GL Transcript Friday 8/29/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/29/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Melanie

Previously on "Guiding Light" . . .

Ashlee: Bill's out of town.

Dinah: Out of town?

Ashlee: Yeah, I mean in New York City for some big deal, or so it sounds.

Alexandra: And when the cat's away . . . tralah, tralah, tralah. Start making some decisions, some changes, and then you can get that respect --

Dinah: I hope you know, I'll be in charge.

Alan: Yeah?

Dinah: Hello. I have a heads up for you.

Alan: Let me guess. Your brother's in New York?

Dinah: Yes. And I did not tell him that you were there. He followed Lizzie.

Alan: What's he planning?

Dinah: I don't know. He really did not bother to tell me he was going, which is exactly why I'm calling you. I want you to remember something, Alan, that this is not about you. That this is about my brother. I am teaching him a lesson in appreciation.

Alan: I'm not scared of Bill Lewis because I've got Gus on my side.

Dinah: I think my brother is a little smarter than a ghost.

Alan: Oh, he is? Well, we'll see about that, won't we?

Bill: You know, I think we've -- you know, I think we've always wanted the same thing.

Lizzie: Then why haven't we been together?

Bill: You know, we could just keep talking about it, or we can start over.

Lizzie: Hmm, maybe it is time.

Bill: (Laughing) Oh! No, not now.

Lizzie: Okay. I'm confused.

Bill: Look, you didn't come to New York to be with me, okay? You came to find your grandfather.

Lizzie: You're -- you're putting the brakes on this to help my granddad?

Bill: No, no. I'm doing it for you. Okay? Because . . . well, when I lost Max, you came back, and you helped me through that. And, I think, it's my turn to help you. That's what I'm gonna do. So I'm going to help you find your grandfather. And then when we do, and when he's all taken care of, then it's all about you and me.

Lizzie: I want to believe that.

Bill: Then do. Believe it.

Daisy: Hey, excuse me. My card won't go through.

Gas Station Attendant: That's all you need.

Daisy: Right. My zip code's in. How could I forget that. Okay. Thank you.

Grady: Is everything okay?

Daisy: Yeah. I can barely afford half a tank of gas. We need to get jobs.

Grady: Why? You make a great distraction.

Daisy: So, um . . . I called the TV station, and I asked if there is a couple of hours I could work, but they're not hiring. And I can't ask my grandpa again. It's just too humiliating.

Grady: Hmmm. You really aren't gonna see that Rafe guy?

Daisy: No. I mean, it's not going to help him, so why would I?

Grady: Because it really is cool with me if you want to.

Daisy: No, it's not.

Grady: Yes, it is.

Daisy: No, it's not. But it's sweet of you to say, though.

Grady: I really can't blame the guy, you know? He's got a crush on you.

Daisy: Why can't more people see this side of you?

Grady: Well, I don't think anyone else really needs to, to tell you the truth.

Daisy: All right. Well, I'm going to go talk to a few people about jobs. Do you want to come with me?

Grady: And tell them what? That I've got a criminal record, and I've never had a real job before?

Daisy: No, don't say that. My grandma, she never went to college. And she's had all sorts of cool jobs. She worked at an oil company. She worked at a TV station. It's about letting people get to know you.

Grady: So maybe I should work on the leads that I know, and we'll split up and meet later.

Daisy: Okay. And how about the first person to get a job buys dinner?

Grady: Deal.

Buzz: Hey!

Olivia: Hi! I'm not going to break.

Buzz: Well, you're recovering.

Olivia: Yeah. You don't know the half of it. Can I have a beer?

Buzz: A beer?

Olivia: Uh-huh.

Buzz: It's a little early, isn't it?

Olivia: No.

Buzz: Well, is it okay for you to drink with a new heart?

Olivia: I'm over 21.

Buzz: I know you're over 21. Sit. So what's going on?

Olivia: I was a fool.

Buzz: Well, you dumped me, but besides that, I find that hard to believe.

Olivia: I also trusted Alan.

Buzz: Spaulding?

Olivia: Yeah, that one. His visions of Gus, you know? He's not psychic. He's sick.

