GL Transcript Monday 9/15/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/15/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light" . . .

Bill: Dinah, she took a short cut. Bill of sale is bogus.

Lizzie: It reverted to the original owner, the Spaulding family.

Bill: The Spauldings own every room in the house.

Lizzie: I told you that.

Bill: They made sure the property belonged to the company.

Lizzie: What's the catch?

Bill: I get my old room back.

Lizzie: Oh, hi. My granddad gave this to me when I was, like, seven.

Hilda: I'm sorry, your breakfast meeting is here.

Lizzie: Lawrence Decker is here?

Hilda: Yes.

Lizzie: Oh, wow, I almost forgot. No, it's okay. It's fine. This is a really big meeting. I have to make my grandfather proud, but I've been ready for it for, like, ever. So it's . . . it's fine. Just please send him in.

Hilda: Miss Elizabeth, there's something that you should know . . .

Lizzie: No, no, please. Just send him in.

Hilda: Okay.

Cyrus: Did you forget something?

Grady: I don't know. Did I? Did you wait up all night for me?

Cyrus: Well, it's not like I'm going without you.

Grady: I am touched, Cyrus.

Cyrus: You're supposed to be gone by now, Grady. This gig's not going to wait forever.

Grady: Oh! The mark in South America! Yeah, you know, I'm not too sure about that. I heard South America's a little hot this time of year.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah? Who told you that?

Dinah: Hi. Did do you guys have any coffee in here?

Jeffrey: Morning.

Reva: Hey, you.

Jeffrey: Hey, yourself. I made you some tea. Decaf, of course.

Reva: So, did you have good night's sleep? Thank you.

Jeffrey: Yup. You?

Reva: It was the best I've had in a while. So . . .

Jeffrey: Hmm?

Reva: What are your plans? Are you busy?

Jeffrey: I took the day off, so I'm all yours.

Reva: Hmm! That's what I like to hear.

Jeffrey: Yeah, so you know, I figured we'd hang out here this morning . . .

Reva: Mm-hmm?

Jeffrey: And maybe, uh, I don't know, get something to eat down by the water later?

Reva: That sounds perfect.

Jeffrey: Perfect. (Sighs)

Reva: I had the wildest dream.

Jeffrey: Me, too.

Reva: Yeah? Jeffrey . . .

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Reva: (Laughs) We're gonna have a baby! (Laughs) Hey, how do I look?

Jeffrey: You look great.

Reva: Thanks.

Jeffrey: Nervous?

Reva: Nervous? Well, now why would I be nervous? I know what to expect.

Jeffrey: Well, that makes one of us.

Reva: Yeah, well, I'll buy you a book. Really, this all kind of happens on its own. Women have been having babies in the fields for thousands of years.

Jeffrey: Well, let's stick to the hospital, okay?

Reva: This appointment's not going to take long. It's not. They'll ask me a bunch of questions and then they'll tell me that I have to stop smoking and stop drinking and then we can be off on our honeymoon.

Jeffrey: You still want to go? I mean, I wanted to go ever since, you know, you agreed to marry me, so . . .


Reva: Well, good. Because, yes, I do still want to go. That is, as long as you don't mind me lugging around your baby in here.

Jeffrey: I don't mind one bit.

Daisy: Uh, hi. I really need to start knocking.

Reva: Yeah, how are you doing?

Daisy: Good. Do you have a minute?

Reva: Uh . . .

Jeffrey: I have an appointment, so you guys stay here and chat.

Reva: Where would you be going?

Jeffrey: It doesn't matter. I'll be back in time to take you to your appointment.

Reva: Okay. He's good that way.

Daisy: What kind of an appointment do you have?

Reva: Uh, maybe you should sit.

Daisy: I am sitting.

Reva: Yeah, I know. Uh, well, maybe you should lie down.

Cyrus: You and Didi?

Grady: Who?

Cyrus: Dinah.

Grady: You call her "Didi?" That's weird.

Cyrus: So how did this happen?

Grady: How does it ever happen? Chemistry, animal magnetism. I don't know what to call it.

Dinah: Business. I hired him for a job.

Cyrus: Is that right? What kind of a job?

