Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/23/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: Is he okay? Can we see him?
Rick: We don't know that yet. We have to wait for him to wake up.
Alexandra: We really need you. This whole family needs you.
Rick: Look, the longer this drags on and there's no improvement...
Bill: It's bad news again.
Rick: It's me, Rick Bauer. Can you hear me?
Lizzie: He's back!
Rick: Alan?
Lizzie: Paper? Here.
(Machine beeping)
Alexandra: Whoa. Anything happen?
Beth: Has there been any change?
Lizzie: He wrote me a note.
Alexandra: Well, let's see, what... that's wonderful!
Beth: He's joking.
Alexandra: He has to be.
Beth: Alan? Alan, what's my name?
Alexandra: Alan? Do you know who I am? Alan?
Bill: You know, maybe it's a blessing.
Alexandra: (Scoffs)
Bill: I mean, this way he won't know that he lost everything when he...
Lizzie: Not right now.
Bill: No, I'm just trying to say that maybe, you know, it's going to be fine. Just... just give it time. Give it time.
Alexandra: What?
Beth: Alan.
Alexandra: What are you talking about? How much time.
Beth: Come on, you know my name, Alan. Think...
Alexandra: Alan... just wake up. Would you wake up?
Beth: You know my name.
Bill: Is there brain damage?
Rick: It's too soon to tell right now.
Bill: Is he stable?
Rick: No, I mean, right now his vital signs are excellent.
Beth: Say my name.
Alexandra: Alan?
Bill: As long as he's out of danger.
Alexandra: Alan, hello?
Beth: Say my name.
Alexandra: Alan!
Bill: Lawrence Decker, please. Hey, Larry, it's Bill. Yeah, Bill Lewis. That's right. Hey, uh... great. What's your schedule looking like today? I thought we could meet. Great.
Dinah: Oh... okay.
Grady: So, how can you afford this place? You know, when I was broke, I had to live outside.
Dinah: Well, I still own WSPR. Even though Bill cut me off, it still pays the rent.
Grady: Oh, I could get used to this.
Dinah: Hmm. (Gasps) Oh no! Oh! "Spaulding and Decker together again." Oh, man! This is the deal Bill's been lusting after! Oh, if he gets this... if he gets this, he's going to have it all. He's going to have everything.
Grady: Hmm.
Dinah: And me, what have I got? I have a street thug who reads comics and plays video games all day.
Grady: You wanted a street thug. Thanks to me, you earn points with Bill.
Dinah: Thanks to you, Bill nearly ended up in traction. Okay, you have Pringles all the way down your shirt. And your hair. It's all... everywhere. (Sighs) You need work. You need work.
Grady: I like the way I look.
Dinah: You know what it says to me? "Homeless." (Sighs)
Grady: You don't like it?
Dinah: No.
Grady: Fine. I quit.
Cassie: Hey. Are you building me a new barn?
Cyrus: Well, half the wood inside is rotted, so I'm just going to replace it section by section.
Cassie: Uh, you could be here all year.
Cyrus: Thank you. Okay, well, that stolen stereo... can't we get it out before someone sees it?
Cassie: Otherwise, we'll be sharing a jail cell?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah.
Cyrus: I don't know why that witness changed his mind, but... I don't want to push it.
Cassie: You want your luck to last. I get it. Well, why don't we just hide the thing in the trunk of my car until we're ready to drop it off at the hospital?
Cyrus: And what if you get pulled over?
Cassie: I'll just say I bought a really expensive stereo system.
Cyrus: You don't have a receipt, and the serial numbers are hot. I'm going to put this stuff inside and then we'll come up with something, all right?
Cassie: Okay. All right.
Harris: There you are! Did you hear? I got robbed. State of the art surround sound system... cost thousands of dollars!
Cassie: I hope you had insurance.
Harris: Yeah, but they only want to pay half of what it's worth.
Cassie: Oh. That is terrible.
Harris: Tell me about it. Until they catch this guy, you should lock your doors and windows.
Cassie: Really good advice. Thanks.
Harris: You're welcome to stay at my place for a while if you feel safer. R.J., too, of course.
