Well, there's tired and then there’s... this.
Olivia: Didn't I ask you to leave?
Natalia: This isn't even your room.
Olivia: It's my hotel.
Natalia: And people are going to check in here. And what are you going to do when people come in here and they see you sprawled out on their bed.
Olivia: They'll say, hey, there's the owner, and she's sprawled out on... I just need... I just need a little while.
Natalia: You need a little trip to the hospital.
Olivia: No!
Natalia: You can't even get up.
Olivia: I... I will. I will.
Natalia: Why won't you just let me help you. You need to go to the doctor, make sure everything is okay.
Olivia: Listen, I'm in the middle of a photo shoot, okay? And I need to be healthy. I need to be glowing. They need to think I'm healthy. If Decker finds out...
Natalia: Olivia. Olivia! What are you going to do when they come in here looking for you?
Olivia: I just need a few minutes. A few minutes!
Photographer: How long has it been? I don't understand why she just disappeared.
Nothing is quite as it seems.
Dreams to become reality.
But I know you want to go
Drop your little thing and
just run to home.
Take a moment to breathe
Just stay back and be.
And I know what you mean when
you're too old.
Bounce up and down like a
Take a moment to breathe slow.
And just sit back and be.
Take a moment to breathe.
Mr. Decker: When can he do it? Okay, fine. Yeah, set it up.
Natalia: Mr. Decker? Hello, I'm Natalia Rivera, Ms. Spencer's assistant. Ms. Spencer does apologize, but you run hotels yourself, and I'm sure you understand.
Mr. Decker: Things do come up, that's for sure.
Natalia: Yes. She actually sent me to interface with your photographer, but I'm very glad that I was able to tell you personally.
Mr. Decker: I am, too.
Natalia: Is there anything else I can let her know?
Olivia. There you are. Yes, Lawrence. Sorry.
Mr. Decker: No need to be. Your assistant explained everything.
Olivia: She did?
Mr. Decker: Yeah. She made it clear that you had no intention of leaving our photographer hanging.
Olivia: Oh, well great, yes.
Mr. Decker: I know you have a business to run here, so don't worry about disappearing on us.
Olivia: Oh, thank you. I'm glad she found you. I'm ready to continue.
Mr. Decker: Oh, don't worry about it. The photographer says he has plenty to work with. Let's call off the, um... the publicity photographs for the day, all right?
Olivia: Great. Thank you.
Mr. Decker: It's probably pretty grueling, under those lights and all.
Olivia: Oh, I'm used to it.
Natalia: Yeah, well, it must have been... what, you were at it for four hours last Saturday with the photographer?
Olivia: Oh, yeah. Whew!
Natalia: The new brochure at the Beacon.
Mr. Decker: Oh, really. I'd love to see them sometime.
Natalia: Well, they won't be out for a while, but I will make sure that you get one.
Mr. Decker: Wonderful. Olivia, while I have you, maybe we can go over a few details of some of your personal appearances?
Olivia: Sure.
Natalia: I'll take that as my cue to go. But, Mr. Decker, it was a pleasure meeting you.
Mr. Decker: The pleasure was all mine. She's a keeper.
Olivia: Yeah. No poaching. She's mine. Okay?
Mr. Decker: Right.
(Music playing)
Reva: So, you see, guys, um... I'm really just out of gas. And my husband went to get some.
Man: Oh.
Reva: He should be back really soon, with the gas. I like that a lot. So... you know, I actually... I actually know my way around engines. I spent a lot of time, when I was younger, working on engines, and so, believe it or not, I couldn't get this one to turnover because, you know, the gas situation... the gas gauge was on empty. You guys do remind me a lot of these two guys I knew a long time ago. I had this experience in this bar once (laughing)... I was actually dancing on top of the bar and I slipped in some beer and I almost took a tumble, but these two really handsome guys showed up, and they kind of saved the day. They did. They looked a lot like you.
Jeffrey: You having a good time? I see you found her, guys, thanks. Sorry I took so long.
Man: Nah, it wasn't so long.
Man #2: Anyway, we had your pretty wife here to keep us company. She’s... quite the talker.
Jeffrey: (Laughing).
Reva: You know these guys?
Jeffrey: Well, um... I met them on my way to get gas. I sent them back to keep an eye on you.
Reva: To keep an eye on me? Who are these guys?
Jeffrey: Well, that's Turk, and that's his little brother Dirk.
Reva: (Laughing)
Jeffrey: What's wrong?
Reva: Nothing. Nothing, really. I just didn't realize that they knew how to smile. They've got pretty smiles.
Jeffrey: What are you talking about? These guys are teddy bears. I bet you didn't know that Turk here does macramé.
Reva: Yeah, okay. Now I know you're messing with me.
Jeffrey: No. He really does. Listen, we've got to get back to Springfield.
Reva: You used the phone at the gas station, didn't you?
Jeffrey: There were a ton of messages, Reva. And Josh called.
Reva: What about?
