GL Transcript Monday 9/29/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/29/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: All you have to do is get between Lizzie and Bill.

Grady: Get between them?

Dinah: Yes. Break them up, turn them against one another.

Grady: Nail the rich girl?

Dinah: Oh, you're not just going to nail her, you're going to make her scream for more and more so she can walk away from my brother for good.

Grady: Are you checking me out?

Dinah: Well, there's something about the suit.

Grady: It feels okay to me.

Dinah: You're right. It's not the suit, it's you. Act like you've worn one before! Come on!

Grady: All right. Enough with the fashion advice, okay? This isn't going to be easy. When do we get to work?

Dinah: (Sighs) I borrowed Lizzie's date book today. She really shouldn't be leaving it lying around. She has a meeting at Towers. I'm going to make sure that appointment doesn't show. That's when you move in and do your work.

Grady: So all I have to do is break up her and Bill, huh?

Dinah: All? All? What do you think, she's going to take a look at you and fall head over heels? You have to charm her.

Grady: Yeah, no kidding. Let's not forget the girl hates me.

Dinah: She hated Bill, too. You break them up, I get my brother back. I get everything back.

Grady: And then I get paid with benefits!

Dinah: Oh! You are such a charmer, aren't you? Forget you're a street thug, and you're going to be fine. If you get stuck, just try and...

Grady: If you say I look like Cyrus, I'm going to break that pretty, little neck.

Dinah: Now, now. Talk like that will not charm Lizzie.

Grady: (Sighs)

Lizzie: How is he?

Rick: I gave him a sedative.

Beth: Well, I think he seems great. I mean, he's more himself, he's better, right?

Rick: Yes and no. Yes and no.

Lizzie: He's talking. That's good, right?

Rick: Well, that... yeah, that is good. But there's a... a conflict going on here. I mean, a part of him just wants to get out of the hospital bed as if the surgery never happened, and there's a part of him that's just afraid.

Beth: Afraid of what?

Lizzie: Of losing Gus.

Rick: He... he just can't let go of that part of his life right now.

Beth: Okay. So, how do we make that happen?

Rick: I don't think you can do anything. I think that Alan has to work this out by himself.

Beth: Or?

Rick: Or... I think he really needs to see a shrink.

Beth: I'm going to go sit with him.

Rick: Hang in there.

Bill: You okay?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: It's so sad, you know? A great man like that, pretending?

Lizzie: What does that mean?

Bill: Well, you heard Rick. He's not an invalid, he just wants you to think that.

Lizzie: Uh, yeah, I heard Rick. He said that my grandfather is still really fragile.

Bill: (Laughing) Oh, yeah? Maybe I should call his bluff. Maybe I should call the press and tell them that the great Alan Spaulding is nothing more than a shadow of his former self. We'll see how much sympathy he gets then, right?

Lizzie: (Scoffs)

Bill: I'm... I'm kidding.

Lizzie: You're a jerk!

Bill: I'm kidding.

Felicia: Hey, sweetheart! Aren't you supposed to be at work?

Remy: I just finished my shift. Saw your car in the driveway. I see Dad brought in the good cop.

Felicia: Buzz gave us the keys. I wanted to take a look around before your father finalized the bid. Here, take this. You know, you and your sister should really think about what type of furniture you want before you guys move in. You know, I love interior design, so I'd love to help.

Remy: Um, Ma, about the house, I...

Felicia: Oh, this is perfect for a much bigger sofa! I'm thinking leather. It wears well.

Remy: Yeah, um... I don't want it.

Felicia: What?

Remy: I, uh... I don't want the house.

Frank: What's up?

Coop: Frank, would you... look, I'm trying to get a paper done for tomorrow. Can you just watch the sandwich, please? Thank you.

Frank: What's the matter? Crunch time?

Coop: Yes, it's something like that.

Frank: Well, you mind if I sit down here?

Coop: Seriously?

Frank: I'll be quiet.

Coop: (Laughing) Yeah, that'll happen. Okay.

Frank: I miss you, bro, I mean I really do. Seriously, you know? I never get to see you anymore, and, uh... you know... how are things? Thing's good?

Coop: Yeah... right, Frank. The...

Frank: Come on, look. I know school's important to you, but...

