GL Transcript Wednesday 9/17/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/17/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Natalia: Rafe isn't in the Springfield jail anymore.

Daisy: Where is he?

Natalia: They took him to the state prison.

Olivia: I saw Russo’s car. Did you meet with him?

Natalia: I had no idea you paid him that much money. Do all lawyers cost this much?

Manager: Natalia. Nice of you to show up.

Natalia: I really need to see my son today. Now I have to take the bus because of what happened with my car.

Manager: Go.

Natalia: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop!

Frank: Hey!

Natalia: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Hi.

Natalia: Hi. I was looking for you.

Frank: Oh, okay, well that’s... what's up? How's it going?

Natalia: Car trouble.

Frank: (Sighs)

Natalia: The usual. Yeah, I missed visiting hours with Rafe yesterday. I mean, I haven't seen him at all...

Frank: Oh, no. I'm so sorry.

Natalia: ...Since they transferred him. I know. Say, you don't know anybody over there, do you? Because I mean, I could get a bus, you know, if I knew that you could get me in there.

Frank: Well, when I was police chief I did have some pull upstate, but... I don't even have enough pull to keep your son here. Look, I told you I will do whatever I can, but I just can't promise you anything. I'm sorry.

Natalia: That's okay. Yeah, whatever... whatever you could do, that would be great.

Reva: "Hey, Shayne, baby. Hope you're having fun with your dad. I have a big surprise." Oh, no. "I have good news. At least, Jeffrey and I think it's good news." (Sighs) Okay... uh... "Shayne, I have news, but it's not one to be sent in a text, so call me. Be safe. Love, Mom." Oh, damn. I sent that. (Sighs)

Jeffrey: Thanks. No, I see it right here. I'm going to have to push back the court date. Yeah, I'm going on my honeymoon. Yeah, I'll... can I call you back? Thanks. Hi!

Olivia: Hi! I've got good news.

Jeffrey: Well, I hope it's quick news, because I'm just getting ready to...

Olivia: Ava's coming home!

Jeffrey: Really? When?

Olivia: Yeah! As early as... well, the doctor's going to release her maybe today. Today! Today! Maybe today!

Jeffrey: That is great.

Olivia: I know! So I figured, if you were free, you might want to come with me and pick her up.

Jeffrey: Oh, boy.

Reva: Oh! I am so sorry! (Sighs)

Cassie: That's all right...

Reva: Whoo!

Cassie: ...I was just getting ready to leave.

Reva: I know I'm late. Thanks for waiting.

Cassie: Sure. I ordered some coffee.

Reva: Oh, not for me. Caffeine.

Cassie: Oh. Then you're...

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, um... we're going to go through with it. We decided to have the baby.

Cassie: Well, congratulations! I... I'm really happy for you. I know that this was a big decision.

Reva: Yeah, it was, but we just realized that we really want to have this baby.

Cassie: So have you told your doctor?

Reva: Yeah, which is why the, you know, "no caffeine." I got the lecture yesterday. I just can't believe all the restrictions, you know? This risk and that risk...

Cassie: Well, I'm sure he's just doing his job.

Reva: Yeah, and I'm going to do mine. I... I am. It's just, there are so many more "don'ts" than there were when I was pregnant the last times.

Cassie: Well, all the restrictions are worth it.

Reva: Yeah, yeah, they are. Of course, I have to be especially careful, because I'm a cancer survivor.

Cassie: And, I would think, you know, the age thing...

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, the "age thing" is definitely a factor, but my doctor convinced me that there's absolutely no reason why I can't have a healthy pregnancy, as long as I "adhere to the restrictions!"

Cassie: (Laughs)

Reva: Of course, restrictions aren't really my thing.

Cassie: I know.

Reva: Yeah. Or Jeffrey’s.

Cassie: I remember.

Reva: But we're really excited about this, and we're going to do whatever it takes to make sure that this kid comes into the world healthy, and that I stay healthy in the meantime. I just... I can't believe I'm having a baby!

