Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/10/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie
Alan: I think so. But I think I would enjoy it a lot more if Alexander would share one of those croissants with me, please! Eating right in front of me.
Dinah: Tell me what we're doing here again?
Bill: Well, I'm here to support Lizzie and Alan.
Dinah: Lizzie and Alan . . . the girl who stole part of our company, and the grandfather who we stole it from in the first place. Why?
Bill: Don't say that. We did not steal it from him, okay? We rescued it, okay? We took a stodgy old company, made it relevant again. Not that everyone sees it that way, but that's what we did. I wish that person inside Maximus who has been leaking all of this information to Alan would see it that way, too.
Dinah: Well, I don't think it matters because, you know what? Lizzie, now that she has half the company, she can leak whatever the hell she wants to Alan.
Bill: Not half. 49%, okay?
Dinah: Whatever. Why don't you admit to me that you're here to take advantage of Alan's vulnerable state, and Lizzie's too?
Bill: Would you do me a huge favor, for me? Would you get me a cup of coffee, please? And get yourself one, too.
Dinah: Sure. I'll be right back.
Bill: Thank you. Hmm . . . Alexandra Spaulding. Interesting.
Mallet: Where did you get that thing?
Marina: Down the hall.
Mallet: Down the hall?
Marina: Yeah, that guy down the hall.
Mallet: Pete?
Marina: No. I think he said his name was Jed, or something. I don't know. He was very nice. I knocked on his door, and I asked if he had a fan, and he gave me this one.
Mallet: He's so nice. Probably figuring out a way to murder us in our sleep.
Marina: What?
Mallet: He's a whack job, a nut case. I've been keeping my eye on that guy. Looking for drugs and stolen TVs so then I can arrest him. He's a weirdo.
Marina: Well, at least the fan works. Aahhh! Oh, you've got to be kidding.
Mallet: I can't take it. I can't take anymore. Let's get out of here.
Marina: Hold on a second.
Mallet: What are you going to do with those?
Marina: It's not what I'm gonna do. It's what you're gonna do.
Beth: Why were you wearing your wedding ring? We're not married again, yet. Or is there something you're not telling me?
Alan: I wanted to wear the ring in surgery because it made me feel close to you. I want you to do me a favor, Beth. I want you to call Grace and tell her to contact the other ladies, and tell them that I will be back on my feet shortly.
Beth: I'll do whatever you want me to do. You know that.
Alan: You know, they're very vulnerable. They depend on me and my visions of Gus to continue our work.
Beth: Oh, hello, doctor.
Doctor: Hello. Mr. Spaulding, are you feeling up to this?
Alan: Well, I was under the impression, doctor, that you're the one that has the hard work to do. I mean, all I have to do is lie there, count my money, and wait for the white light, huh?
Beth: Oh, honey, do me a favor. If you see a white light, don't walk into it.
Alan: I'll try to remember that.
Doctor: There are a few things we should discuss before surgery.
Alan: Like, I might die on the operating table, right?
Doctor: There is a chance that you won't wake up from the operation, or that you will with limited brain function. But today let's focus on the positive, saving your life.
Alan: Will I still have my visions of Gus after the surgery, doctor?
Beth: Um, you know what? I think we should listen to the doctor. Today should be about focusing on saving your life.
Alan: You don't believe me, do you? You don't believe I have those visions. You think it's all a blood clot, right?
Beth: I want you to know something. I want you to know that I am going to be right here, waiting.
Alan: Beth, you don't have to wait here. I mean, just go home to Peyton. This is going to take all day long, probably.
Beth: I want you to know that I'm here.
Alan: I know that you're here.
Beth: I love you.
Alan: I know you do. I love you, too.
Bill: Let me help you with that.
Alexandra: Much too much caffeine this morning, I guess.
Bill: It happens to me all the time.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Bill: You know, I saw Alan collapse three times. It was scary. I'm so glad he agreed to get this operation.
Alexandra: Since when are you so concerned about my brother's health?
Bill: I'm concerned about Lizzie. She's been a wreck these past few days. It's just a good thing we found Alan in New York when we did. Or who knows what state he would be in.
Alexandra: Or the state of our family's reputation, hey?
Bill: You can thank me for that later.
Alexandra: I sure look forward to it.
Bill: It's weird, though. I mean, Alan wasn't surprised to see me in New York at all. He knew I was there. I don't know, maybe Gus tipped him off. Maybe it was you?
Alexandra: You know, I do have a bit more leisurely time these days, but tracking you all around the country is really not on the top of my priorities.
Bill: (Laughing) No. I didn't think so. Maybe it was the pilot. I told him to keep that flight plan a secret. (Laughing) Hired help these days . . . they can get you. Can I get you some more coffee?
Dinah: What's with you?
Lizzie: Oh, my granddad is having brain surgery.
