Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/16/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: I hired him for a job.
Cyrus: What kind of a job.
Dinah: Bill, the more you avoid me, the more... I want him to wake up and feel the kind of pain that he has caused me.
Frank: Hi.
Natalia: Hi, what are you doing here.
Frank: I'm actually filling in for Dad, he went on a quick little trip.
Natalia: Let me know if I'm hogging the table.
Frank: What are you working on?
Natalia: A bunch of stuff that Rafe’s lawyer Mr. Russo gave me.
Frank: Russo, as in Vince Russo?
Natalia: Yeah, Olivia got it for me. You don't like him?
Frank: No, not really, but if I was to hire an attorney that would really get stuff done no matter what, I would probably call the guy.
Natalia: That is what Olivia said. I want to make sure Rafe has everything he needs.
Frank: Well, he has you, doesn't he? So is there anything else I get you or help you with?
Natalia: No, thank you so much.
Frank: Hey, honey.
Daisy: How are you?
Frank: Good.
Daisy: Look nice.
Frank: Thank you.
Daisy: Wow, you are back in school. It looks like a pile of homework.
Natalia: I guess you could call it homework. How are you, Daisy?
Daisy: I've been better. How's Rafe?
Natalia: Fine, thank you.
Daisy: Listen, I know you don't love the idea of me and Rafe, which is fine because there is no me and Rafe but I really need to see him. Frank won't let me. But I bet that if you talk to him he will let me into the jail, just once. And it would be good for Rafe too because he will see that he has support.
Natalia: Yeah, absolutely. But you know Rafe isn't in the Springfield jail.
Daisy: Where is he?
Natalia: They took him to the state prison.
Remy: Funny how the truth has a way of coming out no matter what. You think you would figure that out by now.
Olivia: Okay, I will bite. What the hell are you talking about?
Remy: You told me my cards were upsetting Ava, that I should pull back and leave her alone.
Olivia: Remy, your feelings for her are confusing her. She needs time alone.
Remy: She was confused already. Didn't know what I was talking about when I brought up the... I know what you did. You don't need to try...
Olivia: I did what I thought was best for my kid. You will know that some day when you... I'm sorry. I am. Are we done?
Remy: Yeah, sure. Don't need to know the news.
Olivia: What news?
Remy: Well, the doctors are clean, they said she might be released.
Olivia: Are you serious?
Remy: I don't joke about things like that.
Olivia: Well, maybe I was right. Maybe keeping you away was a good thing for a while.
Remy: Or maybe not. I don't care as long as Ava is okay and she's ready to come home.
Dinah: Hello, you look so nice. How are you?
Lizzie: I've got stuff on my mind. How are you?
Dinah: Great, great, things couldn't be better. How's the house?
Lizzie: It's nice to be back home.
Dinah: How's Hilda?
Lizzie: Hilda's Hilda.
Dinah: I'm going to call her as soon as I can. You be sure to tell her that. She was a very important part of my life for a while.
Lizzie: You could just come visit her. And you could make up. That is going to happen eventually.
Dinah: Yes, relationships superficial based on sex and competition, those come and go. But family is family.
Lizzie: Speaking of family, I need to call the hospital. So excuse me.
Dinah: You know at the end of the day, we are going to end up right where we belong, the strongest brother and sister team in the world.
Lizzie: Whatever you say.
Dinah: That is right after he learns his lesson.
Bill: You picked the wrong guy on the wrong day, my friend. Fine, you want my wallet? Hmm? Make you happy? There you go. Take it. I will cancel the cards in 20 minutes.
Daisy: I can't believe this, how could this happen?
Frank: Daisy, do me a favor, just give Natalia a little break. She's got a lot going on right now.
Daisy: I don't understand. This is such a mess. You promised that you were going to take care of Rafe.
Frank: I'm doing the best that I can. Why don't we go right over there and we can talk about this?
Natalia: Frank, it's okay. She cares about Rafe. She wants to know what is going on with him, what his situation is.
Frank: Okay, fine.
Daisy: What is the point of having half my family be cops if they can't even help my friend. Frank said he would take care of Rafe. Why would he even say that if he can't do it.
