GL Transcript Wednesday 9/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: This is the deal Bill's been lusting after. And me, I have a street thug who reads comics!

Grady: Something came to me-- a job. Biggest score you ever made.

Cyrus: We should both be in prison, but we got a second chance.

Grady: Just stay the hell away from me.

Dinah: Still interested in making some money?

Grady: Always.

Dinah: You're going to break up Lizzie and Bill.

Cassie: He is going to find the equipment you stole from him!

Cyrus: Shh. I'm thinking.

Cassie: Really? Why start now?

Cyrus: Or would you rather he blast his stupid movies all night?

Cassie: How could you do this to me? He's going to call the police, you're going to go to jail, and I'm going to be nailed as an accessory.

Cyrus: That's not going to happen.

Cassie: Really? Okay, great. What's your plan?

Cyrus: Well, if you'll just give me a sec, I'll come up with something.

Cassie: Help! I'm being robbed!

Remy: I hope they liked the bear. (Laughs) Think they liked it?

Mel: I don't know. I wasn't in the room.

Remy: I think they liked it.

Mel: Well, who wouldn't like a bear in a wrestling outfit?

Remy: I mean, you know, babies don't notice stuff like that, right? They don't notice that kind of stuff.

Mel: I can't believe they named the baby after you. Baby Remy? (Laughs)

Remy: What?

Mel: You look happy. I mean, as close to happy as I've seen you in a while.

Remy: Yeah. Delivering that baby, it's... it's why I do the job, you know?

Mel: Yeah, and it didn't hurt that Mom saw you do it.

Remy: It's no big deal.

Mel: Oh, please! You're such a liar! I know how it feels to be patted on the back by Mom and Dad.

Remy: All right, it was nice for a change. But I'm not getting used to it.

Mel: Yeah, well, you've got to get used to a whole new kind of pressure now.

Remy: What's that supposed to mean?

Mel: Dad. He's on a new mission. He wants you to go to med school.

Remy: Oh, no!

Mel: Oh, yes. (Laughs) Oh, yes. (Laughter)

Mallet: Yeah, so let me just go change and then we'll head over to the hardware store.

Marina: Are you ready for some hardcore sanding?

Mallet: Yeah. I mean, I just had my nails done, so I'm a little worried about what it'll do to them.

Marina: You think she's hacking into the Defense Department's mainframe?

Mallet: Wouldn't surprise me.

Daisy: You know I can hear you.

Marina: So what are you doing?

Daisy: I told you about the job Jeffrey offered me?

Mallet: Well, a little tip. D.A.'s office, you know, it's that away.

Daisy: Thanks.

Marina: So what are you researching for him?

Daisy: Uh... I don't know. Just research, you know? General stuff.

Mallet: General stuff. Grady Foley. Just general stuff.

Marina: Research. Right.

You're making me want to just lose my head...

Dinah: No.

Grady: All it takes is a can of gasoline and a match.

Dinah: (Sighs) Subtle!

Grady: Huh. We'll teach your brother a lesson.

Dinah: There are Rembrandts in that house, Chinese porcelain and Flemish tapestries.

Grady: So?

Dinah: So no violence. I told you, all you have to do is get between Lizzie and Bill.

Grady: Get between them.

Dinah: Yes. Break them up, turn them against one another. Make Bill see he can't trust her.

Grady: Because he can only trust you.

Dinah: Ah! Who said you weren't smart?

Grady: You. You called me a street thug.

Dinah: You know what? With some spit and polish, you could shine up real nice. We're going to take care of that real soon.

Grady: Just tell me what the gig is and I'll do it.

Dinah: You're going to get Lizzie into bed.

Grady: Nail the rich girl-- that's the job.

Dinah: (Laughs) That is, if you're not too hung up on Daisy.

Grady: Well, Lizzie's not my biggest fan. Her and Tammy Winslow were friends, so it's going to be pretty difficult making her forget what I did.

Dinah: I bet you can do it.