Jeffrey: Well, he didn't say. We had a really bad connection. Something about we had to call Cassie back.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: And then Olivia left me a message about I have to talk to Natalia about something. And then there was Judge Goldstein, you know, and there was Judge Farmer, and there was Judge Garland...
Reva: Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I guess the honeymoon is over.
Jeffrey: But the wedding is just beginning, right?
Reva: Yes (laughing).
Jeffrey: I'm sorry.
Reva: It's okay. I'll get over it. It's just I was having a really good time with you.
Jeffrey: Me, too.
Reva: Gas 'er up! The tank's over there. Move it. (Laughter)
Cassie: So that's the situation. Josh's name is on a watch list somehow, and he's stuck in limbo at the border.
Mr. Ambassador: Oh, that's awful. You're telling me that this is your ex-husband, yes?
Cyrus: Could you please excuse us for a second?
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'll be right back.
Mr. Ambassador: All right.
Cyrus: I cannot believe this guy.
Cassie: I can handle him, okay? We need him. Josh is counting on us. And until he makes this phone call...
Cyrus: You just have to live with it? His wife is right across the other side of the room. He's such a sleaze.
Cassie: Okay. I just need to get back to him. I'm so sorry.
Mr. Ambassador: No, no. Now, explain to me one more time what it is you want me to do.
Cassie: Well, someone in your position has the power to fix this with just one phone call, to the State Department, maybe, or the Pentagon. You know Josh Lewis and his work with the veterans' hospital project. You know this is some kind of awful mix-up.
Mr. Ambassador: I don't know that I can...
Cyrus: Sir, we really need to move on this one.
Mr. Ambassador: Listen, why don't you get me a refill, sonny. This is all very complicated, and I want to help you, but maybe we should leave, go some place private, and that way you can help me to understand what it is that you want me to do.
Cyrus: It's one lousy phone call.
Cassie: Cyrus!
Mr. Ambassador: I beg your pardon?
Cyrus: Look at you. If you get any closer, she'll be wearing you. Get your phone out and make the damn call.
Mr. Ambassador: I think our business is finished here.
Cyrus: Okays, here's the thing: She came to you with an honest request. And you're treating her like a piece of meat. She deserves better than that.
Mr. Ambassador: Oh, I see, because she used to be a princess, huh?
Cyrus: Not now. Because she's a woman, that's all. And that's all it should take.
Mr. Ambassador: (Laughing) All right, now, listen...
Cyrus: Show some respect, all right? And stop trying to take advantage of her because you think that your so-called position in life gives you the right to act like a drunken jerk. News flash, my friend: It doesn't, not one bit.
Mr. Ambassador: It's done.
Cassie: Well, I think we've probably overstayed our welcome.
Cyrus: Are you serious? Everyone here wants to say they partied with a princess.
Cassie: I still think we should leave.
Cyrus: All right. Well, they can all be jealous. I'm the one who gets to take the princess home.
Cassie: Hey, thank you.
Cyrus: What, for this? I loved being here.
Cassie: No. I mean for the speech.
Man: Hey, my wife's diamond earrings! They're missing!
Cyrus: You can frisk me if you want.
Cassie: Let's just go.
Reva: (Laughing) You know, those guys were really interesting, I mean, once they actually opened their mouths and started talking. It was cool. What I don't get, though, was how you were able to get them to not say anything to me the whole time they were with me.
Jeffrey: What are you talking about?
Reva: What do you mean what am I talking about? Never mind. I don't know if I buy Turk doing macramé, though.
Jeffrey: Well, you better buy it. He's really good at it. And little Dirk there is a mean cook.
Reva: Little Dirk?
Jeffrey: Yeah, little brother Dirk.
Reva: Little brother Dirk... it would have been nice to find out, though. He says he's a good cook, but that's one thing. It would have been nice to have found out.
Jeffrey: Well, what do you mean?
Reva: Well, I just mean, you know, that cookout we were talking about, you know, the one under the stars and the moon...
Jeffrey: Yeah?
Reva: We should have invited them to join us. That would have been nice, you know. That's kind of what a cookout is about. You sit around an open fire roasting weenies and getting to know different kinds of people. I mean, it just would have been nice to have gotten to know them better. I mean, that's what road trips are all about, right?
Jeffrey: Yeah, that's true.
Reva: I mean, don't get me wrong. The honeymoon has been aces. It's been the best. But I just wish it could have gone on a little longer.
Jeffrey: Well, you're not the only one. It has been great.
Reva: It really, really has been. Okay.
Jeffrey: All right. What do you know? It works when you put gas in it.
Reva: (Laughing). Gun it, honey.
Olivia: There you are.
Natalia: Is everything okay? What happened?
Olivia: Come inside. I want to talk to you. Can you shut that for me.
Natalia: Oh, no. Is it okay?
Olivia: Yes, you were perfect.
Natalia: Oh, okay. Then what's the matter?
Olivia: Nothing. Nothing is the matter.
Natalia: Good. I'm glad it worked out, but, really, you should probably still go to the hospital and get a little checkup...
Olivia: We're talking about you now. What you did back there, you were thinking on your feet, and you knew exactly what to do.
