Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/19/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously, on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: He's just fixing some things around here. And Cyrus and Grady are two totally different people.
Frank: Yeah? Well, so were Frank and Jesse James.
Cassie: Oh, come on.
Frank: There was a robbery on Glen Avenue, the house right next to Cassie’s.
Cyrus: Oh, that's terrible.
Frank: Cyrus Foley, you are under arrest. I've got an eyewitness that can place you right at the scene of the crime.
Bill: Yeah, well, I paid extra for the physical therapy, okay? The least she can do is show up. I'm sorry? A little late? Try an hour. Well, that would be fantastic. Let's just try to do it in the next century. Okay, great. Thank you.
Lizzie: We should hire more women. They do work twice as hard.
Alexandra: They also live longer and command most of the money.
Lizzie: What is going on? Are you okay?
Bill: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm good, I'm good. Fine.
Lizzie: Here, wait. Let me get it.
Bill: No, I got it, Lizzie. Thank you. Ah.
Lizzie: Okay, look, Bill, stop.
(Shooting sounds)
Grady: Ah! (Shootings sounds)
Dinah: I can't even believe I bought you that game. How long are you going to play with it?
Grady: Until I'm the ultimate avenger.
Dinah: What about avenging Bill, all right? Let's talk about that. I want to work. I want to think of a plan-- hopefully something that does not involve a ski mask.
Grady: Well, what you got? Because I kind of like the ski mask.
Dinah: I don't want you to hurt him physically.
Grady: No, no, no, no! Maximum termination!
Dinah: Or terminate him. I'd like to think of something, just sort of bring him down the way he brought me down. I want to think of something effective, you know? Come up with that. I just don't know which way to go yet.
Grady: So until then?
Dinah: Oh, you want orders? Give me this thing. All right. You're nine men down and you're still on the first planet.
Grady: Yeah, my robot's good.
Dinah: (Laughing) Oh, your robot's malfunctioning. A lot like our partnership. Oh, boy.
Reporter: International jewel thief
Cyrus Foley has been arrested.
This time he's suspected of
vandalizing a local residence.
He was taken into custody
without incident and
transported downtown.
Charges are pending.
Grady: Hey, I was listening to that!
Dinah: Do you really think there's going to be something to top that?
R.J.: What's that?
Cassie: It's nothing. So if we're going to get you to the play date with Brendan, go hiking, we should get moving.
R.J.: You can come if you want to.
Cassie: Oh, thanks, honey. But I have something I have to take care of.
R.J.: What?
Cassie: Just an errand.
R.J.: All right.
Cyrus: How many times do I have to tell you I'm innocent?
Frank: How many times do I have to tell you I don't believe you?
Cyrus: You haven't even asked for my alibi.
Frank: You know what? I don't need one. It's probably a lie anyway. I've got a witness that places you right at the scene of the crime.
Cyrus: Oh, yeah? What witness?
Frank: A witness. Someone who saw you right outside the house, right before $25,000 worth of surround sound equipment was stolen.
Cyrus: So where is it?
Frank: I don't know. You tell me.
Cyrus: Well, have you checked my house, my car?
Frank: Uh, no, I haven't, but thanks for the tip. Now I don't have to do that.
Cyrus: So I'm guilty 'til proven guilty? Is that it? Just get me arraigned, Frank, so I can post bail and get out of here.
Frank: What's the matter with you? You just don't get it, do you? The state just passed a repeat offender law. And if you're ID'd out of this lineup, guess what? It's going to change the rest of your life, because you're going to be looking at, with your record, 30 years to life, no deals. Let's go. So you and your brother were supposed to leave town. What the hell happened?
Cyrus: I got held up.
Frank: Oh. By Cassie Winslow?
Cyrus: No.
Frank: I don't like you spending time with her. She's got enough problems of her own.
Cyrus: Well, maybe I'm not a problem for her.
Frank: You've been a problem ever since you got to this town. You know, you talk a pretty good game, but you know what? You're still the same guy. You're a liar, you're a cheat, and you're a thief.
Cyrus: I wasn't lying to you about leaving, Frank. I was supposed to go to South America.
Frank: Really? Then why didn't you? What is this, payback because Harley left town? Is that what this is? I mean, are you redirecting your anger to everybody that lives here?
Cyrus: Well, that assumes that I actually did this. You think I'd risk everything for some lousy stereo equipment? Why would I lower my standards, ruin my reputation?