Grady: Yeah. Yeah, I can.

Dinah: Yes, you can. Excellent. Let's go.

Grady: So you think this is going to make Lizzie forget who I am?

Dinah: Maybe. Can't hurt.

Grady: I mean, just because she's rich doesn't mean she's going to like what every other rich girl likes, huh? Oy, mate! I'm not your type.

Dinah: Uh, uh, uh, uh. He's just measuring your inseam.

Grady: You watch it, all right?

Dinah: You know, let's take a break. Would you mind giving us a moment? Thank you. What are you doing? Will you snap out of it? I need you to focus on Lizzie. I need you to focus on Lizzie.

Grady: Oh, relax. It'll be a breeze. She's an easy mark.

Dinah: (Laughing) Do you think every woman wants you?

Grady: Well, not everyone.

Dinah: Well, I thought you'd put Daisy in the rearview mirror.

Grady: I'm talking about you.

Dinah: Look, I'm not saying that a refined woman cannot fall for the rough-and-tumble type. I actually think it has a certain allure.

Grady: So you're saying you're refined?

Dinah: I'm talking about Lizzie. She's running half a corporation now, so she can't be seen with a guy in a ratty, old t-shirt and ripped jeans.

Grady: But me in a suit is acceptable? I'm still me.

Dinah: You in a suit... is more than acceptable.

Marina: What am I looking at?

Daisy: It's Grady's rap sheet.

Marina: Oh, did you forget? Because, see, some of us around here have this whole thing memorized. So if you need any help being reminded...

Daisy: No, it's just...

Marina: What? You miss him... you want him back.

Daisy: No, it just... it helps me remember.

Marina: Remember? My dad said that you were defending him the other day.

Daisy: Yeah, that wasn't... look, okay, I know I made the right decision, but that doesn't mean that it's always easy or that, you know, I don't sometimes think about...

Mallet: What do you think about?

Daisy: I have to go. I'm meeting Ashlee.

Marina: Do you need to see this again? Maybe you should take it with you.

Daisy: No.

Marina: You buying?

Mallet: Selling.

Remy: Let me guess... Springfield U. Medical School.

Mel: Yep.

Remy: Mm-hmm. One baby, Mel. I deliver one baby, and, okay, yes, it did make me feel good, because I couldn't save my own little guy. But medicine is not my calling.

Mel: How do you know that?

Remy: Not you, too.

Mel: Look, Rem, EMT is... is a good beginning.

Remy: I'm a damn good medical tech.

Mel: Yes, you are. I'll give you that, okay? But your take-home pay...

Remy: I'm fine.

Mel: You are not fine. I've seen the way you live, and you are not fine. (Sighs) Okay. Why don't we go get something to eat, all right? Are you hungry?

Remy: No. No, this is serious, Mel. He's... he's been comparing us our whole lives, and now you too?

Mel: You could go to law school.

Remy: Look, time out. I am going to Harley's. I'm going to help Marina work on the house.

Mel: Oh, what are you going to do?

Remy: We're going to paint.

Mel: Great. I'll bring my own brush. I'm coming. (Phone rings)

Remy: You can't use your makeup brush, Mel!

Mel: It's Dad. Hey, Dad. Yeah, I'm working on it. But right now we're going over to Harley's house to help the Cooper’s paint. Yeah, they're selling the house. What? No, no. I think that we have all the help that we need. Okay. All right, Dad. Bye. You owe me. He wanted to come.

Remy: He's stalking me!

Mel: Let's go paint.

Cyrus: What are you doing?

Cassie: Go in the barn and get rid of the stuff.

Cyrus: While you distract Harris?

Cassie: He gets it.

Cyrus: Sure you've never done this before?

Cassie: Help! Please, somebody help! I think I'm being robbed!

Harris: Cassie?

Cassie: Oh, Harris, I'm so glad you're here. I... I think somebody's breaking into the house. I... I came home, the door's wide open. I didn't go in yet, because I think it's got to be the guy who stole your equipment.

