GL Transcript Friday 10/3/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/3/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lawyer: Our options are we can go to trial, or we can take a deal. Prison time is probably inevitable. Two years isn't that long. It won't be more than that.

Natalia: No. I don't want him in prison at all.

Lawyer: Take the deal.

Natalia: No.

Rafe: I'm going to take the deal. Ma, I need you with me.

Natalia: I'm always with you.

Mallet: Hey, Officer. Oh, hey, Frank, did you get a storage unit yet?

Frank: What?

Mallet: You've got to get a storage unit. You've got a lot of junk in Harley’s basement.

Frank: No, no. I haven't gotten around to getting one of those yet.

Mallet: Well, will you get a big one? Because, like, every box in that basement has got your name on it.

Frank: Yeah, I know, I know, Mallet. I mean, Harley was nice enough to let me store my boxes down there when Eleni and I split, so, yes.

Mallet: Frank, that was years ago.

Frank: I haven't had time to go through the stuff. Come on!

Mallet: Do you realize how many albums you have in that basement? I mean albums. Not CDs..., albums, like vinyl.

Frank: They're classics.

Mallet: (Laughing) They're classics! They are classics. You should think about, like, a collection CD. Have you seen those late-night infomercials where you get every song you ever wanted in, like...

Frank: Mallet, Mallet, Mallet, can we talk about this later, please?

Mallet: Yeah, okay. Let's talk about it later. I'm selling the house. You've got to get your crap out.

Frank: Yeah, I understand. But you know what? That’s... it's just not going to happen today because I've got to go to court.

Mallet: What, you've got a case that you didn't realize was going to trial?

Frank: No case. Um... Rafe’s being sentenced today.

Mallet: He's being sentenced today?

Frank: Uh-huh. He, uh... he agreed to a plea bargain.

Mallet: I should have had more faith in Gus.

Frank: You are not responsible for that. Do you understand that? There was evidence, and you had to open the case.

Mallet: Well, I played a part in that, Frank.

Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? Maybe we all did. I've got to cut out of here. But will you do me a favor? Get one of the guys to take Rafe to court?

Mallet: Yeah.

Frank: Thanks, man.

R.J.: Ready?

Cassie: Just about.

R.J.: The Science museum has a big exhibition on the solar system.

Cassie: I know you don't want to be late, sweetie, but the cupcakes for your class are still in the oven.

R.J.: Well, Cyrus can take me.

Cassie: Um... I don't think...

Cyrus: I've got a whole bunch of stuff that I need to finish up here. Sorry, mate.

(Alarm buzzing)

Emma: What are you doing, Mommy?

Olivia: I'm getting up.

Emma: Aren't you excited? It's your first day!

Olivia: Right. My new job.

Emma: Are you nervous?

Olivia: No!

Emma: I would be.

Olivia: Maybe I'm a little nervous. But the trick is not to let anyone else see that you are. That's what really successful people do.

Emma: Like you.

Olivia: Come on, help me get ready.

Buzz: Oh, hey, are you coming with us?

Daisy: No... what? I mean, where are we going?

Buzz: The courthouse. You didn’t... uh... Rafe accepted a plea bargain.

Daisy: What? No, he... he can't do that. Doris promised that she would move up his trial if I helped with this taskforce, and I did. He can't take a plea.

Buzz: Honey, honey, honey, honey, look... he already did.

Daisy: Well, then I have to get him to change his mind.

Buzz: No.

Daisy: I tried to help him, I can’t...

Buzz: I know. I know. I know. Look, you can’t. He cannot go to trial with this. He shot Jeffrey. There are witnesses. He has a prior record.

Daisy: It's not a real record. He was in juvenile hall.

Buzz: Honey, he cannot go to a jury trial. He'd get a longer sentence. A plea bargain is the right thing to do.

Daisy: Well, what did he accept? How long is he going to be in jail?

Buzz: Two years.

Daisy: Does Natalia know?

Buzz: Yeah. She's a wreck. That's why we were wondering if you were going to go, because Rafe’s getting sentenced today.

Natalia: Morning.