Buzz: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Olivia: No. I deserve it. I deserve. For Natalia, it makes sense because she prays and lights candles and does all of that good stuff. But me? How could I fall for that?

Buzz: Well, because it's nice to have something to believe in.

Olivia: But it turns around and smacks you in the face. Can I have a beer?

Buzz: How about a stack of pancakes?

Olivia: You're not my conscience. You're not my doctor. You serve me, or I will find someone who will.

Buzz: No. Come on.

Cassie: Well, if that's all it takes . . .

Cyrus: No. This is just the first step. You don't want R.J. tripping on this, do you?

Cassie: Well, no, but I know how to use a hammer and nails.

Cyrus: So do I, and I'm already on it.

Cassie: Fine. You just write up an invoice, and I'll write you a check.

Cyrus: No. I'm not taking your money. I know I can never repay you, but I . . .

Cassie: Well, you know, if you want to do something for me, you can take your murderer of a brother and yourself, and get out of town.

Cyrus: I will. I swear. I'm just . . . not ready to leave town yet.

Cassie: I was wondering why you were sticking around. It's Harley.

Cyrus: She's got to come back. Doesn't she? I mean, her family's here, her house . . . she'll come home.

Cassie: After what we did to her? I don't know.

Cyrus: Um . . . there's a few loose floor boards in the family room, too, so . . .

Cassie: Fine. I'm going into town. Just so you know, my jewelry, the real stuff, it's in a blue box in the top drawer of my dresser. No reason for you to mess up the whole house.

Cyrus: Thanks for the tip.

Grady: Again?

Cyrus: There's a lot of work she needs done.

Grady: If you want to nail her, that's great. I mean, she's pretty, she's feisty, and she's on the rebound. Why not? As long as that's all it is.

Lizzie: I thought we were waiting.

Bill: We are. I know, we are.

Lizzie: This is my grandfather's room. What if he walks in?

Bill: There you are. Okay. How's that?

Lizzie: My grandfather's a sick man.

Bill: I know. He's very sick. Maybe we should go find him right about now.

Lizzie: Maybe in a few minutes.

Bill: Just five minutes . . . five minutes.

Lizzie: Granddad?

Daisy: Hi. Can I join you?

Dinah: Well, that depends. Who are you running from?

Daisy: I'm not running from anybody. I'm avoiding my family. It makes life easier.

Dinah: Well, I don't know how long before Buzz gets back. He's running around like crazy, getting ready for Reva and Jeffrey's wedding. It's a big deal for your family.

Daisy: Maybe. I don't know. I'm not going.

Dinah: You're skipping your grandmother's wedding?

Daisy: Well, she -- she wouldn't let me bring my boyfriend. And I don't want to go without him.

Dinah: Oh, very good for you. You stand your ground. Family isn't everything.

Daisy: No kidding. You'd think, you know, with my parents out of town, I'd have tons of freedom. But, no. Every time I turn a corner, there is Marina or Frank or Buzz or Coop, telling me how to live my life. Or sometimes it's Reva or Billy.

Dinah: That's interesting.

Daisy: No, actually. It just sucks.

Dinah: You know what? You can't even get your family to leave you alone. And my brother? Sometimes I think if I even lit myself on fire, he wouldn't notice.

Daisy: That is kind of why I wanted to talk to you.

Dinah: To light me on fire?

Daisy: Um . . . my boyfriend -- the one my family can't stand -- he needs a job.

Dinah: "The boyfriend my family can't stand." Just a little tip for the future, it's not a good way to start talking about someone.

Daisy: But that's it exactly. It's the exact opposite. Okay? My family just doesn't get it. He's a great guy. They can't see it. So I thought maybe if we can get him a job . . .

Dinah: Well, let's start from the beginning. What is this boyfriend's name?

Daisy: Um . . . can I tell you more about what a great guy he is?

Dinah: Does he have a strange name?

Daisy: It's Grady.

Dinah: As in Foley? The guy who killed Tammy Winslow? Okay, Daisy. I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to have to side with your family on this one.

Grady: Are you avoiding me?

Cyrus: Nope. Just needed this.

Grady: Because as soon as I mentioned Cassie, you went outside.