Harris: Did you call the police?

Cassie: No, I didn't call the police. By the time they get here he could be gone. Please, would you please just go check it out for me?

Harris: No way. We have to call the cops.

Cassie: Please, please, please? Would you please just look? Thanks.

With a little bit of luck and a little bit of lovin'

come on, come on, it's time to shine...

Cassie: What... why... why are you stopping?

Harris: I need some kind of weapon. I'm going to grab something from the barn.

Cassie: No, uh, no. No, don't... don't go in the barn.

Harris: Who... who the hell are you?

With a little bit of luck and a little bit of lovin'...

Harris: Look, I asked you a question. Who are you?

Cyrus: Who am I? Who the hell are you? I work for Ms. Winslow.

Harris: He does?

Cassie: Well, yeah. Of course, he does. That's... that's... that's why he's in my barn.

Harris: Is that right?

Cyrus: Yeah. I could help out at your place if you've got stuff that needs doing.

Cassie: No. No, you couldn't. No. I want you right here. I want you right here with me. Only me.

Cyrus: Okay, Miss Winslow.

Harris: You two don't fool me at all. Your secret's safe with me. You've got something going on with your workman.

Suitable... wondering, she's singing in her sleep...

Mallet: (Groaning) I've almost got it. (Grunts)

Marina: Are you ready?

Mallet: Hold on, hold on. Hold on. Almost got it. Yes! Yes! Yes! This looks good. All right, all right. T minus five, four, three, two, one... oh!

Marina: (Laughing) You need to work on your sanding!

Mallet: You need to work on your slide. That's what needs work. You didn't wait for my count. Mmm. You jumped the gun.

(Knocking on door)

Remy: Well, that makes... wrong house!

Marina: Hey, guys.

Mallet: Hey. Hi.

Marina: We were just, um... I... we... I wanted... I wanted to slide across the floor.

Mel: Uh-huh.

Marina: You know.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Marina: Like Tom Cruise.

Mel: Right.

Marina: Only, um... not... without... not the underwear part. And then we were going to paint. We've got lots of stuff, gorgeous, gorgeous colors, and tape. And I... I think we should probably... we could tape the house.

Mallet: Or you could just stop now.

Marina: (Laughing) Thanks.

Mallet: So what's going on, guys?

Mel: Well, we came to help.

Remy: Uh-huh. You almost had my dad, too, but we lost him, thank God.

Mallet: You're going to help?

Mel: Yeah.

Mallet: You're going to paint?

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Mel: Absolutely.

Mallet: Cool. Let's paint.

Mel: Let's do it.

Marina: Let's paint. You can help me with the cloth.

Mel: Okay.

Mallet: Yeah, we'll get this stuff going.

Mel: Okay. So I thought you guys put this house on the market already.

Mallet: Well, we did, but then we kind of realized it wasn't really ready to sell.

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I just... I want the house to go quickly.

Mel: It's a great house.

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, it is. You know, it meant a lot to... to Harley and Gus and, I mean, the whole family.

(Phone rings)

Mel: Sorry. Hold on. Hi, Dad. Yeah. Yeah, we're painting. How much? I have no idea. Why? What? (Laughs) Okay, Dad, I don't think that's a... okay, Dad. You know what? I'm going to talk to you a little bit later, okay? I've got to go. Bye. That was Dad. He wants to buy the house.

Remy: They love their house.

Mel: Yeah. Not for them. For us. You and me, so that I can help you with your studies when you go to medical school.

Marina: Wow!

It was only for the night

it was only for the night...

Ashlee: Okay, if it takes you this long, you obviously have too many clothes.

Daisy: Or I don't have enough clothes. Maybe that's the problem.

Ashlee: Okay, let me see. Let me see. What's that?

Daisy: Um... it's a... nothing. Good luck charm.

Ashlee: Oh, well, good luck charm. It’s very weird looking. What's it mean?

Daisy: Nothing.

