GL Transcript Thursday 9/18/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/18/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Father Ray: I also hear Josh left the church?

Reva: No, no. Right now, he's in Afghanistan with our son, Shayne. Shayne's working with relief agencies clearing landmines.

Father Ray: Brave work.

Reva: Josh, I can barely hear you. What...? I'm sorry, what? Shayne, what? What happened to Shayne? Josh!

(Knocking on door)

Cassie: R.J., is that you? Did you forget your key again?

Cyrus: Hey.

Cassie: I thought you were R.J.

Cyrus: I'm a little taller than him and I've got a lot more chest hair, so...

Cassie: Well, you want to come in?

Cyrus: Sure.

Cassie: So, something wrong with the good-bye we had?

Cyrus: Grady bailed, Cassie.

Cassie: I thought he was sticking around for Daisy.

Cyrus: He's got a new woman in his life. Dinah.

Cassie: Grady and Dinah?

Cyrus: Yeah. Business partners. I warned her... and him. Probably made them more determined than ever. Anyway, there is an upside to this whole thing.

Cassie: Really? Hmm... nope, can't think of one.

Cyrus: Grady told me himself, he's much more interested in making a quick buck than getting back at you. So you don't need to worry.

Cassie: So, then, that was you camping out in my azaleas?

Cyrus: I'm just saying I thought he'd be all over you after you ratted him out to Daisy, but I think he just wants to move on. Revenge was never his thing, anyway.

Cassie: Hmm.

Cyrus: What are you doing?

Cassie: I'm going to take your temperature. I think you're delirious.

Remy: Whoa, hey! (Laughs) Hey, I'm sorry.

Clayton: Hey, no harm, no foul. How are you doing?

Remy: I'm good, I'm good. What are you doing here?

Clayton: Came to have lunch with your sister.

Remy: Oh, in the cafeteria? I'd better give you something in advance.

Clayton: Come on, man, it's not that bad.

Remy: Oh, they don't call it the "special tuna surprise" for nothing.

Clayton: No, you should have lunch with us. Come on.

Remy: Oh, no. I've got to work through lunch if they'll give me off this afternoon.

Clayton: You're taking more time off?

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Ava. Ava, she'll be released today, so I want to be free to give her a ride, help her settle in at the Beacon.

Clayton: Did you not take a day off last week?

Remy: Yeah, to visit Ava, and you know this because... are you doing payroll for my boss and moonlighting on the side, Dad?

Clayton: No, Melissande told me.

Remy: Oh. Remind me to forget her birthday next year.

Clayton: Look, let's have lunch. It's the perfect time to have some family time.

Remy: You know what? You know what? Next week. We'll do it next week, and maybe... maybe I'll invite Ava.

Olivia: I'm not questioning your methods, Doctor. I'm just saying there has to be some kind of mistake. Because this is her home. (Sighs) No, thank you.

Jeffrey: What did he say?

Olivia: Exactly what he told me before, except he insists it's not a mistake. They're going to release her. But where she goes, where she lives, that's entirely up to her. It's just not going to be here.

Josh: Uh... Reva, are you there?

Reva: Yes, I'm here. Can you see me?

Josh: Yeah. Wait a second, because I... okay, okay. I can see you now.

Reva: Phew. I was so scared, because when you had the call before, I couldn't hear a word you said. And when you mentioned Shayne then the whole phone call cut out.

Josh: Yeah. Reva, listen, okay? Because I have to... (static)

Reva: Is Shayne there? Josh, is Shayne there? Just put him on.

Josh: I can't, Reva.

Reva: Oh, come on. What'd he do, grow a beard or something? It's okay. I can handle it. Just put him on.

Josh: Shayne's not here. He's missing.

Reva: Okay, go back all the way, because I'm not following you.

Josh: Look... we were supposed to meet up in Kabul. We had it all worked out. We had a place, a time, and everything. And I had been emailing with him.