Cyrus: Well, there's a lot of work to be done.

Grady: Are you trying to handyman your way back into her bed?

Cyrus: No.

Grady: Because if you are . . . you're not doing a very good job of it.

Cyrus: You want to stick with Daisy, right?

Grady: Is that a trick question?

Cyrus: Unless Cassie is back on her feet, you've got no chance of anyone in this town accepting you.

Grady: Great. So you're being a handyman so you can get sins forgiven? Night.

Cassie: Olivia! What the hell do you think you're doing?

Olivia: Trying to forget I ever heard the name Alan Spaulding. Want to join me?

Unidentified Person: Anything else while I'm here?

Bill: No, no. I think we're fine. Thank you very much.

Lizzie: (Laughing)

Bill: Now, where were we?

Lizzie: I think we were -- you were about to take a shower. Yeah, you were about to take a shower.

Bill: That's not how I remember it.

Lizzie: Yes, but we walked around the city all day.

Bill: Are you saying that I'm stinky?

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: You could be right. You could be right. But it didn't bother you before.

Lizzie: Go.

Bill: I will go.

Lizzie: Go.

Bill: If that's what the lady wants, I'm going.

Unidentified Person: Do you need something else?

Lizzie: The man that has been staying here, have you seen him? He's really sick. I have to find him.

Unidentified Person: I saw Mr. Spaulding across the street not too long ago.

Lizzie: Thank you so much. And whatever you do, don't tell him.

Daisy: You didn't even have to ask.

Dinah: I thought it was your boyfriend who wanted the job.

Daisy: It is, yeah. Because, you know, I could work here if I have to, but Grady, he needs someone to take a chance on him.

Dinah: Listen, I'll make you a deal. If I need someone, ever, to be run over by a car, I will call Grady first, okay?

Daisy: No. He's changed.

Dinah: Honey, that's what they all say.

Daisy: I just . . . I thought you, of all people . . . you'd understand.

Dinah: If that was supposed to be a compliment, I didn't like it.

Daisy: I mean, you've changed. And at some point, someone must have taken a chance on you.

Dinah: I suppose, but it wasn't a job. It was a man.

Daisy: Yeah, see, okay. Yes! That is what I am for Grady -- I believe in him. But I can't hire him.

Dinah: Pass me that napkin. You know, if I'm even going to consider this, it's going to have to be a business decision, all right?

Daisy: Sure. Of course.

Dinah: Okay. Now, what kind of jobs has he had in the past?

Daisy: Ah . . . I don't think he's had any.

Dinah: Okay. What are his skills?

Daisy: Skills?

Dinah: Legal ones. I mean, is he good with computers?

Daisy: He helped me fix my e-mail once.

Dinah: Some computer skills.

Daisy: And he is actually a very good driver.

Dinah: All right, as long as I'm in the car. And I bet he would probably look very good in his uniform.

Daisy: Does that matter? Yes. Write it down!

Cyrus: What are you doing?

Grady: I found something else for you to fix.

Cyrus: Look, if you're not going to help, just get out.

Grady: What are you doing this for? I mean, I know what's going on. One minute you're fixing up things, and the next minute she takes you to lunch. Before long, you're together. She's in and I'm out.

Cyrus: Is that what you're afraid of?

Grady: I killed her daughter. She's never going to accept me. And when push comes to shove, I know who you're going to choose.

Cyrus: You're wrong, Grady.

Grady: Am I?

Cyrus: I'm not interested in Cassie.

Grady: Then why are you here, man? Because fixing up some stuff is not going to bring back her dead daughter.

Cyrus: That's right. I could kill you. That might make Cassie happy. But I'm not gonna do that. Not yet.

Grady: Harley. That's why you're sticking around.

Cyrus: We were good together, me and Harley. The boys liked me. Daisy is starting to like me.

Grady: She's not even coming back for her daughter, Cyrus. You really think she's going to come back for you?

Cyrus: I don't know if she'll come back. But I hope she does.

Grady: This whole thing about you being the hero. It's about no one but you.

Cassie: You shouldn't be drinking.

Olivia: Do you really think that's going to stop me? Can I get another martini, very dry, very dirty.

