GL Transcript Thursday 9/25/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/25/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Natalia: If I don't take the job, then I can't pay for Rafe’s lawyer.

Frank: Work here.

Natalia: Olivia got us a really great lawyer, everyone says that he's the best. I had no idea how expensive you are.

Russo: I'm sure we can work out an arrangement that would satisfy the both of us.

Doris: While overall crime is down in our city, there are increasing number of teenaged criminals who have become violent. One of the most recent examples happened right here in one of our Springfield courtrooms.

Natalia: Oh, no.

Doris: This young man, Mr. Raphael Rivera-- a man with a record-- walked into a Springfield courtroom and shot District Attorney Jeffrey O’Neill, and fled the country. Now, while he is in custody, it is time that a line be drawn in the sand. Zero tolerance and maximum punishment is what's called for for Mr. Rivera and other teenaged criminals just like him, regardless of their age. And I'm here today to announce the formation of a special taskforce devoted solely to youth crime.

(Telephone rings)

Russo: Natalia? It's Vince... Vince Russo. Are you watching TV? The mayor is going to hang your son out to dry. I can help you. You know my terms. It's up to you.

I've sung a million songs...

Olivia: That's nice. I like your choice of colors.

Emma: Can we send this to Ava?

Olivia: I think that she would like that. Now how about you go try to use the bathroom before we go, huh?

Emma: Okay, Mommy.

Olivia: Okay.

Buzz: Hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Buzz: I talked to Frank, and um... Ava’s not coming back to town?

Olivia: No. No, she has to do what is best for her, you know? I understand that.

Buzz: That's got to hurt.

Olivia: Things change.

Buzz: Oh, congratulations... about the job.

Olivia: (Laughing) How do you know about that?

Buzz: Well, Denver, the head guy...

Olivia: Denver? Decker! (Laughs)

Buzz: Decker. Decker. He comes in when he's in Springfield to have breakfast, and we chat, so...

Olivia: Well, I turned him down. I have better things to do.

Buzz: Like, uh... coloring?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm very good at it. Like, I can stay within the lines and everything.

Buzz: Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, you know, he... the way he described the job... I mean, the guy's the corporate face of Galaxy hotels. Power breakfasts and lunches-- it sounded like you.

Olivia: Well... I... what happened with Ava, it just taught me a few things. There's more to life than power lunches.

Emma: I washed my hands.

Olivia: Good girl. Are you ready to go to the park? Excellent. Let's see... we'll get you back there...

Natalia: Olivia, I was just looking for you, actually.

Emma: We're going to the park. Do you want to come?

Natalia: Oh, next time, sweetie, I promise. This is for you.

Olivia: Thank you. What is this?

Natalia: It's just another $50 for Vince Russo.

Olivia: I told you, there is no rush to pay me back.

Natalia: I know. But you paid his retainer, and the sooner I pay you back, the sooner I won't owe him.

Olivia: Is there a problem?

Natalia: No. I want to pay my debts, that's all. And I'm working at Company and I'm working at the hospital, and I'm working at the Beacon, so I shouldn't fall too far behind. There's just a few more.

Olivia: Em, we need bread crumbs for the ducks. You want to grab some from Buzz and go get me some?

Natalia: Just take it, please.

Olivia: First you tell me what is really going on.

Daisy: Hey.

Ashlee: Hey.

Daisy: Thanks, this is really important to me.

Ashlee: Yeah, that's what you said. What's up?

Daisy: Okay. Well, Rafe’s in jail because of me. I owe him.

Ashlee: Yeah, but you weren't the one that called the police.

Daisy: Right. Grady did-- because of me.

Ashlee: Right. But I thought you were done with Grady.

Daisy: I am, but that doesn't help Rafe.

Ashlee: Oh, come on. Hi.

Doris: Hi! Did you see me on TV this morning? How was I?

Ashlee: Excellent. Amazing. My favorite. The camera loves you.

Daisy: Ditto.

Doris: All righty. Two compliments in less than one minute. The reason?

Ashlee: Ah, why don’t... why don't we have lunch, like the three of us?

Daisy: That is a great idea, because I was just telling Ashlee, I actually have a solution to your problem.

Doris: I wasn't really aware that I had a problem.

