GL Transcript Monday 9/8/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/8/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light" . . .

Grady: Now they pretend I don't exist.

Daisy: Next I'll be bored with you and then comes acceptance.

Rafe: You don't think anyone's going to figure it out? That you're the one who tipped off the cops about me?

Buzz: You've got to call your mother.

Daisy: She's not coming back, is she? She left me again.

Grady: It's just you and me.

Daisy: I need to see Rafe.

Buzz: What do you think he'll tell you?

Daisy: Anything to help me understand what Harley is doing.

Cyrus: I deserved that.

Cassie: Yes, you did.

Cyrus: Yeah, hit me again. Come on, hit me! Hit me!

Buzz: Yes, Frank. Yes, Frank. Yes, Frank. No, Frank, I heard you the first seven times. Look, listen to me now, we're talking about five minutes tops, in and out, you know? You're going to be -- the entire police department is going to be, like, three feet away. Because if we do it my way, Frank, we'll have complete control over when and where she sees him. Yes, Frank, I think, I am probably right. Um, okay then. Uh, yeah. Right, see you then. Well, Frank has about a million and one reasons why you shouldn't see Rafe, all of which I had to listen to.

Daisy: So he said "No."

Buzz: At first, yes. But now he sees things my way.

Daisy: Thank you.

Buzz: Well, you know, you're only going to see him for a little bit.

Daisy: I know. I know. I just have to -- I have to see him long enough to ask him about this guy that Harley's been seeing.

Buzz: Hey, you have questions for your mom, why don't you ask her yourself?

Daisy: I'm not ready.

Buzz: She wants to talk to you, you know.

Daisy: And I want her to come home. So I guess we're even.

Buzz: This isn't about being even. This is about seeing Rafe.

Daisy: No, that's -- no, that's not true. If anyone knows what happened in Greece, it's Rafe, and I'll get the straight story, not Harley's version.

Buzz: He'll think you're beautiful. I do.

Daisy: It doesn't matter what he thinks. I'm with Grady now! (Knock on door)

Grady: Hello? Hello? Whoo-hoo? Anybody home? Hello, 911? There's been a terrible accident. A young man, a yard, blood everywhere, please, send an ambulance. 850 Kensington Road. Thank you.

(Smashing) (Glass breaking) (Stomping) (Groaning) (Smashing) (Grunting) (Glass breaking)

Jeffrey: You know, this one time I got to the airport and the only flight left on the flight board was a flight to Novosibirsk.

Reva: (Laughs) And I'm supposed to know where that is?

Jeffrey: Russia. Siberia, to be exact.

Reva: Really? I'm not going to spend my honeymoon in Siberia.

Jeffrey: Luck of the draw, my friend.

Reva: Yeah, well, why did I agree to this again?

Jeffrey: Because you like it, okay? Because you like flying by the seat of your pants. Because that's the only way to fly.

Reva: I want warm.

Jeffrey: Okay. Well, do you know what? We go to the airport and then if the flight gods decide that they want warm, then we get warm.

Reva: And if not, I make your life miserable.

Jeffrey: Siberia's not so bad.

Reva: And we have to stay how long?

Jeffrey: Well, uh, that depends, you know? It doesn't -- it doesn't have to be that long.

Reva: But I -- I thought we just kept buying tickets, you know, until we decide we want to come home.

Jeffrey: I know. I just, you know, I just assumed . . .

Reva: But that's the deal, you know? We just keep going and going until we find someplace good. We are going still, right? You want to go.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, we've . . . Reva, we've got a lot to . . . figure out.

Reva: So, we can do it on a beach.

Jeffrey: Well, something tells me that doing it on the beach is how we got here in the first place.

Reva: (Laughs) So we are going, right?

Jeffrey: So we are going.

Reva: You're making fun . . . we are, are we?

Jeffrey: Yes, we're going! We're going.

Reva: Okay, then. Then here's the deal: We have to act normal, I don't want to spend every waking moment thinking about . . .

