Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/30/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on Guiding Light"...
Grady: So all I have to do is break up her and Bill.
Dinah: You break them up, I get my brother back.
Lizzie: You make my skin crawl.
Dinah: As long as you are in love with Lizzie, you won't have it in you to do what it takes to get it done. If I know it, so does Lizzie.
Bill: Actually, I'm waiting for Susie.
Lizzie: Come on.
Bill: Hey. Text me if you need anything.
Lizzie: You can buy me that drink now.
Beth: Come on, now. You love rice pudding.
Alan: I love steak, rare.
Beth: Would you just try some of this? Just eat something for me. Please?
Alan: All right. It's pretty good.
Beth: Now, see, there you go. There's the Alan Spaulding that I know and love. You are going to get better. It's just going to take a little time.
Alan: I don't have time. I've got to get out of here.
Beth: When the doctors say you're ready.
Alan: The real doctors are Dr. Rick. He must love having me confined to bed like this.
Beth: Rick wants what's best for you.
Alan: Beth, Rick wants you.
Beth: Oh, please!
Alan: Look, I'm not an invalid. I'm not a victim. I should be out of here. I'm Alan Spaulding. I've got work to do.
Beth: Yes, thank you. I'm glad to hear you say that. For the past few months, I've been starting to wonder.
Alan: Wonder about what?
Beth: Well, you've just been somewhere
Alan: I'm trying to help my family.
Beth: And you can help your family, by getting better.
Alan: I am better. I mean, there was a time there that I was clouded. But those clouds have moved on, and I see clearly now.
Beth: Oh, Alan. I've been so hoping to hear you say that you've come back to us.
Alan: Yes, Beth. I'm back.
Marina: Hey.
Mallet: What do we have here? Do we have a new recruit to help us with the painting?
Marina: Is that what you're here for? Yeah, Beth stopped by. She wanted to drop some stuff off that she had a taken when she was packing stuff up. She had Peyton, and she said she had to run over to the hospital to do something with Alan, and I told her we'd watch her for a little bit.
Mallet: Cool.
Marina: But we've been having so much fun, haven't we? It's actually been great, super easy. I mean, they left behind a lot of their child safety stuff when they moved out.
Mallet: Oh, child safety stuff. People over think that stuff. All you've got to do is keep your eyes open, pay attention. It's no big deal.
Marina: Right. Right. So if I wanted to run to the store for a quick minute, you guys will be fine, right?
Mallet: Yeah, no problem. I can watch her. No biggie. I mean, I saw a box of toys in the basement that we could get into and... yeah, we'll be good.
Marina: Well, good, good. Come here. It's okay. He's a nice guy.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. Hi! Yeah, so we'll... you know, this is a piece of cake. We'll have a good time, right, Peyton? We're good. We're good.
Marina: Good.
Mallet: We're... okay, you just run along. We're... we're golden.
Cassie: Maybe I should learn how to use one of these things.
Cyrus: It has a name.
Cassie: Is that a challenge? Monkey wrench.
Cyrus: Socket handle. (Laughing)
Cyrus: Cyrus, one; Cassie, zero. This is fun.
Cassie: Come on! Of course I stink at handy things. That's why I'm paying you.
Cyrus: Oh, yeah, that, and the fact that you like watching me sweat.
Cassie: Oh, you just keep telling yourself that.
Cyrus: Okay, I will.
(Cell phone rings)
Cassie: Hold on a sec. Hello? Josh! I can't really hear you very well. Yeah, I did. I heard that. I'm really glad that you found Shayne. Well, actually, R.J. already started school, but he really is enjoying Geography, and he says he wants to hear all about your travels. Yeah, ok I'll tell him. Okay. Well, thank you for calling. Hmm.
Cyrus: Is everything okay?
Cassie: Yeah. It was just Josh. He just wanted to wish R.J. luck on his first day of school.
Cyrus: He's a little late.
Cassie: With good reason. His son was missing in Afghanistan.
Cyrus: They found him, though, right?
Cassie: Yeah, thank goodness. So you're done with the sanding, huh?
Cyrus: Yep. Tomorrow I'll make a start on the garage door.
Cassie: Okay. Sounds great.