Dinah: I've had brain surgery.
Lizzie: And I'll bet it wasn't the happiest day of your life now, was it?
Dinah: Actually, the surgery wasn't that bad. I can't really remember it. But it's the recovery that sucks. I don't know why you're worried. Your grandfather has a gazillion and one lives, and he'll be back to his old self in no time, making a pathetic attack at stealing Maximus, I'm sure.
Lizzie: Spaulding.
Dinah: You know, you're going to be right there, right by him . . . right by his side, that is until Bill kicks your butt out.
Lizzie: Bill can't kick my butt out of there or anywhere else. I own half the company.
Dinah: Because you stole it.
Lizzie: You stole it.
Dinah: No. I gave Bill a very big chance, and if you loved him as much as I love him, you would let him have that chance.
Lizzie: I am giving him that chance. Don't you get it? We're equals now. Me and Bill are partners fair and square. This is our chance to do it together and show everybody how great we can be as a team.
Dinah: Do you really believe that?
Lizzie: Of course, I believe that.
Dinah: Because he told me he wants me to be his partner. He wants me to throw you out, and your stupid pink desk chair out.
Lizzie: Well, maybe he just said that because he hasn't fully accepted that this can work, but it can. And he'll see that. And my chair is not stupid.
Dinah: Okay. So you really think that this guy, who completely duped the press, slept with you to promote his own cause, worked your grandfather over, and stole your childhood home . . . you think that guy is going to turn around and start sharing?
Lizzie: With me? Yeah, I do. But you, on the other hand, you'll probably always be fetching his coffee.
Mallet: I think my flower arrangement was a nice touch, don't you think?
Marina: What?
Mallet: I said, I think my flower arrangement . . . wow! That smells good already.
Marina: What?
Mallet: Does that pie thing really work?
Marina: It said so online.
Mallet: Wow. Can I have a few bites, just a couple of bites?
Marina: I'm really going to miss this place. Which is funny, because I practically wanted to strangle the previous owner.
Mallet: Yeah, I wanted to strangle her once, too.
Marina: But you didn't.
Mallet: And neither did you.
Marina: Right. It's like I told you earlier, I can't even hate the woman who stole my fiancé because I'm a good sport. I should have it written on a t-shirt.
Mallet: The pies really look fantastic. Is it done yet?
Marina: You don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Mallet: I'm just saying . . . I think people would be crazy not to buy this house now. Especially, after all of our hard work.
Marina: You do realize that the floors aren't done; there is no paint on the wall. In fact, I think the entire place is still practically drywall.
Mallet: Well, everybody nowadays loves a project. And it's all about D.I.Y.
Marina: What?
Mallet: D.I.Y. . . . do it yourself. What? What are you smiling at?
Marina: You!
Mallet: What?
Marina: You totally watch those home improvement shows, don't you?
Mallet: No, I don't watch home improvement shows.
Marina: Oh, my god! You do! Oh, you do! Wait until I tell the guys at the station about this.
Mallet: I don't watch the girlie ones, okay? I watch the ones where guys are sawing things and blowing things up.
Marina: Blowing things up?
Mallet: I think I like you better depressed.
Marina: (Laughing) No, no, no! (Yelling)
Lizzie: What?
Dinah: I don't just get people's coffee.
Lizzie: Okay.
Dinah: Not unless I want to. If my brother wants coffee, I'll go get it for him.
Lizzie: Okay. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. I was just trying to tell you the truth.
Dinah: Yes, your warped version of the truth.
Lizzie: No, the actual truth. Which is, that this is my legacy, and Bill's, too. My grandfather has been telling me since I was a little girl that I would be running Spaulding.
Dinah: They told me I was going to be a bearded lady.
Lizzie: And Bill is destined to run Lewis. No, I never, ever imagined in a million years that the companies would be merged like this. But that was all Bill's doing, and yours, if you recall, not mine. I'm just trying to get back what belongs to me, and it's not just the company. It's Bill, too. We're supposed to be together. It took us forever to realize that the solution was right in front of our face. My grandfather gave this to me. I thought I should have it with me . . . maybe, Bill doesn't realize that being my partner is the best thing that's ever happened to us because he's stubborn. And he's a little selfish. He's pretty much the most pig-headed person you'd ever meet. But . . . I love him for it. And if I didn't do what I just did, taking back the company, he wouldn't love me.
Dinah: I have known my brother longer than you have, and he will never accept this 50/50 thing. The more that you try to force it on him, the more he will realize that there is only one suitable partner. One partner that will love him unconditionally and do whatever it takes to help him succeed, and that is me.
Lizzie: Excuse me. I'm going to go see my grandfather before he goes into surgery.
Alan: Gus . . . I can see you, son.
Bill: Yeah, that's right, Dad, it's me, Gus. Looking good, Big Al.