Cassie: (Laughs) I really am happy for... happy for you both.

Reva: Good, I'm so glad you said that, because I have a question for you.

Cassie: Oh?

Reva: Yeah. I... I wanted to know if you-- you'll probably say no, but-- could you, um... you're going to make me spell it out, aren't you?

Cassie: Uh, yeah, yeah, I think I am.

Reva: Help me? Could you maybe help me? I need you to help me.

Olivia: So the doctor's cleared Reva to fly?

Jeffrey: Uh, no, actually, we... we're going to make a road trip.

Olivia: Oh. Morning sickness, car sickness... how will you ever know the difference?

Jeffrey: That's funny.

Olivia: (Laughing) That's one of my many attributes.

Jeffrey: I just... you know, Reva will understand. She'll understand that I have to pick up Ava. I just... I hate to postpone the honeymoon after I postponed the wedding so many times...

Olivia: Well, then don’t. Just go. You should go.

Jeffrey: Well, I want to be there for our daughter.

Olivia: I know. I know you do. But honestly, I mean, the two of us together, we're overwhelming, and I wouldn't mind having a little alone time with her. You know, she took care of me after my surgery.

Jeffrey: Really?

Olivia: Yeah! I could return the favor. And honestly, I think she'd be so bummed if you cancelled your trip because of her.

Jeffrey: Well, I guess, you know, Remy will be around if you need any help with anything.

Olivia: You know what? Maybe she has enough to deal with without worrying about guys. What do you think?

Jeffrey: Well, it’s... it's Remy. I mean, it's just one guy, and if they love each other, don't you think we should maybe let them figure it out?

Olivia: Um... yeah... it's just that, I don't know, maybe she'd like to focus on what to do next and where to live and stuff like that.

Jeffrey: Well, you would be the one to help her figure that out.

Olivia: Yes, I would, because I missed her.

Jeffrey: Me, too.

Olivia: So, see? Seeing her will be something you can look forward to when you and Reva get back.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Olivia: You're welcome.

Reva: It's just that, when I was having my kids-- you know, in prehistoric days-- it was pretty much, "don't drink, don't smoke." But now, there's all of these restrictions that you have to think about. And I... I guess I knew about all the changes, I just never paid much attention, because they weren't going to affect me, but, now, hello! With the pregnancy and the cancer together... do you know that there's all these restrictions on seafood?

Cassie: Because of the mercury levels.

Reva: Yeah.

Cassie: But, I mean, you don't eat that much seafood, do you?

Reva: Well, what if I decided to have a piece of swordfish on a whim, and didn't even realize it? And there's the other thing... um, soft scrambled eggs. You're bored.

Cassie: No, sorry, I just, you know, I know most of this stuff already.

Reva: Exactly. Which is why I wanted your help. I... I wanted you to be my copilot! I mean, you know all this stuff, and I have all these restrictions to worry about, first of all with the cancer, and now with the pregnancy. All the basics. And you know the basics, because you've been pregnant more recently than I have. So will you be that person for me? Really? I mean, I... I really could use your help.

Cassie: Is this your way of apologizing?

Reva: For what? Apologizing? Uh... what am I apologizing for? What... what did I do?

Cassie: Oh, Reva, it's not just one thing! I mean, over the last few years...

Reva: Okay... sure. Sure. I'm apologizing. For what, I don't know, but...

Cassie: Okay. All right. You know what? Maybe you were right. This wasn't such a good idea.

Reva: Look, I know we have issues. I... I know we do. But I thought, maybe, something like this might help. You know... working together as sisters on a project?

Cassie: On your project! On something for you! Has it ever occurred to you that this might make things worse between us?

Reva: Okay, look, I know there might be risks... but "risk" happens to be my middle name these days. But let me tell you something. Every risk that I have taken lately has been worth it, because you're important to me, Cassie.