Ashlee: Okay, well, then, where... where did you get it?

Daisy: It doesn't matter.

Ashlee: Well... oh, from Grady. Right.

Daisy: Okay, yes, all right? But it doesn't mean anything.

Ashlee: Well, then, why don't you get rid of it?

Daisy: I don't know. Habit. What's with all the questions? Stop it.

Ashlee: When did he give it to you?

Daisy: I don't know. The first time we met.

Ashlee: Oh, crap!

Daisy: Look, okay, it's not like that. Can we focus? I have nothing to wear. Problem.

Ashlee: Um... why are you still letting this guy get to you?

Daisy: Oh, don't worry, okay? I know who he is.

Ashlee: Yeah, I know who he is, too. He's the reason why Rafe was arrested.

Daisy: Yeah. I said I know.

Ashlee: Oh, okay. You know what? I'm just... I'm just tired of this whole mopey scene. Let's go out. You're wearing this gorgeous... bootylicious... come on.

Daisy: Okay. Can I have my key back, please?

Ashlee: No. No. Well, we shall see.

Dinah: Eight, nine, ten, 11, 20.

He suffers from a socially acceptable addiction

black coffee no sugar no cream

he's reading Dostoyevsky and he's learning French

said he's going expatriate with all his friends

since Bush won the election

and he spent his teen years drinking

while his parents paid the tab

because he's so hip, he's so hip, he's so hip, he's so hip...

Dinah: (Whistles)

Grady: Did anybody ever tell you that's rude?

Dinah: (Clapping) I am appreciating my creation.

Grady: Your creation?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I feel like Dr. Frankenstein, if he was one of those "do’s and don't" kind of fashion guys.

Grady: What?

Dinah: Yeah. Never mind. You look fantastic! (Laughs)

Grady: Well, to tell you the truth, the suit's a little tight, and this is really choking me.

Dinah: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That's supposed to be that way. It's called style.

Grady: Hmm. I have style.

Dinah: No, you don't. You have attitude. You have attitude.

Grady: Can't keep your hands off me, huh?

Dinah: Lizzie is going to be upstairs in one hour. You go a little early so she doesn't think you're following her.

Grady: Money for a drink?

Dinah: Now, if you want some practice, hit on the ritziest, best-dressed woman in the restaurant, see what you can do. The minute Lizzie gets there, I want you on that.

Grady: All systems go.

Dinah: Okay. Just don't push it. No need to rush.

All the girls love that man

he's so hip, he's so hip, he's

so hip, he's so hip...

he's so hip, he's so hip, he's

so hip, he's so hip, he's so...

he's so hip, he's so hip, he's

so hip, he's so hip, he's

he's so hip, he's so hip, he's

so hip, he's so hip, he's so...

Cyrus: Hey, it's not what you think.

Harris: Right.

Cyrus: Her divorce isn't even finalized.

Harris: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: I just... work here.

Cassie: Gentlemen, have we forgotten that there could still be a burglar inside my house?

Cyrus: What?

Cassie: Yeah, I came home and the door was wide open.

Cyrus: Oh, no, no, no. That was me.

Harris: You?

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm sorry, Ms. Winslow. I... I needed to wash my hands, and I... I used the spare key.

Cassie: That's okay. You just... you just scared me.

Cyrus: Oh, I'm really sorry.

Cassie: Well, uh, then, I guess if you still want to use the tractor...

Cyrus: Um, actually I was just about to use it, so...

Harris: That's okay. I'll borrow it later.

Cyrus: Oh, thanks. That's kind of you.

Harris: No problem. Well, since everything here seems back to normal, I guess I'll go.

Cassie: Okay. Well, thank you again. I really appreciate it.

Harris: Bye.

Cyrus: Bye.

Cassie: Well, that was a quick save.

Cyrus: I didn't do anything. He just jumped right to it.

Cassie: Well, he's totally clueless.

Cyrus: We should get rid of that stuff.

Cassie: Yeah, we should. I told the hospital we'd be there by now.

