GL Transcript Thursday 10/2/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/2/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light."

Lizzie: Please take a nap.

Alan: I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Bill: Once he's well enough to leave the hospital, I found a rehab facility for him.

Lizzie: Yeah? I already have that all figured out. You know, you don't have to worry about Bill.

Alan: I don't trust him.

Lizzie: I'm not sending my granddad away somewhere. He'll come home with me.

Bill: Home?

Lizzie: To the house. He's going to live with us.

Lizzie: Come back here, you. Come here you little brat. Yes, I called you a brat. Yes, I did, because it takes one to know one. Oh, come here. You know, sometimes I wish I had time to be a brat. Yeah. Yeah. A spoiled little rich kid, huh? But I'm supposed to be in charge, Roxy. Well, I know I can do it, but sometimes I wonder what I'm missing out on. We'll be okay as long as we're together, right, baby girl? All right. That's it. I have to go downstairs. Granddad is going to be here any second. It's going to be a full-time job getting him all settled in, and making sure that him and Bill get along, and that the house is wheelchair accessible. Oh, no.

Bill: Hey, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey, Mr. Property owner.

Bill: What's going on?

Lizzie: My granddad is moving in today.

Bill: Oh, happy day. Well, I promise I will be on my best behavior.

Lizzie: Well, I need you to do more than just that. You have to do everything you can to make the property wheelchair accessible. I made sure that the lift is working in the kitchen, and I did everything I did in the house, but the property is your responsibility.

Bill: Yes, yes, yes. I will look into it. Absolutely.

Lizzie: He's moving in today.

Bill: Today? Ah, a little last-minute, don't you think. I can't get a contractor over here with the snap of my finger, okay?

Lizzie: Well, aren't you Bill Lewis of Lewis Construction? You have connections.

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do. I'll get on top of it.

Lizzie: Okay. I just want everything to go smoothly.

Bill: Then why are you having Alan move in? (Laughs)

Lizzie: (Laughs) He's family. Don't make this harder than it already is.

Lawyer: Just give me a second.

Natalia: I know this is sudden. A lot faster than we expected.

Lawyer: A week should give us enough time.

Rafe: You know the hearing is tomorrow, man.

Lawyer: When did that happen? I knew it was moved up, but...

Natalia: You still have time, though, right?

Lawyer: We can make it work. The hearing is a relatively simple proceeding. So... our options are: We can go to trial or we can take a deal. Now, if we take a deal, you're looking at... 18 months to two years in prison. Not bad.

Natalia: Oh, no, no. He can't do that.

Lawyer: That's the maximum. It won't be more than that.

Natalia: I don't want him in prison at all.

Lawyer: Look, I understand that this is hard. But your son shot a judge.

Rafe: No, I didn't shoot a judge. I shot a D.A. okay? If you're going to say it, say it right. And Jeffrey O’Neill, he's supposed to be my side anyway. What's it matter?

Lawyer: Still, prison time is probably inevitable. Two years isn't that long. You'll be a young man when you get out. You'll have your whole life ahead of you.

Natalia: Absolutely not.

Lillian: Okay. How much longer do you think you're going to be, huh?

Buzz: Our lunch date is going to turn into a dinner date.

Lillian: But I'm starving.

Buzz: Well, you know, we're in a restaurant, order something. Unless you don't like my cooking.

Lillian: Oh,...

Buzz: Be careful.

Lillian: I love everything you do.

Buzz: Be careful... nice save. Some people you can't get out of here!

Lillian: Hi.

Bill: Oh, that woman hates me.

Billy: No, no, no. She doesn't hate you. She just loves her granddaughter. And you do, too, if you just admit it.

Bill: Dad...

Buzz: Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

Buzz: Do you want a table?

Olivia: Um... no, I'll stay over here.

Buzz: Did you talk to Natalia?

Olivia: No. I'm taking a little break. She's bringing me down.

Buzz: She's trying to keep her kid out of the slammer. She needs all of the help she can get.

Olivia: I tried to give her all of the help I can give her. Okay? She should show some appreciation. I'm done.

Lillian: The French toast is delicious.

Olivia: Yeah. I think I'm just going to have the yogurt and the fruit. I have a photo shoot later today.

Lillian: For what?

Olivia: I'm the new face of Galaxy hotels.

Lillian: Oh, really? How exciting.

Olivia: It is exciting. I think I'm back.