Cassie: Uh... thank you, that's really sweet, but I'm okay.
Harris: A pretty woman like you all alone? Uh... I would not be too sure of that. It's a wicked world.
Cassie: A wicked, wicked, world. Uh-huh.
Harris: I'll check out the barn, just to be on the safe side.
Cassie: Actually, why don't you check out the crows, because they've been eating all of my plants.
Harris: I worry about you. Now that Josh isn't around anymore...
Cassie: I'm fine. I'm so fine, but thank you for stopping by.
Harris: You have my number in case...
Cassie: I do. Yeah, I have your number.
Harris: Bye, now.
Cassie: Bye.
Cyrus: Wow, he really has the moves. I should learn something from him. (Laughs)
Cassie: You almost had me laughing!
Cyrus: Oh, my God, did I pick the right house! We've got to get that stuff out of there. (Cell phone rings)
Cassie: Yes, we do.
Cyrus: Just hang a second. Sorry. Hello?
Grady: Hey! You milking the cows and feeding the chick-chick-chickens?
Cyrus: Right. I'm at work. What's up?
Grady: So I need to see you. Come 'round to our place.
Cyrus: Why?
Grady: Because I need to talk to you.
Cyrus: Why?
Grady: "Why, why, why?" Just get here and I'll tell you, okay? "Why, why, why?" (Whirring) What a pain in the...
Cyrus: I have to take care of something.
Cassie: What do you... wait, wait, wait...
Cyrus: It can wait.
Bill: Hey ya, Larry.
Decker: Lawrence.
Bill: It's good to see you. How'd your son like the guitar?
Decker: Loved it.
Bill: Great.
Decker: Thanks again.
Bill: Great, great. Now that we have a deal...
Decker: Almost.
Bill: Right, right. Can I get you a drink?
Decker: Sure.
Bill: I'm glad that we're going to have this little one-on-one. I have some concerns... nothing to worry about. It's just, um... Lizzie. She's the best, but sometimes she can be a little flighty. All the hair appointments, nail salon, groomer, shrink... me? Simple guy, one focus, you. Okay? There you go.
Decker: What's this?
Bill: That right there is my direct line, so if you have any questions, you have any concerns, I want you to contact me. I want to be your point man.
Decker: I'm interested in this deal because Elizabeth Spaulding is on board.
Bill: Right. And she's going to be around.
Decker: What does "around" mean?
Bill: She'll be handling the things that... we can't.
Decker: Look. There is no "we" without Lizzie. You gave my son a nice guitar, but she represents the Spaulding name... it's legacy.
Bill: Of course. Of course. (Clears throat) My goodness, you're really pressing me on this one, because if I say something, I'm in trouble, and if I don't, well...
Decker: Do!
Bill: (Sighs) Well, Lizzie's having some... some family issues. You heard that Alan is in the hospital?
Decker: Yes. Brain surgery.
Bill: Yeah, it's touch-and-go.
Decker: I'm so sorry to hear that.
Bill: And Lizzie's having a really hard time with it. She's at the hospital around the clock.
Decker: So all this talk about hair appointments and distractions...
Bill: My lousy attempt at... at really trying to cover for her, but... the truth is, she's having some family problems. She's my partner, and she's a friend and I care about her. So when she's weak, I need to be strong.
(Machine beeping)
Rick: His reflexes are normal.
Alexandra: Alan? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am? Look, I brought you something. It's Cuban, your favorite.
Lizzie: See, I... I brought something for you, too, Granddad. Look! "Spaulding and Decker together again." I did this so you'd be proud of me. See, that's who we are. We're the Spaulding’s. You are Alan Spaulding, and I'm Lizzie Spaulding. Do you remember what that name means? It means power, success. That's who we are. See, you taught me to never take the first offer, and you told me to go after whatever I want, and to never back down, and I didn't! We were really down, but... we're back. Just like you are. I just love you so much, Granddad.
Beth: It's true, Alan. We love you. We all love you. And Peyton and James, too.
Alexandra: We really do love you, Alan.