Dinah: Well, I came looking for you and you weren't here and, frankly, I realized Grady might be better suited for it.

Grady: Stop it, you're going to make me blush.

Cyrus: I don't know what she's offering you; but the scam in Brazil? Hell of a lot more lucrative.

Dinah: Oh, you don't know that.

Cyrus: Well, what are you offering him?

Dinah: Cash up front.

Grady: And that's more than I can get from my own brother.

Cyrus: Throwing in with her? Big mistake. See, you can't trust her. She's always out for herself. Oh, and did I mention she's unstable?

Dinah: Oh, that's my cue. I'm out of here. Keep in touch.

Cyrus: Sure, yeah. Come on! You can leave this town, leave this country and never turn back.

Grady: I changed my mind.

Cyrus: Great. Oh, you're going after Cassie again, are you?

Grady: Weren't you paying attention? I got a paying job. There's no cash in revenge, you know? Maybe I'm gonna stay here. I'm gonna take a shower. Did you pack the soap yet?

Dinah: (Laughs)

Lizzie: Mr. Decker, I am so glad that you could make it.

Decker: You control half of Spaulding/Lewis, Lizzie, you can call me Lawrence.

Lizzie: Okay. Force of habit.

Decker: I remember the first time Alan brought you to a business meeting, told us all you'd be running the world someday.

Lizzie: Well, I'm getting there. I'd get there faster with your help. Please. Hilda, why don't we have breakfast brought around? I let the staff know some of your favorites. I know that you were my granddad's most prized business ally. You made each other's companies a lot of money, and I think that we can have a similar relationship.

Decker: You're aware that I refused to deal with the company when it became Maximus?

Lizzie: Yes, I am.

Decker: I didn't recognize it anymore. You're going to need to convince me that I do now.

Lizzie: And I completely understand that.

Hilda: (Clears throat)

Lizzie: I'm so sorry, Lawrence. Will you just give me one moment?

Decker: Sure. What's going on, is the kitchen staff on strike again?

Hilda: There's no food.

Lizzie: No, that's impossible. I arranged for the delivery myself.

Hilda: The truck was turned away at the gate.

Lizzie: Bill did this?

Hilda: Mr. Lewis owns the property.

Lizzie: I know, I know that Bill owns the property, okay. There was food in the refrigerator. Just use Bill's food. What . . . the food's gone?

Decker: Lizzie, how's breakfast coming? I'm starving.

Bill: (Humming) (Guitar blasting)

Lizzie: You know, I would really love to show you some of my proposals. Maybe we could head over to the office and we'll pick up breakfast on the way. (Guitar blasting) (Laughs) (Guitar blasting)

Lizzie: (Yelling) What can I do to make you trust me?

Decker: (Yelling) What?

Lizzie: (Yelling) I said what can I do to make you trust me?

Decker: (Yelling) What?

Bill: I think my "E" string is out of tune.

Lizzie: What the hell are you doing?

Bill: What?

Lizzie: What the hell are you doing?

Bill: Well, I was jamming on "Stairway to Heaven," but if you have to ask, maybe I wasn't doing so well.

Lizzie: What are you trying to prove?

Bill: How's your morning meeting going?

Lizzie: Do you think this is clever? Are you trying to teach me a lesson or something -- to take all the food and make lots of noise so I blow it with Decker?

Bill: Decker? Lawrence Decker from Galaxy International, Decker?

Lizzie: Yeah!

Bill: That's your morning meeting?

Lizzie: That's the morning meeting.

Bill: I've been trying to get him on the phone for months.

Lizzie: No kidding.

Bill: Why didn't you tell me that? Where is he?

Lizzie: He's down there making a call, probably getting his jet ready to take him back to the west coast. I really wanted this to work.

Decker: Lizzie?

Lizzie: Uh, coming right down! Maybe I can still save this. Don't mess it up! You know that it's good for the company.

Daisy: Pregnant? Like pregnant -- pregnant?

Reva: Yeah, like a baby and everything.

Daisy: Are you . . . are you going to be okay? Like, your health and everything?

Reva: Yeah. I . . . you know me, I'm a survivor.

Daisy: Yeah.

Reva: What's new with you?