Buzz: I never knew you left.

Olivia: Yeah.

Billy: You got quiet all of a sudden.

Bill: Hmmm. I was just trying to listen.

Billy: Did you hear anything good?

Bill: No, no. Did you see the way she looked at me when she walked in here?

Billy: Olivia?

Bill: Yeah.

Billy: Hey, things could be worse. You could still be married to her. (Laughs)

Bill: Oh, come on now. Don't, don't even go there. The truth is, I think everyone is a little jealous of what I got going on.

Billy: Oh, everyone, like Lizzie?

Bill: You know, I'm not going to have breakfast with you anymore.

Billy: You two need to get together, or you need to get away from each other.

Bill: I need her around a little longer, at least while I'm pushing through this deal, the one I've got going on with Lawrence Decker.

Billy: Oh, oh, the deal you have going on?

Bill: Well, we got it together. Decker wasn't on board unless Lizzie was in. But I'm the one with my head in the game. Lizzie, she is preoccupied with her crazy family.

Billy: Oh, the kid cares about her family. I mean, what kind of a sicko are we talking about here, right?

Bill: Do you know she's moving Alan into the place?

Billy: Huh?

Bill: She's going to move Alan in. Can you believe that? She's probably wheeling him in right now.

Billy: Maybe you should move out.

Bill: Nah. I'm going to stick around and enjoy the show.

Alan: My house.

Lizzie: So... do you want to rest, or do you want to eat?

Alan: I'm not hungry, and I want to get out of this chair.

Lizzie: Well, if you follow the doctor's orders, you'll be out of the chair. I'm going to have cook make us a snack. Doesn't it feel good to be home?

Alan: I'm not staying.

Lizzie: This is your home. You have to stay here.

Alan: No, I don’t. I don't want people hovering all over me, whispering behind my back. And I think a lot of that will go on if I'm here.

Lizzie: Well, then I will talk to everyone and make sure that they don't do that.

Alan: No. I think that I'm going to just move into the Beacon.

Lizzie: You hate the Beacon.

Alan: All right, the boardinghouse, then. I'll-- Buzz will take care of me.

Lizzie: Granddad, Buzz has a business to run. Okay? He can't take care of you. And I made sure that this entire house was wheelchair accessible. Okay? You are going to be just fine. I am going to go get us a snack. Wait right here, and I'll come back and we'll talk a little more, okay?

Alan: H'mmm.

Billy: Why don't you order some food.

Vanessa: No, I'm fine. I had a bite earlier.

Billy: Never stopped me.

Vanessa: (Laughs)

Bill: One last bite?

Vanessa: No. What I want is for you to tell me what's going on with you and Lizzie?

Bill: Okay, Mama. I know this is your favorite subject, the both of you. You two discuss this while I go back to work, okay?

Vanessa: Ah, ah, ah, I'm serious. I feel like you're throwing away your chance at love just to impress some stupid stockholders. Stockholders.

Bill: Okay. Wait a minute now. You two, you fell in love while doing business together, am I right? You're telling me there was no competition there?

Billy: There was a lot of time spent trying to be right, needing to win.

Vanessa: Yeah.

Bill: See, that's the difference right there. I'm not trying to be right. I am! (Laughs) All right, take care.

Lillian: You know what I think I'm going to do? I'm going to go over to Alan’s house because Lizzie brought him home today, and check on them.

Buzz: Wait, wait. I've got something for you to bring.

Olivia: (Coughs)

Lillian: You feeling okay?

Olivia: I'm feeling all right.

Lillian: You are feeling alright, right?

Olivia: I am. I am. In fact, I have fewer checkups. That's good because of my new work schedule, so...

Buzz: Here, here. It's chili, but it's not too spicy.

Lillian: (Laughs)

Buzz: Give Alan my best.

Lillian: I will.

Buzz: Give Alan my best!

Olivia: Give him my best, too.

Lillian: (Laughs) I'll see you later, okay?

Buzz: See you. Why are you so cranky?

Olivia: I'm not cranky. I'm distracted.

Buzz: It's about Natalia?

Olivia: No. It's about my photo shoot. Why do you keep bringing her up?

Buzz: Because I asked you to get her a lawyer.

Olivia: Yeah. Vince Russo. I got him, I fired him.

Buzz: Why? I mean, he's sleazy, but he's good.

