GL Transcript Friday 9/12/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/12/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light" . . .

Reva: I do like the idea of having a baby.

Billy: Do you even want this baby?

Jeffrey: I didn't get a chance to raise my -- my daughter.

Reva: I've never gotten to raise a single one of my children from start to finish.

Billy: You're really afraid he's going to say all of the things that you do not want to hear.

Jeffrey: You decide.

Reva: We're going to decide this together.

Bill: Uh-huh. Yeah, okay. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. But I do not want to hear the legal mumbo jumbo right now. Okay? Just get me my house back.

Lizzie: He's not going to be able to do that. It was never yours.

Bill: Look, I've got to go.

Lizzie: You're making this so difficult. Okay? Dinah was careless when she bought the house, and . . .

Bill: Would you please put that back?

Lizzie: Bill! Bill, this is a good thing.

Bill: A good thing?

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: Good, like the way you took half my company good?

Lizzie: This is the level playing field that we said we wanted.

Bill: You said.

Lizzie: Excuse me?

Bill: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: Oh, I'm sorry. Was I alone in that hotel room in New York? Was I the only one that was wishing that there was nothing and no one between us?

Bill: You know what the problem is right now? You are between us.

Lizzie: This is how you and I can stay true to who we really are and have a life together. If you would just put your pride aside, you would see that.

Bill: Don't leave so quick, okay? You can get my stuff out of there, okay? I'm leaving.

Dinah: Where is Cyrus?

Grady: He's not here, but I am.

Dinah: Well, I can see that.

Grady: The question is, what are you doing here?

Dinah: Your brother and I used to work together.

Grady: I know. I heard the stories. You were hot . . . you still are.

Dinah: I have a job for your brother. If he's interested, tell him to call me.

Grady: Lately, Cyrus is being Mr. Fix-it at Cassie's house. He's kind of lost his edge, if you know what I mean.

Dinah: Whereas you still have yours?

Grady: Try me. Anything he can do, I can do better.

Dinah: So you wear the pants in the family?

Grady: You could say that.

Dinah: Then you should put them on.

Reva: Oh! (Laughing)

Jeffrey: You ready? Here we go.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Tah-dah!

Reva: Oh, Jeffrey!

Jeffrey: What do you think, pretty good, huh?

Reva: Pretty good. Pretty good.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) I just want to . . . show you that it doesn't have to be Fiji or Hawaii or Siberia; for it can be spontaneous and fun. With us, it's always going to be fun.

Reva: Spontaneous is good.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: I mean, it is who we are, right? We're free and easy. No complications.

Jeffrey: Well, that's the way you wanted it, right?

Reva: Yeah, yeah. You?

Jeffrey: Sure. To us.

Reva: To us.

Reva: (Sniffles)

Billy: Here you go. I promise, I didn't blow my nose on it.

Reva: If you're here to lecture me again, you can keep your damn hanky.

Billy: We both know it won't do any good. You want to keep the baby, don't you?

Reva: I know how you feel. It's not worth the risk. I have to go off my meds, which would just be begging the cancer to come back.

Billy: But since when have you ever listened to me?

Reva: No offense, I don't listen to anybody.

Billy: But you know, I would fight anybody and anything, including that baby, just to make sure you don't disappear, so, yeah, yeah, I guess I am a little selfish.

Reva: I don't know what to do!

Billy: It looks to me like you do.

Reva: I am a risk-taker. But I can't see that many months ahead. All I can see is that baby. But you are right; there's a hell of a lot more going on here.

Billy: Well, what about Jeffrey? What does he want?

Reva: I can't do it. It's just not right to make him go through this.

Olivia: Hi.

Jeffrey: Right. And I will personally prosecute the case. Memo to all associates. Hi. Just, uh, you know, staying busy.

Olivia: Really? Because I thought that you and Reva are leaving on your big honeymoon?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, something came up, and plans changed.

Olivia: I went to see Ava.

Jeffrey: Oh, how's she doing? How is that new treatment?