Daisy: Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Daisy: Can I get you anything? Uh... some breakfast, juice, coffee?

Natalia: No, thank you, Daisy.

Daisy: If... if you don't mind, I'd really like to go to court with you.

Natalia: I think Rafe would like that.

I'll be

your baby

your love

your lamb...

Mallet: Hey. Got to do these. Sorry about the cuffs.

Rafe: That's okay. Thanks for coming to get me. It's kind of nice to see somebody who knows me, who doesn't look at me like I'm just another convict, you know?

Mallet: Yeah. Well, I wish there was more I could do to help you.

Rafe: Yeah, me, too.

Mallet: Are you having second thoughts about accepting this plea bargain?

Rafe: Not really. I mean, if I... if I knew there was another way, then... but there isn’t. I did what I did, and I have to pay for it.

Mallet: Well, you were protecting your dad's memory. I guess you just went about it in maybe not the best way.

Rafe: If I could take it back...

Mallet: Yeah. Boy, do we all have days like that, that we wish we could have back. Unfortunately, as an adult, we don't get a lot of do-overs.

Rafe: No, I know. Look, I can’t... I can't change what I did. But I can end it, you know? And my mom deserves at least that.

Mallet: Now that sounds like the son of Gus Aitoro.

Rafe: (Laughing) Yeah, I try.

Mallet: All right, let's go do this. All right?

Rafe: Yeah.

Daisy: Hi. Thanks for waiting for me.

Natalia: Pretty dress.

Daisy: Oh, uh, thank you. Harley got it for me. I never really liked it, but I figure it's good to look responsible in the court and stuff. Um... so Buzz is coming after the lunch rush. And Uncle Frank says he'll... he'll meet us in there, so...

Natalia: Your family has been very good to us. You all must think I'm a horrible mother.

Daisy: What? No... no. You're, like, the most devoted mother. Everyone knows that.

Natalia: When this all happened and Rafe got in trouble, it wasn't me that helped him. It was your mother.

Daisy: I don't know. Did she do the right thing? I'm not sure. I mean, she did something.

Natalia: (Laughs) She did. And I couldn't even manage to get him a good attorney.

Daisy: Yeah, but my grandpa says that a trial would have been a bad idea anyway. Because there was no way Rafe wasn't going to get convicted, so the plea bargain was the way to go.

Natalia: He said the same thing to me. Two years.

Daisy: It will go by fast. Here, come on.

Emma: Come on, Mom! Your food is getting cold. We have a lot to do today.

Olivia: You know what? You're getting really bossy. I don't know where you get that from. You like it? It's good, huh? I think Buzz is right, this is the real me. We're going to have so much fun today!

Emma: I know. No school!

Olivia: No! That's a one-time thing, okay? They wanted a mother-daughter shoot, and I'm okay with that, but it's just for today. You got it? Okay. Did you decide on your dress?

Emma: Yup.

Olivia: Let me see. Yep, I'm back!

Cassie: Well, tell Tommy’s mom I said thank you, and I'm sorry the cupcakes weren't ready, honey.

R.J.: Okay.

Cassie: And tell me everything there is to know about the moon and the stars-- especially Saturn, because that's my favorite planet.

R.J.: Okay.

Cassie: (Chuckles) Well, that was pretty lucky, huh, that Tommy’s mom could swing by and pick him up? I think the cupcakes will be ready in, like, ten more minutes. So I guess it's going to be up to you, then, to help me eat them.

Cyrus: Well, I'm just, actually, wrapping up. Um... I've got a job interview this afternoon.

Cassie: Oh. Well, yeah. I guess that makes sense. It's not like I hired you full-time.

Cyrus: I don't think I'll be coming back.

Cassie: At all? It's going to start that soon?

Cyrus: Tommy's mom just didn't come by. You called her.

Cassie: Well, yeah. I've given Tommy rides plenty of times...

Cyrus: I could have given R.J. a ride, but you don't trust me.

Cassie: (Sighs) We've already had this conversation.

Cyrus: I know. I just thought me spending more time with you, maybe things have changed. But obviously not. You still think it's dangerous for R.J. to be around me, so...

Cassie: I told you, it's not you.