Olivia: He was, he was hitting on her, okay? She was in over her head. If I hadn't gotten there when I did...

Buzz: Hey. What? Here.

Olivia: Thanks.

Buzz: It's just that Natalia feels everyone's given up on Rafe.

Olivia: It's not giving up if you take a plea bargain, okay? It might be realistic. This is where they are right now.

Buzz: Yeah, but that's easy for you to say when you don't have kids going to jail. You know, I mean, I have been there.

Olivia: And I haven't, thank God. Do you have a club soda? Tell me to have a heart.

Buzz: I'll get you the club soda.

Lawyer: Look at the charges.

Natalia: I know what the charges are.

Lawyer: Jail time is a lesser evil compared to a full-blown trial. If you lose...

Natalia: This is the lesser of evils?

Rafe: It's the same as last time.

Natalia: If you are too busy to take my son's case, then we will find someone else.

Lawyer: They assigned me. Look, are you saying that you want another lawyer? Because any good one is going to tell you the same thing: Take the deal.

Natalia: No. Thank you for your help.

Lawyer: Fine. Good luck.

Rafe: Thanks.

Natalia: And that is a new one.

Rafe: Ma, look, should we talk about this please?

Natalia: No. Two years, two years! That lawyer was sitting here acting like it is not that big a deal. I'm sorry you even had to hear that. We still have options, though.

Rafe: What are they?

Natalia: I don't know. But I'm going to get you a better lawyer.

Rafe: Why don't you make some calls...

Natalia: I know. I know. I know what I have to do. I know where to go. And this lawyer is particular. I have to pay him in person.

Rafe: Ma, how are you going to get back in?

Natalia: Just... I am going to take care of everything, okay?

Natalia: Good, you're here. Listen, I need that lawyer back.

Olivia: What happened to your public defender?

Natalia: Russo is the best, and Rafe needs the best right now. I understand how he needs to be paid, and I need to do it. So can you just help me, please.

Olivia: Let me just get this straight: You won't take charity, but you're okay with prostitution?

Natalia: Rafe's hearing is tomorrow, and Russo is out of town. Will you help me or not?

Olivia: You can't do this.

Natalia: Like you haven't done worse.

Olivia: That's not the point.

Natalia: There is no time. I have no time.

Olivia: Just think about it, okay? Look, you're a religious woman.

Natalia: Stop! Please!

Olivia: What would Gus want you to do?

Natalia: Gus would want me to save our son.

Alan: Roxy, I want to tell you a little secret. Between you and me, I'm feeling just fine. I'm just enjoying all of this attention I'm getting. It gives me a little time to formulate my thoughts before I make my next move. Who knows, I may even take you for a walk one of these days.

Lillian: Hi, sweetie. Where's the fire?

Lizzie: Hi. I'm sorry. It's just Granddad. I'm afraid if I leave him alone too long, he'll try to run away.

Lillian: No, no. I just saw him outside. He was fine. He was talking to Roxy.

Lizzie: Granddad hates Roxy.

Lillian: Well, they were acting very friendly.

Lizzie: He wants to leave. He's probably leaving right now. Wait, Nana, he has done this before, okay?

Lillian: Honey...

Lizzie: Right before surgery he tried to run away, and then right after the surgery.

Lillian: Honey, will you just take a breath. He is not going anywhere.

Lizzie: How can you be so calm about this? You're a nurse. You know this is major.

Lillian: Well, I know it's major, but I also know that Alan will be Alan before very long.

Lizzie: Well, I hope so.

Lillian: I hope you feel that way when he starts running and ruining your life again.

Lizzie: You should move back into the house. You should. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. You can have my room. I'll take the smaller one...

Lillian: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Nana, look, I need my family together, okay? Please. I'm going to go check on him. Okay.

Billy: Hey, Barry, let me have a club soda.

Vanessa: Ah... two.

Billy: (Laughs) we live dangerously, huh?

Vanessa: Oh, well, I had my champagne earlier at the fundraiser.

Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, I'll tell you what.

Vanessa: Thank you.

Billy: Let's have a drink to the Henry Chamberlain foundation.

Vanessa: Oh, to the Henry Chamberlain foundation. So funny. I miss him every day.

Billy: Well, you were the light of his life. Speaking of which, you are mine, too. You always have been.

Vanessa: Oh, goodness. I guess I'd feel a little bit more light if we could knock some sense into that son of ours.