Cassie: Olivia, what are you doing?

Olivia: I'm having a drink. One. One!

Cassie: You look tired.

Olivia: I am . . . of having the whole world judge me.

Cassie: Okay. That, I can completely understand. You're sure this really is just one drink?

Olivia: It's just one drink. So I thought it was Josh's job to save souls, not his wife's.

Cassie: Well, you're half right, it is Josh's job. But I'm not his wife. Not anymore.

Olivia: The two of you divorced?

Cassie: Ink's still drying on the papers.

Olivia: Wow. Let me buy you a drink or something. I thought of all people that you would be able to keep Josh and Reva apart.

Cassie: We just had our own problems. It wasn't about Reva.

Olivia: When I was married to him, it was always about Reva.

Cassie: Okay. Well, you want to hear something funny?

Olivia: Sure.

Cassie: Well, I'm not sure if it is funny or just tragic.

Olivia: Josh?

Cassie: He wants Reva back.

Olivia: Oh! Oh! I thought you said that this divorce wasn't about her?

Cassie: Oh, it wasn't. No, we decided on our own to get a divorce, but it took him all of, like, a day to tell me that he wants to go after her again.

Olivia: Okay. That's not funny.

Cassie: Try this on. She said, "No," because of Jeffrey. She said, "No," because she chooses Jeffrey over Joshua.

Olivia: Oh, oh, so we get to have two men fighting over Reva again. What a joy. I can't wait. So how does she do that?

Cassie: Gosh, if I knew that, I'd have two men fighting over me.

Olivia: I'm glad to see it's not getting you too down.

Cassie: Well, I guess after losing Tammy, nothing can really hurt me that much. So what was that earlier about Alan?

Olivia: Nothing.

Cassie: Can't be nothing if it has driven you here to drink at this hour.

Olivia: It's not going to happen again, I promise.

Cassie: Okay, good. And I mean that as your friend, not as the minister's ex-wife.

Olivia: It's the last one, I swear.

Grady: Too bad. Because I'm just getting started.

Bill: Okay, I'm all clean, Lizzie, ready to --

Alan: Well, hello, Bill.

Bill: Alan, what the hell are you doing here?

Alan: It's my room.

Bill: You don't seem surprised.

Alan: Well, I heard your pathetic singing all the way down the hall.

Bill: Where's Lizzie?

Alan: I have no idea.

Bill: Well, she was right here. And she's been looking for you because you didn't tell anyone that you were leaving town.

Alan: Well, she's just going to have to wait because I have things to do.

Bill: No, no, no, no, no. She needs to see that you are okay.

Alan: I am okay, and I have a very important meeting.

Bill: I'll bet you do, trying to get your company back.

Alan: Oh, no, no, no. It's much bigger than that, Bill.

Bill: Lizzie, where are you? It's Bill. Alan is in the room. Call me. Hey, wait. All right, she's been looking all over the place for you. You can't wait five lousy minutes?

Alan: No, I'm sorry, Bill, I can't.

Bill: Who are you meeting with?

Alan: Well . . . The Blackthorn Group.

Bill: That's impressive.

Alan: Yeah, very impressive. But it's not what you think it is. It's bigger than that.

Bill: Bigger?

Alan: Yeah. Because of my son.

Bill: Gus?

Alan: Yeah.

Bill: Who never wanted anything to do with the company. He's the reason why you're trying to get it all back?

Alan: You don't understand. It's bigger than all of that, Bill. I'm not going to meet with The Blackthorn Group to try to impress them or anything. I'm going give them an opportunity.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the whole song and dance. I'm really good at it.

Alan: No, no. You talk about stock trends and future markets and things.

Bill: Yeah. Well, what are you talking about?

Alan: Faith. That's all they need.

Bill: Faith?

Alan: Uh-huh.

Bill: That's what you're going to tell The Blackthorn Group?

Alan: Yes, and I can tell by your tone of voice, you're a little jealous. You want what I have, don't you?

Bill: Which is?

Alan: My faith. You see, Gus has given me a second chance. And with his guidance and help and him by my side, there is nothing that is impossible. The company, even the world.

Bill: Then you better not be late.