Jeffrey: The pregnancy?

Reva: Yeah. That. And -- and . . . I just -- I want us to be us.

Jeffrey: I've got some things to finish taking care of at the office.

Reva: Oh. Okay. Well, you go do that, and I will go by the drugstore and pick up things we need. Like toothpaste, and soap, and sunscreen, and a fur coat.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Now you're thinking.

Reva: And I'm also going to call the doctor, and I'll tell him that we'll see him when we get back. This is going to be great.

Jeffrey: Great.

Reva: (Sighs)

Jeffrey: Hi.

Lillian: Hi. Why are you lurking out here?

Jeffrey: Did -- did Reva tell you?

Lillian: Yeah. Yeah, I know, she found something.

Jeffrey: Um, she doesn't know that we're having this conversation, so can we just keep this strictly between us?

Lillian: Are you telling me you got the results?

Jeffrey: Yeah. It's -- it's not cancer.

Lillian: Hoo! That tumor was benign, huh?

Jeffrey: That tumor was a baby.

Lillian: What?

Jeffrey: Reva's pregnant, Lillian.

Lillian: Pregnant? (Laughs)

Jeffrey: You're supposed to have a better poker face than that.

Lillian: I'm sorry. It's just -- I guess I don't need to tell you how something like that happened.

Jeffrey: No. But you need to tell me what the risks are.

Lillian: The risks, yeah, well, um, I think that's something you better discuss with her doctor.

Jeffrey: Well, I already did, you know? He told me in doctor language.

Lillian: Well, I'm a nurse. I speak the same language.

Jeffrey: You're also Reva's friend.

Lillian: And yours. Okay, when you're recovering from cancer, you're not supposed to get pregnant for three to four years.

Jeffrey: But it hasn't been that long. So if she has this baby . . .

Lillian: No, I know. But the cancer can always come back. I mean, survivors live with that all the time. The odds do get better the longer you're in remission.

Jeffrey: But if you throw a baby into the mix?

Lillian: Reva has always beaten the odds; you know that.

Jeffrey: What are the odds?

Lillian: Well, chemo damages the body; I mean, the heart, the kidneys, the liver. And being pregnant doubles the workload. So . . . I can't be more specific about her case. You have to go see her doctor with Reva.

Jeffrey: (Sighs) Okay. So, I mean . . . like I said, we -- we didn't have this conversation, okay?

Lillian: Of course -- of course we didn't. I understand. And she's lucky to have you.

Jeffrey: Well, I do tell her that all the time.

Lillian: (Laughs) Of course you do. So you should go be with her. Look, Reva will be fine.

Jeffrey: Will she?

Cassie: Aren't you going to apologize?

Cyrus: You smacked me.

Cassie: You kissed me! Why?

Cyrus: I have no idea.

Cassie: You must have had something in mind when you came here.

Cyrus: Well, what I have in mind and what I do is not always the same thing.

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Cyrus: Waiting and waiting and waiting for Harley! And all this time she was never coming back. I must be out of my bloody mind.

Cassie: You didn't know that.

Cyrus: Oh, but I should have, see? I should have known. You know, I left messages, a lot of messages. And, uh . . . she never called me back. Not once. So what the hell was I hanging on to?

Cassie: It's hard to let go. I mean, you loved her.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah. Well, look where that got me.

Cassie: Well, you know, they say it's better to have loved and lost, right?

Cyrus: (Laughs) You don't really believe that.

Cassie: (Laughs) I don't know.

Cyrus: You know what I think? I think that, uh . . . everyone would have been better off if I just never came to Springfield.

Cassie: Well, you know, you can still make something of it. Not everybody wants you to leave.

Cyrus: Yeah, you know, you're right. I'm everyone's favorite guy! Right behind my brother. I should have just taken him and left when we had the chance. I mean, we've just created misery here.

Cassie: Not you, your brother.