Daisy: (Laughs) Well, it's hard to top that! But, yeah, I've been looking for a job. And I went to apply at the bank, and the lady there -- she was, like, this nosey stalker. She kept asking me questions about Rafe and Grady and . . .

Reva: Well, I have a few questions about the man myself.

Daisy: Yeah, well don't worry about it, because we're over.

Reva: Oh, don't tease me.

Daisy: Yeah, that's the truth. Grady and I, we're finished for good. Celebrate, do a little dance or something.

Reva: Well, I might if I weren't pregnant, but I'll hold back.

Daisy: Well, thank you.

Reva: You're welcome. So what did he do this time that made you realize?

Daisy: I don't want to talk about it.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Reva: Hey.

Jeffrey: Look outside.

Daisy: (Laughs) Oh, pretty smooth, Jeffrey!

Jeffrey: Daisy just called me "smooth."

Reva: Yeah, well then I guess it's true.

Jeffrey: Are we ready?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah.

Daisy: Well, good luck, guys. I'm happy for you.

Reva: That's sweet of you to say. Look, I'll keep an eye open for a job for you.

Daisy: Okay.

Jeffrey: You're looking for a job?

Daisy: Yup.

Jeffrey: Any particular kind?

Daisy: The kind that pays you.

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Well, I happen to be looking for an office assistant and, you know, it's answering phones, filing, that kind of thing if you're interested.

Daisy: You would really trust  me to work for you?

Jeffrey: Well, I might be willing to give it a shot. I tell you what, you know, you go fill out an application at the municipal building and we'll talk about it when I get back from our honeymoon.

Daisy: Wow, that sounds great. Thank you.

Reva: Bye, sweetheart.

Daisy: Bye. See you guys later.

Cyrus: So you're okay being Dinah's second choice?

Grady: Did I hurt your feelings when I said I didn't want to go to Brazil with you?

Cyrus: I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into.

Grady: You can go, Cyrus. I'm going to stay here. You run your con, make a big score, and I'll see you in another ten years.

Cyrus: This is a two-man con.

Grady: Maybe next time.

Cyrus: This is not the right place for you, Grady. And Dinah's not a good partner.

Grady: She was good enough for you, right?

Cyrus: She turned me in. She's the reason I spent years in prison. Is that where you want to end up again?

Grady: I can handle myself.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you think you can.

Grady: You see, this is why I didn't want to go to Brazil with you in the first place.

Cyrus: Why?

Grady: Because it wasn't going to be you and me working together; it was going to be me working for you. I mean, you're the boss, right?

Cyrus: Well, I have had years of experience.

Grady: Yes, you have had years. Years of getting soft and slow and washed up. It's why Dinah chose me.

Cyrus: She chose you because you were home.

Grady: Look, if you are going to go, go. If you're going to stay, you stay out of my way.

Jeffrey: Okay. Get in. Something wrong?

Reva: I'm just a little confused.

Jeffrey: About this?

Reva: Yeah. I thought that we were on board with the whole "baby on board" sign, you know? Which is going to look a little strange in the window of a two-seater.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I know -- I know we're getting ready to be three, but that doesn't mean that we're not going to have a little time for just you and moi.

Reva: (Laughs) And you bought this for us? Come here. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Careful. Because I'm not too sure this isn't how we got into this situation in the first place.

Reva: (Laughs) Get over here!

Jeffrey: Get in.

Dinah: Bill, the more you try to avoid me, the worse it's going to be when I find you. You call me. Where were you?

Grady: I was taking care of some business. Where's my money?

Dinah: You know how tacky it is to ask that question?

Grady: You don't have it?

Dinah: It's temporary. I have plenty of cash. I'll get it to you.

Grady: The price goes up while I wait.

Dinah: You want interest? That's fine, I'll pay you interest.

Grady: You know, for some reason I trust you.

Dinah: That's probably how you can see how angry I am.

Grady: Yup. I kind of recognize that look.

Dinah: Well, you know, your brother, he robbed half of Europe, and he feels it necessary to tell people how to live their lives.

Grady: Brothers.

Dinah: Brothers.

Grady: So Bill hurt you that much? He really got to you?