Olivia: Too soon to tell. I mean the doctor says there is a long road ahead of her, but you know her, she feels the slightest bit better and she just wants to get out of bed.

Jeffrey: You know what? I'll go down there and I'll personally straighten her out. Just . . . you know, I just can't -- I can't let her risk her life. I mean, I can't do it just because I want something, you know?

Olivia: Are you okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah. It's just, this fatherhood stuff is still new to me, and, you know, it's probably a good thing I wasn't around when Ava was born, because I probably would have made all of the wrong decisions. Some guys just aren't cut out for it.

Olivia: Jeffrey, I told you just the other day that you're a good father.

Jeffrey: You think so?

Olivia: I really think so. What -- what's going on? Is Reva pregnant?

Jeffrey: Olivia . . .

Olivia: I'm kidding. Is she?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Olivia: Wow!

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Olivia: How?

Jeffrey: I could show you all of the stuff the doctor showed us, but, you know what? It's just . . . with her cancer, it's just so risky. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

Olivia: Wait a minute. It doesn't matter? No. You're going to be a daddy again.

Jeffrey: No. No, I'm not, because this is not good for Reva, so it's not good for us.

Olivia: And I think that's just the most loving, generous, self-sacrificing thing I've ever heard. I also think it's a load of crap.

Bill: This is going to go with me unless you manage to get 50% of this.

Lizzie: No, that's yours. Look, don't take your stuff. I want -- your stuff to stay. I want you to stay.

Bill: On your terms.

Lizzie: My terms are that we share everything.

Bill: You see, we had that. You could have been taking care of your grandfather, maybe got Sarah back here, and would have taken care of all of the other stuff.

Lizzie: "All the other stuff?"

Bill: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: Meaning my family's company? Our house?

Bill: Now, see that? You just said your family's company. Your house. What happened to sharing? Level playing field?

Lizzie: Tell me why it is that you can fight my granddad in one minute, and then turn around and try to save him and that's totally cool. But if I fight for my family and want to be with you, that is not okay.

Bill: It's different.

Lizzie: Why is it different? Because you need to be in control, but I don't? Is this a guy thing?

Bill: I guess it's just who I am.

Lizzie: No. We are exactly the same, Bill. You want to prove yourself, and so do I. And you want respect, and so do I. And you want love, and so do I.

Bill: Guess you can't get everything you want . . .

Lizzie: Why are you saying this? I am in love with you. I love this house, too, and I love my family, and I love this company. And I've tried to just, like, live with bits and pieces of it, but I can't. Because I need it all, just like you do.

Bill: Lizzie . . . this plan is just not going to work . . .

Lizzie: No. You haven't even tried. Just try. Try for one month. Try for three weeks. Just really try. And then if it doesn't work out, then go.

Bill: I hope your grandfather recovers, I really do, but . . . I'm not going to stop fighting just to ease your conscience.

Grady: What are you afraid of?

Dinah: I don't scare that easily.

Grady: Could have fooled me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm more of a man than what you could handle -- more than my brother ever was. You say you come to our place looking for a job, and he's not here, but he's a safe bet. And there's nothing safe about me.

Dinah: Don't you have a girlfriend? I like Daisy.

Grady: Daisy's a kid. Kids are in love one minute, and the next minute they're running away.

Dinah: In other words, she dumped you.

Grady: You just leave her out of this, okay?

Dinah: Oh, it's that bad! What did you do to her?

Grady: You said you were looking for someone like you? You're desperate, you said.

Dinah: You know what? Desperation is a qualification, but, see, Cyrus has brains and experience.

Grady: Cyrus is soft. Look, don't get me wrong. He had this day, but since he met Harley . . .

Dinah: Oh, maybe he needs some motivation.

Grady: Maybe you can't afford to find out. Look, I don't have a pedigree, I don't have a resume, but you can see what I've got. And if you have any doubts about my capabilities, you go ask Alan Spaulding what I'm prepared to do for a job.