Cassie: I can't be that important if you were over half an hour late. I mean, that's just... that is so... that's passive-aggressive.

Reva: Are you reading those psych books? That’s... (laughing) Oh! You are!

Cassie: I'm not... I'm reading other books.

Reva: Oh, I... I said I was sorry.

Cassie: Okay, you know, I was just expecting some type of explanation like, "I got stuck in traffic" or "I got stuck under some huge piece of furniture," something, anything!

Reva: Okay, I... I... actually, I was trying to do one of those ridiculous text messages to Shayne, and it took a little longer.

Cassie: This is my point.

Reva: Why are you angry?

Cassie: You know, I'm really not angry anymore. I'm just surprised that after everything, you would actually ask me to do this for you.

Reva: I... I guess that's a "no."

Cassie: Reva, you know, there are a ton of great books out there-- I've got a ton of them-- you can come by my house, pick them up any time you want. You don't need me, Reva. And that's another thing that's changed, is now the wing-man is the man. The husband. They don't just sit around in waiting rooms passing out cigars anymore. So use Jeffrey. Go to him. Put him to work!

Reva: So you think the man for the job is Jeffrey?

Cassie: (Sighs) Okay, obviously I can't tell you what to do. I can only tell you what I can't do, and I cannot do this for you right now. I'm sorry, I just can’t.

Frank: I'm on hold.

Rick: So, who is it this time?

Frank: It's a friend of a friend. Hopefully, he has connections upstate so we can get Natalia in. Yeah, yeah, I'm right here. Mm-hmm? Yeah? Oh, okay. Um... thank you. Thank you very much for trying. I appreciate that. I'm sorry, Natalia. Listen, there's got to be someone else we can call here...

Rick: Doris Wolfe! She's got connections.

Coop: Uh, I could call Ashlee, who could get in contact with her.

Frank: Isn't that going to be awkward for you?

Coop: Yeah, a little bit, but it's worth it...

Frank: Well, hold on a second... yeah, wait a minute. That guy that used to come in with the Commissioner every single day for breakfast. What was his name?

Coop: Oh! Uh... uh... Mr. Two-eggs-over-hard, rye-bread, no-butter. Yeah! Uh...

Frank: Coop, his name! Just...

Coop: Well, he works for... he's in charge of a government agency upstate...

Frank: Just spit it out.

Coop: It's Joe! Uh... Jeff. John. It's a "J." I can't remember the name...

Frank: Ah!

Coop: It's a "J," though.

Natalia: It's okay. It's fine. I can visit Rafe some other day. No more favors. You've been great. I really appreciate it, really. Thank you so much.

Frank: Natalia, listen, you know I would do absolutely anything for you.

Natalia: Yeah. Well, I'm going to go take care of a few things, so I will talk to you later. Bye, guys. Thank you.

Rick: Bye.

Coop: Bye, sorry.

Frank: We'll do our absolute best.

Father Ray: Hey! It's been a while!

Reva: Father Ray...

Father Ray: How are you?

Reva: Good! It's so good to see you. I don't think you really want to know how I am.

Father Ray: So the rumors are true?

Reva: Rumors? There's rumors about me?

Father Ray: Congratulations. It's great news.

Reva: Thank you. I guess it is, it's just... it's kind of like a... a miracle.

Father Ray: I am a big believer in those. It goes with the collar.

Reva: Yeah.

Father Ray: So... do you feel ready?

Reva: Well, does anybody ever feel ready? I mean, I know that you're not alone in the idea that this is crazy because of all of the risks and all, but... but when God sends you a miracle, it’s... and I have certainly had a few of those!

Father Ray: Yes, you have. I also hear Josh left the church?

Reva: No, no, no... I... he hasn't left, really. Um... I mean, I think he's just... he's taking a break. I guess he's looking for something. Right now he's in Afghanistan with our son, Shayne. Shayne's working with relief agencies clearing land mines.