Frank: Because you didn't think you'd get caught.
Cyrus: Come on, Frank. You know me. I'm innocent.
Frank: You know what? I do know you. I know you really, really well. And you know what? I can tell by that little look in your eye right now you really are scared. And in the past? In the past, I'd love to have booked you and then made it stick. But you know what? This time... this time when I look at you, the whole situation's just sad. It's very, very sad.
Cyrus: Your witness is lying. Hey, what's his name? Or is it a she?
Coop: Hey, Cassie. Did you hear the news about Cyrus Foley? They just arrested him.
Cassie: Really?
Coop: Yeah.
Cassie: Well, what for?
Coop: Um, well, apparently a robbery of some sort. Actually, the house wasn't that far from yours.
Cassie: Did they mention what he took?
Coop: Um, no. No, they said the details are kind of sketchy at this point. So...
Cassie: Maybe it was just a mistake.
Coop: Maybe. But I don't know. They seem pretty sure about this. I mean, after all, the guy is a thief.
Cassie: Oh, sad.
Coop: For him.
Cassie: And Harley. I mean, I wonder how she's going to take this.
Coop: Harley left the country because of this guy. I'm pretty sure she's not going to care. Or...
Cassie: Or?
Coop: Or this is just going to let her know that she made the right decision.
Cassie: Well, I just hope she's happy, because I really miss her.
Coop: Thank you. We all do.
Cassie: Maybe with Cyrus gone, though, you know, maybe she'll come home.
Coop: Well, Cyrus isn't gone yet. I mean, supposedly, they said that they've got a witness. But who knows? Excuse me.
Frank: Mr. Pandola, sorry to keep you waiting. What we're going to do now is we're going to take your statement, and then we're going to do the lineup, okay?
Pandola: Whatever you need.
Frank: Great. Listen, I really appreciate you coming forward, okay? If you can I.D. this guy that stole the stereo, you'll really help us close this case.
Dinah: This is good. You know what this is? This is karma. This is exactly what Cyrus is getting for not treating you like an equal. He was selfish, condescending, and you know what's happening? He's in jail right now. Put it there, baby.
Grady: Somebody's happy.
Dinah: Yeah, I am. You know why? Because people have to understand they cannot treat their own family like servants.
Grady: People like Bill?
Dinah: Yeah, and Cyrus. You know? They cheat us. And then they expect us to forgive them, and we do, over and over again, until it hurts, until we can't do it anymore, until, actually, we are happy that they lost, and they're in prison.
Grady: It just doesn't fit.
Dinah: What doesn't fit?
Grady: The whole thing. I mean, when has Cyrus ever done a job in his own neighborhood?
Dinah: Well, never.
Grady: Exactly.
Dinah: It was always too dangerous.
Grady: Exactly. So we need to find out more than what's going on, on the radio.
Dinah: I could talk to Mallet.
Grady: Or maybe... you could go down to the crime scene and find out what's really happening, huh?
Dinah: That's funny. You're saying that like I work for you, instead of vice-versa.
Grady: Do you want me to say please? Because I'm not exactly welcome at the police station.
Dinah: No, you're not. You know, the one person who's actually treated me worse than my brother Bill right now is Cyrus. So don't worry. This one's on the house.
Lizzie: Do you want Roxy to keep you company?
Bill: Well, who's my second choice?
Lizzie: Okay. I think that I am going to need to reschedule the meeting.
Bill: Meeting?
Alexandra: Yes, I've been asked to be a consultant on the Galaxy International project.
Lizzie: I knew you'd be pleased.
Bill: Consultant?
Lizzie: Yeah. Is tomorrow okay?
Bill: Well, don't cancel on my account. I'll just sit here, watch the reruns of Survivor. I like that show. I seem to identify with it.
Alexandra: No, tomorrow will be fine, darling. I just want to go call the hospital and check on Alan.
Bill: How's Alan doing?
Alexandra: Well, still touch and go. I had actually hoped he'd be up and walking around by now. But it is kind of heartbreaking just watching him lying in that bed.
Lizzie: He's going to be okay.
Bill: Yeah. Heck, we're talking about Alan Spaulding, right?
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Bill: If he doesn't have nine lives, he'll just steal a couple.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Lizzie: Go call about Granddad and call me if you hear anything.