Cyrus: Good. Tomorrow, then.
Cassie: Are you busy today?
Grady: Another Cosmo for the lady.
Lizzie: I'm fine, thanks.
Grady: Are you sure? You good?
Lizzie: Yes. Listen, what I said before about you and I...
Grady: About how I made your flesh crawl?
Lizzie: Yeah, you do. Before that, you said that I'd hired you.
Grady: And you said that you paid me off. Yeah, I got it. So how about we make a fresh start?
Lizzie: Great! This time I'd like to hire you.
Grady: For what?
Lizzie: Does it matter?
Grady: Well, I'm not exactly one of those guys that, you know...
Lizzie: A gigolo? I don't want you anywhere near my bed. I would rather have bedbugs.
Grady: Well, then what?
Lizzie: It's like a game between me and my boyfriend. Are you in or are you out?
Grady: I'm in.
Lizzie: Good. Then consider yourself on the clock. And you can order me that Cosmo.
Dinah: Hello. I think you dropped something.
Grady: I actually lost it.
Dinah: You're supposed to be wining and dining Lizzie.
Grady: And I can't very well do that with you here, can I?
Dinah: Where the hell is she?
Grady: She'll be back. We're playing a game.
Dinah: What, go fish?
Grady: She thinks she's holding all of the cards. We'll show her.
Dinah: You keep up the good work.
Lizzie: Wait. You can't find his reservation? Well, maybe you are misspelling his last name. It's L-E-W... oh, I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. It's probably under her last name. What? I don't know what Susie's last name is. Hello?
Susie: You said to get comfortable.
Bill: Where did you get that?
Susie: I found it in the room down the hall from you, the room with the fluffy pink stuff. Luckily, it's the same size, but it's a little short. Don't you like it?
Bill: It's just that it's... yeah. Yeah, I do. I think you look great.
Susie: I'll be down in a sec.
Bill: Take your time. (Phone ringing)
Alexandra: Hello.
Bill: I'm glad you picked up.
Alexandra: Who is this?
Bill: Don't be funny. Look, I need you to do me a favor. Send Lizzie over to the house, okay?
Alexandra: Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that.
Bill: Alexandra, I don't have time for the sarcasm, okay? Just send her over. It's important.
Alexandra: Well, Lizzie isn't here. I did just speak to her, and she said she was on her way to some hot date, and not to wait up for her. Maybe you shouldn't wait up for her, either.
Bill: Right.
Alan: Tell me, have I... have I missed much?
Beth: Well, Peyton's first steps.
Alan: Oh, really?
Beth: Well, she's amazing.
Alan: Of course she is. She's like her mom. She's also a Spaulding. By the way, Mom, how are your classes going?
Beth: Oh, my law professors say that I'm a natural.
Alan: A lawyer in the family.
Beth: We're going to be a team. Think of it: You're going to have someone that you can trust to listen to you, to advise you. You won't even miss... are you okay?
Alan: Actually, I'm a little tired.
Beth: Okay. Okay. So I will just sit here with you while you rest.
Alan: I think it would be better, Beth, if you would go.
Marina: So I think I've got all the paint stuff cleared off the floor.
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Marina: So we should be okay. As far as I know, the house is pretty much still baby-proofed.
Mallet: Okay, good. It's baby-proofed. Can you help me out here? It's not working.
Marina: I know. It needs batteries. But there are some on the second shelf, by the phone, okay?
Mallet: Yes.
Marina: You guys should be fine.
Mallet: Yeah. No, we're good. Baby safety list?
Marina: Yes. Beth left one. It's by the phone as well.
Mallet: Great. Then we'll do a whole tour, inspection of the house, and we'll make sure everything is good.
Marina: Okay. All right.
Mallet: Bye.
Marina: You guys have fun.
Mallet: Baby safety list. You stay here with Duffy, and I'm going to check out the baby safety list. I'll get the train working. Baby safety list. Baby safety list. That's a really long list. You know what? Let's have a little snack before we tackle this list. Yeah, we'll do that.
Cyrus: Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounded like you just asked me out. I guess I was right, the sweaty shirt thing gets them every time.