Cyrus: It's my brother.

Cassie: It's what your brother did to my daughter.

Cyrus: Right. Well, this is always where we're going to end up, you know? ( Sighs) So I don't think I will be coming back. I'll see you around.

We will share another day

don't ask me out, I'll make it

some way...

Frank: How's he holding up?

Mallet: Well, he's nervous, but he doesn't want his mom to see.

Frank: He's a good kid.

Mallet: He's accepting responsibility for what he did, taking his punishment, trying to protect his mom all at the same time. He's not a kid anymore, Frank.

Daisy: Maybe we're early.

Natalia: Hmm. I was sitting right there the day the boy that killed Gus... they let him go.

Daisy: They have to let Rafe go, too, right? I mean, they have to realize that it was a mistake. That's all.

(Cell phone rings)

Cassie: Hello? Josh? Hi. R.J. was just asking when you were coming back. What do you mean? Where are you?

Josh: Uh, well, I'm in a little bit of trouble, actually. See, I was visiting Shayne...

Cassie: Uh, is he okay?

Josh: Yes, he's fine. Thank you for asking. But I'm trying to get home, and evidently there is some problem about letting me back into the good old U.S. of A.

Cassie: Oh, wow. That's crazy. Um... so... why are you calling me?

Josh: Uh, yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was actually hoping to get Jeffrey or Reva on the phone. I thought Jeffrey could help me, but I didn't have any luck.

Cassie: Josh, what's going on?

Josh: Well, my name is on a list, and it seems to be a bad list. And until my name gets off that list, they're not going to let me go home. And I really need to get home.

Cassie: Um... of course. Um, well, what... what do you want me to do?

Josh: There's a party going on at Towers tonight. Ambassador Compton is going to be there.

Cassie: Oh, I remember him. Um, he... you worked with him on the veterans' hospital project, right?

Josh: Yes, exactly.

Cassie: Although, I think I only met him once, and that was a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure he didn't like me. So you might want to ask Billy...

Josh: Cassie, he doesn't like anybody, but he owes me a favor. What I need you to do is figure out a way to get into that party and talk to him on my behalf. I would really appreciate it. I... I really, really need to get home.

Cassie: Okay. I'll see what I can do. Josh?

Emma: Do I look pretty?

Olivia: You look beautiful. But that's not what this is about. Okay? This is our chance to show the world that we are back and better than ever. You ready?

Emma: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Let's go get 'em.

Emma: Okay.

Olivia: Go get 'em! Whoo!

Natalia: Thank you for coming.

Frank: You okay?

Natalia: No, I'm not. I didn't want this... I didn’t... I didn't want him to give up.

Buzz: I'm proud of you.

Daisy: What? Why would you possibly be proud of me?

Buzz: Because you're here. It would have been easier to have just skipped the whole thing.

Daisy: I wanted to help him. I wanted to get him out of this.

Buzz: I know. Sometimes you can't do that.

Natalia: (Sobbing)

Judge: Rafael Rivera?

Rafe: Yes, sir.

Judge: It says here you have agreed to a plea bargain. The charge is aggravated assault. Do you understand what that means?

Rafe: Yes, sir.

Judge: Before I give you a sentence, there will be a time for testimony. You know some very important people, Mr. Rivera.

Rafe: Uh... I... I suppose that is true.

Judge: Including a letter from the District Attorney, the man you shot, and the letter is on your behalf. Asking for leniency.

Frank: Your Honor, I've known Rafe ever since he's been in town, which has been about two years. His father, Detective Gus Aitoro, married my sister, Detective Harley Cooper. It’s... it's a little complicated, but, um...

Judge: I think I can handle it.

Frank: It's been really... it's been really rough for Rafe through these past couple years.

Judge: Like juvenile hall?

Frank: That was a minor crime, your Honor, and not that I'm minimizing it, but I've been a cop for a lot of years, and I've seen worse.

Judge: And what else has he been through?

Frank: Gus didn't even know he had a son. The two never even met. And then Rafe was thrown into this wild, dysfunctional, complicated family, which included two younger stepbrothers who are very, very fond of him. And then Rafe was accepted into the family, as part of our family. And Gus was really, really thrilled to have a son. And then eight months ago Gus was killed in a motorcycle accident.