Billy: Oh, my gosh. What a tough nut to crack, that kid is.

Vanessa: Yeah, I mean, what is wrong with him? Why is he so shocked that Lizzie wants to take care of her family? Why is that?

Billy: You know, that says one thing: That means he is going to ship us off to an old folks' home as soon as he can.

Vanessa: Really?

Billy: Yeah, no, he will. He will. But you can bunk with me, okay?

Vanessa: Oh!

Billy: When it comes to family, Bill has issues.

Vanessa: He does, I mean, that's clear. Those two love each other. Everybody knows it. They know it. So why don't they get married and start a family of their own.

Billy: Because they're both trying to run the same corporation, that's why.

Vanessa: Well, what's wrong with him. Why is he so pig-headed and so competitive?

Billy: It's in his genes.

Vanessa: Oh, so it's our fault?

Billy: No, no, no. Not really. It's just, I don't know, I think he can learn something about family from Lizzie. I just hope that they can stay out of their own way so they don't mess things up.

Vanessa: Again.

Billy: Yeah. But then, look at us. We, we messed things up, and we both came out happy.

Vanessa: Excuse me. We wrote the book on what not to do.

Billy: (Laughs) And maybe we'll write the second chapter at the old folks' home.

Lizzie: Okay. All right. Granddad, look at me. What do you want? You can have anything you want? We can get takeout. We can make you something here. Tell me what you want.

Alan: I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want you to treat me as if I'm some kind of invalid or something. I'm tired of being sick, it bores me to tears.

Lizzie: I want you here. Okay? I need you here.

Alan: Why?

Lizzie: Why? Why do I need you here? Do you know how many times I have said this statement, "Our family needs a fresh start." And I've fallen completely on my face. Okay? I can't do this alone. This house needs a family. Our family needs to work on things, I don't even know if we can fix it, but I know that we can't fix it without you, okay?

Alan: But it's not just our family that's here. There are a few strays.

Lizzie: What are you talking about?

Alan: Bill Lewis.

Lizzie: Okay.

Alan: He's not one of us.

Lizzie: I know. But he might as well be. I know this doesn't make sense to you, and sometimes it doesn't make sense to me, but I am in love with him. Okay? I can't live without him, and for some reason, I seem to need both of you.

Bill: Hey.

Lizzie: Hey.

Bill: We've got that meeting with Decker. Hello, Alan. How are you feeling?

Lizzie: I was just getting him settled in.

Alan: So you have a meeting with Larry Decker, huh?

Lizzie: Yup, we sure do. We made a huge deal with him, actually.

Alan: Well, I haven't seen Larry in quite a while. I always liked him, though.

Lizzie: He likes you, too. He's been asking about you.

Alan: Really?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Alan: Well, I'd love to stay and talk some more, but I'm getting a little tired. So if you'll excuse me.

Bill: Yup, yup, yup. Alan, you want to pace yourself. You don't want to overdo it.

Alan: Yeah.

Lizzie: Do you need help?

Alan: No. Absolutely not. I've got to build up my strength.

Lizzie: I'm seriously concerned that he is going to try to take off. Okay? I want him here, but I don't think that he...

Bill: Decker is going to be here any minute. Okay?

Lizzie: I know. Look, I'm really sorry, with all of this going on, I haven't had time to prepare.

Bill: Hey, you're going to be fine, okay? Just wing it. Just wing it. Besides, you've got me.

Billy: Hey.

Matt: Hey. Club soda. Thanks.

Billy: I've been the manning the phones at the office, I'm telling you. There's a lot of business coming our way.

Matt: Tell me about it. Have you talked to Josh since he left town?

Billy: No, I haven’t.

Matt: I'm putting in some ramps over at the Spaulding house for Bill.

Billy: Alan being in a wheelchair, maybe it will change his ways.

Matt: You think?

Billy: No. In fact, I think he's going to be a real problem for Bill and Lizzie.

Matt: According to Bill, there is no Bill and Lizzie.

Billy: I'd like to lock them in a room until they've got it right. (Laughs) I mean, it's the worst thing in the world to throw away the best thing you've ever had. I mean, hey... you and I both know a little something about that, right?

Matt: Yeah, I guess we do.

Billy: I saw her, Vanessa. She's looking real good. She's kind of got her old spark back.

Matt: Yeah. She's getting on with her life. I really am, well aware of that.

Billy: Look, Matt, I was thinking...