Cyrus: Wow, what did that chicken do to you?

Cassie: Oh, what hasn't she done?

Cyrus: She?

Cassie: My sister.

Cyrus: Reva?

Cassie: Yeah, you know, the one who just had a movie made about her life? The one who gets everything?

Cyrus: Like Josh?

Cassie: Okay. I don't want Josh back. I really don't. But couldn't he have waited for just a day before he started telling the whole world he wants to get Reva back?

Cyrus: Is she still marrying Jeffrey?

Cassie: Of course she is, because one man just isn't enough for her.

Cyrus: Are you interested in Jeffrey?

Cassie: No. He's my ex.

Cyrus: Oh, I don't think I knew that.

Cassie: Well, it's over, believe me. It just seems like no matter what she does, Reva somehow just always comes out on top. Her guy, my guy, every guy!

Cyrus: I guess you better keep an eye on R.J. (Laughing).

Cassie: (Laughing).

Cyrus: You know?

Cassie: Okay. Okay. And thank you. I guess I kind of needed that.

Cyrus: It's good to see you smile. Hey, if you ever need a friend, someone to talk to . . .

Cassie: No. No! It is way too late for us to be friends.

Cyrus: Because of . . .

Cassie: Because of everything.

Grady: Oh, dirty martini. Good call.

Olivia: Mine's almost finished, which means your time is almost up.

Grady: So you tell me, do I have the job or what?

Olivia: We didn't discuss a job.

Grady: That's right. We're just talking about my qualifications.

Olivia: I may need reminding.

Grady: Well, I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty much capable of anything.

Olivia: Is that what your girlfriend says?

Grady: Yes, she does.

Olivia: And she doesn't mind you . . . working?

Grady: One thing has nothing to do with the other.

Olivia: Oh.

Grady: Especially when the person I'm working for is so spectacularly beautiful.

Olivia: That's quite a line.

Grady: What if it's not?

Olivia: How much do you want this job?

Buzz: Oh, thank God, the help has arrived! You better come inside. I've got dozens of cupcakes that need frosting.

Daisy: Is this for Reva's wedding?

Buzz: Good guess.

Daisy: I'm boycotting the wedding.

Dinah: Oh, you don't have to go to a wedding to frost cupcakes. Help him.

Daisy: If you give Grady a job, you can be best friends with Bill for all I care, all right? Come on, there has to be something you can give him to do. Just give Grady a chance.

Dinah: I can't.

Daisy: Why not?

Dinah: Because I don't have hiring approval, Daisy.

Daisy: I thought you and Bill were running Maximus together?

Dinah: We were. Look, I can't hire him. I'm sorry.

Daisy: Thank you for wasting my time. You should hate your brother.

Dinah: Daisy -- (Cell phone rings) I was just thinking about you.

Bill: Hey, I'm so glad you answered.

Dinah: Why? You need someone to pick up your laundry?

Bill: No. I have some good news, and I couldn't wait to share it with you.

Dinah: Oh, why? What's going on?

Bill: I found Alan, and he's got a major meeting with The Blackthorn Group. And he wants them to invest in him so he can take over Maximus.

Dinah: Is this a joke?

Bill: No, it is real. And Alan has lost it.

Dinah: What's going on? Does he not recognize you?

Bill: No. He best part. He looks fine, he sounds fine, but as soon as he starts going in with the pitch, forget it. I mean, he's talking about stocks aren't important. Research, not important. The only thing that matters is these visions of his dead son Gus. It will guide him to take over the world. He has really lost his mind. As soon as he walks into that meeting, he is going to done for, and it will be just us. The way you planned.

Lizzie: Bill?

Bill: I gotta go. Okay? Hey.

Lizzie: Hey.

Bill: Where were you?

Lizzie: Oh, I went across the street. The maid thought that she saw him over there.

Bill: Did you get my message?

Lizzie: Yeah, where is he?

Bill: I tried to stop him, but --

Lizzie: He's gone.

Bill: I asked him to wait for you.

Lizzie: Did he tell where he was going?

Bill: Some meeting.

Lizzie: Oh, good. That's great. I don't know which is worse, that his condition makes him collapse or do something really stupid?