Judge: That's all very sad. But I cannot ignore the fact that a man was almost killed.

Frank: I understand that, your Honor, but you know what? That's not the end of the story.

Mallet: I hadn't been Chief for long when I came across some evidence, evidence that made it seem like Gus Aitoro, Rafe’s dad, was on the take, that he was a dirty cop. I'd known Gus for a long time, so that was really hard for me to believe that. Uh, but at the same time, I couldn't ignore the evidence. So I contacted our D.A., Jeffrey O’Neill.

Judge: You did your job.

Mallet: Well, I guess so, sir, but that's really when everything started to spin out of control. I think if I would have looked harder, or if I would have dug deeper, I would have found out that Gus had a plan. All Gus was trying to do was to help a friend with a heart transplant. And that he was going to clean up everything afterwards. Not exactly by the book, but all he was trying to do was to help a friend live. He wasn't a dirty cop. But for Rafe, what we were doing was, we were taking away the memory of his dad-- a guy he'd only known for two years. Rafe is not a criminal. He's a good kid who made a bad decision.

Daisy: What's taking him so long?

Frank: That could be a good thing. It means the judge might be considering what Mallet and I said.

Natalia: You two were great.

Frank: Thanks.

Daisy: You know, maybe they'll let him off the hook. I mean, it could happen, right?

Frank: The judge definitely has that authority.

Judge: Rafael Rivera, please rise. I've taken everything I've read and heard into consideration. It is impressive that you not only have two of Springfield’s finest speaking on your behalf, but also your victim. You're a very lucky man.

Rafe: Yes, sir.

Judge: I also understand the emotions you must have gone through. Losing your father, thinking his memory was going to be tarnished. But I cannot ignore the fact that a serious crime was committed, and a man could have been killed. I'm hereby sentencing you to two years in state prison with the possibility of early parole.

Natalia: No! No, you can't take him yet, please? Just wait. You can't take him yet!

Bailiff: Sorry, ma'am, no contact.

Natalia: Rafe! Rafe!

Frank: Your Honor, can they please just have a minute to say good-bye?

Judge: As long as you and the other officers supervise, they can have a minute.

Rafe: Mom, I'm going to be okay, all right?

Natalia: Please behave. Stay on your absolute best behavior, okay, so you can get out early.

Rafe: Okay. I need you to take care of yourself, too. Okay? I don't want you sitting in that room waiting for me to come home.

Natalia: Rafe!

Rafe: Mom, look, you know, I mean it. You've given up way too much for me. Um... would you guys, please, Frank, make sure she has a life?

Frank: Of course.

Natalia: I love you.

Rafe: Yeah, I love you, too.

Bailiff: Okay, enough.

Daisy: It's all right. Can I just... it's all right. It won't even be a minute.

Rafe: Daisy, you don't have to say anything.

Daisy: Yes, I do.

Rafe: I know when I came back, I said a lot of things. And I want you back, but I can't have you. And I don't want you waiting for me. I don't know if you're going to, but... you need a life, all right?

Daisy: I'm always going to care about you. And you'll always be my...

Rafe: Don’t. Go.

Daisy: Okay.

Bailiff: Time's up.

Mallet: Hang in there, Rafe.

Natalia: I love you!

Frank: I'm going to go with him.

Shadow of the footprints

you left walking out the



Olivia: Hey.

Buzz: Hey.

Olivia: Doesn't Emma look beautiful?

Buzz: She looks fantabulous!

Olivia: (Laughs)

Buzz: What's the occasion?

Olivia: We're going to get our pictures taken for Galaxy hotels.

Buzz: Ooh!

Emma: My mommy is important.

Buzz: Your mom is very important. All moms are important.

Olivia: What's wrong?

Buzz: I just came back from Rafe’s sentencing at the courthouse.

Olivia: Really? He hasn't even had a trial.

Buzz: He took a plea bargain. Two years in state prison. Natalia's a mess.

Emma: Can we make her a card to make her feel better?