Daisy: Uh, yeah. Your speech, youth crime? I have the perfect solution.

Doris: And that would be?

Daisy: Me.

Marina: I'm just saying.

Mallet: Yeah, you're just saying, but it's a bad idea.

Marina: Harley wants to sell the house. Clayton Boudreau wants to buy the house. To me, it's a no-brainer.

Mallet: Clayton's a waste of time because he's never really ever going to buy the house.

Marina: He made us an offer!

Mallet: Mel and Remy don't want to live here, which means the deal is going to fall through. You explain all of that to Harley. Because I'm not! I'm not going to explain it.

Marina: How am I supposed to take you seriously when you have paint all over your face?

Mallet: I don't have paint on my face.

Marina: Yes, you do.

This house is coming


Mallet: That's helpful. Why don't we keep the paint on the wall?

Marina: (Scoffs) What, you can't take a joke? Oh, you wouldn't!

Mallet: Oh, I so would.

Marina: You just remember I'm your superior officer.

Mallet: Well, I'm not on duty.

Marina: Oh, we are always on duty.

Mallet: Oh... oh! Really? Guts. The question is, does she have the guts?

Marina: I've done it before. Don't think I won't do it again.

Mallet: Bring it on! Bring it on. Huh, you going to do it? You gonna...

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: Oh! I get it, you're wasting time. You're doing all of this on purpose.

Marina: What? Why would I do something like that?

Mallet: Because we should be painting, and we're not painting. You don't want to sell the house.

Marina: Are you kidding me? I'm the one sitting here saying, "Let's sell, sell, sell!"

Mallet: No, no, I don't think you do because you're trying to sell it to Clayton, who is never really going to buy the house. You're smart. You're smart. Because it looks like you're doing what Harley is asking, but the house is never really going to sell. Whew, slick. Good one.

Marina: Wow. Wow! Why would I do something like that, because I just love painting so much? Just keep painting?

Mallet: I think you're attached to the house. It's part of your family. You've spent a lot of holidays here. I think it's kind of cute that you're a sentimental sap.

Marina: (Laughs) Whoa! Look who's talking! Why don't you pull the trigger, Mr. Big guy? You're the one sitting around here crying, "Oh, Mel and Remy, they'll hate living here."

Mallet: Oh, I'm going to... I'm going to pull the trigger, yeah.

Marina: Oh, yeah?

Mallet: Yeah.

Marina: Oh, yeah? Why don't you pull the trigger?

Mallet: I dare you.

Marina: Why don't you? I double dog dare you!

Mallet: I double dog dare... (phone rings)

Marina: Oh, oh, how convenient! Saved by the phone.

Mallet: It's not my phone. It's the clock. It's a clock. It's an alarm clock. It means I'm back on duty. Yeah, I've got to go to work and I can't be late. It's not good being late, so I'd better go. Oh! Could you clean the brushes for me? Thank you. Thank you so much for cleaning the brushes. I've got to go.

Daisy: Well, what do you think?

Doris: I think that that's all this town needs, another cop from the Cooper family.

Daisy: Who said cop?

Doris: Well, you just said you wanted to be part of the youth taskforce.

Daisy: Yeah, as like a go-between the D.A.'s office. You know, someone who knows the hangouts, the lingo. I'd be, like, a translator.

Doris: Oh, I see, like a cop, just cooler.

Ashlee: You know, yesterday, Daisy was here and there was a bunch of guys with drugs and fake IDs, and totally helped to bust them.

Daisy: Yeah, because I'm young, I knew what to say, and they could trust me. And I thought, what if this wasn't a one-time thing? Who knows the teenaged mind better than a teenager?

Doris: Especially one with a rap sheet. (Laughs)

Daisy: You know... exactly. Exactly. Yes. I knew what to say to this fake I.D. guy because I used to make fake IDs.

Doris: Hmm. Well, it is an interesting twist.

Daisy: What is?

Doris: Well, using a criminally-inclined youth, such as yourself, to catch other teenaged criminals.

Ashlee: Wait. You like this idea?

Doris: Yeah. I mean, I could hold you up as an example. A juvenile delinquent that I have rehabilitated.

Daisy: Yeah, sure, if it makes you happy.

Doris: You are way too agreeable to this. What's in it for you?