Cyrus: Oh, I did plenty. Yeah, to Marina, to Harley. That's two Coopers down. Then my brother goes after the third. He gets high as a kite and kills your daughter with Daisy in the backseat. And he turns in Rafe Rivera when he comes back to the country. I mean, it just -- it goes on and on and on and on! We just keep going after what we want. Just .  .. I'm going to take your advice.

Cassie: What advice is that?

Cyrus: Thank you.

Grady: (Screaming) (Crashing) (Heavy breathing) (Yelling) (Sirens wailing) No way! You?

Remy: You're not dead. How about something for pain, huh? Of course, if I get a little air in the needle here . . .

Grady: Get the hell away from me!

Remy: Would you relax? I'm not going to kill you, okay? I don't want to lose my job.

Grady: I want someone else!

Remy: That's too bad. I'm all there is. Love what you've done with the place. How long did it take you to trash it?

Grady: It wasn't me.

Remy: Right.

Grady: I came here and found it like this, tried to clean it up, and I fell through the glass.

Remy: You know what? I would love to leave you here to bleed to death but my boss doesn't like that. Hold still.

Grady: (Screams)

Daisy: Why can't I just go in? You know me, you know my mom. My -- my cousin and my uncle work here.

Cop: More reason for you not to get special treatment. Bag.

Daisy: There's nothing in here. (Sighs)

Frank: Oh, good. Is she behaving herself, officer?

Daisy: She's treating me like a criminal. I just want to pop in and see Rafe.

Frank: Well, this isn't a college dorm here, Daisy. You know, I pulled a lot of strings for you to get this visit.

Daisy: Yeah, I know. Thank you.

Frank: Thank you. Well, if you want to thank me you can call your mother.

Daisy: When I'm ready.

Frank: When are you going to be ready?

Daisy: When I am.

Frank: Okay, fine. Listen, the good news is that you're here and that you're not . . .

Daisy: What? Where?

Frank: I wasn't going to tell you this, but you'll probably here it anyway. Grady's on the way to the hospital.

Daisy: Why? What happened?

Frank: He cut his hand pretty bad.

Daisy: Oh, my god, I have to go see him.

Frank: He was in the backyard at your mother's house and Remy showed up . . . and the place is completely . . .

Cop: It was completely . . . what?

Frank: Destroyed.

Lillian: Oh, you are lucky. You could have severed that tendon.

Grady: Yeah, that's me. Lucky.

Daisy: Grady?

Grady: Hey! I thought you were going to talk to someone about your mom.

Daisy: Are you okay?

Grady: Eh. Nine stitches here, three here.

Daisy: What happened?

Grady: I got mad.

Daisy: At who?

Grady: Eh, just forget about it.

Daisy: No, no, no. Tell me.

Grady: Well I couldn't believe what your mom had done to you, you know? I don't understand how someone could be so selfish that they could leave the person who needs them the most. I just lost it and started breaking stuff and . . . it was stupid.

Daisy: That's not stupid. I think, maybe it reminded you of what happened with your family, you know? When Cyrus left.

Grady: I saw how much you were hurting and I wanted to hurt back. So I went to your mom's place and . . . I'm sorry, I can't explain it. I just thought about the look in your eyes and those tears when you told me what happened.

Daisy: It's okay. It's okay. It's all going to be okay.

Cassie: Are you okay? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but Josh told me something's going on with you and I . . . want to know. Are you sick again?

Reva: Uh . . . I'm pregnant.

Cassie: What?

Reva: I'm -- I don't have cancer. I'm having a baby. (Laughs)

Cassie: Oh, my god. That's great, right? I mean, that's -- isn't it?

Reva: Yeah, it's great. You know, I'm old . . . er. Older. Older. And I'm in menopause, and I've had cancer so I don't know exactly how great it is. But I . . . I do like the idea of having a baby, but I just don't know because, you know, there are risks.

Cassie: I'm just . . . I'm in shock. I mean, it kind of seems like . . .