Father Ray: Whoa! Brave work!

Reva: Yeah, he is brave. I'm proud of all my kids. I really am... in spite of the fact they had me for a mom!

Father Ray: You may not have always been there, but you love your kids.

Reva: Yeah, I just made some mistakes with them, though, you know? But this time, maybe I'll do it right, huh?

Father Ray: God bless!

Reva: (Laughing) Thanks.

Jeffrey: Oh!

Natalia: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Natalia: I was hoping you'd be home.

Jeffrey: Yeah, uh... I'm just doing, you know, a little work on the car here.

Natalia: Mm-hmm.

Jeffrey: Uh... is it Rafe? You know, um, we tried to stop the transfer, but we couldn’t.

Natalia: No, I know. I actually haven't been able to see him yet. I missed visiting hours yesterday. It was... a long story. But I was kind of hoping there might be a way, maybe, I could get in there today?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I've worked with that judge before, and, uh... I don't think he's going to change his mind. I'm sorry.

Natalia: Well, that's okay. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Jeffrey: Is there something else?

Natalia: Well... (clears throat) Rafe’s lawyer, Vince Russo... Olivia hired him for us. I was just... I was wondering if... if you knew him very well or if you thought he was worth it?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, Vince is one of the best.

Natalia: I've heard. But do you think that I could possibly do just as well with someone, um... less expensive, you know? The public defender that Rafe had in juvie, he was really good.

Jeffrey: Natalia, these are very serious charges, so, um... you know, I'm not saying that a public defender couldn't help Rafe, but, you never know who you're going to get or how big of a case load he's got, or if he's having a bad day...

Natalia: Yeah. It's a big risk, yeah.

Jeffrey: I wish I could be more help. I'm sorry.

Natalia: No, thank you. That’s... that's what I needed to hear. I'll make it work.

Rick: It's too bad you couldn't help Natalia out with her problem.

Coop: Yeah, you really tried there, Frank.

Frank: Well, thanks, guys.

Rick: No, I mean, you really...

Rick and Coop: ...Really tried there.

Franks: Thanks. Thank you. You know, well, you guys would have done the same if you had the right connections to help her, you know? I like her, and I really feel bad for her, you know? I mean, we're all rooting for her, right?

Rick: Yeah. Some of us more than others.

Frank: What does that mean?

Coop: Oh, what he's trying to say is that if rooting were a team sport, that you, Frank, would be the captain of the team.

Rick: Yeah, kind of like the captain of the football team has got a major league crush on the cheerleader.

Frank: What are you talking about?

Coop: Oh, ask her out, Frank.

Frank: We're just friends!

Rick: Until you ask her out.

Frank: Her son is in jail right now, okay? The poor woman's working a bunch of jobs, dating is the last thing on her mind.

Rick: Frank, stop it. All she needs to do is say no to you. It's not like you've never heard a woman say no to you before.

Frank: What? (Sighs)

Rick: Frankie, that came out wrong.

Coop: Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay? Look, you like her, all right? Just admit that.

Frank: We all like her!

Coop: Yeah, but not the way that you like her. Come on, big guy. You can do it. Just say it.

Frank: Okay, you want me to say it?

Coop: Yes!

Rick: Go!

Coop: We're dying for you to say it.

Frank: All right.

Coop: Say it, Frank.

Frank: I like her.

Coop: Aw!

Rick: There you go! Thank you, good for you! Good for you, Frankie. So now you can ask her out.

Frank: She was Gus' wife, okay? He was my brother-in-law, my friend, my colleague. Listen, did you talk to Pop lately? You know, how's Harley’s house? Because is Blake is supposed to be showing it...

Coop: Oh! Changing the subject again!

Rick: Yeah.

Frank: Is she showing the house?

Rick: No. How's the weather?

Coop: Yes, you want to talk about Springfield? The Mayor?

Rick: Hey, guys, ever been to Montana?