Ashlee: Yeah, what's in it for you?

Daisy: Just one thing. It's tiny.

Doris: I'm not letting your boyfriend out.

Daisy: Uh, Rafe is not my boyfriend. I'm not asking for a pardon, just a trial, okay? His mom can't afford the legal fees, and he feels stuck. He needs something to feel hopeful about.

Doris: Deal.

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: Seriously, you'll... you'll move Rafe’s trial up?

Doris: Yeah. You bring me something-- something press-worthy-- we'll go to trial.

Natalia: Well, what do you think is going on? The mayor wants to hold my son up as the poster child for teen crime, and I have to keep paying the attorney you hired.

Olivia: Why don't you give him the $50 then?

Natalia: Well, he wants more than that. He's worth it, right? You said he was the best?

Olivia: Yeah, he is.

Natalia: Okay, then I'll make it work. I'm not going to let my son rot in prison because I'm not rich.

Olivia: Why don't you let me talk to Russo and get his thinking?

Natalia: I know his thinking. Let me handle it. Okay? It's not your problem.

Olivia: Natalia...

Emma: What's that?

Olivia: Natalia's trying to get a mortgage.

Emma: A what?

Olivia: Honey, never mind. It's not our problem. You all right? Let's go. This way. (Laughs)

Marina: What's this?

Mallet: Hey. A list of possible cops for your taskforce.

Marina: My taskforce? I didn't even know about my taskforce until Doris Wolfe just made that speech.

Mallet: Ah, executive privilege.

Marina: Executive dog poop. You know, Doris gets to make all of these promises, and I have to follow behind her with a broom.

Mallet: That's why I'm helping you out. So, I'm thinking Keagan, I'm thinking Doyle, possibly Jimmy Bennett.

Marina: You know, if you want to be a detective again, that's fine.

Mallet: Uh, no, I don’t.

Marina: Then stop acting like one.

Mallet: Oh, I get it. Is this about the paint brushes? Is this about the fact I didn't clean mine? It's about the paint brushes, isn't it?

Marina: This is not about the paint brushes. This is about that huge stack of citizen complaint files.

Mallet: Are you kidding me? You're kidding me, right?

Marina: Oh, no. No, no, no. They need to be answered, every last one of them.

Mallet: Ho, ho, ho! This is so about the brushes.

Marina: I guess you'll never know.

Daisy: (Sighs) Okay. I am ready to go. Where do you want me?

Marina: Wherever Jeffrey O’Neill told you to go.

Daisy: Oh, no. Didn't Doris Wolfe call you?

Marina: No. No. Is she supposed to?

Daisy: Yeah. The... the taskforce. Doris hired me to help you out.

Marina: What?

Daisy: Yeah. It's great. We'll be working together. You'll be the enforcer, and I'll... I'll be the guide, like your official connection with the kids in the street.

Marina: (Laughs) Over my dead body... and yours.

Ashlee: So why did you say yes to Daisy before?

Doris: Well... well... you know, I think I've gotten all of the mileage I can get out of Rafael Rivera. I mean, especially if this thing goes to trial, knowing that Jeffrey O’Neill is on his side. I mean, besides, with those puppy dog brown eyes of his, he's bound to tilt the public opinion in his favor.

Ashlee: Yeah, but I thought you wanted to make an example out of him.

Doris: Hmm. I did, but you know what? I want what the public wants. And if Daisy can do what she says she can do, then they'll be plenty more teenaged thugs to persecute.

Ashlee: But what if she can't do what she says she's going to do?

Doris: Then I know nothing about this.

Ashlee: Yeah, of course. What? What? Do I have ranch on my face?

Doris: No.

Ashlee: No? (Laughs) Well, then, why are you looking at me like that?

Doris: Because, um... you know I'm not good at this.

Ashlee: No, you're not. I have no idea what you're talking about. (Laughs)

Doris: I'm just trying to tell you that... I was wrong.

Ashlee: Wow! Wow, that feels so good! (Laughs) It feels so good that it doesn't matter that I have no idea what you're talking about, still.

Doris: I'm talking about the surgery. I mean, I... I know that you know I was against it.

Ashlee: Yeah, well, you... you said that I didn't need it.