Coop: Family...

Frank: Hey! Family's first, right?

Coop: Right. Right, family first. You know what? This is fine. I can just work on that later. Um... to tell you the truth, the reason why I came down here is because I hit a brick wall with this, and... yeah. Sit... stay... this is a nice distraction.

Frank: All right, good. Well, look, I made a big sandwich here...

Coop: I can see that.

Frank: You know what? I'll tell you what. You take half, I'll take the other half.

Coop: All right. I'll just take the bigger half.

Frank: So, uh, Coop, man, that's... that's got to be a little rough on you, right? I mean, going back to school after this whole... whole writer thing?

Coop: Well, you know, I'll tell you, the interesting part about all of this is that my family seems to find my study habits just absolutely fascinating. You know, just yesterday I was trying to work on the exact same paper and Daisy, Marina and Mallet, they came in and just sat at the table next to me and just were... they were staring.

Frank: (Laughs)

Coop: Mm-hmm. Right at me.

Frank: Well, good.

Coop: And, um... you know, the funny part about all that was the fact that they were throwing rolled-up napkins at me when they got bored.

Frank: That's good, I like that.

Coop: Yeah, it was really great. Fun. Productive.

Frank: You know what's nice to hear is that Daisy... she's, she's, you know, hanging out with Mallet and Marina. That's good. That's good for her.

Coop: Hmm, well, more importantly, I'm glad that Marina has Mallet, you know? It's at least a step in the right direction.

Frank: Hmm.

Coop: They look good together.

Frank: Well... I... I don't know much... how much "together" they are. I mean, I think they're just kind of friends who are dating, you know what I mean? Like, um... I don't know, I... I just don't think they're really madly in love with each other.

Marina: Daisy!

Mallet: Marina, I love you!

Marina: What?

Mallet: Don't do anything stupid.

Marina: No, no, no. What did you say before that?

Mallet: You heard me!

Trey: Hey!

Marina: No, no, no, you're not... you're looking at him.

Mallet: I can't... I can't look at you right now.

Daisy: Guys, come on!

Marina: I don't think it counts unless you're looking at me.

Mallet: It counts, it counts, it counts!

Trey: Hey, I'm serious!

Daisy: You guys, he's serious!

Mallet: Because what we have is way bigger than a friendship, that's why.

Daisy: Hello? Just go and let me do this!

Marina: Daisy, don't interrupt him.

Mallet: It's just... I... I always talk a good game, you know? About how easy and simple it is with you, and it's just... it's just... it just got more than that, okay? I feel like I've finally met the right person.

Trey: What the hell is going on?

Marina: You've never said anything like this before, though. You've... you've never even come close to saying anything like this.

Mallet: It's just, in case something happens, I want you to know.

Trey: Yeah, something's going to happen if you don't shut up right now!

Mallet: Okay, are you ready? Are you ready?

Marina: Yeah, I'm ready.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: I'm ready.

Mallet: Okay, Trey. The fun's over, okay?

Give it all if you want


Frank: I'm telling you, man, I think you're wrong. I think Marina could be a positive influence on Daisy. I'm serious. I mean, she can keep her safe, and not only that, but I honestly believe that parents can have a positive impact on their kids.

Coop: Yeah, well... (laughs) I don't know about that, Frank. Because I teach a lot of the kids of some of the people I know here in Springfield, and not all of them are exactly like their parents. I mean...

Frank: Wait. Hold on one second. Aren't some of these kids just like their parents?

Coop: Hmm. No, not all of them. I mean, their not all... some are easier to read than others. Some are tough. I mean, first off, you've got Maureen and R.J., who are just completely out there, and then you've got Clarissa, who's like this perfect child, all right? And we all know that her other is...

Frank: Well, Blake, yeah, of course...

Coop: Blake, exactly. Right, and then... well... well... then there's James Spaulding, who, you know, he's... he's just tough to read, you know? He's withdrawn. I just... I don't know... wary.

Frank: Hmm. You mean, let's see... a Spaulding that has trust issues? All right, that's...

Coop: All right, Frank, be nice.

Frank: I'm trying. I mean, I feel bad for the kid, okay?