Reva: So you haven't seen him?

Josh: His messages stopped right before I got here. Now, that's not unusual. I mean, he could be out somewhere, and wouldn’t... it just... it didn't seem like there was anything wrong.

Reva: But something is wrong.

Josh: Yeah. I mean, I waited a couple of days. I'm kicking myself for that. But eventually I got on the road and I went to the camp.

Reva: The one he was working at?

Josh: (Breaking up) They said... (unintelligible)

Reva: Josh, I can't hear you.

Josh: He left the camp on time, Reva.

Reva: Oh, God. God.

Josh: Look, don't panic, okay? I know this sounds terrible, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Reva: How long have you been practicing that line?

Josh: Reva, it's a big country over here. He could be in a lot of places. And maybe he just can't reach me right now.

Reva: It's a big country. It's also a war zone.

Josh: I came back to Kabul, and I hired some people to help me look for him. I went to the Embassy. Everybody's looking for him all over the place, all right? The guys I hired, they're very good at what they do. They're not going to stop until they find him.

Reva: If they're so good, where's my son?

Josh: We got one lead, but it turned out to be false. Now, some of the guys here think that he could be... (static)

Reva: Think he could be what, Josh? Joshua? Josh, he could be what? Shayne could be what? Come back!

Jeffrey: Hey, Ava. It's, uh... it's your dad. How are you doing, kiddo? Listen, your mom and I were just so happy that you got the official okay from the doctor to leave the hospital. So... and, you know, we miss you. So... so give us a call when you get this all right?

Olivia: I left her, like, five of those. She obviously doesn't want to talk to us.

Jeffrey: Well, now, we don't know that, okay? I mean, she's checking out of the hospital, so she's probably, like, got a lot of paperwork to do.

Olivia: Says the lawyer.

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? It’s... it's got to be overwhelming for her, not just checking out of the hospital, but coming back here, dealing with all the memories of Max.

Olivia: I know. I know. But that's why we're here. We're here to support her and help her get herself back on her feet. And it's going to be great. What is this?

Jeffrey: Oh, it's just a little something I wanted to give to Ava when she...

Olivia: Pictures?

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah... that’s... that's nothing.

Olivia: Can I look?

Jeffrey: If you want to, yeah.

Olivia: Oh.

Jeffrey: Yeah. All right, let's forget the pictures.

Olivia: These are terrible.

Jeffrey: Well, thanks a lot.

Olivia: Oh, my gosh, seriously. These are your wedding photos?

Jeffrey: Well, we didn't have time to hire Annie Liebowitz, okay? So...

Olivia: Right, shotgun wedding.

Jeffrey: It was not a shotgun wedding, Olivia.

Olivia: Teasing, teasing! What is wrong with Frank? Why does he look like that?

Jeffrey: Yeah, fruit flies. They were all over the place. They even got into the potato salad, which was probably a good thing, because that was rancid.

Olivia: Wow, I'm sorry I missed it.

Jeffrey: Okay, here. Let me... let me have the photos, okay? I'm going to go tell Reva that we can't leave today.

Olivia: Your honeymoon? No. Oh, no, you should go, really. Because once she has that baby you're not going to go anywhere.

Jeffrey: I'm just... not in the mood for honeymooning right now. You going to be okay?

Olivia: Yeah, I just don't understand why our daughter doesn't want to come home.

Remy: What do you mean she's not coming home?

Jeffrey: Uh, we're just... you know, we're just working something out.

Remy: Just tell me what's going on.

Olivia: You should go. Reva's waiting. I'll... I'll take care of this.

Jeffrey: Okay. Don't overreact to anything you might hear. See you later.

Remy: Okay, so what's happening?

Olivia: You heard. Ava's not coming home.

Remy: She's still being released?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Remy: Okay. So she doesn't want to come back to her family? You're not telling me something.

Olivia: No, I have every intention of telling you. Ava's not coming back because of you.