Cassie: I did not just ask you out. R.J. has a sleepover tonight, and all I have in the fridge is leftover pizza. And the wind makes the porch creaky, and it weirds me out.
Cyrus: And there is nothing good on TV, I know. I checked.
Cassie: The truth is, I think I just miss having a house full of people: Tammy and R.J. and Josh.
Cyrus: Yeah. I had that at Harley's. And once you've had it, you're screwed, because then it's never the same without it.
Cassie: Right. So... a movie? But you have to take a shower first.
Cyrus: Well, suit yourself. Other women love it, but, you know...
Cassie: I am not one of your women. And this is not a date.
Cyrus: Oh, right. Yeah. It's a...
Cassie: It's a bitch session. We can just go and talk about all of the people we want to talk about, trash talk, and no judgment.
Cyrus: Like your neighbor, for one.
Cassie: And like Grady and Reva and Josh and Jeffrey.
Cyrus: Well, that's quite a big list you've got there.
Cassie: Oh, I'm just getting started. There's a guy down at the car dealership who rips me off every time I go in there. There is the postal worker who insists on stuffing my mail into the back of the mailbox.
Cyrus: I hate that.
Cassie: What do you think?
Cyrus: I think... it's a date-- I mean, a non-date. Whatever.
Cassie: Okay.
Cyrus: Don't touch that handle. It's not screwed on.
Cassie: I am paying you too much money.
Lizzie: Yes, I'm talking about the cover of the... Lizzie Spaulding, of Spaulding and Lewis. Yeah. She was down here at Towers knocking on some hot guy. You better get here fast, though, because I don't think they're going to be here very long, if you know what I mean.
Grady: So how is this going to work?
Lizzie: Okay, you just let me do the thinking. Move closer.
Grady: I don't know if Bill is going to believe this. You know, he knows you hate my guts.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, he'll laugh it off at first, but once he sees that everyone believes it...
Grady: Why do they need to? What's going on?
Lizzie: I'm sorry. I'm paying you to flirt, so just flirt. Or do I have to do everything? No touching.
Susie: I'm not just a physical therapist. I also do massage-- in-home massage, for the right client.
Bill: Oh. Oh. Right. Maybe later. Thanks.
Susie: Do you want more wine?
Bill: Sure.
Susie: Who are you calling?
Bill: Oh, my business partner supposed to check in.
Susie: Oh. Business.
Bill: She must be messing with me, though. "Hot date." Yeah, right.
Susie: You know, this could be a hot date if you'd just relax.
Bill: I'm relaxed. I'm fine. I'm good.
Susie: Just close your eyes. I promise. This won't hurt.
Bill: Ooh! Oh!
Dinah: Oh. Oh, sorry. It's nice to see you've moved on.
Mallet: Here is another little snack if you want one. Yeah, pretty good, huh? I've got to tell you, I've got to tell you right now, it's a nice chair you've got there. Yeah. I'd like one of those chairs for myself, if you know what I mean, like during football season or something. It's a nice chair. Okay. You're good. Let's look at this list. I've got to tell you, Peyton, okay, this is a very long list, and this is new territory for me, okay, sweetheart? So you've got to cut me a little slack, all right? Okay. Let's do the train. Wouldn't you rather get the train running? Let's do the train. Batteries. Batteries for the train. You like the train? Here, you take a look at this, until I fix the elephant. He's got to get some fixing going here. Mm-hmm. Mr. Elephant is working. Now, press the red button. Whoa! Look at that. That's working, huh?
Alexandra: What's happening?
Beth: Oh, I don't know. He says he's okay. He says he's himself, but...
Rick: Give him some time. He just woke up.
Alexandra: Alan's coming back to us. He is. I mean, he knows he's got Lizzie right by his side. And the Spaulding’s will rise again. This is the best it's been in months. Come on.
Beth: I know, I know. You're right. I just... I wish I could get him to appreciate what he has.
Alexandra: Well, I brought this. Maybe it will help, huh?
Rick: Pictures? Well, it couldn't hurt. But don't show him any pictures of Gus. I'm not sure he could handle it right now.
Alexandra: Hey.
Alan: They want me to get better, but you won't let me rest.
Alexandra: Well, darling, I brought you something from home.