Natalia: He really tried, Daisy, he did everything he could. It is completely out of his control. You know it's the mayor. She wants to make an example of Rafe. He did something wrong. She just doesn't get it.
Daisy: But he's a good person who made a mistake. It's not like he is...
Natalia: I know that, and you know that.
Daisy: She's just milking it.
Natalia: There is nothing I can do about that. I just have to, you know -- he hasn't lost yet.
Daisy: This is all my fault.
Natalia: I don't think so. You had nothing to do with the shooting.
Daisy: No, no, not that. Later. My friend Grady, he is the one who called the State Troopers and turned Rafe in and told him he had a gun and made the whole thing so much worse and that is because of me.
Natalia: Why would he do that?
Daisy: Because he was jealous. He does stuff without thinking. I know. I know, it's awful. I'm so sorry and I will do anything I can to make up for it, Natalia, I will. I will get a job and help pay for this lawyer. I will write letters if that helps and drive you up to the prison every day. He is okay? Are they giving him the right foods, does he get his medication and stuff?
Natalia: Yeah, I think all of that is fine. If there's a problem, I think he would tell me.
Daisy: He might. He might not. You know, he might not want you to worry. I think I should go see him, you know, if that is all right with you.
Natalia: It's okay.
Daisy: I'm going to go right now. Do you want to come? I'll drive.
Natalia: I am going to go, but I have to work first.
Daisy: They won't let you off to see your own son?
Natalia: You go. It's fine. He should see us one at a time anyway.
Daisy: Right, okay.
Natalia: Daisy, keep that guy away from Rafe, please. He's got enough troubles.
Olivia: All right. Tell me everything.
Remy: Well, Ava is tougher than she looks. She wants to be better and the doctor said that is the most important thing.
Olivia: I know that for a fact.
Rafe: Jeffrey did a good thing taking her to the clinic when he did. He is a good dad.
Olivia: He's a good dad. But it is my turn to take care of her. And I need specifics. I know you think I am the worst mother in the world.
Rafe: If I thought that I wouldn't have told you anything in the first place, okay? Now here is the deal. She's doing pretty well. She was connected to the world. She understands what happened to Max. And she's sad but she is ready to start over. Get back into her life. Now the doctors are going to see her tomorrow. And give their final evaluation. And she can be home by tomorrow afternoon.
Olivia: She is going to need things.
Remy: She needs to know we love her. I'm not going to do anything stupid, but I want her. And she wants me. And I won't rush, but I don't want to waste a lot of time either.
Olivia: All right, look. I've got to go. I have to tell Emma that her sister's coming home. I've got to tell her... we got to get ready. We're going to start over.
Remy: You're welcome!
Lizzie: Okay. This is what I don't understand. What do you want from Bill?
Dinah: I don't know what's so hard to figure out.
Lizzie: You want him to show gratitude.
Dinah: Uh-huh, that would be nice.
Lizzie: Treat you like equals.
Dinah: Yup, because we are.
Lizzie: You want him to trust you.
Dinah: I would like him to not cut off my credit.
Lizzie: He cut off your credit?
Dinah: Yup. Are we done with the laundry list?
Lizzie: Okay. Here's what I don't understand. How will teaching him a lesson get you any of that back? And I'm using your words.
Dinah: You know, I think that you have spent too much time as a coddled rich kid to understand how the real world works.
Lizzie: Some advice?
Dinah: Uh-huh.
Lizzie: I would take me a little more seriously if I was you. When he was in trouble and you knew I was the only one that could get him out of it.
Dinah: I have it from here, thank you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: You know, I heard what you do when you need to teach someone a lesson. I think I'll stick around, thanks.
Dinah: You know, I don't -- and I don't know if I'm exactly correct -- no, I am. Bill doesn't want anything to do with you any more.
Lizzie: Oh, really, how do you figure that?
Dinah: Because I think moving out of the house is the smartest thing he has ever done.
Lizzie: Really? So then, okay what would you call his decision to move back in? Yeah, see, we made an arrangement that is working for us, working together, which is great. I mean, granted it will take a little while to let things settle in and we're working together. We're going to be a great team, and it feels good.