Cyrus: This is good.

Cassie: Well, it's not as good as Har... uh... so, uh... you really think Grady’s turning over a new leaf, huh?

Cyrus: Way to change the subject.

Cassie: Hey, come on. Give me some credit. At least I mentioned your brother's name in polite conversation without trying to smash something.

Cyrus: I noticed.

Cassie: Don't take this the wrong way. I mean it. Don't misinterpret this.

Cyrus: Okay.

Cassie: I will never forgive your brother for the unspeakable pain that he caused me and R.J. But I just don't think that Tammy wants me to keep living the way I was-- so angry all the time, and that anger driving everything. So I'm glad that Grady is moving on. Because I am moving on, too. So maybe this means I can take the gun out from under my mattress?

Cyrus: Maybe keep it there just in case. Should we take your temperature now? You're looking a little under the weather.

Cassie: Oh. I'm, uh... I'm just tired.

Cyrus: You should have said something. I'll get out of your hair.

Cassie: No, no. I didn't mean it that way, really. I... I have this neighbor. He's one of these guys who has the... you know, has to have the latest and greatest of everything.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah, I know the type.

Cassie: Uh-huh. Well, he got this, like, bazillion dollar surround sound system...

Cyrus: Uh-oh.

Cassie: And he's watching sports and God knows what else all night long.

Cyrus: Oh, porn, probably. You been hearing a lot of ooh’s and ah’s?

Cassie: And here I thought he was getting lucky.

Both: No such luck. (Laughter)

Cassie: All right. Well, anyway, I've left him a ton of messages, and he's too chicken to call me back, so...

Cyrus: That, or he can't hear his phone over all that noise.

Cassie: That could be it. See, now, what would I do without you?

Cyrus: Hey.

Cassie: Actually, do you have to run right away?

Cyrus: Uh... not right away.

Cassie: Because there's, um, a problem with my garage door.

Cyrus: Heavens!

Cassie: But, I mean, if you have to, like, catch a plane or something...

Cyrus: No, actually I was... I was thinking of sticking around for a while.

Cassie: I thought you said Grady wasn't after me anymore.

Cyrus: He isn’t. At least, I hope he isn’t.

Cassie: Oh. This isn't about...

Cyrus: Oh, no. No. I mean, I can't say that I don't hope every day that she changes her mind and comes back home. But I'm not holding out for that.

Cassie: Well, then, it must be my egg salad.

Cyrus: Egg salad. Very good egg salad.

Cassie: (Laughing) Glad you liked it.

Cyrus: I did. (Knock on door)

Cassie: Cyrus?

Frank: Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Frank: Did you just think I was Cyrus Foley?

Cassie: Well, you know, you're nearly the same size, same height.

Frank: Hmm. Very funny.

Cassie: Probably not.

Frank: So, I mean, if... if I were to be Cyrus Foley, I mean, what would I be saying to you right now, "So long?" Because I heard the guy was leaving town.

Cassie: Yeah. Well, it's, uh, funny how quickly things change. In a small town, I mean.

Frank: Hold on, hold on. What... what are you saying? Does that mean that...

Cassie: Yeah. And Grady, it seems, is sticking around, too. You're thinking about Daisy.

Frank: Uh, no, I'm actually thinking about you, too.

Cassie: (Sighs) What do you want me to do? I mean, I can't run the guy out of town. If he's sticking around, then I just have to find a way to live with it.

Frank: Well, getting friendly with the other brother is a funny way to start, wouldn't you say?

Cassie: He's just fixing some things around here. And Cyrus and Grady are two totally different people.

Frank: Yeah? Well, so were Frank and Jesse James.

Cassie: Oh, come on. And what am I supposed to tell R.J., if I... what does it teach him if I paint them both with the same brush?

Frank: How about looking out for the bad guys? It's not a bad lesson to learn. And you of all people, I would think, would know that.