Dinah: Is that supposed to impress me, the fact that you drove a car into Tammy Winslow?

Grady: No, that's not what I meant . . .

Dinah: If you're brother is anything, he's a pro. You are nothing but a street thug.

Billy: Whoa!

Bill: Hey, whoa! Sorry . . .

Bill: Hey, could you please watch it?

Billy: You run into me, and it's my fault, huh?

Bill: Do you have a device planted on me? So you know where to find me every time I don't want to see you?

Billy: Yup. (Laughing) Put it in when you were born.

Billy: What are you doing, a little spring cleaning in September?

Bill: No. I'm taking a room here. Yeah.

Billy: You, who have more rooms than the White House are going to take a room here? Why?

Bill: It seems your protégé still owns the place.

Billy: No, no, no, no. I thought you guys, uh . . .

Bill: Dinah, she took a shortcut. The bill of sale is bogus, so the Spauldings still own the property.

Billy: Oh. Well, that seems kind of obvious, since Lizzie owns 50% of it, right?

Bill: 49%.

Billy: Oh.

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I can see that you're real proud of her, aren't you?

Billy: Well, yeah. I mean, I taught her everything she knows. I should be proud of her.

Bill: Well, you didn't teach her how to be a Spaulding. She came fully loaded. But, it's nice to see whose side you're on.

Billy: Hey, I'm not on anybody's side. I'm on your side. In fact, I think it's a nice arrangement.

Bill: For her, maybe. She gets the whole kit 'n kaboodle, and I have to ask her permission every time I need to use the potty.

Billy: Now, son. You're just looking at this the wrong way.

Bill: Really?

Billy: Yup.

Bill: Pop, let me ask you something. If you were me, and there was a woman that you had feelings for, and she pulled a stunt like this on you; how would you feel about it?

Billy: I'd feel like going and getting a big, old rib eye steak down at Brussels, you want one of those? Let's go.

Bill: I'm not . . .

Billy: Hey, hey, no, listen. I'll do all of the talking and I'll do all of the eating. Come on.

Bill: Ahh!

Billy: Come on.

Bill: All right.

Billy: Follow me.

Dinah: There's no fun when there is no competition.

Lizzie: You know, I have extra racquets.

Dinah: I'm not dressed.

Lizzie: Well, I was just headed back inside. I could grab you some tennis whites and some sneakers . . .

Dinah: I'm not looking for a game.

Lizzie: What are you looking for?

Dinah: My brother.

Lizzie: Bill's not here.

Dinah: Right. And so you decided to take advantage and move all of your stuff back into the house?

Lizzie: You don't know, do you?

Dinah: What? That you were waiting for me to get out of here so you could take my place?

Lizzie: The house is mine.

Dinah: You're using my brother because he has the hots for you.

Lizzie: Mine. As in . . . mine. The foreclosure was bogus. The person who bought it messed up. It reverted to original owner -- the Spaulding family.

Dinah: That is a lie.

Lizzie: Really? Check it out.

Dinah: I will, I will.

Lizzie: Good.

Dinah: The moving truck -- it wasn't just your stuff coming in; it was his stuff going out.

Lizzie: That's a temporary situation.

Dinah: Oh, you know what? If you believe that, you are more messed up than I ever was. It was bad enough you screwed him over in New York.

Lizzie: I never screwed him over . . .

Dinah: He saved your grandfather's life, and his reputation.

Lizzie: And Bill knows how grateful I am for that.

Dinah: Grateful?

Lizzie: Yes.

Dinah: Grateful. Is this how you show your gratitude?

Lizzie: I did what I had to do for my family, and for Bill. He just needs a little time to accept it. You, on the other hand -- what you did -- you went behind his back and cut a deal . . .

Dinah: I cut a deal with the devil to get my brother's attention, to show him that family is important.

Lizzie: So you did this for him?

Dinah: Yes.

Lizzie: Hmm.

Dinah: Yes, for us.