Matt: Yeah, I think I know what you're thinking. I know damn good and well what you're thinking. You asking my permission?

Billy: No, no. I'm being polite. I mean, we work together, and I would rather you hear it from me than to hear it out there on the street.

Matt: Well, Vanessa has made it perfectly clear that we're finished, I guess that makes her a free agent now, doesn't it?

Billy: Yeah. That's kind of music to my ears. I mean, I'm hoping to get another second chance. You can wish my luck.

Matt: Well, I don't think I can do that now, Billy, because you see, I don't think you're the right guy for her.

Billy: Well, that's fair enough.

Rafe: Hey, it's Buzz. I thought it was the public defender again.

Buzz: Have you seen the lawyer today?

Rafe: Me? Earlier today, with my mom, yeah.

Buzz: Yeah. Are you okay?

Rafe: Yeah, I'm fine.

Buzz: Your meds, doing everything they tell you? What's up with that beard? Makes you look evil, cut that thing off.

Rafe: How are you? How is your granddaughter?

Buzz: She's looking after you.

Rafe: Really?

Buzz: Yeah, really. You haven't heard? She's got this whole like youth crime thing. She made a deal with Doris Wolfe that if she, you know, if they did good then Doris will move the hearing up.

Rafe: What? You know the hearing's tomorrow?

Buzz: She's happy.

Rafe: I'll bet. Um... but she's not doing anything dangerous, right?

Buzz: She's okay.

Rafe: Well, I mean, she's not hanging out with anybody, who's name might be Grady? No.

Buzz: No, no Grady.

Rafe: Just keep an eye on her, please?

Buzz: I ought to keep an eye on you. That's a pretty good shiner you've got there.

Rafe: It's nothing. It's just something they do in here, it's kind of like hazing. But I like to call it, beat up on the new guy. But I'm doing a pretty good job of defending myself. You know, I'm good. I'm good. Don't, don't tell my mom. I don't want her knowing it is as bad as it is.

Buzz: It is.

Rafe: Yeah.

Buzz: About your mother.

Rafe: Well, I've just seen her.

Buzz: Well, it's been hard on her, too. It's not the kind of bruises and bumps you can see.

Rafe: I know something's up. She keeps on saying no, but I know it.

Buzz: Look, kid, you need a good lawyer, and she's desperate to get you one. She's so desperate, that she might...

Rafe: What? Do what?

Buzz: Do things that get her in trouble.

Rafe: Whatever she wants to do, you have to stop her. You can't let her do it.

Buzz: I can’t. How old are you?

Rafe: I just turned 18.

Buzz: You saw the public defender? Well, do you have options?

Rafe: Yeah, I have options. I can go to trial or I can take a deal. But if I take a deal, I'll get two years.

Buzz: Two years?

Rafe: Two years.

Buzz: I can't tell you what to do.

Rafe: Buzz, what do you think, what do you think my dad would tell me?

Buzz: Gus would tell you to step up and be a man. Look, kid, you've got some hard decisions to make. And when you make them, keep your mother in mind.

Natalia: His secretary says he is unreachable. Why won't you help me?

Olivia: I am helping you by keeping you away from that creep.

Natalia: I'm going to try his cell phone again.

Olivia: I tried reaching Jeffrey on his honeymoon, okay? I couldn't get him, but I'm going to get his legal advice. I'm not heartless, you know.

Natalia: No, you're not.

Olivia: I don't want anything to happen to Rafe either.

Natalia: It already has.

Olivia: Wait, wait. Let's try Jeffrey again.

Natalia: It's not going to matter what he says. This is up to me.

Olivia: You're making a mistake!

Bill: And on the north end, we'll put the luxury hotels, right where the shopping center will be.

Lizzie: And the shopping center will be made from all green materials.

Bill: And because the new trend is for eco-friendly buildings, more than half will be built from entirely green materials.

Decker: What disturbs me is this traffic pattern.

Lizzie: Oh, I have compiled some data showing how similar areas have handled traffic flow.

Bill: Now, Macau will not be similar to anything anyone's ever seen before. We're talking bigger, better, bolder.

Lizzie: Okay... you know, if you look at those numbers...

Bill: Thank you, Lizzie. Yes, you look...

Alan: Larry Decker!

Decker: Alan! How are you feeling?

Alan: Good to see you. I am feeling terrific. I'm my old self again.