Cassie: Cyrus and Grady are brothers. And that's as far as it goes.

Remy: Yes, yes. Can I speak to Ava Peralta, please? It's really important. Can...

Olivia: You know what? She didn't take Jeffrey’s call or mine. She's not going to take yours.

Remy: Maybe I'm the one she wants to talk to.

Olivia: Maybe you're the one person she wants to stay away from!

Remy: I saw her yesterday. We had a great visit.

Olivia: According to you.

Remy: She was excited about being released, okay? She couldn't wait to come home to see Emma. She was making plans. This doesn't make any sense.

Olivia: It makes perfect sense. What did you do? Huh? Did you pressure her into coming back here... making her think she wouldn't have any breathing room, forcing her into some relationship that she doesn't want?

Remy: Maybe I should go.

Olivia: You read my mind.

Jeffrey: Hey. You know what? I don't think we can leave today. There's a problem with Ava.

Reva: Uh, that’s... that's okay. I got a call from Josh, and Shayne didn't show up where he was supposed to, and nobody's seen him.

Jeffrey: What happened with Shayne?

Reva: Josh called, and Shayne didn't meet him where he was supposed to, so he could be missing. And it's been days. So what's up with Ava?

Jeffrey: Um... she can't come home. She doesn't want to come home. She changed her mind. I don't know what happened. Olivia is devastated. Now, listen. There's got to be some leads with Shayne. I mean, someone from his camp who must know where he's gone.

Reva: Josh is working on all that. But it's Afghanistan. I don't even want to think about where he might be.

Jeffrey: You know what? You need to sit. You need to be off your feet.

Reva: No, I don't just need to be off my feet. I need to be on a plane to Kabul. My flight leaves in three hours.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: I just... I don't know what to pack, you know, for September in Kabul. I guess whatever I... I don't have that I need, I can get over there. (Sighs) Okay... we're going to have to take my car, because this isn't going to fit in yours.

Jeffrey: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You shouldn't be lifting.

Reva: I know. That's why you're here.

Jeffrey: Reva, you're not seriously considering doing this, are you?

Reva: I... I'm more than considering it. I am going. My son is missing in a dangerous country that I know nothing about!

Jeffrey: Which is exactly why you shouldn't be going there right now. It's crazy.

Reva: It's crazy to go? It's crazy not to go.

Jeffrey: The doctor says you can't even fly.

Reva: The doctor? That's just precautions, just like all those other stupid rules they put on me, like "no eating soft cheese, no eating deli meats." I had four kids before all of these rules even existed, and they turned out just fine. And if you say anything about my having cancer now, than it’s... I swear...

Jeffrey: Reva, just slow down, okay? Breathe. Let's talk about this.

Reva: Do you know how bad this could be for Shayne?

Jeffrey: So what? How are you going to fix it, jumping on a plane and going over there?

Reva: Watch it.

Jeffrey: No, you watch it. And listen to me-- because this is crazy.

Reva: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

Jeffrey: All right. I get it. I get how worried you are. I get how worried you are about Shayne. I'm worried, too. But you going over there, putting our baby at risk, is not going to help Shayne, is it?

Reva: Shayne is my child, just like Ava is yours, and you said yourself that you needed to go there to be with her.

Jeffrey: Ava's at the clinic. That's an hour's drive away. It's not halfway across the globe in Afghanistan, where God knows what could happen to you and this baby!

Reva: Oh, so now you don't trust me to take care of our baby?

Jeffrey: Reva, if you get on that plane... taking care of our baby is going to be out of your hands.

Reva: You know what? That is a maybe. Shayne being in danger is a definite. And you want me to just sit here.

Jeffrey: What good can you possibly do by going over there?

Reva: Oh, God, so now I'm pregnant and worthless?

Jeffrey: That's not what I said. Don't put words in my mouth. Look, Josh is over there right now. That makes sense, kind of. If I went over there, that would make sense. I could help with my connections, okay? But you in the desert with nothing more than a desire to help?