Dinah: You and Bill a team?
Lizzie: Yup. And it can be good for you. I mean, okay, I understand the importance of family. I'm working on Bill. I want him to have good relationships with his family. I'm actually on your side. You know something, here. Until we can get this credit thing worked out, take this. Take it. Okay, you know something? I will be at the hospital when you change your mind. I'm going to go check on my grandfather.
Dinah: Billy, Billy, Billy boy, you are making a big mistake.
Bill: (Grunts)
Lizzie: Stop! Oh my God, are you okay? Are you okay? Don't move, don't move.
Bill: I got a few punches in.
Lizzie: Are you out of your mind, engaging this guy? You are hurt.
Bill: I'm okay, I'm okay.
Lizzie: It's not okay. If I hadn't been with Dinah...
Bill: You were with Dinah?
Lizzie: Yeah, she is on a war path, not that I need to tell you that or anything, but I tried to set her straight.
Bill: You tried to set her straight, what did you say?
Lizzie: It's not important right now. She knows are you are back in the house, and that we are working on things.
Bill: So you lied to her.
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Tell me what we are working out.
Lizzie: We're not going to do this right now.
Bill: I went out of my way to help your grandfather from humiliating himself and you went behind my back and stole half the company.
Lizzie: I did it for us.
Bill: For us, yeah, you keep saying that.
Lizzie: I figure that if I keep saying it, eventually you'll figure it out.
Bill: You know what, I am in that house... I am in that house because it is mine, okay. And I am not going to lose it.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, neither am I. Do you want me to take you back?
Bill: I'm fine!
Rafe: Hi, Dais.
Daisy: Are you all right? I thought you...
Guard: No physical touching.
Daisy: Sorry. I can't believe you're here. I'm so sorry.
Frank: It seemed like he had a lot to say.
Natalia: Yes, very. But it is good, right.
Frank: Of course it is. What's wrong? What's wrong?
Natalia: Nothing. Do all lawyers cost this much?
Frank: He discussed his legal fees with you?
Natalia: He's supposed to be great and everything and he said all the right things but the money.
Frank: Don't worry about that. Maybe Dad and I can get some kind of legal defense fund going for you. Seriously, it won't be a problem.
Natalia: Hi. I want to talk to you.
Olivia: I saw Russo’s car, did you meet with him?
Natalia: Yeah, hi no idea you paid him that much money.
Olivia: Don't think about it, okay.
Natalia: $25,000, don't even think about it?
Olivia: A lawyer like that won't take a case without a retainer. Would you rather he not take the case.
Natalia: I had no idea that I owe you that much money now.
Olivia: I never said you had to pay me back. Consider it a gift, an investment in Rafe’s future.
Natalia: That is not an option. I have gone my whole life without owing anybody this much money.
Olivia: So there's a first time with everything.
Natalia: Are you making a joke?
Olivia: That should be funny.
Natalia: You put me in a terrible position. What is wrong with you?
Olivia: What is wrong with you? You needed help, okay. It cost money. I have money.
Natalia: Oh, good, rub it in. You can take care of everything, right, your kids, my kids.
Olivia: Oh, gosh, I can't win.
Natalia: No, you have to think before you do things like this.
Olivia: I will think, all right. Don't worry about it. Now do you have someplace to go. I would like to eat.
Natalia: Yes. I'm late for work.
Olivia: Unbelievable. She's unbelievable.
Frank: I think the word is proud.
Olivia: Oh, I'm going to throw up.
Bill: I'm okay.
Dinah: What happened to you?
Bill: You know me, I'm a big klutz, I tripped.
Dinah: What, this is not good. This is... your whole knee is swollen.
Bill: I sort of got mugged.
Dinah: What!?
Bill: The guy was more interested in hurting me than getting my wallet. I don't know.
Dinah: We need to call 911. We need to make a report.
Bill: You know what, I'm fine. Can you help me get to the car?
Dinah: Yeah.
Bill: Thank you very much.
Dinah: Take it easy, just one step at a time.
Grady: You can't even walk buddy, are you okay? You need a hand.