Lizzie: And you should have seen me, Granddad! I was using the briefcase that you gave me when I was a little girl. You gave me this briefcase, and I was doing everything that you wanted me to do... that you've always wanted me to do. And look... Decker! We got him! Everything is going to be okay. I love you so much.
Rick: Okay, I think that's... that's enough for now.
Lizzie: Hello, it's Lizzie. I'm so glad that you picked up. (Laughs) Call me crazy, but I think that Bill might try to call you and tell you that I'm too busy to close on our deal.
Decker: I'd never call you crazy.
Lizzie: My granddad is still recuperating, but other than that, I'm ready to roll. In fact, I think we should close the deal right now.
Decker: I'm listening...
Lizzie: If we can close by the end of the day, I would be willing to offer your side another 2%.
Decker: I just got another offer 2% higher than yours.
Bill: I'll double it. Four.
Decker: Actually, I'm just sitting with someone who offered me four.
Lizzie: Wait... somebody's after my deal?
Decker: Looks that way.
Lizzie: Uh... four and a half.
Decker: Four and a half.
Bill: Five.
Decker: Just got five.
Lizzie: Six. But that's my final offer.
Bill: Eight, gross. Deal or no deal?
Dinah: No one's going to fire you, don't worry.
Hilda: But your brother said, "Don't let Dinah in, or else."
Dinah: Brothers and sisters fight. Bill loves me very much, deep down.
Hilda: Well, I hope it works out for you and Bill. My brother’s won't even answer the phone anymore when I call.
Dinah: Brother’s are very tricky, you know? I mean, just when you think you're on top of the world together...
Hilda: ...They open their own hardware store and close you out, even though they promised to let you run the feed store, and then you get so mad sometimes that you could just... (laughs) but that's my story. You and Bill are... so different.
Dinah: Well, I hope so. You look great. Oh, I've missed you so much.
Hilda: Oh!
Dinah: I've missed you so much! I've missed our late-night gab sessions, and the way you used to look after my shoes, Hilda. I even miss the way you used to say, "Yes, Miss Dinah."
Hilda: Ah! Yes, Miss Dinah! (Laughter)
Dinah: Oh, um... this is for Bill and Lizzie...
Hilda: Okay.
Dinah: To honor their new venture together, and we could pop it open to celebrate, or they could save it for a romantic moment.
Hilda: Oh, romantic!
Dinah: What?
Hilda: Nothing. I'll chill this, and then maybe we can go out on the patio and have ice cream and paint each other's nails, just like old times?
Dinah: That's perfect.
Hilda: (Giggles)
Dinah: See you out there.
Hilda: Okay! I'll bring the rocky road!
Dinah: Okay. Hmm. My, my, my. Lizzie, this will come in very, very handy. Not a stray pair of boxers anywhere. Huh. Maybe it's not paradise, after all.
Grady: Oh, it's good timing!
Cyrus: So?
Grady: Would you like a beer?
Cyrus: Are you in some kind of trouble?
Grady: I'm about to be... if you're in.
Cyrus: What are you talking about?
Grady: The job.
Cyrus: The job. No, "The job" was in South America. But you blew me off, remember? Said you had a sure thing. What happened?
Grady: I got to thinking, and something came to me.
Cyrus: Right. What came to you?
Grady: A job. Biggest score you ever made.
Cyrus: What job? There is no job, is there?
Grady: Fine! Just more for me.
Grady: See, there's this hot dog stand outside the park, right?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Grady: Every day at 3:00 this armored truck pulls up. Two guys get out, they go order the special. It takes them exactly 22 minutes to eat it.
Cyrus: What, you timed it?
Grady: Once-- but how long can it take for someone to eat a hot dog?
Cyrus: Right.
Grady: Anyway, they park the car off to the side-- by itself, around these trees.
Cyrus: So no one can see it.
Grady: Or us. When you pick the locks, and I hot wire the thing.
Cyrus: And we drive off in the truck?
Grady: It's quick, it's easy, no one gets hurt, and the best part about it is we get to leave this crummy town.
Cyrus: Leave Springfield?