Mallet: That's good, right? Thank you. Oh, hey!

Dinah: Hi.

Mallet: Hi.

Dinah: (Laughs) Your turn to buy at the station?

Mallet: Actually, a bunch of us are working on Harley's house today.

Dinah: Oh. Any buyers?

Mallet: Hmm? In this market?

Dinah: Oh, that's a no.

Mallet: That's a no. I guess we're kind of waiting for the right offer, for the right amount.

Dinah: Well, that makes sense.

Mallet: Yeah. Actually, truth is, I kind of like being there.

Dinah: Well, it's... it's good to have a project.

Mallet: It is. Projects are good. How about you? You working on a project?

Dinah: Uh... I am, actually, yes.

Mallet: Anything you're going to tell me about the project?

Dinah: Not yet. Not yet, no. But I think it's going to be very successful.

Mallet: Good. Good for you. You were always happiest when you were working to get something.

Dinah: Yes, yes. It's just when I get it, is when the problems begin.

Mallet: You make life too hard on yourself. You know that, right? Keep it simple.

Dinah: Yeah, I'll try.

Mallet: Okay. I'm going to get this coffee to everybody at the house before I have a mutiny on my hands.

Dinah: (Laughs) Okay.

Mallet: Good luck with your project.

Dinah: Yours, too.

Mallet: See you.

Dinah: Okay. Bye.

The fire's in the sky and the ice caps are melting down...

Ashlee: Keep walking.

Grady: Ashlee. Daisy.

Daisy: Nice suit.

Grady: Thanks.

Daisy: Is it new?

Grady: What, this old thing?

Ashlee: You got a court date or something?

Grady: No, I got a job.

Ashlee: Who'd hire you?

Grady: Someone who sees potential. You like it?

Daisy: It looks...

Grady: Sharp?

Dinah: ...Like someone else, not you.

(Phone rings)

Grady: Hello?

Dinah: Did Lizzie show up?

Grady: Not yet.

Dinah: Damn it! She must have canceled her appointment.

Grady: It's still a little early.

Ashlee: Is that your boss?

Grady: Yeah, she's just checking in.

Daisy: "She?" Your boss is a she?

Dinah: Who's that with you? Is that Daisy?

Grady: Maybe.

Dinah: Grady, this job is first. Whatever feelings you have are only going to get in the way.

Grady: I understand.

Dinah: No, I don't think you do understand. I don't care if you think this girl's the love of your life. It's never going to work. You know that as well as I do. So you need to give up your silly ideas about true love. This job is what's in front of you. Nothing else.

Grady: Why don't you tell me what this is really about?

Dinah: Meet me back at my place.

Grady: Well, maybe I'm not ready to go yet.

Dinah: Now!

Grady: Hey, where are you guys going?

Ashlee: It's ladies' night.

Daisy: Good luck with your job.

Ashlee: Oh, if it is a job.

Grady: You think what you want.

Ashlee: Okay, I will. Goodbye, Grady.

Grady: Daisy...

Daisy: Goodbye, Grady.

Ashlee: Okay, it's time for us to get our drink on! Okay, do you want, like, a beer or a Cosmo or something?

Daisy: Huh?

Ashlee: Um, you're going to be a lot of fun tonight, aren't you? Okay, look... just go after him, okay? But get this out of your system. Daisy, wait for me! I'm coming!

Cassie: That was actually kind of fun.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Cassie: My favorite part was the kid with the red hair.

Cyrus: With the jaw that wouldn't close?

Cassie: Exactly. It was as if we were bringing in the crown jewels or something.

Cyrus: I've had that expression after a few jobs I've pulled.

Cassie: Well, but this wasn't... this wasn't a job.

Cyrus: It wasn't?

Cassie: No, it wasn't. It was... this was taking something from a guy who didn't deserve it and giving it to some kids who really do.

Cyrus: Wow, that's... that's Robin Hood logic. That's something I've used my whole career. Very good.