Reva: Sometimes that's enough.

Jeffrey: It's not enough, Reva! You're just going to get in the way. That's selfish. It's a pattern, isn't it?

Reva: A pattern?

Jeffrey: Yeah, this is your pattern. You're going back to the old Reva-- Reva Shayne, the one who's impulsive, the one who goes her own way, the one who will never abide by anyone else's rules.

Reva: Who do you think you are now, Dr. Phil?

Jeffrey: The minute someone tries to tell you something, you run away. And that is what you're doing, Reva. You're running away. Running away from the responsibility that was given to you when you became pregnant with this child.

Reva: That is a damn lie!

Jeffrey: And two seconds after you... you learn that you might be tied down by this pregnancy, you're trying to subvert it. It's classic!

Reva: I failed my kids too many times not to do nothing.

Jeffrey: You going over there is not about Shayne, Reva. You going over there is about you.

Reva: You know what? You're lucky that I'm not supposed to pick that up, because I would throw it at you! I would. So I'm going to call a cab. And I'll talk to you when I get to Kabul.

I think that I would miss you

even if I'd never met you...

even if I'd left my house...

(Phone rings)

Jeffrey: Hi, it's me. Well it's my phone. Leave a message.

I think we have a chance here

think I'm going to wait it out here

you're something I can put my heart into...

Jeffrey: Ah!

So burn me up tonight make a fool

out of the sunlight and baby

don't you go, go, go...

Remy: Hey Dad, hey. I've been looking all over for you.

Clayton: Remy, man. How are you doing? Look, I'm meeting the Chancellor here for a drink in a couple of minutes. Why don't you sit down and...

Remy: No. No time. There's no time, no time.

Clayton: Have you been running?

Remy: Yeah, all the way here. Car's been in the shop for weeks, which is why I need your help.

Clayton: With what?

Remy: Ava was supposed to be released today. She still is, only she’s... she's confused about whether she wants to come back here or not.

Clayton: Confused, or she changed her mind?

Remy: I don't know. That isn't the point.

Clayton: It... well, what is the point?

Remy: I need to get up there. I need to talk to her, try to... try to help her figure out what's going on. If you can lend me a couple bucks, I can get a rental car, I can be up there by dinner. Listen, I'll pay you back next paycheck, I...

Clayton: It's not about the money.

Remy: Then what's it about, then?

Clayton: Ava has parents. It's their responsibility to step in and do it, not yours.

Remy: This isn't some obligation. I want to be there for her.

Clayton: That's the problem.

Remy: Well, what's that supposed to mean?

Clayton: Why are you putting your life on hold for this girl?

Remy: This isn't some girl. She was the mother of my kid.

Clayton: I know that. But look... come on, man. I mean, I'm proud of the fact that you were ready to step up to the plate and do the right thing.

Remy: You have a funny way of showing it.

Clayton: You're already on probation right now from your job. You missed a day last week. You miss another you're...

Remy: It's just a job, man! This is the girl I...

Clayton: What?

Remy: Nothing, nothing. I just thought you'd understand.

Clayton: I do understand. But if you're not going to take care of yourself, somebody's going to have to do it for you.

Remy: So what, you won't lend me the money?

Tonight's the night I scream out loud

I was screaming in my head...

Clayton: I'm sorry. Not this time, son. No.

I can't understand how you...

Remy: Enjoy your drink.

And all those nights when we lay quiet...

Cassie: Hello?

Cyrus: Hey. Hey, I didn't know you were home. Your car wasn't out the front, so I...

Cassie: Yeah, I parked in back.

Cyrus: Oh, right.

Cassie: Um... are you okay?

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Cassie: Because the egg salad had me feeling a little queasy earlier.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah. Actually, yeah, me, too. It must have been bad mayonnaise or something.

Cassie: Hmm.