Frank: I'm not asking her out.

Coop: Should we follow?

Rick: He's running out of excuses.

Frank: Look, the only reason she comes to me is because we're... we're just friends. And I'm a cop, and I have connections and I can help her with her son. At least, I thought I did.

Coop: Frank, there are plenty of other cops that she could have gone to...

Rick: Better... better cops.

Frank: Easy, Dr. Death.

Rick: Hey... hey, no one's perfect, Frank. We're just saying that you could spend your time doing other things. That's all we're saying.

Frank: What things?

Rick and Coop: Asking her out, Frank!

Rick: Do it now!

Coop: Come on!

Frank: She's mourning Gus right now, okay? I'm not going to hit on a widow. Come on, that's disgusting.

Rick: Frank, Frankie, it's only creepy if you flirt with the woman at the funeral.

Frank: I'm not taking her out.

Cassie: Hi.

Olivia: Hey, Cass.

Cassie: Are you changing rooms?

Olivia: No, I'm just packing up some of Ava’s things. Anything that reminds her of the baby. She's coming home!

Cassie: She's coming home? That's great!

Olivia: Yeah, the doctor says she's well enough. You know what? I might need you to take up the slack around here, take on some of my responsibilities, if you don't mind.

Cassie: Of course. Although, you might need to brief me on what it is you've been doing.

Olivia: What do you mean?

Cassie: Well, uh... the manager said something about you being approached on a franchising deal?

Olivia: Oh, no, I wasn't keeping that from you. It was... it was more of an offer for me than the Beacon. It was this guy, Lawrence Decker. He wants me to be the "face" of a string of hotels.

Cassie: Uh-huh?

Olivia: I turned him down flat. I can't take on anything new, and Ava’s going to need me, and I don't know, I just want to spend as much time as I possibly can with my daughters.

Cassie: Well, they're lucky to have you... and you, them.

Olivia: Tammy...

Cassie: Yeah, I think about her every day. And I would give anything to be doing what you're doing right now, tidying up a room for her to come home to. I'm happy for you.

Olivia: Thanks. And this other thing... I mean, you're not upset that Decker approached me and not you? Because you're very pretty.

Cassie: (Laughing) Uh, no. At another time it might have bothered me, but no. I'm trying to cut out the things in my life that upset me, not add more to my life.

Olivia: Easier said than done, huh?

Cassie: Tell me about it!

Jeffrey: There's my bride!

Reva: Hey, you're in a good mood!

Jeffrey: Well, there are a lot of good things happening.

Reva: Yeah?

Jeffrey: Yeah, but first... what do you think, huh? She's all tuned up and ready to hit the road.

Reva: We already hit the road in her.

Jeffrey: But not for a trip as long as this one.

Reva: You think we're taking this on our honeymoon?

Jeffrey: We're not?

Reva: Uh, no.

Jeffrey: You told me you... you loved this car. You told me not to get rid of it!

Reva: I... I do, but where are we going to put all of the baby books that Cassie told us we have to read?

Jeffrey: Reading baby books on my honeymoon? Now, that's something I never thought that I would ever be doing, and that's something I never thought I'd ever be going there, either.

Reva: I know, welcome to my world.

Jeffrey: Well, happy honeymoon.

Reva: (Laughs)

Reva: Well, I think that is great. You know, if you want to stay here for Ava, that's okay. Who needs a honeymoon, anyway?

Jeffrey: We do! But Olivia was very clear, you know? She wants to spend some time with Ava, and well, you know, I'll have plenty of time to spend with her when we get back. I'll have all the time in the world.

Reva: So, she doesn't know that we're, uh...

Jeffrey: No, no. No baby stuff for her right now. So, what are you going to show me here?

Reva: Tah-dah!

Jeffrey: An R.V.?

Reva: Yes! Look at all that room.

Jeffrey: Okay, I buy you a sports car and then you... you get me a, what? A land yacht?