Alan: So are you, son.
Bill: Are you ready to go in there and knock 'em dead?
Alan: I am now, now that you're here with me.
Bill: The whole time, Dad.
Alan: What about after? You know, having this connection with you for the past months has been a real gift.
Bill: Well, I've been worried about you. Going to New York, putting your health at risk . . .
Alan: Son, I did it for you. For our family legacy. I've got to get back what's rightfully ours.
Bill: And how did you do that, Dad? I mean, you sure showed him you're still a force to be reckoned with.
Alan: I had help. Help from the inside.
Bill: Oh, yeah?
Alan: Yeah.
Bill: One of Bill Lewis' guys?
Alan: Even better. Someone that Bill Lewis trusts more than anyone, his own sister, Dinah. I went and asked her if she would work with me. It didn't take much to get her on my side after the way Bill had been treating her. Wait, wait, Gus. Don't leave, son.
Mallet: Now I get why you're always working overtime. What do you average, like an e-mail an hour?
Marina: I was thinking. Detectives do that, if you recall. Oh, my god!
Mallet: What?
Marina: I think I left the oven on at Harley's house! The whole place could be burning up by now!
Mallet: Why did you leave the oven on?
Marina: I didn't do it on purpose. Where are my keys?
Mallet: Blake's over there right now showing the house to people.
Marina: So?
Mallet: Well, it could be a little awkward if we go over there.
Marina: Not as awkward as it's going to be if the whole living room is on fire. We have to go!
Dinah: Hilda! Hilda?
Hilda: Yes, ms. Dinah.
Dinah: Hi. Let's tell cook that I want him to prepare a special lunch today for my brother. He has been working very hard, and he deserves it.
Hilda: Yes, ms. Dinah.
Dinah: You know what? Tell him we should have spare ribs. That's Bill's favorite. And, you know what? Let's set up the screening room, okay, so we can watch Gladiator.
Hilda: Gladiator?
Dinah: Right.
Hilda: Of course.
Dinah: I'm going to have a nice, relaxing family afternoon. Just me and my brother.
Alan: I can't tell you how it means so much for you to come one last time to visit me.
Bill: I just wanted you to know that everything is going to be okay in there.
Alan: You also want me to know that it's time to think about my family, and let go of my visions of you, and focus on James, and Peyton, and Beth, and my precious Elizabeth.
Bill: You've always loved her so much. But sometimes you let other things get in the way of that.
Alan: Yeah, I know. I deserve a relationship with her . . . I haven't really seen her until now. She's an amazing young woman. Maybe, with her help I can make things right with Phillip and Alan-Michael, all of the things that I did to them, the mistakes I made. You, too, Gus. I caused you so much pain. And yet you chose me, you picked me, to guide me, forgive me. I -- I wish I could have been a better father to you when I had the chance.
Bill: It's okay, Dad.
Alan: I don't know if it is, or not.
Bill: You know why I came back to visit you after all these weeks? Because I wanted you to know that I forgive you. I always have. I forgive you, and everything's going to be all right.
Alan: I -- I don't know --
Bill: Hey, hey, hey --
Alan: -- if I deserve it.
Bill: Rest . . . rest and sleep. When you wake up, you'll be with your family.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Mallet: Aha, aha. Yeah, yeah, you knew all along that you didn't leave the oven on. I think you just wanted to spy on the new owners.
Marina: Potential owners.
Mallet: Uh-huh.
Marina: And I could have left the oven on.
Mallet: When have you ever left an oven on in your whole life?
Marina: Never. I don't cook, which means I could have forgotten to turn it off.
Blake: You've already had the tour. Are there any questions?
Lady Buyer: You said the street's quiet at night, right?
Blake: Oh, so quiet, that you can hear the crickets chirp. Very quiet crickets, obviously.
Man Buyer: And it's in our price range?
Blake: Oh, it is. It is. The seller wants out quickly . . . I mean, not that there are any problems. Quite the opposite, actually. It's, um . . . it's a great deal. I mean, this house -- this house is very special to her. All right. Why don't I just let you two discuss matters, and I will step out there and come back, and we'll talk about an offer.
Man Buyer: Okay.
Lady Buyer: Great.
Marina: I don't like them.
Mallet: What? They seem nice to me.
Marina: Are you blind? Seriously, did you see that woman? It looks like she has a tick.
Mallet: Ah, no, I didn't notice her tick.
Marina: Oh, yeah. And the guy's pants. He's wearing them practically up to his nipples.
Mallet: Yeah, okay. Thanks for the imaginary.
Marina: And they want to know if it's a quiet street? When Harley and Gus and the kids lived here, they were the ones making the noise. Mallet, this house needs to be lived in.
Mallet: Hiya!
Lady Buyer: Hi.
Mallet: Officer Mallet. How are you?
Lady Buyer: Fine.