Doris: What I really felt is that I felt that it wasn't going to work.

Ashlee: Oh.

Doris: I mean, you know, it's one thing to rubber band your stomach, but it's another to completely change who you are. And I just... I didn't know if you were up to that. If you could do it, if you could stick with it. But, you know, before I noticed that Daisy had a burger and fries, and I had, you know, chicken and potatoes, and you got a salad. And I... I just want you to know that I noticed, and that, uh... you do look... you really do look great. And I was wrong.

Make it all stand still

no more sad songs tonight...

Olivia: You know what, Em? I don't know where those ducks are, but if they find out that we fed the fish and they didn't get any of these bread crumbs, they're going to come after us. Okay? They're crazy!

Emma: Natalia's sad.

Olivia: Yes, she is.

Emma: Why?

Olivia: Well, because her son is in trouble, and she needs money to help him, and she doesn't have it. So she feels powerless. Hey, it's a good thing to remember, you know? You have to be in charge of your own life. If you have to rely on other people for help, it's just not fun.

Emma: You got help.

Olivia: Yeah? I did? When?

Emma: When you were sick.

Olivia: Hey, I'm not sick anymore.

Emma: I'm glad.

Olivia: Me, too. You know what? We really don't need anyone to remind us of that, do we? I'll be right back.

Natalia: Hi, Buzz.

Buzz: Wow! Did I forget to mention about the dress code, because we don't have one, you know?

Natalia: I know. Well, this was for the bank. I wanted to look professional.

Buzz: And you're smiling?

Natalia: Yes, because I finally have something to smile about.

Buzz: Yeah?

Natalia: I qualified for a home equity loan.

Buzz: On the cottage that Gus gave you?

Natalia: Uh-huh.

Buzz: Yeah?

Natalia: Can you believe it? I mean, the bank didn't even mind that I had three jobs. They said I was a perfect candidate. A good risk. They actually said that about me.

Buzz: Do you mind if I look?

Natalia: Go ahead.

Buzz: Wow, excuse me.

Natalia: This is good, huh? I've never qualified for a loan before.

Buzz: Yeah, for the bank.

Natalia: What do you mean?

Buzz: Uh... I mean, if you sign this, you might as well kiss your house good-bye.

Natalia: No, wait. The bank didn't say anything about foreclosing.

Buzz: Well, yeah, that's because it scares people. But it's there. It's right there in the print... the very tiny print. The original, you know, interest rate is great, but you know, it's adjustable, so in a year it could double. And then, you know, there's this balloon payment in five years, and it's big. So if you don't make that, they take the house.

Natalia: The cottage? The one thing I have left of Gus? (Sighs)

Buzz: Is this to pay for Rafe’s lawyer?

Natalia: Yeah.

Buzz: Well, talk to the guy. He can make arrangements. Well, if he doesn't, look, I'll make you an advance.

Natalia: An advance of a whole year's salary? No. You know what? I'll just... I'll have to... don't worry about me. I'll figure something out.

Olivia: So, what do you want to do next?

Emma: Swings!

Olivia: Swing! Okay.

Decker: Fancy meeting you here.

Olivia: Mr. Decker. Don't tell me you've been tracking me down, because I have a very important meeting on the swings.

Decker: No. Just saying hello. And, please, Lawrence.

Olivia: Lawrence.

Decker: I'm in Springfield until I finalize my other deal.

Olivia: Another hotel chain?

Decker: No. A partnership with Elizabeth Spaulding and Bill Lewis.

Olivia: Oh.

Decker: You don't like them?

Olivia: Well, let's just say I'm the former Mrs. Lewis.

Decker: Ooh!

Olivia: And Lizzie used to be my... never mind. It's personal. It's not business. Although, I wouldn't trust them if you paid me.

Decker: I'll remember that.

Emma: Can we go on the swings now?

Olivia: Yeah. Sure. Go on over. I'll be right there, okay?

Decker: She's adorable. I can see now why you turned me down. Being a spokeswoman for a chain of hotels can't compare with that. Hmm. Well, enjoy your swings.

Olivia: Lawrence? Some women can handle both. My daughter thinks I'm one of them.

Daisy: You say no, and that's the end of it?

Marina: Pretty much.