Dinah: Yeah. I -- I think I just want him to realize what he's done and how much he needs me, you know? I want him to wake up and feel the kind of pain that he's caused me.

Decker: Everything all right?

Lizzie: Everything's great. Why don't we head over to the office? I want to show you how Spaulding can help with your plans in Macaw. I know you've had your eye on making Galaxy a player over there with casinos, hotels, shops.

Decker: I need a partner that can pave the way with the government there. Otherwise . . .

Lizzie: Spaulding has many contacts with the Chinese government.

Decker: I'm not talking contacts, I'm talking credits.

Lizzie: Credits.

Decker: Otherwise, everything's moot.

Bill: Actually, we've secured the credits. I can show you the documentation if need be.

Decker: That would be great.

Bill: Bill Lewis. Great to finally meet you. The proposals Miss Spaulding's talking about will make our two firms major players in the hottest market on the planet.

Decker: How do I know I can trust this relationship?

Lizzie: Well, all you need to know is that you can trust me. I am Alan's granddaughter and his chosen successor -- everything I've learned, I've learned from him.

Bill: And I've got this company in the best shape it's been in decades. It's smarter, leaner, more poised to work for you.

Lizzie: But, of course, I would be your liaison, so you would always feel comfortable with the relationship that you built with my family.

Bill: Oh, almost forgot. And I heard your son plays. It's a vintage Strata Caster, just like John Mayer's.

Lizzie: I think he'll love it.

Decker: So do I.

Lizzie: Does this mean that --

Decker: Let's set up an official meeting and get this deal done.

Bill: You won't regret it.

Lizzie: You won't!

Decker: This "E" string going to be okay?

Bill: (Laughs)

Daisy: Please don't touch me.

Grady: I wasn't going to.

Daisy: What are you doing here?

Grady: I've got a meeting.

Daisy: A meeting?

Grady: What does it matter?

Daisy: It doesn't.

Grady: You're going to see Detective Uncle Frank?

Daisy: No, I'm putting in an application for a job. I need to go.

Grady: I saw you.

Daisy: What?

Grady: In the window in your mother's house. I saw you up there.

Daisy: Yeah, it's not my mother's house anymore.

Grady: You wanted to come down and see me, I know you did.

Daisy: I wanted you to go away and to stop screaming.

Grady: I was screaming because I wanted you to come down. Because I want you, and I know you still want me.

Daisy: Don't do this.

Grady: You know what we had. It doesn't just go away.

Daisy: It -- it doesn't matter if that's true, it doesn't matter if I want to be with you because I can't be with you.

Grady: Why in the hell not? Is it because of Rafe?

Daisy: It's because of what you did to him; the terrible thing you did to him and to me. And, you know, it's even more than that. I --I want a real life.

Grady: You had a real life when it was just us and no one was putting poison in your ears. You know what we had and you loved it.

Daisy: And you ruined it. Forget it, okay? Whatever it was, it doesn't matter because it's not enough, not now. I'm going to get a real job. I don't want to be hated. I don't want to be in trouble. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Grady: Except me.

Daisy: No, not you. Especially not you. But I just need you to stay away.

Grady: Just so you know, I'm going to be hanging around Springfield a while. I'm not ready to go, yet.

Daisy: Whatever.

Dinah: Yes, I know that my accounts are frozen, I just left the bank, why do you think I'm calling you? You know what? Thank you for nothing. Bill? Did you do something to my accounts? Was it not enough that you threw me out of the house? Call me, all right? We need to deal with this soon. Okay, I don't really think there is time to deal with you right now.

Cyrus: That's okay, it won't take long.

Dinah: Stay away from Grady? Blah, blah, blah, blah?

Cyrus: You don't need him and he sure as hell doesn't need you.

Dinah: Well, he seems to think so.

Cyrus: He's raw and impulsive. He doesn't take direction, he's dangerous, and you won't be able to control him.

Dinah: Maybe that's what I need right now.

Cyrus: For what?

Dinah: To make a point. Somebody needs to learn a lesson.

Cyrus: And what sort of a lesson are we talking about?

Dinah: Hmm. That's how I know I chose the right brother. Grady gets it. I do hope he grows to be like you before you were domesticated.