Alexandra: I'll call you as soon as I hear, and you take care of that knee.
Lizzie: You know what I think you need?
Bill: Hmm?
Lizzie: A healthy dose of physical therapy. Roll on your stomach.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Do it. Trust me. Do it. I had an injury like this before. I know the drill. (Claps) Come on, on your stomach.
Bill: Ah!
Lizzie: Come on, other leg. Come on, give me your leg. There you go. Okay, there. Yep. See, you can't let the muscles atrophy, because they have to support the knee.
Bill: Ow!
Lizzie: How does that feel?
Bill: I feel like I'm Roxy stuck in the jaws of a Doberman.
Lizzie: You know something? I would have that cute little girlfriend of yours help me out, but she doesn't seem to be around. Is she sick of you already?
Bill: She's a therapist.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Bill: A therapist!
Lizzie: It happens to be illegal to date your psychologist, by the way. Not that you would care.
Bill: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Lizzie, Lizzie, my... ah, Lizzie, Lizzie, she's my physical therapist.
Lizzie: Yeah, right. Sure, they all look like that. Over, on your back.
Bill: Oh, my goodness.
Lizzie: Come on. Roll over.
Bill: Oh!
Lizzie: There you go. Straighten the knee. Straight, lift.
Bill: It's straight.
Lizzie: Lift. Lift it higher.
Bill: I am.
Lizzie: Come on, higher. Higher.
Bill: I can’t.
Lizzie: Yes, you can. Come on, higher.
Bill: You're killing me.
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: Thank you. Ah.
Lizzie: Was she really your physical therapist? Not that I care, but I'm just curious.
Bill: If I say yes, what do I get? So tiny, but so painful.
Lizzie: Do you want to stop?
Bill: No. Do you? (Knocking on door)
Lizzie: Come in.
Sean: Hi.
Lizzie: Hi.
Sean: I'm Sean Caldwell.
Lizzie: Oh. Wow. They didn't tell me that you'd be so... early. Uh, this is Bill Lewis, my business partner. I am interviewing for a personal assistant. You can sit in if you'd like.
Bill: Male assistant?
Lizzie: Try not to say anything sexist.
Bill: Hmm. Do you type?
Sean: I do. 75 words per minute.
Lizzie: Hot. Fast. Would you like to have a seat? Your resume?
Sean: Here you go.
Lizzie: Okay. This is quite a resume. It's very impressive. Especially your hobby.
Bill: Hobby?
Lizzie: Working out. But health is important. This is a very stressful job.
Bill: Hmm! And she can be quite a handful. And then there's the dog, Roxy, who you're going to have to walk and talk to and cradle and...
Lizzie: Okay, we've got it, Bill.
Bill: I just want to help, that's all...
Lizzie: Bill!
Bill: ...I'm doing.
Lizzie: Do you like dogs?
Sean: Uh, yeah. Right there.
Lizzie: You do doggie shiatsu?
Sean: (Laughs) Only on the weekends.
Lizzie: (Laughs) You're perfect. No, seriously, you're perfect. I think the only danger in hiring someone like you is getting slapped with a sexual harassment charge. (Laughs) Where are you going?
Bill: I'm going to go take a shiatsu.
Lizzie: Nice.
Bill: Hire whoever you like.
Lizzie: Okay.
Sean: So do I get the job?
Lizzie: Oh, the job. Yeah. Go talk to Megan in personnel. I think there's something in Marketing. Oh, you're much too qualified to be an assistant. You know how to get out?
Sean: Yeah.
Lizzie: Thanks for coming. Bye.
Sean: Okay. Thanks.
Alexandra: Oh, hello.
Sean: Hi. How are you?
Alexandra: Fine, thank you. Who was that?
Lizzie: Oh, one of the many men I am interviewing to be my personal assistant.
Alexandra: Oh, well, did you hire him?
Lizzie: No. Overqualified.
Alexandra: Oh. Maybe for you. (Laughs) Not overqualified for me. By the way, darling, you are playing a very dangerous game, you know.
Lizzie: Really? I thought I played that very well.
Cop: Can I help you?
Dinah: Oh, hey. Hi, I'm A.C. Mallet's ex-wife. He asked me to stop by and pick up a check?
Cop: Wrong desk.
Dinah: Oh... (laughs) Okay. Thank you. Um... you know, I don't see them. I'll call. I'll call him later. Thank you. (Phone rings)
Grady: Hello?