Daisy: The Mayor okayed it.

Marina: Okay, the Mayor is not in charge here, okay? This is my taskforce. I'm in charge, and my taskforce requires qualified professionals.

Daisy: I just... I can't win with you.

Marina: What is that supposed to mean?

Daisy: You're a bad as Harley. I... I do everything you say, and it's still not good enough.

Marina: Everything I say?

Daisy: You told me to dump Grady, and I did.

Marina: You did not do that because of me.

Daisy: And I finally... I find a way to help Rafe-- a legal way-- and it's still not good enough.

Marina: Daisy, honey, if you want to join the Police Academy, that is great. You go right over there, and you pick up one of those applications, you go get your training, and you come back in a year and see me.

Daisy: I don't want to be a cop. I just want... I want to help Rafe.

Marina: You're going to have to find another way, kiddo.

Daisy: (Scoffs) Yeah, okay. See this guy? How come you haven't arrested him yet? You know everything? How come you haven't arrested him?

Marina: You went through my files?

Daisy: I know this guy. We took Biology together.

Marina: And that somehow qualifies you to be on my taskforce?

Daisy: It’s... not the fact that we took Biology! The fact that I know him.

Marina: No!

Mallet: Did she forget to rinse off her paint brush, too?

Marina: (Sighs) She has no training, whatsoever. And I'm just supposed to put her on my taskforce? She is just like Harley! She is completely impulsive, and she thinks she can just do whatever she wants whenever she wants and screw everyone else.

Mallet: Are we still talking about Daisy?

Marina: Who else would I be talking about?

Mallet: Harley deciding to stay in Greece, deciding to sell the house?

Marina: This is not about the house! Don't you have complaints to still file?

Mallet: Okay, listen... just... calm down, take a breather. Take a deep breath. Just calm down.

Marina: I mean, I... I am not even her mother. She lives with me, but so what? I can't ground her.

Mallet: Okay, you're not breathing. Okay, breathe. Breathe. Thank you.

Marina: Thank you.

Mallet: Okay. Now, let me say something, but let me finish it, okay? I just want to get this out, okay? While we're breathing-- just keep breathing, okay-- Daisy's idea is a little unorthodox, granted. I get that. I understand that. But maybe, just maybe, we should encourage her.

Marina: Come on!

Mallet: Ah, you said it yourself, Daisy is kind of like Harley.

Marina: And Reva. She thinks she is always right. She is so stubborn!

Mallet: Which means she is going to do whatever she wants anyway, right? However, without the benefit of backup. So I'm thinking, this is my idea-- just think about it, while we're still breathing, okay-- why don't you let her be a part of your taskforce, okay? Because you... because you get to call the shots, you get to monitor her, you get to keep her out of trouble, okay? And you get to-- most important-- you get to protect her. It is an idea. Just give it a thought.

Marina: You know, for a beat cop, you come up with a good idea every once in a while.

Ashlee: You will not believe what just happened.

Daisy: Did somebody just crush your dream?

Ashlee: No. Okay. My mother...

Daisy: Doris?

Ashlee: Doris. She... I can hardly believe it. She complimented me. And then, that's not all. She apologized... for being wrong.

Daisy: Doris Wolfe?

Ashlee: Yes, I know! (Laughs) But, I mean, maybe she was just giddy from your idea. Although, you should know that she doesn't actually care about you or Rafe. It's mostly has to do with her looking good and being popular.

Daisy: Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Marina totally shot it down. Can you believe that? That's just what I need. I need another mother, yeah. Now how am I supposed to help Rafe?

Buzz: What's it about Rafe?

Daisy: Well, I had a plan to help him, Grandpa, but Marina ruined it.

Buzz: Well, that's too bad.

Daisy: Uh, yeah, you think?

Buzz: Well, I mean, Natalia’s a wreck about this.

Daisy: I know. That's why it is so important to get his trial moved up.

Buzz: Yeah. Maybe I should talk to Marina.

Daisy: Wait. What’s... what's going on? Something else happened?

Buzz: Well, it's Natalia. She... apparently Rafe was roughed up while he was in custody.

Daisy: How bad?

Buzz: Well, he said he could handle it. But that's a son talking to his mother, so... come on.

Ashlee: Wait. Where are you going?