Cyrus: I thought I might get a start on that garage door.

Cassie: Uh, this actually isn't the best time.

Cyrus: Ah, you won't even know I'm here. I'll be quiet as a mouse, promise. You know, I don't want to be pushy. So it's your house, so...

Cassie: It's just that R.J.'s going to be home soon.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, another time. That's fine. Um... do you go out into the barn much this time of year?

Cassie: No. Uh, why?

Cyrus: Well, it's, uh, snake season. I saw a couple when I was cleaning out the yard the other day. Just... it might be better to stay out of there for a while. You should tell R.J., too.

Cassie: Yeah, that's a good idea. I wouldn't want him to get hurt.

Cyrus: No.

Cassie: Thanks.

Cyrus: Okay. All right, I'll see you, then.

Reva: No, I called for the cab, like, 15 minutes ago, and nothing's shown up. What... you know what? Forget it!

Billy: Hey.

Reva: Hi.

Billy: I... I got a call from Josh.

Reva: Yeah, I'm on my way to try to catch up with him now. That is, unless my husband tries to steal my passport.

It was late last evening

when the wheels started turning

and the fire was burning down the coals

and I was playing when I should have been sleeping...

Remy: Before you tell me to go away...

Olivia: Go away.

Remy: I didn't pressure Ava.

Olivia: I can make an argument, but I'm not in the mood, Remy.

Remy: Is pressuring her insisting on being part of my kid's life? Hmm? Maybe, but I'm sure everyone else in this town would think I have the right. Visiting her these weeks, you know what we'd do? We'd read. She must have gone through a hundred books while we were there. She said it calmed her, helped her forget about Max, about everything, I guess. And we didn't talk. I mean, I'd bring a book, too, and we would just... we'd just sit there and not say anything, because there really wasn't anything to say.

Olivia: I told Emma that her big sister was coming home, and she was so excited.

Remy: We were all excited.

Olivia: The only reason I told her that was because of what you said to me yesterday.

Remy: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got her hopes up.

Olivia: After everything that has gone wrong this year, I just wanted to be able to give her that.

Remy: You still can, you know? We can tag team her. I mean, if you can forget you hate my guts for a few minutes, we can go there together, and we can give her so much support and so many reasons why she should come back that she'll have no choice but to agree.

Olivia: You and me?

Remy: Yes. Yes. We've got to hit the road, or we'll miss her.

Olivia: You and me?

Remy: Would you stop saying that?

Olivia: I'm just saying... okay. You and me. Okay.

Remy: Okay, I'll get some snacks.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

Jeffrey: Any word from Ava?

Olivia: I've been trying to call you. No.

Jeffrey: Things have gotten a little more complicated since the last time we talked.

Olivia: Is something wrong with Reva? It's not the baby, is it?

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? It's really... it's too much to explain.

Olivia: I'm going to go see her. Remy talked me into it.

Jeffrey: You're going together?

Olivia: There's room in the car for one more, or two if Reva wants to...

Jeffrey: Well, I'm afraid I might be otherwise committed.

Olivia: You look like you're ready to be committed.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you should probably talk to my wife about that.

Reva: I run away from responsibility? I just don't want people telling me what the rules are?

Billy: He said that?

Reva: Yeah, yeah. Word for word. No kidding. And here's the best part... I'm selfish.

Billy: Selfish?

Reva: Yeah, selfish. Because I... I want to get on a plane and help my son. Because I want to go halfway around the world with no concern for myself...

Billy: Wait, wait, wait. See, the "no concern for myself..."

Reva: What are you implying?

Billy: Well, I'm not implying...

Reva: That because I have no concern for myself I have no concern for my baby?

Billy: Well, now, I didn't say that. I didn't say that.

Reva: Okay. Okay, devil's advocate. I see something, I react.

Billy: You do that.

Reva: Someone tries to tell me what to do, and I will do the exact opposite just for spite.