Dinah: Grady, he was mugged. Would you recognize the guy if you saw him?
Bill: He had a ski mask on. Like I said, he was more intent on hurting me. It just happened so quickly. I got to get out of here.
Beth: Hey, what happened to you. I thought you were going to be here over an hour ago.
Lizzie: I would have been if it hadn't been for a bunch of freaks and idiots, don't ask. People never cease to amaze me. No change?
Beth: The doctor still wants to keep him unconscious. Yeah, I guess they have to wait for the swelling to go down from the surgery first.
Lizzie: Yeah, they were telling me something about that. But to be honest, a whole bunch of white noise. They talk and talk and I just... different language.
Beth: What it boils down to, I guess, is that until they see certain activity on his monitor, they can't even think about bringing him back to consciousness.
Lizzie: Well, do they know what would happen? Will he be the same person? Do they think he will still see Gus?
Beth: Too soon to tell. Oh, but I hope not. Gus needs to rest in peace and your grandfather needs to...
Lizzie: It would be nice for things to get back to normal.
Beth: Did you just mention normal? With this family?
Lizzie: Okay, I won't ask for that much. Maybe a day or two between every major family crisis.
Beth: I'm so tired. I'm so tired I can't think straight.
Lizzie: Why don't you go take a nap in the room they set aside for us?
Beth: What room?
Lizzie: Somebody set up a companion room. I don't know who, they said it was a friend of the family.
Beth: Who would that be? I thought the hospital wasn't doing any more since the latest budget cuts. We just discussed it at the last board meeting.
Lizzie: They are doing it, they did it. So go lay down.
Beth: Who would arrange something like that for us?
Lizzie: Let me try to find out and I will find out who to thank.
Bill: No, no, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good from here, thank you very much.
Dinah: Okay, you know what, I can drive. Give me the key.
Grady: Just take it easy, buddy, okay?
Bill: I'm good, thank you very much. I can... I can drive, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm good, thank you.
Dinah: Everything else okay. Are you back at the house, you and Lizzie.
Bill: Yeah, me and Lizzie. I'm going to get everything back, all of it. Everything she took from me.
Olivia: So it's going to be fun, Ava, Emma, together, we're going to have a good time.
Frank: Look at you playing mama.
Olivia: I'm not playing. It's not a game.
Frank: I know, but you are a good mom and let me tell you something, you have been a good friend to Natalia, too.
Olivia: I don't know what her problem is.
Frank: Yeah, you do.
Olivia: No good deed, huh? Well, from now on I'm all about my kids. I want to be a good mother. I want to be a better mother. I'm going to get it right this time, Frank.
Frank: I know you will. Does Jeffrey know about all of this that is going on with Ava?
Olivia: No, but he's going to be so happy. He's got a few things going on, though. You can keep a secret.
Frank: Oh, God, what is it now. What? Reva's pregnant...
Olivia: Oh my God, are you psychic?
Frank: I was just making a joke. I have no idea what to say right now.
Olivia: Probably nothing you should say in a public restaurant. Jeffrey has a new baby on the way, he has a marriage.
Frank: He has been a busy boy.
Olivia: And I like it like that, I can have one-on-one time with Ava without having to clear everything through him.
Frank: Ava is lucky to have you.
Olivia: I'm pretty lucky to have her. Nice to see you.
Frank: Nice to see you too, honey. Listen, in this whole process, don't forget to take care of yourself too.
Olivia: Thanks, Frank.
Decker: Olivia Spencer.
Olivia: That's me.
Decker: Lawrence Decker. We met years ago when you and Alan Spaulding were pitching the waterfront project.
Olivia: Galaxy International, right.
Decker: We've expanded a lot since then, but hotels are still our bread and birth. That is why I came looking for you.
Olivia: Really?
Decker: You still own the Beacon hotel.
Olivia: Yes, I do with my partner Cassie, and it is not for sale.
Decker: That's fine. I'm not interested in buying your hotel. I guess you could say I'm looking to buy you.
Olivia: Excuse me?
Decker: Good, I got your attention.
Olivia: Do I need to call my friend, Detective Cooper back over here?
