Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/28/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Melanie
Dinah: It isn't just about approval.
Alexandra: Really?
Dinah: It's that I got wind of a -- of an amazing opportunity to swoop in and pick up this small company for a song. It's the kind of thing that Bill and I would have stayed up all night celebrating . . . before.
Alexandra: Oh, before. Before he stopped taking you seriously, of course.
Dinah: You know what? Can we please just change the subject?
Alexandra: No.
Dinah: Excuse me?
Alexandra: I said no.
Dinah: It's starting to sound like you're a little pushy.
Alexandra: You know what? I might be. I think it's time that someone was. Dinah, what are you going to do? Are you going to pout and do nothing? Or are you going to start making decisions, some changes? Then maybe you'll get that respect . . . of course, with some results, you know.
Dinah: He is in charge. It's his call. It's his company, Alex.
Alexandra: And when the cat's away . . . trallah, trallah, trallah!
(Cell phone rings)
Lizzie: Oh, um, excuse me.
Hotel Maid: Good morning.
Lizzie: Hi. Listen, do you know -- I'm looking for someone. His name is Alan Spaulding.
Hotel Maid: He left a little while ago.
Lizzie: Oh. Did he say where he was going? What he was doing? Did he seem okay? Did he seem sick?
Hotel Maid: You're Elizabeth, aren't you?
Lizzie: He told you about me?
Hotel Maid: Yeah.
Lizzie: It's really important that I find him.
Hotel Maid: You can stay. I think he could, um, use your help.
Lizzie: Right.
Bill: Yeah, well, wherever he is, it's a safe bet that he's planning his move on the company. Yeah, well just tell the lawyers to stay alert. Okay? Great. Thanks.
Lizzie: It's me. I was -- I was seven. (Sobbing)
Buzz: Wait a second. Why am I stuck behind the wheel?
Jeffrey: Because that way I can concentrate, okay? That way, I can find the perfect place. Okay, I'll fill up your tank.
Buzz: It takes premium, you know?
Jeffrey: Okay, half a tank.
Buzz: Okay, let's get going.
Jeffrey: Wait.
Buzz: What?
Jeffrey: That's it!
Buzz: What?
Jeffrey: That.
Buzz: That?
Jeffrey: Yes, that!
Buzz: You see the sign that says "scheduled for demolition?"
Jeffrey: Well, as long as it is still standing by later today, who cares?
Buzz: That's where you want to get married?
Jeffrey: Yes!
Buzz: Great. Can you drive, then?
Jeffrey: (Laughter)
Reva: Jeffrey? "Reva, the countdown is on, a lot to do if we're going to pull this off. I assume you're doing the same. Jeffrey." "P.S . . . it's happening. Love J." There's nothing to tell yet. Nothing.
(Knock on the door)
Hawk: Yo, sister!
Reva: Hey, Pop. Hi!
Hawk: Hey. I just wanted to check in before I -- before I head out of town.
Reva: Out of town?
Hawk: Yeah. I've got to take some meetings.
Reva: You're going to "take some meetings?"
Hawk: (Laughing) Yeah, it's out on the coast. Carson helped me get it all set up, and ready to go.
Reva: I see. I thought you'd finally gotten this show biz bug out of your system.
Hawk: Hmm, sister, I'm just warming up!
Reva: Yeah, well, you better be careful because, you know, this ain't one of those get-rich-quick schemes that you used to cook up back home.
Hawk: (Laughing)
Reva: Those people in Hollywood; they'll eat you alive.
Hawk: Yeah, but no more than your mama and you girls already have, all right? You -- is everything okay? You got any -- you having second thoughts about this wedding? Is this about Josh?
Reva: Oh! Oh, no. I can most definitely say this is not about Josh.
Hawk: Oh.
Reva: So, I guess, if you are taking this meeting, you're not going to be here for the big event?
Hawk: Yeah, well, okay, that's why I came by. I wanted to make sure that you were okay with me not -- not being there. Because, I mean, if it's important to you, these meetings can . . .
Reva: Is this you being hell-bent on Josh and me, still? Because if it is, I don't want to hear it, Pop. Because Josh and I are over, and Jeffrey and I are . . .
Hawk: Are getting hitched, yeah. And I am here to give you my blessing.
Unidentified Man: I don't know.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Just tell me what your reservations are, because I might be able to address any concerns you would have.
Unidentified Man: It's an unusual request.
Jeffrey: That's true. Granted. Um . . . think of it as one last payday before you tear the thing down.
Buzz: Does he want some more money? Is that what this is about? It's about money?
Unidentified Man: It's not about money.
Buzz: We're talking about love here! Come on, what's a few extra bucks? Why are you so cheap?
Jeffrey: I'm not being cheap. Don't listen to my partner here.
Unidentified Man: He's your partner?
Jeffrey: Well, I'm beginning to reconsider.
Buzz: Look, you said this is the place you dreamed of, right? This is what you always wanted. So what's a few -- what's a few extra -- why are you sweating a few extra bucks. Why let that get in the way? Come on!
Unidentified Man: My partner is exactly the same way.