Cyrus: If you get him into trouble . . .

Dinah: He could do that all on his own.

Cyrus: I swear to you, you got me sent to prison. You do that to my brother, I'll ruin you for good. Nice talking to you.

Bill: Fantastic! (Laughs) Decker's got his people flying in. We're going to get the lawyers in the room and seal the deal.

Lizzie: This is a game changer.

Bill: When the news gets out, let me tell you something, stock is going to shoot up.

Lizzie: That's it. We're having champagne. I knew this would work.

Bill: Yes! I think I've got some in my room. I can part with a little while I'm celebrating my big win.

Lizzie: What? Excuse me?

Bill: I knew if I had a face-to-face with Decker I would lock him in.

Lizzie: He was here because of me.

Bill: Baby, you were almost losing him, okay?

Lizzie: Because of you and your stupid guitar.

Bill: My guitar is what sealed the deal!

Lizzie: Oh, you're like -- you're unbelievable. I mean, you've been trying to get a hold of that guy for months.

Bill: Exactly, laying all the ground work.

Lizzie: He's here because of who I am. Because I'm Alan's granddaughter.

Bill: (Laughs) Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, okay? They don't let his granddaughter drive the shuttle to the moon just because she's Neil Armstrong's granddaughter.

Lizzie: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Bill: Means: a), you're not going to the moon and, b), let someone who knows what they're doing run the company, okay? You can still stick around, be a pretty face for the people, make him feel comfortable, but let me handle the real business, please, baby.

Lizzie: I just got this company its biggest win in years. We worked as a team just like I said we would. I was right.

Bill: (Sighs) (Laughs) Oh.

Alexandra: Oh, hello, Bill. I'm looking for Lizzie, is she here?

Bill: Ah, you just missed her. Too bad, because she's in one heck of a mood.

Alexandra: Really, well I'm so sorry she can't be more chipper while her grandfather's in a coma.

Bill: He's what?

Alexandra: Well, it's induced, but the swelling in the brain is severe, and they want to wait to asses the damage.

Bill: Well, how long are they going to keep him that way?

Alexandra: Well, nobody really knows. He might never come out.

Bill: And Lizzie knows this?

Alexandra: Yes, she's known it all morning. She said she would get over to the hospital as soon as she can get away.

Bill: Coma.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, I'm sure she is on her way.

Reva: What do you mean we can't cheat? It's our honeymoon!

Jeffrey: Cheating would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

Reva: But, what if -- what if we get there and there aren't any planes going anyplace fun?

Jeffrey: Well, then we'll make it fun!

Reva: But not everywhere we go can be fun!

Jeffrey: As long as you're there it will be fun.

Reva: (Laughs) That is such a stupid saying.

Jeffrey: If we choose the flight ahead of time, then it's not going to be spontaneous so we can't break the rules, okay? We have to go to the airport, we look what's on the board, and we choose a flight, and off we go!

Reva: You're crazy!

Jeffrey: Yes, I am. Are you going to do it or not?

Reva: Yes, hell yes! Spontaneous is my middle name!

Dr. Prescott: Hello.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Dr. Prescott: I'm Dr. Prescott.

Reva: Hi, Doctor.

Dr. Prescott: I'm the head of the high-risk obstetrical department here.

Reva: High risk. Wow, can't they find a more patient-friendly term for it?

Dr. Prescott: No.

Reva: Sorry.

Dr. Prescott: So I see you've had five previous pregnancies, one a miscarriage, but that was quite a long time ago.

Reva: Yeah, don't rub it in.

Dr. Prescott: So to be clear, a high-risk pregnancy is one that is compromised by any number of issues. In your case, we're talking about the health and age of the mother.

Jeffrey: Well, we've gone over all the risks, and I think that we're prepared to face them.

Dr. Prescott: Good. Has anyone explained to you what that means?

Reva: Yeah, well, like you said, Doc, it ain't my first rodeo. I mean, I know there's a lot more rules now in this day, but I've already given up the booze and I don't smoke, so . . .

Dr. Prescott: What about caffeine? Shellfish? Soft cheeses? Deli meats?

Reva: I have to give up my shrimp cocktail?