Olivia: Why don't you finish your soda? We have to get to our appointment, okay?

(Knock on the door)

Cyrus: Come in. Please don't tell me you're here with cupcakes.

Cassie: No. Actually, I need your help.

Cyrus: Well, I told you, it looks like I got a new job.

Cassie: Well, this isn't a job. This is a favor... although I'd be happy to pay you if that's what you want. I got a call from Josh, and he is stuck at border control. They won't let him back into the country. For some reason he's on some list.

Cyrus: You're asking me to take you to search for Josh?

Cassie: No, there’s... okay, there's this party, it's a really fancy fundraiser thing at Towers today. And it's very expensive, very exclusive, and this Ambassador is going to be there.

Cyrus: Keep talking.

Cassie: And, um... anyway, this Ambassador and Josh go way back. And Josh thinks that the Ambassador could do something to fix this. So I have to go to the party to ask him.

Cyrus: So what do you need me there for?

Cassie: Well, I don't have an invitation to this party. And, you know, I'm not especially good at sneaking into these kinds of things. And so it would help me if I had an escort, if I had someone there with me to make it look like I belong. And that's where you come in.

Cyrus: So what you're saying is, um... I'm not good enough to be around your son, but when you need a thief or a con man, I come in handy.

Cassie: I don't need a thief. I just need some guy who looks good in a tux. Okay? I'm sorry. It's just Josh seemed really desperate, and I didn't know who else to call. Okay, forget it. I'm sorry. I should just go.

Cyrus: Hang on. Hang on.

Cassie: (Laughs) Well, look at you!

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm ready. What are we going to do about you? The trick is, make them think you have a secret.

Cassie: I do have a secret. I'm not supposed to be there.

Cyrus: These are really wealthy people we're talking about, people who think that they're better than everyone else and that they know more than everyone else. Just follow my lead, smile, look confident. Pretty soon all these people think that you know more than they do. And then we're in.

Cassie: I think we should try to be more low-key than that.

Cyrus: Oh, so how many state parties have you successfully snuck into? This isn't a church bake sale. Cassie?

Cassie: I don't know. Maybe I put on the wrong dress.

Cyrus: Well, let me see it.

Cassie: Okay, come on in.

Cyrus: Uh-oh. We're in trouble.

Cassie: Not good?

Cyrus: Too good. Let's go crash a party.

Cassie: (Laughing)

Cyrus: You first.

Cassie: Why, thank you, kind sir.

Olivia: Let me see.

Emma: I was careful.

Olivia: You were. No spills. Very good. Okay.

Frank: Um... ladies, why don't you grab a table, and I'll get you something to eat. Okay?

Josephine sits by the window...

Emma: Hi.

Natalia: Hi, Emma.

Emma: Buzz told me you were sad. I'm sorry. Buzz said Rafe went away. I can draw him pictures if you want.

Natalia: That would be so nice of you. You look so pretty today.

Olivia: We're going to a photo shoot for my new job. We have to go, sweetie. Come on.

Emma: Buzz has some ice cream. That always makes me feel better.

Natalia: Yeah? Okay, thank you.

Olivia: Okay, let's go. I'm sorry.

Daisy: Jeez. Was that her being nice? I can never tell.

Natalia: Well, she tries.

Frank: Okay. Here you go. Some nice, hot, chicken noodle soup. I... I know you're probably not hungry and you don't have much of an appetite, which means you should get something to eat. If you, uh... if you need a little distraction, maybe later on we can go to the mall.

Daisy: Oh, thanks. I don't want to go shopping.

Frank: Okay. Well, maybe, you know, if you want, we can go to a movie or... whatever you want.

Natalia: You are being so kind... you both are. But there is nothing you can do. Not today, probably not for two years.

Cyrus: You don't need me.

Cassie: I wanted backup. I don't care how many glasses of champagne you give me, I will never tell.

Cyrus: What the hell was that?

Cassie: That was my secret.

Cyrus: Sorry?

Cassie: You told me, act like I have a secret, so I did.

Cyrus: I didn't say, "Announce to the party I have a secret." It's more of an internal, quiet confidence.

