GL Transcript Thursday 9/11/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/11/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light" . . .

Dinah: You'll never guess what Lizzie was saying in the hospital today; how she deserved the company, and how it's her legacy.

Lizzie: It is, from this day forward, Spaulding-Lewis Enterprise.

Dinah: I love you, and I do not think you can trust Lizzie.

Bill: Enough! Stop. I know you were working with Alan and Alex against me.

Grady: Hey, what the hell!

Cyrus: You're an idiot.

Grady: A little sympathy, please. I hurt myself.

Cyrus: You did this to yourself at Harley's.

Grady: News travels.

Cyrus: What the hell did Harley ever do to you?

Grady: Harley, Harley, Harley. She's gone, mate. She dumped Daisy and left as fast as she could to get away from you. But you've still got Cassie. Some piece of work she is. She thinks she's got revenge on me by turning Daisy against me? We'll see about that. She's next on my list.

Cyrus: You leave Cassie alone.

Grady: Or what? I've got nothing to lose.

Cyrus: Don't even think about following him.

Daisy: You have to help me.

Cassie: Hello? R.J.? R.J.? Cyrus, if that's you, I told you I don't need to be protected. So if that's what you're doing, you can go. I'm fine. I can take care of myself, I'm not afraid of your little brother. If he wants to take me on, he better be ready.

Mallet: Hey. Did you find Daisy?

Marina: No. I left a note for her in my room, and I left a message on her voicemail, so hopefully when she gets one of those, she'll come over here. You know, she lived here, so I think it would be nice for her to be here through the transition.

Mallet: Yeah, you think that's the way she's going to see it?

Marina: I'm not so sure I see it that way.

Mallet: Is there anything I can do to help?

Marina: Well, for starters, you could bring back Harley. And if that works out for you, you could try for Gus.

Mallet: Is there anything that I could do that does not involve the impossible?

Marina: That's nice.

Lizzie: Nana!

Lillian: Hi, sweetheart.

Lizzie: Is Granddad out of surgery yet? No, it's too soon. I know, but I just can't wait. I have big news for him.

Lillian: News?

Lizzie: About the company, our company. I brought him this. This is me kicking butt in the boardroom just like he taught me. I guess, that I think that when he sees what I've done, it's going to give him that extra boost to help him get better. What's wrong?

Lillian: Sweetie . . .

Lizzie: What? No, don't look at me like that. Just tell me. I can take it.

Lillian: Sweetie, Alan's still in surgery, but it's just not going as smoothly as the doctors had hoped.

Lizzie: Well, what does that mean?

Lillian: Well, there was a bleed, and that makes complications during the operation. It's under control, but I've called Alex, and I called your mom.

Lizzie: No, he has to make it. No one else will understand what I've done, what I'm doing. No one will appreciate it the way he will. I've come through for him. He has to come through for me.

Lillian: Oh, sweetie.

Dinah: Don't you look at me like that.

Bill: Come on, Sis. Why don't you just say it?

Dinah: There's nothing to say because I'm not sure what you're trying to do.

Bill: No, you know exactly. You were working with Alan and Alex against me. Why would you betray your own brother?

Dinah: Betray? Why are you making it sound . . .

Bill: I'm making it sound just like it is, Dinah. I trusted you.

Dinah: As you should. I worked my butt off to take that dynasty away from those people. I handed it over to you. I told you to do what you want with it.

Bill: Yeah. And then what happened? You changed your mind?

Dinah: No. I want what I've always wanted: Us to rule the world together like a family. We were making progress, we were this close to having it all, and then you decided to give up on us!

Bill: Oh, stop it! Stop lying right now. I talked to Alan before the surgery. Drugs really loosened him up. He was very chatty, very excited about working with his new partner: You!

Dinah: No. We were partners. I needed to have someplace to go because you weren't talking to me! I needed advice, and this is exactly what I didn't want to have happen: This!

Bill: No, no, no, no. This is exactly what you wanted to happen. It was never us. Don't give me that. Don't give me these fake tears, okay. You are all about you. You pretend to be this loving, devoted sister, but no. This is what it was all along, wasn't it? Tell me. Tell me. Just tell me the truth. Yeah. Because you don't know how to love anyone. Never have, never will. And I'm going to tell you something, I should have cut you off totally when you tried to take my son away from me.