Dinah: A witness saw Cyrus walk out of a home with stereo equipment, pretty expensive stuff. I haven't seen the guy yet, but I figure they're keeping him under wraps.
Grady: What about Cyrus? Have you seen him?
Dinah: No. But if he's convicted, you can say goodbye for a while. He'll be in there until you're old and gray.
Grady: Over a stereo?
Dinah: It's a three strikes kind of thing. Who knows? It might even be for life.
Grady: For life?
Dinah: At least you won't feel second best anymore.
Coop: Oh, Cassie, I guess everything worked out with Shayne, right? Good news.
Cassie: Um... with Shayne?
Coop: Yeah. He was missing, right?
Cassie: In Afghanistan?
Coop: No one told you?
Cassie: You mean, did Josh call me? No.
Coop: No. No. No, no, no, no. Reva. Apparently she was ready to get on a plane.
Cassie: In her condition?
Coop: Well, yeah. That's what Jeffery said.
Cassie: So she listened to him?
Coop: Um, you know, I feel like if I say two more words about this I'm going to be the town gossip officially. So I'm going to stop and just say, you know, all's well that ends well.
Cassie: Okay, so Shayne is okay?
Coop: Yeah. That's the good word that I heard, at least.
Cassie: Well, thank God for that.
Coop: Yeah. Yeah, I know. (Chuckles) I hate to laugh, but it would have been something, though, you know?
Cassie: What's that?
Coop: Well, you know, I mean, Reva, Josh, Jeffery, running around Afghanistan looking for Shayne. I mean, come on.
Cassie: (Clears throat) Yeah, I'd say that definitely would have qualified as "something."
Coop: I just can't believe no one told you.
Cassie: Well, I believe it.
Dinah: The big ones come out at night.
Cyrus: What are you doing here?
Dinah: Buddy of Mallet's.
Cyrus: Oh. I just figured you were part of my punishment.
Dinah: I just thought you should know that they're pretty confident out there. From what I hear it's an open and shut case.
Cyrus: Well, thanks for the update. But I'm not worried. See, I'm innocent.
Dinah: (Laughs) It's good. That is so good.
Cyrus: Yeah. Do you want something?
Dinah: Just to tell you what I think of you.
Cyrus: This should be good.
Dinah: Yeah. How many jobs have we worked together, and yet you go and trash me to Grady? Yet that didn't work, because he's got your number, just like I have Bill's number. So the one thing that your brother and I have in common is that we both know what it's like to be abandoned, stepped on and hurt by the people that love us the most. But fortunately, we know how to get back at them, too. So you've got that going for you.
Cyrus: Dee Dee, wait. How about one little favor for old time's sake, hmm?
Dinah: I'm not breaking you out of here.
Cyrus: Leave Grady alone. Hire someone else.
Dinah: For old times sake? No. Why would I do that?
Cyrus: Come on. He deserves a break. Deep down he's not a bad guy.
Dinah: Of course he is. That's why I hired him. It's funny...I know your brother better than you do.
Frank: Hey, listen. How would you like to make that call in private? I'll get you some coffee. It's just for your protection. Trust me. I mean, it's just until the lineup.
Pandola: Sure, why not?
Frank: Great. Come on. Okay. There's some coffee and some doughnuts right there, and when we're ready for you I'll come back and get you, all right?
Pandola: Great. Thanks.
Grady: What do you say we have a little chat?
Lizzie: Now, I know that you don't think I belong with Bill. Thank you. Or, that he belongs with our company. But...
Alexandra: I should just be quiet and trust you?
Lizzie: That's what I was going to say.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, you know darling. Actually, I've been finishing your grandfather's sentences for years.
Lizzie: Hmm. Only I know what I'm doing.
Alexandra: Yes. That is exactly what your grandfather would say.
Lizzie: No, it's different. Call it intuition or whatever. But somehow I know that by embracing my legacy, it's the way for me and Bill to embrace each other.
Alexandra: Embracing, yes. That's why you're hiring a very young, handsome assistant to make him jealous.
Lizzie: Okay, wait, hold on. Not worse than what he did to me. He passed his physical therapist off as his girlfriend. I got it out of him, but...
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. He admitted it?
Lizzie: Yes, but I had already known. I actually was the one that cancelled that appointment, so I could give a little... physical therapy myself.