Coop: Wow, me, too. I mean, they're all... to be fair, they're all... they're all good kids. All right? But, I've got to tell you, after dealing with Daisy and Marina, if I can't handle these kids... (sighs) anyways... look, what are you doing here? I mean, don't you have somewhere you've got to be?

Frank: I do. I've got to help Pop with the delivery in the back, and head off to the station, so...

Coop: Really?

Frank: Mm-hmm.

Coop: Frank.

Frank: What?

Coop: Frank!

Frank: Oh, come on!

Coop: All work and no play? That makes Frank a dull boy, doesn't it?

Frank: Hey, man! Right back at you!

Coop: Hey, I'm trying to put some...

Frank: Hold on one second. You know what you can do? Why don't you score two hot teachers for us so we can go out on a double date, huh?

Coop: (Laughing) You are not asking your younger brother to hook you up on a... you know what?

Frank: What?

Coop: Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Frank: Okay, well, you should. In the mean time, help me make this delivery. We've got tomatoes and okra in the back.

Coop: I'm trying to write a paper.

Felicia: What do you mean, you don't want the house? Remy, this... this is a very nice thing that your father wants to do for you-- that we both want for you!

Remy: Ma, we are not kids! We don't need you buying us a house.

Felicia: You're living in a motel room. Hello? Remy, I personally think that you and Melissande could both benefit from having each other around. She can help you with med school.

Remy: Med school? Stop!

Felicia: And you could help her to loosen up and have some fun.

Remy: You call this fun? Mom, I am not going to medical school, and... and I thought you were proud of me.

Felicia: I am proud of you. Honey, I am so proud of you. You've just-- I don't know-- followed your own path.

Remy: Next, you'll be picking out my clothes.

Felicia: Well, now that you mention it...

Remy: Come on!

Felicia: I'm kidding!

Remy: Come on!

Felicia: I am only kidding.

Remy: Jeez. You need to stop listening to Dad. You need to start fighting for us.

Felicia: I do. Every day. Trust me. Remy, come on. Lighten up! This is a very nice house.

Remy: Yes, it's a great house for somebody else.

Felicia: And med school is a bad idea?

Remy: It's not for me. I'm not Mel.

Felicia: I know that. But at least she appreciates the things that your father and I have done for her.

Remy: No. No, she just loves you too much to say it. We're not students. They get to move on and graduate, but... we're stuck.

Felicia: Remy! I have so much work to do.

Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. First of all, you look beautiful today. No, I mean it. Gorgeous, I'm melting. And everything I said about your grandfather, I was kidding.

Lizzie: Oh, you were kidding?

Bill: Yes!

Lizzie: I think you were half-kidding. You think that as long as my granddad is sick, he'll have all my attention. It'll be the perfect opportunity for you to steal all the shareholders.

Bill: Okay, I hear you, I get it. But let me ask you a question. How is that different from what you did to me in New York?

Lizzie: Are you really asking me that question?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Lizzie: Okay, let me explain this to you again. What I did, I did for us. I did it to bring us together. What you are doing is trying to take something from me. Every time I feel close to you, this happens again!

Bill: This is crazy. You know what we need to do?

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Call a truce. Okay? We've got to just... take a breather, love one another, understand one another... maybe be a little more realistic on what our roles should be when it comes to the business.

Lizzie: Oh, and by "realistic," you mean giving you everything you want while completely ignoring anything that I want.

Bill: Okay, okay. I'm trying to be reasonable with you.

Lizzie: Oh, really?

Bill: Okay, yes! And you're just messing it up!

Lizzie: Oh! I'm sorry. Keeping what belongs to me and my family is messing things up for you. Wow! I'm so sorry!

Bill: Oh, okay.

Lizzie: I've got to go.

Bill: All right, yeah, me too.

Lizzie: Great.

Bill: Okay, great.

Lizzie: Mom, is he awake?

Beth: Uh, no. The stuff that they gave him finally kicked in.

Lizzie: Oh.

Beth: Where's Bill?

Lizzie: Oh, Bill is out using Granddad's condition to his advantage.

Beth: What? Is this the same guy that practically saved Alan's life in New York?

Lizzie: Yeah, I don't know. I guess I don't really know who he is. Um... I'm on my way to a meeting.

Beth: With whom?