Grady: We can live anywhere we want after this-- Mexico, the Bahamas. I mean, there's nothing here holding us back. Hell, everyone would be glad if we left. They can't wait to see the back of us. Let's do it, huh? You know you want to. You know you're bored with Cassie. You know she's like that old lady who only wants to have children, and you don't want to have children. You want to come out with me and have fun all the time.
Bill: Great. Great, great, great.
Decker: Call Lizzie, tell her we met.
Bill: Well, now that you have my number, you call me if there's any questions, any concerns, okay?
Decker: I will.
Bill: All right.
Decker: Talk to you soon.
Dinah: Mr. Decker... hello. I called your secretary and she told me you'd be here. I'm...
Decker: Dinah Marler.
Dinah: Oh! You know who I am?
Decker: Of course I do. You're an impressive woman. I'm sure you get tired of hearing that.
Dinah: No, no, actually, I never get tired of hearing that.
Decker: (Laughs) Some champagne?
Dinah: Oh, thank you, yes. Um... I have been reading about-- thank you-- the overseas deal that you have going with Bill and Lizzie. And quite honestly, I've been wracking my conscience about what to do, and I have decided to come forward.
Decker: Come forward with what?
Dinah: I love my brother very much. He's smart, he's clever, he's brilliant.
Decker: But?
Dinah: If he has one weakness, it's tiny, little blondes. Lizzie. You know, they pretend to be a... powerful business couple, the perfect merger, but, I tell you, behind closed doors...
Decker: They argue a lot.
Dinah: About everything. And sooner or later, they're just going to...
Decker: Explode.
Dinah: Exactly. Exactly. And when I read about your plans to build in Macau, I thought I should warn you. If only to save my brother from litigation in the future.
Decker: You know, in the past your brother's implied that you were the problem.
Dinah: Really?
Decker: Yes. When I questioned him about the company's reputation, he said it was due to your erratic behavior. That with you out of the way, there wouldn't be a problem.
Dinah: Oh. Mr. Decker, did he tell you that I was shot in the head? Took over Spaulding with what was left of my brain, all on my own, with no help from anyone? You see, I gave Bill everything he has. Did he tell you that?
Decker: No, but what can I say? I like the way Lizzie and Bill work together. They're always trying to one-up each other. You can't buy that kind of energy.
Dinah: Please do not tell me you're going to go through with this.
Decker: Every great business model has turmoil, passion. Kind of like a relationship. You scratch, you claw, and then in the end, you get into bed together.
Dinah: You get into bed with them and you will regret it. I promise you.
Decker: I'm a gambler. Have some champagne.
Dinah: You know, for the record, they're not even sleeping together.
Decker: Well, it's what they do when they're awake.
Dinah: Don't say I didn't warn you.
Decker: I won't.
Lizzie: Hi, just checking in. Where are you?
Bill: I'm right behind you.
Lizzie: (Gasps)
Bill: (Laughs)
Lizzie: They're beautiful!
Bill: Yeah, they are, aren't they? For Alan.
Lizzie: I think you care!
Bill: I do care. A lot.
Lizzie: Where have you been?
Bill: Business meeting. I'll brief you later.
Lizzie: Well, why don't you brief me now? (Cell phone rings) (different cell phone rings)
Bill: Hello?
Lizzie: Hello?
Decker: Lizzie, Bill. Lawrence Decker. I just wanted you both to know how much I love working with you two.
Lizzie: Us two?
Bill: Yeah?
Lizzie: Thank you, we're thrilled!
Bill: Couldn't be happier.
Decker: The energy... the... the passion... ...the profitability. Thanks to our little bidding war, I'm ready to ink the deal tonight... uh, 6%, right, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Um... yeah.
Decker: And Bill... you said eight, gross?
Bill: Yes, I did. (Laughs)
Decker: Eight, gross, it is, then. I can't wait to get you two up on the stage to make the announcement. Congratulations.
Bill: You screwed me.
Lizzie: You're an idiot.
Bill: You... (clears throat)
Cyrus: So, when did you come up with this? Ten minutes ago?
Grady: No.
Cyrus: Five?
Grady: What's wrong with it?