Decker: Well, you look great.

Alan: Thank you.

Lizzie: Oh, hi Granddad. I didn't know you were going to be joining us.

Alan: Well, I had to come see my brilliant granddaughter at work. After all, she's done an incredible job of helping me get back on my feet, Larry. And you know that she is the future of this family and this company.

Bill: Alan, we're going over the new plans. You're more than welcome to have a seat.

Alan: Wow, these traffic patterns are all wrong.

Decker: I was just saying that.

Alan: Well, you know that recent studies have shown...

Bill: Recent is relative, Alan.

Lizzie: I was just showing Mr. Decker the research. I was actually thinking that we should set it up like a loop instead of a strip because then you'd kind of be, you know, bringing people in.

Alan: Exactly. The inner circle. I mean, that's what clients want, Larry, to feel a part of something.

Decker: I like it. All right. I'm late for another meeting. I've got to run. But we'll talk about this next time, okay? Good seeing you all, especially you, Alan. You're back, my friend.

Alan: Indeed I am. You take care, my friend.

Decker: All right.

Lizzie: And I will give you a call tomorrow.

Bill: I'll fax you the new designs. Oh, okay.

Lizzie: That was so great! Oh, that was so great!

Alan: Well, I actually didn't know if I could do it, but I did it for you. You know something, Elizabeth, you and I are going to make a great team.

Lizzie: I think so, too.

Alan: (Laughs)

Natalia: Not again. Sorry.

Matt: Hey. Natalia.

Natalia: Hey.

Matt: Matt Reardon.

Natalia: Oh, hey.

Matt: How's Rafe?

Natalia: Ah, I don't know. I'm actually on my way to see him, but my car broke down, again. So I can't wait to talk to Tommy, Tommy works here and sometimes he let's me borrow his car.

Matt: Well, where is it at? I'll take a look at it. Maybe I can get it running for you.

Natalia: Oh, there's no time, it’s...

Matt: Okay. Plan "B": I'll give you a lift.

Natalia: It's a ways. You know, it takes like an hour.

Matt: Have you ever driven with me before? Come on. I'll take you to get your boy.

Natalia: Really?

Matt: Yeah. Let's go.

Natalia: Okay. Thank you.

Matt: Sure.

Bill: I'm moving on with it. I just need a trusty little backup.

Some days I walk,

some days I wander most days I feel like I might be

the only one

Bill: Backup is all I need.

Olivia: Hey. I thought I was running late.

Decker: I'm sorry. The last meeting ran long. You should see Alan Spaulding, he is up and about like the old days, so soon after surgery.

Olivia: Really?

Decker: How are you feeling by the way?

Olivia: Ready to be the new face of Galaxy Hotels.

Decker: I meant your health.

Olivia: I know. I know what you meant. Look, you can hook me up to an E.K.G. right now and see for yourself if it will make you happy. But I hear those things don't take very good pictures.

Decker: I'll take your word for it. Let's get started, okay?

Buzz: Wait. What is that for?

Natalia: Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to us.

Buzz: I'll be here, okay?

Natalia: Okay.

Rafe: Wow, twice in one day. I feel so special.

Natalia: Sh-sh-sh. Frank had a friend that owed him one.

Rafe: I'm surprised the car didn't die out on you again.

Natalia: No, I made it, right. So God must be looking out for me today.

Rafe: I knew that every day. You know that, even if you don't always feel it.

Natalia: I'm glad you still have your faith, in spite of everything.

Rafe: Don't you?

Natalia: Aside from you, it's all I have.

Lizzie: You look happy.

Alan: Yes, I am, because I'm looking at you.

Lizzie: Oh, pretty cute, huh?

Alan: Cute?

Lizzie: Thanks for your help with Decker.

Alan: You don't need any help with Decker, but I did put Bill Lewis in his place, didn't I?

Lizzie: I can handle Bill, too. You're going to have to get used to him if you're living here with us, you know. I mean, you are going to stay? You didn't say for sure, but you do belong here.

Alan: Well, to be honest with you, I don't know where else I would go.

Lizzie: Great. Well, I hope it's more than that.

Alan: All right, Elizabeth, I'll stay if you think you can put up with me.

Lizzie: Yay! Good! You are going to see, this is going to be really, really good. And together we're going to be unstoppable.

Alan: I'm going to hold you to that.

Lizzie: Come here. Hmm.