Dr. Prescott: In your situation, it's inadvisable to take any risks. You know, of course, you need to limit your activity? I'm not prescribing bed rest, yet, but that's a possibility as we get farther along, and I certainly want you to stay close to home. No flying.

Reva: Wait? No flying?

Jeffrey: But I thought that was only towards the end of the pregnancy.

Dr. Prescott: Did you hear me say the words "high risk?"

Reva: Once or twice.

Dr. Prescott: For this baby to go to term and be delivered healthy, we need to take every precaution imaginable.

Reva: No problem, Doc. Precaution is my middle name.

Jeffrey: Well, I guess we could call the kid "spontaneous O'Neill," then at least the word would still be in our vocabulary.

Reva: So much for our honeymoon.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you know, we probably would have ended up somewhere rainy anyway.

Reva: Yeah, or stuck on a runway.

Jeffrey: Or stranded at the airport.

Reva: (Sighs) I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: For what?

Reva: I'm sorry for no honeymoon. I'm sorry for no flying. I'm sorry for -- God help me now -- bed rest.

Jeffrey: If you apologize for no soft cheeses and no deli meats, I'm leaving you here.

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Reva, it's just a couple of months, right? A few months of sacrifice, but in the end it's all going to be worth it.

Reva: Are you crazy? A few months? It's more like 18 years.

Jeffrey: 18 years. 18 years. Wow, okay, yeah, but that's going to go by like that.

Reva: (Sighs)

Jeffrey: You love me, don't you?

Reva: I do love you!

Jeffrey: Good, because I don't give up deli meets for anybody.

Reva: You don't have to give them up. You're not preggers.

Jeffrey: Well, yes, I do. Because, you know what? We're in this together. That's the deal, right? If you quit drinking, I'm not drinking. And if you swear off hot dogs, then no hot dogs for O'Neill okay? That's the deal.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: And you know what? Maybe I did go overboard with this baby.

Reva: Oh, no, you can't be talking about getting rid of this car!

Jeffrey: Well, no, you're right, it's only got two seats. No seat for the kid. It's the right thing to do for us and for the kid.

Reva: Can we at least take her for one last fast ride around the lake?

Jeffrey: I think we can swing that, yes. Buckle up and you choose the music, okay?

Reva: There's no seat belts in this car! Thank you.

Jeffrey: You don't have to do that.

Reva: I'm not easy, I know that. And this whole thing is so beyond not easy.

Jeffrey: This whole thing is beyond anything, Reva.

Reva: But you're happy, right? I mean, this is what you want.

Jeffrey: Hmm, let me think about that.

Reva: The doctor didn't say anything about not doing this, no, and she better not if she values her life.

Reva: (Laughs)

Daisy: Hey.

Cyrus: Hey.

Daisy: You're a brave guy to keep showing up here.

Cyrus: Or stupid.

Daisy: I don't think so.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Daisy: You okay?

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm glorious. You?

Daisy: Double glorious. I ran into your brother.

Cyrus: You "ran into him?"

Daisy: I tried to keep walking, but I know he wasn't too eager to let me go. He said he was going to be sticking around Springfield.

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm working on that.

Daisy: You want to leave?

Cyrus: I think it's time for Grady and me to leave this place.

Daisy: For good?

Cyrus: Well, what do we have here? A town full of people who hate us.

Daisy: Not everybody hates you.

Cyrus: I tried. I tried to find something with your mom, but I don't think I'm meant for it.

Daisy: Grady either?

Cyrus: Well, it will make your life a little easier if he's gone.

Daisy: Yeah.

Cyrus: Daisy, you'll be okay.

Daisy: You think?

Cyrus: I'm sure.

Daisy: And what about you? What are you going to do? I thought you didn't do that anymore.

Cyrus: It's what I know.

Daisy: I'm not so sure you can go back. Not all the way. Not after you've experienced something different like you have. I don't know you can just pretend it didn't happen.

Bill: I need to ask you something.

Reva: Whoo!

Jeffrey: All right, so you're sure now? You're sure you want to keep this car?

Reva: Yes! We're keeping this car. The baby gets a lot, but not everything, you know? I mean he or she can ride in my car.

Jeffrey: That's not very responsible of us to have a car like this.