Reva: A miracle.

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: I know. I know. But it's not like an angel suddenly appeared to me and told me what to name it. So I don't know how far that miracle goes.

Cassie: Well, I mean, it could be okay.

Reva: Yeah, it could be. It could be.

Cassie: Wow. Reva, well, a baby! Congratulations!

Reva: Yeah, just when you thought it was safe to get back under the covers, huh? (Laughs)

Cassie: So, um, Jeffrey knows, right?

Reva: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Of course he knows.

Cassie: And . . .

Reva: But we really haven't had much of a chance to talk it through because we've both been so busy, and now we're leaving on our honeymoon.

Cassie: Oh, well, you're still . . . you're still going?

Reva: Yeah, of course we're going. I mean, we . . . we still have to live our lives and, uh, follow through on all those plans that we made before we found out about this.

Cassie: Sure. I mean, you should keep doing what you're doing. Don't stop anything.

Reva: No, uh . . . no, okay, well, if I don't get busy we're going to miss all the good planes.

Cassie: Is Jeffrey making you do that thing where you don't decide until you get to the airport? (Laughs)

Reva: Jeffrey's not making me do anything.

Cassie: Right. Well, um, so, uh, you should, then, get going and, you know, if you need anything or just want to talk . . .

Reva: Thanks.

Cassie: Okay, so have a great trip and . . . well, remember, no drinking!

Reva: Oh, yeah, it's ginger ale.

Cassie: Okay. Hope so.

Reva: (Laughs) Thanks, Sis.

Billy: So what'd the doctor say?

Reva: Do you believe in ringing a doorbell?

Billy: Oh, come on, Reva; I was sitting by the phone. I was the first person you should have called.

Reva: (Sighs) Okay. I can't believe I'm going to spend the rest of my day telling people this. I'm pregnant.

Billy: So what are you going to do about it?

Reva: That's it? At least Cassie said, "Congratulations."

Billy: Well, Cassie didn't sit through your chemotherapy. Neither did Jeffrey, as a matter of fact.

Reva: So that's what this is about. This is about my marriage to Jeffrey?

Billy: No, you know better than that. This is about the fact that I watched your life slip away in Minnesota, and I'm thinking having a baby can't be safe. Or you're going to tell me, it is?

Reva: Not entirely.

Billy: Okay, darling. I know you and Jeffrey have a "what the hell" relationship and, you know, that's what I've always loved about you. But this is your life. There is no "what the hell."

Buzz: Pregnant? You and Reva?

Jeffrey: That's what the doctor said.

Buzz: A baby, right?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Buzz: You and Reva.

Jeffrey: Do I need to explain the biology to you?

Buzz: No, no, I just . . . I -- isn't it a little early to be spreading the word about this?

Jeffrey: She's three months along.

Buzz: That's pregnant. You don't seem too happy about this.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I don't know how I'm supposed to seem, Buzz. It's just that . . . I do know that this -- this thing, it's -- it's going to create some serious health problems for Reva.

Buzz: Do you even want this baby?

Cassie: Am I just going to keep running into you now?

Grady: I hurt my hand.

Daisy: I came to see him.

Grady: We weren't doing anything.

Daisy: Helping him.

Cassie: What, like he helped Tammy? Do you have any idea of what kind of person he is?

Daisy: I know. I know you blame him for what happened to Tammy, okay, but he's . . .

Cassie: He's changed, right?

Daisy: Yes, he has.

Cassie: Well, then why did he turn in Rafe?

Daisy: What?

Cassie: That's right. Grady is the one who had Rafe arrested. Gosh, what a great guy. I sure wish I had one like that.

Daisy: Did you?

Jeffrey: I never thought I was ever going to be a parent. I mean, that wasn't on my radar. But whenever I look at Ava now and she looks back at me it's . . .

Buzz: There ain't nothing like it.