Alan: Oh. Oh, wow. That's you and me in Monte Carlo.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Alan: I won, and you lost.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, I'm just bringing you pictures of all those out there in the family who are thinking of you, darling.
Alan: What about my creditors?
Rick: Close. It's your family.
Alan: I know who they are. Most of them wanted me to die on the operating table.
Beth: Alan.
Alan: But not all of them. Not all of them.
Beth: I know when that was taken. That was taken the day that Lizzie got a clean bill of health after the leukemia.
Alan: I remember.
Beth: We all went out to celebrate.
Alexandra: Oh, that was a wonderful day.
Beth: You have always loved Lizzie so much. She willed and impulsive, just like you, but we love her for it. (Laughter)
Alan: She needs me, Beth.
Alexandra: Yes, she does, Alan.
Beth: And we all do.
Rick: I think that's enough for now.
Beth: Oh, okay. Okay. Well, we'll be right outside if you need us.
Bill: You know what we should do? Take our food upstairs, where it's a little more comfortable.
Susie: You said there is a Jacuzzi tub, right?
Bill: There is a Jacuzzi tub, yes. And it's all yours.
Susie: You coming?
Bill: Just a sec. You get that Jacuzzi all hot for me, okay?
Dinah: Well, she's a nice girl.
Bill: Easy. How did you get in here, Dinah?
Dinah: I'm going out with Hilda, but I thought maybe I'd say hello to my brother.
Bill: Mm-hmm. What do you want?
Dinah: (Laughing) Just for you to be happy.
Bill: (Laughing) Cut the crap.
Dinah: All right, fine. If you don't want to hear what I just read online about Lizzie, then I don't care either, believe me.
Bill: Please, tell me, what did you read online about Lizzie?
Dinah: She's been spotted at Towers with a certain hot Aussie.
Bill: Merely an attempt to make me jealous. It's not going to work.
Dinah: Oh, whatever. You know. It's Grady Foley. He's hot, but he's flammable, okay? I just hope she knows what she's doing. Anyway, enjoy your meal.
Bill: Thank you. Great. Susie, change of plans! We're going out!
Grady: Hey, I'm over here.
Lizzie: Did you just snap at me?
Grady: This doesn't have to be a job.
Lizzie: Okay, do not go there.
Grady: Look, you want to make your boyfriend jealous? Then let's get out of here.
Lizzie: Ah, you're smooth.
Grady: You're not paying me to be smooth.
Lizzie: We haven't even paid the tab.
Grady: I picked it up already.
Lizzie: You did?
Grady: Yeah. I told him to put it on your tab. Come on. Time to get what you're paying for. Hey...
Lizzie: Hey. No, no, no, no, no! Hey! Stop!
Grady: Next time that'll be your face, all right?
Paparazzi: This freak here broke my camera.
Grady: Ah, he had it coming.
Lizzie: You idiot! Will you leave it alone?
Grady: No. This guy needs to learn a little something about respect.
Paparazzi: You want me to get my lawyer up here, pal? I'll have assault charges on you in a second.
Lizzie: Okay, okay. That will not be necessary, okay, because he's sorry. He's very... he's very, very sorry, okay?
Cassie: Do you want to try to do something to help your brother?
Cyrus: Let's see. I can be with a beautiful woman on a non-date, or I can bail out the little brother who shows his gratitude by telling me to... never mind. Let's get out of here.
Security: I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Paparazzi: Wait. So we're just not calling the police now?
Security: I don't like reporters.
Lizzie: Here, okay? This will cover your camera and our drinks.
Grady: I told you I paid already.
Lizzie: Yeah, not nearly enough. I'm sorry.
Mallet: I'll tell you what. You know what? Your mommy is amazing, because I've done a whole tour of the house, yeah, and every socket is covered, every door has a gate. We've got enough batteries. That's good. I'll try to load this up. To select location, press and hold "test" button now. We're good, okay? Okay, we're good. We are all safe now. All this is very important, Peyton. Now, remember, no matter where you live, okay, you have to have a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector, okay? And here is the question: How many times a year do you replace the batteries? Hmm? Hmm? That's right. Twice, two times a year. That's what you do. Good job. There we go. We're all safe now. What's that? Oh, yeah, I am. I am kind of a smart guy, aren't I? Thank you very much. Well, you're right, cops do do more than just eat doughnuts, don't they? What do you want? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You know, cops like to protect the little people. And you can never have enough batteries, can you? You can't have enough batteries. You getting a little sleepy? You want to take a nap?