Reva: Jeffrey, our travel options are limited.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Not limited to this, Reva!

Reva: But look, wait, look. Look at the size of the bed.

Jeffrey: A bed that pulls down from the wall?

Reva: Yeah!

Jeffrey: Is that what marriage is going to be like?

Reva: It's fantastic!

Jeffrey: You know what? I love... I love being married to you, I really do, and I love the fact that you're going to make me a father again. But, uh, you know, really... I don't think I want to turn into one of those guys.

Reva: What guys?

Jeffrey: Well, you know. The guys that drive minivans and wear baby slings.

Reva: What the hell is a baby sling?

Jeffrey: You know, the thing you wear around your shoulder to carry the babies!

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Okay, look, I'm glad this is the least of our problems.

Reva: Yeah, at least for today.

Jeffrey: One day at a time, right?

Reva: Right. There's nothing from Shayne yet.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, when you're off saving the world, you know...

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: ...Email comes a distant second.

Reva: Yeah, I know, but I don't want him to have to log on and read "Hey, it's your newly-wed mother”

Jeffrey: Well, when you put it like that... (laughs) so what was this about baby books before?

Reva: Lunch with Cassie didn't go very well.

Jeffrey: Uh-oh. What does that mean?

Reva: It means you better start reading up... on baby slings. (Laughs)

Olivia: You know, they didn't make maternity clothes quite as cute as when I was pregnant with Emma.

Cassie: (Laughs) You should have seen the clothes when I was pregnant with Tammy! Hey, if this is too hard so soon after losing Max, I can do this...

Olivia: No, it's okay. I just... I thought that Remy had gotten most of this stuff out of here yesterday, and then I found this whole other batch of things. And I thought, as hard as this is for me, think about Ava.

Cassie: I know.

Olivia: I mean, my heart breaks for her. I can't even imagine... you know, when she was pregnant it was probably the best time in my life.

Cassie: But you'd just had a heart transplant.

Olivia: I know. And as miserable and sad as I was for myself, I couldn't help but be excited for her and to be able to be there for her and help her through it... even though I have a feeling it wasn't the best time of her life-- and I have to take some responsibility for that. I mean, I kind of pushed her into something that I'm not sure she wanted. But I'm grateful to have another shot at this, to try it again. And now I've made you sad.

Cassie: No, just uh... maybe a little envious. But that seems to be my life these days, is stuck between being happy for people when good things happen to them, and jealous that they're not happening to me. Especially when it's anything related to kids or babies.

Olivia: As in Reva’s baby?

Cassie: Yes, actually. I just saw her and it turned into a "thing." I don't know, she's a newlywed again...

Olivia: (Laughs)

Cassie: And you know, there was a time when I thought it was going to be me and Jeffrey. Before Josh. There was a time when I thought it was going to be me and Jeffrey after Josh, right? And now Reva and Jeffrey are having a baby!

Olivia: You know what? It's perfectly normal to feel a little jealous.

Cassie: Well, I don't want it to be my normal... wanting what I don't have when I have so much. I have my sons and my job and my friends and... I just don't know what I'm going to do with all my time if I'm not...

Olivia: Angry?

Cassie: ...Spending it being angry. (Laughs)

Olivia: Oh, I know... just knit. Take up knitting.

Cassie: I already knit.

Olivia: I knew you were reading one of these things! You're sure sounding like one!

Cassie: (Laughing) Oh, I'm sorry!

Olivia: No, it's okay. I'm all for, you know, people helping themselves.

Cassie: I finally am, too. I can't believe I'm even telling you all this stuff.

Olivia: Desperate times...

Natalia: Hi, sorry I'm late. The bus...

Manager: Natalia, I'm sorry, but I think we have to let you go.

Natalia: Oh, no! I really need this job, I mean, now more than ever. And as soon as I get my car fixed this will... this will not happen again.

Manager: I'm sorry. I don't have a choice. You're a part-timer and you're never here.