Lizzie: That's interesting because I did what I did for him, too.

Dinah: I'm not you.

Lizzie: And I'm not you. Bill will come to his senses and come back to me.

Dinah: You're a flash in the pan. I'm his sister. And family is everything.

Grady: Hey.

Cyrus: Oh!

Grady: Off duty?

Cyrus: I lost my security job at the Beacon a while ago.

Grady: No, I mean the job you do for free. You know, protecting Cassie from me.

Cyrus: Does she need protecting?

Grady: Well, if all it took for Daisy to dump me was because of Cassie ratting me out, then to hell with her.

Cyrus: Here.

Grady: Is this what the Yanks call beer?

Cyrus: Ah, you get used to it.

Grady: If you say so.

Cyrus: They make great beer in Brazil.

Grady: Oh, I wouldn't know.

Cyrus: Great food, too. Great music. And the women . . . unbelievable.

Grady: Thank you very much, Mr. Travel Guide.

Cyrus: There's a job -- an old guy I used to know, he quit the life, but, guess what? He wants to make one more score. Emeralds. Women in Brazil love emeralds.

Grady: So go. It's not like anything is keeping you here . . .

Cyrus: It's a two-man gig, stupid.

Grady: And you and the old guy make two.

Cyrus: He's a silent partner. Anyway, it's a young man's game.

Cyrus: You and me, together, huh?

Grady: Yeah.

Cyrus: Cheers, mate.

Reva: (Giggles) (Telephone rings) Hello? Yeah, hi, Doc. No, actually, I -- I haven't made my follow-up appointment, yet. My husband and I have been -- no, I -- I do realize it can't wait. I'll -- I'll get back to you. Thanks.

Olivia: Just tell me, do you want the kid, or don't you?

Jeffrey: It's not up to me.

Olivia: Well, the last I heard, it takes two people to make a baby. You're at least one half of the equation.

Jeffrey: I don't think you understand the risks for Reva here, okay? If she goes off that medication, the cancer could come right back. I could lose both her and the baby.

Olivia: All right. I understand. What does Reva say?

Jeffrey: It's what she doesn't say.

Olivia: Maybe she's waiting for you to say something . . .

Jeffrey: I want to be a father, okay? I want to be a father. I do.

Olivia: You do?

Jeffrey: Yes, I do. I know, it surprises me as much as anybody. And not just the way I am with Ava, although that's wonderful, but from the beginning. I want all of it.

Olivia: Okay, tell her.

Jeffrey: That wouldn't be fair to put that all on her.

Olivia: Forget fair. Forget fair! This is a marriage. You tell her. (Cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: Speak of the devil. Hi, Reva. You okay?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, everything is great. You?

Jeffrey: Yeah. You know, busy.

Reva: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. Me, too. Life.

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah. You can say that again.

Reva: So, um . . . I got a call from the doctor, and he needs us to make a decision today. Jeffrey, are you still there?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm still here.

Reva: So, I told the doctor that we talked it all through.

Jeffrey: Boy, have we.

Reva: And there is really nothing more to say, is there?

Jeffrey: Right. Unless there's, you know, something that you want to talk about.

Reva: Me?

Jeffrey: Reva, you can tell me anything.

Reva: Well, this isn't all about me. You missed out on a lot with Ava.

Jeffrey: And you missed out on your whole family.

Reva: Yeah. Um . . . I guess we have a lot to make up for.

Jeffrey: Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.

Reva: Missed chances, you know, missed opportunities.

Jeffrey: And moments that we'll never get back again. Reva, you know what? I might be crazy, but sometimes some things are just bigger than us, you know? More important than just you and me.

Reva: I know what you're going to say.

Jeffrey: You do?

Reva: Uh, yeah. That, um . . . a baby can't make up for our past mistakes, you know, yours and mine. It's really not fair. Jeffrey, that is what you were thinking too, right?

Jeffrey: Ah, it sounds like we're on the same wavelength.

Reva: So that's it then?

Jeffrey: I guess so.