Cyrus: Uh, well, first off, 3:00 is when all the kids get out of school.
Grady: So?
Cyrus: So the place is going to be swarming with potential witnesses. And as for the armored truck parked outside the hot dog stand? Did you ever look inside?
Grady: Yeah, sure.
Cyrus: Right, then you noticed the third guard sitting in the back, who always stays with the truck.
Grady: We could take him.
Cyrus: Yeah, right, good idea. And after we've popped him, then what?
Grady: I... I didn't say we had to kill him.
Cyrus: Oh, but maybe, right, if things go bad?
Grady: You're turning my words against me. I don't want anyone to die, all right?
Cyrus: Calm down! We should both be in prison, but we got a second chance. Let's use it. I don't know why that witness decided not to testify, but maybe it's a sign.
Grady: A sign?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Grady: That witness didn't testify because I threatened to kick his ass.
Cyrus: You threatened him?
Grady: Yeah. I'm your second chance. But don't thank me, we're even. You got me off at trial, I got you out of jail. But for now on, just stay the hell away from me.
Cyrus: (Sighs) What are you doing here?
(Machine beeping)
Beth: Alan, look who I've got. Hmm? I've got your daughter. I've got Peyton, your hope. You want to sit on Daddy? Huh? You want to sit on Daddy? Yeah! Huh? That's what you call her, Alan. You call her your hope for the future. You love her. You know her, Alan. That's your Daddy!
Lizzie: How could you bid against me?
Bill: I didn't know it was you!
Lizzie: Well, what were you doing with Decker?
Bill: Why were you calling him?
Lizzie: To firm up the deal!
Bill: That's what I was doing.
Lizzie: Well, you botched it. 8.5%? Are you kidding me? Why don't you just give him the company? The house? Give him my clothes, too!
Bill: First of all, your clothes would not fit him.
Lizzie: Oh, that's funny.
Bill: Why were you not next to Alan, where you belong?
Lizzie: You tried to cut me out.
Bill: I was negotiating. For us.
Lizzie: Oh, to hell with "us." There is no "us." This partnership is over. I can't trust you.
Bill: You know what? I can't trust you, either. Maybe we should call Decker, cancel the whole deal.
Lizzie: Fine.
Bill: Fine.
Lizzie: Fine.
Bill: Ha, ha! Because we'd have to share a stage!
Lizzie: Yeah.
Bill: Yeah. And I don't think you could handle that.
Lizzie: Really?
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: I have grown up with this stuff my whole life. You are the one that will have trouble... spotlight, power point, investors on their... feet cheering.
Bill: Can you believe it?
Lizzie: Decker!
Dinah: Oh, no, no, no! Don't, don't, don't.
Bill: Macau.
Lizzie: Macau and Decker.
Bill: Say that again?
Lizzie: Macau and Decker.
Dinah: Oh, they need to be stopped.
Lizzie: I cut Decker off at 6%.
Bill: Yes, you did. I closed.
Lizzie: Oh! Two and a half percent higher!
Bill: But, I closed.
Lizzie: Oh, well, I would have.
Bill: Hmm... maybe, shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Lizzie: You know, I knew you were going to go over there.
Bill: See? If you knew, then why did you call?
Lizzie: To stop you from screwing it up!
Bill: Oh!
Lizzie: Which you did!
Bill: (Laughs) See, I screwed up because you started bidding.
Lizzie: No, you started bidding after I made an offer.
Bill: I thought I was bidding against a competitor!
Lizzie: Me!
Bill: You couldn't possibly leave Alan's bed side, because you love him so much, you could not be that competitor!
Lizzie: Don't you dare use love on me.
Bill: I wouldn't dream of it.
Grady: Beer. Whiskey chaser.
Dinah: Is that because you're angry at me?
Grady: No.
Dinah: I'll have one, too, thank you.
Grady: Because of me?
Dinah: My loving brother. Except for my father, he was the one person I could talk to. Trust. Not anymore.
Grady: Join the club.
Cassie: I was just wondering when you're going to get started on the next section of the barn.
Cyrus: You knew I was meeting my brother. You're worried about me.