Dinah: I wanted you to have everything. Family; company. And I don't know how you can forget all of that.

Bill: I can't believe how stupid I was. Believing in you. Trusting you. I stood up for you. Mallet, Mom, they all knew better, but I didn't. I guess you've got to live and learn, right?

Dinah: Really? You stood up for me?

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: I must have missed that moment, because as I see it, I felt that you were pushing me aside for Ava and the baby. And I didn't mind being on the side. But then I started realizing that I was becoming invisible to you.

Bill: So what? You decided to switch teams? Dinah, why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you talk to me? Instead of seeing Bill's in a bad mood, why not stab him in the back.

Dinah: I tried talking to you.

Bill: You tried talking to me?

Dinah: Yes, you were too busy. You were trying to run the company, and run for office, and take pretty little pictures with women you don't love, and raising babies that weren't yours.

Bill: Oh!

Dinah: You did not want to work with your sister. You were living a lie.

Bill: I loved that baby.

Dinah: I'm sorry about the baby, but you weren't the father.

Bill: He was mine to raise, okay? You were plotting to send him away.

Dinah: I wanted to help Remy. I wanted to help the baby. You needed to move on with your life.

Bill: You know what's amazing to me? You're really starting to sound like Alan.

Dinah: You know, I didn't want the company.

Bill: (Laughs) You didn't want the company? Please. Why don't you give me a little truth here?

Dinah: You know what? You know what I wanted? I wanted a safe place. I wanted a place where you and I could do the work we wanted to do. I gave up everything for you, Bill. I gave up Mallet.

Bill: Oh, that was never going to work anyway.

Dinah: Oh, really?

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: So you're an expert in love right now?

Bill: I know more than you do.

Dinah: Okay. Well, good luck with that if you're planning to go back with Lizzie.

Bill: You're the one who called her back here.

Dinah: That's because I was trying to help you.

Bill: That's just it. Stop trying to help me, okay? I can take care of myself.

Dinah: Well, you're going to have to have a lot of luck in that because I'm going to tell you something: It is Lizzie who is connected to Alan.

Bill: No. Lizzie knows how to handle Alan.

Dinah: Okay. You need to snap out of it. You need to snap out of it. Stop turning your back on family for the wrong people. You did it to your father, and now you're doing it to me. You're taking out all of your anger because your pretty little plan has collapsed. And if you think that you and Lizzie are going to rise to the top, then you've got another thing coming because they're going to crush you. You're going to be begging for a job by the bulldozer, okay? The one thing about Lizzie, she chooses family every single time. It might be a little crazy, it's Alan. But that group, that's what they do. Now I have given you everything. And if you keep going on this track that you're on, it will be Lizzie that takes everything away from you.

Lillian: Lizzie, are you sure about all of this?

Lizzie: About being here for Granddad, yeah.

Lillian: No, no, no. About making the business your life, being just like Alan?

Lizzie: Okay, I know that it's weird because of everything that he's done to me, but, I think, I've got it all figured out. Look, I know how to handle him. And besides, I really think the war is over.

Lillian: Who won?

Lizzie: Me. I'm in charge.

Lillian: Sweetie, I watched your dad just the same way. I mean, he fought the same battle, he struggled, and it just killed him. I don't want you to be ruined by Alan any more than you already have.

Lizzie: Okay, but Dad thought that it was either/or. I know that I can have it all. I can have family, and the company, and my own life.

Lillian: By, "My own life," do you mean Billy Lewis?

Lizzie: Okay, not Billy, because that would be gross. But Bill, yes.

Lillian: (Laughs)

Lizzie: Bill, I am in love with him.

Lillian: I know you love him. Do you trust him?

Lizzie: Well, not completely, but who can you trust?

Lillian: Lizzie, what an awful thing to say. What a world view that is.

Lizzie: Okay, I'm just being realistic. I mean, I trust you.

Lillian: Thank you.

Lizzie: And Mom, most of the time. But you know, I think, if I'm real, I think that that's better. I don't think it's good to be naive. Bill and I are equals now. It's going to be a great partnership.

Lillian: Is this a merger or love?

Lizzie: Is there a difference?

Lillian: Oh, I want you to be normal, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I'm not normal. I'm Lizzie Spaulding. This is my destiny, and, I think, I finally understand what that means.