Peyton: (Makes baby noises)
Mallet: Yeah. I'm going to put you upstairs in a crib, and maybe I can sleep down here on the couch. I'll take a little nap, too. Do you want to do that? Okay, let's take a nap. Oh, baby monitor. I've got to make sure that we've got enough batteries in this thing. What is this thing? Is it working? Ah, it's working. Good. Okay. We're good, Peyton. You know what? I'm kind of getting the hang of all this, aren't I?
Alexandra: What? Are you ready for the home movies?
Alan: No. They bore me to tears.
Alexandra: Well, then why did you ring the bell, darling? You just miss having someone to harp at?
Alan: Tell me something, Alex. Was I really that absent before I had the surgery?
Alexandra: Well, actually, darling, I would have to say...
Alan: Beth says that I was.
Alexandra: Come on, Alan. Beth loves you. She loves who you were, who you are now.
Alan: Before I lost everything?
Alexandra: You know, I don't think she really cares about that, darling. Besides, I think she always knew you would make it back. It's just when you started relying... you stopped trusting your own judgment, Alan. You started relying on these... these...
Alan: What? What?
Alexandra: These other things that...
Alan: Well, I know who I can rely on now.
Alexandra: Lizzie.
Alan: Mm-hmm.
Alexandra: Yeah.
Alan: Would you mind telling her that I'd like to see her?
Grady: So admit it. When I smashed that guy's camera, it turned you on. You got a big bed in that mansion of yours?
Lizzie: California king. Funny, though: It's still not big enough. (Cell phone rings) Hello? Mom?
Beth: Honey, it's your grandfather.
Lizzie: What happened?
Beth: He wants to see you.
Lizzie: Okay. I'm on my way.
Dinah: The idea was to seduce Lizzie, not cause an international incident.
Grady: One more word from you, and I'll...
Dinah: What are you going to do? Huh? What?
Susie: Wow, this place is dead.
Bill: It sure is.
Susie: Then again, more room for the two of us.
Bill: Hmm? Yeah. Look, you know what? Something has come up with business, all right? So would you mind taking a cab home?
Susie: Are you kidding me?
Bill: No. Sorry.
Susie: Keep your money. I may do massage, but this sure doesn't have a happy ending.
Bill: No, no! I'm not implying that you...
Susie: Oh, my gosh, save it. Please, find yourself another physical therapist.
Bill: Bartender, can I have a whiskey, please?
Grady: I'll have the same.
Bill: You might as well make his a Cosmo. I'm sure that's what you're drinking if you're out with Lizzie. I'm sure she was buying.
Grady: Actually, it was all on me.
Bill: (Laughs) Sure it was.
Grady: You don't like me.
Bill: I don't even know you.
Grady: Well, Lizzie likes me. She likes me a hell of a lot.
Bill: (Laughs) Really? Keep saying that ten more times, and maybe you'll believe it. No, clearly she is out with you to make me jealous.
Grady: So is there anything I should know about her, like what she likes, what she doesn't like? Favorite activities, hobbies? Wait a minute. I already know all of those things.
Bill: Do you?
Grady: Mmm.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. Look at you. You act like there's something in it for you.
Grady: Of course there is. The girl's hot.
Bill: Yeah.
Grady: Or maybe you've been too busy to notice.
Bill: Oh, running a company. It doesn't work for guys like you.
Grady: I don't mind being a toy. I used to play with them all the time when I was a kid.
Bill: Did you really? Wow. Actually, the word I was thinking of was "pet."
Cyrus: Now is not the time to be timid.
Cassie: I'm not being timid. This is breaking and entering.
Cyrus: We're not stealing anything. We're just going to eat our Chinese takeout and watch the evening news.
Cassie: Well, what if someone comes in?
Cyrus: They don't use this room regularly.
Cassie: Oh, really? How do you know?