Bill: I thought you were just worried about his health?

Lizzie: Well, I am . . . of course I'm worried about his health, but I know him. I know he wants to get back in business. What if he's meeting people he knows. He walks in there talking about his visions of Gus. That could ruin the Spaulding name for him, for all of us.

Bill: Right. Well, if it makes you feel any better, he said he was going to come right back here. He wants to see you.

Lizzie: That's great, but I just wish that I could have stopped him. Did he even say who he was meeting with or where?

Bill: I don't know. No. You know what you should do?

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Take a shower. Take a shower, calm down. Come out, and we'll come up with a plan, okay?

Lizzie: Okay.

Buzz: Oh, that's the spirit. Come on, 50 cents a cupcake. Come on, chop, chop.

Dinah: Oh, there she is. You changed your mind.

Daisy: Oh, no, I'm not going to that wedding. This is a job. Buzz is paying me.

Dinah: Okay. Good. Because everything I told you about family and how bad it is, you just need to forget I ever said that.

Daisy: Are you kidding?

Dinah: No. I was way off base, okay? You need to go to that wedding.

Daisy: Oh, what happened to taking a stand, making them respect you?

Dinah: Well, how are they going to respect you if they don't see you?

Daisy: Bill doesn't respect you. He won't let you hire anyone.

Dinah: You know something about family? They say things. They say things that hurt you. But a little time goes by, and everybody forgets it.

Daisy: Does this mean that you can hire Grady?

Dinah: Maybe. I'm going to have to think about that one. Maybe.

Cassie: Um, the floor looks good.

Cyrus: Oh, thanks.

Cassie: Look, I'm -- I'm sorry if I snapped at you earlier.

Cyrus: No worries. Our lives are a little complicated.

Cassie: Yeah. I think maybe we could have been friends.

Cyrus: Yeah, me, too. What if . . . we . . . start over?

Olivia: So this is my room.

Grady: Is this where you conduct all of your interviews? You got a kid?

Olivia: Yeah, but she's not here, though. I wouldn't do this . . .

Grady: Right. Sure. She split her time with her dad?

Olivia: No. He's . . . not around. Emma's at a sleepover.

Grady: You're a single Mum? That must be rough. Must be nice to have the place to yourself.

Olivia: Well, actually, I hate it. That's why I thought a little companionship might be . . .

Grady: Well, there is nothing wrong with a little meaningless companionship. Are you okay?

Olivia: Oh, yeah. I think that martini's hitting me.

Grady: Look, it's okay if you've changed your mind.

Olivia: Yeah. I still want to give you some money.

Grady: Well, I'd love to say I'm not going to take it, but I will.

Olivia: Do me a favor and grab that for me, okay?

Grady: You want to pray?

Olivia: No. Josh Lewis gave that to me. I'll give you 100 bucks if you give it back to him.

Grady: Where I come from, it's bad luck to give one of those back.

Olivia: Only if you believe in something, which I don't . . . not anymore.

Grady: Are you sure you're okay?

Olivia: Yeah. I've got everything I need.

Daisy: Oh, hey, were you coming to see me?

Grady: Absolutely.

Daisy: Well, I think I might -- maybe have some good news for you. I think I might have a job lead for you.

Grady: Well, that might be too late because . . . you didn't think I was going to let you live on cupcakes for the rest of your life, did you?

Daisy: Do you know how many cupcakes Buzz made me frost to earn that much?

Grady: And now I can take you out for a real dinner.

Daisy: Maybe even dessert.

Grady: Hmmm.

Cyrus: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Cassie: No, it's not.

Cyrus: Hi, I'm Cyrus.

Cassie: Nice to meet you, Cyrus. I'm Cassie.

Lizzie: Bill? I knew I couldn't trust you.

Bill: Alan?

Alan: Too late, Bill. Today is my day, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .

Alan: Get out of my way, Bill.

Bill: Alan, I am not letting you go in there.

Alan: I'm just getting started.

Bill: You have a brain blockage.

Alan: Don't you know who I am? Alan Spaulding . . .

Bill: Take him.

Alan: Bill, you know, you're not going to get away with this.

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