Billy: You do that, too.

Reva: But running away from this? Running away from being pregnant? No. No. I'm not doing that. I... I would never do that. I love this baby. I love this baby more than anything. And I especially love it because it's Jeffrey’s. And I would never do anything to endanger it. I just don't like all the rules and restrictions that they're putting on me this time around! I don’t. I hate that my... my life has to change like this. I hate that all of this somehow just isn't in my nature. (Sighs) I love this baby, Billy. Thank you so much for listening to me. You've been a really big help.

Billy: Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

Cyrus: Damn it! (Knock on door)

Frank: Oh, good, you're here.

Cyrus: Frank. What's going on? This isn't about Harley, is it?

Frank: No, actually there was a robbery on Glen Avenue, the house right next to Cassie’s.

Cyrus: Oh, that's terrible. Listen, I'm a little busy right now.

Frank: Really? A little too busy maybe to come down to the station and answer some questions?

Cyrus: Questions? What about?

Frank: Cyrus Foley, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Cyrus: Are these really necessary?

Frank: Aren't you getting a little tired of this, man? Aren't you? Hmm? And you know what? For the record, the room right next to the one that you broke into, the guy has a flat screen TV. So next time you decide to do something like this, why don't you go for the good stuff?

Cyrus: You sound really sure that I'm the one who did this.

Frank: I don't need to be sure. I've got an eyewitness that can place you right at the scene of the crime.

Something moving in me

out from where it should be

circus rattling the cage

it's better to conceal it...

Cassie: R.J., come on down. You're going to be late to meet Brendan.

Sold out crowd and empty stage

I never really wanted it that way

'cause I'm good for you

just wait and see

I'm better than...

Reva: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Stop. Please, stop. (Sighs) I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, too.

Reva: No, no, really. I mean, I'm so sorry. I... I need to learn to listen to you. I mean, that's the reason why I married you, because, you know, you... you know me.

Jeffrey: I do know you. Which is why I'm surprised you're not on a plane by now.

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, but I'm not. (Phone rings)

Jeffrey: You want to get that?

Reva: No. Where was I?

Jeffrey: Well, I don't know about you, but me, I was on my way home so that I can book the next flight out of here.

Reva: Yeah, I bet you were. But you don't have to now. Look, I just... I hate being psychoanalyzed. I hate it even more than I hate rules or... or even being tied down. I hate it when people tell me that I can't act on my impulses. But... well, you know.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry I was a little blunt.

Reva: Yeah, I hated that, too.

Jeffrey: I'll go.

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: I want to go.

Reva: No, no...

Jeffrey: I can help. Reva, I can go.

Reva: And I love you for that. But we-- the two of us-- we need you here. (Phone rings)

Jeffrey: Get that thing.

Reva: Geez. Oh, it's a text message.

Jeffrey: What does it say?

Reva: It's from Josh. They found him!

Jeffrey: You're kidding. They found...

Reva: (Laughing) They found Shayne.

Jeffrey: They found Shayne?

Reva: They found Shayne, and he's safe.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Reva!

Reva: (Laughing) Oh, I'm so happy!

I'm good for you

just wait and see...

Remy: You ready?

Olivia: Yeah, that was Emma’s sitter. She can stay with her tonight. So...

Remy: Great. Great. Let's go fix this. Hey, be positive.

Olivia: I just don't know what I'm going to do if she says no.

Remy: We'll just have to keep at her until she says yes.

Reva: Um, do you happen to have room in that car for two more?

Coming up on "Guiding Light..."

International jewel thief Cyrus Foley has been arrested.

Frank: 30 years to life. No deals.

Cyrus: Your witness is lying.

I mean, supposedly they said that they've got a witness. They seem pretty sure about this. I mean, after all, the guy is a thief.

R.J.: What's that?

Cassie: I have something I have to take care of.

R.J.: What?

Cassie: Just an errand.

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