Natalia: It wasn't that hard.
Olivia: Give yourself some credit. It was great. I'm grateful. I'm incredibly grateful.
Natalia: Okay. Don't worry about it.
Olivia: I want to hire you.
Natalia: I already work for you.
Olivia: Not as a maid. You're better than this. You can do so much more. I'm talking about a real job.
Natalia: This is a real job. (Music playing)
Olivia: Hey, just hang on a second.
Natalia: You know, I have six rooms to do on this floor alone.
Olivia: Let somebody else clean them.
Natalia: No, not somebody else. This is my job.
Olivia: Will you just listen to me. Can I start over because I don't think you understood what I was trying to say.
Natalia: I did understand.
Olivia: I think... what I'm trying to say is that I think you're competent. And I think your talent is being wasted on this particular job. And that's not a knock. It's an old profession of picking up after people. It's just a comment on you.
Natalia: Are you done?
Olivia: Why do you make things so difficult?
Natalia: I... I... I appreciate what you're trying to say, what you're trying to do. But there is something that you need to know about me: This is all I have ever known. I was very happy to step in and try to help you out, as you've done for me several times, to return the favor.
Olivia: This isn't a handout. It's an actual job offer!
Natalia: I'm talking here. I'm not the kind of person and looks in the mirror and has no idea who they are. I know exactly who I am, and I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.
Olivia: Don't you want more, Natalia?
Natalia: I'm not the kind of person that looks at other people and wants what they have, if that's what you mean.
Olivia: You know what? Just when I think I see something in you, and I give you an opportunity to not have to work four jobs and throw yourself at sleaze balls like Russo, you step up and prove to me that your stupid pride is worth more than an actual opportunity to help your son.
Natalia: All right, listen...
Olivia: No. I'm so tired of this. Do you understand me. So save it! Room 329 needs some towels. Why don't you get going! It's what you know!
Natalia: I wasn't going to say no.
I often stood back
couldn't resist
sometimes I jumped in a
moment too soon or held on too
long to the good thing I
I know
Cyrus: So here we go. Safe and sound.
Cassie: Yeah. Oh, hi.
R.J.: Hi, Mom. Hi, Cyrus. You guys are all dressed up.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah.
Cyrus: Yeah, I'll let your mom fill you in. I've got to get going.
Cassie: Oh, or you could just stay. I mean for dinner, you know. Have you eaten yet?
R.J.: No, Mrs. Chitwood said I should wait for you to come home.
Cassie: So we can order pizza. You like pizza, don't you?
Cyrus: I love pizza. But... maybe another time. You two have a lot to catch up on.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Okay. Thanks again.
Cyrus: All right. I'll see you around.
Mallet: Hey, Natalia.
Natalia: Hey. How are you?
Mallet: I'm good, yeah. What have you been doing, a little shopping?
Natalia: Yeah, retail therapy. I spent every dime I had. I bought some stationary so I can write to Rafe.
Mallet: Ah. You know, I went to see him. I was able to get in because I used to work with the prison system.
Natalia: How does he look to you?
Mallet: Um... he's hanging in there. He's hanging in. He'll be fine. He's just worried about his mama.
Natalia: He's a good boy.
Mallet: Yeah, he is. Hey, do you want to join us? Marina and I are going to get some food.
Natalia: Oh, no, no. Thank you. And thank you so much for taking an interest in Rafael. I really appreciate it.
Mallet: Yeah, you're welcome.
Reva: (Laughing) Oh! Yow!
Jeffrey: You know, I'm going to miss this old car once we get it back to the rental agency.
Reva: Oh, please, you are not.
Jeffrey: You're right, I'm not. But you know what I am going to miss? I'm going to miss cruising around the countryside with you in it.
Reva: Oh, the end of an adventure.
Jeffrey: But the beginning of a new one.
Reva: Yeah. Do you...
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: Um... smell smoke? I smell smoke? Do you? Smoke? Fire? You mean you don't smell it?
Jeffrey: I'm not sure.
Reva: Oh, my God, you don't think the garage has burned down...
Jeffrey: Don't be so dramatic, Reva!
Dirk: Hey, Reva, I hope you like kielbasa.
Reva: Why?
Dirk: I'm making you guys a wedding present.
Reva: That's lovely. You did this?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: But when... when did you... oh, who cares. Who cares.
Jeffrey: It's what you wanted, right? I can put off those lawyers and those judges for a little while longer.
Reva: You're unbelievable.
Jeffrey: This road trip never ends if we do it right.
Reva: Same goes for our honeymoon. Come on, I'm ready for some kielbasa! (Laughter) Cheers! (Laughter) You can drink them both. Got any soda?
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: Oh, wow. Look at that. Zack and Jude. Just leave it until the house is sold.
Blake: The house is sold.
Mallet: Okay, what happens next?
Blake: Inspection. All of this stuff has to go.
Marina: This stuff.
Blake: The house has to be empty before they change hands.
Buzz: Are you excited saying good-bye to this place?
Frank: To the Cooper family.
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