Alexandra: Seems to me all these little games just might get in the way of your real objectives.
Lizzie: Bill is not going to get in the way. Just be patient. Trust me. It's all going to work out.
Alexandra: Hmm.
Dinah: Hey, I just saw Cyrus. He's sweating bullets.
Grady: I bet he is.
Dinah: I got the name of the witness.
Grady: Tim Pandola.
Frank: Okay, Mr. Pandola, we're ready for you , sir. The line-up should take about ten minutes, and then you're free to go home.
Pandola: Uh... I... can't do it. Um... I've been thinking. I didn't get a clear look at him.
Frank: What are you talking about? You said you were three yards away, trimming your tree.
Pandola: Well, I... I was, but I wasn't wearing my contacts. I'm far-sighted.
Frank: But that means you can't see stuff close up.
Pandola: Well, no, I mean, I meant I'm near-sighted.
Frank: Mr. Pandola, you ID'd the stereo equipment by it's brand name. How could you do that if you can't see?
Pandola: I've got to go.
Frank: Sir? We need you to help close this case.
Pandola: I'm sorry.
Cassie: Excuse me, is there someone... Frank!
Frank: Not now, Cassie.
Cassie: What is going on?
Frank: You're free to go.
Cyrus: Is this some sort of a game?
Frank: Do you want to get thrown out? I don't have a case. My witness suddenly went blind.
Cyrus: Blind?
Frank: Do I need to spell it out for you? My witness suddenly changed his mind, and I don't know why. Maybe he's scared of retribution by you and your psycho brother.
Cyrus: And so that's it? It's over?
Frank: Get out of here before I book you for loitering.
Cyrus: You're a good man, Frank. Hey. What are you doing here?
Cassie: I heard a rumor that you were in jail.
Cyrus: Just goes to show, you can't believe everything you hear.
Cassie: Just the facts, then, huh?
Cyrus: The facts. Evidence. Without them, what do you have?
Dinah: How did you know the witness's name? Did you hear it on the news?
Grady: Right on schedule.
Dinah: You did this?
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Okay. All right, thank you.
Lizzie: Mm-hmm, what?
Alexandra: Well, he's still holding on.
Lizzie: Is he getting any better? I hope he's with Gus. Not permanently. I just hate thinking of him alone in some dark void.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Especially not some in dark, lonely place with a big fire.
Lizzie: Hell?
Alexandra: No, I don't even want to hear myself say this, but can you really imagine your grandfather floating around with a couple of beautiful, white, fluffy wings?
Lizzie: I don't think he's going to die. Do you?
Alexandra: No. No, no.
Lizzie: I mean, he'll just come back when he's ready.
Alexandra: And I just hope that's soon, because awake or in a bloody coma, my brother manages to drive me nuts somehow!
Lizzie: Me, too. Especially about Bill.
Alexandra: Well...
Lizzie: Granddad told me to seize my destiny, and that is what I'm doing.
Alexandra: By pursuing the man who stole our company-- our lives?
Lizzie: There's a connection.
Alexandra: I know, darling, it's a love connection.
Lizzie: Well, yeah, kind of.
Alexandra: Who am I to criticize what anyone does for love? This... this family has a history of generations of people failing at that. (Sighs) So, if somehow you can make it work, I'll...
Lizzie: ...Be happy for me?
Alexandra: Of course I will. Because I've tried and I've failed so many times. (Sighs) And then again, I have to say, I somehow can't envision Bill Lewis sitting in a boardroom with a company that's name is Spaulding. And I want the company back, I do. But most of all, I would like to have my brother back.
(Machine beeping)
Bill: How's it going, Alan? Not too good, huh? Yeah, I'm not doing too well, either. I really screwed up. I should have let you walk into that room, made a speech, just let you ruin yourself. Ruin the Spaulding name. Then maybe things would be different. This is all your fault, you crazy bastard.
(Knock on door)
Cassie: Come on in!
Cyrus: Hey. Got your message. Wow. Looks so big in here after being...
Cassie: After an 8x10 cell with a toilet bowl?
Cyrus: Yeah, it's not my favorite accommodations.
Cassie: But the price is right, right?
Cyrus: I guess. (Laughs) So... what's up? You need something fixed?
Cassie: Not quite, no. I believe this belongs to you.
Cassie: It's all there.
Cyrus: So...