Natalia: Yes. My name is Natalia Rivera. I'm trying to leave a message for the loan officer, Mr. Brian Clamp? Yes. Could you please let him know that I'm no longer interested in the home equity loan? No, no, that's okay. I'm... I'm exploring other options. Okay, thank you. Good-bye. (Knock on the door) You all right? You okay?

Daisy: How is Rafe?

Natalia: What do you mean?

Daisy: Well, my Grandpa said that he got hurt... someone in prison hurt him.

Natalia: Do you want to come in and sit down?

Daisy: Is it really bad?

Natalia: No... he's okay, I think. But I'm not sure, and that's the hard part.

Daisy: I'm sorry.

Natalia: You didn't make this happen.

Daisy: I... I made it all happen. And I can't believe how much pain I've caused.

Natalia: You didn't make Rafe shoot Jeffrey O’Neill. I mean, that's the reason why he is in jail.

Daisy: Yeah, but I am the reason why you guys came to Springfield in the first place.

Natalia: Okay. This has nothing to do with that.

Daisy: Yes, it does. You guys came to Springfield because of me. And then, you know, right off the bat, Rafe gets in trouble, and he winds up in juvie.

Natalia: Because of a choice that he made.

Daisy: Right. But then, you know, he meets me in juvie, and five minutes later, you know how that ends, I'm pregnant and having an abortion.

Natalia: Daisy...

Daisy: Well, yeah, but then, you know, okay, so Rafe meets Gus-- his father-- they're just getting to know each other, and then he loses Gus, and then he shoots Jeffrey to protect Gus' memory. It's all so messed up. And it all started with me. Maybe... maybe Rafe never should have met Gus, you know? Maybe it would have been better if I just never got involved.

Natalia: Don't say that.

Daisy: But it's really, really true.

Natalia: You know, things didn't really work out the way I wanted them to, either. But the one thing that I am really happy about is that Rafe got to meet his father, and that he knew that his father loved him. I will never be sorry about that. And you should be glad that you're the one that brought them together.

Daisy: So I did something good, but I was trying to do something not so good.

Natalia: Yeah. Like I said, things don't always turn out the way you want them to, good or bad. I should know. It just happened to me again today.

Daisy: What do you mean?

Natalia: I had to go to meet at the bank. I was meeting with some loan officers at the bank. I was trying to get some money together to get a really good lawyer for Rafe, and it all fell apart, as usual.

Daisy: I'll help.

Natalia: (Laughs) I don't want your money, Daisy.

Daisy: That's a good thing-- I don't have any money. No, but I... I want to help Rafe any way I can.

Natalia: Thank you.

Daisy: You're welcome.

Natalia: I really do appreciate that. After everything that we've been through, you actually have turned out to be a really good friend to my son.

Daisy: I care about him.

Natalia: I know. Me, too. So much... and it just seems like I keep failing him at every turn.

Daisy: No, no. You're... I know Rafe doesn't think that. You are a very good mom.

Natalia: Thanks. That was the one thing that I always felt okay about, you know?

Daisy: Well, you should. It's true. I wish...

Natalia: What?

Daisy: I just miss both my moms. My adoptive mom died when I was little, and, um... well, Harley, and you know that story, so...

Natalia: I'm sorry, Daisy. I'm so sorry. I know you haven't had it easy, either.

Daisy: It's okay. I'm... I'm okay. So if you see Rafe, tell him that I said hello, that I'm thinking about him.

Natalia: I will.

Daisy: Talking to you has helped me make a decision.

Natalia: What's that?

Daisy: That I'm going to go out into the world and just try to do something good for a change.

Natalia: Good for you.

Daisy: No matter what my family says.

Natalia: Daisy...

Daisy: It... don't worry about me. I... I know exactly what I have to do. Bye, Natalia.

Natalia: Bye. And I know exactly what I have to do.

Decker: I'm not saying that I'm not interested.

Olivia: But you've hired someone else?

Decker: No. But it's a big campaign. A lot of money, lots of people. Once you sign on, there is no backing out.

Olivia: I don't break my commitments.

Decker: Well, what about your daughter? You said she came first?