Cassie: I am not a thief.

Cyrus: Nobody said you were.

Cassie: This was an act of generosity.

Cyrus: Yeah, of course it was.

Cassie: Harris has insurance, and... and it was something that made me feel kind of good.

Cyrus: Yeah, me, too. It's very satisfying.

Cassie: Yes.

Cyrus: And exciting.

Cassie: Okay, I know where you're going with this.

Cyrus: Come on, Cassie. Admit it.

Cassie: There is nothing to admit.

Cyrus: You're feeling a little high off of what we did today.

Cassie: I'm feeling a little good about giving a great gift to some kids.

Cyrus: You're feeling a little good about scamming your weasley neighbor and getting away with it. (Laughs) When you spin a lie like that and it works, it's a feeling of power. You know, when you control a person, have them right in the palm of your hand, and just turn them whichever way you want...

Cassie: That may be you, but that's not me.

Cyrus: Okay. Sorry.

Cassie: Yeah, you should be. (Sighs) Okay, well, R.J.'s going to be home, and I need to start cooking his dinner.

Cyrus: Okay. I'll just clean up my stuff off the floor, then I'll be going.

Cassie: Okay, sounds good.

Cyrus: Cassie? You were pretty good today. Very cool under pressure.

You take, take, take what you want

and just leave me

get up and leave me alone

just wait, wait, wait till the dark

she'll make, make, make me want

to just lose my head...

Mallet: So is Clayton Boudreau serious?

Marina: He hasn't even seen the house.

Mallet: Hmm. Might be okay.

Remy: Mel and I haven't lived together since high school.

Mel: I can just hear him now-- "Melisande, you could use a man in the house. And Remy, your sister can help you with your studies."

Remy: What studies? I'm not going to medical school!

Mel: You are so spoiled!

Remy: Shut up!

Marina: (Laughing) Don't worry about it. Come on, it's just a whim. He'll totally get over it.

Remy: Uh-huh. Sure he will.

Mallet: Are you going to eat or paint?

Remy: I'm on break. Carbing up, dude.

Grady: Did you guys follow me here?

Daisy: What? No.

Ashlee: No.

Grady: Then what are you doing here?

Ashlee: Daisy lives here with Marina, remember?

Daisy: What, are you here visiting your boss?

Grady: Look, Daisy, there's something I really want to tell you. Basically...

Dinah: (Laughing)

Ashlee: Wow, some job.

Dinah: Whoo!

Ashlee: Come on, let's... let's just go. You saw what you needed to see, okay? Come on.

Daisy: Okay, yeah, let's go out.

Dinah: Whoo!

Grady: What was that?

Dinah: (Laughing) You can thank me later.

Grady: For what?

Dinah: Well, I heard you with Daisy, so I decided to put on a show for your sake.

Grady: You should have seen Daisy's face. I didn't ask you to do that.

Dinah: Well, somebody had to. That's the thing with puppy love. You know, it keeps you a puppy. I need a pit bull.

Grady: They're hard to control.

Dinah: No, not really. You just have to throw them a bone every now and then.

Grady: Where's my treat?

Mel: Thanks. Mushrooms and peppers?

Remy: Well, I hate mushrooms, and I hate peppers even more. So how about sausage?

Mel: No. I'm going vegetarian for a month.

Remy: Why?

Mel: Why not?

Remy: (Laughing) You are weird, lady.

Mel: I'm weird? I'm weird? What kind of grown man has a thing against mushrooms?

Remy: I don't know, Mel. How about we consult your medical journals, or how about your law journals?

Mel: Yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

Remy: How about we just do all that?

Mel: Very funny.

Remy: We cannot live together.

Mel: (Laughs) Yeah... not like I need a man in the house. What?

Remy: You know, I wish... I wish that someone else delivered that baby. Life was sweet when Dad thought I had no potential.

Mel: He doesn't think you have no potential. Now, do you think Marina and Mallet will say no to him if... if he makes an offer? Because no one has said no to that man.