Lizzie: Some consultant. I have no idea what their name is, I lost my planner. So I've got to go, but call me if anything happens.

Beth: Okay.

Lizzie: Okay.

Grady: So?

Dinah: So... she's not in there, either.

Grady: This job's a big waste of time.

Dinah: (Sighs) I wonder if something happened at the hospital with Alan.

Grady: Well, that's a good thing, right? If Lizzie's taking care of her family, Bill takes over the whole company.

Dinah: No, that's the worst thing that could ever happen.

Grady: Hey, get out of here.

Dinah: Hey, get to work.

Trey: Don't move!

Mallet: Put the gun down.

Marina: No one has to get hurt, Trey.

Mallet: If you do it right now, you can walk away with no jail time.

Marina: And we'll help you.

Trey: Stop talking to me like I'm some dumb kid!

Daisy: Guys, he's not buying any of this, okay? Will you just go?

Marina: Daisy, please stop...

Trey: I said, don't move!

Daisy: I can... I can handle this...

Marina: No, you can't.

Trey: Shut up! Just everyone, just shut up! Ah! Ah! Ow!

Daisy: I told you I could handle this.

Felicia: Hello, there.

Mel: Hey, Mom!

Felicia: How's my lovely daughter?

Mel: Come sit, join me. What's wrong?

Felicia: Oh! Are you a doctor or a lawyer today?

Mel: I'm a doctor. I'm on break. Why?

Felicia: Oh, it's this whole thing with your father and the house and your brother. You don't want it either?

Mel: Well...

Felicia: Oh, don't be a good daughter. Just tell the truth. Your brother already told me you're not having it.

Mel: Well, he and I pretty much agree on this one. Mom, look, I love you, you know that. And so does Remy, okay? But you guys got to back off and let him live his own life, you know? Make his own decisions...

Felicia: Even if they're the wrong ones?

Mel: Yes! Especially if they're the wrong ones.

Felicia: Who's the mother? (Laughs) Okay, I can do it. If I can just get your father to stop before he does any more damage...

Mel: Well, you're the only one he listens to, so...

Felicia: All right. I'll give him a call right now.

Frank: Wow, wow, wow! The help just keeps getting more and more beautiful every day...

Beth: I yelled, but nobody came out, so I helped myself.

Frank: (Laughs)

Coop: Well, I'll tell you, why don't you have a seat and I will take care of that for you, all right? I'll bring it to you.

Beth: Afraid that I'm going to spill it? Is that it?

Coop: No, no, no, no.

Frank: No, Beth, actually, Coop needs as much interaction with a beautiful woman as possible, you know...

Coop: Just stop, Frank...

Frank: He's not going to have very many free days now, since he's going back to school.

Beth: Oh, yeah. Studying and teaching... that must take up all your time.

Coop: Yes, well, pretty much.

Frank: Uh, speaking of school... I heard that you're taking law classes now? Is that right?

Beth: Yes.

Frank: Good for you.

Beth: Yes, I am, yeah, thanks. It's a whole new world for me, although I may have to drop a class or two, depending on how Alan is doing.

Frank: Aw, well that's... that's a shame.

Beth: Yeah. I mean, I know I could pick it back up again, I'm just a little bit afraid of losing my momentum. Truth be told, though, Alan would probably be relieved if I quit.

Frank: Well, you know, no offense, but I would think that he would want as many lawyers in the family as possible.

Beth: Ding, ding, ding! Thank you very much, that's what I told him! But he said-- let's see, how did he put that?-- That I could work at Spaulding/Lewis if I wanted to keep myself busy.

Coop: Yeah, well, I think that's your decision and not his.

Beth: Thank you, thank you. It's nice to talk to a couple of supportive males. Why... why are you two single? Why would that be?

Frank: Oh, we Cooper’s, we kind of rotate our happiness, and right now, well, Dad's...

Coop: Dad's having a great time with your mom, so...

Beth: Oh, I just... I love seeing them together. They are so cute!

Frank: They are cute, yeah.

Beth: Okay, well, um... I have to get going. I have to meet another student at the library to get her notes, and then I have to get back to Alan, so... oh, Coop, I meant to tell you, James loves your class.