Courier: Ms. Spaulding?

Lizzie: That's me. Thank you.

Lillian: Good news?

Lizzie: Something else that I think will make Granddad very happy, as long as he comes out of his surgery.

Lillian: Sweetie, you know, we're probably not going to hear anything for a long time. So why don't you do whatever it is you have to do, and I'll call you when I hear anything.

Lizzie: You don't think I should be here when he wakes up?

Lillian: Well, you can if you want.

Lizzie: I do have a lot of work to do -- for him.

Lillian: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Okay. Okay. I'll have my cell phone on, so please call me if anything happens. And don't worry, okay? This is all going to work out. I've got it covered, Nana.

Lillian: Hmm.

Daisy: And I know that it's going to take me forever to get over him, and I might never get over him. But I have to try to stay away from him, and I need you to help me.

Cyrus: I'll help if I can, but you and Grady are really . . .

Daisy: We're over, yeah. I know that because I can't be with him after what he did to Rafe. And I need you to make sure that he knows that.

Cyrus: And keep him away from you?

Daisy: Yeah.

Cyrus: I'll add you to the list.

Daisy: What?

Cyrus: Nothing. I'm -- I'm really sorry how this ended up. I'm still trying to figure out my brother, but I think you made him as happy as he could let himself be.

Daisy: Don't -- don't say stuff like that because that makes me want to go to him and fix things . . .

Cyrus: He's not right for you, Daisy. He'll hurt you. He can't help it.

Daisy: Yeah, like how he almost got me killed.

Cyrus: I'll do what I can to keep him away from you, okay?

Daisy: Thanks.

Cyrus: Okay.

Daisy: I guess.

Grady: Uh-oh, it's the law.

Mallet: You need to walk away.

Grady: I want to see Daisy.

Marina: She doesn't live here anymore.

Grady: Look, I saw the note you left her. You summoned her.

Marina: I left that note in my room.

Grady: Yeah, there's lousy security in that hotel. I wouldn't leave anything valuable in there.

Marina: Oh, that's great. That's great, Grady. Now I can add B&E to the list of charges against you. You know, you're lucky you're not in jail right now after what you did?

Grady: What did I do?

Mallet: You trashed the place.

Grady: No, I came here and found it like that. And Daisy's mom ought to be sued for me falling through that window pane. Hmm?

Marina: You're really pushing it, Grady.

Grady: Then why haven't I been arrested?

Marina: Because we want you gone!

Grady: We can't always get what we want.

Mallet: What's wrong with you, man? I mean, seriously, what is wrong with you? We're giving you a chance to go to another town, maybe start over. Do you want -- do you want to go back to jail?

Grady: No, I want to see Daisy. Do you have her locked up in there because I really want to see her. Daisy!

Mallet: I don't think so. Just stay right there.

Grady: That's easy for you to say when you have a badge on.

Mallet: What badge?

Bill: Oh, good.

Dinah: What is this?

Bill: I had Hilda pack your bags for you.

Dinah: What's happening to you?

Bill: Hmm? Oh, I'm cleaning house, making a fresh start, new plan, that's right. But thank you. Thanks for everything. I learned a lot. I learned that I cannot count on my family if I want to get ahead in life.

Dinah: You can't throw me out of my house, Bill.

Bill: Thanks again. Take care. See you around.

Dinah: I built this world that you're living in. I put you in the house on the hill, I made you top dog, and I can take you down if I want to.

Bill: Oh, please. Everything you've done, Dinah, was for you. And the minute things didn't go your way, you turned on me.

Dinah: That is not true. You're not listening to me.

Bill: Good-bye. You need to leave now.

Dinah: Bill . . .

Bill: Yes, Dinah?

Dinah: You have taken your best friend in the whole wide world and you have turned her into your enemy, and you will regret that. I promise you.

Bill: Well, your promises mean nothing to me, Sis. You forgot something.

Grady: Pepper spray.

Marina: Oh, yes. Yes. See, I don't believe in fair fights.

Grady: You're not going to use it.

Marina: Early and often.

Mallet: Honey, I've got him, okay. You just go paint. Go finish up.

Marina: No, that's okay. Me and Mr. Pepper spray, we're going to hang out right here.