Cassie: So, yes. I knew that you broke into that house.
Cyrus: And when I saw you at the police station, you were...
Cassie: No, I was not going to say anything.
Cyrus: Why not?
Cassie: Because I knew where you got the idea. I had been complaining about my neighbor blasting out the house with their new, super-expensive surround-sound system, and the next thing I know, he doesn't have it anymore. I wash, you dry?
Cyrus: Sure.
Cassie: So that... must have been, what? A couple thousand dollars' worth of equipment? Must have just been too tempting for you to pass up, huh?
Cyrus: Maybe. Or maybe I just took pity on you. You did say it was keeping you up at nights.
Cassie: All nights, yes. I do know all the words to "Bust It, Baby" by heart now.
Cyrus: So... you're not going to call the cops when we finish doing the dishes?
Cassie: Why would I do that, now that you've done me this huge, big favor?
Cyrus: They never recovered the stereo.
Cassie: Oh?
Cyrus: I stashed it in your barn.
Cassie: Great, let's both go to jail!
Cyrus: I'll bury it somewhere out back, they'll never find it.
Cassie: Or...
Cyrus: Or... what?
Cassie: Well, I do know a certain children's hospital that would love to have that system.
Cyrus: You want to give it away? Charge them for it?
Cyrus: Oh, that's not what I meant.
Cassie: Well, do you have any better ideas? I mean, other than burying it, because that just seems wasteful.
Cyrus: Well, so is giving it away. What are you going to say when they ask you where you got it?
Cassie: I'll just tell them you stole it! (Laughs) I can handle it, okay?
Cyrus: Okay. Thanks. Well, I got that work done, so I guess I should get gone...
Cassie: All right, wait, just wait, um... you've been doing a lot of work around here, so why don't we make it official?
Cyrus: What you're hiring me?
Cassie: I'm protecting my assets. I wouldn't want you to get arrested in the middle of a repair job, or, you know, this way you'll be less apt to steal. I'm sure you could use the money.
Cyrus: Yeah... so long as there's something in it for me. Thanks.
Dinah: Why didn't you tell me you went to go see the witness?
Grady: Because I wasn't sure if it was going to work out.
Dinah: You could have been thrown in a cell right next to him and arrested.
Grady: Yeah?
Dinah: Why did you chance it?
Grady: Why not?
Dinah: Because you had Cyrus right exactly where you wanted him, and yet... I don't understand, why did you scare off the witness?
Grady: First off, if you tell Cyrus any of this, you're history.
Dinah: It still doesn't answer my question. Cyrus was getting ready to pay for everything he's ever done to you, and yet you step in and off he goes, free as a pigeon?
Grady: You know, I thought you knew everything there was to know about having a brother. How there's no black or white... but I guess I was wrong.
Bill: Alan! You need to wake up! You need to get up, because I miss when you were my only enemy. (Laughs) I don't know what you've got everyone believing, but I am not fooled. They all remember you as some sort of saint, just because you're laid up in a hospital. Well, I don't forget... I don't forget at all. Lizzie... you have her fooled. She thinks what she is doing is for the family... the Spaulding name. That Spaulding name is despicable. You're evil. How quickly she forgets that her daughter is not here because of you. Because of you, Alan! Everything was getting so... everything was getting so good. Do you understand? I took your company, I took your property, and what had you really scared was the fact that I was taking your granddaughter. (Laughs) Oh, maybe I need to take her name, right? Make her a Lewis. Wash out the whole Spaulding family. Wake up, Alan. Wake up. I want you to wake up and see me. I want you to wake up and see that I am going to destroy you until I destroy your whole family. You think you can come after me? It's never going to happen. You've got Lizzie fooled, thinking she needs to be you. Probably going to have her smoking cigars next. I'm going to tell you something. I hope you suffer. I hope you go through this... I hope you suffer each and every day, a lonely, broken, man. (Beeping) Nurse! Nurse! We need a nurse!
Lizzie: What's going on?
Bill: It's Alan... something, um... we need a doctor or something.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: Well, I don't understand why he's not moving.
Bill: Lizzie, I don't know the answer to that, because I'm not his doctor.
Lizzie: These machines, could be telling us that he's getting worse?
Bill: Please take her outside.
Alexandra: What happened? They said at the nurses station that something happened?
Lizzie: Rick said... that Granddad’s brain may be trying to shut down his body.
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