Coop: Oh, well thank you very much for telling me. James is, um... he's kind of quiet, so it's hard to tell sometimes.

Frank: Hey, Beth, let us know how Alan's doing, okay?

Beth: I will. Thanks.

Frank: Yeah, see ya. Why the hell is she with Alan?

Coop: Who knows?

Frank: Whoa, wait a minute. Did they remarry?

Coop: Frank, don't do it.

Frank: What are you talking about? Did you see her? She's smoking hot, man!

Coop: This baffles me, all right? Actually, this is quite humorous... (laughs)

Frank: What?

Coop: Every pretty female that walks in here, do you think to yourself, "Hmm, I wonder why she's not with me"? Is that how this works?

Frank: Well, pretty much, yeah. What about you?

Coop: Frank, I have no time!

Frank: Why... (phone rings) hang on one second. Uh, Cooper here. What?

Bill: This is the men's room.

Dinah: Oh, I know that, but you won't see me at the office or the house.

Bill: Okey-dokey. I've got two minutes.

Dinah: Well, I was at Cedar's today, and I heard some rumors about Alan.

Bill: Yes, you must be ecstatic. Your business partner is alive.

Dinah: Oh, silly me! Now, I thought you were going to be happy about this. Lizzie is completely absorbed with him, right? So if you could find a person to tip off the shareholders, it might turn the company tide in your favor while your hands stay clean. But you don't have a person like that, do you? No.

She's got a little story, little story...

Grady: Hey.

Lizzie: Oh! Some poor guy must be lying naked in an alley somewhere.

Grady: I got a job.

Lizzie: Really? Temping as a hostess? I don't need a table.

Grady: You forget. We did business together once before. You hired me.

Lizzie: I paid you off. That's different.

Grady: So how is Alan?

Lizzie: Please do not speak to me.

Grady: I'm really worried about you...

Lizzie: Don't you touch me! Ever!

Grady: We've got a lot in common.

Lizzie: Really? (Sighs)

Grady: I like dogs.

Lizzie: Hmm.

Grady: You like dogs.

Lizzie: I like my dog.

Grady: We're both thirsty, hmm? Would you like a drink?

Lizzie: Are you trying to be like Cyrus, or something?

Grady: Do you want a drink, or not?

Lizzie: Not. I'm meeting someone here.

Grady: Yeah, well, they're not coming.

Lizzie: How would you know that?

Grady: Because whoever it would be would be here by now. No one would keep a beautiful woman like you waiting.

Lizzie: Did Cyrus give you that line, too? Because it's pathetic.

Lizzie: What is your problem?

Grady: I just want to get to know you.

Lizzie: Why?

Grady: Because you're hot.

Lizzie: Because I'm hot? Is that your idea of a compliment?

Grady: And your hair smells nice. Let me get you a drink.

Lizzie: Okay, let me make this really clear to you. You make my skin crawl.

Grady: I read somewhere that hate is the other side of love.

Lizzie: You can read! Good! Read my lips: You... me... never... ever!

Grady: (Sighs) Hey, turn that up!

...When miss Lemay was taken hostage by the gunman.

Police credit the drug dealer's

capture to her quick thinking.

Frank: How could you let this happen?

Marina: We didn't... we didn't let anything happen.

Frank: You let your own cousin be bait in a drug bust?

Marina: That is not what happened! Uh, Daisy, do you want to chime in here?

Frank: Okay, wait. You know, if Harley finds out about this...

Marina: Oh, Dad, relax!

Mallet: It was Daisy's idea, okay?

Daisy: Great!

Frank: Exactly what did you do?

Daisy: Okay, okay. Before you jump all over me...

Marina: Actually, she got the guy. I mean, we've been trying to bust him for months, and she did it.

Mallet: Yeah, she did it. I mean, of course, she needs some training...

Marina: Of course.

Mallet: But with direct supervision...

Marina: And we can provide that...

Mallet: Yeah, I... you know what, Frank? She'd be an asset to the department.

Frank: What do you have on them?

Daisy: Pictures.

Mallet: Frank, seriously, she did good. We mean it.

Marina: What was that thing that you used on that guy again?

Daisy: It was a... a really sharp key.

Marina: Yeah, Dad, we need to get these keys department issue.