Remy: Let's have half mushroom, half sausage.

Mel: Okay, sounds good. You know, Remington, you would have made a good doctor.

Remy: Shut up! Ow!

Mel: You're never going to get me, never! (Laughing) My gosh! Sorry.

Remy: Sorry.

Come on, come on, it's time

to shine...

Marina: Why don't we just call Harley, let her decide?

Mallet: No, we're not going to call Harley, because she trusts us to make decisions, to weigh all the facts. That's what she wants us to do.

Marina: What is there to weigh? We've almost got an offer.

Mallet: Yeah, because Clayton wants to buy the house for Remy and Mel, and they don't even want it.

Marina: Well, that's not our problem.

Mallet: Yeah, it will be if he backs out.

Marina: Mallet, it's a down market. Houses sit for months-- years even. I say if he goes through with this, then we do it.

Mallet: Listen, you were the one that said yourself that this is more than just a house, right? That we should get a family...

Marina: I know what I said! I just want this over with.

Mallet: Okay. Let's take it easy.

Marina: I can't do this anymore. I can't... I can't keep saying goodbye to things. I'm going to call Harley, and I'm going to tell her that we are going to take that offer, okay?

Mallet: I think it's a mistake.

Marina: Well, that's not your call to make.

Mallet: Can I at least finish the sanding?

Marina: Thank you for trying to protect me.

Cassie: I need you.

Cyrus: Oh. What needs stealing now?

Cassie: I need you to taste the sauce.

Cyrus: Ah, my world famous taste buds.

Cassie: Wait right there.

A love like mine...

Cyrus: That's a whole meal.

Cassie: Well, you know, I had some extra.

Cyrus: Okay. Here goes. Mmm. Smells good.

Cassie: Tell me if it needs salt.

Cyrus: Mmm. Perfect.

Cassie: Really?

Cyrus: Mmm. Don't change a thing. (Laughs)

Cassie: (Laughs) Thanks.

Cyrus: Thank you. Playing Robin Hood makes you hungry.

Cassie: I was... I was pretty good today, wasn't I?

Cyrus: Like a pro.

Cassie: Just, um... leave the plate by the door when you're done.

In the mean time...

Daisy: You've got a great smile. It brings out your dimples.

Jack: You don't waste much time, do you?

Daisy: What's the point, when something feels right?

Jack: I've got some fun pills in my pocket. Let's get out of here.

Daisy: Let's have a drink first. Do you... you have an I.D., right?

Jack: Of course, I do.

Daisy: Hi. I'm Daisy Lemay. I called before. I work for Jeffrey O'Neill at the D.A.'s office, and I think that guy over there, he has a fake I.D., and I'm pretty sure he has drugs on him, too.

Cop: Concerned citizen, huh?

Daisy: Maybe I just want to win one for the good guys.

Grady: You don't like it rough?

Dinah: No, I like it all kinds of ways. But you're not in charge.

Grady: Says who?

Dinah: The woman who's paying you.

Grady: So... this is going to be a purely business relationship, huh?

Dinah: You have a lot to learn.

Grady: As long as you're the teacher.

Dinah: First lesson... whatever happens in this relationship, you can never, ever let it get in the way of a job.

Grady: And what is going to happen between us?

Dinah: Nothing, until you do what I hired you do to.

Grady: Nail the rich girl.

Dinah: Oh, you're not just going to nail her. You're going to make her scream for more and more so she can walk away from my brother for good.

Grady: And then?

Dinah: Then we're going to talk about a payment plan.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Zero tolerance and maximum punishment is what's called for for Mr. Rivera.

Natalia: You know, I'm not going to let my son rot in prison because I'm not rich.

Emma: What's that?

Olivia: Natalia's trying to get a mortgage.

Frank: You're smiling.

Natalia: I qualified for a home equity loan.

Frank: Well, you mind if I look?

Natalia: Oh, yeah.

Frank: If you sign this, you might as well kiss your house goodbye.

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