Olivia: She does. But that means more than taking her to the park. I have this... I know someone, a single mother, like myself, and she has a boy that she doesn't have the means to take care of. And I want to be able to relax with my kids, but I also want to be a role model.

Decker: Well, that's quite a pitch. I might have to use some of that in your campaign.

Olivia: Well, okay then. If I sign on, I have another daughter. She's an adult, and she is very interested in the hotel business. I would want her to be a part of the deal.

Decker: See, this is why you were my first choice. I do have to say, though, I've learned some more about you since I've been in town. People talk.

Olivia: And what have you heard? That I'm a bitch?

Decker: No.

Olivia: No? Oh? Never mind.

Decker: No. I heard you had a heart transplant.

Olivia: I'll put it to you like this. If you're concerned about my health, I have an eight-year-old daughter, and I can more than keep up with her. Any other questions?

Decker: Yeah. When can you start?

How are we waiting on a...

Natalia: I don't know what to do, Nicky. I have to help our son. I know I do, but every choice seems like the wrong one.

(Telephone rings)

Natalia: I should go guess I should get out of this old house...

Natalia: Hello?

Rafe: Ma.

Natalia: Rafe?

Operator: You have one minute remaining.

Natalia: Rafe, what is that?

Rafe: Ma, they time the calls. So we gotta talk quick.

Natalia: Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you in a fight? Did you get in a fight?

Rafe: No, Ma, I'm fine. I'm just... I'm worried about you.

Natalia: Me? Don't worry about me.

Rafe: Yeah, well, I've got a bad feeling, so I know something is going on.

Natalia: I'm fi...

Operator: 30 seconds.

Rafe: Wait. What? I couldn't hear...

Natalia: I said I'm fine.

Rafe: Look, Ma, I can hear it in your voice. I know something's wrong. What's going on?

Natalia: Nothing, Rafe.

Rafe: Would you tell me?

Natalia: I'm just tired. I'm working a lot of shifts, you know? How about you? What's going on with you?

Operator: Ten seconds.

Natalia: Are you eating?

Rafe: Yeah, Ma, of course I'm eating, three meals a day, remember?

Operator: Five seconds.

Natalia: Rafe, hang on, okay? You hang on because I'm going to get you out. (Dial tone) No matter what it takes.

Mallet: I thought we were playing the best out of five.

Marina: Oh, please! You only came up with that rule after you lost.

Buzz: Marina? Hey. Did Daisy find you?

Marina: No. We're just taking a break... from everything.

Mallet: Yeah, she's a little tense.

Marina: You know, getting Harley’s house ready to sell, and now this whole taskforce thing. And Daisy. Oh, I think that we have a buyer for Harley’s house.

Buzz: What about Daisy?

Marina: Yeah, I'm on top of it. I know. I think that we found something that she'll like and that I can live with.

Mallet: It's a win-win for everybody.

Something moving in...

Emma: You're gonna be in magazines?

Olivia: I am. I'm going to be the spokeswoman for Mr. Decker's hotels.

Emma: Cool!

Olivia: Yeah. I'm going to have to travel, though. You're going to stay with Jane. Is that okay?

Emma: That's okay, Mommy.

Olivia: You sure about that?

Emma: You've got the power now.

Olivia: Yeah, I do.

Emma: Are you okay, Mommy?

Olivia: Yes, I'm just excited about all my power.

Emma: Maybe you can give some to Natalia.

Olivia: (Laughs) Come on in the other room.

Just wait and see

a better day will come for me

calling it easy

they wanted to control me

shoving and molding me

I couldn't take conversations please

when I walked into that let down

the secret started to break down

my chest was tired

I wouldn't release

they couldn't catch me running

in that speech because

I'm good for you

just wait and see

a better day will come for me

calling it easy...

May I help you?

Natalia: Yes. I'm Natalia Rivera. Can you please tell Mr. Russo I'm here to see him?

Calling it easy...

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: You're talking to the new face of Galaxy hotels.

Russo: I'm with a client.

It's Natalia Rivera.

Russo: I wish all of my clients were so compliant.

Buzz: Are you okay? Hey, are you doing all right?

Natalia: I'm okay, Buzz.

Buzz: How many times has this happened to you?

Natalia: I...

Buzz: You need to go to the hospital.

Russo: You're very beautiful, you know.

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