Natalia: So, um... when can I pick up my last check?

Manager: I'll have it mailed to you.

Tell me did you know that

I've seen you cry...

Paging Dr. Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please?

Lillian: Oh, hi, Natalia. Is everything okay?

Natalia: Uh... long day. Um, Lillian, I was wondering if I could have just a few more hours? I know I don't really have an official job title here, but I can do anything, like filing, answering phones, whatever... cafeteria... restaurant experience...

Lillian: Honey, I will put in a really good word for you with the hospital administrator, but the problem is I'm going to have to put you on the list.

Natalia: The list?

Lillian: Yeah, well, the office has a freeze on all hiring. It's because of the economy, and all the nurses are begging, you know, for more hours. We can hardly afford to keep the minimal staff we have right now.

Natalia: I understand.

Lillian: How's Rafe?

Natalia: They just transferred him upstate...

Lillian: Oh.

Natalia: ...So I haven't seen him. I'll see him soon, though. In the meantime, I'm going to go... I'm going to go check in on Alan while I'm here.

Lillian: Okay.

Natalia: Alan?

Father Ray: They... they just moved him. He's still in a coma. He needed more surgery, something about relieving pressure.

Natalia: I thought...

Father Ray: Let me get you some water.

Natalia: No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm not thirsty.

Father Ray: Look, I'll stay with you if you want. Do you want to talk?

Natalia: Is God punishing me?

Frank: Hey, guys. I'm uh... I'm heading out.

Rick: Oh, come on, Frankie. One more hand.

Coop: One more hand, buddy.

Frank: I've had quite enough of both of you, thank you.

Coop: Hey, Frank, hold on a second. Look, um... why don't you just take these tickets? It's for a concert that's in the park tonight. It's the last one before it gets cold.

Frank: These are, uh... these are yours?

Coop: Oh, yeah. I bought them months ago for Ashlee and myself, but I'm not going to be going now, so... uh... take Natalia. I'm sure she'd like it.

Frank: Listen, Coop, I know what you're trying to do here, and I love you as my brother, but you know what? I'm not going to take Natalia. I'm tired, I'm overworked, and I can't take anymore rejection.

Coop: But that's the thing! What if she doesn't say no? What if she says yes?

Rick: It's a concert, Frank, not a marriage proposal! For the love of Pete! What is it with you, Frank? Not every decision in your life has to be a major commitment. Look at you. You've got to be more casual and suave. Watch me. Watch and learn. You're Natalia, I'm Frankie, we're at Towers having a cocktail. Go, go, go!

Coop: You look great, Frank.

Rick: Do you like my uniform?

Coop: Yes.

Rick: I used to be the Police Chief...

Frank: Oh, God, okay, fine. You know, listen, hold on. I'll do it. I'll do it, okay? Hold on... I'm not doing this because I'm being forced into doing this or pressured into it. The only reason I'm doing this is so I don't end up like both of you.

Coop: That's fine.

Rick: Hey, great.

Coop: Have a good time, buddy.

Rick: Bye-bye, Frank.

Coop: Oh, yeah! Nice working with you.

Rick: Follow the master, buddy. Follow the master.

Reva: You know, we could always rent a tow-line for this baby and drag it behind the R.V.

Jeffrey: Tow it?

Reva: (Laughing)

Jeffrey: Don't talk like that in front of this car, woman! What's the matter with you? No R.V., okay? Here, take this.

Reva: Where are you going?

Jeffrey: I'm going to go for a ride. I'm going to visit someone who respects this automobile for what it is. Want to come?

Reva: Where are you really going?

Jeffrey: Olivia’s.

Reva: Oh. Then no.

Jeffrey: I've got a present for Ava I want to leave over there. But when I get back, it's honeymoon time!

Reva: It's always honeymoon time with us, baby!

Jeffrey: Pack lightly... very lightly, okay? Please.