Buzz: Your partner?
David. When it comes to money, he just becomes a completely different person. I suppose I've just gotten used to it, but sometimes . . . argh! So how long have you two been together?
Jeffrey: Sometimes it seems like forever, but, um . . . when we saw that place, well, it's brand new for us . . . all over again.
Unidentified Man: Who am I to stand in the way of true love?
Buzz: You've made us the two happiest men in Springfield.
Bill: Anything? You know, maybe you should sit down.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, uh . . . what are you doing here anyway?
Bill: I'm just here.
Lizzie: So you followed me.
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: Why?
Bill: Why do you think?
Lizzie: What if he collapses somewhere? What if nobody knows who he is? What if they treat him like some bum on the street and take him to some horrible place?
Bill: Stop. Stop!
Lizzie: What if he doesn't make it?
Bill: Will you stop it? See, that's why I'm here, because I don't think you should be handling something like this on your own, okay? Come on. Let's go find your grandfather. Okay? Feminine means feeling smooth.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess we're all set.
Unidentified Man: I'm happy to help out. David and I are new in town, and it's really nice to meet other couples in the community. We should all get dinner sometime.
Unidentified Woman: Jeffrey O'Neill? I hear you're going off the market; say it ain't so!
Jeffrey: Uh, well, for once the rumors about me are all true.
Unidentified Woman: My loss.
Jeffrey: She's been trying to get me to switch teams forever. (Laughter)
Unidentified Man: Well, I hope you two have a day to remember for the rest of your lives.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess I -- I guess I owe you one.
Buzz: I believe you do. But I think I'll give you a pass on this one because I think this is okay. This is good.
Jeffrey: Well, coming from you, that's a ringing endorsement.
Buzz: Well, like everyone else, I was a doubter.
Jeffrey: So you thought it was Reva and Josh always, forever, too?
Buzz: I used to think that, but I'm not sure I think that now. I think you're good for her.
Jeffrey: Well, thanks. That -- that means a lot.
Buzz: But that does bring up the question: Just how far would you be willing to go to secure that property?
Jeffrey: Wouldn't you like to know!
Hawk: All right. I think -- oh, sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure that old Carson had put me on first class.
Reva: My pop flying first class and taking meetings! Who would ever think it?
Hawk: You sure everything's okay? You just don't quite seem like yourself.
Reva: No, no. I'm fine. I am. I've just been doing a lot of thinking. So, you said that you were here to give me your blessing.
Hawk: Oh, yeah.
Reva: So come on, bring it on. Bring it on.
Hawk: Okay, well, I reckon that I wasn't Jeffrey's biggest fan for a while there, you know. (Laughter)
Hawk: But I'm happy for you. I am. I am. I've got a question . . .
Reva: Sure.
Hawk: And I know you've been telling me that you want Jeffrey, but, to be honest with you, I've heard you say that about a few other fellows . . .
Reva: Hey!
Hawk: Well . . . and I want to know how this one is different, and how he is going to win out over, you know, "Josh and Reva always."
Reva: Well, um . . . when I was a little girl and you left, I felt scared and alone because I thought maybe I had done something that made you leave.
Hawk: Oh, now, Sister . . . now you know that -- that ain't true.
Reva: I know.
Hawk: That was a long time ago.
Reva: Would you just stop and let me finish, Pop? Sit down. Sit here with me.
Hawk: Okay.
Reva: When you're a little girl, all you want to be able to do is look into your daddy's eyes and feel safe, and feel loved. I mean, I know I had Mama, and I had Rusty, and I had Roxie, but I wanted you. I needed you, and you were gone. But there was Joshua Lewis, right? With those big, baby blue eyes of his, and when I looked into his eyes, I felt so safe. And I felt so loved. And when I got sick, and I realized that I was going to get another chance at this fantastic life of mine, I realized something. I didn't need Joshua, or anything else, for that matter, to fill that void inside of me anymore. I realized that I felt safe, and I felt loved all on my own. I didn't need to raise hell. I didn't need to make a scene, because everything that I had been searching for my entire life inside of me was finally full. And that's when Jeffrey came into my life, and I realized that I didn't need Jeffrey the same way that I needed Joshua. And this time, Pop -- this time love is -- it's different. I chose Jeffrey, and he chose me. And I can't wait to start my life with him. Pop, I can't. And this time . . . I'm gonna make every precious second count!
Hawk: (Clearing his throat)
Reva: (Laughing)
Hawk: Your daddy -- your daddy wishes you a lifetime of love and happiness. And I know-- I know your mama is up there watching over all of us. Well, I hope so.
Reva: (Laughing)
Hawk: I'm sorry I left you. And I'm here now. And any time you want to look into these eyes and feel safe and loved, you just call me, and I will be there.
Reva: Okay.
Hawk: But I'll be there in first class. (Laughing)
Reva: (Laughing) Oh. So what time does your flight leave?
Hawk: Oh, my flight . . . no, I've got plenty of time. I've got an idea . . .
Reva: What are you doing?