Cassie: I'm worried about being caught with stolen merchandise. But since you bring it up, I do think you should do like you said and stay away from him.
Cyrus: Why is that?
Cassie: You still haven't let him go his own way, and you go yours.
Cyrus: In other words, you'd miss me.
Cassie: Good help is hard to find these days. That's all. Are you coming?
Alexandra: Where's Peyton?
Beth: (Crying) She's in the... um... companion room, with James and my mom. I don't know, Alex. You know, for a moment, it seemed like he knew her.
Alexandra: Well, we always knew there were risks, you know, but I... I really didn't expect this.
Beth: No. Neither did I. We may just have to accept it. Our Alan may never come back to us.
Alexandra: Alan?
Beth: Alan, what is it?
Alexandra: Alan, darling, we can't hear you.
Alan: El...iz...a...beth.
Lizzie: You aced the deal?
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: (Scoffs)
Bill: I did. So... I'm thinking I should be the chief executive.
Lizzie: No way.
Bill: Just on the Decker account. I'll just be the "go to" guy.
Lizzie: "Go to" hell!
Beth: Lizzie, hurry. Come quick!
Cyrus: Cassie, wait. We can't hide a bunch of stolen stuff in Tammy's room.
Cassie: Why not? We do it for one day just to get it out of the barn.
Cyrus: Well, what if R.J. walks in there?
Cassie: I'll lock the door. (Tractor mower starting) What was that? "Borrowed your tractor again, Harris."
Cyrus: Harris? That's not your neighbor?
Cassie: Yes, my neighbor. The one you stole the sound system from. Oh, my God. He found it!
Dinah: Another drink for my friend, please.
Grady: Your friend, huh?
Dinah: Still interested in making some money?
Grady: Always. Want me to bust up your brother again? I'm sorry. Is there anyone else you'd like me to rough up?
Dinah: No, this job is going to require some other talents of yours.
Grady: Like what?
Dinah: I've put my brother first so many times I can't even remember... but he seems to only see the mistakes that I've made. I'm not perfect. He's not perfect. And I think he needs to stop and start seeing what he's doing to other people.
Grady: Let's torch the house. We'll hit him where it hurts.
Dinah: Close. You're going to start a fire, but not that kind.
Grady: So what are you talking about?
Dinah: You're going to break up Lizzie and Bill.
Rick: So, look, Alan I'm just going to ask you a series of questions, and I want you to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Okay? Can you do that?
Alan: Uh-huh.
Rick: Okay, what's your name?
Alan: Alan... Spaulding.
Alexandra: Yes!
Beth: Very good!
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Bill: Oh, now we're in trouble!
Rick: Okay... what day is it?
Alan: I have no idea.
Beth: Well, he wouldn't know. He was in a coma!
Alexandra: I'm not even sure I know what day it is! (Laughter)
Bill: Well, ask him something he would know, like who screwed him last in business?
Lizzie: Okay, come on!
Rick: Bill!
Bill: I'm just trying to think of something he would remember!
Rick: Everybody, quiet. Just quit helping, okay?
Bill: Okay.
Rick: All right, uh... do you... do you remember your father's name?
Alan: Brandon.
Rick: Good. Your sister's name?
Alan: Which one? Alexandra? Amanda? Victoria?
Alexandra: Oh! He is coming back! He's even remembering the bastard siblings!
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Rick: Do you remember what town you live in?
Alan: Springfield... look, Rick, can we stop with the questions?
Rick: I... I think that's enough for now, I really do. Um... can I talk to the family for a second?
Lizzie: Okay, um... we'll be right outside, okay? We're right outside if you need us.
Alan: Um... would you, uh... I just want you to know... that your free ride is over.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: Help! I'm being robbed!
Cyrus: What are you doing?
Cassie: Go in the barn and get rid of the stuff!
Cyrus: While you distract Harris?
Cassie: Harris, I'm so glad you're here. I think somebody's breaking into the house.
Harris: It's some kind of weapon. I'm going to grab something from the barn.
Cassie: No, don't... don't go in the barn!
Harris: Who the hell are you?
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