Cassie: Well, I don't know what that looks like.

Cyrus: All right. Watch me.

Cassie: You just look bored.

Cyrus: I wasn't done yet.

Cassie: Okay. Sorry.

Cyrus: This is the best part.

Cassie: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: (Clears throat)

Cassie: (Laughing) Okay.

Cyrus: You like that?

Cassie: Okay, I get it.

Cyrus: See, if you didn't know me, you would want to meet me.

Cassie: Yeah, maybe I kind of would. (Laughter)

Cyrus: Well, give it a try.

Cassie: I can’t. I don't have a watch.

Cyrus: Improvise. There's a security guard coming. Very nice. Very nice.

Cassie: Where's the security guard?

Cyrus: He's over by the door, I guess.

Cassie: You tricked me?

Cyrus: Well, it worked, didn't it?

Cassie: You terrified me!

Cyrus: Well, sometimes that's the best motivation.

Man: Excuse me.

Cyrus: Yeah?

Man: I checked the list. You two don't belong here.

Photographer: Okay. We'll do you first, and then we'll get some shots of you and your daughter. All right?

Olivia: Okay. Do I look okay?

Photographer: Okay? You are a knockout. Isn't your mom beautiful?

Emma: And important.

Olivia: (Laughing) Thank you, honey.

Photographer: Okay. Good. Great.

Frank: You sure you want to be here? You know, when I said let's go out and do something, go somewhere, I really didn't necessarily mean...

Natalia: Oh, no, no, no. This is exactly where I want to be.

Mallet: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Rafe. I really should have done a better job. ( Cell phone rings) Please tell me you're free, because I've got to get out of here. I think about going back to Harley’s and finishing the kitchen. No. No. Thanks. I don't need food. I just need you. Okay.

Daisy: Please don't bring me more food.

Buzz: I'm your grandfather. It's my job to bring you food. If I can't bring you food, I wouldn't have a reason to exist. What's this? A picture?

Daisy: Yeah.

Buzz: You know, I don't even know how to do that.

Daisy: Well, you should learn.

Buzz: You teach me.

Daisy: Press the "Okay" button.

Buzz: Okay. Wow, it's Rafe.

Daisy: Yeah, it's the only picture I have of him, actually. Which is so strange. I used to have tons. But then he left the country, and I was with "G", and I started deleting them. I'm stupid.

Buzz: You didn't know, and I didn't know. I mean, you cared about him like the way you used to...

Daisy: I don’t. I don’t. I don't want him to be my boyfriend again, or anything like that. But it’s just that... he's the first guy I fell in love with, and I only have one picture of him? How selfish am I that I'm upset because I only have one picture of him, and he's in jail for two years? He must be so scared and so alone. I'm a horrible person.

Buzz: You're not a horrible person. You're not a horrible person. You're a sad person. And that's okay.

Frank: Hey, I just got finished sweeping the porch, so...

Natalia: Oh, thank you.

Frank: Ah, Natalia, exactly what are were we doing? Are you planning on moving in here, or...

Natalia: No.

Frank: I don't understand.

Natalia: Well, it's two years. Everyone keeps saying how it's just two years, and two years is nothing, right?

Frank: Yeah.

Natalia: So I want this place to be perfect when Rafe gets out.

Frank: Okay.

Natalia: It's two years minus one day. Do you have a fax machine at your office?

Frank: Yeah, of course I do.

Natalia: Can I use it?

Frank: Absolutely.

Guard: First piece of mail.

Rafe: What? I just got here.

I just want to sit in this

storm with you...

Rafe: It's a fax from my mom.

I just want to sit in this

storm with you...

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: You're making a mistake. We're on the list.

Man: Wait here.

Cassie: Maybe he's going to get the host.

Cyrus: That's the last person we want to see. You have to be ready to make a break for it.

Cassie: Make a break?

Cyrus: Well, if you don't, he really will call the police, and then we'll be saying, "I'm sorry" from behind bars.

Man: You're going to have to leave.

Cyrus: Do you have any idea who we are? Do you? Obviously not! I'll have your job, mate.

Man: The police are on their way.

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