Reva: Okay. Well, I'll call the doctor back and schedule something for later today?

Jeffrey: Uh, I'll be there.

Reva: I mean, that is the right thing?

Jeffrey: Absolutely.

Reva: I love you.

Jeffrey: I love you, too.

Billy: Mm! You know, I love cholesterol. Come on, dig in. You know, if you're heart explodes, the hospital is right across the street. I'll zip you over there, and we'll donate your organs.

Bill: (Laughs) Lost my appetite. Lost my house.

Billy: What? Did Lizzie kick you out?

Bill: Nope.

Billy: What? Look, I swallowed the steak, and maybe you can swallow your pride.

Bill: And go crawling back there? Let her be my landlord?

Billy: No. I was thinking of another "L" word.

Bill: "Loser?"

Billy: "Lover."

Bill: Hmm. Let me tell you something, Dad. This is not about love. If it was, then Lizzie would have thanked me for helping her save her granddad, and then she would have just moved in with me. But instead . . .

Billy: Instead, she thanked you for saving her granddad, and then she did what you would have done. Which is, make a little nasty takeover.

Cyrus: All right . . . while I'm teaching her how to tango, you'll take out the bodyguard.

Grady: Why don't you take out the bodyguard, and I'll take care of the Sheila?

Cyrus: She's not a Sheila. She's a trophy wife of a billionaire. You want these emeralds or not?

Grady: I guess.

Cyrus: You guess? We stand to split half-of-a-mil.

Grady: Half-a-mil?

Cyrus: Uh-huh.

Grady: Dollars?

Cyrus: Euros.

Grady: (Laughs)

Cyrus: It beats parking cars at the Beacon, doesn't it?

Grady: I'm in!

Cyrus: That's more like it.

Grady: So I'll take out the bodyguard, then I'll get into the house while you're doing the tango . . .

Cyrus: Grady . . .

Grady: Then I'll crack the safe . . .

Cyrus: Grady, Grady, this isn't the movies. It takes time, patience. While I'm getting to know Mrs. Fitzpatrick, you follow the bodyguard and find out his movement, his schedule.

Grady: Why don't we just crack his skull?

Cyrus: Well, the idea is to get away with it. You do nothing until I tell you. And when I say the time is right, you take out the bodyguard. Meantime, I'll take care of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and while she's sleeping with a satisfied smile on her face . . .

Grady: You will take the emeralds.

Cyrus: Bingo! (Laughter) Oh, look at that. One left. Saved it for you.

Grady: Ah, you're all heart, Cy! (Laughter)

Cyrus: Nice.

Grady: Cheers?

Cyrus: Cheers.

Grady: Like that?

Cyrus: Love that.

Grady: Mm-hmm.

Cyrus: I thought I'd finish it. Of course, you said you'd be coming back. ( Laughs) I guess that makes us even, Harley.

Grady: What was that?

Dinah: I don't believe in handshakes.

Grady: Meaning?

Dinah: I told you, I'm looking for a new partner.

Grady: And you also called me a street thug.

Dinah: Well, that's okay, because I'm in a street fight. It turns out that I need you.

Lizzie: Tell Mr. Decker that Lizzie Spaulding expects him on a plane for the meeting by the end of the week, or she'll come to visit him herself. My grandfather always says there are two kinds of people, the ones who make money and the ones who make excuses. I expect an answer by the morning. Hi.

Bill: Hi.

Lizzie: You came back.

Bill: Impressive. It sounds like you've been doing that your whole life.

Lizzie: Well, I have been rehearsing it since I was seven years old. But I don't want to talk about business. You came back. What changed your mind?

Bill: Family.

Lizzie: I told you that I can balance family and you.

Bill: Families are funny things, aren't they? Especially yours.

Lizzie: 1913? What is this?

Bill: That is the original title to the house. Now, there is no question the Spauldings own every room in the house.

Lizzie: I told you that!