Bill: Hey.

Billy: Hey. Two Bill sightings in one day. I don't believe it.

Vanessa: What did we do right, or wrong?

Bill: Oh, Mother. So, listen, it looks like Alan is staying in the house, but I am, too. Okay. Somebody has got to keep an eye on that guy because I know he is up to his old tricks. Lizzie cannot see it, but I can.

Billy: This means breakfast with Alan? I want pictures of that. (Laughs)

Bill: (Laughs) Hey, look, I want both of you to move into the house, too.

Vanessa: What did you say?

Bill: Yeah. I think Lizzie’s on to something here. I want us to be a family again. And what better way to get the family together than by being together. Right?

Billy: You mean in this house, in the Spaulding house?

Bill: Yeah. I think it just might be crazy enough to work.

Vanessa: What do you mean by work?

Bill: I'm just saying it is a big house. You've got a chef on-site, you've got maid service. Come on. It's a good idea. Think about it.

Decker: All right. I'll see you soon.

Olivia: Okay. Bye. (Cell phone rings) Hello.

Buzz: Hi. Are you busy?

Olivia: I just finished up a meeting. Why? Where are you?

Buzz: At the prison.

Olivia: Oh, and I'm your one phone call. How much is bail?

Buzz: Look, Natalia is here and Rafe is here. They need you.

Olivia: What now?

Buzz: Do this for me.

Olivia: Look, whatever it is, can't you just make it a Cooper family project or something?

Buzz: Damn it, I don't have the connections. Do this for me.

Olivia: I've tried, Buzz, okay? I've tried to help her. She won't-- just because her life is falling apart, it doesn't mean that mine has suddenly come together. Okay? I have a daughter that is gone. I'm trying to raise another. I lost a grandchild. I have to get myself back out in the business world and jump-start my career so I can provide for my own family, okay? I can't get side-tracked with this. If I've learned anything, it's that every opportunity is a blessing. So I'm not going to blow this for some woman who won't let me help her and who won't face reality.

Buzz: Olivia, please.

Olivia: I'm sorry, I can’t.

Natalia: So that lawyer that I was going to get for you...

Rafe: Mom, the one I have is fine.

Natalia: I couldn't do it. I'm so sorry.

Rafe: Ma, it's okay. The one I have is fine. I'm going to take the deal.

Natalia: No, that's not what I meant, Rafe. I'm still working on it.

Rafe: Ma, let it go.

Natalia: I'm not going to let you go.

Rafe: Mom, it's two years. What's two quick years? It's nothing.

Natalia: Two years means two birthdays, it means two Christmas dinners. It means two years you could have been in college and two Septembers when the leaves change.

Rafe: I'm still going to see the leaves change. They're still going to change while I'm in here. I'll see them.

Natalia: I'm not going to just sign off on this. I'm not going to give up on you and let them take you away to prison.

Rafe: Ma, it's what I want.

Natalia: No.

Rafe: Ma, you have to stop. You have to stop trying to fix my life and you have to live yours.

Natalia: I can't if you're in here.

Rafe: Ma, it's just two years. Two quick years and I'll be back home to you, okay? Two years. I'm going to take the deal. We're going to make a deal, look at me. Okay? Right here, me and you, okay? But you have to be with me on this. Are you with me? Ma, I need you with me.

Natalia: I'm always with you.

Rafe: All right. So you have to trust, okay? Trust me. Trust that I'm going to make the right decision. Mom, you are the best. Mom, you have raised me to be strong and to have faith, Ma, and you showed me, all right, that making a right decision is not always the easiest, but it is always right. Okay?

Natalia: Okay.

Rafe: Mom, I love you. I love you, okay? What?

Natalia: I can't, Rafe.

Rafe: I need you to be with me on this. I need you to make this deal with me, okay? Ma, do we have a deal, please? Mom, come on.

Natalia: (Sobbing)

Rafe: Ma, stop, come here, look at me. Do we have a deal?

Natalia: A deal.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: Well, you've got a case and you didn't realize this is going to trial.

Buzz: Rafe is being sentenced today.

Lawyer: You having second thoughts about accepting this plea bargain.

Rafe: If I knew there was another way, then...

Natalia: I didn't want this. I didn't want him to give up.

Judge: I cannot ignore that a serious crime was committed and a man could have been killed. I'm hereby sentencing you to...

Natalia: No!

(Sound of gavel)

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