Grady: I just want to see Daisy, and then I'll leave.

Mallet: She doesn't want to see you. She's not here, and even if she was here, I don't think she wants to see you.

Grady: Don't act like you don't get it.

Marina: You need to leave now.

Grady: You know how it is. You're in love with my brother. You know how hard it is when you really want to be with someone and no one else understands that you're in love with them.

Marina: Grady, which part of "leave now" aren't you understanding?

Grady: Five minutes.

Marina: She's not here, loser.

Grady: Daisy! Daisy, come out here! I know you're in there, Daisy! I want to see you! Daisy! Daisy!

Cyrus: Hey.

Cassie: What the hell are you doing?

Cyrus: Well, hopefully not being pummeled.

Cassie: Well, I'm sorry, but you actually scared me about Grady.

Cyrus: Good, you should be scared.

Cassie: You're really not very good at comforting people, are you?

Cyrus: He hasn't been here?

Cassie: No, he hasn't. Why, is he coming?

Cyrus: I told you, he wrecked the outside of Harley's place.

Cassie: Yes. Why?

Cyrus: Because he's angry. Because he lost Daisy.

Cassie: Well, I'm glad because she needed to know. Otherwise she would have ended up killed if she stayed with him.

Cyrus: Yeah, well, now he's out there looking for revenge. So you can't be here alone.

Cassie: Okay. I told you I am not afraid of your little brother. And even if I was, I have a gun.

Cyrus: Oh, so you'll just shoot him if he shows up?

Cassie: If I have to.

Cyrus: I'm not going to let that happen.

Cassie: Okay, Cyrus, this is my house, and I want you to leave.

Cyrus: You're making dinner with a baseball bat at your side.

Cassie: I use it to tenderize the meat.

Cyrus: Right.

Cassie: Okay, really, I just want you to go. I want this whole thing over.

Cyrus: Join the club. Needs more salt.

(Cell phone rings)

Bill: Bill Lewis. Really? No, that's great. No, I'll -- I'll take a look at it. Thanks.

Lizzie: My name is Elizabeth Spaulding, and I am here today to announce to all of you --

Bill: I really don't need this today.

Lizzie: The Spaulding family, the Spaulding name -- is officially a part of this company again. You know, I can give you the live version.

Grady: Daisy! Daisy, come down! It's me!

Marina: Grady.

Grady: Daisy, come on, it's me! Come see me!

Marina: Grady, you need to go now or the cuffs are going to come out.

Grady: Daisy!

Mallet: This is like a bad movie.

Marina: You know he's really starting to tick me off. We have things we need to get done here, I have supplies I need to go get, and he's holding us up.

Grady: Daisy! I love you!

Mallet: Go. Get the supplies.

Marina: I'm not going to leave you here with Mr. Freakazoid.

Mallet: I can handle him.

Grady: Come on, Daisy! Let me see you. Just come down for one second. I want to see you. Please, Daisy. Just for a second. I love you. Don't do this to us, please!

Marina: I have to go . . . I have to go all the way down to your house. I left my tool bag there.

Mallet: Okay. You know what? Go, and get me a sandwich. Would you mind? Because I'm really hungry. All this drama is making me hungry.

Grady: Daisy, it's me, Grady! I love you! You know me! You love me! Please come down.

Mallet: Man, stop pacing, you're killing the grass.

Grady: I'm not going to hurt her. Please let me in.

Mallet: If she wanted to see you, she would come down.

Grady: No, you people make her feel like she can't see me, huh? Just let me in there.

Daisy: Please go away. Please go and leave me alone.

Grady: Daisy! I want to see you! Daisy! I love you! Daisy, come down! I love you! Daisy, come out here! Ow! (Groaning)

Mallet: Now you're just being stupid, okay? Let's not make this any worse than it needs to be, okay? I'm giving you a chance to walk away.

Grady: Ah!

Mallet: Now do that before I come to my senses.

(Knock on door)

Dinah: Hi.

Marina: Hi. I'm sorry, Mallet's not here. Are you okay? You look kind of pale.

Dinah: Is he at work?

Marina: No. Um . . . he's at Harley's.

Dinah: Is she back?

Marina: No. She's not coming back, actually. She's . . . she's staying in Greece.

Dinah: In Greece?