Decker: I'll explain. Galaxy needs a new image. We're expanding all over the world, Asia, South America. We need something to customer associates with luxury, excellence, impeccable standards. They need a face to go with the quality, basically. And we think, well, we believe you're that face. We like your face, a lot.
Olivia: That's flattering. I'll pass.
Decker: Don't say no right away. Meet with my team. I think you'll see that we can put together a deal that are you absolutely --
Olivia: I really, really appreciate it. But I'm not going to have the time. My daughter is going to love this, though, nice to see you again.
Natalia: Why, why, why?
Daisy: So your mom will tell you about the lawyer when she gets here. She was going to meet with the lawyer and then go to work. And then she is about to come from there.
Rafe: Okay. How are you, are you okay?
Daisy: Are you okay? I mean this place is a little scary.
Rafe: Nah, it's not as bad as it seems. I'm serious, really. I'm just trying to stay out of trouble and keep my head down.
Daisy: What kind of trouble?
Rafe: Nothing, don't worry about it. But yeah, you, what about you? How are you? Tell me.
Daisy: I broke up with Grady.
Rafe: Seriously?
Daisy: I had to.
Rafe: I'm sorry. That guy was so wrong for you.
Daisy: Yeah, well, do we have to talk about him?
Rafe: No, I'm glad that you finally figured out what he is about.
Daisy: That was never the problem. I mean -- I understand him. I always have. I'm probably the only one who gets him. What?
Rafe: Nothing, that's what you used to say about me.
Daisy: I guess I'm just one of those insightful types.
Rafe: Just don't spend too much time trying to figure him out, please.
Daisy: I don’t. Let's just talk about something else.
Rafe: How did he take it?
Daisy: What, my breaking up with him? How do you think?
Rafe: Think that he hated it and it probably drove him crazy. But that's how...
Daisy: I can't believe they actually make you wear those uniforms.
Rafe: I... I love you.
Daisy: Rafe...
Rafe: Thanks for driving up.
Daisy: Of course, I... your mom will be here soon?
Rafe: Thanks for coming, and for breaking up with that jerk.
Daisy: Stay safe, okay?
Remy: Hey, you have heard from her?
Olivia: No. Okay, come on. I have a call in to her doctor. Okay? Okay, all right.
Remy: You need help? Does everything have to be a fight?
Olivia: I'm just trying to get through this. I hate being back at the hotel instead of the house.
Remy: Better than the Spaulding place.
Olivia: We agree on that much.
Remy: I'm sure she appreciates everything you are doing.
Olivia: Maternity clothes, I don't really know what to do with them.
Remy: You can donate them. I will take it downstairs. I mean, Ava would like that. She would love having someone wear her pretty stuff, some girl who can't afford maternity clothes. Okay. Anything else?
Olivia: No, I will take care of the rest.
Remy: Okay, because you know if...
Olivia: I'm good. Well, I will bring you a receipt for your taxes.
Manager: Oh, thank you. Natalia, nice of you to show up.
Natalia: I'm so sorry. My car broke down, and I had to walk all the way here.
Manager: I'm sorry to her about that.
Natalia: Well, I have to ask you something. Sorry, I should have called first. I don't have a cell phone right now. But anyway, I really need to see my son today. And now I have to use the bus because of what happened with my car. So I was wondering if maybe somebody could fill in for me today.
Manager: Go.
Natalia: Go? Thank you so much.
Daisy: Hey. I just came from visiting Rafe in jail.
Grady: How is he holding up?
Daisy: How do you think? It's a nightmare. Does that make you happy? Because you're the one who turned him in.
Grady: The way I hear it, people who shoot people are supposed to go to jail. I was doing my civic duty, and if I hadn't turned him in, someone else would have.
Daisy: Shut up. You don't care that he shot someone. You did this for yourself.
Grady: I did this for you. You didn't need him complicating your life, hanging around, making you miserable.
Daisy: But this is why we can't be together. You don't get it.
Grady: Did you come all the way over here to tell me that? Because I know, okay. I do get it. I took a chance and I lost you. But at least I tried. But this? Coming over here and trying to make me feel horrible, maybe you need it. But I sure as hell don’t.