Reva: Responsible? Who are you?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm, you know, about to be a real life daddy of a real life bouncing baby.

Reva: But that doesn't mean you have to forget about everything that you are, you know? The baby will have us and my very practical car . . .

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: And we can have this.

Jeffrey: All right.

Reva: Just like you said.

Jeffrey: I'm just, you know . . . I've never done this before, so, uh . . .

Reva: Well, I realize I'm basically new to it myself.

Jeffrey: You know, the rules and regulations and restrictions, they're not freaking you out too much?

Reva: Hell yes, they are! But being with you is just about the most fun I've had in my life. You make me happy, and you make me laugh, and I'm not giving that up for anything.

Jeffrey: Even a baby.

Reva: What do you think's going to happen? The baby's going to come and we'll suddenly turn into Ward and June Cleaver?

Jeffrey: I don't know, are we?

Reva: No! We can continue to be who we are together. We can still have fun, we can be spontaneous, we can be crazy! Isn't that how we want to raise our kid?

Jeffrey: Yeah. It's -- is that going to get our kid into Harvard?

Reva: Do you really care about that?

Jeffrey: No, not really.

Reva: Okay good. So we'll raise our baby the way we want to raise our baby.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: We won't put the kid or me at risk, but we're not going to change our lives, either.

Jeffrey: I like the way you think.

Reva: Thanks. And I like the way you drive this car!

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah?

Reva: Yeah. And as far as the honeymoon goes . . .

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: I have two words for you.

Jeffrey: What are they?

Reva: Road trip.

Jeffrey: Road trip? Road trip!

Reva: (Screaming)

Dinah: Bill, do you really think you can avoid me forever?

Bill: How you doing, Sis? What's up?

Dinah: Oh, I'm good. I'm good. Um, I left about 15 messages for you.

Bill: I know, I know. And I've been meaning to get back to you.

Dinah: You cut off my credit cards and you froze my bank accounts? What the hell?

Bill: Just until I know that you are not going to be coming after me or my company, that's all.

Dinah: Oh, really. Yeah, well, guess what? I still have WSPR, so you don't have to count me out just yet. Do you really hate me this much?

Bill: But I don't hate you, Sis. If you remember, you're the one who stabbed me in the back.

Dinah: Bill, I was never gonna hurt you!

Bill: Oh, right. You and Alan were ready to take me down, weren't you?

Dinah: You know what you are? You are incredibly spoiled . . .

Bill: Okay.

Dinah: You really are. What is your problem? After everything I've given you?.

Bill: Keep telling yourself that, okay?

Dinah: You need me, and you know it.

Bill: You know what happened today? I got the Galaxy International account without you. Guess I'm doing okay on my own.

Dinah: Oh, right, great. Did Lizzie help you?

Bill: If you need a few bucks you can borrow from Alan when he wakes up. But until then, I've got some work to do. Okay?

Alexandra: Darling, have you gotten any sleep at all?

Lizzie: No, I was, um . . . I was up working on business proposals. Just . . . if he wakes up . . . when he wakes up, I want him to see what I've done for him and for our family. So . . .

Alexandra: Well, he'd be very proud of you, I know.

Lizzie: Really?

Alexandra: Darling, he's always been proud of you. Now come on, I think you should go home. I think you should get a little rest.

Lizzie: No, no, I'm not ready to go home yet.

Alexandra: Okay, well, at least go into the companion room.

Lizzie: What's that?

Alexandra: Well, it's something the nurse just told me about. They've set up this room for Alan's family. It's lovely. I thought maybe you'd done it.

Lizzie: Oh, no, I didn't. I can't believe they would do something for us.

Alexandra: Well, it's quite a luxury for Alan's family, isn't it?

Lizzie: Did someone request it?

Alexandra: Well, I don't know.

Bill: You want my wallet?

Grady: That's a start.

Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .

Lizzie: When you and Bill make up -- that is going to happen, eventually.

Dinah: Yes. You know at the end of the day Bill and I are going to end up right where we belong. That is, right after he learns his lesson.

Lizzie: I've heard what you do when you need to teach someone a lesson.

Dinah: Billy, Billy, Billy boy, you're making a big mistake. 

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