Mallet: Good. I'm the guy that lives and the upstairs apartment . . . I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm a friend of the owner. I'm just helping her clean it up, you know, get it ready to sell.
Lady Buyer: And you're a police officer?
Mallet: Yes. Yes, I am. Yes. It's a -- it's a nice house, isn't it? It's a really nice house.
Man Buyer: Gorgeous.
Lady Buyer: We love it. It's exactly what we're looking for.
Mallet: Oh, I don't blame you. And I think they've done an amazing job, because you would never know . . .
Lady Buyer: Never know what?
Mallet: How the last time I was here, it was a mess. There was blood all over the place. Double homicide. It was a pretty horrific crime scene. That's why I think it's just incredible what they've done. Because you know what? If I didn't know where it all happened, you wouldn't be able to notice the stains at all. So, yeah, it's a good house. Did Blake show you the Jacuzzi?
Lady Buyer: No.
Man Buyer: We better be going. There's another house we have to see.
Dinah: Good, you're home. Let's have lunch. I had Cook make all of your favorites. Come on.
Bill: What's the occasion?
Dinah: Can't a sister have a meal with her brother? Show him how much he means to her?
Bill: To sisters.
Dinah: You'll never guess what Lizzie was saying at the hospital today; how she deserves the company, and how it's her legacy. And you know what I said? I said, you know what? You need to be quiet. Okay? Because you're crazy if you think you're going to get any of this, that we're going to share any of this with you. You know why? Because we did it. We got there on top on our own. You know, I don't think I can even stand it because I will in no way allow that ungrateful, little back-stabbing girl take away everything that we've got. You know what you need to do? You need to cut her off once and for all. You need to cut off any feelings that you think you have for her because you have supported Alan. You have tried to preserve his reputation, and you coddled her and all of her hysterics, and she doesn't deserve you. She's not good enough for you. There is nothing that she sees that is positive. She cannot appreciate how amazing you are. I can see that. And I know that you're going to think I'm crazy, but I don't think that that girl deserves a second chance.
Mallet: Hmm . . .
Marina: What did you say?
Mallet: Um . . . I may have hinted at a possibility that perhaps maybe a crime happened in the house.
Marina: Oh, yeah. The crime of passion that happened between my Aunt Harley and Cyrus, my fiancé? Yeah, that sucked.
Mallet: Well, I kind of mentioned that maybe, perhaps there was a double homicide that happened on the premises, and there was a lot of blood, and, you know, that sort of thing.
Marina: Okay. You're weird. Why?
Mallet: Because they're not right for this place. It's like what you said. They're kind of stuck up and boring. And they're, probably, the kind of people who would have turned the rec room into a library. I don't know. The kind of people who would have painted the whole damn place brown.
Marina: You know, I think if we keep fixing this place up, we can get Harley a better deal. I mean, those people wanted to buy it, and they were just the first people that looked at the house.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Maybe we ought to go down to the hardware store and pick up some tools. I'll show you how to use my drill.
Marina: Oh, you did not just say that.
Beth: Are you sure that you want to do this?
Lizzie: We have to do it for Granddad. My name is Elizabeth Spaulding, and I am here today to announce to all of you that the Spaulding Family, the Spaulding name, is officially a part of this company, again. I know that I can speak for my entire family when I say we are 100% dedicated to reclaiming what is ours. We plan to commit everything we have to reestablishing this company as a worldwide power. A name that people identify with and respect. And that name is no longer Maximus, Inc. It is from this day forward Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises. I want to make one thing very clear to all of you: Spaulding isn't a faceless organization. It's very real, very human, and it has a face. Perhaps that face is younger and fresher than ever before, but that is a good thing, because I am Spaulding. And it is my intention to follow in my grandfather's footsteps to keep alive a legacy that he built for me and my family. So make no mistake about it, Spaulding is back.
Dinah: I know you're mad.
Bill: Why would you say that?
Dinah: Because I've been trashing Lizzie for the last ten minutes. It's so frustrating. The way she went behind your back like that, taking half the company. That's something I would never do to you.
Bill: You wouldn't?
Dinah: No. I'm your sister. And I love you, and I do not think you can trust Lizzie. Not at all.
Bill: Enough! Stop! I know what you did. I know you were working with Alan and Alex against me. Against your own brother. And you have the nerve . . . you have the audacity to say that Lizzie is a back-stabber, the ungrateful one? Alan told me everything you did, and now you have to answer for it.
Cyrus: Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .
Grady: I want to see Daisy.
Mallet: I don't think so. Stay right there.
Grady: That's easy for you to say when you have a badge on.
Mallet: What badge?
Grady: Daisy! Daisy! Come on out here!
Cyrus: You leave Cassie alone.
Grady: I've got nothing to lose.
Cassie: If he wants to take me on? He better be ready.
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