Natalia: Wait, wait, wait! Stop!
Bill: Nice to see you take your job seriously.
Therapist: We aim to please.
Bill: What to do. Ah, so how long have you been in physical therapy?
Therapist: Just in time, looks like.
Bill: Excuse me. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Well, that I cannot answer. You will have to run that by Lizzie. That too, yeah. No, we both have to sign off on everything. Okay, so great, all right, okay. Talk to you tomorrow, bye, thanks.
Therapist: The office?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, with a lot of cushions that I do not have time to consider.
Therapist: Who's Lizzie?
Bill: Excuse me?
Therapist: I thought you were in charge.
Bill: I am, I am, I am. She... I will be, you can get that?
Therapist: Yeah.
Lizzie: Thank you. Okay, I just talked to the nurse about the room.
Beth: And?
Lizzie: Bill did it. Bill did it. I will never understand him.
Beth: Well, it was nice and you'll have to thank him.
Lizzie: No, I am not thanking him. No, because did you not see him before. I was trying to help him, and he was mean to me. Mean. And then he does something like this.
Beth: Whatever, but obviously he does care.
Lizzie: Great. We fight, okay, we fight and we fight and we fight. And then he does something like this. Maybe he could just make up his mind.
Beth: Maybe he has made up his mind, but he just wants to do things his way.
Lizzie: He is so freaking stubborn.
Beth: Yeah, not collaborative and reasonable like you.
Lizzie: Exactly. I am not the one playing games here.
Beth: Okay. If it makes things any easier for you, I will thank him.
Lizzie: No, I will do it myself. I can't run to mommy every time I need...
Beth: You don't have to do it right now.
Lizzie: No, I want to get it over with.
Manager: I thought you were--
Natalia: I missed the bus. I missed the last bus of the day. So can I... I mean, if you didn't call anyone yet to fill in, you know, maybe I could...
Manager: Get dressed.
Frank: There you go. That right there always made your mother feel better when she was sad. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you any questions about what is going on with you, okay? I just thought maybe you needed a little pick-me-up.
Daisy: Get another straw, we can share.
Dinah: Please tell me you didn't just beat the crap out of my brother.
Grady: You hired me to help you.
Dinah: I never even once told you to hurt him, did I?
Grady: No, I thought of that my self. He was motivated.
Dinah: You can't do this. You can't go crazy like this. You have to think things through.
Grady: Did you and your brother kiss and make up?
Dinah: No, was it close there, for maybe a minute.
Grady: What are you getting at is that he is still taking you for granted, right. Make him realize how much he needs you, if I can help him see the light I will be coming to you for a raise.
Dinah: You know what is funny? Is you are actually making sense.
Grady: I got a brother.
Dinah: Yeah. You get it.
Grady: I get it.
Lizzie: Oh, good, you got help. Are you in pain?
Bill: No, no pain.
Lizzie: I just came here to say thank you.
Bill: What did I do?
Lizzie: The room at my hospital for my family, thank you, that was very nice.
Bill: Just one of those things we do for someone that you work with, when they have a problem.
Lizzie: Oh, so this is something you would do for anyone you work with?
Bill: Well...
Lizzie: Okay, wait, this will be fun. That we are nothing when we both... how about we stop pretending that we are nothing when we both know that we want to be together. You can't keep swooping in to save the day and telling me it is nothing. We don't have to play games. We don't have to, because we have what we want, right? Who's this?
Bill: Oh, that there is Susie.
Lizzie: Hi, Susie. I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company.
Bill: Yup, that is who she is. My company.
Lizzie: You jerk.
Bill: I wish you didn't feel that way about me, but you do. I must run now. Susie, come, come. Excuse me. I'm going to be late.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Frank: You know I would do absolutely anything for you.
Natalia: Yeah.
Coop: Ask her.
Frank: We're just friends.
Rick: Until you ask her out.
Coop: You like her, just admit that.
Frank: I like her.
Coop: There you go.
Rick: Thank you. Good for you.
Frank: I'm not going to ask her out.
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