Cyrus: Dinah. Okay, so I have no idea. But just sit. It's going to get cold. Well, unless you're too chicken.
Cassie: Oh, I am not chicken.
Cyrus: Well, you seem kind of chicken.
Cassie: Fine. Give me the noodles.
Cyrus: Enjoy.
Marina: Hey, Peyton. I'm back. I think you wore that old man out, huh? Hi.
Mallet: Hey. Wow, these baby monitors are amazing. Hey. Did Beth come back yet?
Marina: No. She's on her way over soon. What did you guys do?
Mallet: Oh, we had a blast, didn't we, Peyton? Huh? We baby-proofed the whole place.
Marina: You did?
Mallet: Yeah. Come on, I'll show you a tour.
Marina: What did you do?
Lizzie: Granddad?
Alan: Oh, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: That's me.
Alan: Don't you have something better to do than to come here and sit with me?
Lizzie: No. No, I don't. You know, you gave me that briefcase when I was little, and you told me that I would be running the company someday. And I just want you to know that I'm really trying.
Alan: I know you are. And you're doing an excellent job. I'm really proud of you.
Lizzie: You are?
Alan: Yeah. Look, I know what it's like to seek someone's approval, and need someone's approval, especially someone you're close to, someone whose opinion you value.
Lizzie: You know, we were all lost. It wasn't just you. But now we've found each other. We need each other. We're...
Alan: We're family, right?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Alan: Yes. We're Spaulding’s.
Cassie: If you hadn't stolen this mug, I'd be able to sleep tonight.
Cyrus: Ooh, scary mug with fingerprints all over it.
Cassie: I hadn't thought about that.
Cyrus: You weren't worried about the stereo equipment, but the mug is going to get you time in Vailsburg?
Cassie: Well, you never know. What if somebody saw us?
Cyrus: Nobody saw us. They've got lousy security there.
Cassie: Oh, my God!
Cyrus: What?
Cassie: Security cameras. What if we were caught...
Cyrus: Give me some credit. I checked all of that out before you walked in.
Cassie: So no security cameras?
Cyrus: Uh-uh.
Cassie: So it wasn't really... it wasn't really all that risky.
Cyrus: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Cassie: I had a good time.
Cyrus: I'll get cracking on that garage door tomorrow.
Cassie: Okay. Good-bye, Cyrus.
Cyrus: Good-bye.
Mallet: Yeah, see. What else did we do? We got the train running.
Marina: Very good.
Mallet: And Peyton and I had a big heart to heart about things.
Marina: Sounds good.
Marina: Did you take the batteries out of my flashlight?
Mallet: Huh?
Marina: Batteries?
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: Did you use them? Did you use all of the batteries? Are we completely out of batteries?
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: Okay. I was about to climb up and look in the attic for some stuff, so we'll need some more.
Mallet: Okay.
Marina: I think it's your turn to go to the store.
Mallet: I'll go get batteries.
Marina: Batteries. I hate to tell you to go.
Mallet: What do we need again?
Marina: Batteries.
Mallet: Batteries, right. You'll be all right?
Marina: We'll be here when you get back.
Mallet: You sure you don't need me?
Marina: We'll be okay.
Lizzie: It's not a 50/50 split, but with my 49%, I do have veto power.
Alan: Mmm, Bill must love that.
Lizzie: It keeps things interesting.
Alan: Do you love him?
Lizzie: Why do you think I'm doing all of this?
Alan: Why? Greed? Power? Respect?
Lizzie: Okay, okay, I am your granddaughter, but I'm not you. I want it all. I want work and love and family. And I just... I want everything.
Alan: What does he want?
Lizzie: The same thing. He just doesn't know it yet. Now, where were we?
Dinah: What happened?
Grady: I don't want to talk about it.
Dinah: Well, if I want to talk about it, we're going to talk about it. And when I ask you to listen, maybe...
Grady: I'm nobody's pet.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: He's ready to go back out and take over the world but he's not ready.
Alan: I don't trust him.
Lizzie: Some things haven't changed.
Bill: I don't think she's going to make the meeting.
Lizzie: Take a nap.
Alan: I'll sleep when I'm dead. Nice day for a walk.
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