Jeffrey: Nothing. But, Buzz, this is -- this is Reva's life that we're talking about here, and I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize that just because I didn't get a chance to raise my daughter. But Reva, she's something else.

Buzz: She is that.

Jeffrey: And if having this baby means losing Reva, Buzz, I choose Reva.

Reva: You know how I spent my morning?

Billy: No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me.

Reva: I was in the basement looking at pictures of Marah and Shayne, and you know what was the most common thread as I looked at those pictures? I wasn't in any of them. Because I've never gotten to raise a single one of my children from start to finish. Not Dylan, not Marah, not Shayne, and not Jonathan. So don't I deserve a chance to do that at least once?

Billy: Well, sweetie, this isn't about what you deserve. This is about your life.

Reva: It's a gift, Billy. It may even be a miracle because the last person that should be pregnant is me. But yet . . . (Laughs) . . . here I am!

Billy: How does Jeffrey feel about this?

Reva: Well, we're still talking it through.

Billy: You mean you're still trying to talk him into it.

Reva: No. No, no. Not yet. It's just that we've both been really busy, and . . .

Billy: Yeah. Been talking about the weather, because you're really afraid he's going to say all the things you do not want to hear.

Reva: It's his baby, too.

Billy: I know. But what about if your cancer comes back and you have this baby? What about if you leave Jeffrey alone to raise a baby by himself? I mean, have you thought about that? It's not something to put on anybody, especially Jeffrey. How do you think he's going to cope with it?

Reva: I know, Billy, but I really do have to finish packing.

Billy: Okay. Well, that means, "Billy, shut up," and, "Billy, leave," and Billy will shut up and leave. Call me if -- if you need me, okay? Give me a kiss. Look, I only say these things to you because I'm crazy about you, okay?

Cyrus: Just tell him it's Cyrus Foley. We did some business together a few years back. Yeah, in -- in Zurich. Yeah.

Cassie: I just told Daisy that Grady turned in Rafe. And I'm not even sorry about it.

Cyrus: How did you even know that?

Cassie: You let it slip earlier when you were so upset.

Cyrus: And you used that?

Cassie: Of course I did. Daisy needed to know.

Cyrus: That's great.

Cassie: It's not like I was trying to get back at you or anything. You've basically been good to me, which is why I'm even telling you.

Cyrus: Okay, well, you're probably right about Daisy needing to know, but getting in the middle was a big mistake. I just went to Harley's place. Grady completely trashed her yard. It's not a good idea to cross him right now. Or ever. Grady's . . .

Cassie: He's dangerous. I know that.

Cyrus: I don't think you do.

Daisy: Did you set Rafe up? Are you the one who called in that tip?

Grady: He was putting you in danger every second he was with you.

Daisy: Oh, my god. So you admit it?

Grady: Look, the guy was a wanted fugitive. He shot the D.A., Who knows what he'd do next? I mean, it was time for him to pay.

Daisy: You don't believe that. My boyfriend was back, so you called the cops it's as simple as that. Did you tell him he had a gun? They surrounded the house. Do you realize I could have been shot?

Grady: I didn't know you were with him.

Daisy: You knew!

Grady: Okay, maybe I did.

Daisy: Did you even care?

Grady: I was protecting you the only way I knew how.

Daisy: You're not sorry, are you?

Grady: You should be thanking me! Rafe wasn't caring about you; he was caring about himself.

Daisy: That's so wrong! You -- you were just thinking about yourself. You felt threatened and the only way you could handle it was -- was to ruin Rafe's life? He could be in prison for years because of what you did.

Grady: Yeah, and that would be a pity.

Daisy: Of course it would.

Grady: Because you're still in love with him. Just say it, Daisy. You don't love me. (Cell phone ringing)

Cyrus: Hello?

Cassie: What are you doing on my front lawn?

Cyrus: If you let me in, I'll explain.

Cassie: You have five minutes.

Daisy: I can't do this. I want to because I love you, but, no, I can't do this. Not after what you did to Rafe.