Marina: Yeah. Big life changes for her, I guess. So Mallet and I are at the house. We're trying to fix it up for her before it goes on the market. She's going to sell.

Dinah: Good.

Marina: You know, you -- you could buy it.

Dinah: No. It's a family house. I -- I need to go.

Marina: Can I help you with something?

Dinah: No, I don't think so. Bye.

Bill: What are you doing here?

Lizzie: Well, I work here. And I think that it's important that the staff sees me around.

Bill: Shouldn't you be at the hospital?

Lizzie: Yeah, I had to get out of there. There were complications.

Bill: Complications?

Lizzie: There was this bleed . . .

Bill: Is your grandfather going to be . . .

Lizzie: I don't know. It's not going as smoothly as they wanted it to. And . . . he might not wake up.

Bill: I'm sorry.

Lizzie: But . . . Nana said she'll call me if anything happens, so I just figured I should do some work; maybe, nail down that meeting with Decker. Have something to show my Granddad. Give him a reason to live.

Bill: That's a good thing. We all need that, huh, a reason to live.

Lizzie: And winning, not just for the sake of winning.

Bill: Sometimes that's enough.

Lizzie: I don't think you believe that.

Bill: No?

Lizzie: No. Because if you did, that's really sad.

Bill: Well, maybe your reasons for doing all of this are a little more noble than mine.

Lizzie: I'm just doing what i have to do for my family. Whatever you and your sister think that you accomplished, people expect more from Spauldings. So I have to give them what they expect and more. And you and your sister...

Bill: My sister is gone, okay? It's just me.

Lizzie: That's a good choice. We're moving in the same direction.

Bill: You think?

Lizzie: I know.

Bill: Okay. Uh-uh. It's not going to work like this.

Lizzie: Good thing it isn't work.

Bill: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. No, no, no. Okay? A little work, some distractions, something to take your mind off the fact that your granddad is going under the knife. I get it, but you're going to have to get it somewhere else. You're not going to take away half of everything that I want, everything that I worked so hard to get and expect everything is going to be fine between us. No way. It does not work that way.

Lizzie: That's funny, because that's exactly how you expected it to work when you bulldozed in and took everything from my family.

Bill: Well, I didn't just take it. I earned it.

Lizzie: You're making this so much harder than you have to. I saw what you did for my grandfather. I saw -- I saw how you let him say good-bye to Gus.

Bill: What was I going to do? He was going in for surgery. So I just wanted to . . .

Lizzie: No. I know you did it for me. I don't understand why you're pulling back now. Why don't you just get over yourself, and enjoy it?

Bill: I've got to do some damage control.

Lizzie: No, come on.

Bill: That's what I have to do.

Dinah: Dinah Marler, this is not what you do. When somebody knocks you down, you don't mope, and you don't feel sorry for yourself. You take action.

Cyrus: Cassie, I'm taking a beer out of the fridge. I'll bring some more tomorrow . . .

Grady: Look at you, making yourself at home.

Cyrus: Go home, Grady. You shouldn't be here.

Grady: I'm here to see the lady of the house.

Cyrus: No, you're not.

Grady: There she is.

Cyrus: Cassie, go upstairs.

Cassie: No. This is my house. I want you to leave.

Cyrus: Would you let me handle this? Leave, Grady, now.

Grady: No. I've had a very bad day, and I don't need anyone else telling me what to do.

Cassie: That's funny. That seems to be exactly what you need.

Grady: Oh, and you think you're the one to do it?

Cyrus: Okay. Enough. Enough! What, are you trying to get arrested again? Is that what you want?

Grady: Who's going to call the cops?

Cyrus: Me. Right now.

Grady: You're all talk.

Cyrus: Listen, Cassie has a gun, and I think she'd use it on you if you pushed her.

Grady: Is that your plan, huh? Are you going to shoot me now?

Cyrus: What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to die? Or maybe just go back to jail, huh? Is that what you want? You know that if you go back now, you'll never get out again. But you know what? I think that they should have just left you there in the first place. I should have left you there. I mean, what was I worried about? Why was I worrying about you when this is what you do; just walk the streets like a dog trying to hunt down people who have never done anything to you.

Grady: She turned Daisy against me.

Cyrus: Well, Daisy is better off without you. It's about time she came to her senses. Go!