Hawk: You know, from the sounds of things, it looks like, maybe, this is gonna be your last wedding. And I figured that I have had -- I might have another chance at this, but it looks like I better take it now.
Reva: Pop . . .
Hawk: Just get over here and let your old man have one last father/daughter dance on her wedding day. Now, no -- no more yakking. You just stay with me because I want -- I want to dance with my favorite girl.
Lizzie: Okay. Oh, wait. Okay, which way?
Bill: I don't know. The same way we're headed, I guess.
Lizzie: This city is big.
Bill: We'll cover it.
Lizzie: There is no way that we can do that. I think we have to split up.
Bill: No, no, no. I think we should stick together. What?
Lizzie: I was hoping you would say that.
Bill: Do you want this?
Lizzie: No, thanks. Have some.
Bill: No, I'm okay.
Lizzie: No, come on. It's really hot.
Bill: No, I'm good. I'm okay.
Lizzie: I hope my grandfather isn't thirsty right now.
Bill: Well, if he is, I'm sure he'll get himself a drink.
Lizzie: Maybe he won't. Maybe he's too sick to take care of himself.
Bill: You mean, sick, but it's not like -- he still has his common sense.
Lizzie: But it's not like what?
Bill: What do you mean?
Lizzie: You just started to say something and then you changed it?
Bill: Oh, forget it. Forget it.
Lizzie: No, no. Tell me. Come on.
Bill: I just think he's better off than you think.
Lizzie: You do? Why do you think that?
Bill: I just know. I know he's got these plans.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, I know that, too. I mean, I know that this is all about Gus, that is he is going on some kind of spiritual journey.
Bill: No. It's about my company.
Lizzie: What?
Bill: That's why he's here. I have got some people working on it, but he's making a play for Maximus. I don't know how or when, but that's why he's here.
Lizzie: And that's why you're here.
Bill: No, no. Lizzie, I'm here to help you. That's --
Lizzie: Don't lie to me.
Bill: No, no. That is exactly why I'm here. I'm not lying to you. I mean it! I really -- yes, I'm worried about what Alan is going to do, but I'm more worried about you. That's why I'm here. That's why I've been walking around this city for an hour. Why do you think --
Lizzie: Is that what you're doing?
Bill: Yes.
Lizzie: You're evil!
Reva: Jeffrey.
Dinah: I have a few more phone calls to make and then I'm headed home.
Alexandra: Oh, well, do you feel like having some company? You must be rambling around all alone in that big old house.
Dinah: Well, I won't be alone. I'll be in charge.
Lizzie: I wish you had fallen in that fountain!
Bill: Well, wait a minute. That's not a very nice thing to say.
Lizzie: Don't try to be cute or funny. Because you can't charm your way out of this one, okay? You come here and you say all of the right things to me, and you do all of the right things. And you make me think that you care. But you don't care! You don't care at all!
Bill: I care.
Lizzie: You're a liar. Get away from me. Go!
Bill: Okay, I --
Lizzie: Get out! Bill, go!
Bill: Okay? Look, maybe I'm worried about Alan, but I am more worried about you.
Lizzie: Oh!
Bill: Yes. I am worried that you and I are not going to happen. I'm worried that you are not going to realize that I cannot live without you. And that's what I'm worried about. That's what I worry about all the time, okay?
Lizzie: You should worry about that because it is never going to happen between us, ever!
Bill: Why?
Lizzie: Why? Are you really asking me why? Because of you. Because you want it all.
Reva: I've always loved this place.
Jeffrey: That's what makes it so perfect.
Reva: But . . . I thought they were tearing it down?
Jeffrey: Well, we snuck in under the wire. It's -- it's not too rundown, is it?
Reva: No. It's perfect.
Jeffrey: We're going to get married here, Reva. What the hell, huh?
Reva: Yeah, what the hell?
Jeffrey: (Laughing)
Lizzie: This is not fair. Take a look at this room. I have been dreaming about a room just like this, where we could go and just be equals. Just you and me.
Bill: Um . . . okay.
Lizzie: Don't make fun of me.
Bill: I'm not.
Lizzie: I'm serious. When you're in that room, you're safe. Everything that messes us up is just out there. Everything that is so great about us . . .
Bill: Is in here?
Lizzie: Yeah. Just a level playing field. No turf to defend, nothing to prove to yourself or your father. Just you and me, without all the complications and all of the stuff that makes us crazy.
Bill: Well, we can have that.
Lizzie: Yeah, until we open the door and let everything come rushing back in. Then the level playing field is gone.
Bill: You're not listening to me. I get what you're saying. I get what you want, Lizzie. I want that, too.
Lizzie: We've already tried it.
Bill: Maybe we didn't try hard enough. Maybe we didn't. Before you said that I want it all, and that's true. But what I want most of all, is you.
Coming up on "Guiding Light" . . .
Bill: You didn't tell anyone that you were leaving town. She needs to see that you are okay.
Alan: I am okay, and I have a very important meeting.
Bill: You're trying to get your company back.
Alan: It's much bigger than that, Bill.
Bill: As soon as he walks into that meeting, he is going to be done for. And it will be just us, the way we planned.
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