Daisy: It's one of a kind.

The heart reveals its seeds

when the truth cannot be told

words are hard to find when

I'm talking to you

if you look inside in July

do you keep me in mind

keep me in mind

won't you keep me in mind...

Clayton: Hey.

Remy: (Laughs)

Bill: Okay, if I want to leak something to the press, I will find a way.

Dinah: Okay.

Bill: My own way. Two minutes are up.

Dinah: Yeah. You know why you won't take over her half of the company?

Bill: Why don't you tell me?

Dinah: Because you love her, and I've seen it. You'll get this close to pulling it off, and that will be what stops you. As long as you are in love with Lizzie, you won't have it in you to do what it takes to get it done.

Bill: Excuse me.

Dinah: If I know it, so does Lizzie.

Bill: (Sighs) Hi, are you busy? I need you.

Daisy: Okay. So I'm going to fill out this form and I'll leave it on Jeffrey's desk. Look, I know you don't like what I did.

Frank: I, uh... I don't. But you did a good job.

Daisy: Thanks. And you know, if it gets Doris to notice that this youth crime force thing is working, then maybe she'll schedule Rafe a hearing.

Frank: Hmm. Well, she already did.

Daisy: What?

Frank: Yeah.

Daisy: Oh, my God, this is great. Natalia must be so thrilled. And thank you, for everything you did to help him, you know?

Frank: You're welcome, honey. So I guess your Uncle Frank's not so bad after all, huh?

Daisy: Never thought you were.

Frank: Well, word is that Doris Wolfe was pushing for a hearing all along, so I guess you didn't have to start your crime campaign after all. Unless that was something you enjoyed doing. Oh, you're just like your mother! God help us all! (Laughs) Anyway, I am so proud of you. You did a good job. And don't do anything else until you get the proper training.

Daisy: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Frank: All right.

Daisy: What are you doing here?

Grady: Parking ticket.

Daisy: Oh, uh... well, my Uncle Frank is upstairs, so...

Grady: You were on TV, like all over the news. Something about a drug bust. I mean, you're everywhere. Are you okay?

Daisy: Yeah, it was this guy I know, Trey. I knew he was dealing. He was more scared than I was.

Grady: Well, how did you get out of it?

Daisy: Mallet and Marina were there, and I don't know, it's kind of a new thing I'm doing to stop youth crime.

Grady: What do you know about that?

Daisy: Uh, well, I don't know. I spent some time in juvie, and, oh, I was in this fake-hostage situation that my then boyfriend called in. That was great practice, so it was something I had to do to get Rafe a hearing, and it worked.

Grady: So now you're going to bust bad guys like me, huh?

Cop: Don't move.

Grady: I'm Grady.

Trey: Trey.

Grady: Let me tell you something, Trey. We clear?

Mallet: All right.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: That looks good. One for you... drug busts make me hungry. Are you going to have some?

Marina: I... I don't know. I'm not really hungry. So all that stuff that you said before... about how you love me?

Mallet: Wow. Um... oh, yeah. Yeah.

Marina: Yeah, was that just... it was just like a line to throw that guy off?

Mallet: Uh... which part again?

Marina: Mallet!

Mallet: What? (Laughs)

Marina: When you said you loved me!

Mallet: Oh! Yes! Oh, yes. That part. I'll never tell.

Marina: (Scoffs)

Remy: Whoa, whoa! Whoever he is, he must be a real jerk!

Clayton: He's me. And I am.

Remy: Huh.

Clayton: What?

Remy: I... I didn't say anything.

Clayton: All right, I admit it. I can be demanding, I can be controlling. You know, you pick the participle, you know?

Remy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You whipping out the SAT words now?

Clayton: I know, you're not my student, but you know? I can school you on one thing, and that is... Ava was the best thing that ever happened to you, man. You know that? She put you right on the right path. And Max... could have been your compass, man. But you lost them. Both of them, too soon. Don't lose yourself in this, okay?

Remy: Yeah, I've been there and done that.

Clayton: Yeah. Just don't do it again. All right? If not for you, man, for your mother's sake. I don't know. I don't know where life's going to take you, man. I don't know the path you're on. But just stay on it, okay? Your mother wants us to back off. Says that we ought to let you make your own choices.