(Phone ringing)

Olivia: Hello? Olivia Spencer. Hi, Dr. Montgomery. Is everything okay? Is Ava okay? What's wrong?

Father Ray: Here you go.

Natalia: Thank you. I know you must have patients to see.

Father Ray: Hey, right now I am visiting one of my favorite parishioners.

Natalia: I don't know what to do. I put so much faith in Alan’s visions of Gus. I mean, they seemed to all be coming true and they kept Gus alive, at least for me, you know? And it's the reason why Rafe came back, because I told him his grandfather was having visions that he should. And now to find out that this is all part of some medical condition or whatever it is...

Father Ray: We won't really know until Alan wakes up.

Natalia: Did you know that Rafe came home and now he's in state prison? I can't even see him. I have no idea how I'm going to afford his lawyer, and I just lost my job at Towers.

Father Ray: I am so sorry.

Natalia: Everyone's sorry for me. Pathetic. I hate it. And I feel like this is God's way of saying, "This is what you get for putting all your faith in Alan instead of me."

Father Ray: God's not punishing you, Natalia. You didn't choose to believe Alan as much as you chose to believe in miracles. Everyday miracles... that's different. God loves you and your faith... just hold on to that to get you through this.

Natalia: But every day it seems to get harder, and it's never going to end.

Father Ray: Those are the days we need our faith most. I do have other patients to visit.

Natalia: Hmm.

Father Ray: Is there anything else I can do?

Natalia: No.

Father Ray: Are you sure?

Natalia: Thank you for listening.

Father Ray: Anytime.

Natalia: I'm going to stay here and wait for Alan.

Tosses it aside

makes him feel...

Cassie: R.J.?

Angels come to rest

what is this...

Cassie: Well, hello. I didn't think you were here. Hi.

R.J.: I couldn't stop the game. I just beat my high score!

Cassie: That is awesome.

R.J.: You want to play?

Cassie: Uh... sure, I'll play.

R.J.: Cool, let's go.

Cassie: (Laughing) I am going to kick your butt, mister!

R.J.: Yeah, right!

Cassie: I am! Just you wait!

Frank: Hey, Lillian. Hi.

Lillian: Hi.

Frank: Have you seen Natalia? Is she working today? I'm trying to track her down.

Lillian: No, she's not. She's in Alan’s room.

Frank: Oh, thanks. I... I like your hair.

Lillian: Oh, thank you, Frank.

Natalia: (Sobbing)

I'll go home back again

to where I once lived

I just can't let it go

let it down

if I do this once more

I'll be coming up roses

coming clean...

Frank: Lillian... um, I've got two tickets for the concert tonight. They're great seats. Why don't you... why don't you call Pop and you have a good time, okay?

Lillian: Oh, thank you, Frank.

Rick: Coop?

Coop: What?

Rick: This might be the best date I've ever had, as long as you pick up the tab.

Coop: I don't have any money.

Rick: My credit cards have been cancelled, so...

Frank: Both of you just shut up and eat your food.

Rick: I'll pay you back, Frank, I swear.

Jeffrey: Olivia? Olivia, what is it?

Olivia: Ava's not coming home.

Reva: Come on, Shayne. Get to a computer or phone. Anything... something! (Sighs) "Message undeliverable." What? "Bounced back"-- the message bounced back? What does... (phone rings) Hello? Josh? Hey. Josh, I can barely hear you. What? I'm sorry, what? Shayne what? Wait a minute, I... what happened to Shayne? Josh? Joshua? Josh!

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: Josh, is Shayne there? Just put him on.

Josh: Shayne's not here. He's missing.

Reva: Oh, God.

Jeffrey: Going over there and putting our baby at risk is not going to help Shayne.

Reva: I've failed my kids too many times to do nothing.

Jeffrey: You need to sit. You need to be off your feet.

Reva: No, I don't just need to be off my feet. I need to be on a plane to Kabul. My flight leaves in three hours.

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