Bill: But the Spauldings being who they are, trying to squeeze every nickel . . . especially because when the income tax had to go, so they made sure that the property belonged to the company.

Lizzie: Okay, so they tried to get out of some taxes. Who cares?

Bill: You care. Because as C.E.O. of Spaulding-Lewis, I control the property, the grounds, the driveway, the gates . . . everything but the house.

Lizzie: But that's insane. That means I would have to ask you permission . . .

Bill: That's right. You need to ask me if you want to take a little flower off the property.

Lizzie: You can't do this.

Bill: Hmm, you see, now that was my line when you stole the company.

Lizzie: I didn't steal the company! How many times do I have to say this to you? I did it for us.

Bill: Okay. It's okay because I'll still let you park in the garage, walk the grounds, play a little tennis if that's what you like to do, okay?

Lizzie: What's the catch?

Bill: The catch? I get my old room back.

Lizzie: Good. We can share it.

Bill: No, I'm not looking to fall back into bed with you.

Lizzie: Then what are you looking to do?

Bill: A deal. A deal. Okay? We share the house, the property, even the company.

Lizzie: That's what I wanted the whole time.

Bill: Yeah? Be careful what you wish for. Because if I get that room back, then it's mine. Yours will be down the hallway.

Lizzie: Why?

Bill: Why? Because I need to keep focused. I lost focus in New York, and you took advantage.

Lizzie: Bill, I didn't . . .

Bill: Hey, listen, I'm going to have my life, and you will have yours, okay? I'll run my part of the company; you can run your part. And we'll let the stockholders keep score. May the better man win.

Lizzie: Hmm.

Bill: See, I knew it. You cannot handle it.

Lizzie: Woman.

Bill: Sorry?

Lizzie: Let the better woman win. You want to keep score, that's fine by me.

Bill: (Laughing)

Reva: Look at them.

Jeffrey: I can't stop looking at them.

Reva: Yeah. You know, if we didn't know better . . .

Jeffrey: Yeah, but we do.

Reva: Do we? Do you want to have a baby with me?

Jeffrey: I want you, okay? I want you to live. I want you to live to be 100 so we can sit on our rockers and watch the ducks on the lake.

Reva: That's not what I asked. Do you want to have this baby? You do? So do I!

Jeffrey: You do? Because I thought . . .

Reva: No, I thought that it was going to tie you down too much. You know, we got married, and then we dodged the cancer bullet, and then wham, you're a daddy.

Jeffrey: I want to be a daddy. I'm worried about the risks for you.

Reva: Well, life is a risk. Crossing the street is a risk. But having a baby makes it all worthwhile.

Jeffrey: A baby. Not -- not a baby, Reva. Our baby!

Reva: Is that a yes? (Laughing) I guess that's a yes.

Jeffrey: You know, I've never done this before, so I'm not going to be very good at this. I've never done it from scratch, anyway . . .

Reva: I know, but you're looking at a mama who didn't do it with her own kids, either. So we're both going to be starting this from scratch together. ( Laughter)

Jeffrey: Okay, listen. You're going to have to listen to what the doctor tells you.

Reva: Oh, I know. I know. And you're going to have to go to every holiday pageant, from the time he's in kindergarten or she's in college. And no excuses!

Jeffrey: Reva, there's a lot of things that can go wrong, you know?

Reva: I know. But one or two things can go right, too.

Jeffrey: I don't like those odds.

Reva: Yeah, well, life is a crap shoot, right? Sometimes you have to roll the hard six.

Jeffrey: Okay. Well, I'm in. I'm in for everything.

Reva: So am I. So am I! What the hell.

Jeffrey: What the hell!

Reva: (Laughing) Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yes?

Reva: (Laughing) We're going to have a baby! (Laughing)

Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .

Daisy: You want to leave?

Cyrus: It's time for Grady and me to leave this place.

Daisy: For good?

Grady: You know, maybe I'm going to stay here. I heard South America is a little hot this time.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah? Who told you that?

Dinah: Do you guys have any coffee?

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