Grady: No, no, no. Don't walk away from me.

Daisy: Don't tell me what to do.

Grady: Oh, that's it. Just go. Leave! Everyone else leaves me!

Cassie: What the hell were you doing out there?

Cyrus: Just looking around.

Cassie: For your brother? I don't need a guard. I have a gun, so if that's what you were doing, you can just go home.

Cyrus: I don't want you to have to use a gun.

Cassie: Please, Cyrus. Just get out of here. I told you, I am not scared of Grady.

Cyrus: Okay. Whatever you say. But you've got my cell number. Call me if you need anything.

Cassie: Cyrus!

Cyrus: I'm gone.

Reva: Bathing suit! I knew I'd forget something.

Jeffrey: Why bother?

Reva: You know, it's really hard packing for a trip. It's a lot of work.

Jeffrey: Maybe it's too much work, huh?

Reva: Well, you know, do you want to wait until after we find out what's going on?

Jeffrey: Okay. Yeah, why not? You know what? We have our whole lives to plan a honeymoon. Unless . . .

Reva: No, no, it's -- it's a good idea. It is. I mean, I wouldn't want to be in Siberia if something went wrong.

Jeffrey: Something could go wrong?

Reva: Yeah, it could. It could go wrong today. It could go wrong next week. It could go wrong in four months from now. It could . . . something could go wrong even after.

Jeffrey: A lot to consider.

Reva: Yeah. But everything could be fine, too.

Jeffrey: You feel fine, right?

Reva: Yeah. I feel great.

Jeffrey: Okay, good.

Reva: But, you know, my -- my cancer could come back, and if it does then you're going to be looking at changing a whole lot of diapers all by yourself.

Jeffrey: You're right.

Reva: About what?

Jeffrey: Well, it might be too much of a risk for us to take right now. Reva, who knows if having a kid is really what we should be doing with our lives right now anyway?

Reva: Yeah, I . . . you know, I agree. I mean, it's not like we planned it, or even really wanted it, or talked about it.

Jeffrey: Things are great the way they are.

Reva: Absolutely. Absolutely perfect.

Jeffrey: So it would be a shame to ruin all of that.

Reva: Yeah. But it'd also be a shame not to see what kind of kid we'd have.

Jeffrey: Are you kidding? We would have a great kid.

Reva: We would, wouldn't we?

Jeffrey: Smart.

Reva: So smart!

Jeffrey: Smart as a whip. Ivy Leaguer, for sure.

Reva: Yes. Yeah, nothing less for our kid. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: That would be in about . . . 22 years.

Jeffrey: 22 years. Right.

Reva: Yeah, it's a long way away.

Jeffrey: And, you know, paying for an Ivy League education would pretty much guarantee that I would stay in the work force for a long time.

Reva: Yeah. No early retirement for you! (Laughs)

Jeffrey: No trips around the world.

Reva: Yeah, kids are great, but they're . . . you know, they tie you down. Especially when they're little.

Jeffrey: Yeah, and apparently that just continues right through college graduation.

Reva: Let me tell you something, pal. It doesn't end there. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Okay. So, um . . . are we cooking tonight or ordering in?

Reva: Uh . . . let's -- let's order in. I'm feeling kind of lazy.

Jeffrey: Okay. I've got some paperwork to take care of anyway.

Reva: What do you want: pizza, Chinese, company?

Jeffrey: You decide.

Reva: No. We're going to decide this together.

Coming up on "Guiding Light."

Alan: It's smart of you to work your brother while he's here. He's worried about Elizabeth. He's very vulnerable right now.

Bill: I wish the person that's been leaking all that information to Alan would see it that way, too . . .

Dinah: Well, I don't think it matters, because you know what? Lizzie can leak whatever the hell she wants to Alan.

Bill: Can you do me a huge favor? Could you get me a cup of coffee?

Dinah: I do not think you can trust Lizzie.

Bill: You're my sister. You're the last person I want to hurt.

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