Cassie: You know, you didn't have to do that. I can take care of Grady. I'm going to be here on my own. I can't go running every time someone comes to the door.

Cyrus: Yeah, well most of the time you don't have to. But when Grady's upset, he's like a wild animal. I couldn't take a chance that he'd hurt you.

Cassie: Or that I'd hurt him.

Cyrus: You've been through way too much because of him.

Cassie: I wonder where he's off to now. On to his next victim, I imagine.

Cyrus: I won't let that happen.

Cassie: What are you going to do? Are you just going to go chasing around your sociopath brother, or trying to be a human shield between him and the rest of the world? I mean, nice life.

Cyrus: We're going to leave this town, leave this country, and just go somewhere. I don't know, maybe Europe; somewhere where we can start over.

Cassie: That's not going to make him change.

Cyrus: At least you and Daisy will be safe.

Cassie: Well, thank you for trying to help me. Good luck.

Cyrus: Good-bye, Cassie.

Cassie: Hey . . . do you want to take some of that pasta with you?

Marina: You're being very brave, you know.

Daisy: I don't feel brave. I -- I miss him, even though I know I shouldn't.

Marina: I know the feeling. Yeah, I know. But you'll get over it in time. You do. You just have to keep yourself busy.

Mallet: Yeah, busy. Busy's good. We have lots of extra paint brushes. Oh, and my list. Look at the list here. You can do, like, half the things on my side.

Marina: Nice.

Daisy: You think I should work through my feelings?

Mallet: Yes, I do. That and have, like, half of this sandwich because it's really good.

Daisy: We'll see about that. That's pretty good.

Marina: Yeah?

Daisy: Yeah. Okay, I'll help.

Marina: Okay. Okay. See, this is good. This is good. And later we'll rent a movie, something really chicky.

Mallet: All right, guys. Break's over, all right? You two, grab the ladders and the paint brushes. Me, I'll be watering the flowers.

Marina: Very helpful. Thank you.

Mallet: There you go. (Laughter)

Marina: What?

Daisy: This. This. Having a family. If Grady had this, he'd be such a different person. Things have just been really hard for him.

Marina: Daisy, you always say that we drive you crazy.

Daisy: Yeah, but that's okay sometimes. Grady just needs people.

Marina: Okay. We almost had her. We almost had her. Come on. We'll get right back to that. We're just going to start some music here. Right here. How about that, huh?

Daisy: Um . . . which group is that?

Marina: Yeah, we can listen to that. That's good, Daisy. Listen to that.

(Knock on the door)

Dinah: Hello? (Knock on the door) Cyrus? Cyrus? It's Didi. I've missed you. You know, you and I used to make a very, very good team. And I am looking for another partner. I have some business to settle, a little score with my brother. You know, I heard through the grapevine that Harley's gone for good, which probably means we're both looking for something. Cyrus!

Grady: Cyrus isn't here, but I am.

Bill: I miss you, buddy. Hey, Kristin, it's Bill Lewis. Hey, look, I need to get some air time on WSPR. Yeah, I've got to put a speech together in response to Lizzie Spaulding's. No, Dinah's not going to be a part of this. Okay, just get back to me with a time slot, okay? Thank you. Hey.

Lizzie: Hey.

Bill: What is all this?

Lizzie: Just me and my stuff.

Bill: No, no, not part of the deal.

Lizzie: Look at it.

Bill: What is this?

Lizzie: It's crazy, I know, but it's totally true.

Bill: No. No way.

Lizzie: I tried to tell you before. I had my lawyers look into it carefully, and Dinah messed up big time. It turns out that the foreclosure and resale of this house was illegal, apparently. The feds were so excited to nail my Granddad, they didn't do all of their homework. Big mistake.

Bill: What do you mean "mistake?"

Lizzie: Your ownership of the house is null and void. This house is still the property of the Spaulding family, which means it's mine. But it is a big house, and i want you to stay.

Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .

Jeffrey: You want to keep the baby, don't you?

Reva: I know how you feel. It's not worth the risk. I have to go off my meds, which would be just begging the cancer to come back.

Olivia: You're going to be a daddy again.

Jeffrey: No. No, I'm not.

Olivia: Just tell me, do you want the kid or don't you?

Jeffrey: It's not up to me.

Reva: I don't know what to do.

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