Remy: What do you think?

Clayton: The jury's still out.

Bill: Hey, where were you?

Lizzie: Out.

Bill: Business meeting?

Lizzie: They didn't show.

Bill: Oh!

Lizzie: Any change?

Bill: Rick just went in to check on him.

Lizzie: Oh, thanks.

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: You know, I looked online...

Bill: Hmm?

Lizzie: Nothing about my granddad on there anywhere.

Bill: No?

Lizzie: Uh-uh.

Bill: Wait a minute. Did you really think that I was going to leak that information?

Lizzie: Well, don't tell me you weren't tempted...

Bill: Hmm. Company first. Our company.

Lizzie: Okay. Let's go home.

Bill: You can keep the coffee. I actually am waiting for Susie.

Lizzie: (Laughs) Oh!

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Whatever!

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Susie, your hot physical therapist? Come on, okay? I know you were just using her to make me jealous.

Bill: Well... mm-hmm.

Lizzie: How is your knee?

Bill: Works fantastically. Look at that.

Lizzie: Good, good.

Bill: I'll be on the dance floor in no time. Hey! Okay, well listen, will you text me if anything changes with Alan? Okay, just text me if you need anything, anything at all. But look at you, you look great.

Susie: Thanks.

Bill: Yes.

Susie: Where are we off to?

Bill: The Old Mill Inn. You know it?

Susie: No.

Bill: All right, then, let's go. I'll introduce you.

Susie: Okay.

Bill: Take care.

Marina: (Clears throat)

Mallet: Ah! Will you get your own chip? There's a whole basket of them.

Marina: If you love me, then say it to my face.

Mallet: I was facing death. I can't be held responsible for something that might have... popped out.

Marina: It didn't just "pop out." It was like a whole declaration.

Mallet: You know, my favorite declaration is the one about independence. "We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men are created equal."

Marina: Yes, and most women are created superior! Just like I'm your superior. And I can assign you to patrol the men's bathroom at the bus station for the rest of your life.

Mallet: I put myself between you and a bullet. What else do you want from me, woman?

Marina: Why can't you just say it?

Mallet: I did! I love... I... (laughs) I love... beer! Another pitcher over here, please, thank you.

Marina: You are so paying!

Mallet: Tell me something I don't know.

(Phone rings)

Daisy: Hey, Ash. You saw, huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I swear. I wasn't even scared. Okay, maybe I was a little bit scared. But, you know, it worked. Well, I mean, your mom came through with the hearing for Rafe, so... yeah, you should have seen Grady's face. Oh, yeah, no, he was at the, uh... police station. Parking ticket or something. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so over him.

Dinah: Okay, we need to talk about business hours. We need to talk about picking up your phone during business hours, okay? I'm at the hospital, there's no sign of Bill, there's no sign of Lizzie... I don't like this, okay? Please call me back so we can talk about project breakup.

Grady: What the hell? Is this on everywhere I go? Turn it off!

I left California at the right time...

Lizzie: Oh, excuse me, did my appointment ever... never mind.

You finally missed me

hanging around...

Lizzie: You can buy me that drink, now.

So look because I don't

need you...

Susie: What happened to the Old Mill Inn?

Bill: Change of plans. We're staying here. A little dinner... a little massage...

Susie: I'm off duty.

Bill: Oh, yes, you are.

Susie: (Laughs)

Bill: It's your turn. So why don't you go get a little more comfortable?

Susie: I only have what I'm wearing.

Bill: Well, whatever. Just go and take it off. She's going to be here any minute.

Susie: Who? Wait...

Bill: The cook.

Susie: Oh! (Laughs)

Bill: (Laughing) The cook is going to be here any minute. Wait 'til you try her tortellini-- amazing.

Susie: Ooh!

Bill: Yeah, yeah. Okay, take your time. Take your time. Game on, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Game on.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: I'd like to hire you.

Grady: For what?

Lizzie: It's like a game between me and my boyfriend. Are you in or are you out?

Grady: I'm in.

Dinah: She's been spotted at Towers with a certain hot Aussie.

Bill: Clearly an attempt to make me jealous. It's not going to work.

Dinah: Oh, whatever.

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